A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | |
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3 | NASA Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) | NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) paid internships allow high school and college-level students to contribute to the agency’s mission to advance science, technology, aeronautics, and space exploration. OSTEM internships offer students an opportunity to gain practical work experience while working side-by-side with mentors who are research scientists, engineers, and individuals from many other professions. Internships may be full time or part time on a NASA center or facility. Join our NASA team and gain valuable on-the-job experience, build your resume, and strengthen your career readiness. We offer three sessions annually, so visit our website often for opportunities. | GRADES 6-12 - VARIES BY OPPORTUNITY | SUMMER | Summer 2025 and FALL 2025 | 2025 Internship Application Deadlines: Summer 2025: Feb. 28, 2025 Fall 2025: May 16, 2025 | https://stemgateway.nasa.gov/public/s/explore-opportunities | ||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Democracy Scholars Program at NYU Wagner | The Democracy Scholars Program at NYU Wagner School of Public Service offers current high school juniors the chance to reside at NYU for 3 weeks over the summer, learn from NYU professors in a discussion-based seminar, receive guided college application support, and work in teams on a civic engagement project throughout the 2025-26 academic year. | Grade 11 | Summer | July 6 - 26 | Free | Thursday, March 27th | https://connect.nyu.edu/register/?id=00c3a68d-0516-4aef-853f-3f801946adbf open on Feb 17th | https://wagner.nyu.edu/democracy-scholars There is an online information session on Tuesday, 2/18 from 5:30 - 6:30 PM. You can know about the program in more detail, full application process, and hear about students' experiences. Interested students, school staff and faculty members. Information Session Registration Link: https://nyu.zoom.us/meeting/register/1lk0tlqUTxqEfuxZ4xcFOw | More information sessions will be hosted in March if students are unable to attend Tuesday, 2/18. Please feel free to email democracyscholars@nyu.edu with any questions that may arise. | FLYER | democracyscholars@nyu.edu | |||||||||||||||
5 | Biobus | BioBus, Inc. is seeking high school students with a passion for science exploration, and an interest in gaining research and teaching experience. Interns will receive training and mentorship by research scientists, while developing their own independent projects using research-grade microscopes. They will also gain teaching and leadership experience by serving as co-instructors in our science events and programs. The BioBus Team aims to address historic inequalities in education and STEM by giving preference to students that self-identify as a member of groups historically excluded from STEM and/or economically disadvantaged. BioBus is accepting applications for three high school internship programs, the Lower East Side Junior Scientist Internship, the Harlem Women in STEM Junior Scientist internship, and the Harlem Junior Scientist Internship. | Grade 9-11 | Academic Year + Summer (Paid) | July - August 2025 10am-5pm September - June 2026 | Free | Apply Here | https://www.biobus.org/ | Marina Delgado, marina@biobus.org, Lower East Side Rob@biobus.org, Harlem Location | Biobus org-wide Internship description2025-2026 | |||||||||||||||||
6 | 2025 NYC Votes Youth Ambassador Program | Spring: June (Virtual) Summer: July - August (In-person at 100 Church Street office in Manhattan) Fall: September - November (Virtual + Optional) As we enter an important election year it is important to make sure all New Yorkers voices are heard. Now more than ever we must work together to educate and mobilize our communities about the importance of civic engagement--especially at the local level.This deadline to apply is February 28 @ 5pm. Extensions will not be granted under any circumstances. | Grade 9-12 | Academic Year + Summer | May - August, with an option to stay on through November 2025. | earn up to $500 per month for 10-15 hours of work | This deadline to apply is February 28 @ 5pm. Extensions will not be granted under any circumstances. | We are hosting an information session on February 19 @ 6pm on Zoom. Register for that session here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/qFKwkrtGQAu3je6OTA6F5w#/registration | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Center for Excellence in Youth Education(CEYE) | CEYE will be offering three competitive programs for Summer of 2025. Introduction to Bionformatics (virtual with three mandatory in-person events), Medical and Scientific Exploration (virtual with three mandatory in-person events) and Internship Placement Programs (fully in-person). Please read the following for more information CEYE 2025 Summer Application Instructions.pdf | Grade 9-12 | Summer | July 7 - August 15, 2025 | Free | Sunday, February 16th, 2025 | Apply Here | CEYE 2025 Summer Application Instructions.pdf | CEYEApplications@mssm.edu | |||||||||||||||||
8 | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | The Summer Student Program is designed for high school students who are interested in pursuing careers in the biomedical sciences. Students will have a chance to take part in an 8-week, biomedical or computational lab-based internship in a Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) research lab. Students are paired with a mentor who supervises their activities, helping them develop appropriate technical skills. Over the course of the internship, students complete a self-directed project that supports the Principal Investigator’s overall research objectives. Through participation in laboratory meetings and program sessions, students are exposed to a variety of people within their assigned laboratories and MSK community. (Paid Internship: $1,200 for the Summer) | Grade 9-12 (Must be 14 years of older by June 2025) | Summer | June 30 - August 22, 2025 | Free | Friday, February 7th, 2025 | Apply Here | Summer Student Program | ||||||||||||||||||
9 | Columbia Climate School Climate, Earth, and Society | The Columbia Climate School in Green Mountains, a 2-week campus-based program in Vermont for high school students to mobilize action, drive impact, and effect change in response to our warming planet. Engage with experts from Columbia Climate School and learn about cutting-edge innovations in action. Meet, collaborate, and build partnerships with like-minded students and tap into collective strengths for actions. | Grade 9-12 | Summer | June 29 - July 11, 2025 (13 days) | $6,890 plus travel fees Scholarship Available | Rolling Admissions Process | APPLY HERE | Putney Student Travel - 802-387-5000 | columbiaclimateschool@goputney.com | |||||||||||||||||
10 | Fordham University STEP at Lincoln Center | Fordham Univeristy's Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) is a rigourous pre-college academic enrichment program designed to prepare students in middle school and high school for post secondary students and careers in math, science, technology, health-related fields and licensed professions. STEP seeks to increase the representation of historically underrepresented or economically disadvantaged students in these fields. | Grade 7-12 | Academic Year Summer | Saturdays, February 15 -April 26, 2025 (8 Sessions) | FREE to Apply Registration Fee: $150 Annual Parent Fee: $20 Scholarship Available | Extended Deadline: Friday, February 7, 2025 | APPLY HERE | Econny Escoto, Assistant Director - 646-293-3980 Emely Camilo, Counselor - 646-312-8733 | ||||||||||||||||||
11 | Free pre-health program Columbia Neurology ACComPLISHED | The Columbia University Neurology Department has a pre-professional health program for NYC students called ACComPLISHED this summer. They have a virtual open house on February 15th. Students learn about medicine and community health from physicians and graduate students while completing a project under the mentorship of medical, dental, and public health students. We meet weekly virtually on Saturdays from June 21st-August 30th from 12-2PM and there are office hours each week. Students learn about stroke, dementia, epilepsy, depression, diabetes, hypertension, and more. We also have monthly in-person sessions at the medical campus with CPR, first aid, simulations, standardized patients, poster presentations, and more. | Grade 9-12 | Summer Program | Hybrid: Saturdays, June 21-Aug 30 | FREE | Decisions are Rolling Deadlines to apply: Early: January 25 Regular 1: February 15 Regular 2: March 15 Late: April 25 | APPLY HERE | Virtual Open House on Feb 15th from 12-2pm. ACComPLISHED Community Health Worker Program | ||||||||||||||||||
12 | Graduation Gift TDF Membership | This program offers a free one-year TDF Membership to all graduating seniors from NYC public and charter high schools. TDF Members can purchase deeply discounted tickets online for Broadway, Off-Broadway, Off-Off Broadway, music, opera and dance performances up to 70% off. Tickets range from $11 to $60. Graduation Gift TDF Members also receive access to exclusive special offers. Additionally, every student who signs up for the Graduation Gift TDF Membership can enter a drawing to win up to two FREE tickets to see one of two hit Broadway musicals on Wednesday, May 7 at 7 p.m.: Hell's Kitchen at the Shubert Theatre and SIX at the Lena Horne Theatre. A celebration kicks off at TDF's TKTS Booth and the red steps in Times Square earlier that evening. | Grade 12 | Membership | FREE | SIGN UP HERE | SEE FLYER | gradgift@tdf.org | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | The Paley Museum | The Paley Museum is offering a series of free podcast workshops for students to gain experience in the growing field of audio storytelling. Using professional-grade production equipment including microphones, recorders and digital audio workstations, participants will record, write, and sound-design their own audio stories, combining interviews, music, sound effects, and field recordings. Our free podcasting program is here to help teens unleash their creativity and find their voice. | Grades 9-12 | Extra-curricular | Spring 2025 | FREE | ASAP | Use QR code on flyer to apply | SEE FLYER | snatoli@paleycenter.org | T 212.621.6818 C 917.364.6323 | |||||||||||||||||
