EchipaIDEA TITLEPitchTeam Lead NameDiscord Name
1Echipa 1ArtOnDeveloping a hub to host online art (galleries) and streaming (eg. of Theatre productions).Atila GombosGombos Atila
2Echipa 2AutismVoiceLine1 in 59 children in Romania suffer from autism and now thei are isolated at home. The isolation generation a lot of problems and therapy regresion.An online complex, full, speciality hotline for families with children with autism isolated at home in Romania is a solution we propose.Nicoleta Mariana Orlea
3Echipa 3BioteqTesting Corona (and other viruses) is not that accurate or cheap to make, given the fact that it mutates a lot and very fast. Therefore we can contribute to the PCR process accuracy by extracting and offering better primers in order to identify as many strains as we can, while diminishing the false-positives. For this, I propose creating a platform & service (combining NCBI tools) which helps scientists designing their assays and get an idea about how well the final primers will perform, digitally, before taking them to the lab. SaaS with pay for what you use depending on the resources needed.Cosmin PoieanaCosmin Poieana
4Echipa 4Bit Triage (temporary)Electronic Health Records done right: developed with the help of users, not just for them.Daniel Stefan VisanDan Visan
5Echipa 5BuddyUpSocial isolation emotionally affects many people and inevitably decreases productivity. The “BuddyUp” mobile app connects people with similar passions, interests, activities through the right / left swipe system. Once connected, users will be able to compile TO DO lists with their partner, motivating each other. Belonging to such a community has a positive impact on all three human departments: emotionally, rationally and physically; evolving step by step.Miruna ToaderMiruna Toader
6Echipa 6BYEOVIDLack of sustainability in PPE production&waste collection thus proposing a circular economy projectAndreea Vasilcin
7Echipa 7Career education chatbotAn app for candidates to help them throughout the job search, application & selection process.Madalina PartoacaMadalina Partoaca
8Echipa 8Citizen scientists agains coronaA mechanical turk that filters fake news through user based documentary researchDragos Bordescudragos.bordescu
9Echipa 9Brigh Light WebLiviu OlosLiviu Olos
10Echipa 10Covid-19 Destination Form and TrakingDestination Form and Traking, for people who wanna leave their housesApostol Stefan MihaiApostol Stefan
11Echipa 11DeepCrisisDeepCrisis is the Operating System for Managing Future Pandemics and CrisesYacine Bouchrika
12Echipa 12Defend-wearThrough the clothing we wear we could address more appropriately air pollution threat, which besides the recent COVID-19 includes bacteria, viruses, pollen and other allergies, chemical hazards and so on. We look for suppliers of best natural textiles (wool, linen and hemp) which are to be enhanced with antiviral and antibacterial chemical treatments, but also with technology beyond state of the art (like 3D and ink printed electronics and active sensors). Our response to COVID-19 is modular clothing that integrates textiles treated with antiviral and anti-bacteria coatings and integrates face-masks and face shields into a coherent defence system.Razvan ValceanuRazvan Valceanu
13Echipa 13Defense VirusesPlatform and mobile application that gather all the information about a virus or a new virus that can appear anytime. Basically this will be an ofical application and only oficial peoaple form health care(like doctors) to add information there. Through gather information I am refering to have in one place everything that you need: The start day of the virus, how the disease evolves to the first person was cured, this indication should came from all the doctors that was involved. That platform also contains option for volunteer to enroll for the people that need help, also to be a comunity for doctors from the entire world to share the information and also for the people that are in isolation to have some fun togheter. I would like to add more but I think it reach the limit.Petre Iulian Timisiulian.timis
14Echipa 14Digital school for doctorsMost doctors are unfamiliar with the technology, due to the coronavirus epidemic more and more clinics and hospitals have created online consultation platforms, but the big problem with these platforms is the reluctance of doctors to use them. Inspired by the project for teachers, we aim to make a similar solution, digital education for doctors, to increase the interest of medical staff for the digital area and to implement new solutions in the follow-up of patients at a distance.Cucos FlorinFlorin Cucos
