[I was able to share information about what my organization/agency/department is doing]
[I was able to make connections with other people in the “room”]
[I feel hopeful that this process will improve the work of SFUSD and community partners]
[I plan to continue participating in these Community Partner Forums]
[I feel my organization’s work is valued.]
Did we[Strengthen and deepen relational trust among organizations and SFUSD]
Did we[Identify what organizations need to participate in effective partnership]
Did we[Surface ways organizations might work with each other and with SFUSD on which focus areas]
Did we[Confirm or contribute to identified areas for collaboration]
What was the best part(s) of today’s forum?What would have made today’s forum better?What do you hope will happen in future partner forums?Whose participation, voices or perspectives were missing?What else do you want to share?
AgreeAgreeNeutralNeutralAgreeSomewhatNoNoNoMy third breakout group was three people including me and allowed for better conversation.More focus on next steps and strategy rather than only sharing outStrategy focus and shared leadership workteachersn/a
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesBreakout Groups
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesSomewhatYesYesBreakout sessions and chat response at the end
AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeNeutralSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatYesDeep conversation with small groups that hopefully leads to the bigger group discussions More time broken up but I get that there isn't enough time More systematic connections and collaborations I think just the Work Based Learning lens Thanks for making this first run happen! It will only get smoother and better :)
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesOpportunities to connect in small groupa little bit more time in the first small groupssmall groups focused on social-emotional supportsfolks with the ability to make decisions at the district leveln/a
AgreeNeutralNeutralNeutralNeutralNoSomewhatYesSomewhatOutreach to familiesMore information by the hosts
AgreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeSomewhatNoYesYeshearing about the different service sections SFUSD has identified Smaller numbers? An easier way to know who is on the call Continue the important work in order to make distance learning accessible for ALL families families!!!! NA
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeAgreeYesSomewhatYesYesmeeting so many wonderful CBO partnersn/afind ways to directly communication from these forums to SFUSD families
AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesBreakout Rooms and Resource Sharing More breakout rooms maybe based on city areaslearn moreN/AAccess to support our students learning
AgreeAgreeNeutralAgreeAgreeSomewhatYesSomewhatSomewhatBreakout #3 and #4N/AThe more targeted working groups with a longer amount of time could be very beneficialN/A
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesBreakoutsReport backs from a few breakoutsReport Backs from breakout groupsFamilies/ParentsKudos to the planners of this meeting. Much appreciated!
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesI like that we were still able to to breakout sessions.More collaboration of CBO's to voice needs from the community to SFUSDIf possible to get School staff on calls to help us understand their needs in the schools.
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesSomewhatYesYesBreakout rooms (especially 3 and 4)Perhaps, more moderation of the chat feature.Group organizations by common challenges or priorities.Parent, teacher, principal perspectives could be helpful.
AgreeAgreeAgree, Strongly AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeYesNot sureYesNot sureThe breakoutsFocused breakouts with similar organizations focusing on similar challenges.See above. N/aAs an after-school enrichment provider (ANTS Sports), I want to know who are the key district stakeholders who seek answers from me on what I'm capable of providing (virtually) and how this can get in front of more families.

Cool idea: Explore a platform to match SFUSD student and family needs and CBO assets. Tutors are an example. Also explore partnering CBOs so that kids participating in virtual sports programming could then pivot to supported learning with tutors. There are likely many other complementary services.

AgreeNeutralStrongly AgreeAgreeAgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatHearing all the amazing work other organizations are doing right now. It is easy to get trapped in your own bubble and it was nice to connect. teachers
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesThe breakout groups, the interactive surveysMore time, but I know that's hard to pull off with so many peopleAction stepsSPED/504Thank you! This was an amazing event. It was very organized with agenda, break groups. Love the music..Chaka Khan!
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesOrganizationSomewhatGet improve and help other organization during this COVID-19 time.N/ANone
AgreeAgreeNeutralStrongly AgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatYesYesIt was well organized and well facilitated.
