Proposal for ImprovementCategoryTagsSourceRef / URLxreferenceResponsible (2013) Cost (2013)Status (2013)Remark (2013)
112. To focus discussions, the preparation process of each IGF should formulate a set of policy questions to be considered at the IGF, as part of the overall discussion. The results of the debates on these questions, with special focus on public policy perspectives and aimed at capacity-building, should be stated in the outcome documentation.Tangible outputsCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportMAGNOIGF 2013 main sessions and themes for the event have evolved significantly to address this recommendation.
213. The outcome documentation should include messages that map out converging and diverging opinions on given questions.Tangible outputsCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportMAG, Secretariat, Workshop organizersNS
314. The IGF should continue to produce and enhance its current reports, including the Chair’s report, the sessions’ transcripts, the workshop reports and the overall proceedings.Tangible outputsCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariatNO
415. Improve the visibility and availability of IGF outcomes by means of enhanced IGF communication tools and strategy to make the relevant documents available to all relevant stakeholders as well as the media.Improve visibilityCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, communityYO
516. While being focused on themes and specific policy questions, it is important to maintain the overall structure of the IGF, namely main sessions, feeder workshops, workshops, round tables and specific policy questions. However, the working modalities of the IGF, including open consultations, the MAG and the Secretariat, could be improved to ensure the effective impact of IGF multi-stakeholder policy dialogue.ModalitiesCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF Report
617. The IGF Secretariat and the MAG should reach out and continue to invite all stakeholders to be more actively involved in the preparation of the IGF, including by identifying pertinent key policy questions around which main sessions for the IGF will be structured. In order to enhance the bottom-up process and to facilitate the identification of key policy questions, the Secretariat could also issue the call for workshop proposals before the first open consultationProcessCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportMAG, Secretariat, communityNOThe secretariat, the MAG and community members have raised awareness at events throughout the year to motivate contributions; the open consultation and MAG meetings were very interactive, remote participants actively contributed, and new MAG members and participants were important for the discussions
718. Logistics for the preparatory process should be improved, including by retaining the practice that all of the annual consultations should allow for remote participation.ProcessCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariatNOdone and should continue
819. Establishing a clear timetable for the preparatory process is necessary, including for all open consultations and MAG meetings, and important dates shall be published well in advance to enable the well-prepared participation of all stakeholders.ProcessCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportMAG, SecretariatNOdone and should continue
920. The proposed selection process for the MAG:
(a) The three non-governmental stakeholder groups should propose lists of candidates that should be balanced, including in terms of gender distribution and in reflecting the diversity of geographical distribution. This will enable a wide range of diversity within the MAG, especially those groups which have been underrepresented in the MAG, and will be sufficiently large to provide some flexibility when selecting MAG members;
(b) Stakeholder groups should identify and publicize the process which works best for their own culture and methods of engagement and which will ensure their self-management;
(c) The contribution of lists of proposed candidates for each stakeholder group should not be restricted to one particular body;
(d) The final selection of candidates shall continue to be made by the United Nations Secretary-General.
Implementation: done, should continue, and there will be a workshop at the IGF 2013 to discuss how non-governmental stakeholders manage their selection processes for the MAG, the CSTD working groups etc. this discussion will explain the current processes and discuss how to continue to improve them.
MAG Structure & MethodsCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportNon-governmental stakeholder groupsNO
1021. During the selection process the following measures should be kept in mind:
(a) The process of selection of MAG members should be inclusive, predictable, transparent and fully documented;
(b) New MAG members should undergo an orientation process before they participate in their first MAG meeting;
(c) The annual record of MAG physical and remote participation will be made by the IGF Secretariat and published on the IGF website;
(d) It is important that the MAG has clear terms of reference.
