A | B | C | D | E | F | G | |
1 | First Name | Last Name | Department | Position | Phone | Website | |
2 | Joe | Adrian | Development Electives | Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Joe.Adrian@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/adrian/mr-adrians-bio-page |
3 | Kimberly | Albers | Fine Arts | Visual Art Teacher | 512-570-2300 | kimberly.albers@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/albers-art-room/home |
4 | Wade | Albert | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Agriculture Science Teacher | 512-570-2300 | wade.albert@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/mralbert/home |
5 | Ashley | Alexander | Math | Calculus AB & BC | 512-570-2300 | Ashley.Alexander@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/alexandermath/home |
6 | Rad | Allen | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Computer Science, Animation | 512-570-2300 x42362 | irad.allen@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/radallen-computerscience/home |
7 | Ashlee | Arita | English Language Arts (ELA) | English II & English IV | 512-570-2300 | ashlee.arita@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/ms-arita/home |
8 | Denise | Babb | Special Programs & Services | Instructional Assistant (IA) | 512-570-2300 | denise.babb@leanderisd.org | |
9 | Della | Baker | Special Programs & Services | Instructional Assistant (IA) | 512-570-2300 | della.baker@leanderisd.org | |
10 | Eduardo | Banda | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Marketing/Advertising | 512-570-2300 | eduardo.banda-tobias@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/banda-tobias/?usp=sharing |
11 | Danielle | Barcenas | Science | AP Environmental Science (APES) & Earth Systems Science (ESS) | 512-570-2300 ext 42349 | danielle.barcenas@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/mrs-barcenas-website/home |
12 | Chase | Bargsley | Social Studies | US History, IB Hist. of the Americas | 512-570-2300 | chase.bargsley@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/chasebargsley/home |
13 | Katahdin | Benard | English Language Arts (ELA) | English I Adv., English II | 512-570-2300 | katahdin.benard@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/msbenard-english-vhs/home |
14 | Nicholas | Benson | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Business Management - Business Law - INCubator | 512-570-2300 ext 42437 | Nicholas.Benson@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/mrnickbenson/?usp=sharing |
15 | Jeffery | Bent | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Art, Animation Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Jeffery.Bent@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/jefferybent/home |
16 | Deanna | Bentley | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Deanna.Bentley@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/bentleyclassroomsite/ |
17 | Hattie | Bergman | Fine Arts | Theatre I, Theatre II, Theatre III/IV, Theatre Production | 512-570-2402 | hattie.bergman@leadnerisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vandegrift-theatre-co/home |
18 | Justyne | Biddle | Science | Biology Teacher | 512-570-2300 | justyne.biddle@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vandegriftbiology/teachers |
19 | Alexa | Blair | Fine Arts | Assistant Dance Teacher | 512-570-2300 | alexa.blair@leanderisd.org | |
20 | Matthew | Bowen | Math | AP Statistics & Algebra II | 512-570-2300 | matthew.bowen@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/bowen/home |
21 | Linda | Bowman | Athletics | Athletic Trainer | 512-570-2358 | Linda.Bowman@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/d/18yvYTO93PT8fyM7TSQK-9Hr1r8XTiPnp/p/1wT-9ZRb6ns1e-ZK7Tux6V9KR_kOFGWf9/edit |
22 | Pandora | Boyle | Special Programs & Services | ASPIRE Teacher | 512-570-2300 | pandora.boyle@leanderisd.org | |
23 | Troy | Bruce | Science | AP Biology Teacher, Science Department Chair | 512-570-2300 ext 42439 | Troy.Bruce@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/tbruceapbiology/home |
24 | Shannon | Butler | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Agriculture Science Teacher | 512-570-2300 | shannon.butler@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/ms-butler/home |