Maybe smaller multiple meetings with less people so we have more time with each other. Not sure how the richness of conversations gets translated in notes and our time together was so short. I was unable to connect or here from District folks unless it was part of the facilitation or being addressed. It was nice to hear from Mele, but it would be nice for Mele to hear from us.
More conversations about our experiences. More concrete outcomes.
We are in a emergency moment so everyone is talking about their immediate needs, but I would like to bring more of an equity lens to our conversations. I know Latinx folks are impacted most by Covid19. I wonder if there is a lack of access to healthcare and other services in they way we are hearing about Black communities or not hearing about the impact on Black communities. Also, is there a parallel student voice group that we can support or respond to?
How are we connecting our conversations to what students and parents are saying.
AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatYesGetting to know other CBOMore time or smaller room (amount of people in the rooms)
AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatYesYesBreakout sessions, hearing that we are are struggling and working to figure this stuff outNASpecific needs of organizations being shared so that resources can be matchedNA
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesGetting to connect with staff from other CBOsI completely understand that it's not possible to have long zoom meetings. It felt incomplete to lay out many of the issues and not be able to talk about next steps.I'd like to discuss concrete action steps.Youth voice.Thank you for reaching out to CBOs!
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesNot sureNot sureNot sureOpening communication with other CBOs and with the District at-large.More specific work in breakout sessions. Action!Not sure
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeAgreeSomewhatYesYesYesorganization of breakouts and question topics.similar regional or service type groupsconnect with more potential partnersThank you all!
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeSomewhatSomewhatYesYesbreakout conversationsAction items. but I understand the need to do this part first. Action itemsn/aThanks for putting all this together!! Very organized and smooth! Love the polls too!!
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatYesThe turnout! One organized forum and knowing what the next meetings will focus on based on today's results.
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeYesNot sureYesNot sureThe breakout rooms and meeting different CBOs. Today's forum went well and it was good to see 555 leadership participating. Slowly deepening practices that will stay in place when the new school year begins. It seemed that there was not a lot of school site administrators participating in the meeting.
AgreeNeutralNeutralNeutralAgreeNot sureSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatopening the discussionknowing who is in charge in break outsconnections that might not normally be happening
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatYesI liked seeing everyone's faces and the breakout sessions.Getting a bigger update from SFUSD: details on tech distribution, food distribution, curricular plans, thoughts on summer and school year. A "what we've done" and "what we are going to do" so we can be aligned.
Getting a bigger update from SFUSD: details on tech distribution, food distribution, curricular plans, thoughts on summer and school year. A "what we've done" and "what we are going to do" so we can be aligned.lots of great voices.I agree with the comment that the city/tech companies need to provide free wifi for all families through this pandemic. This is imperative!
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNeutralSomewhatSomewhatYesSomewhatMeeting new peoplethis was a great intro meeting thank you! Folks in the arts community has already been meeting in this way. We should coordinate in our respective groups. Getting some specifics answeredCBO leadershipMaybe when we identify which affinity groups are there we can break out in that way. THank you so much for this meeting! I hope to participate in future meetings.
AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesThe breakout roomsmore community building to get to know each otherstrengthen our collaboration and commitment for our students and families???