15Echipa 15Epidemologic TrackerDuring these times, a big problem is related to find the epidemiologic history of each person infected with covid 19. My idea is to develop a mobile app, where each user can track his interaction with other peoplePantilimon Andrei Lucian
16Echipa 16FiiLocalThe crisis generated by COVID-19 could make 150.000 Romanian companies go bankrupt in less than a year. Among the hardest-hit industries are restaurants, catering, entertainment and clothing. Our solution, in the form of a mobile platform, comes to support the local businesses, which pivoted to delivery in order to survive and make them easily available to their target customers. We believe that FiiLocal is not only an App but a social movement to save Romania from bankruptcy and Romanians from losing their job.Ana-Arina RaileanuArina Raileanu
17Echipa 17Help for HireThere is a lack of a platform in Romania where you can ask someone to help you and pay for it.Tushar Advanitushi860
18Echipa 18iDareYouThis is an mobile app which will connect you with your friends to give or receive dares related physical activities. No more slaking and excuses to not work out in the house ! Give your friend 5 push-ups dare to complete! Receive the notification that he finished! Participate in group dares and get points as you finish the dares ! Get closer with your friends, get new friends and get in shape in no time ! It's the best combination of wokring out, socialize and get motivated with your competitive group of friends!Meder RobertRobert Meder
19Echipa 19InhlAidWe are developing a mobile app which aims to improve the health and well-being of people whom have suffered trauma from Covid-19. The app will be paired with an Apple Watch or a Xiaomi Mi band and it will track breathing exercices. We will develop personal exercises for each user and by this, help them overcome some of the pulmonary parameters that they might have lost.Razvan Mihai Cretu
20Echipa 20Life e-LearningThe project “Life e-Learning” is built around the development of an advanced multilingual scalable micro-video (3-6min) platform with a radiant user experience that interconnects the formal, non-formal and informal learning content and creates a safe and attractive environment for learners and educational content creators.Anna Meraamera
21Echipa 21LOVESCOPEAccording to statistics and my personal experience, loneliness is one of the biggest problems the modern world is facing. Despite all the social tools and dating apps available, we are very challenged by finding meaningful relationships. The struggle is real. I think that these tools are not helping enough, because the potential matches they offer are based more on shallow criteria and less on personality compatibility. My idea is to develop a LOVING app, that will apply by default a worldwide popular personality compatibility filter. LOVESCOPE will promote the idea of connecting and relating with others to form relationships with purpose.Anda TepeiAnda Tepei
22Echipa 22Mask Radar web platformWeb platform to simplify Co-VID prevention equipment supply chain.Tudor Vlad Beleutatudor_beleuta
23Echipa 23MediNavThe AI medical expert that frees up doctors’ time with patients and digitizes interactionsAdina Wanda FiatWanda Fiat
24Echipa 24MHFA ( Mental Health First Aid)Only a healthy mind can lead to a healthy and happy lifeCristina Loredana NinaLori Nina
25Echipa 25News AI (name still pending)Each day thousands of fake news articles. Scan the web for them and report them to authorities.Jimmy Nastasejimmynastase
26Echipa 26Notary OnlineCurrently in Romania if you are starting or modifying a company you need to have certain documents proven by a notary. My solution would be to use a platform where you can connect with a notary in order to generate the needed documents online.Alexandru MotoonuAlexandru Motoonu
27Echipa 27Oldie but GoldieDemoralized seniors; Organising videoconferences with their loved ones, doctors and psychologists.Nemeș Silvia Amalia
28Echipa 28One Time Jobs PlatformProblem: People constantly need money, but a lot of employees had to fire or send into technical unemployment a lot of people whose jobs were not that essential to the survival of the business through the crisis. There are still times when the owners need the competences&skills of those employees. The solution: a platform which also works as a temporary work agency so companies don’t have to waste time&resources on recruitment, contracts, salaries and payment of contributions&taxes. This is a quick& budget friendly alternative for people and companies who don’t want to engage in a long-term collaboration.Diana Ioana StereaDiana Sterea
