BV#CH Title / Error LabelSnippetsTypeValidation MessageCauseCounty ActionCommentsSR TicketsProject
CH CR Number
1MessageInformation NodeMessage Information HeaderEDRThe Message Information Header was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
2RunReasonCodeRun Reason Code of 'FP'EDRRun Reason Code of 'FP' cannot be processed through EDR.CalWIN is coded to not generate EDRs during COLA runs so should never send 'FP' Run ReasonCase
3EligibilityDeterminationRequestIDEligibilityDeterminationRequestID cannot be nullEDREligibilityDeterminationRequestID cannot be nullError has never been receivedCase
4EligibilityDeterminationRequestIDmust be unique for County and CompanionEDRIdEDREligibilityDeterminationRequestID XXXXX must be unique for County and CompanionEDRIdThis is an invalid error in CalHEERS System. CalHEERS automatically replays these transactions.If response DER is not received within one (1) day, rerun EDBC.458856Case
5EligibilityDeterminationRequestIDmust be unique for Consortia and CountyEDREligibilityDeterminationRequestID XXXXX must be unique for Consortia and CountyEDR ID is always unique per CountyCase
6CaseNumber InterCountyTransferIndNumber must be provided if Inter-CountyEDRCalHEERS Case Number must be provided if Inter-County Transfer Indicator is 'Y'Error has never been receivedCase
7CalHEERSCaseInfo node InterCountyTransferIndInfo node must be provided if Inter-CountyEDRCalHEERS Case Info node must be provided if Inter-County Transfer Indicator is'Y'Error has never been receivedCase
8Case application withdrawnApplication Status is WithdrawnEDRApplication Status is Withdrawn, Consumer must re-apply through the CalHEERS Portal.This error has been removed from BV list starting with CH Release 17.64008170782Removed 17.6Case
9CalHEERS-SAWS FIPS County Code Sending SystemThe combination of CalHEERS Case Number and SAWS Case information, SAWS Case Number, Servicing FIPS County Code, and Sending System, does not match the previously established case linkage information.EDRThe combination of CalHEERS Case Number and SAWS Case information, SAWS Case Number, Servicing FIPS County Code, and Sending System, does not match the previously established case linkage information.CalHEERS maintains a linkage between 2 SAWS and CalHEERS cases. When an EDR is received the 2 case IDs are compared to the existing linkage along with the county and consortia. If any of those does not match the existing linkage the transaction is rejected.
The 2nd part of the error specifies what elements specifically don't match. CalHEERSCaseNumber, SAWS Case Number, Consortia and/or ServicingFipsCountyCode.
Until the automated solution restarts, Please follow CalHEERS CIT 0027-17As of 2/13/17, the SQL was paused and CalWIN is looking for possible automated solutions.511262Case
10EDR with CalHEERSCaseNumber Unknown to CalHEERSis not present in the systemEDRThe CalHEERS Case Number provided: XXXXX is not present in the systemCalHEERS case number unknown to CalHEERS. Until the automated solution restarts, Please follow CalHEERS CIT 0027-17As of 2/13/17, the SQL was paused and CalWIN is looking for possible automated solutions.

Note: To avoid this error, the worker should not alter the CalHEERS person number in "Individual Demographics" window on CalHEERS Information tab.
11Invalid CalHEERS Case Numberis not a valid CalHEERS Case NumberEDRThe CalHEERS Case Number provided: XXXXXX is not a valid CalHEERS Case NumberThe error occurs when update contains a CalHEERS Case Number which does not exist in CalHEERS.Until the automated solution restarts, Please follow CalHEERS CIT 0027-17As of 2/13/17, the SQL was paused and CalWIN is looking for possible automated solutions.511262Case
12EDR missing CalHEERS CaseNumberin the CalHEERS Case Info nodeEDRThe CalHEERS Case Number was not provided in the CalHEERS Case Info nodeCalWIN is coded to only send Case Info Node when CH Case ID is sentCase
13Person Node Not ProvidedThe Person Node was not providedEDRThe Person Node was not providedError has never been receivedCase
14Person Node Was Not ProvidedPersons node was not providedEDRPersons node was not providedError has never been receivedCase
15Case Linkage Exists but ICT Indicator is YSAWS Case number and County already exists in the system with another Case LinkageEDRSAWS Case number and County already exists in the system with another Case Linkage, but Inter-County Transfer Indicator is 'Y'EDR contains a SAWS Case Number, County, and Consortia which is already linked to a CalHEERS Case. InterCountyTransferInd cannot be ‘Y’ if the combination of SAWS Case Information details is already tied to a different existing linkage.Please follow CalHEERS CIT 0027-17 to delink a case and/or release County of Responsibility.The cause of the error is county linking ICT referral to CalWIN case that already has CalHEERS case number and it is different from the one on ICT referral.