14 | Borough of Manhattan Community College's Science & Technology Entry Program (BMCC STEP) | What is BMCC STEP? A program designed to increase the participation rate of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students in mathematics, science, technology, and health related fields. BMCC STEP provides NYC students in the 8th through 12th grades with a range of academic enrichment courses, research experience, and special programs in science, mathematics, and technology content areas. Program Details Location: Borough of Manhattan Community College, 199 Chambers Street New York, NY 10007 | Grades 8-12 | Academic | February 28th, 2025 - May 30th, 2025 (Fridays from 4:00pm - 7pm, College Readiness will take place on Thursdays from 4-7 pm as well) | FREE | February 14, 2025 | APPLY HERE | SEE FLYER | Email mccstep@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||
15 | Bossgirls Summer Program | Learn Entrepreneurship & Build Valuable Skills This Summer! The Bossgirls Summer Program at CCNY empowers high school girls and nonbinary students (current 9th-12th graders) to explore entrepreneurship and develop practical problem-solving skills. Through interactive lessons, hands-on activities, and teamwork, you’ll learn how to design, prototype, and pitch your ideas. | Grade 9-12 | Summer Program | June 30-July 31, 2025 | FREE | March 31, 2025 | ccny.cuny.edu/zahn/bossgirls | https://attachments.office.net/owa/NAlba3%40schools.nyc.gov/pdfprint.aspx?id=AAMkAGFhNmIzN2E5LTI5MDgtNGZlMS04ODRhLTU0MDJlNjU2OWZhOABGAAAAAABpOuHUEL4SS6nDy7DfcCvSBwCHvmwiW2cxQaAOUjC%2BySucAAAANhPbAADjDioEz5Z%2FT599wqTPh75EAAfpxlCsAAABEgAQADFtk%2BuJh8dEj79rrNP4zxE%3D&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkEzMDVCMkU1Q0ZERjFGQTFBODgyNTU2MzM3NDhCQkNBRTAxNUU5OTIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiJvd1d5NWNfZkg2R29nbFZqTjBpN3l1QVY2WkkifQ.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.cZx06xiqwCC9_XxI3oCaIy9Zy1wgmMmPaBzIcPDqqmXTNMSKLDB7BJQIZ9feM16DMRrTlR3cwgDs2lHITJBmvoHZPaS1up2kAw8z5wmctUprIrWOB5Eu91ZvcvGNEHb7ZZcNqFSeC5OG_Wnl56pYxiSPUTX2S9Xwbjbp7GAqpRvvUo1yxjBH1K8H5GUK0gGPA3T4EwsBeOAm2k0aEV0J6ADpVUCf4UQcYYxO6fsDTunUPpdgSPv-S_XYJRBCkIooYQAqCZLkfeuY_UmK6lo9FsWviNkaVW2DYt0HeOFKGnAjNdzgKjOO-phEyWCRaD695-yJ8PyRz7E9uWRaAn8hkg&X-OWA-CANARY=wTQ4TR1fwsEAAAAAAAAAAPCbdNLANN0YbWrCheSXroUTEnGbMZw1BYR6KKwaqDPL1Rx8vCGUTZk.&owa=outlook.office.com&scriptVer=20250103002.10&clientId=3DF074552AD84EBC923ADC6564294661&animation=true | ||||||||||||||||||
16 | Vibraye Summer Table Tennis Camp in France | All skill levels are welcome! This camp is appropriate for adults and children ages 10 & up. Train with experienced and friendly coaches in a large training facility in Vibraye, France! Visit historical, cultural, and natural sights in Paris and Vibraye! Head Coach: Damien Provost 2024 #1 Ranked Player in Spain 2021 French Nationals Bronze Medalist Camp Fee: $2,500 per person, double occupancy includes coaching, lodging, meals and excursions (not included: flights to/from Paris, incidentals) | Grade 5 and up for students | Summer camp | July 4 - 21, 2025 | $2500 per person | https://pongspace.com/product/summer-camp-2/ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie_57qWEZj8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lo5eipnsZN9SYH6BEBwwbbUuAypxOmQT/view | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | Girls Who Code | 🌟 Summer Immersion Program (SIP): Join the ultimate summer squad! Spend two weeks in live virtual classrooms, Monday through Friday. Design computer games to show off to friends or add to college apps. Find a squad of friends and mentors who’ll cheer you on. Get practical college and career advice from industry leaders. The Summer Immersion Program (SIP) is a two-week live virtual classroom experience where students will meet like-minded peers as they design creative computer games, gain practical college and career advice from industry professionals, and explore tech careers. Eligible applicants can apply for a $300 SIP Student Grant, plus laptop and hotspot access. | Girls grades 9-12 | Summer Immersion Program | SIP Round 1: July 7-July 18 SIP Round 2: July 28-August 8 | FREE | Apply by February 26th for priority consideration! The application closes on April 11th. | Apply | Questions? Email us at summer@girlswhocode.com. | ||||||||||||||||||
18 | Manhattan District Attorney’s Office | The Manhattan District Attorney’s High School Internship Program is a rigorous five-week internship that provides students with an insider’s view of the criminal justice system. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in workshops and discussions, participate in a mock trial program, develop professionalism in an office setting, and more. Interns will be paid minimum wage. Eligibility Applicants must reside in Manhattan (no exceptions) Applicants must be current sophomores, juniors, or seniors Applicants must commit to attending the full five-week session from June 30, 2025 – August 1, 2025 Interns will participate in-person Monday through Friday from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Application Requirements Eligible applicants must provide the following: One-page resume 300-word essay discussing your interest in criminal justice (for example, you may submit an essay discussing what “one standard of justice for all” means to you) | Grade 10-12 | Internship | June 30, 2025 – August 1, 2025 | PAID | March 12, 2025 at 5pm EST | Apply | Info session 2/6 at 6 pm | https://manhattanda.org/careers/internship-opportunities/high-school-internship/ | FLYER | ||||||||||||||||
19 | National Museum of Mathematics | Summer 2025 High School Integrators program Each summer, MoMath accepts a very limited number of mathematically-talented high school students for ongoing volunteer roles in the Museum, offering a unique opportunity to improve interpersonal and communication skills, explore mathematical concepts, and learn valuable job skills. Students who participate in the summer program must commit to volunteer for five (eight-hour) days a week, including a Saturday or Sunday, for a minimum of eight weeks during the summer. Learn more at integrators.momath.org. | Grades 9-12 | Summer Program | Memorial Day to Labor Day | FREE | April 2025 | To apply, download the application form at momath.org/integrators/apply. | https://momath.org/jobs/#student_integrators | View upcoming events at momath.org/calendar (212) 542-0566 225 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 | |||||||||||||||||
20 | Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship | The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship helps students interested in computer science and engineering. The Amazon Future Engineer program will award 400 students up to $40,000 each toward college expenses, paired with opportunities to intern at Amazon. Amazon is taking action to expand opportunities for students to study engineering and programming and create the diverse tech industry our future requires. | Seniors | Scholarship | December 19, 2024, 3:00PM CT | https://scholarshipamerica.org/amazonfutureengineer/?utm_source=MCHe4&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=AFE2025 Application criteria: - You're planning to pursue a computer science or engineering degree in college - you need to have taken computer science or engineering classes in high school or at a college dual program, or currently be enrolled in one. Students who have not taken this course can opt-in to take an assessment offered by Amazon. - a notable need for financial assistance - at least a 2.3 cumulative GPA (Scholarship America will adjust your GPA appropriately if it’s not based on a 4.0 scale) - Employment authorization must be valid for at least 2 years. | https://scholarshipamerica.org/amazonfutureengineer/?utm_source=MCHe4&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=AFE2025 FAQ https://scholarshipamerica.org/amazonfutureengineer/?utm_source=MCHe4&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=AFE2025 | amazonfutureengineer@scholarshipamerica.org | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | KPMG Future Leaders Program | This program is dedicated to strengthening the diversity pipeline of women pursuing careers in business and STEM. The program provides annual college scholarships, ongoing leadership development, and mentorship to support their educational journeys. 22 recipients will be selected and notified by an independent selection by April 15, 2025 Each year, the KPMG Future Leaders Program awards 22 outstanding high school female seniors with: 1. An annual scholarship of $10,000 annually for four years to a 4-year undergraduate college or university program 2. A Virtual KPMG Future Leaders Retreat (in July 2025) and ongoing support that will focus on leadership training, the college transition, and career development. 3. A pairing with a mentor for one year; the mentor being a female executive who attended the KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit. | Female high school senior planning to enroll in a four-year undergraduate program for in Fall 2025. | Leadership Opportunity | July 2025 | FREE | Sun. February 02, 2025, 12:59 AM | https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/scholarships/KPMGFutureLeaders2025 - Provide a statement of financial need in the essay section (household income NOT to exceed $75,000 per year). - Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 or higher. - Demonstrate exceptional academic and leadership ability. - Exhibit strong community involvement. - Provide a letter of recommendation from a community or school organization - a copy of their FAFSA application or Student Aid Report (SAR) | https://kpmg.com/us/en/careers-and-culture/womens-leadership/future-women-leaders.html#:~:text=Funded%20by%20the%20proceeds%20from%20the%20KPMG%20Women%E2%80%99s,growth%20throughout%20their%20college%20experience%20with%20annual%20schola | georgia@foresight-strategies.com | |||||||||||||||||
