Your name
Presenter's name
What were the presentation's biggest strengths? Provide a detailed answer in complete sentences.
What about the presentation could be improved for next time? Be as specific as possible.
Do you have any other feedback you'd like to share with the presenter?
AleksAleks demonstrated good use of technology including Geogebra. Aleks also had good notes that were mostly accurate.Aleks may wish to practice a little more before presentations in future to increase his confidence. He may also want to review the topic a little more to ensure that he is fully comfortable with any questions that may arise.You may wish to engage more with your fellow students to ensure understanding and to make the topic more interesting to learn. For example, you may wish to ask your audience questions.
AleksAleks prepared note for the class. It organized nicely and easy to look at.Sharing screen. Aleks can use the note as pdf in the computer so that he doesn't have to go back and forth.
AleksAleks delivered his presentation to the best of his ability. His notes were readily availble and his explanations were concise. My answer is going to be the same for this question. I can't suggest improvement given the present circumstances of our "new pandemic style" of learning.I liket the way you maneuvered through your touch of nervousness. You delivered your presentation gracefully and your delivery shall help me get through my own nervousness at this point. When you were put on spot you answered your questions eloquently, I would never be able to that....Cheers
AleksHaving everything prepared was helpful. Being ready with the technology was helpful.Understanding the material and being able to fill in the gaps when the professor explained certain things I wish I could have done that as well. No
AleksAleks' biggest strengths were his very clear and coherent notes. They were pre-written which for me I like because I am able to read a bit ahead to get a notion of what Aleks was going to talk about next. It also helped me visually to copy the notes since there was no way it could have been sloppy.Aleks could have spent a little more time getting to know the material in the chapter. There were some points in the presentation where Aleks sounded as if he was lost (which i believe could have just been the nervousness of presenting). Aleks regrouped himself towards the middle/end which I believe made the presentation much better.
Alekshe did a great job to present the subscribe circle , inscribe circle and did on Geogebra for us to understand and draw the graph. that is very clear. I thought he did very well. maybe next time could add some content more for this section . no
AllisonI like how Allison was working side by side with geogebra and Jamboard to prove her topic. Going back and forth between to explain what was going on. No suggestionsNo
AllisonAllison explained very well theorems and proofs. Using dual windows seems worked very well since students could see the theorems and proofs at the same time.She could type instead of using mouse to draw the text.
AllisonAllison did a great job on the Menelaus theorem and the proof is also excellent as well as the dual theorem of it. we want to learn more from her if she have more time to introduce Menelaus theorem. no
AllisonFrom what I saw, Allison mastered Geogebra. That is a very top tier skill that will be useful in future presentations. That is a tool that is very handy to have. If she is in the math ed program, Geogebra will be a very useful tool for her :) The presentation was smooth from beginning to end. The only thing that could probably come in handy for improvement is having a stylus. It would make it easier to write with when presenting, but even so her writing without it was still good!
AllisonFrom what I saw, Allison mastered Geogebra. That is a very top tier skill that will be useful in future presentations. That is a tool that is very handy to have. If she is in the math ed program, Geogebra will be a very useful tool for her :) The presentation was smooth from beginning to end. The only thing that could probably come in handy for improvement is having a stylus. It would make it easier to write with when presenting, but even so her writing without it was still good!
AllisonAllison's fluent verbal explanation of a rather difficult topic was definately her strength, to which she certainly delivered.As per my previous responses, this is a difficult time for all students, technology time etc. due to the world's pandemic and as such I Allyson did a good job.I enjoyed your presentation, good job.
DenyesePowerPoint and GeoGebra, well organized note. Explanation was clear and easy to understand.She could use visual to recall the concepts of circle centers and prepare for pre-made GeoGebra structure.
DenyeseDenyese make powerpoint to clarify all the theorem we could use for this chapter and our previous knowledge. that is effective and full of happiness. and she make the Geogebra precessing of the Euler circle. and ask all the students to do it by themselves will help them better understanding. She did very well and I have no more suggestion for it. No
DenyeseThe Power Point presentation and the use of Geogebra were effective.Additional practice and preparing the Geogebra presentation in advance may help future presentations run more smoothly. No.
DenyeseI like that you were able to explain your topic fairly easily. It went smoothly. You don’t have to apologize for material we have already seen or if you don’t know it. Just work it out no matter what.