Future project will include a warning to workers when linking ICT to case that already has CH Case
16More Than One Person with Same SSNsame SSN on the caseEDRMore than 1 person has the same SSN on the caseThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason to not allow 2 people with the same SSN.Person
17EDR with DuplicateSAWS Case Person Number should be uniqueEDRSAWS Case Person Number should be unique for each person. Case has duplicate SAWSCasePersonNumber : XXXXXError has never been receivedPerson
18EDR is Missing CINCIN was not providedEDRCIN was not provided for person number: XXThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason to required CIN for all individuals on EDR.Person
19CalHEERS Case Person NumberCalheersCaseNumber is available but CalHEERSCasePersonNumber is not available for person linkageEDRCalheers Case Number is available but CalHEERS Case Person Number was not provided for person linkageCalHEERS case number does not exist. Until the automated solution restarts, Please follow CalHEERS CIT 0027-17As of 2/13/17, the SQL was paused and CalWIN is looking for possible automated solutions.511262Person
20Primary Tax Filer Indmore than 1 Primary Tax FileEDRRecord has more than 1 Primary Tax Filer, only 1 Primary Tax Filer can be providedThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
21Primary Contact IndNo individuals on the case were selectedEDRNo individuals on the case were selected as the Primary Contact.Error no longer received540004Person
22More Than One Primary Contactonly one Primary contact can be providedEDRMore than 1 Person was selected as the Primary Contact, only one Primary contact can be providedEDBC logic prevents this errorPerson
24Tax Filing StatusCurrentYearExpectedFilingStatusCodeEDRCurrentYearExpectedFilingStatusCode was not provided for SAWS Case Person: XX who indicated they are planning to file taxes this yearThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
25Exp to Be Claimed by NCP & PrimaryTaxFilerExpToBeClaimedByNCPInd cannot beEDRExpToBeClaimedByNCPInd cannot be 'Y' if PrimaryTaxFilerInd='Y'There is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
26PTF Cannot Be Claimed as DependentPrimary Tax Filer cannot alsoEDRPrimary Tax Filer cannot also be claimed as dependent.There is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
27Current Year Tax Filing StatusIf one spouse has the tax filing statusEDRIf one spouse has the tax filing status of Married Filing Jointly both should be set to Married Filing Jointly.There is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
28NCP Not on Application Indclaimed as a dependent of their non-custodialEDRPersons cannot be claimed as a dependent of their non-custodial parent when the non-custodial parent is not on the case and be dependent on a tax filer on the case.There is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
29Expected to File Tax IndicatorExpToBeReqToFileThisYearInd was not providedEDRExpToBeReqToFileThisYearInd was not provided, ExpToBeReqToFileThisYearInd must be provided if Tax Filing Info is populated.A window validation to prevent this error and value defaults to N if no value on existing cases.Person
30Missing Information in Address NodeAddress node was not provided for Person EDRAddress node was not provided for Person XX which is needed when they are applying for coverageError has never been receivedPerson
31Missing Required Field in Address NodeInvalid address for personEDRInvalid address for person : XXXXError no longer receivedPerson
32Resident Address Other than CaliforniaResidence Address should be within the state of CAEDRResidence Address should be within the state of CA : XXXXA State code or Zip Code other than CA as provided for one or more physical addresses in the EDR. Residency in CA is a requirement, and EDRs with residency outside of California should be rejected.Worker needs to validate home address and verify that the address is in California for all case members that are calling BRE.Follow ACWDL 15-23 for temporarily out of state beneficiaries. 461510Person
33Missing Address Info Node for Applying MemberPersonAddressInfo and Addresses node was not providedEDRPersonAddressInfo and Addresses node was not provided for Person XXXX which is needed when they are applying for coverageError has never been received
35Missing Physical Address 1Address1 was not provided for the Physical EDRAddress1 was not provided for the Physical Address of Saws Person XXError has never been receivedPerson
36Missing Mailing Address 1Address1 was not provided for the MailingEDRAddress1 was not provided for the Mailing Address of Saws Person XXError has never been receivedPerson
