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1 | Discord ID (Project Owner) | Project Title | Description | Github | Additional links | Milestones Delivered | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | iowxss6 | id-mask (prev. zkSmart-ID: Personal Identification Data and ZK Smart Contracts Join Forces) | Identitifcation data combined with ZK smart contracts project. . | https://github.com/id-Mask | https://idmask.xyz/ https://id-mask-oracle-e6ngsd55oa-uc.a.run.app/api-docs/ https://id-mask.gitbook.io/docs/intro/what-is-id-mask | Smart-ID Oracle; Oracle Documentation (Swagger UI); zkApp and Front-end; Research on storing the proofs on google/android wallet (new); | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | dfst.io | MinaNFT | Mina.NFT platform that makes AI supported NFTs shareable across social media platforms and verifies on Mina. | https://github.com/dfstio/minanft https://github.com/dfstio/minanft-lib https://github.com/dfstio/minanft-api https://github.com/dfstio/minanftio https://github.com/dfstio/minanft-cli https://github.com/dfstio/minanft-docs https://github.com/dfstio/minanft-lib-example | https://minanft.io https://t.me/minanft_bot?start https://docs.minanft.io https://docs.minanft.io/api https://github.com/dfstio https://minascan.io/testworld/token/x4WfQmZtemwfjSQqxgmwBkTQuepSAAMZUB19cnfxS8azroB3jw/zk-tx | S1. MinaNFT Contract v1 and data structures S2. Frontend v1 S3. Telegram Bot @MinaNFT_bot S4. Mina Avatar Namespace S5. Basic AI Assistance S6. Telegram Bot Payments S7. Frontend Payments S8. Verification of Data A1. MinaNFT Contract v2 A2. minanft TypeScript/JavaScript Library A3. Creation of POST API A4. MinaNFT Offline CLI Tool A5. Enhanced Frontend A6. Enhanced Telegram Bot A7. AI Tools A8. Support for Italian, Spanish, and French languages A8(a) Support for Turkish language (new) A9. Advanced Verification of Data A10. Serverless backend with plugins for SmartContracts and ZkPrograms (new) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | flushthefashion | zkApps / Ecosystem Hub and zkApp Testing Groups | A directory of zkApp and Mina ecosystem partners. | https://zkok.io | https://zkok.io https://twitter.com/minacryptocom | Design, build and deploy all initial functionality to the zkApp platform within the 3 months. Add ~100 current WIP zkApps Source relevant SEO content from the ecosystem and developers Build on existing partnerships and actively seek new opportunities with the Ecosystem and beyond. Ongoing - maintain and grow the platform. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | thedude_og | Sealed bid auctions | A platform to host sealed bid second price auctions in a secure and trustless way | https://github.com/revl-auction-house/main-turbo-repo | https://youtu.be/A3MX7nZH5PQ?feature=shared https://github.com/revl-auction-house/main-turbo-repo | - Research and finalise the design. - Implemented runtimeModules for a Private Token system using Protokit. with local testing.(new) - Implemented runtimeModules for auctions including Blind, English, Dutch Auctions. with a comprehensive test suit (new) - Implemented a simple indexer service to index data to a DB for the front-end to use. - Build a front-end using svelte-kit. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | shinki316 | Privacy Coin | ERC20/721/1155-like standard which can interact with on-chain contracts. | https://github.com/suenchunhui/mina-privacy-coin https://github.com/suenchunhui/mina-privacy-browser-walllet | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HPgGogpQdAzwDVKyElm9BttQTrCbqw3B?usp=sharing | Standard Scope Milestones 1. Complete contract code repo, with test cases (done) 1b. Experimentation on better privacy algo using UTXOs was experimented, and core architecture was pivoted to use UTXOs in privacy mode. (done) 2. Create off-chain server to listen for events and update merkle nodes in a database, API call to generate the current merkle proofs (done) 3. Create a simple end-end example that can mint, transfer and interact with another contract (done) Extended Scope 1. Build a browser-based wallet (see 2nd repo) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | carbonaracrypto | zkApp.store | zkApp marketplace built for Mina Protocol community. | https://github.com/nerdvibe/zkApp.store | Application: - https://zkapp.store API for 3rd party integration: - https://api.zkapp.store/graphql?query= Documentation: - https://docs.zkapp.store/ Open source repository: - https://github.com/nerdvibe/zkApp.store | - Marketplace for zkApps --> Delivery: https://zkapp.store - zkApp details page --> https://zkapp.store/app/identity-proof-guard - Search --> Search bar available on top of the page - Signup/Login --> https://zkapp.store/register & https://zkapp.store/login ---> Please note, emails are currently disabled. So when signing up, the verification email is not sent. You can retrieve the verification URL by sending a DM to carbonaracrypto on Discord or by logging in with: email: user@example.com password: WO@l2H#K7 - Private dashboard