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesThe polls were a great way to break up the heaviness of the forumN/AAs a first session, I think it went quite well! Continue with the great work
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatYeslearning about other CBOsnot sure
AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeSomewhatYesSomewhatYes
AgreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeNeutralYesSomewhatSomewhatSomewhattaking this first step to connect CBOs and SFUSDA couple more minutes for each breakout sessionActionable steps for CBOs to support the children of the SFUSD
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeSomewhatYesNot sureNoBreakout groups were very helpful. Being able to voice concerns for populations I feel aren't fully thought about during distance learningFor the first meeting, i felt it was very good but home there will be more of these in the futureMore updates and hopefully concerns that were expressed will have a solutioni felt that SFUSD didnt touch in depth with how to help more vunerable populations withn the district such as those who are homeless, non-english speakers, and immigrant families
AgreeNeutralNeutralAgreeAgreeSomewhatYesSomewhatSomewhatIt was very nice to connect with other organizations serving SFUSD and hear about what they are doing to adapt their services to meet the needs of the district/students and families at this timeIt would be great to hear more from the district about what they are doing to continue partnering with CBOs at this this time, as well as what the districts specific needs are from CBOs
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesBreakout sections to share information and the warm up activitiesHave a question or comments section and everyone can submit their concern that was not in the agenda
AgreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatI appreciated the breakout groups. Although the breakouts were nice to meet new people, I think we could have either used more time to talk about program challenges and ask for their input. Hopefully ways to get the resources we want from our school sites: SFUSD emails, SYNERGY access... since we are not at the school sites and cannot ask for admin signatures... also without the SFUSD emails, some schools won't allow emails to be sent to students.
AgreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeSomewhatYesYesSomewhatCommunicating what our biggest needs are More time for the break out groups, everyone has so much to say and a lot of resources to share with each other. The students and families we are trying to help. Some have no communication with staff members, that their needs are going unheard.
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhattalking ot others who run summer programsmore exchange in the breakout rooms better city wide communication for youth/familiesyouth!!! teens especiallyseeking info on covid 19 safety policies for when in person programming resumes
AgreeAgreeNeutralAgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatYesSkillful facilitation- thank you1) Opportunities to talk about systemic efforts/ collective impact in neighborhoods or communities.
2) Connections with other city-wide efforts that connect, e.g. MBSK/ SFHRC
3) Link to larger equity vision for SF
see above
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatFocusing my thinking on potential partners and targeted outreach.It was a great start. My ratings reflect that this was meeting one, rather than that it had big challenges. A bit more time for some of the breakouts to deepen connections with participants and catalyze networking. Families served. Hearing from them, briefly, about challenges and bright spots would make the discussion more tangible and immediate.
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeAgreeNoYesSomewhatNoBringing CBOs togetherMore info re the current status of SFUSD navigating education during the pandemicStronger SFUSD involvement with SFUSD leading a centralized plan to better organize resources offered by CBOs; everyone wants to help - guide us on how we can best support the district's needs/vision without duplicating efforts and staying in each of our lanes.SFUSD administrative leadership and SFUSD educators
AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeNeutralYesYesYesYesKnowing that so many CBOs are asking for more access and better communication and seeing district reps open to our requestsIt was great! Very well done- thank you!It would be great to have a district rep in each break out session if possiblePlease continue to see us as stakeholders and include us in communication as decisions are being made about what the new normal will be. Work with us so we are not duplicated services, see us as a resource- we want to help!
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeSomewhatYesSomewhatYesBreak out sessionscollaborationteachers
AgreeNeutralNeutralAgreeAgreeNot sureNoNot sureNot surebreakout rooms to identify needs of families and what we need from SFUSDMore clear information from SFUSD about progress and challenges during pandemic and more clear information about what will likely happen in the summer and fall.More clear information about SFUSD plans for summer and fall 2020Parents
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatYesConnecting with other CBOs and identifying common needsMore time in breakout rooms to share contact infoWe get very targeted on particular topics that have surfaced, which seems to be the moveStudent/youth voiceI'm grateful to have participated and build community with folks in this space
AgreeNeutralNeutralAgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatYesSomewhatPolling to see who the audience wereContinue doing them.Great things.With over 200+ folks, it's hard. So let's keep doing these forums and build connections.
AgreeNeutralStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeNeutralNot sureSomewhatSomewhatYesseeing all the amazing people and organizations presentless chitchat up front, more explanation about scope and how SFUSD plans to support those participatingThat SFUSD will take on a coordinating role so that we can all be most effective: provide funding, break us into teams to address particular needs in the areas of our expertise; help us determine how to best support one another and the communityHow can smaller organizations get the attention of the SFUSD, have a formal liaison, and work together towards common goals?
AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatYesSeeing old friendsa comprehensive q & A section for CBO's to ask SFUSD questionsA more focused action plan for different community partnersmany
AgreeNeutralNeutralAgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatYesBreakout rooms to talk to other orgs and see what they're doing Creative solutions that will better help support our families -- particularly the parentsMore mission folks! Very curious to hear the need of those CBO's and how they're doing, what are the needs and concerns of mission residents/families as one of the hardest hit neighborhoods in the city.
AgreeStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatToo many breakout rooms. I feel like groupings should be more intentional in terms of having someone from SFUSD in each breakout room and hearing concerns from CBO's.That SFUSD will take our concerns into considerationExCEL, other SFUSD departments that support other CBO's.
I would like to emphasize that a lot of people and agencies are listening to SFUSD and their directions, but if other entities are not talking to each other, then we are getting punitized for it rather than a true collaboration. It seems that this is more of a top down method rather than it being collaborative, which is the exact opposite that SFUSD is preaching.
AgreeAgreeNeutralAgreeAgreeSomewhatNoSomewhatYesMeeting other orgs serving SFUSDSharing an agenda or presentation in advance for we can review and prepare accordingly. Or follow the slides if we had to walk away.n/ahow funders can support SFUSD through grantmaking or sharing resources. A call out for arts education; everyone advocates for STEM but fails to see the socio-emotional benefits of the arts especially in a time like this.
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatYesGreat number of participants and the breakout roomsmore time in some of the breakout roomsensure that there's an equal voice of community partners and sfusdstudent voices
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNot sureNot sureSomewhatNot sureseeing many familiar faces and meeting new people and hearing what work they do to support families in SFgroup agencies according to subject- arts, sports, afterschool enrichment, camps-- etc. how are organizations moving forward for summer, falli am very grateful for the organization of this committee to gather us, as we never have in this way before.
AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesSeeing so many people on meeting ready to collaborate/shareI like the idea of smaller groups around certain needs. Would liek to have each group contain SFUSD partner, CBO, etc. so we can hear from all parties involved. Clear objectives of what SFUSD, DCYF is looking for/ high priority.More SFUSD, DCYF presence
AgreeNeutralNeutralNeutralAgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatAble to share and meet some peopleI think a challenge for me in forums like this is actually making connections with other orgs that would lead to programmatic adaptations. I hear of things. Some things may be relevant, others not so much. I guess coming in with different expectations of what I'm looking will be helpful. Not sure at the moment.Not sureI appreciate that these exists. I'm working on how to better utilize these spaces.
AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatparticipation of large groupsame focus areamore small groupgreat for first mtglooking forward to next mtg
AgreeNeutralAgreeAgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatNoYesbreak out rooms were smooth and easy to follow..also links being added to the chat was cool and easy, didnt think it was going to be smooth with 270 people on zoom, nice job!division by agency's strength? It's the first one so hope next ones are filled with infomore time to meetsfusd families!thanks to all planning team for this smooth forum!
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatMeeting folks who I might not usually speak with, and those people pointing me in the right direction in who I should contact to provide services. More time speaking with the team and collaborating. More clarity where all CBO's can post or offer services. Sounds like Jasmine Douville was starting to talk about it. I think this was a great baseline and I look forward to building this into more tangible outcomes. Maybe parents and students themselves. A voice from Student Advisory Council
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNeutralSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatConnecting with other CBOs to share ideas, ways they are being effective, and challenges they are facingThe timing of breakout sessions and notetaking felt a bit frentic. I'm appreciating this current moment where there is time to fill out this form while we are all on "hold". If you did this for notes in each breakout session, I imagine that you'd be able to gather more information and data for every participant. More information from the district about possible scenarios for planning for next school year. Even though it's unknown right now, being transparent about possible scenarios would help us to plan Thanks for doing this!