DenyeseI like that you were able to explain your topic fairly easily. It went smoothly. You don’t have to apologize for material we have already seen or if you don’t know it. Just work it out no matter what. No
DenyeseI enjoyed memes, I can honestly say that it captured my attention and left me laughing. I know current teachers are using memes to capture the attention of their students in class to make the class more fun and relatable, very well thought out of Denyese. It was great that she started out the class with a powerpoint presentation just to introduce what was going to happen in the class. She later backed it up strongly with Geogebra which went hand in hand with her intro slides. Very excellent!It's hard to say what could be improved, It was excellent! The powerpoint was not too wordy, on the contrary it had less but in this case, less was definitely more! Excellent
DenyeseI enjoyed memes, I can honestly say that it captured my attention and left me laughing. I know current teachers are using memes to capture the attention of their students in class to make the class more fun and relatable, very well thought out of Denyese. It was great that she started out the class with a powerpoint presentation just to introduce what was going to happen in the class. She later backed it up strongly with Geogebra which went hand in hand with her intro slides. Very excellent!It's hard to say what could be improved, It was excellent! The powerpoint was not too wordy, on the contrary it had less but in this case, less was definitely more! Excellent
HanGreat use of technology to show your points of discussions. In drawing out your shapes it seemed you knew what you were talking about.I enjoyed seeing your shape from geogebra.The audio was very choppy, making it hard to understand key points of the presentation and that was frustrating. Trying to show points as co-linear was confusing. Got lost on the point of the topic a few times. Prepare more prior to presentation in order to deliver the lesson smoother. No
HanHan put in effort to present the material in a clear and effective manner.The technical difficulties and other auditory communication issues made the presentation difficult to understand. Preparing notes and diagrams ahead of time would likely help to create a more orderly lecture. Han may also wish to engage her audience more with questions to make the presentation more engaging.No.
HanHan used three different software like PowerPoint, GeoGebra, and Notability. She used those to present her topic successfully and effectively.As her topic was geometric heavy, she may avoid drawing in notability.
HanAmy's biggest strength is that she solid knowledge of what she was presenting. She sounded confident in the proofs she showed us which made up for and exceeded the technical difficulties now and then :) Her notes and diagrams were clear which definitely made it easy to follow along with the lesson. Perfectly paced.Overall the presentation was amazing. Although the lagging from the internet made it slightly hard at times, it was barely even noticeable with the way Amy handled herself with her content knowledge.
HanHan used three different software like PowerPoint, GeoGebra, and Notability. She used those to present her topic successfully and effectively.As her topic was geometric heavy, she may avoid drawing in notability.
HanAmy's biggest strength is that she solid knowledge of what she was presenting. She sounded confident in the proofs she showed us which made up for and exceeded the technical difficulties now and then :) Her notes and diagrams were clear which definitely made it easy to follow along with the lesson. Perfectly paced.Overall the presentation was amazing. Although the lagging from the internet made it slightly hard at times, it was barely even noticeable with the way Amy handled herself with her content knowledge.
HanHan is a highly knowledgeable in Mathematics. She simplified her chosen material to the best of her ability and I understood the material. In addition to this, her use of technology went well as her notes were clear. Han delivered her difficult material proficiently, I saw no room for improvement.Good presentation, you prevailed despite the internet issues which were not your fault.
IhnIhn's presentation was easy to follow and understand. He presented the information in a logical sequential fashion and he used a good balance of technology and classical teaching methods. He is knowlegable on the topic and was able to answer questions well.For the first part of the lecture, Ihn could have been more engaging with the students, but I merely ascribe this to nervousness.Ihn did an excellent job and should be proud of his work.
IhnI explain the content well using Geogebra.Handwriting and note are not clear.
IhnIhn's preparedness and clarity with the material was refreshing to me. I do not feel there is a need for improvement given the current circumstances all Higher Ed students are faced with at this time.Presentations are never easy unless you are a seasoned speaker and I applaud you for being first and doing an excellent job.
