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DATENOTESOffering ElderCommunion ElderSermon TitleScripture(s)Theme / Description
Jan 7Epiphany - January 6Brad McClarnon Terri DavisAmie Vanderford: Preparing for New JerusalemRevelation 21:22-27, 22:1-5We are at a crossroads, do we choose empire worldly ways or God’s ways? when we follow God's ways we create an inviting place for New Jerusalem to descend into this world and be hospitable to God living among us
Jan 14MLK WeekendSusan CollinsTed Collins"Transformed by God's radical love..."Romans 8:35-39Examining the first part of our new mission statement
Jan 21Linda GloverTawn Spicklemire"A welcoming church"Matthew 5:46-48Examining the second part of our new mission statement: how do we build a "welcoming church?"
Jan 28Communion by IntinctionTed CollinsSusan Collins"A just community"Micah 6:6-8Examining the third part of our new mission statement: how do we build a "just community?"
Feb 4Super Bowl Sunday / Black History Month BeginsJill PhillipsBrad McClarnonBushes are Still BurningExodus 3:1-12God's call to Moses still rings in our ears; we are called to notice the brush-fires in our world and to extinguish the flames of injustice.
Feb 11Valentine's Day week
Ash Wednesday - February 14
Bob BakerTawn Spicklemire"A sustainable world"Psalm 78:1-8Examining the final part of our new mission statement: how do we build a "sustainable world?"
Feb 18Ted CollinsSusan CollinsBreaking the Jar Wide OpenMark 14:3-9Lent begins as we look at the story of the anointing of Jesus, in which Mark tells us that a woman breaks open her finest jar of perfume to anoint Jesus. She gives without reservation in a way that brings honor to God
Feb 25Week of Compassion;
Communion by Intinction
Bob BakerTawn SpicklemireIf You Had Only Known...Luke 19:37-42In the middle of his long week in Jerusalem, Jesus weeps over the city because they do not understand the things that make for peace. What do we weep for in our times that keep us from knowing God's peace?
Mar 4Brad McClarnonTerri DavisWhen Anger is HolyMark 11:15-19When Jesus turns over the tables in the temple, he shows us what Paul means by the phrase "be angry, but do not sin." It is Jesus' righteous anger over injustices that lead him to make changes in the temple
Mar 11Daylight saving time beginsSusan CollinsTed CollinsThe Other Last SupperJohn 13:1-17According to John's gospel, we have a very different account of what happens on the night before Jesus was crucified. Their eucharist is not bread and wine, but rather Jesus washing the feet of the disciples
Mar 18Carolyn DayJill PhillipsThe Difference Between Selfish and Self-CareMatthew 26:36-46When Jesus retreats to pray in Gethsemane, he shows us that it is not selfish to take care of ourselves
Mar 25Maundy Thursday - 3/29;
Good Friday - 3/30;
Communion by Intinction
Ted CollinsSusan CollinsWhere Did All the Palms Go?Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 & Luke 19:28-40The triumphal entry into Jerusalem is a story where ALL are welcome to bring their praise before Jesus (no matter what form it takes)
Apr 1Easter SundayCarolyn DayLinda GloverIf Every Day Were SaturdayMark 16:1-8On the first Easter Sunday, the initial reaction of those who saw Jesus as the tomb was not that they were amazed but rather that they were terrified. How often would we rather keep Jesus in the tomb (as if it were Holy Saturday) than welcome the "good news" that his love lives on?
Apr 8"Jesus Christ Superstar" Performance (Weekend 1 of 2)Bob BakerLinda GloverDoubting Thomas, Full of FaithJohn 20:19-31The story of Doubting Thomas is well known in church life, but perhaps we don't give Thomas enough credit. Doubt can be a scary topic for Christians, but it can actually be a healthy companion to faith. This week we will think about the value of doubt and how our story might not be so different from Thomas's story.
Apr 15"Jesus Christ Superstar" Performance (Weekend 2 of 2)Mary Jo MossCarolyn DayThe Healing Power of WisdomProverbs 8:22-36Wisdom Sophia - the need for feminine imagery of God, and how God is not limited by our gender roles or labels
Apr 22Earth SundayJill PhillipsBrad McClarnon The Well of Living WaterRevelation 22:1-5 & John 4:1-26 (does not need to be read)Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well reveals to us the meaning of living water found only in God. Like the woman at the well, we are offered a choice from which source we wish to drink. While we thirst for the living water of God's spirit, we often draw from the wrong well, harming not only our spirit, but the world around us too.
Apr 29Youth Sunday;
Communion by Intinction
YouthYouthYouth Sunday: The Spoken Word of GodActs 8:26-40
May 6Bob BakerLinda GloverUp and Away?Acts 1:3-11The story of Jesus' ascension reminds us that while Jesus may have physically left us, he did not abandon us
May 13Mother's DayTerri DavisJill PhillipsLessons from My Mother,
Hopes for My Daughter
John 19:25b-27Mother's Day
May 20Pentecost; Stewardship kickoffMary Jo MossTawn SpicklemireA Church on FireActs 2:1-21Pentecost; Stewardship kickoff
May 27Memorial Day weekend;
Communion by Intinction
Linda GloverTerri DavisSurprised by AbundanceMatthew 14:13-21The loaves and fishes story shows that sometimes God surprises us by giving us more than we thought we had
Jun 3Carolyn DayLinda GloverVoices of GenerosityLuke 12:13-20Panel discussion on generosity as an act of faith (Ron Zorn, Diana Altom, Kevin Edwards, and Anna Noack)
Jun 10Commitment SundayTerri DavisBrad McClarnon Can Anything Good Come from Downey?John 1:43-51On this Commitment Sunday, we receive the call to join in something larger than ourselves. Looking through the lens of this week's scripture, we are faced with two possible responses to our own calling: cynicism ("will anything good come from Downey?") or one of hope ("come and see!")
Jun 17Father's DayMary Jo MossTawn SpicklemireThe True Test of a Father?Genesis 22:1-14In one of the most challenging stories of the Bible, we see one example of a relationship between father and son. Is this really the example set for us on Father's Day all this time later?
Jun 24Communion by IntinctionSusan CollinsTed CollinsAdam & EveGenesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7Intro to "Back to the Garden" series with basic overview of how to approach these ancient stories with fresh eyes
Jul 14th of July weekendMary Jo MossTerri DavisNoah and the FloodGenesis 7:1-5, 11-18; 8:6-18; 9:8-13The story of Noah and the Ark is much more than a favorite children's story. What does it teach us about the nature of who God is and how God acts in the world?
Jul 8Baby DedicationCarolyn DayTawn SpicklemireThe Tower of BabelGenesis 11:1-9Often read as a story about the scattering of the earth, the Tower of Babel really instead shows us how God values our diversity and wants us to work together with people who are different
Jul 15Congregational MeetingJill PhillipsLinda GloverJacob & EsauGenesis 25:19-34The story of Jacob and Esau is one of two brothers feuding that represents a larger story about people and nations not getting along -- but it is also a story that ends in the story of how God acts in the world: through reconciliation
Jul 22Brad McClarnon Mary Jo MossJourney to the Promised LandNumbers 13:25-14:2For the Israelites, the journey to the Promised Land was more than just overcoming plagues and walking through the parted waters -- it was a journey to overcome their own fear of living into their full potential
Jul 29Communion by IntinctionTerri DavisBrad McClarnonRuth & NaomiRuth 1:1-18The story of Ruth and Naomi is one that shows that the presnce of God can work through an outsider (in this case, a Moabite) to bring kindness in the most unexpected places