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatYesYesMeeting all of the different people that work for CBOs that support SFUSD families. Learning about the needs of the CBOs.The breakout sessions can be very short so not everyone is heard.I hope that the CBO receive updated information from SFUSD quicker and I also hope that there is more collaboration with these groups.I'm not sure.Thank you for organizing this meeting and I look forward to the next one.
AgreeNeutralNeutralAgreeNeutralSomewhatNoNoNoGreat format, loved breakout sessions, alot to tackle, still need to do alot of work, this work should be continued regardlessCollective Impact adopted as a model, otherwise we are still rebuilding based on silo, competive approach, equity needs to be a focus. thank you for this great startCreate groups and do the follow throughparents, youth, not sure who was represented so it's hard to know where the gaps areNeed to do weekly prior to summer? Right now is not the time to be disconnected. Self-care is critical for everyone
AgreeAgreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatthe energy and commitment from everyonea pre-entry form to be able to start already engaged in the topics. was a very high-level, light-touch forumunification, clarity for all programs to link our effortsCBO partners needed more from "the District" than this space was able to offer - communication and guidance about how to run programs during this new landscape. Transparency on District decisions and changes during school closure so they can properly plan.
AgreeAgreeNeutralAgreeAgreeSomewhatNoSomewhatYesWas great to be in the breakout rooms to hear from CBO's about what they are doing. Hard to say, with so many folks it is hard to get to the goals and it feel meaningful. But I do understand the difficulty. We can work on coordination of services at school sites to find consistency in services for service providers and families. n/an/a
AgreeStrongly AgreeNeutral, AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeSomewhatYesSomewhatYesConnecting in small groups.acknowledging the very real power dynamics between SFUSD central office, SFUSD School Sites, CBOs, and all the varying people who occupy positions of power. And the past failures in both acknowledging this dynamic AND it's traumatizing affects on current dynamics.More face time with amazing leaders! And, as best as possible, getting the planning/meeting questions out in advance, so as to utilize the live time as best as possible.Youth and families. Teachers, librarians, LSPs, and other school based staff with whom SFUSD and CBO staff work with directly to achieve our goals.This is wonderful that we are taking this step. Thank you for providing this space. Please do continue this and allow for the amazing thoughtfulness from all of us to coalesce into something new. We are in uncharted territory and we need all good ideas, positive intentions, and hopefulness.
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNeutralSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatIt was a good beginning of a brainstorm with info sharing and gathering. The Arts Education community was eager for this! Thank you!It was well organized and facilitated, I am just ready for more info and next steps... but the info gathered in all the breakout groups and put into notes will be helpful for me to read after!Q &A, info from SFUSD on what has been happening at school sites, details on how the district has moved to on-line learning and details of how we can support.SpEd SupportThank you!
AgreeAgreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeNoSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatMusic and level of engagement It was hard for me because I feel like CBO partners like to blame SFUSD and demand more from us. We are working really hard. Many of us are from SF and are community members as well. It's hard to feel like others don't value our work as district staff. Just needed to share that.
AgreeNeutralAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatYesBreakout roomslonger breakoutsbuilding on connections to deepen relationship based workteacher voiceThanks you for beginning this process for all of us. I look forward to seeing it grow!!
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesdiscussion some kind of info after how did iit go? what we go out of it. systems for collaboration students parents Family Liasons Love you all!!! Drink water and eat an avocado!
AgreeStrongly DisagreeStrongly DisagreeStrongly DisagreeStrongly DisagreeSomewhatSomewhatYesNoI love the breakout groups. learning about how others are engaging with students. Connecting with community partners, learning about the needs of students based on poll.more time to talk amongst our breakout groups. Some people were in the chat and not participating with blank screen, could not hear or see them. come up with more concrete ideas on how to collaborate, share resources, and connect.The streally enjoyed this gathering. I found it challenging being able to freely discuss due to time, and others monopolizing the conversation. More defined note taker and way to take turns and time allotment for breakout sessions.
AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesYesYesYesFirst to see how proactive SFUSD has been and willing to take time to connect and come together. Shows a lot of dedication and strength and hope! Wish we had a little more info on what may be going on with SFUSD and what summer might look like with re opening but also realize that sometimes we cant have all the answers we want at the moment!Keep working to get the hard work we are all doing as individual organization to connect with our families spread on a larger scalen/an/a
AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeYesYesSomewhatYes
That it happened. I appreciate SFUSD hosting this meeting to include CBO's who have the desire/ means to help. We'll be able to be more effective serving youth and families during this crisis through the collaboration of the district.
More time in break out room 2/ Other than that, everything was perfect for our first meeting.We can go deeper in the problem solving process and reimagining the possibilities during this time. The youth and families
Will these forums continue when we return to "normal"? I think the district should have some sort of mental health initiative to address the social emotional needs of students before jumping into academic rigor with the intent of catching students up. It would be great if CBOs could be included in efforts after the "crisis is over". Thank you again, stay safe!
AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatYesopening centering exercise, sharing and talking in small groups, that CBOs were invited You all planned an effective use of time and energy! Thank you!
Keep moving forward in clarity of what we need to provide for summer and Fall; how to best prepare our staff to support students and their families; more time to converse with small group members to hear of needs, stories and programs/services offered so that we might start to hear how we can support one another and receive support and resources.
I'm imagining that in the room today were experiences and perspectives still not voiced because of limited time and/or the time for self- reflection and to process all that has been going on - the whole of each person I'm sure is deeply connected to MANY networks (current work and past work, family, community, old friends); foster and homeless youth advocates; someone from the State dept of Ed?This is tough work, so thank you for stepping up to it and bringing the different village areas together. This needs to be done.
Agree, Strongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesSomewhatSomewhatYesConnecting with other amazing educators! It made my heart so happy to be in a shared space with so many amazing people. no specific feedback, it was great conversations that lead to concrete action items
Disagree, NeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeSomewhatNot sureYesYesSmall Breakout Sessions discussing google formsMore clear discussion and share on what we are doing for others to be aware of. Even knowing who are in near by neighborhoods to potential discuss/collaborate/reach.We will create a way to communicate clearly, identify ways to support each other, and at the end of the day truly make an effort to identify ways to ensure our most vulnerable students do not experience a large loss in learning. None
NeutralAgreeNeutralNeutralNeutralNot sureSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatbreakout groups were helpful and the on the stop survey in-take! clearer guidelines on roles and responsibilities and how we can hold each other accountable of our work.
NeutralAgreeNeutral, AgreeAgreeNeutralSomewhatSomewhatNoYesliked small breakout sessions of 3- no more than 4!more time for breakout #1.
NeutralNeutralNeutralNeutralNeutralSomewhatNoYesSomewhatpositive envirommentorganize by topic areas so can go deeperidentify gaps and have conversations that can go more in depth re: addressing themhope emails of participants will be shared so i can have further contact with some of my break out group partners.. thanks! I think future meetings will get better - this is important!
NeutralAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeSomewhatYesNoNoSome break out groupsTime to ask some of my pressing questions--understand need to build community, but would have appreciated some form of action being taken, rather than needing to continue to waitTime to ask questions of all the knowledgable SFUSD leadership in the roomArts programming! VAPA, etc
NeutralNeutralNeutralNeutralNeutralYesYesYesYesHearing what other organizations have to say
NeutralNeutralDisagreeAgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatNoYesThe small break out groups.Work on specific topics (ie mental health, food access, tech support for families)Give every student full credits for the semester. The roll out and execution for digital learning was not equitable to all students.