MAG Structure & MethodsCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportNon-governmental stakeholder groups, UN DESA, SecretariatNO(b) an orientation session was held during the May MAG meetings in 2013
(a) and (c) are being implemented and should continue
1122. The IGF Secretariat should continue to operate with transparency and flexibility, be independent of any specific stakeholder interests, interface with all stakeholder groups and be accountable to the broader IGF community. With very limited human and financial resources, the IGF Secretariat, together with many volunteers, has effectively supported IGF meetings. However, it should be strengthened without losing its lightweight structure, as set out in the Tunis Agenda, to ensure that it has the ability to meet increasing demands in a cost-effective and efficient way, and to support the desired and increased outreach, including to developing countries and particularly the least developed countries (LDCs).SecretariatCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSpecial Advisor, Executive Coordinator with the help of UN DESAYOThe special advisor and the executive coordinator have not been named ; additional staff level positions should be filled to continue to strengthen the IGF secretariat
1223. Currently, the IGF relies on voluntary funding, including host-country and other inkind contributions. While maintaining the present funding model, it is important to increase voluntary funding to enhance the long-term predictability and stability of funding contributions and create continuity of funds for the IGF activities. It is useful to explore additional ways to encourage voluntary contributions, in particular to support participation from developing countries and especially LDCs. Stable, predictable, and voluntary funding A/67/65 E/2012/48 6 should also cover remote participation management and technical expenses. The Secretariat and the host country should work together to ensure the availability of adequate technical and human resources, including a remote moderator. There is an integral relationship between stable, predictable and increased voluntary funding and the implementation of other recommendations of the Working Group.FundingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF Report
1324. The present funding model should be continued. However, more financial resources are needed to support the existing functions of the IGF Secretariat and to support and enhance the participation of stakeholders from developing countries, and in particular LDCs. All potential donors are encouraged to contribute and make pluriannual contributions whenever possible.
Implementation : awareness raising about the opportunities and importance of contributing to the IGF trust fund has been actively done at many many meetings around the world by many stakeholders (ICANN meetings, tech community and business community meetings, civil society, governments)
FundingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSpecial Advisor, Executive Secretary with the help of UN DESANO
1425. The MAG is tasked with preparing IGF meetings, and its members can only fulfil this task if they are able to be physically present in meetings. Efforts should be made to fund those who are not in a position to do so.
Implementation : X number of MAG members from developing countries received funding to attend the February and May preparatory meetings for the IGF (get info from IGF secretariat)
FundingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSpecial Advisor, Executive Secretary with the help of UN DESAYO
1526. CSTD & 59, 60, 61, 62 - RETREAT. The current funding model should be continued but with renewed and strengthened efforts to increase voluntary contributions and to create a mechanism for inviting, accepting and aggregating contributions, This includes the option to explore ways to accept small contributions beyond the usual bilateral agreements, and recognition of donors wherever possible, reaching out more to private sector companies to seek funding. These funds can be used specifically to broaden participation for developing countries, particularly LDCs, in the IGF. Human resources and capacity could be devoted to stepping up these funding efforts and explore the possibility of establishing a light non-profit entity for this purpose.Funding#stakeholder_engagement
CSTD WG IGF - IGF RETREAT July 2016CSTD WG IGF Report - IGF Retreat Working DraftSecretariat, communityYSProgress is being made to create a mechanism for inviting, accepting and aggregating contributions for the IGF trust fund. Members of the business community are working with an independent non-profit organization and UN DESA to set up a non-exclusive alternative for stakeholders to contribute, even smaller contributions, to the IGF trust fund. The idea is to have a simple way for stakeholders to contribute through a payment system that does not require each contributor to have a contractual relationship with the UN. Significant progress is being made to put this system in place.