37Address 1 Required When Address Node PresentAddress1 is mandatory field in AddressEDRAddress1 is mandatory field in Address for SAWS Person XXError has never been receivedPerson
38Address 1 Field Does Not Adhere to GuidelinesInvalid Address1 FormatEDRInvalid Address1 Format for SAWS Person XXError has never been receivedPerson
39Invalid Address 2 FormatInvalid Address2 FormatEDRInvalid Address2 Format for personError has never been receivedPerson
40Missing High Dated Physician AddressThe current Physical Address was not providedEDRThe current Physical Address was not provided for SAWS Case Person: XXError has never been receivedPerson
41Duplicate SAWS Income IdentifierDuplicate Saws Income IdentifierEDRDuplicate Saws Income Identifier : XXXX for saws Case Person : YYYYError has never been receivedPerson
42SAWS Income Identifier MissingSaws Income Identifier is missinEDRSaws Income Identifier is missing for SAWS Person : XXXXError has never been receivedPerson
43Invalid Income RecordIncome Record provided where Begin DateEDRIncome Record provided where Begin Date is after the End Date for SAWS Person XXThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason to not send EDR with this issue.Person
44US Citizen is Missing for SAWS Case PersonUS Citizen is missing EDRUS Citizen is missing for SAWS Case Person: XX who is applying for health coverageError no longer receivedPerson
45Incorrect Document Type for SAWS Case PersonIncorrect document typeEDRIncorrect document type for SAWS Case Person : XXError has never been receivedPerson
46USCitizenInd and EligibleImmigrationInd set to ‘Y’both a US Citizen and Eligible ImmigrantEDRSAWS Case Person : XXXX was set to both a US Citizen and Eligible Immigrant, cannot be bothThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
47Eligible Immigrant DocumentEligible Immigrant Document detailsEDREligible Immigrant Document details are required for SAWS Case Person XX who is applying for health coverage and attests to being an Eligible ImmigrantError no longer receivedPerson
48Missing Alien Number for an Applying MemberAlien Number is requiredEDRAlien Number is required for SAWS Case Person : XXXX who is applying for health coverage and attests to being an Eligible ImmigrantThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
49Receipt Number Required for SAWS Case PersonReceipt Number is requiredEDRReceipt Number is required for SAWS Case Person : XXXX who is applying for health coverage and attests to being an Eligible ImmigrantThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
50I94 Number is required for SAWS Case PersonI94 Number is requiredEDRI94 Number is required for SAWS Case Person : XXXX who is applying for health coverage and attests to being an Eligible ImmigrantThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
5151 - SEVISID is required for SAWS Case PersonSEVISID is requiredEDRSEVISID is required for for SAWS Case Person :YYYYY who is applying for health coverage and attests to being an Eligible Immigrant .There is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
52Passport Number Required for SAWS Case PersonPassport Number is requiredEDRPassport Number is required for SAWS Case Person : XXXX who is applying for health coverage and. attests to being an Eligible ImmigrantThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
53Document Expiration Date for an Applying MemberDocument Expiration DateEDRDocument Expiration Date is required for SAWS Case Person :YYYYY who is applying for health coverage and attests to being an Eligible ImmigrantThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
54Missing Document Person Given NameDocument First NameEDRDocument First Name is required for SAWS Case Person : XXXX There is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
55Missing Document Person Sur NameDocument Last NameEDRDocument Last Name is required for SAWS Case Person : XXXX There is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
56Missing Document Person Full NameDocument First Name and Last NameEDRDocument First Name and Last Name are required for SAWS Case Person : XXXX There is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
58Document Description RequestDocument description is requiredEDRDocument description is required for ‘Other Document with an Alien number‘ and ‘Other Document with an I-94 Number’ for SAWS Case Person : XXXX who is applying for health coverage.There is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
60Missing Life Event Change Datebut no Life Event Change DateEDRReapply Life Event was provided but no Life Event Change Date for SAWS Case NumberThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