NeutralNeutralNeutralAgreeNeutralNot sureSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatGetting a personal breakout group with Mele. :) Some more tactical details from SFSUD about what challenges we are working to solve. DS Ford-Morthel's ppt was good for last week, but this week would have been more helpful to see some topline info and disagregation of food/remote learning or wellness strategies, with gaps/needs highlighted. That in workgroups we'll have that kind of detailed info, with disagregation by race/language/neighborhood/school site/disability/age groups so that community partners can share what we're seeing and dive in to work on strategies & plans.curriculum teamsThanks for working on this challenging problem and shifting to better systems for partnership.
NeutralAgreeAgreeAgreeNeutralSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatOur last breakout session was productive.You are doing a great job given this is all new. However, the first two breakouts were not helpful to me as it was unclear what the objective was. Our last breakout was good because of the participants.Optimize time management so that we are getting the most from our time together.
NeutralAgreeNeutralStrongly AgreeNeutralNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureSeeing other folks doing the work.More general info on what services they can share with families. The notetaking during the second part was really hard to navigate. Too many tabs and the google form was difficult to type into. I think maybe a survey would have been a better way to handle the Workgroup #3 and 4 questionsMore information about buckets of work socio-emotional, parent support, distance learning, etc. Share basic info that all CBO's should know. Ask what we should know about CBO's.Parents who speak languages other than English. More agencies that work directly with parents. I'd also like to know who is doing mental-emotional health.Please share the Family Resource Link and reinforce the need to help families update contact info,
NeutralAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeSomewhatSomewhatNot sureSomewhatSFUSD asking feedback - Dedicated facilitator to each breakout
- Having more time in the break out group
- A more clear next steps
I hope that we will have better partnership with the school district and for orgs that isn't primarily focus on school site stuff have better relationship and communication with the SFUSD so we can inform families about resources that is being provided to them.Youth and parents
NeutralAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly AgreeNot sureYesYesSomewhatThe tech worked great and the facilitators were well organized. The breakout sessions had clear objectives and useful notetaking forms.In breakout rooms, some guidance about who should talk first (alphabetical order, soonest birthday) is helpful for getting the conversation going.Breakout rooms organized by population served to acknowledge the very different needs and challenges of PreK kids and highschoolers.
NeutralNeutralDisagreeAgreeNeutralSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatSomewhatN/AMore time with city leaders to Q and ASee above N/ABetter alignment and allocation of resources.
NeutralNeutralAgreeAgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesIndividual chat or a way to connect with people would have been a huge improvement. There wasn't enough time in the breakouts to get others info or figure out how to collaborate in the future.Students and young people!
Strongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesYesYesYes
Strongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesYesYesYesBreakout GroupsMore information about current state of CBOs during lockdown.Concrete solutions moving forward with other CBOs in the same field
Strongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesSomewhatYesYesRe-connecting w/ CBO partners, generating ideas for next partnership forum, SFUSD areas of focus, wellness activityN/A Breakout groups per area of focus (College Access/Success) to share best practices & a space to share live resources or promote recruitment for programs that are in the recruitment process. School academic counselors & school administrators to hear how things are going for them + context on their areas of focus & how we can support This was so great! Thank you so much for organizing this space!
Strongly AgreeAgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesConnecting with other folksI thought it was well-organized. Continue to strengthen relationships between organizations and with SFUSDI'm not sure since I was limited in who I talked with, but it seemed like a good mix of peopleNA
Strongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesYesYesYesPoll activity Longer breakrooms Staff, teachers and paraprofessionals
Strongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesYesYesYeslast two break outsnonemore linkage to different community supports within the meetingunknownthank you
Strongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeYesYesYesYes
Strongly AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeSomewhatYesSomewhatSomewhat
Strongly AgreeNeutralStrongly AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeYesYesYesYesConnecting to other organizations!A better understanding of WHO I could actually work with and connect. Continue with breakout rooms. Updates from SFUSD. SFUSD. I was in all break out rooms with CBOs it felt likeIt was great. I want to be able to colloborate and futher connect with more orgs for future! I also want to understand MORE about what is happening from SFUSD.