1627. Appreciation is expressed concerning the generosity of all donors to date. Donors are encouraged to continue, and where possible, increase their contributions, to assist in widening the donor base and to identify new mechanisms for predictable voluntary funding. In this regard, a closer relationship with stakeholders in the relevant fields should be explored and further encouraged.FundingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat with the help of UN DESANCdone and need to continue; donor’s meetings held in February, May
1728. Outreach and informational materials, including a letter of invitation to join the donors developed by the Secretariat, will be useful to communicate with potential donors.FundingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariatNS
1829. The IGF Secretariat could make official announcements, via the website and other suitable mechanisms, to explain the fund-raising process, including information on how to contribute, as well as a description of the IGF and its activities that will be supported by contributions. [need to ask donors if they have seen progress on these points above and below]FundingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariatNC
1930. The resource mobilization for the IGF should be enhanced with proactive outreach and interaction with potential donors; in this regard, the Special Advisor on Internet Governance to the Secretary-General and the IGF Executive Coordinator can provide the necessary support in meeting this goal.FundingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSpecial Advisor, Executive Coordinator, SecretariatYS
2031. Annual financial reports detailing budget items, income and expenditure should be made available to the IGF community via the website, taking into account United Nations rules and regulations.Account & TransparencyCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat with the help of UN DESANC
2132. The IGF Secretariat should provide an annual update of IGF finances during open consultations with the possibility of providing views and Status, which the MAG may incorporate in its work and summary report.Account & TransparencyCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat with the help of UN DESANO
2233. There should be timely reports to donors, annually and at the end of every project cycle, on the implementation of the project document and on the use of funds.Account & TransparencyCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat with the help of UN DESANO
2334. The IGF should recognize and acknowledge the substantial contributions from host countries throughout the hosting of the global IGF, which include significant financial and in-kind voluntary efforts such as providing services for the use of remote hubs and remote participants, as well as audio-visual and ICT requirements as per host country agreements. Such acknowledgments should be discussed with each host country.Acknowledge in-kind supportCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariatNOhas been done in Baku and should continue
2435. The IGF should also recognize and acknowledge verifiable in-kind voluntary efforts to the planning and organizing process from other countries, organizations, and the United Nations, including support for participation, the hosting of remote hubs and remote participation services, as well as audio-visual and ICT requirements.Acknowledge in-kind supportCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariatNOhas been done and should continue
2536. Although participation in the IGF has increased with time, it should be further broadened, both at the annual meeting and in its preparatory phase, to involve new stakeholders, in particular from developing countries and especially LDCs, and persons with disabilities and other underrepresented groups. Broadening participation enhances the IGF’s openness and inclusiveness and fosters effective multi-stakeholder policy dialogue and productive capacity-building. For this purpose, questions related to existing obstacles that limit greater involvement should be addressed. It is important to acknowledge that remote participation is now an integral part of the IGF and that adequate resources should be made available to develop this activity further.Participation & Capacity BuildingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF Report
2637. Support for participation of all stakeholder groups from developing countries, in particular LDCs, in the IGF and its preparatory process should be further enhanced.DiversityCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariatYOProgress has been made with the limited funds available ; note that several stakeholders have also contributed to supporting stakeholders from developing countries and LDCs. More progress is needed and is tied to funding matters
NOTE similar recommendaiton from WSIS+10 Outcome Document 63: We recognize that during that period, the Forum should continue to show progress on working modalities and the participation of relevant stakeholders from developing countries.DiversityWSIS+10 Outcome document December 2015A/RES/70/125
2738. More topics addressing issues related to Internet governance for development should be included in the agenda to make it more interesting for participants from developing countries, in particular LDCs, thereby encouraging them to enhance their participation.