22 | Sonia & Celina Sotomayor Judicial Internship Program | The High School Division of the Sonia & Celina Sotomayor Judicial Internship Program (The Sotomayor Program) encourages diverse and underrepresented high school students from communities among the five New York City boroughs to pursue careers in the law. The High School Division of the Sonia & Celina Sotomayor Judicial Internship Program (The Sotomayor Program) encourages diverse and underrepresented high school students from communities among the five New York City boroughs to pursue careers in the law. Selected students will spend the summer interning for a state or federal judge in New York City while participating in supplemental educational programming, college preparation, and mentorship opportunities. To Apply, you must: Be a current high school junior (rising senior in the summer of 2025) Reside and attend school in the five boroughs of New York City Provide the Sotomayor Program with a Student General Employment Certificate (available through your school) Agree to attend a one-day orientation in May 2025 (date TBD) and be available throughout July 2025 for your internship and programming | Current Juniors | Internship | Summer 2025 | FREE | January 31st, 2025. | Fill out Google form One Letter of Recommendation (sent separately to hsapplications@scsjip.org) Student working papers/Student General Employment Certificate (sent separately to hsapplications@scsjip.org) | https://www.scsjip.org/highschooldivision | ||||||||||||||||||
23 | Princeton Summer Journalism Program | This program is a year-long, tuition-free college access program at Princeton University for current juniors from lower-income backgrounds who are interested in journalism. Our goal is to diversify the organizations that shape our democracy by celebrating the connection between journalism and social change. During the 2025-2026 program year, participants will complete a hybrid summer intensive that culminates in a 10-day residential experience on the Princeton University campus, where students will attend workshops by Princeton professors and professional journalists, visit real newsrooms, report on news stories, and learn skills and techniques of the trade to publish their own student newspaper, the Princeton Summer Journal. Eligibility: To apply for PSJP, students must: ~Be a current junior (class of 2026) in high school at the time of application. No exceptions. ~Reside in the United States or Puerto Rico and plan to attend a domestic 4-year college. Students living broad, including U.S. citizens, or international students boarding in the U.S. will not be considered under any circumstances. ~Have a minimum unweighted grade point average of 3.5 out of 4.0 (roughly an A- average). ~Have an interest in journalism. ~Meet at least one of the socioeconomic conditions below: ~The combined income of your parent(s)/guardian(s) plus child support payments, if any, must not exceed $60,000. ~You qualify for free or reduced-price lunch in your high school. ~You qualify for a SAT or ACT fee waiver. | 11th Grade | Summer Program | Summer Years 2025-2026 | All program expenses during the residential experience, including housing, meals, and transportation to Princeton University, will be covered by the program. | Applications are due: Monday, February 24, 2025 | https://precollege.princeton.edu/portal/psjp_application | Sign up for information session on Wednesday, December 11th,2024. https://psjp.princeton.edu/apply/connect-psjp | psjp.princeton.edu | |||||||||||||||||
24 | Summer Arts Institute | Summer Arts Institute is a free, four-week arts program for New York City Public School students entering grades 8 through 12 in Fall 2025 (students currently in grades 7 through 11). This intensive program is held at Frank Sinatra School of the Arts in Astoria, Queens. Summer Arts Institute is administered by the NYCDOE’s Office of Arts and Special Projects. Students can major in dance, theater, instrumental music, orchestral strings, vocal music, film, or visual arts. The program is designed for students at an intermediate or advanced level of study in their discipline. The daily schedule includes studio work and experiences with professional artists. In the studios, students develop and improve their technical skills and creative expression in their art form. Time is dedicated to rehearsals, attending professional performances, visiting arts venues and exploring careers. The Institute culminates with an exhibition and performance showcasing the students’ work. | Grades 8-12 | Summer program | Program Dates: July 7 – August 1, 2025 | FREE | Applications are due by 10:00 pm on February 26, 2025. All audition submission materials are due by 10:00 pm on March 2, 2025. | https://tinyurl.com/SummerArtsInstitute2025 | https://sites.google.com/schools.nyc.gov/summerartsinstitute2025/home | summerartsinstitute@schools.nyc.gov | |||||||||||||||||
25 | Baruch STEP Academy | In-Person: BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Morning Session: Double Period This seminar is designed to provide students with the opportuniy to create research projects based on their interests. Students will develop skills in critical thinking, presentation methods, and performing scholary research. Afternoon Session: Workshops, panels, and college counseling. Remote Program: KAPLAN SCHOLARS Cost: $175 SAT Test Preparation Grades 10 & 11 9 Intensive Virtual Sessions Two Practice Exams General Program Information ~Noncredit bearing courses ~ In-person programming is on the Baruch College campus ~ Commitment to the schedule is required ~ Students from charter, public, private and homeschooled can apply ~ Students can enroll in ONE in-person high school program and the online SAT program at the same. Eligibilty ~ New York State resident ~ 80 average in Math, Science, English, and overall GPA ~ Member of historically underrepresented groups Application Materials ~ School Transcript ~ Recent Report Card/ Progress Report (Oct/Nov) ~ Personnal Essay ~ STEM teacher contact information for recommendation ~ IRS Form 1040 | Grades 9-12 | In-Person & Remote | In-Person programs will operate over 12 Saturday sessions from January 25th- April 26th. Time: 9AM - 2PM Semester breaks: February 22nd and April 19th Remote program will operate Mondays & Wednesdays, March 10 - April 7 / 7PM - 9PM | Kaplan Scholars Cost: $175 Remote program | Admissions Dates- Priority Deadline: December 6 | Regular Deadline: December 20 | Academic Enrichment Program https://baruch.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0JSkgpSkJBxAJhk Research Seminar Program https://baruch.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6rlhEjiHwIeZQUu Kaplan Scholars Program https://baruch.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_29MfrH3jkie7OMC | https://step.baruch.cuny.edu/ | IN PERSON FLYER | |||||||||||||||||
26 | Game Design & Coding Tutorship | Join this student-led program in game design and coding! The tutorship is free to attend and we are hosting it throughout the year. NEST+m students of all ages can come and learn game design. | Grades 5-12 | Virtual Program | Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 on Zoom | FREE | ongoing | Join Google Classroom sv4by2y | SEE FLYER | Join the Google Classroom and ask your questions there! | SEE FLYER | ||||||||||||||||
27 | Summer High School Academic Program for Engineers (SHAPE) | It is a pre-college program geared toward students with a curiosity for STEM. Each 3-week session (July 7 - July 25, 2025; July 28 - Aug 15, 2025) offers college-level, project-based courses in engineering taught by a diverse group of faculty at Columbia University. It is a pre-college program geared toward students with a curiosity for STEM. Each 3-week session (July 7 - July 25, 2025; July 28 - Aug 15, 2025) offers college-level, project-based courses in engineering taught by a diverse group of faculty at Columbia University. Courses will include Biomedical Engineering, Machine Learning, and more! | rising sophomores, juniors, seniors, and recent high school graduates | Summer Academic Program | Summer 2025 will have two sessions, each lasting three weeks (Session 1: July 7 - July 25; Session 2: July 28 - August 15), and each day goes from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. | The total cost for the commuter session is $5,875. We are also thrilled to announce we will offer a residential option during session one for students to live on-campus. The total cost for residential is $10,790. Need-based scholarships are available for both options! Every summer almost 30% of students receive full financial aid. | The priority enrollment deadline will be December 18 and those who are interested are strongly encouraged to apply by then because space is limited. | https://outreach.engineering.columbia.edu/content/shape-summer-high-school-academic-program-engineers. We invite you to an online information session on December 2nd or December 3rd, if you are interested in learning about the program, please sign up here | If you have any questions about SHAPE, please contact our team directly via shape@columbia.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
28 | Columbia University Engineering the Next Generation (ENG) | Engineering the Next Generation (ENG) is a summer research opportunity for rising seniors (current 11th graders) with a passion for engineering and a curiosity for hands-on research. Over six weeks, students collaborate with Columbia Engineering researchers on real-world projects, build academic and professional skills, and engage in multi-level mentorship to prepare for their future in STEM. | rising seniors (current juniors) | Summer 2025 | https://outreach.engineering.columbia.edu/eng | (646) 745-8422 engineeringoutreach@columbia.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Columbia Engineering's Summer High School Academic Program for Engineers (SHAPE) | Columbia Engineering's Summer High School Academic Program for Engineers (SHAPE) is a pre-college program for rising sophomores, juniors, seniors, and recent high school graduates. SHAPE is geared toward students with a curiosity for STEM. The courses are college-level, project-based, and taught by a diverse group of faculty at Columbia University. | Grades 10-12 | Summer program | Session 1: July 7 to July 25, 2025 Session 2: July 28 to Aug 15, 2025 | Commuter: $5,875 Residential: $10,790 (need-based scholarship available) | December 18 | APPLY HERE | MORE INFO | SEE FLYER | shape@columbia.edu | ||||||||||||||||
