A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | |
1 | Publication | Country/Region | Institution or Authority | Website | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Education System: Described and Compared with the Dutch System | Afghanistan | NUFFIC: The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education | https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/education-systems/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Afghanistan | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | TVET Country Profiles | Afghanistan | UNESCO-UNEVOC | https://unevoc.unesco.org/wtdb/worldtvetdatabase_afg_en.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | NOKUT Country Briefing | Afghanistan | NOKUT - Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education | https://www.nokut.no/om-nokut/internasjonalt-samarbeid/erasmus-projekter/refugees-and-recognition/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Country Profiles | Afghanistan | WES - World Education News & Reviews | https://wenr.wes.org/category/education-system-profiles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Organization of Higher Education: Afghanistan (in French) | Afghanistan | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/AFGHANISTAN_fiche_Curie_20_janvier_2014_cle87a2e5.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Education System: Described and Compared with the Dutch System | Albania | NUFFIC: The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education | https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/education-systems/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Albania | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Eurydice National Education Systems | Albania | European Commission | https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/national-description_en | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | ENIC-NARIC Country Page | Albania | ENC-NARIC Centres | https://www.enic-naric.net/country-pages.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | KOF Education System Factbook | Albania | KOF Swiss Economic Institute | https://kof.ethz.ch/en/publications/Factbooks_Edu_Sys.html | |||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Organization of Higher Education: Albania (in French) | Albania | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/IMG/pdf/Fiche_Curie_Albanie | |||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Overview of the Higher Education System: Albania | Albania | European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency | https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/overview-higher-education-system-in-partner-countries-regions-1234-and-7_en | |||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Albania | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | CIMEA University Systems Database (in Italian) | Albania | CIMEA: Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence | http://www.cimea.it/it/servizi/pubblicazioni-e-banche-dati/banche-dati/banca-dati-dei-sistemi-universitari.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Education System: Described and Compared with the Dutch System | Algeria | NUFFIC: The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education | https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/education-systems/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Algeria | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | National Report on the Higher Education System | Algeria | MERIC-Net - Mediterranean Network of National Information Centres on the Recognition of Qualifications | http://www.meric-net.eu/en/index.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Organization of Higher Education: Algeria (in French) | Algeria | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/ALGERIE_fiche_Curie_20_NOVEMBRE_2014__cle0835f1.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | The Educational Sytems of Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia | Algeria | NAFSA: IEM Spotlight | https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/educational-systems-algeria-morocco-and-tunisia | |||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Overview of the Higher Education System: Algeria | Algeria | European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency | https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/overview-higher-education-system-in-partner-countries-regions-1234-and-7_en | |||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Algeria | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Policy Brief: Algeria | Algeria | ICMED: International Credit Mobility: A New Challenge for the Mediterranean Region | https://www.icmedproject.eu/project-outputs/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | ENIC-NARIC Country Page | Andorra | ENC-NARIC Centres | https://www.enic-naric.net/country-pages.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Andorra | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Andorra: Higher Education System | Andorra | Government of Andorra | https://www.ensenyamentsuperior.ad/suport-a-l-ensenyament-superior/andorra-higher-education-system | |||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Angola | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | SARUA Handbook 2009 - Guide to the Public Universities of Southern Africa | Angola | SARUA: Southern African Regional Universities Association | https://www.sarua.org/?q=publications/sarua-handbook-2009-guide-public-universities-southern-africa | |||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Organization of Higher Education: Angola (in French) | Angola | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Fiche_Curie_ANGOLA_16_09_2013_cle855f18.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Angola | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | A Profile of Higher Education in Southern Africa Volume 2: National Perspectives | Angola | Southern African Regional Universities Association | https://www.sarua.org/?q=publications/profile-higher-education-southern-africa-volume-2-national-perspectives | |||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | CIMEA University Systems Database (in Italian) | Argei | CIMEA: Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence | http://www.cimea.it/it/servizi/pubblicazioni-e-banche-dati/banche-dati/banca-dati-dei-sistemi-universitari.