IMPLEMENTATION: see IGF 2013 programme post May consultation and MAG meeting, I believe this has been addressed, and should continue for all future IGFs
2839. The selection of workshops is important and they should be made more relevant and inclusive.DiversityCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportMAG, communityNO
2940. Increased financial support for stakeholders who are currently not able to participate with their own resources is necessary. Where possible, special funding and other means of support for developing-country participants, in particular those from LDCs, should be increased. It is also important to encourage fellowship programmes supported by participating organizations.DiversityCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariatYO
3041. Mechanisms to broaden participation should be encouraged, and such efforts should be ongoing and transparent with regular reports provided by the IGF Secretariat on progress made and obstacles faced.Broader ParticipationCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, communityNOseveral initiatives by stakeholders to implement this recommendation including: ISOC ambassadors programme; Business support for civil society participation (Google initiative)
US Govt. initiative to bring Iraqi govt. representatives to BakuACT online initiative to bring developing country entrepreneurs/SMEs to Baku
3142. Remote participation is an integral part of the IGF. While remote participation has improved, in particular through remote moderators and hubs, there is still room for improvement in the following areas:
(a) The Secretariat should continue to ensure the availability of adequate technical and human resources, including remote moderators;
(b) Chairs and moderators should give remote and on-site participants equal recognition and the opportunity to participate;
(c) Low-bandwidth connections to remote participation tools should be accommodated;
(d) Linguistic diversity in remote participation should be fostered by ensuring that online meeting platforms interface with on-site interpretation;
(e) Mechanisms that facilitate remote participation, such as live transcripts, should be kept as an integral part of the IGF. Such mechanisms are invaluable not only to remote participants, but also to non-English-speakers and to people with disabilities, whether they are on site or not.
Broader ParticipationCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, MAG, all stakeholdersYCall of these recommendations were implemented in Baku to the extent possible, this should continue
3244. To improve participation in the IGF of diverse linguistic and cultural groups, it is important to expand linguistic diversity functions in the work of the IGF. For example, this could be achieved by (resources permitting):
(a) Increasing the translation of key documents into United Nations official languages;
(b) Exploring the use of simultaneous machine translations based on real-time English transcripts;
(c) Encouraging the use of any of the United Nations official languages, not only English, as the working language in some workshops.
Efforts have been made to implement these recommendations, resources remain an issue
Broader ParticipationCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, all stakeholdersYS
3345. A first step in this direction should be to enhance the IGF’s website by providing interactive functionalities and making it more attractive and inclusive. It should also maintain its conformance with open standards and further improve accessibility to persons with disabilities.Broader ParticipationCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariatYO
3446. It is important to continue to encourage host countries to make information about logistics (e.g. low-cost accommodation, transportation between airports and hotels, shuttling between hotels and meeting venues) available in a timely manner on their websites.Broader ParticipationCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, MAGNOIGF Baku implemented this to the degree possible, IGF Bali seems to be on the right track to implement too, the host country website is up and has info
3547. The role of the IGF as a “one-stop shop” where people can increase their knowledge and understanding of the IGF and Internet governance issues should be strengthened. This could be done, for instance, by introducing a structured track of pre-events and events at the Forum that contribute to capacity-building in Internet governance.Stakeholder understandingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportMAG, Secretariat, Workshop organizersNOthis is being done for the IGF 2013 programme; several tracks identified
3648. All bodies dealing with Internet governance should be invited to participate, in a coordinated and cooperative manner, in the “one-stop shop” track of the IGF which contributes to capacity-building on Internet governance.Stakeholder understandingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportMAG, SecretariatNSthis is being done, and should continue
3749. Orientation is important to better engage newcomers to the IGF and to create an environment where their participation becomes the most useful for them and also for other participants. Existing mechanisms to orientate newcomers should be continued and strengthened. This could be done by encouraging stakeholders’ initiatives to document the IGF, including concerning best practices, with related links on the IGF website. The establishment of an Internet Governance Observatory is also encouraged.Stakeholder understandingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportMAG, SecretariatYSthis is being done, and should continue