25 | Kelli | Byrne | Special Programs & Services | Inclusion | 512-570-2300 | kelli.byrne@leanderisd.org | |
26 | Christi | Carew | Special Programs & Services | IPC, Inclusion, and ASPIRE | 512-570-2300 ext. 42386 | Christi.Carew@leanderisd.org | https://www.google.com/url?q=https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/carew/&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1723484079756571&usg=AOvVaw059NsWCBaEIVrtOo0BX8zY |
27 | Emily | Chandler | Fine Arts | Head Choir Director | 512-570-2300 x12328 | emily.chandler@leanderisd.org | https://www.viperchoir.com/home |
28 | Sarah | Clark | Math | Geometry & AP Precalculus | 512-570-2300 Ext. 42326 | Sarah.Clark@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/sarahclark/home |
29 | Travis | Clemons | World Language | Spanish 1, Spanish 2 | 512-570-2300 | travis.clemons@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/tclemonsvhs/spanish-2-overview |
30 | Megan | Coffeen | World Languages | Spanish 2 Advanced | 512-570-2300 | Megan.Coffeen@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/profecoffeen/home |
31 | N'Yoka | Coleman | Administration & Office Staff | Registrar | 512-570-2300 | nyoka.coleman@leanderisd.org | |
32 | Natalie | Coqk | World Languages | French 1 , French 2, French 2 Advanced | 512-570-2300 ext.42447 | natalie.coqk@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/madame-coqk/home |
33 | Sherry | Coughlin | Clinic | Nurse | 5125702348 | sherry.coughlin@leanderisd.org | https://www.leanderisd.org/healthservices/ |
34 | Andrea | Daly | Special Programs & Services | Campus Diagnostician | 512-570-2300 | Andrea.Daly@leanderisd.org | |
35 | Jenni | Darlow | Math | Advanced Precalculus, IB Math HL | 512-570-2300 ext. 42335 | jenni.darlow@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/darlowmath |
36 | Philip | Deardorff | Fine Arts | Visual Art Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Philip.Deardorff@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/deardorffs-art-room/home |
37 | Rose | Deragon | Special Programs & Services | Special Education Instructional Assistant (IA) | 512-570-2300 | Rose.Deragon@leanderisd.org | |
38 | Stacy | Desrocher | Administration & Office Staff | Attendance Clerk (11th-12th Grade) | 512-570-2300 | stacy.desrocher@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/attendance/home |
39 | Kandice | Detlefsen | Counseling Services | Lead Counselor (A-Bo) | 512-570-2326 | Kandice.Detlefsen@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhs-counseling-services/home |
40 | Dederick | Dixon | Social Studies | Economics Teacher | 512-570-2300 | dederick.dixon@leanderisd.org | |
41 | Christopher | Edgar | Science | AP Chemistry, Advanced Chemistry | 512-570-2300 | christopher.edgar@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/a/leanderisd.org/science-edgar/?pli=1 |
42 | Michael | Ellis | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Principles of Arts A/V & Tech, A/V Production Teacher | 512-570-2300 ext. 42372 | Michael.Ellis@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/a/leanderisd.org/mr-ellis-vhs/home |
43 | Laura | Engstrom | Administration & Office Staff | Receptionist | 512-570-2300 | laura.engstrom@leanderisd.org | |
44 | Magan | Escamilla | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Agriculture Sciences Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Magan.Escamilla@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/maganescamilla-ag/home |
45 | Charity | Escott | Counseling Services | Counselor (I-Mar) | 512-570-2300 | charity.escott@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhs-counseling-services/home |
46 | Lesley | Fanara | Administration & Office Staff | Principal Admin Assistant | 512-570-2311 | Lesley.Fanara@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhsbookkeeper |
47 | Shujuan | Feng | Special Programs & Services | Special Education Instructional Assistant (IA) | 512-570-2300 | shujuan.feng@leanderisd.org | |
48 | Collin | Fletcher | Administration & Office Staff | Assistant Principal (Mc-Sa) | 512-570-2315 | collin.fletcher@leanderisd.org | |
49 | Aaron | Ford | Athletics | Head Golf Coach | 512-570-2300 Ext. 42433 | aaron.ford@leanderisd.org | |
50 | Bob | Foster | Administration & Office Staff | Parking Lot Attendant | 512-570-2300 | robert.foster@leanderisd.org | |
