PEN America is no longer updating this version of the index. Please use this link to view the current Index of Educational Gag Orders.
StateBill Number with hyperlink to legislative page/draftDate IntroducedStatus as of November 1, 2023Primary SponsorDescription*
*This is a summary of notable provisions. For detailed analysis of bills, see our report and monthly round-ups.
Explicitly TargetsEnforcement/Penalties* *Penalties do not necessarily apply to every provision of the bill.
AlabamaHB 71/20/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Ed Oliver (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools and universities from compelling students or employees to adopt or affirm certain ideas related to race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin. Students and employees may not be required to attend any class, training, or orientation where these ideas are promoted.Public K-12, public collegesProfessional discipline
ArizonaHB 21891/24/2023PendingRep. Jennifer Longdon (D)Prohibits public K-12 schools from adopting any textbook or instructional materials that contain any matter "reflecting adversely" on people on the basis or race, ethnicity, sex, religion, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, or gender identity.Public K-12None specified
ArizonaSB 17002/2/2023Pending, passed by SenateSen. Justine Wadsack (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools and charter schools from holding in the library or using in the classroom any book that is "lewd" or promotes "gender fluidity" or "gender pronouns." Parents who identify such a book may submit it to the state Department of Education for review, where it will be added to a list of prohibited books statewide. Public K-12None specified
ConnecticutSB 2801/18/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Sen. Robert Sampson (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from adopting a curriculum that "includes the teaching of biased political ideology or make any individual feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of the individual's race or sex." In the bill, "biased policial ideology" is defined as including certain concepts related to race or sex.K-12None specified
FloridaSB 2442/24/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Alexis Calatayud (R)Creates right of private action for students, teachers, and faculty who believe they have experienced discrimination under HB 7.K-12, collegesCreates new penalty.
HawaiiHB 5091/20/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Diamond Garcia (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity in grades K-3, or thereafter in a manner that is not age or developmentally appropriate.Public K-12Private right of action
HawaiiSB 14281/25/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Brenton Awa (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity in grades K-3, or thereafter in a manner that is not age or developmentally appropriate.Public K-12Private right of action
IllinoisHB 21842/7/2023PendingRep. Adam Niemerg (R)Bars K-12 schools and colleges from directing or compelling students to affirm or adopt certain ideas related to sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color or natural origin. Parents, students, and members of the public have the right to object to any part of a K-12 curriculum that directs or compells affirmation or adoption of such ideas, and the school must address that objection. Note: The bill goes on to state that one way the school may address the objection is to "provide additional balance or factual basis, or correct any factual bases found to be incorrect or biased." It is unclear how this step would address a lesson involving directed or compelled speech.Public K-12 and collegesNone specified
IndianaSB 4131/19/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Gary Byrne (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from offering any instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity" in grades K-12.K-12Private right of action
IndianaHB 13381/17/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Rep. Shane Lindauer (R)Prohibits public and private accredited K-12 schools from promoting certain ideas related to race or sex. Public colleges and universities may not require students to attend any mandatory gender or sexual diversity training or counseling.Public and private K-12, public collegesNone specified
IndianaHB 15231/19/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Rep. Bruce Borders (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from promoting certain ideas related to sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin.K-12None specified
IndianaSB 3861/19/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Sen. Jeff Raatz (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from compelling or promoting belief in certain concepts related to age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, mental or physical disability, religion, or national origin. K-12Professional training
IowaHSB 1121/30/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.House Education CommitteeCreates a penalty for violations of HF 802.Public K-12Creates new penalty
IowaSF 1591/26/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Sandy Salmon (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity in grades K-8.Public K-12Private right of action
LouisianaHB 4663/31/2023Pending, passed by House and SenateRep. Dodie Horton (R)Prohibits public K-12 teachers, employees, or other "presenters" from discussing with students in grades K-12 the topics of sexual orientation or gender identity in any manner that deviates from approved curricula, nor from discussing these topics during any extracurricular activity. Teachers, employees, and presenters may not discuss their own sexual orientation or gender identity.Public K-12None specified
MinnesotaHF 20192/20/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Duane Quam (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools, colleges, and universities from teaching or promoting certain ideas related to race or sex, or requiring students read a book that teaches or promotes those ideas.Public K-12 and collegesPrivate right of action
MinnesotaSF 14952/9/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Eric Lucero (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools or higher education institutions from promoting, encouraging, or advocating for certain ideas related to race or sex, nor require students from consuming any media that espouses, encourages, advocates, or promotes those ideas.Public K-12 and collegesMonetary fine/loss of state financial support
Private right of action