3850. Taking into account the need to increase the participation of all stakeholders, and in particular representatives of governments and parliamentarians to further broaden their interactions with other stakeholders at the IGF, a broad strategy could be developed to encourage their attendance, including possibly by organizing a special session during the IGF for them.Stakeholder understandingCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportMAG, governmental MAG members, SecretariatNSthis is being done, and should continue
3951. It is important for the IGF to continue and improve its interaction and communication with other Internet governance-related entities in order to further global policy dialogue. This goal can be achieved by developing a defined outreach and communication strategy.Link to IG entitiesCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF Report
4052. The IGF is encouraged to continue and extend its interaction and communication with Internet governance-related entities in order to further develop the global policy dialogue.Relevance & inclusiveness of IGF mtg.CSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, MAG, Special AdvisorNOthere is no special advisor at this time
4153. The IGF Secretariat and the MAG should continue to improve the sharing of information related to the chosen policy questions for each annual IGF and its outcome documentation, with relevant Internet governance-related entities.Relevance & inclusiveness of IGF mtg.CSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, communityNO
4254. The IGF Secretariat and the MAG should further share information with relevant Internet governance-related entities about how they can contribute to and participate in the IGF.Relevance & inclusiveness of IGF mtg.CSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, MAGNS
4355. The communication should be improved between the IGF and relevant Internet governance-related entities. For example, it is important to improve linkages between the IGF and the CSTD, by requesting space in CSTD meetings to present information about IGF activities.Enhanced communicationCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, MAG, CSTDNOMAG report on the implementation of the recommendations will be submitted to CSTD
4456. It is important to encourage better communication and interactions between national and regional IGF initiatives and the IGF, and to promote and enhance linkages with national and regional IGF initiatives. This should be achieved by consistent and active outreach to these initiatives by the IGF Secretariat. In addition, the MAG should ensure that national and regional IGF initiatives have adequate opportunities to feed into the IGF.OutreachCSTD WG IGFCSTD WG IGF ReportSecretariat, MAG with the help of regional IGF organizersNOThere is a national and regional IGF initiatives track at IGF 2013 to provide special space in the programme to highlight these initiatives, how they work, share best practices etc. Stakeholders have also contributed to raising awareness about national and regional IGF initiatives and promoting them to encourage broader participation. Increased staff support at the IGF secretariat would help in this regards as well.
4556.IGF should look more into many cross-cutting international public policy issues and address them more adequatelyProgramfinal report UN WSIS +10Final Report UN WSIS+10MAG, Community
4657. IGF should enhance involvement of stakeholders other than Governments, the private sector, civil society, international organizations, technical and academic communities in developping and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programmes.Stakeholder Engagementfinal report UN WSIS +10Final Report UN WSIS+10MAG, Secretariat
4759. IGF should involve all stakeholders and relevant intergovernmental and international organizations within their roles and responsibilities in the management of the InternetStakeholder Engagementfinal report UN WSIS +10Final Report UN WSIS+10MAG, Secretariat, Community
4861. IGF should promote participation and engagement in the Internet Governance of stakeholders from developing countries, particularly African countries and small island developing States and middle-income countries as well as countries in situations of conflict, post conflict countries and countries affected by natural disasters.IGF should set strengthened, stable, transparent and voluntary funding mechanisms to promote their participation Diversity and Fundingfinal report UN WSIS +10Final Report UN WSIS+10MAG, Secretariat, Community
4962. IGF to further share information at the International level on the opportunities and challenges of Open Internet Program and outreachfinal report UN WSIS +10Final Report UN WSIS+10MAG, Secretariat
5063. IGF should show progress on working modalities working modalitiesfinal report UN WSIS +10Final Report UN WSIS+10MAG, Secretariat
5163. IGF should show progress on the participation of relevant stakeholders from developing countries.Stakeholder Engagementfinal report UN WSIS +10Final Report UN WSIS+10MAG, Secretariat, Community
526. Some stakeholders are under-represented in the IGF, including demand-side businesses such as those in financial services and manufacturing. There is a risk of it becoming a forum for Internet Governance insiders rather than reaching out, as it should, to stakeholders that currently do not participate in it, so there is a need to structure an strategy to get involved these stakeholders that are not participating.