51 | Kelli | Fox | World Languages | Spanish 2, Spanish 2 Advanced | 512-570-2300 | kelli.fox@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/srafox/home |
52 | DeAngelo | Freeman | Counseling Services | Counselor (Br-Ep) | 512-570-2334 | deangelo.freeman@leanderisd.org | |
53 | Laura | Freund | Development Electives | Peer Assistant and Leadership (PALs) Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Laura.Freund@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhs-pals/home |
54 | Jess | Gaitan | Math | Statistics Teacher | 512-570-2300 | jess.gaitan@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/gaitan-math/home |
55 | Marion | Gehrmann | Science | Chemistry, IB Chemistry HL2 | 512-570-2300 | marion.gehrmann@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/gehrmann-vhs/home |
56 | Leslie | Giesenschlag | Social Studies | Human Geography | 512-570-2300 | Leslie.Giesenschlag@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/giesenschlag/home |
57 | Delis | Golden | Administration & Office Staff | Assistant Principal (Sc-Z) | 512-570-2318 | delis.golden@leanderisd.org | |
58 | Cheryl | Gonzales | Administration & Office Staff | Receptionist | 512-570-2300 | Cheryl.Gonzales@leanderisd.org | https://vhs.leanderisd.org/ |
59 | Felix | Gonzalez Matos | Athletics | Physical Education Teacher | 512-570-2300 | felix.gonzalezmatos@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/coachfelix/home |
60 | Galen | Goodreau | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Computer Science Teacher | 512-570-2300 ext. 42365 | Galen.Goodreau@leanderisd.org | http://csvhs.leanderisd.org/ |
61 | Marie-Jeanne "MJ" | Goodrich | World Languages | American Sign Langauge (ASL) I, II, III, IV Teacher | 512- 767-1172 (sorenson video phone) | marie-jeanne.goodrich@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhsaslprogram/home |
62 | Aaron | Greene | Science | Chemistry / Advanced Chemistry | 512-570-2300 | Aaron.Greene@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/a/leanderisd.org/vhs-greene/ |
63 | Sohela | Griego | Counseling Services | Registrar | 512-570-2300 | sohela.griego@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhs-counseling-services/registrars-office |
64 | Nathan | Griffin | Development Electives | Methodology for Academic and Personal Success (MAPS), Professional Communication Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Nathan.Griffin@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/a/leanderisd.org/practice-website-griffin-vhs/ |
65 | Julie | Gross | Special Programs & Services | Inclusion Instructional Assistant | 512-570-2300 | Julie.Gross@leanderisd.org | |
66 | Christian | Hammett | Special Programs & Services | SPED Inclusion | 512-570-2300 | christian.hammett@leanderisd.org | |
67 | Emily | Hanna | Social Studies | World Geography Teacher | 512-570-2300 | emily.hanna@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/coachhanna/home |
68 | Angela | Harrelson | English Language Arts (ELA) | English 2 Advanced | 512-570-2300 x42394 | angela.harrelson@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/mrsharrelsone2cw?usp=sharing |
69 | Lisa | Harrison | English Language Arts (ELA) | English I M, English II M, English III M, English IV M Teacher | 512-570-2309 | Lisa.Harrison@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/lisa-harrison/home |
70 | Michelle | Hart | Math | Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra I Lab | 512-570-2300 | michelle.hart@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/michelle-hart/home |
71 | Profe | Haus | World Languages | AP Spanish IV, Spanish III, IB Theory of Knowledge | 512-570-2300 | joe.haus@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/profehaus/home |
72 | Jarod | Hickle | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Marketing | 512-570-2300 | Jarod.Hickle@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/jarodhickle/home |
73 | Whitney | Hickle | Administration & Office Staff | Bookkeeper | 512-570-2342 | whitney.hickle@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhsbookkeeper |
74 | Neil | Hinton | World Languages | Spanish II, Spanish II Advanced | 512-570-2300 | neil.hinton@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/profehinton/home |