30 | Stanford Women in Medicine | Stanford Pre-Medical virtual mentorship program. Get paired with a current Stanford undergraduate woman mentor. Connect with other high school studnets around the world interested in medicine. Attend workshps on college admission and pre-med planning. Listen to world health leaders from Stanford Medical School, and more! Will receive a certificate of completion if you attend 90 % of events/meetings. | 9-12 | Career exploration | Free | December 12 | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPL8yJzus8JqLgp8i_LAozLv9as9kVlNGJ8oal-mcMwrVjpg/viewform | ||||||||||||||||||||
31 | College Now Spring 2025 Baruch College Program | Join us in the 2025 Spring Semester and earn FREE College Credit Courses. | Grades 11-12 | Academic program | January 25th, 2025 to May 22nd, 2025 | Free | Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at 5pm | For new students and students has applied or taken a course in other CUNY College Now programs https://cssa.cunyfirst.cuny.edu/psc/cnycsprd/GUEST/SA/c/OAA_ONLINE_APPLICATION.CU_ENTRY_VIST_PG.GBL?& For students who have applied a course in Baruch https://baruch.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Y4AwlaqKGuvZOK | https://collegenow.baruch.cuny.edu/ | https://collegenow.baruch.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2024/09/Spring-2025-College-Now-Flyer-2.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
32 | College Now Spring 2025 Baruch College STEM Research Academy | BIO 3002, a 1-credit research prep course, is offered at Baruch. The classes are in-person every Wednesday from 4:10 pm to 5:25 pm along with some remote sessions. Upon completing the spring course, you'll get the research opportunity in the summer. The summer research experience will come with mentorship & $1575 stipend! | Grades 10-11 | Academic program | January 25th, 2025 to May 22nd, 2025 | Free | Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at 5pm | For new students and students has applied or taken a course in other CUNY College Now programs https://cssa.cunyfirst.cuny.edu/psc/cnycsprd/GUEST/SA/c/OAA_ONLINE_APPLICATION.CU_ENTRY_VIST_PG.GBL?& For students who have applied a course in Baruch https://baruch.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Y4AwlaqKGuvZOK | https://collegenow.baruch.cuny.edu/ | https://collegenow.baruch.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2024/09/Spring-2025-STEM-RA-Flyer-2.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
33 | Chancellor’s Student Advisory Council (CSAC) | The Chancellor’s Student Advisory Council (CSAC) is recruiting changemakers! Our student members say, “CSAC is not only a group of advocates, but also a community of growth. Everyone is heard, everyone is included.” Apply to join us! No leadership experience is required. Are you a student changemaker? CSAC students collaborate with NYC Public School leaders, provide diverse student perspectives on equity in education, and serve as a hub for student voice in decision-making. Our advocacy areas include safety, mental health, diversity and inclusion, and student-teacher relationships. Check out our application for more program information about CSAC. | Grades 9-12 | Leadership | school year | FREE | Application EXTENDED Due Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 | APPLY HERE | SEE FLYER | Questions? Email Amallia Orman, Student Voice Manager, aorman3@schools.nyc.gov | SEE FLYER | ||||||||||||||||
34 | Spring 2025 CCNY STEM Program | A range of courses will be offered by City College of New York in Spring 2025. Students can earn up to 4 College Now credits. The courses include Human Biology, Financial Management, Startups (App Development or Entrepreneurship), Freshman Composition, Rocketry, Robotics, Designing Electric Skateboards, Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus I, Introduction to Journalism, Ideas of Physics, Applications of Psychology, and Introduction to Game Programming. | Grade 9-12 | Academic program | Fully In-Person, Saturdays, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, February 1st - May 17th, 2025. Time of weekday courses varies. | Free | December 7th, 2024. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis until December 10th, 2024, or until seats are filled. | https://stem-institute.dreamclass.io/pages/admissions/form/ANLEuu | https://steminstitutenyc.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||
35 | Thurgood Marshall Summer Law Internship Program (TMSLIP) | TMSLIP is an intensive internship program which places diverse New York City high school students with legal employers for the summer. Since 1993, this program has provided students with an experience designed to develop them as young professionals and expose them to the legal profession. We also provide students with additional programming in preparation for their summer internship and beyond. | 11th-12th at least 16 years old by June 1, 2025 | Internship | June 18 - Aug 28, 2025 6-8 weeks | Paid | Mon, Jan 6, 2025 by 11:59 pm | https://form.typeform.com/to/ae3lC9dS | Mary Ellen La Rosa mellenlarosa@nycbar.org | SEE FLYER | |||||||||||||||||
36 | Cornell Virtual Pre-Medical Conference | Virtual pre-medical conference for all high school and undergraduate students interested in health and medical professions | 9th-12th | Career exploration | December 7, 2024 - 9 am | Free | December 6, 2024 | https://weillcornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-F7cqSSdTO6S4NitQJ-gnQ#/registration | SEE FLYER | studentdiversity@med.cornell.edu | |||||||||||||||||
37 | Seeds of Fortune Inc.'s Yale Women in Economics Scholarship Program | Seeds of Fortune Inc. Scholars in Partnership with Yale Women in Economics is a 10-month program that delivers an Economics capstone project and college prep. Selected students will have access to: -10-month Program in college Admission & Financing (Monthly Workshops) -Capstone Research Project Mentored by Yale Women in Economics students -Virtual Yale Professor Lectures -All selected participants will receive a $2,000 scholarship automatically applied to cover the cost of program fees Qualifications: -Attend a Public or Parochial School -Identify as a Female Student of color (African-American, Asian-American, Latino, or Native American) -Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 -Household income not exceeding $125,000 Note: When filling out the application, please be sure to select our NEST+ representative, Arianna Sukhdeo, in the How Did You Hear About Us? section | High School Juniors/High School Graduation Class of 2026 | Academic program | A year-long (10 Months) program. The meeting will be held monthly March 2025 - May 2026 and 2 unexcused absences is allowed. The program is completely virtual, besides the mandatory in-person Boot Camp at Yale University, Sunday, July 27 - Thurs, July 31, 2025. All the meetings will be held virtually. | The program is free to students from HH incomes of $125K or less. A $75 commitment fee will be requested from the chosen Yale Women in Economics Scholars. Financial aid is available for those who cannot meet the commitment fee. *All other fees are generously underwritten by our corporate and college partners. | Here are 3 rounds to our application process: Phase 1: Submit your application by the deadline Early Deadline: December 31, 2024 Final Deadline: January 20, 2025 Phase 2: Semi-Finalist Selection & Notification Early Decision Applicants: January 7, 2025 Final Decision Applicants: January 24, 2025 Phase 3: Semi-Finalist Interviews January 30 & 31, 2025 Phase 4: Finalist Interviews February 13, 2025 Phase 5: Selected Candidates Announced Late February 2025 | https://www.seedsoffortune.org/apply | https://www.seedsoffortune.org/apply | Seed of Fortune at hello@seedsoffortune.org | |||||||||||||||||
38 | National Children's Chorus | Auditions are OPEN NOW for the National Children’s Chorus New York Chapter Spring 2025 Season! The GRAMMY® Award-winning National Children’s Chorus, with weekly rehearsals in Lincoln Center, provides children ages 5 to 18 the opportunity to learn and grow in an extraordinary musical environment. The country’s leading music educators work with students weekly to develop their vocal and musicianship skills from the most basic concepts through the college level. With a variety of introductory to advanced choir levels, there are opportunities for young singers of all ages and experiences. | K-12 | Extra currcular | ASAP | AUDITION ON 11/2 | https://nationalchildrenschorus.com/education/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Meyerhoff Scholars | You are invited to apply to join Meyerhoff Scholars, where you will: - Earn a four-year scholarship - Prepare for admission into STEM graduate programs (Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.) - Benefit from high-impact advising, mentoring, and coaching for academic success - Connect with faculty, peer, and alumni mentros - Engage in meaningful research on campus, across the nation, and around the globe | Grade 12 | Academic program | Priority deadline: December 1 Final Deadline: January 15 Initial decision letters mailed to program applicants: January 31 Final decision letters mailed to program candidates: April 1 Deadline to accept or decline award offer: May 1 | undergraduate.umbc.edu/meyerhoff To learn more | |||||||||||||||||||||
40 | NYU College & Career Lab | Grades 7 & Grade 8 | Academic program | https://collegecareerlab.hosting.nyu.edu/prospective-students/ | https://collegecareerlab.hosting.nyu.edu/prospective-students/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Board of Elections in the City of New York | Apply now on the NCC website to book an audition and attend the online information presentation on Saturday, November 2nd! | Grade 12 | Tuesday, November 5th, Working full day report at 5am until poll closes. Peak hour assistant shift at 3pm until poll closing. | Free | https://studentpollworker.vote.nyc/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
42 | The Perry Initiative | The Perry Outreach Program is a free, one-day, hands-on experience to encourage women to pursue careers in medicine and engineering. Students will hear from women leaders in these fields and try it for themselves by performing mock orthopaedic surgeries and biomechanics experiments. Although The Perry Initiative is focused on advancing women in engineering and medicine, all genders may apply to the program so long as they are committed to our mission. | Grades 10 and up | Saturday, December 7th, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm EST | Free | November 6th | https://perryinitiative.org/pop-application/ | www.perryinitiative.org | The Perry Initiative at melissa@perryinitiative.org | https://perryinitiative.org/event/perry-outreach-program-new-york-ny-3/ | melissa@perryinitiative.org | ||||||||||||||||