61Reason for No SSN CodeNo SSN was providedEDRNo SSN was provided, but a reason was not given SAWS Case Person: XXThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.4023170497Person
62Pregnancy Expected Due Datepregnancy expected due date was not provided EDRIndividual indicated pregnancy, and pregnancy expected due date was not provided for SAWS Case Person: XXA window validation prevents this errorPerson
63Number of Babies Expectednumber of babies expected was not providedEDRIndividual indicated pregnancy, and number of babies expected was not provided for SAWS Case Person: XX A window validation prevents this errorPerson
64Dependent Tax Return Benefit Year IndDepntTaxRetrnBenefitYrInd was not providedEDRDepntTaxRetrnBenefitYrInd was not provided for SAWS Case Person: XXError has never been receivedPerson
65Plan to File Tax This Year IndPlanToFileThisYearInd was not providedEDRPlanToFileThisYearInd was not provided for SAWS Case Person: XXThere is a 'BRE not Called' reason and a window validation to prevent this error.Person
69Administrative Verification TypeAdministrativeVerificationsType does not existEDRThe code provided for AdministrativeVerificationsType does not exist: XXCalWIN is coded to only send valid codesPerson
70Reapply Life Event CodeReapplyLifeEventCode does not existEDRThe code provided for ReapplyLifeEventCode does not exist: XXCalWIN is coded to only send valid codesPerson
71Deduction CodeDeductionCode does not existEDRThe code provided for DeductionCode does not exist: XXCalWIN is coded to only send valid codesPerson
72Relationship CodeRelationshipCode does not existEDRThe code provided for RelationshipCode does not exist: XXCalWIN is coded to only send valid codesPerson
73Income Source CodeIncome SourceCode does not exisEDRThe code provided for Income SourceCode does not exist: XXCalWIN is coded to only send valid codesPerson
74Document Type CodeDocTypeCode does not existEDRThe code provided for DocTypeCode does not exist: XXCalWIN is coded to only send valid codesPerson
75Reason for No SSN CodeReasonForNoSSNCode does not existEDRThe code provided for ReasonForNoSSNCode does not exist: XXAn individual who does not have SSN and has Reason for no SSN "Child under <1", which is not valid in CalHEERS and cannot be more selected by user from dropdown box.Set valid Reason for no SSN to the individual from the dropdown box on the Display Individuals Demographics window.Proposal 41526 open to run a conversion SQL. Conversion SQL will change invalid reason for no SSN 'Child under 1' to a valid reason 'I do not qualify for SSN'539949Person
76Former Foster Person Location CodeFormerFosterPersonLocationCode does not existEDRThe code provided for FormerFosterPersonLocationCode does not exist: XXCalWIN is coded to only send valid codes
77CalHEERS & SAWS Case Person Number Mismatchdoes not match or conflicts with existing person linkages in caseEDRCalHEERS Case Person Number XX and SAWS Case Person Number XX does not match or conflicts with existing person linkages in case.Person numbers between CalHEERS and CalWIN do not match.Until the automated solution restarts, Please follow CalHEERS CIT 0027-17As of 2/13/17, the SQL was paused and CalWIN is looking for possible automated solutions.511262Person
78SAWS Administrative Verification IndAdministrative Verification Ind is invalidEDRSAWS Administrative Verification Type is provided but the corresponding Administrative Verification Ind is invalid.CalWIN is coded to only send valid indicator valuesPerson
79Missing Determination of Eligibilitymissing Determination Of DISPInvalid or missing Determination Of Eligibility Response ID: XXXXXError has never been receivedCase
80Missing CalHEERS Case Numbernot provided or is invalidDISPThe CalHEERS Case Number was not provided or is invalid: XXXXXError has never been receivedCase
81Missing SAWS Case NumberThe SAWS Case Number was not providedDISPThe SAWS Case Number was not providedError has never been receivedCase
82Missing Case MemberCase Members are missingDISPCase Members are missing. Case must have at least one member.Error has never been receivedCase
83Missing CalHEERS Case Person NumberCalHEERS Case Person Number was not provided.DISPCalHEERS Case Person Number was not provided.Error has never been receivedPerson
84Missing SAWS Case Person NumberSAWS Case Person Number was not providedDISPSAWS Case Person Number was not provided.Error has never been receivedPerson