Stakeholder Engagement#evolution
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
537. To Fulfill the mandate set out in the Tunis Agenda is important to continue works like ‘connecting the next billion’, awareness-raising and capacity-building, and the defense of human rights online.Participation & Capacity Building#evolution
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
5411. IGF keep a strong and narrow emphasis on issues that are directly related, or unique, to the Internet centered in technology or medium and not in conduct. This would allow the IGF to concentrate more effectively on the issues where it can have more, and more exclusive, impact.Evolution and ImpactIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
5512. The IGF success will depend in part on its ability to bridge the needs from the UN system and the Internet community during a period of rapid and unpredictable change for both Internet and Internet governance.Stakeholder Engagement#impact
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5613. Important to clarify the purpose on the MAG: whether it is a programme committee or an executive/steering committee for the IGF.MAG Structure & Methods#MAG_role
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
5714. The MAG to have a more holistic mandate for supporting the preparations of the IGF and should be able to focus more on broader policy questions, for example work on a strategic plan with different pillars may be established for the next 3, 5 or 9 year plans, guiding each year’s work, themes, and policy discussions.
MAG Structure & Methods#MAG_role
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft (2017) A Working Group on Multi-year Strategic Work Programme was stablished.
5815-16 Workshop selection process by the MAG need to be improved, streamlined, and more transparent with clearer guidelines, including a timetable of expectations for proposers. The selection processes need to be consistent year by year.
MAG Structure & Methods#preparatory_process
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
5917. During Workshop Submitions define a timeline for community contributions in order to structure the process with advance notice and allow sufficient time for each step.Workshop selection#preparatory_process

IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
6018. Set up a continuous outreach to other organizations, institutions, venues where governments gather, NRIs, etc., to gather input on themes and issues of interest from different communities, and use this to strengthen the IGF as a common platform for these discussions.
Stakeholder Engagement#preparatory_process
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
6119. Greater efforts are needed on the communications fronts - for better outreach to the community and better dissemination of IGF documentation and information.Enhanced communication#communication
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6221. Implement accountability of MAG members to their communities, reporting back to their respective communities and keep them engaged in IGF processes.MAG Structure & Methods#MAG_composition
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6322. Full feedback on how the UN assesses the candidates, and why some are selected and some are not. This information is indeed crucial to allow stakeholder groups to select and put forward the best candidates possible.MAG Structure & Methods#MAG_composition
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
6423. Reconsider the timing in terms of the MAG members possibly being appointed before the new cycle, so they can sit in and understand their roles before taking them on.MAG Structure & Methods#MAG_compositionIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
6524. The MAG Chair to have a mandate for more than one year. Consider aspirational and not prescriptive rotation of the MAG chairmanship among the stakeholder groups, and that the IGF should move away from the default that Chairs are government representatives. Increase transparency about criteria for the MAG chair and consultation with the stakeholder communities about possible candidates.MAG Structure & Methods#MAG_chair
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
6625 - 35. Need for Secretariat’s staff resourcing, in line with leveraging the quality and contract support for specific project needs. Technological resources as potential means to also help support the work that the Secretariat does. IGF Secretariat’s general communications and outreach capacities; improve the website and make full use of different online tools. If these resource gaps could be better communicated to donors more funds could be raised.
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
6726. Better-quality outreach and documentation of the IGF could also lead to more high-level/political interest in its processes and the annual meeting.Secretariat#outreach
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
6827. To appoint a Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General for Internet Governance to act as the “political face” of the IGF and protect the IGF Secretariat from outside pressures, so that it can be left to perform operational tasks.

IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
6928. The IGF community, MAG and Secretariat, may not be taking sufficient advantage of its link to and support from the larger UN system and various institutions to provide more information to the UN constituencies.Secretariat#United_Nations
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
7029 - 30 Different stakeholders to be engage include law enforcement agencies, different Ministries, civil society groups and developing countries. High-level participants are needed to give visibility while expert participants enhance the quality of discussions. Both physical and virtual participation are important and are to be regarded as complementary types of "engagement"
Stakeholder Engagement#remote_participation
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
7131 - 32 Stakeholders are not missing equally among the different stakeholder groups. An analysis of who is engaging with IGF at the moment might reveal interesting elements and help prioritize on some key stakeholders that are not there. NRIs and Internet governance schools could play an important role in this context, since they present a lower entry barrier for newcomers (taking into account that not all initiatives have the same degree of maturity) as a valuable capacity building mechanism aiming at engaging new stakeholders.Stakeholder Engagement#NRIs
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
7233. Relevance helps to focus attention and create demand from stakeholders. To make more explicit the "value proposition" or "return on investment" for the different stakeholders. Positive incentives should be highlighted.Stakeholder Engagement#outreach

IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
7334. IGF does not need to cover "all" issues every time and discussions should happen when needed. A multiyear year work plan identifying a roadmap with more concrete outputs at the end might help in bringing in new stakeholders (e.g. the financial sector, content producers, local SMEs, etc.). This should still allow for enough flexibility to adapt it to new and emerging situations. Such a process would need to be communicated clearly and widely.