29Echipa 29Online Education for Everyone - remove the veil of inequality100 vulnerable children don’t have access to GSuite for education, let’s give them tech and support.Mariana CiucaMarianaCiuca
30Echipa 30Pedal tapPedal tap would prevent the spread of the virus, as people do not touch water taps with their hands.David-Florentin ChiritaDavidChirita
31Echipa 31PlasmatchA platform that helps critical COVID-19 patients get faster access to plasma from already recovered donors.Tiberius PircalabuTiberius Pircalabu
32Echipa 32quarantiMeplatforms that allow you to discover people of different specialities that are willing to share their knowledge with you on a videochat call. everything is free of charge. if users donate, we donate everythingStefan Filip
33Echipa 33Rebels with a cause.International Full Medical History RecordDean SmithDean Howard Smith
34Echipa 34ScarecityA platform that connects HoReCa businesses with part-time employees.Sebastian MacoveiSebastian Macovei
35Echipa 35SUPPLIEDSUPPLIED helps you choose what, when and how much should you buy based on forecastingMunteanu Iulian-AlexandruAlex Munteanu
36Echipa 36SusTrackPeople that come from COVID-19 red zones aren't tracked properly because of the lack of an integrated system, and the individuals are found randomly on the streets by the police. If these individuals go to a hospital to do a check, the medical doctors have difficulty in tracking their provenience so that they can protect the medical staff or alert the authorities if necessary. Also, for the family doctor is hard to have access to this type of information for their patients, or to report a COVID-19 incident if they have to.Alex IuonutAlex Iuonut
37Echipa 37Tech2GrowPeople are unique. Learning should be unique as well. Using technology, we discover your own unique methods of learning and we build a unique profile of each learner and propose a personalized mix training program (online, classroom and 1:1 ). The outcome: knowledge or skills people should acquire by the end of the program, and help people understand why that knowledge and those skills will be useful to them.Adrian CioroianuAdrian Cioroianu
38Echipa 38TeleradiologieProbleme adresate: Evitarea contactului uman inutil (medic-pacient), numarul mic de medici radio-imagisti supra-specializati si lipsa accesului la acestia a pacientilor in general si a pacientilor din arii geografice greu accesibile sau cu focare Covid -19, in particular. Solutia propusa este o platforma de teleradiologie si imagistica care sa permita incarcarea examinarilor radio-imagistice de orice tip si vizualizarea acestora de catre medicul cu cea mai potrivita experienta, urmata de eliberarea unui rezultat, clar, concis si relevant pentru planul de tratament al pacientului.Andreea LefterANDREEA LEFTER
39Echipa 39TeleVaccineRemotely delivering electromagnetic signatures of germs, interference waves, by using cellular network, via injectable substance.VizeAurelian Dorinvizedorin
40Echipa 40The internet of gardensAre you a little farmer and you don’t know how to sell your goods and are you dependent on the big retailers? Or are you looking for fresh goods and the only option are the tomatoes from Turkey? Our solution is to provide an end to end infrastructure to connect the little farmers and villagers with the people who are interested in their goods. This will imply an centralized platform, online market and a delivery solution based on advanced algorithms to optimize the resources for a shorter path from the farmer’s garden to the people’s kitchen.Cindea Laurentiu BogdanLaurentiu Cindea
41Echipa 41TootingAre you trying to find a tutor for your child or for yourself? Look no further.Madalina MarinescuMadalina Marinescu
42Echipa 42UV-C Disinfection/sterilization deviceDisinfection/sterilization of medical/worker uniformsAndrut Alin LiviuAlin Andrut
43Echipa 43Virtual Medical CongressPost Covid19 doctors will travel less to international and national events, but they will be online! Medical companies and scientific societies will need an online platform to organise the events.Ion-Gheorghe PetrovaiIonGPetrovai
44Echipa 44WaaS - wellbeing as a serviceWe enable mental & physical health for teleworkers, while helping providers kickstart their businessAdrian BalaskoAdrian Balasko | WaaS
45Echipa 45WASTELYAvoid stock outs and reduce waste with an online stock database, meal planner and grocery listLiviu TudoranLiviu Tudoran