85Non-existent CalHEERS Case Person NumberCalHEERS Case Person Number provided does not exist in CalHEERSDISP / UPDCalHEERS Case Person Number provided does not exist in CalHEERS: XXSome individuals on CalWIN cases were removed ("soft deleted") by CalHEERS when those individuals were not sent on an EDR to CalHEERS. Although CalHEERS has corrected their functionality with this CalHEERS CR, soft deleted individuals would not be added back to the CalHEERS case unless a new EDR was sent from CalWIN subsequent to the date of the CalHEERS fix. Any Update transactions which are sent to CalHEERS with soft deleted individuals who have not been added back into the CalHEERS case with an EDR will result in this error from CalHEERSRe-run EDBC to re-establish the individuals with CalHEERS if needed.Two proposals have been opened to address the soft delete issue. Proposal 34339 will provide a list of the remaining cases with soft deleted individuals which have not had a successful EDR sent to CalHEERS after the CalHEERS fix was implemented. Proposal 34540 will retrigger EDRs on the remaining impacted cases to add the individuals back to the CalHEERS case. 539696Person
86County of Responsibility Mismatchis not the County of Responsibility for this CalHEERS case numberEDRCalHEERS cannot process the EDR. County XXX is not the County of Responsibility for this CalHEERS case number XXXXXXXXXX.The error occurs when CalHEERS case number on EDR has a different County of Responsibility in CalHEERS.1) Confirm County Ownership
2) Request COR Enablement - CIT 0027-17
3) Send EDR to re-link this county.

Please follow delinking CalHEERS CIT 0027-17 to resolve the issue.
5726263551652600ServicingFipsCountyCode provided in MessageInformation or SAWSCaseInfo received in EDR is not matching to the County of Responsibility established in CALHEERS.Case
87Missing County Case NumberCounty Case Number was not providedDISPCounty Case Number was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
88Missing Notice DateNotice Date was not providedDISPNotice Date was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
89Missing Worker NumberWorker Number was not providedDISPWorker Number was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
90Missing Worker NameWorker Name was not providedDISPWorker Name was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
92Missing Worker Sur NamePerson Sur Name for WorkerDISPPerson Sur Name for Worker was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
93Missing Worker Phone NumberPhone Number for Worker PhoneDISPPhone Number for Worker Phone Number was not provided.County Address is pulled from County Default Table if not specifiedCase
94Missing County Fax NumberCounty Fax Number was not providedDISPCounty Fax Number was not provided.County Address is pulled from County Default Table if not specifiedCase
95Additional County Phone NumberAdditional County Phone DISPAdditional County Phone was not provided.County Address is pulled from County Default Table if not specifiedCase
96Missing Office HoursOffice Hours was not providedDISPOffice Hours was not provided.County Address is pulled from County Default Table if not specifiedCase
97Missing County AddressCounty Address was not providedDISPCounty Address was not providedCounty Address is pulled from County Default Table if not specifiedCase
98Missing Address 1 in County Address NodeAddress1 for County Address DISPAddress1 for County Address was not providedCounty Address is pulled from County Default Table if not specifiedCase
99Missing Location City NameLocation City Name for County AddressDISPLocation City Name for County Address was not providedCounty Address is pulled from County Default Table if not specifiedCase
100Missing Location StateLocation State for County AddressDISPLocation State for County Address was not provided.County Address is pulled from County Default Table if not specifiedCase
101Missing Location Postal CodePostal Code for County AddressDISPPostal Code for County Address is not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
102Missing Primary Household Contact Full NamePrimary Household Full Name nodeDISPPrimary Household Full Name node was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
103Missing Person Sur NamePerson Sur Name for Primary Household DISPPerson Sur Name for Primary Household Contact was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
104Missing Primary Contact Address NodePrimary Household Contact Address node DISPPrimary Household Contact Address node was not providedError has never been receivedCase
105Missing Address 1 for Primary ContactAddress1 for Primary HouseholdDISPAddress1 for Primary Household Contact Address was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
106Missing Location City NameLocationCityName for Primary Household DISPLocationCityName for Primary Household Contact Address was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase
107Missing Location StateLocationState for Primary HouseholdDISPLocationState for Primary Household Contact Address was not provided.Error has never been receivedCase