IhnHe was thoroughI couldn't hear him at times but he engaged the attention pf the class wellWhen you are teaching vary your tone of voice instead of keeping it consistent
IhnI enjoyed watching the presentation. It seemed ihn knew what he was talking about during.To be a bit more organized. There were parts where it seemed to drag I think from technology issues. It’s it’s been a week since we watched this presentation. No
IhnOne of Ihn's biggest strengths was his use of geogebra, It allowed his entire presentation to be clear as well as his arguments. Another big strength Ihn displayed was the way he wrote his notes. It was very clear and coherent regardless of him saying that he did not have the right tech equipment i.e apple pencilOne thing that i believe could be improved for next time is his confidence. Overall his presentation was very clear and thorough but at times he doubted himself in the presentation i.e the apple pencil which i feel slightly brought his presentation down. As long as Ihn has that confidence, he will definitely improve as a speaker and presenter of lessons :) Very amazing Ihn! Definitely enjoyed your presentation :)
Ihnthe pace of the instruction is very good by presenter Inn and I feel comfortable to listen and comprehend. I thought he did very well and I have no questions. no
IrinaThe way you wrote your notes was huge but definitely clear! I appreciated the style of writing. There were moments where you sounded confident and not confident at other times. I’d suggest practice before presenting but also show the confidence because we wouldn’t know otherwise. No
IrinaIrina prepared her note for presentation that theorem and proof were written already.She can use darker color for font and highlight to differentiate. Using GeoGebra increases understanding of content knowledge with accurate and clean shapes.
IrinaIrina’s biggest strengths were her concise and straight forward manner of articulation. For example, by her outlining why it becomes -1 is because it is outside of the triangle, I was able to grasp the concept of her material, INSTANTLY. Given the time constraints as well as the remote learning and teaching requirements we are now faced with due to this pandamic, I saw no room for improvement.Irina I enjoyed your presentation, I felt that it was clear and concise to me and once again, I understood your topic in the first five minutes of your delivery. Well done!
IrinaIrina demonstrated the definition and proof of the Ceva theorem which is a good beginning of Menelaus theorem , she present it accurately and successfully. she could make a better graphic organizer next time. no
IrinaIrina was definitely prepared to go on further she had everything laid out and ready for us. It was interesting seeing how both Irinas and Allison's presentation went hand in hand regardless of the order. Both complimented well.For the next presentation I feel like either having a powerpoint wouldve helped irina out in the sense of easier to scroll through by slides. It would have also made it slightly more easier if she were to be a bit more thorough in explaining the work she did. She could have also included a little bit of geogebra just to show how the triangle looks like although we all already know what it looks like, teaching a lesson like this to someone who doesnt know might have them slightly confused without it
IrinaIrina was definitely prepared to go on further she had everything laid out and ready for us. It was interesting seeing how both Irinas and Allison's presentation went hand in hand regardless of the order. Both complimented well.For the next presentation I feel like either having a powerpoint wouldve helped irina out in the sense of easier to scroll through by slides. It would have also made it slightly more easier if she were to be a bit more thorough in explaining the work she did. She could have also included a little bit of geogebra just to show how the triangle looks like although we all already know what it looks like, teaching a lesson like this to someone who doesnt know might have them slightly confused without it
RandyWhat I liked about this presentation was the pace. It seemed organized and Randy seemed to understand the topic well. I thought it was interesting on how much proof is involved for a triangle.Drawing out notes digitally is great. It made sharing the presentation easy to see what Randy was writing out vs a typical in class black board style of writing. I would recommend next time to use a white background when making notes. The color coding is great but did not work well with a black background. And made it challenging to see the notes/drawings. Work on your pacing. No
RandyRandy handled a large amount of material in the limited time available. He asked if the students had any questions and demonstrated his worked through proofs and using Geogebra as a visual tool. Randy could try to be less reliant on notes and slightly clearer on the objective of each section of his presentation.Randy clearly put in a lot of work and it came across in his presentation.
RandyRandy was successfully introduce mathematical concepts with appropriate tools for his peers to understand easily. His explanation was clear as well.Time management
RandyRandy have been prepared for all 4 section in this chapter and he explained the proof of lot of the exercises and he could clearly mentioned them all on hand writing , that is amazing . Randy did very well and we are clear about the concepts. no
RandyRandy was very competant in his use of technology within his presentation. He did a lot of proofs, (I would have fainted if I had his material). He engaged the class and he had a lot of material to deliver in a short period of time, to which he did an excellent job.Given the present circumstances, (remote learning / remote teaching) I see no room for improvement. Keep up the good work Randy you were very thorough with your presentation.
Randythe worked out examples helped illustrate the concepts Maybe focusing on general cases and then mentioning variations not needing to prove everything