MissouriSB 421/4/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Rick Brattin (R)Prohibits K-12 schools from including in their curricula the 1619 Project, "critical race theory," or "any successor concepts or theories substantially similar" to them, or certain concepts related to race or sex. Teachers may not require students to participate in any lobbying or political activism, nor may schools require teachers to discuss currently controversial topics or matters of public policy.K-12Monetary penalty/Loss of state financial support
MissouriHB 1651/4/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Brian Seitz (R)Bars public K-12 schools from including in a required orientation any "race or sex stereotyping". No teacher or student may be compelled to adopt or affirm certain concepts related to race or sex. No pupil in any public school shall be required to engage in any form of mandatory gender or sexual diversity training or counseling.K-12Professional discipline
Monetary penalty/Loss of state financial support
MissouriHB 4821/4/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Rep. Ben Baker (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from directing or compelling any student or teacher to adopt or affirm an idea that violates the Civil Rights Act, including certain concepts related to race, ethnicity, color, or national origin.K-12None specified
MissouriHB 6271/4/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Rep. Phil Christofanelli (R)Prohibits K-12 schools from compelling teachers or students to adopt or affirm any idea "in violation of Title IV or Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964," including certain concepts related to race, ethnicity, color, or national origin.K-12None specified
MissouriSB 4511/4/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Sen. Curtis Trent (R)Prohibits K-12 schools from compelling teachers or students to adopt or affirm any idea "in violation of Title IV or Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964," including certain concepts related to race, ethnicity, color, or national origin.K-12None specified
MissouriHB 751/4/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Ann Kelley (R)Prohibits public K-12 school or college from requiring or making part of a course certain concepts related to race or sex.K-12, collegeNone specified
MissouriSB 4101/4/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Andrew Koenig (R)Prohibits public colleges and universities, as well as private ones that receive state funding, from requiring students to agree with or answer questions related to "antiracism, implicit bias, health equity, and any other related instructions or that promote differential treatment based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity, and sexual preference." Students who take classwork related to these issues may not receive any benefit or compensation that may not also be received by students who decline to take such classwork.Public and private colleges and universitiesMonetary fine/loss of state financial support
MissouriHB 6341/4/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Rep. Ann Kelley (R)Prohibits K-12 schools from including any classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity at any grade level.K-12Private right of action
MissouriSB 15812/1/2022Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Nick Schroer (R)Bars public K-12 schools from directing or compelling students or employees to discuss a public policy issue or to adopt or affirm certain ideas related to race, ethnicity, color, or national origin. K-12Private right of action
MissouriSB 1721/4/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Denny Hoskins (R)Bars K-12 schools from including or promoting as part of their curricula certain ideas related to race or sex. K-12None specified
MissouriSB 412/1/2022Pending, passed by Senate, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Andrew Koenig (R)Prohibits K-12 schools from requiring teachers or students to adopt or affirm certain concepts related to race, ethnicity, color, or national origin. No course of instruction, unit of study, or professional development may "direct or compel" such adoption or affirmation. Requires the Department of Education to develop and promote a "patriotic curriculum".K-12Monetary penalty/Loss of state financial support
Loss of accreditation
MontanaSB 2351/30/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Daniel Emrich (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from including in their science instruction any "scientific theories". Schools may only offer instruction in "scientific facts," defined in the bill as "an indisputable and repeatable observation of a natural phenomenon."Public K-12None specified
MontanaSB 4132/20/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Carl Glimm (R)Prohbits public K-12 schools from offering instruction or providing materials for students that has as its primary purpose the study or exploration of gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or sexual relationships.Public K-12None specified
NebraskaLB 3741/12/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Dave Murman (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from compelling any teacher or student to adopt, affirm, or profess any idea "in violation of Title IV or Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964," including certain concepts related to race, ethnicity, color, or national origin. Teachers must "endeavor to present facts without distortion, bias, or personal prejudice." K-12None specified
New HampshireHB 6191/12/2023PendingRep. Terry Roy (R)Prohibits teachers in grades K-8 from teaching students that gender is "a choice, optional or fluid and that there are more than 2 genders: male and female." Teachers in grades 9-12 may do so, but only with parental permission and only "as a part of an approved psychology course setting where the educator is a licensed child psychologist, and they may only teach that there may be more than 2 genders in the context of teaching about the mental health condition known as gender dysphoria." No educator may teach the use of any pronouns for a person other than "he/him/his" and "she/her/hers". Schools may only refer to students by the name and gender indicated on the enrolment form submitted by their parents.K-12Professional discipline
Private right of action
New JerseyA 40425/16/2022PendingRep. Eric Peterson (R)Prohibits K-12 schools from providing any classroom instruction on "sex, sex acts, abortion, birth control, sexual orientation, or gender identity" from grades K-5, nor thereafter without the express written permission of parents.K-12Private right of action
New JerseyS 26855/19/2022PendingSen. Edward Durr (R)Prohibits K-12 schools from promoting or using materials that promote "concepts related to critical race theory", including certain ideas related to race or sex. Creates a hotline to be used by parents to notify the state of any violation.K-12Professional discipline
