Noise are uninformed majority. They are led by a number of mediocre roles (the reapers). Their win condition includes the elimination of Joshua along with eliminating the Taboo Noise.Taboo Noise are the informed minority. They are led by a few powerful roles and must claim to one of them in order to unite. Their win condition includes the elimination of Joshua along with outliving more than three-quarters of the Noise.Neku and Shiki are a partnership duo. Their win condition is to outlive Minamimoto, Kitaniji, and Kariya, along with 3 other noise and/or taboo noise.Beat and Rhyme are also a partnership duo. Their win condition is to outlive Hanekoma, Konishi, and Yashiro, along with 3 other noise and/or taboo noise.Joshua is a neutral in this game. However, if he wants to, he can assume the missing position in either partnership duo assuming one member in the duo has been killed. He cannot be in both partnerships at one time. He also "knows" that if Shiki and Rhyme both die, Neku and Beat can become a partnership duo. Joshua's win condition is to make sure that at least one partnership duo is standing at the end of the game, regardless of whether he is alive or not.This is the basic premise of roles and factions. Now onto game mechanics: This game will either be Beginner or Standard. Most likely Standard, but we'll see. There will be no actual abilities. It'll run on simple HP and Lvl Up mechanics without the usage of missions and exp. There will be no lynch. This game will be cyclical.Items (i.e. Pins) will be the replacement for abilities and will be able to level up individually. These items can be passed/taken from other people. However, no more than 3 pins can be held by one USER at a time. USERs start out with at least one pin in hand at the start of the game.In order for a Pin to level up, a player must "reboot" the pin. Rebooting a pin entails idling that pin for the duration of one cycle. Once the cycle is over, the pin will have levelled up.