Multiyear Planning#communication
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft (2017) A Working Group on Multi-year Strategic Work Programme was stablished.
7435. Information about the IGF, its processes and its discussions could be made more accessible and understandable. There are currently high-entry barriers for newcomers. Possible improvements include: capacity-building at NRI level; specific workshops/webinars; involvement of Internet governance schools and programmes.Stakeholder Engagement#communication
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
7536. Efforts to engage new stakeholders (and keep the ones that are already there) need to be sustained and nurtured. Adequate resources need to be allocated to outreach and engagement efforts. There are advances with youth and NRIs, but is needed that the IGF addresses the issue of engagement in a more results-oriented, structured and focused way.Stakeholder Engagement#newcomers
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
7642. It is needed to include capacity development in IGF intersessional activities that already exist, including the NRIs.Participation & Capacity Building#intersessional_work
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7743. Lack of funding is one of the major factors preventing many from participating in the IGF. New sources of funding has to be found to increase participation.Funding#stakeholder_engagementIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
7844 - 45 There are content, or “academic” gaps in the capacity building that takes place at the IGF. Current efforts needed to be supplemented with inputs that assist participants with understanding some of the basic conceptualization of Internet governance, citing it as a new field of study and research. IGF could officially support or partner with the work done by specialized initiatives, such as Diplo, the IG schools and university programmes in order to better develop these skills and competencies. Also, to make visible numerous international, regional and national capacity-building efforts which include courses, open educational resources, seminars, webinars and sessions within other events such as those developed and operated by ISOC, ICANN, NGOs, schools, universities, associations, and many others.Participation & Capacity Building#newcomers
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
7946. Many Internet users in the health and education spaces are not coming to the IGF because their fields are not covered, or issues dealt with at the IGF such as cybersecurity, are too specific to be of interest to them. These are areas where there is not enough capacity building activity and where specific action could be highly beneficial and make the IGF more useful to the community.Participation & Capacity Building#impact

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8047. The lack of available information on how stakeholders could start a national IGF. There would be a need for more “structural capacity” as part of a larger capacity gap in finding workable solutions at national and local levels.
Participation & Capacity Building#NRIsIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft (2017) An IGF NRIs Toolkit was developed and is available in multiple languages at
8148 - 49 - 50. The link between Internet governance and development is needing to be made clearer for IGF capacity building efforts to be valued, properly understood and funded. To keep in view the audience for capacity building efforts and that there should be a variety of topics to offer, ensuring they are relevant for regional and local needs and sustainable in the longer term. The MAG establish a dedicated permanent sub-group on capacity development and works all year long on these topics.Participation & Capacity Building#impact
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8251. Disruptive’ thinking on capacity development to get the IGF out of its comfort zone, and to encourage a more a proactive approach to capacity development, which has not been the most visible aspect of the IGF’s activities.Participation & Capacity Building#impactIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
8352 - 53 To increase the firm establishment of partnerships with regional organizations, academic institutions and Internet governance “think tanks”. Also with Diplo and IGF schools (Africa, Europe, Latin America, etc.). Giving these existing initiatives visibility in the global IGF programme. And more participation of UN agencies, particularly development agencies (like UNCTAD and UNDP), and regional commissions (UNECA, UNESCAP, ESCWA etc.) in the IGF’s meetings and processes, while encouraging partnerships
Participation & Capacity Building#partnerships
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
8454. Relationships among stakeholder communities are important for assuring success in capacity building, in particular when it comes to exploiting “network effects” [e.g. South Africa hosting regional IGFs, tapping into the network effect of the global IGF]; local-level IGFs become points of entry as such in this instance.Participation & Capacity Building#partnerships

IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
8555 - 56 BPFs (know-how), workshops, DC, Intersessional activities and other existing IGF mechanisms could be used a vehicle for providing toolkits and resources for the people who come to the IGF.