Monetary penalty/Loss of state financial support
New JerseySB 598/A 7831/12/2022PendingSens. Michael Testa, Joseph Pennacchio, Reps. Gerard Scharfenberger, Robert Auth (R)Bans public schools from including certain concepts in their instruction, except when the concepts relate to specific historical events or documents. Prohibits teachers from "endorsing, supporting, or opposing" any political candidate, policy, or court decision. Requires that teachers only discuss an issue included in a political party's platform when it is germane to the subject being taught, in which case the issue must be presented in a fair-minded and nonpartisan manner.K-12None specified
New JerseyA3647/A6140/SB6641/11/2022PendingRep. Harold J. Wirths, Sen. Steven Oroho (R)Bans public employers from requiring that any employee complete a training program that encourages the adoption of certain ideas related to race, sex, and other identities. K-12, colleges, state institutionsNone specified
North CarolinaH 1872/23/2023Pending, passed by HouseRep. John Torbett (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from compelling students or employees to adopt or affirm certain ideas related to race or sex.Public K-12None specified
North CarolinaSB 492/7/2023Pending, passed by House and SenateSen. Amy Galey (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to gender identity, sexual activity, or sexuality in grades K-4.Public K-12Private right of action
North DakotaHB 15261/18/2023Pending, passed by House, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Scott Dyk (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools and colleges from espousing, promoting, advancing, inculcating, or compeling students or employees to believe certain concepts related to race, color, sex, or national origin, or that any "virtue" is racist or sexist. Teachers may not engage in "social emotional learning," "inform a student's worldview based on emotions," or "teach a student that the student's inner feelings are capable of guiding the student's life."K-12Monetary fine/loss of state financial support
OhioHB 1514/6/2023PendingRep. Steve Demetriou (R)Requires public colleges and universities to provide that "no aspect of life at the institution, within or outside the classroom, requires, favors, disfavors, or prohibits speech or action to support any political, social, or religious belief." No "training course" related to diversity, equity, or inclusion may be required. Faculty may not "seek to inculcate any social, political, or religious point of view." Public colleges and universitiesNone specified
OhioSB 833/14/2023Pending, passed by SenateSen. Jerry Cirino (R)Prohibits public college and university faculty from seeking to "inculcate any social, political, or religious point of view."Public colleges and universitiesNone specified
OklahomaSB 202/6/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. George Burns (R)Bars K-12 schools from requiring teachers of civics, history, and similar courses to discuss "current events or widely debated and currently controversial issues of contemporary public policy or contemporary social affairs." Those who choose to do so must teach the material from "diverse and contending perspectives." Bars K-12 schools from requiring or awarding course credit for lobbying, public policy advocacy, or any similar form of political activism.K-12None specified
OklahomaSB 302/6/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Sen. Cody Rogers (R)Bars public K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to "sexual orientation or gender identity" to students in K-6 grades or to students in grades 7-12 in a manner that is not "age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate."K-12Private right of action
OklahomaSB 8662/6/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Sen. David Bullard (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from offering any instruction, program, test, activity, survey, or questionnaire on matters pertaining to sex education, sexual orientation, or gender identity to students in grades K-5.K-12Monetary fine/loss of state financial support
OklahomaSB 9332/6/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Shane Jett (R)Amends HB 1775 to prohibit K-12 schools from compelling the adoption or affirmation of a list of certain concepts, to which are added as categories ethnicity and national origin. Adds explcitly penalties.K-12Monetary fine/loss of state financial support
Private right of action
OklahomaSB 9732/6/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Shane Jett (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity in grades K-6. Any instruction offered in grades thereafter shall give equal time to "the two-gender perspective".K-12None specified
OklahomaSB 3482/6/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Nathan Dahm (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools, colleges, and other public agencies and political subdivisions from adopting a policy or training material that promotes certian ideas related to race or sex. K-12, colleges, state agenciesNone specified
OklahomaSB 10722/6/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Sen. Shane Jett (R)Prohibits public and private K-12 schools and colleges from engaging in "grooming" of a minor, defined in the bill as " the deliberate act of bringing a child into a sexual, political, or racial ideology, practice, cult, or lifestyle without the knowledge or consent of his or her parents for the aim of isolating the child from his or her family so the external party can abuse and manipulate him or her."Public and private K-12Criminal penalty
OklahomaSB 9352/6/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Shane Jett (R)Prohibits public and private accredited K-12 schools from including or promoting "critical race theory" or certain ideas related to race, sex, or other classes of people. Recognizes "secular humanism" as a religion for the purposes of the First Amendment, thereby prohibiting any public agency from promoting its tenets or compelling their adoption or affirmation. Lawsuits against school districts believed to have violated this bill may be brought by parents of students or any taxpayer in the state.Public and private K-12Private right of action
Professional discipline
OklahomaSB 9372/6/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Shane Jett (R)Prohibits public and accredited private K-12 schools from promoting the concepts or any instruction related to "gender identity" (defined as "non-secular self-asserted sex-based identity narratives") or "sexual orientation" (defined as "homosexual, lesbian, or transgender" identities), both of which are described as stemming from non-secular humanism" and therefore are violations of the Establishment Clause. Schools are also prohibited from "mandating non-obvious pronouns" or hosting Drag Queen Story Hours.Public and private K-12Private right of action