43 | The Borough of Manhattan Community College's Science & Technology Entry Program (BMCC STEP) | What is BMCC STEP? A program designed to increase the participation rate of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students in mathematics, science, technology, and health related fields. BMCC STEP provides NYC students in the 8th through 12th grades with a range of academic enrichment courses, research experience, and special programs in science, mathematics, and technology content areas. | Grade 8-12 | Academic | October 11th, 2024 - December 20th, 2024 (Fridays from 4:00pm - 7pm, College Readiness will take place on Thursdays from 4-7 pm as well) | FREE | 10/11/2024 | Application Link: BMCC STEP FALL 2024 Application | SEE FLYER | Cory Mcken, Co-Coordinator Darnell Benoit, Co-Coordinator Science & Technology Entry Program Borough of Manhattan Community College E: bmccstep@gmail.com | bmccstep@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||
44 | NYABJ's (New York Association of Black Journalists) High School Journalism Workshop | Founded in 1988, First Take provides high school students with hands-on training in print, broadcast, online and photo journalism through sessions led by media professionals.Journalists from ABC News, CBS News, CNN, The New York Times and other media outlets have volunteered as instructors. First Take alumni have gone on to have successful careers at ABC News, Fox 61 in Connecticut, Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, WPIX and other media outlets. The goal of First Take is to inspire Black students to pursue careers in journalism, a field in which people of color are underrepresented. But students of all ethnic backgrounds are welcome to apply. First Take students will be chaperoned. Lunch will be provided. PLACE: Most of the sessions will be held at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York, 219 W. 40th St. in Midtown Manhattan. (First Take participants will use the building entrance at 230 W. 41st St.) Also, there will be a few field trips to media outlets in New York City. ELIGIBILITY: High school students in the New York metro area who have an interest in the field of journalism are eligible to apply. Students must be able to attend all six Saturdays of First Take. Participating students who will be traveling to and from First Take by subway will be mailed MetroCards before the program begins. | Grades 9-12 | The 2025 program will take place on six consecutive Saturdays from Feb. 8 to March 15. The sessions will be held from 9 a.m. to noon except for two days, Feb. 22 and March 8, when they will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. | FREE | The application deadline is Friday, Dec. 6, 2024. | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGZ-8kDTLiHOO-RdBVjVF5dot3RPuEXDu4l1_NR2wq7ngE7g/viewform | NYABJ President Bonita Sostre at president@nyabj.org | president@nyabj.org | ||||||||||||||||||
45 | YVote Civic Fellowship program | The fellowship aims to bring together teens across the country to explore, analyze, and deliberate some of today's most pressing political & social issues. Youth who participate attend virtual Civic Forums in the fall, with the option to collaborate on a Civic Action Project in the spring. Join teens across the country at 4 virtual civic forums this fall, to strengthen your civic dialogue skills and explore political and social issues in a supportive space. This fall's topics will include: Civil Discourse/Dialogue, Voting Rights & Elections, Media Literacy & Democratic Integrity, and Freedom of Expression/Speech. You can earn a YVote Certificate of Civil Discourse for full participation. | Grade 9-12 | Virtual Forum | Sunday afternoons from 2-4pm (Oct 6, Oct 20, Nov 10 or 17, and Dec 8th) on Zoom | Free | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe79vjvoA0qF_wwSCauBENzqqXe9BUL80o3fRJn9pjDUWkLgg/viewform | https://www.yvoteny.org/civic-fellowship | |||||||||||||||||||
46 | International Young Researchers Conference (IYRC) STEM Winter Program | This STEM program is run under The International Young Researchers' Conference, a collaboration between Stanford and Columbia University. It features high school and college students from around the world to highlight various aspects of STEM disciplines and provide a platform for students to enhance skills in writing, discussions, and research. Students come from diverse backgrounds including international, low-income, and minority groups. STEM Learning: Deepen your knowledge in subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Computer Science, and Aerospace. Virtual Asynchronous and Synchronous Sessions: Experience interactive virtual sessions as well as deepen your understanding of the subjects at your own pace. | Grade 9-12 | Winter Program | November 23, 2024 to January 11, 2025 | Registration Program Fee: $249 You can find more details on the website: www.the-iyrc.org | Regular deadline: September 28 Late deadline: November 1 | https://stanforduniversity.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dilsZNxhcK8bSYu | https://www.the-iyrc.org/iyrcwinter.html | info@the-iyrc.org | info@the-iyrc.org | ||||||||||||||||
47 | The Baruch Academy- STEP | The Brauch STEP Academy is recuiting for its In-Person High School Fall 2024 Programs. It's a academic enrichment program with two morning courses and an aftrenoon workshop. The application deadline is September 26th at 8am. Application materials to be uploaded inculde the June 2024 final report card, high school transcript, and two 250-word essays. | Grade 9-12 | academic enrichment / college preparatory | September 28, 2024-December 7, 2024 In-Person: 9am-2pm. | Free | https://baruch.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eaglxWMIwP8bbyS | https://step.baruch.cuny.edu/ | BaruchSTEP@gmail.com Ms. Simone Web Assistant Director. | BaruchSTEP@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||
48 | ELMHURTS CENTER HIGH SCHOOL | South Asian Youth Action's Elmhurts Center is a after school program that are currently recuiting all high school students. They focus on developing SEL comptency, post secondary pathways and early career exposure. The program will be running from September 16th, 2024 to January 18th, 2025. Address: 54-05 SEABURY STREET ELMHURST N.Y. 11373. You can register now. | Grade 9-12 | Support | September 16, 2024-January 18, 2025 | Free | www.saya.org/ourprograms | Raymond Huang College Access and Success Program Manager South Asian Youth Action O: 718-651-3484 | |||||||||||||||||||
49 | ST HUBERT'S ANIMAL WELFARE CENTER | Registration is open for St. Hubert’s fall installment of Veterinary Careers Exploration for High School Students Hear firsthand from the experts about preparing and mastering vet school, choosing post-graduation careers, and get your questions answered! Saturday, October 19 live via ZOOM, 10 am-12 noon DST | Grade 9-12 | a virtual workshop | Saturday, October 19 live via ZOOM, 10 am-12 noon | free | https://www.sthuberts.org/humane-education | KAREN POTOCEK HUMANE EDUCATION MANAGER o: 973-377-7094 x234 e: kpotocek@sthuberts.org sthuberts.org | kpotocek@sthuberts.org | ||||||||||||||||||
50 | Swiss Institute | Teen Programs at Swiss Institute ! Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 *All programs are in-person, at Swiss Institute in the East Village* *All programs are paid opportunities at $16/hour* *Applications will be accepted through Sunday, Sept 29* | Grade 9-12 | Tuesdays, 4:30-6:30pm 15 sessions between October 22, 2024 and April 8, 2025 | EARN $16/hour | 9/29/2024 | APPLY HERE | Visit https://www.swissinstitute.net/education/teen-programs/ | education@swissinstitute.net | education@swissinstitute.net | |||||||||||||||||
51 | Big Apple College Fair | At the fair, you will have opportunity to communicate with college representatives from various states including Florida, California, Minnesota, Tennessee, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York. You can find out information on: Scholarships Degree Programs Study Abroad Internships and Job Placement You will have the chance to win a $2,500 one-time college scholarship by participating in our raffle at the college fair. The fair will be held at JACOB JAVITS CENTER, Hall 1A 655 W 34th Street New York, NY 10001 | high school seniors | college fair | September 29th, 2024 1pm - 4pm | free | www.bigapplecollegefair.com | Twitter: BACFIP Facebook: facebook.com/bigapplefair/ Instagram: bigapplecollegefair | |||||||||||||||||||
52 | Columbia University S-PREP | The State Pre-College Enrichment Program (S-PREP) is a free high school and college preparatory program designed for 7th - 12th grade students who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine or related STEM fields. Projects consist of academic year and summer components including: Core subject instruction/Regents exam preparation Supervised practical training Supervised research training College admissions counseling Standardized tests preparation Career awareness/development activities | 7th-12th | academic enrichment / college preparatory | November - May Every Saturday 9am-3pm in person | free | September 15th (11:59pm) | https://www.vagelos.columbia.edu/education/academic-programs/additional-educational-opportunities/summer-youth-programs/middle-high-school-students/state-pre-college-enrichment-program-s-prep/how-apply | https://www.vagelos.columbia.edu/education/academic-programs/additional-educational-opportunities/summer-youth-programs/middle-high-school-students/state-pre-college-enrichment-program-s-prep | Email: sprep-ps@cumc.columbia.edu | SEE FLYER | sprep-ps@cumc.columbia.edu | |||||||||||||||