75 | Joe | Hobbs | Fine Arts | Assistant Band Director | 512-570-2300 | Joe.Hobbs@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/a/leanderisd.org/mr-hobbs-website/ |
76 | Katie | Hopkins | Fine Arts | Color Guard Director | 512-570-2300 | katie.hopkins@leanderisd.org | |
77 | Rebecca | Hudson | English Language Arts (ELA) | English III, IB Language & Literature Teacher | 512-570-2300 | rebecca.hudson@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/mrshudsonsclass/home |
78 | Meghan | Irby | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher | 512-570-2300 ext. 42434 | Meghan.Irby@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/irby |
79 | Shelby | Jackson | Science | Biology, Adv Biology Teacher | 512-570-2300 | shelby.jackson@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/mrsjacksonsclassroom/home |
80 | Becky | Jackson | Administration & Office Staff | Assistant Principal (C-G) | 512-570-2313 | becky.azard-jackson@leanderisd.org | |
81 | Jodi | Jacobsen | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Jodi.Jacobsen@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhs-jacobsen-website/home |
82 | Suyeong | Jang | Science | Physics/chemistry | 512-570-2300 (ext 42342) | suyeong.jang@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/jangclassroom/home/physics |
83 | Andrea | Johns | Special Programs & Services | SCSS Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Andrea.Johns@leanderisd.org | |
84 | Aaron | Johnson | Fine Arts | Technical Theater I-IV | 512-570-2402 | aaron.johnson1@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vandy-techtheater-mrjohnson?usp=sharing |
85 | Jim | Kabat | Science | Physics On Level - AP Physics 1 | 512-570-2300 ext 42454 | jim.kabat@leanderisd.org | bit.ly/kabatphysics |
86 | Heidi | Kalla | Administration & Office Staff | Dean of Instruction | 512-570-2300 | heidi.kalla@leanderisd.org | |
87 | Katie | Kendall | Counseling Services | College & Career Transition Coordinator | 512-570-2354 | Katie.Kendall@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhs-college-career-center/home |
88 | Sue | King | Math | Advanced Algebra 1, Algebra 2 | 512-570-2300 | susan.king@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/king-math/home |
89 | Cara | Kinney | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Accounting 1 & 2; Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance | 512-570-2300 | cara.kinney@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/carakinney/home?authuser=0 |
90 | Sarah | Lambert | Special Programs & Services | Instructional Assistant (IA) | 512-570-2300 | sarah.lambert@leanderisd.org | |
91 | Mary | Larson | Math | Advanced Geometry, Precalculus Teacher | 512-570-2300 | Mary.Larson@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/marylarson/home |
92 | John | Lawhead | Math | Algebra 2 and Precalculus | 512-570-2300 | john.lawhead@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/johnlawhead/home |
93 | Elle | Leblanc | Science | AP Research, Medical Microbiology, Chemistry | 512-570-2300 | elle.leblanc@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/leblanc/home |
94 | Emma | Lee | Fine Arts | Assistant Choir Director | 512-570-2300 | emma.lee@leanderisd.org | |
95 | Joe | Lemmons | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Agriculture Teacher, CTE Department Chair | 512-570-2300 | Joe.Lemmons@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/lemmons |
96 | James | Lewey | Career & Technical Education (CTE) | Engineering Science & Money Matters | 512-570-2300 | james.lewey@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/jameslewey/ |
97 | Elizabeth | Lewey | CTE | Architecture 1& 2; Tech Apps: Robotics | 512-570-2300 | elizabeth.lewey@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/elizabethlewey/bio?authuser=0 |
98 | Tyler | Lewis | English Language Arts (ELA) | English | 512-570-2300 ext. 42396 | tyler.lewis@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/lewisela/home |
99 | Christopher | Lindsay | Social Studies | Investigations in Psychology/AP Psychology/American Government | 512-570-2300 ext. 42412 | Christopher.Lindsay@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/mrlindsay/home |
100 | Jarrett | Lipman | Fine Arts | Band | 512-570-2366 | jarrett.lipman@leanderisd.org | https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vhsbanddirectors/?usp=sharing |