Participation & Capacity Building#best_practice_forums
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8657. Day zero of the IGF annual meeting could be dedicated to capacity building. Drawing on recommendations and structured track on capacity building could also be adopted as a practice. This could be done to target governments, particularly from developing countries, so has to make the IGF more relevant to their needs.Participation & Capacity Building
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
8758. Greater transparency and better reporting vis à vis the Trust Fund should also be considered, while acknowledging the improvements in the information available on the IGF website.
Funding#toolsIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
8863, 64. The IGF to adopt multi-year programme or streams on topical issues, it could enable donors to support the IGF with explicit aims and longer-term orientation and to position IGF funding alongside stakeholders’ requirements and priorities, e.g. with the sustainable development agenda.
IGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
8965. It was noted that many of the IGF documents tended to be descriptive rather than substantive. It has been also remarked that – in addition to the detailed reports – there should be shorter and more concise synthesis documents, in particular if they are to be made usable for policy makers.Outcomes#outcomesIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
9066. All outputs and documents are on the IGF website but not always easy to find. There would be a need for better organization of these, to “librarianize” these documents. A search optimization, e.g. using indexed texts or tagged keywords, would also be useful.Outcomes#outcomes #toolsIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
9167. Translation, perhaps into French and other UN languages, should be considered for at least some selected important documents. Partnerships could be sought e.g. with UN specialized agencies that have translation and outreach resources and/or with private sector actors that may offer software tools e.g. for automated translation or other supporting services. Crowd-sourcing could be used for translation of IGF documents, perhaps even engaging the NRIs and the Friends of IGF collaborators.Outcomes#outcomes #tools #UN_agencies #partnerships #private_sector #NRIsIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
9268. In order to improve the IGF’s outputs, it should be determined first what the purpose or purposes and “target audiences” of these documents are and what types of documents would be most useful to the different user groups and their specific needs.Outcomes#outcomes #impactIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
9369. Data mining, search tools, multimedia (photos, videos), multilingualism and taxonomy (tagging) are all elements that should be incorporated into the IGF website to enhance the accessibility, readability and attractiveness of the IGF’s documents.Outcomes#outcomes #toolsIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
9470. There should be more of an effort made - not just by the IGF Secretariat or the MAG, but by engaged IGF community members and stakeholders wherever possible - to carry IGF outputs into other international and intergovernmental fora.Outcomes#outcomes #stakeholder_engagement #IGF_Secretariat #MAG_roleIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
9571. Given that the resources of the IGF secretariat are limited, it was proposed the IGF work on forming partnerships to address various aspects of improving outputs.Outcomes#outcomes #partnerships #IGF_SecretariatIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
9672. Hackathons taking place during the IGF event could be used to see what interested parties could do with the IGF datasets – such activities have yielded innovative tools and approaches in similar circumstances.Outcomes#outcomes #toolsIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
9773. IGF host country governments should be responsible for disseminating the outcomes of their respective IGF meetings in the relevant inter-governmental fora; UNDESA should disseminate the information through the UN system secretariats of relevant UN bodies; and non-governmental partners should do the same in their respective networks.Outcomes#outcomes #host_country #partnerships #UNDESA #United_Nations #stakeholder_engagementIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft
9874. More clarity in defining the scope of the role of the MAG and the Secretariat in the production of outputs would be welcome. The information should be made publicly available.Outcomes#outcomes #IGF_Secretariat #MAG_role #communicationIGF RETREAT July 2016IGF Retreat Working Draft