53 | Fordham University STEP | The Fordham University Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) is an academic enrichment program designed to prepare underrepresented and economically disadvantaged junior high and high school students (grades 7-12) for college and careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields, health careers, and licensed professions, like accounting, law, psychology, social work among other licensed fields. Fordham's STEP offers: Academic enrichment for the math and science classes students are currently taking in school Exposure to STEM-related, health, and other licensed professions Mentoring and tutoring from Fordham undergraduate students Advising and preparation for the academic and social rigors of high school and college life Opportunities to interact and build community with other STEP scholars | 7th-12th | academic enrichment / college preparatory | October 12th - December 7th Lincoln Center Campus: 9:45-2:40 | $150 registration fee $20 parent association fee | Lincoln Center Campus: Sunday, September 29th | https://www.fordham.edu/academics/academic-resources/step/step-academic-year-program/ | https://www.fordham.edu/academics/academic-resources/step/ | STEP Lincoln Center email: fordhamsteplc@fordham.edu | SEE FLYER | fordhamsteplc@fordham.edu | |||||||||||||||
54 | New York Public Library | Explore everything the Library and our partner organizations offer to help teens navigate college applications and admissions. More than 30 colleges, universities, and community-based organizations will be present to share information and resources with students and families. We will also have workshops and hands-on activities to help build your college readiness skills! | college preparation / college fair | October 9th, 2024 10am-1pm | free | https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nypls-annual-college-fair-tickets-953769158227?aff=oddtdtcreator | Visit NYPL College & Cateer Pathways site here | SEE FLYER | |||||||||||||||||||
55 | New York University (NYU) STEP | The Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) prepared New York middle and high school students for academic and career success through immersive courses, workshops, and supervised training in a variety of STEM subjects. Through STEP, students increase their college readiness and their competitveness to selective degree programs. NYU's STEP offers: Core subject instruction and Regents exam preparation Enrichment classes that enhance science and mathematics education College admissions preparation workshops and standardized test preparation Project-based learning and supervised research opportunitie Mentorships and career awareness/development activities | 7th-12th | academic enrichment / college preparatory | October 19th- May 3rd Saturday 9am-3pm | $100 for Fall semester $100 for Spring semester | September 20th | https://connect.nyu.edu/register/step-fall24 | https://www.nyu.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admissions/how-to-apply/all-freshmen-applicants/opportunity-programs/pre-college-programs.html | Email: opportunityprograms-step@nyu.edu | SEE FLYER | opportunityprograms-step@nyu.edu | |||||||||||||||
56 | Prep for Excellence | Prep for Excellence is a college readiness and retention program designed to educate families and students on effective college preparation, financing education through scholarships, and developing essential hard and soft skills for success during college. The Prep for Excellece workshops are offered for high school students, as well as workshops designed for parents and guardians, so that together we can help students "prep" to obtain the future they desire. | 9th-12th Parent/Guardian | College readiness and retention program | Email: shawniayon@gmail.com Phone #: (718) 413-9840 | shawniayon@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
57 | AAPI Community Action Network 24-25 (AYCAN) | The AAPI Youth Community Action Network (AYCAN) aims to bring together AAPI and allied youth to discuss the experiences and issues most relevant to AAPI young people. As members of AYCAN, students will have a better understanding of their AAPI identities and find a community where they can thrive and feel like they belong! Students will also have the opportunity to participate in service learning projects that will extend their knowledge to their school communities. The first community network meeting will be on Saturday, 10/5/24 from 7pm-8:30pm, and will meet monthly. If doing the service learning project, then the meetings will be bi-monthly. | 9th-12th | October 2024-June 2025 | Free | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYixiR8tDQHwGuV07-4NPiJ0uCdvCno0T8Fii81nrkmD2EAQ/viewform | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1us6-AY8IVwzE8Wc4tQiH1J_3FB80JQ60sGEczd_bQZE/edit | Email: alin2@cacf.org | alin2@cacf.org | ||||||||||||||||||
58 | The Korea Society Project Bridge Youth Ambassador Project | Project Bridge is an academic year-long program in which students, using Korea as a case study, cultivate their understanding of race relations and hone their leadership and intercultural competence skills. Students participate in bi-monthly workshops offered both in-person and virtually. They undertake a 10-day study tour to the Republic of Korea. Finally, the Program culminates in community presentations and a graduation ceremony. Project Bridge offers many exciting opportunities for Youth Ambassadors to build leadership skills and intercultural competence, improve their public speaking ability and grow their personal and professional networks. | 11th-12th | Ambassador Opportunity | October 20th, 2024 | https://koreasociety.smapply.io/prog/new_york_project_bridge_youth_ambassador_program_at_the_korea_society_2024_-_2025/ | https://www.koreasociety.org/education/project-bridge/item/1441 | Email: linda.tobash@koreasociety.org | linda.tobash@koreasociety.org | ||||||||||||||||||
59 | Let's Get Ready | Let’s Get Ready provides students with FREE college application and college completion support from junior year of high school through college graduation!. Throughout your time with LGR, you’ll have lots of choices about how you engage with LGR college student coaches including: - Opportunities to participate in virtual SAT exam prep courses - Personalized one-on-one goal setting, accountability, and encouragement from a current college student - Text-based college application, decision, enrollment, and completion support - And more! | 11th-12th | Support | Free! | Open Enrollment | https://www.tfaforms.com/5019799 | ||||||||||||||||||||
60 | The Futures and Options: Internship Program | Provides New York City high school students with critical work-readiness training and the opportunity to gain firsthand work experience as interns with a dynamic range of business partners. Futures and Options interns work in paid, mentored internships that best match their skills and interests. | 11th-12th | Internship | September - June 5-10 hours/week | Paid | October 4th | https://futuresandoptions.org/internship-program-application/ | Pablo Herrera pherrera@futuresandoptions.org | SEE FLYER | pherrera@futuresandoptions.org | ||||||||||||||||
61 | The Futures and Options: Career Essentials | Career Essentials is an after-school career-readiness program where you will learn important skills for college and the workplace. Career Essentials participants will develop skills including: - Interview for a job - Professional communication and presentation - Time management - Resume and cover letter writing Participants will have the opportunity to: - Explore career options - Work with students from different boroughs and high schools - Attend a Career Exploration fieldtrip - Network with a range of industry professionals | 9th-12th | Career readiness | October to January, once a week, from 4:30 pm – 6:15 pm, for 11 weeks | Free! | September 30th | https://futuresandoptions.org/career-essentials-application/ | Pablo Herrera pherrera@futuresandoptions.org | programquestions@futuresandoptions.org | |||||||||||||||||
62 | BMCC STEP | BMCC STEP provides NYC students in the 9th through 12th grades who meet the eligibility requirements with a range academic enrichment courses, research experience, and special programs in science, mathematics and technology content areas. STEP improves student readiness: Enriches science and mathematics instruction. Provides laboratories for supervised training in research method. Conducts summer programs. Provides standardized test preparation and practice. Assists students with the college application process. | 9th-12th | academic enrichment / college preparatory | October to December Every Friday 4-7pm | Free! | October 11th | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJ9ooKho-IBkKDkpC0R24muZQC1WSBfUXolLHPqceS2u9pWQ/viewform | https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/academics/faculty-affairs/research-and-scholarly-inquiry/student-research-opportunities/about-step/ | Darnell Benoit dbenoit@bmcc.cuny.edu Cory Mcken cmcken@bmcc.cuny.edu | SEE FLYER | dbenoit@bmcc.cuny.edu cmcken@bmcc.cuny.edu | |||||||||||||||
63 | Weill Cornell Medicine - Health Profession Recruitment/Exposure Program (HPREP) | The Health Profession Recruitment/Exposure Program (HPREP) is a nine-week program in which high school students in the 10th and 11th grades, from underrepresented minorities in medicine, are given the opportunity to meet and learn from physicians and other health professionals at Weill Cornell Medicine. HPREP students are paired with a medical student mentor who offers guidance and helps them write a college essay, resume, and research paper. Students participate in various workshops discussing financial aid and the college application process, different fields of medicine, and problem-based learning. | 10th-11th | academic enrichment / college preparatory | January 10, 2024 - March 14, 2024 Friday afternoons | Free! | November 13th, 11:59pm | https://weillcornell.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5iiX8uNvwibvNDU | https://medicaleducation.weill.cornell.edu/student-life/student-groups-community-service/pipeline-programs | Email: hprep@med.cornell.edu | hprep@med.cornell.edu | ||||||||||||||||