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Education System: Described and Compared with the Dutch System | Argentina | NUFFIC: The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education | https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/education-systems/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Argentina | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Country Profiles | Argentina | WES - World Education News & Reviews | https://wenr.wes.org/category/education-system-profiles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | National Education System | Argentina | OEI - Organization of Iberoamerican States | https://www.oei.es/historico/quipu/informes.htm | |||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Organization of Higher Education: Argentina (in French) | Argentina | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/ARGENTINE_9-11-12_cle0eb598.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Organization of Higher Education: Argentina (in French) | Argentina | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/IMG/pdf/Fiche_Curie_Argentine_2010.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Argentina | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Instituto Nacional de Educacion Tecnológica: Catálogo Nacional de Títulos y Certificaciones de Educación Técnico Profesional (National Institute of Technological Education: National Catalog of Titles and Certifications of Professional Technical Education) | Argentina | Instituto Nacional de Educacion Tecnológica | http://catalogo.inet.edu.ar/titulos-nivel-secundario-tecnico | |||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Instituto Nacional de Educacion Tecnológica: Catálogo Nacional de Títulos y Certificaciones de Educación Técnico Profesional (National Institute of Technological Education: National Catalog of Titles and Certifications of Professional Technical Education) | Argentina | Instituto Nacional de Educacion Tecnológica | http://catalogo.inet.edu.ar/titulos-nivel-secundario-tecnico | |||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Armenia | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | TVET Country Profiles | Armenia | UNESCO-UNEVOC | https://unevoc.unesco.org/wtdb/worldtvetdatabase_arm_en.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | ENIC-NARIC Country Page | Armenia | ENC-NARIC Centres | https://www.enic-naric.net/country-pages.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Organization of Higher Education: Armenia (in French) | Armenia | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/IMG/pdf/Fiche_Curie_Armenie.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Overview of the Higher Education System: Armenia | Armenia | European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency | https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/overview-higher-education-system-in-partner-countries-regions-1234-and-7_en | |||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Armenia | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | CIMEA University Systems Database (in Italian) | Armenia | CIMEA: Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence | http://www.cimea.it/it/servizi/pubblicazioni-e-banche-dati/banche-dati/banca-dati-dei-sistemi-universitari.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Education System: Described and Compared with the Dutch System | Aruba | NUFFIC: The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education | https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/education-systems/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Eurydice National Education Systems | Austrai | European Commission | https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/national-description_en | |||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Education System: Described and Compared with the Dutch System | Australia | NUFFIC: The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education | https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/education-systems/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Australia | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | TVET Country Profiles | Australia | UNESCO-UNEVOC | https://unevoc.unesco.org/home/TVET%20Country%20Profiles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Country Education Profiles | Australia | Australian Government Department of Education and Training | https://internationaleducation.gov.au/Documents/ED15-0091_INT_Australia_Country_Education_Profile_2015_ACC.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | ENIC-NARIC Country Page | Australia | ENC-NARIC Centres | https://www.enic-naric.net/country-pages.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | Country Profiles | Australia | WES - World Education News & Reviews | https://wenr.wes.org/category/education-system-profiles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | KOF Education System Factbook | Australia | KOF Swiss Economic Institute | https://kof.ethz.ch/en/publications/Factbooks_Edu_Sys.html | |||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | Overview of Quality Assurance System in Higher Education | Australia | National Institution for Academic Degress and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education of Japan | https://www.niad.ac.jp/english/cqa/information.html#package | |||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | Organization of Higher Education: Australia (in French) | Australia | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/AUSTRALIE_Fiche_Curie_NOVEMBRE_2014__cle41e81c.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Australia | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | CIMEA University Systems Database (in Italian) | Australia | CIMEA: Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence | http://www.cimea.it/it/servizi/pubblicazioni-e-banche-dati/banche-dati/banca-dati-dei-sistemi-universitari.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
63 | Australian 3-Year Degrees | Australia | NAFSA Wrap-Up Newsletter | https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/october-2007-wrap-newsletter | |||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Standardized Tests in Australia | Australia | NAFSA Wrap-Up Newsletter | https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/october-2007-wrap-newsletter | |||||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Credentials Evaluation: Australia | Australia | NAFSA Wrap-Up Newsletter | https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/october-2007-wrap-newsletter | |||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | Australia: How to Identify Fake Degrees and Unaccredited Higher Education Providers | Australia | NAFSA Wrap-Up Newsletter | https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/admissions-wrap-newsletter-may-2006 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