Professional discipline
OklahomaHB 17802/6/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Danny Williams (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from offering any form of sex education.Public K-12None specified
OklahomaSB 10172/6/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Shane Jett (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from maintaining in their library or making part of their curricula any material that makes as its primary subject "the study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender issues or recreational sexualization."Public K-12None specified
OklahomaSB 10272/6/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Sen. Shane Jett (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from using any curricula with content related to social-emotional learning. Schools may not promote school or civic engagement, or that builds "an equitable learning framework" that addresses "non-cognitive social factors" such as self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, attributes, dispositions, social skills, beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and so forth.Public K-12Private right of action
OklahomaHB 25462/6/2023Pending, passed by House, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Terry O'Donnell (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity in grades K-5, or thereafter in a manner that is no age appropriate or developmentally appropriate.Public K-12None specified
Rhode IslandH 57392/21/2023PendingRep. Patricia Morgan (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from making part of its curricula certain ideas related to race or sex.Schools may not adopt any instructional material that depicts "identity groups" as oppressors or victims, nor any material that exclusively focuses or centers on " the history, literature, current events, or cultural contributions of individual identity groups." Books and instructional materials may not center any race, ethnicity, gender, religion or viewpoint.Public K-12Professional discipline
South CarolinaHB 34661/10/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Bill Taylor (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from directing or compelling students to adopt or affirm certain concepts related to sex, race, ethnicity, color, or national origin, nor make any distinction or classification of students on the basis of race or color. Teachers may not be required to attend any professional development training that includes certain concepts related to race or sex.K-12None specified
South CarolinaSB 33041/10/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Rep. Raye Felder (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from including or promoting certain concepts related to race, sex, ethnicity, color, or national origin. Students and staff may not be required to participate in any gender or sexual diversity training. Schools are prohibited from using any instruction or instructional materials that "create a narrative that the United States was founded for the purpose of oppression, that the American Revolution was fought for the purpose of protecting oppression or that United States history is a story defined by oppression." K-12Monetary penalty/Loss of state financial support
South CarolinaS 24611/30/2022Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Joshua Kimbrell (R)Bars public K-12 schools and universities from using any classroom instruction or curricula in order to "indoctrinate or persuade" any students to adopt certain concepts related to race or gender.K-12, collegesNone specified
South CarolinaHB 3827/SB 4241/26/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Marvin Smith (R)Prohibits public and private K-12 schools and colleges from including, promoting, or compelling belief in certain concepts related to race, ethnicity, color, biological sex, sexual orientation, national origin, heritage, culture, religion, or political belief, as well as ideas related to the social construction of race, unconscious or implicit bias, and pronoun usage. Schools and colleges may not promote instruction that "materially distorts or misrepresents verifiable historical facts" or that "teaches theoretical ideas or uncorroborated claims as factual." Nor may these institutions subject minors to any material (e.g. in the classroom, library, book fair, etc.) that contains any sexually explicit or obscene material in any amount or context, or that references "concepts or instruction on sexual activity, sexual orientation, gender theory, gender identity, gender multiplicity, or gender expression" prior to Grade 9.Public and private K-12 and collegesProfessional discipline
Monetary penalty/loss of state financial support
Private right of action
South CarolinaHB 37791/24/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Jermaine Johnson (D)Prohibits public K-12 schools from including in their history curriculum any instruction relating to slaveowners.Public K-12None specified
South CarolinaH 37281/18/2023Pending, passed by Senate, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Raye Felder (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from including, promoting, or compelling belief in certain ideas related to race, sex, ethnicity, color, or national origin. K-12Monetary fine/loss of state financial support
South CarolinaHB 34641/10/2023
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Rep. Steven Long (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools and colleges from directing, compelling, or introducing a course of instruction that directs or compells a student to adopt or affirm "the tenets of Critical Race Theory," defined as certain concepts related to sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, and national origin.K-12, collegesNone specified
TennesseeHB 571/SB 6033/8/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Michele Carringer (R), Sen. Joseph Hensley (R)Prohibits public colleges, universities, and medical schools that offers health-related degrees from requiring students to "study or ascribe to DEI ideologies," defined as "an effort to promote racial diversity in an aspect of a healthcare related academic program; a reference to group differences within a given setting along cultural, ethnic, gender, gender identity, national origin, race, religion, or sexual orientation lines; and promulgating policies, practices, and procedures designed or implemented with reference to those group differences."Public colleges, universities, and medical schoolsPrivate right of action
TexasHB 100612/13/2022
Pending, no further action expected in 2023.