64 | NYC School Construction Authority | The SCA Summer Internship Program (“SIP”) recruits talented NYC public high school students for a six-week paid internship with various SCA departments and business partner companies throughout New York City. SIP is designed to expose students to careers in various industries, including but not limited to architecture, engineering, construction management, information technology, business, and public administration. The program provides interns with diverse internship experiences along with career mentoring. Students spend four days a week with their intern host and the remaining day attending educational programming. Assignments will vary depending on company or department and the student’s skill set. The internship is an in-office position and the standard hours for the program are 9:00 am-4:00 pm Monday through Friday. A 10-hour OSHA construction safety course will be provided for students based on the assigned host site prior to the program start date. Students will be required to submit a signed parent consent form prior to participating in construction site visits. | 9th-12th | Internship | July 7th - August 15th | Free! Paid Internship | March 7th | https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/nycsca/ | https://www.nycsca.org/Careers/Internship-Program#High-School-Summer-Internship-Program-78 | Email: scainternships@nycsca.org | SEE FLYER | scainternships@nycsca.org | |||||||||||||||
65 | Lucille Lortel Theatre's NYC Public High School Playwriting Fellowship | The Lucille Lortel Theatre’s NYC Public High School Playwriting Fellowship will support diverse young writers and create an awareness of playwriting as a career. The opportunities provided by this program will encourage NYC public high school students to become the next generation of playwrights. The contest culminates with an evening of staged readings with professional actors of these original student-written one-act plays. | 9th-12th | Fellowship | January 16th-March 31st | Free! | December 3rd | https://lorteltheatre.submittable.com/submit/307237/2025-high-school-playwriting-fellowship | https://lortel.org/hspf/ | SEE FLYER | |||||||||||||||||
66 | Girls Inc. of New York City | Join Girls Inc of New York City's G3 Data Analytics Team for a series of Data focused workshops! Each session will focus on a different topic (ie. Data 101, Energy Justice, The Wealth Gap, Social Media etc.) and empowers girls to use data as a tool for social change | 9th-12th | Academic enrichment | October-December 3:30-4:30 every Wednesday | Free! | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScI8803bN-R7kC-jZJhWERWGCAdFQao7VKudQXFSPZ7Rtqb9g/viewform | SEE FLYER | |||||||||||||||||||
67 | Students for Equal Opportunity in Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine Annual Regional Pre-Medical Conference | The goals of the conference are to: (a) expose high school and undergraduate college students to the vast opportunities for careers in medicine; and (b) to educate students about healthcare issues disproportionately affecting minority populations and the importance of diversity in medicine and healthcare delivery in general. | Career planning conference | December 7th | Free! | November 22nd | https://weillcornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-F7cqSSdTO6S4NitQJ-gnQ#/registration | SEE FLYER | studentdiversity@med.cornell.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
68 | Board of Elections | Become a student poll worker | Students aged 17 by the date of the election | Work experience | Saturdays & Sundays (1 time 4 hour training session) Next Election: Tuesday Nov 5 | Paid $100 for training session $125-250 for election day work | https://studentpollworker.vote.nyc/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
69 | Hunter College Now - Spring 2025 | College Now is a collaboration between the City University of New York (CUNY) and the New York City Department of Education that prepares public high school students for successful academic performance in college. The program focuses on courses for college credit and other enrichment activities in the humanities, arts, social sciences, sciences and mathematics, all taught by our own full-time or adjunct faculty. Our mission is to introduce high school students of varying skill levels to the rigors and rewards of higher education by connecting them to high-quality scholarship and instruction | 10th-12th | College credit | January 25th – May 22nd | Free for NYC public school students | December 6th | https://hunter.cuny.edu/students/opportunities/college-now/how-to-apply/ | https://hunter.cuny.edu/students/opportunities/college-now/ | Erlyn Mendez, Coordinator 212-772-4486 emmendez@hunter.cuny.edu | emmendez@hunter.cuny.edu | ||||||||||||||||
70 | Northwell Health Medical Marvels | A research competition for 9th and 10th grade students | 9th-10th | Research competition | Nov 13 4 pm: Webinar Jan 31 4 pm: Scientific poster and paper due Feb 28 9 am – 1 pm: Medical Marvels Research Competition, in-person | November 7th | https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=hW54f2ErvkunlnHpHl5-OHzIHpVELYtFu6OBXHihCrxURFpZRzVLTlQ5ME04NzU0NzFZWDdPUUVaTCQlQCN0PWcu&route=shorturl | https://mcusercontent.com/2278cc8bb73e99699413d1fc3/files/5a9e2b44-141e-811e-d501-ca6bff22dfea/Medical_Marvels_Booklet_2024_3.pdf | medicalmarvels@northwell.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
71 | Chinatown Trick-or-Streets 2024 | Volunteer Job: Site set-up/break-down; stationing at one of the gaming booths; candies and goodies distribution; crowd control and maintenance | 9th-12th | Volunteer opportunity/community service hours | Thursday 10/31/24 1pm to 8pm | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1qroz3YlpKq0r-9GH0MHkcNI1ABCXGcKHUaTe2FoXZMflIw/viewform | wengcheng.chong@chinatownpartnership.org | wengcheng.chong@chinatownpartnership.org | |||||||||||||||||||
72 | ArtsConnection - TEEN REVIEWERS AND CRITICS (TRAC) | In this FREE ten-week, afterschool program, you will see performances, concerts, and galleries, meet artists and learn about the industry from professionals. Fall TRaC options are Theater, Film, Multi-Arts, and Music! | 9th-12th | Extracurricular | Fall/Spring Starts 11/2 | FREE | Open until filled | https://airtable.com/appQuqObez96NaMtU/shr3xYXKbVT6V5C08 | https://teens.artsconnection.org/trac/ | info.teenprograms@artsconnection.org | |||||||||||||||||
73 | CUNY College of Staten Island | Join us on November 7th at 6PM to learn how to build your career in Cyber Security! This workshop includes information about career and financial opportunities, tips for keeping yourself protected, and what success looks like for a cyber security professional. | 9th-12th | Career exploration | Nov 7 - 6 pm | FREE | https://www.eventbrite.com/e/building-a-career-in-cybersecurity-tickets-1055303945509 | SEE FLYER | |||||||||||||||||||
74 | NYU GSTEM's Online Data Science Class | Offered through the world-renowned Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, the GSTEM Spring Online Data Science class is a great opportunity for students looking to expand their STEM interests beyond the high school curriculum. Taught by NYU instructors, the GSTEM Online Data Science Course is a 12-week program designed to empower students to confidently interpret and apply data. Students will gain in-demand skills like creating data visualizations to communicate research findings and discuss real world concepts like algorithms and the ethics of data usage. | 11th-12th | Academic enrichment | February 3 - May 5, 2025 Lecture Day/Time: Monday 7pm – 8:30pm (ET) Lab Days/Times: Students are required to attend a weekly online lab and may choose between a weekday evening or a weekend morning | $2,370 Financial Aid Available | December 15th | https://connect.nyu.edu/register/gstem2025 | https://cims.nyu.edu/gstem/programs/data-science/ | gstem@nyu.edu | |||||||||||||||||
75 | Discover Architecture Career Exploration Program | The program consists of a three-day externship at an architecture office followed by a culminating event at the Center for Architecture. The program will take place during the public school mid-winter break Tuesday, February 18 through Friday, February 21, from 10am–3pm daily. Students accepted into the program will spend Tuesday through Thursday at a local architecture firm gaining valuable, first-hand experience with the work of practicing architects, then have a chance to share their experiences at a concluding event at the Center for Architecture that Friday. | 10th-11th | Career exploration | February 18–21, 2025 | FREE | January 5th | https://cfa.tfaforms.net/73 | https://www.centerforarchitecture.org/k-12/teen-programs/discover-architecture/ | discoverarch@centerforarchitecture.org | |||||||||||||||||
76 | Center for Architecture Teen Workshops | Teen Workshops are for high school students interested in learning more about the city’s built environment and developing their architectural design skills. Offered on weekends during the school year, these workshops combine architectural exploration with hands-on design projects, nurturing the development of design thinking and providing students with instruction in architecture fundamentals such as architectural drawing, scale measurement, model building, site and precedent analysis. | 9th-12th | Workshops | March 1 April 5 May 3 | $125 Scholarships available | First come first serve | https://www.centerforarchitecture.org/k-12/teen-programs/teen-workshops/ | https://www.centerforarchitecture.org/k-12/teen-programs/teen-workshops/ | k12education@centerforarchitecture.org | |||||||||||||||||
77 | Let’s Get Ready’s SAT Prep Applications | Are you a high school junior or senior feeling excited (and a little nervous) about applying to college? Or a college student looking for support and tips on how to thrive in college? You don’t have to do it alone! Let’s Get Ready’s college student coaches are available on your phone to answer your questions and to offer encouragement along the way. Let’s Get Ready provides students with FREE college application and college completion support from junior year of high school through college graduation! Services are led by near-peer college student coaches and are tailored to your college journey. Throughout your time with LGR, you’ll have lots of choices about how you engage with LGR college student coaches. | 11th-12th | College application support | January 27th-March 28th | FREE | January 8th Priority to early applicants | https://www.tfaforms.com/5019799 | https://www.letsgetready.org/signup/ | SEE FLYER | enrollment@letsgetready.org | ||||||||||||||||