67 | Education System: Described and Compared with the Dutch System | Austria | NUFFIC: The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education | https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/education-systems/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
68 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Austria | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
69 | ENIC-NARIC Country Page | Austria | ENC-NARIC Centres | https://www.enic-naric.net/country-pages.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Higher Education Systems | Austria | European Consortium for Accreditation | http://ecahe.eu/w/index.php/Category:Higher_education_systems | |||||||||||||||||||||||
71 | KOF Education System Factbook | Austria | KOF Swiss Economic Institute | https://kof.ethz.ch/en/publications/Factbooks_Edu_Sys.html | |||||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Organization of Higher Education: Austria (in French) | Austria | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Autriche_Fiche_Curie_3__cle8f9361.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | The Austrian Education System | Austria | National Agency for Erasmus+ Education | https://www.bildungssystem.at/en/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Austria | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
75 | CIMEA University Systems Database (in Italian) | Austria | CIMEA: Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence | http://www.cimea.it/it/servizi/pubblicazioni-e-banche-dati/banche-dati/banca-dati-dei-sistemi-universitari.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
76 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Azerbaijan | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
77 | TVET Country Profiles | Azerbaijan | UNESCO-UNEVOC | https://unevoc.unesco.org/wtdb/worldtvetdatabase_aze_en.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
78 | ENIC-NARIC Country Page | Azerbaijan | ENC-NARIC Centres | https://www.enic-naric.net/country-pages.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
79 | Bologna-Inspired Education Reform in Central Asia | Azerbaijan | World Education Services | https://wenr.wes.org/2015/05/bologna-inspired-education-reform-central-asia | |||||||||||||||||||||||
80 | Organization of Higher Education: Azerbaijan (in French) | Azerbaijan | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/2017-06-20_fiche_curie_es_azerbaidjan_2017_cle0f6651.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Organization of Higher Education: Azerbaijan (in French) | Azerbaijan | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/AZERBAIDJAN_fiche_Curie_3_novembre_2014__cle0e831a.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | Overview of the Higher Education System: Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan | European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency | https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/overview-higher-education-system-in-partner-countries-regions-1234-and-7_en | |||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | Educational System of the Bahamas | Bahamas | NAFSA: IEM Spotlight | https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/educational-system-bahamas | |||||||||||||||||||||||
84 | Credential Survey of Commonwealth Countries | Bahamas | NAFSA: IEM Spotlight | https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/credential-survey-commonwealth-countries | |||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Bahrain | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | TVET Country Profiles | Bahrain | UNESCO-UNEVOC | https://unevoc.unesco.org/wtdb/worldtvetdatabase_bhr_en.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | Organization of Higher Education: Bahrain (in French) | Bahrain | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/IMG/pdf/Fiche_Bahrein_2007.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Bahrain | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | Education System: Described and Compared with the Dutch System | Bangladesh | NUFFIC: The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education | https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/education-systems/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Bangladesh | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | Country Profiles | Bangladesh | WES - World Education News & Reviews | https://wenr.wes.org/category/education-system-profiles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | Organization of Higher Education: Bangaldesh (in French) | Bangladesh | France Diplomatie - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/BANGLADESH_17-1-13_cle821494.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Bangladesh | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Barbados | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
95 | TVET Country Profiles | Barbados | UNESCO-UNEVOC | https://unevoc.unesco.org/wtdb/worldtvetdatabase_brb_en.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
96 | World Data on Education, 6th Edition (2006-2007) | Barbados | IBE-UNESCO | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-sixth-edition-2006-07 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
97 | World Data on Education, 7th Edition (2010-2011) | Belarus | UNESCO International Bureau of Education | http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/document/world-data-education-seventh-edition-2010-11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
98 | TVET Country Profiles | Belarus | UNESCO-UNEVOC | https://unevoc.unesco.org/wtdb/worldtvetdatabase_blr_en.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
99 | ENIC-NARIC Country Page | Belarus | ENC-NARIC Centres | https://www.enic-naric.net/country-pages.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
100 | Overview of the Higher Education System: Belarus | Belarus | European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency | https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/overview-higher-education-system-in-partner-countries-regions-1234-and-7_en |