Rep. Carl Tepper (R)Requires public universities to develop a policy that prohibits "the endorsement or dissuasion of, or interference with, any lifestyle, race, sex, religion, or culture." The policy must also prohibit any office that funds, promotes, sponsors, or supports diversity, equity, or inclusion beyond what is necessary to uphold the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. CollegesPrivate right of action
TexasHB 11551/3/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Jared Patterson (R)Prohibits K-12 schools from including any instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in grades K-8, or thereafter in a manner that is not "age appropriate or developmentally appropriate."K-12None specified
TexasHB 63111/14/2022Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Steve Toth (R)Bars public K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to "sexual orientation or gender identity" to students in K-5 grades or to students in grades 6-12 "in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate" or that conflicts with state standards.K-12None specified
TexasSB 3931/12/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Bob Hall (R)Prohibits K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity at any grade level. Requires schools to notify parents of any "information related to the student's perception of the student's biological sex if that perception is inconsistent with the student's biological sex as determined by the student's sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous hormone profiles." Schools may not permit students to join or participate in any student club that "promotes themes of sexuality, gender, or gender identity" without parental approval.K-12None specified
TexasHB 103312/19/2022Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Carl Tepper (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools and universities from requiring, or contracting with any organization that requires, any person to receive or participate in a training, identify a commitment to, or make a statement of personal belief supporting any specific partisan, political, or ideological set of beliefs, including an ideology or movement that promotes the differential treatment of any individual or group based on race or ethnicity, including initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion or that assert that an institution that upholds equal protection under the law is racist, oppressive, or unjust. K-12, collegesNone specified
TexasHB 16071/25/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Cody Harris (R)Prohibits public colleges and universities from promoting certain ideas related to race, sex, and American history.Public collegesMonetary fine/loss of state financial support
TexasHB 15411/23/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Steve Toth (R)Prohoibits public K-12 schools from offering any instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity in grades K-8, or thereafter in a manner that is not age or developmentally appropriate.Public K-12Professional discipline
TexasHB 18041/30/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. Terri Leo-Wilson (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from adopting any instructional material that includes certain ideas related to race or sex. Instructional material must "present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage, if the instructional material discusses the United States or its heritage" and must not "encourage lifestyles that deviate from generally accepted standards of society."Public K-12None specified
TexasHB 42523/8/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Rep. James Talarico (D)Prohibits public K-12 schools from requiring or making part of a course "teaching regarding white supremacist ideologies, including the great replacement theory, unless those ideologies are discussed in the appropriate historical and sociological context."Public K-12None specified
TexasSB 14433/2/2023Pending, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Bob Hall (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from including in their libraries any material that contains "any type of romantic or sexual attraction between individuals of the same sex" or that includes a referral to "a website or material that contains a depiction or description" of a romantic or sexual attraction between individuals of the same sex.Public K-12None specified
TexasSB 163/10/2023Pending, passed by Senate, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Bryan Hughes (R)Prohibits public college and university faculty from compelling students to adopt or affirm certain beliefs related to race, sex, or ethnicity or social, political, or religious belief.Public collegeNone specified
TexasSB 83/10/2023Pending, passed by Senate, no further action expected in 2023.Sen. Charles Creighton (R)Prohibits public K-12 schools from providing any "instruction, guidance, activities, or programming" regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to students in grades K-12.Public K-12None specified