78 | Henry Street Expanded Horizons College Success | Expanded Horizons is Henry Street’s comprehensive eight-year college access and success program, that is designed to ensure that high school students are college ready, admitted to a college that fits their interests and abilities, and graduate from that institution on time. All students who complete the program receive scholarships from the Settlement. | 9th-11th | College success | FREE | Rolling admissions | https://expandedhorizons3.wufoo.com/forms/rlurhsc11c2rd2/ | https://www.henrystreet.org/programs/youth/expanded-horizons/ | SEE FLYER | ehorizonshss@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||
79 | Baruch College Now | Opportunity to earn FREE college credit in subjects such as business, speech, sociology, psychology, finance, & health. | Academic program | January 25th-May22nd | FREE | December 2nd | New/Current Students | Returning Students Application | https://collegenow.baruch.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2024/10/Spring-2025-Process-Guide.pdf | SEE FLYER | |||||||||||||||||
80 | Vaughn College Hybrid STEP Program (Spring 2025) | Vaughn College is offering a hybrid STEP program for 11th and 12th graders this spring! The program is free for eligible students, and will feature STEM focused workshops, college credit classes, tutoring, field trips, conferences, and more. Meetings will be held virtually every Saturday, and in person on campus once a month. | 11th-12th | Academic/College Enrichment Hybrid program | Start date: 1/13/2025 | FREE | 12/13/2024 | https://sonis.vaughn.edu/createapp1.cfm | stepacademy@vaughn.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
81 | ArtsConnection - Teen Programs | Explore, engage & connect with the arts of NYC, your peers, and your individual creative interests through ArtsConnection's FREE out of school time programs. Curate an exhibition that not only demands attention but also sends a message that resonates with you and your community. An exhibition that is for teens and by teens. TCT brings together NYC high school artists and curators to produce a public, group art exhibition based on a subject selected by teens. | 9th-12th | Extracurricular | FREE | January 17th | https://airtable.com/appQuqObez96NaMtU/shr3xYXKbVT6V5C08?mc_cid=682cb65b43&mc_eid=80c4b3e646 | https://artsconnection.org/teen-programs-open-house/ | |||||||||||||||||||
82 | SOCAPA City Cinema Winter/Spring 25 | Fully-funded, year-round filmmaking and acting program for high school students in New York City. With a value of over $4000 per student, this incredible opportunity is completely free thanks to a multi-million dollar grant from a generous family foundation. Our shared vision is to provide accessible, professional arts education to talented students of all backgrounds, regardless of economic status. Film Launch An exciting introduction to the world of digital media and cinematic storytelling, Film Launch takes students through the evolution of film—from early moving images to the content we consume on our phones today. This course emphasizes the power of stories to drive change, with a special focus on revolutionary filmmakers rooted in New York City. As the storytellers of tomorrow, students will gain hands-on technical experience, culminating in a collaborative project where teams will write, direct, and produce short films together. Actor’s Lab The Actor's Lab introduces SOCAPA City Cinema’s innovative "toolbox" approach to acting, allowing students to explore a variety of techniques and discover what resonates most with their unique style. Participants will actively engage with these methods through scenes curated by the instructor, and they will have the chance to apply their skills in student short films produced by their filmmaking peers. This immersive experience fosters creativity and collaboration, empowering students to develop their craft in a dynamic environment. | 9th-12th | Extracurricular | Jan 21 - April 27 (10 week courses) | FREE | December 20th | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAGe_30YtrBcIbN2cbgorfURk_3pGtl7I1oXFtMkDNEJQbMQ/viewform | CityCinema@socapa.org | ||||||||||||||||||
83 | ST HUBERT'S ANIMAL WELFARE CENTER (March installment) | Registration is open for St. Hubert’s fall installment of Veterinary Careers Exploration for High School Students Hear firsthand from the experts about preparing and mastering vet school, choosing post-graduation careers, and get your questions answered! Saturday, March 1 live via ZOOM, 10 am-12 noon EST | 9-12 | a virtual workshop | Saturday, March 1st 10am-12 noon | $25 | https://www.sthuberts.org/virtual-veterinary-explveterinary-career-exploration | KAREN POTOCEK HUMANE EDUCATION MANAGER o: 973-377-7094 x234 e: kpotocek@sthuberts.org sthuberts.org | kpotocek@sthuberts.org | ||||||||||||||||||
84 | The Futures and Options: SUMMER Internship Program | Provides New York City high school students with critical work-readiness training and the opportunity to gain firsthand work experience as interns with a dynamic range of business partners. Futures and Options interns work in paid, mentored internships that best match their skills and interests. Please also note that if students submitted a school year application this past fall, they do not need to reapply. Their application will be considered for the summer. | 11th-12th | Internship | Paid | opens on January 6th closes on January 24th | https://futuresandoptions.org/internship-program-application/ | Futures and Options website: https://futuresandoptions.org/our-programs/our-programs-internships/ | Pablo Herrera pherrera@futuresandoptions.org | SEE FLYER | pherrera@futuresandoptions.org | ||||||||||||||||
85 | Borough of Manhattan Community College STEP program (SPRING 2025) | What is BMCC STEP? A program designed to increase the participation rate of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students in mathematics, science, technology, and health related fields. BMCC STEP provides NYC students in the 8th through 12th grades with a range of academic enrichment courses, research experience, and special programs in science, mathematics, and technology content areas. Location: Borough of Manhattan Community College, 199 Chambers Street New York, NY 10007 Details: Free lunch and MetroCards will be provided to all class participants. | 9th-12th | Academic | February 28th, 2025 - May 30th, 2025 Fridays from 4:00pm - 7pm, College Readiness will take place on Thursdays from 4-7 pm as well | FREE | February 14th, 2025 | BMCC STEP Spring 2025 Application | https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/academics/faculty-affairs/research-and-scholarly-inquiry/student-research-opportunities/about-step/ | Darnell Benoit Program Coordinator dbenoit@bmcc.cuny.edu Cory Mcken Program Coordinator cmcken@bmcc.cuny.edu | |||||||||||||||||
86 | Futures & Options: Urban Leadership Fellows Program | A paid summer internship program for graduating seniors interested in business, finance, government, and/or public policy to gain valuable hands-on work experience and training in the municipal finance industry. Interns work full-time for six weeks between July and August at prestigious firms around New York City. Additionally, all students are required to attend mandatory workshops, trainings, and events that take place between mid-May and mid-August. This is a great opportunity for these students to explore their career interests, network with professionals, and strengthen their skill sets with the support of their supervisors, mentors, and Program Coordinators from Futures and Options. | 12th | Internship | July & August 6 weeks | Paid internship | February 26th, 2025 | Information Sessions | Website | SEE FLYER | |||||||||||||||||
87 | Summer Youth Employment Program | NYC's Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is the nation's largest youth employment program, connecting NYC youth between the ages of 14 and 24 with career exploration opportunities and paid work experiences each summer. | 9th-12th | Work experience | July 1 - August 9 | Paid | February 28th, 2025 | https://application.nycsyep.com/ApplicationPages/NYCIDLogin | https://application.nycsyep.com/ | SEE FLYER | |||||||||||||||||
88 | Summer Workshop for Young Writers at the Kelly Writers House | The Kelly Writers House Summer Workshop for Young Writers is a ten-day workshop where students will engage in a workshop-style course focused primarily on literary nonfiction writing with additional craft sessions in other genres. This is an opportunity for promising, passionate high school writers from diverse backgrounds to learn from the faculty and staff of Penn’s Kelly Writers House and Creative Writing Program, and from their fellow participants. The goal of this workshop is to provide creative high school students, especially those who have not had similar opportunities, with the chance to dedicate full days to the practice of writing. | 11th-12th | Workshop experience | July 6-16, 2025 | The workshop experience costs $3000 Financial assistance is available to a limited number of students. | March 3rd, 2025 | https://apply.interfolio.com/162495 | https://writing.upenn.edu/wh/summer/index.php | summer-writing-workshop@writing.upenn.edu | |||||||||||||||||
89 | Pratt Young Scholars | Pratt Young Scholars is a need-based, three-year scholarship program providing instruction in art and design with college preparation to motivated high school students. Through innovative and challenging studio experiences in the Institute’s youth programs, this scholarship provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue advanced studies in art and design. Scholars participate in three years of required studio classes and electives exposing students to higher educational opportunities and careers in the creative fields. | 9th grade | Art & design enrichment | Starts fall of 10th grade | Free | March 4th, 2025 | https://www.formpl.us/form/5484056923734016 | https://www.pratt.edu/administrative-departments/office-of-the-provost/center-for-art-design-and-community-engagement-k-12/pratt-young-scholars/ | ||||||||||||||||||
90 | The Grove School of Engineering Expo | GSOE Expo is a wonderful opportunity to explore our programs in engineering and computer science, engage with faculty and students, and learn how we are preparing the next generation of engineers and technology leaders. | 9th - 12th | Career exploration | February 25th, 2025 10 am - 5 pm | Free | https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/engineering/gsoe-expo-day-2025 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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