in order to submit and manage the zkApps. --> Once logged in go to: https://zkapp.store/dashboard - API --> https://api.zkapp.store/graphql?query= - Documentation --> https://docs.zkapp.store/ ✅ Milestones delivered: 8/8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | yoga_web3 | TokeniZK Finance -- A Launchpad for ZkToken on Mina | Decentralized launchpad where you could launch your own zk-Token and create your own initial token sale. | https://github.com/TokeniZK/tokenizk-finance | https://tokenizk.finance/ | Milestone1: Cloud Infra preparation Milestone2: Smart Contracts development * Support functionalities listed at milestone3 Milestone3: Web client UI development # ZK-Token Creation Users could easily create a originally natively basic custom token with given secure smart contract templates. # Presale ## Normal Presale Normal Presale pages work for project team to pre-configure a set of presale rules like sales amount, target currency, softcap/hardcap, minimumBuy/maximumBuy,startTime/endTime, whitelist, vesting schedule for contributors, etc. And it also provide entry for contribution. * config the preSales rules & parameters and information on projects and team. * Normal Presale Listing page * Normal Presale Detail Page * Normal Presale contribution * Including withdraw contribution if Softcap is not reached ## Fair Presale Fair Presale is a special Normal Presale, where there is no hardcap, and everyone will have the same token price after it ends. It doesn't matter if you buy first or late. Token price = total raised Mina / total tokens for Fair Presale . * configure the preSales rules and information on projects and team. * Fair Presale Listing page * Fair Presale Detail Page * Fair Presale contribution * Including withdraw contribution if Softcap is not reached ## PrivateSale PrivateSale works for project team to make a private sale from specified investors or the public. You could pre-configure it on sales amount, target currency, softcap/hardcap, minimumBuy/maximumBuy,startTime/endTime, whitelist, vesting schedule for project team, etc. * investment operations and information on projects and team. * PrivateSale Listing page * PrivateSale Detail Page * PrivateSale contribution * Including withdraw contribution if Softcap is not reached # Fair Airdrop Fair Airdrop tool, as each custom token’s exclusive unique Intermediary role(will explained below), helps project team to record related contributors and token distribution. * configure the Airdrop * claim Token # TokenLocker TokenLocker works as each custom token’s exclusive unique Intermediary role(will explained below) for vesting project team and contributors or even the transfer scenario where one user vests another user. A TokenLocker also could be optionally created later after or during the creation of each Presale, Private Sale and Fair Airdrop. * configure Vesting Rules (NOTE: seen at tokenizk-core-smartcontracts-working-mechanism.pdf in proposal attachments, at standard milestone , we implements this by Mina’s native time-locking account feature for vesting schedule) # Transfer Token A tiny web page wallet for users to transfer their tokens. # User Participation History Page Pages for user to quickly review all his participated activities. Milestone4: Onchain Tracker development * Support functionalities listed at milestone3 Milestone5: Offchain Storage Maintainer development * Support functionalities listed at milestone3 Milestone6: Platform Backend Service development * Support functionalities listed at milestone3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | renzokuken | MAC! | zkApp that enables users to deploy simple escrow smart contracts that secure daily interactions with MINA security deposits.. | https://github.com/marekyggdrasil/mac | Demo recording: https://youtu.be/5940Ja8CbC0 The most recent build is live and available under: https://mac.sqrtxx.com/ The more detailed log, weekly updates of my progress with screenshots are available under this Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/MarekNarozniak/status/171058102702063647 | Refactoring, now entire project builds without any errors with typescript on. Initially there was 310 type errors in 16 files. I also updated SnarkyJS to o1js in both contracts and the UI. Contract deployment with AURO and removing private key mode. Now user can deploy the newly created smart contract using AURO wallet. Improve the MACPACK editor experience. Before the built-in text editor was an editable HTML element. During this cohort I built a proper editor component using a textarea element. I managed to make it look the same. (new) Speed-up compile time. I managed to make the compilation time become 5.5 faster. It dropped from 6.6 minutes to 1.2 minutes in the browser. It improves the user experience a lot as the user no longer needs to wait this long to start creating and deploying zkApps. (new) Deployment optimization. Before, when user was creating a zkApp using my tool, needed to deploy it and then run another transaction to initialize it. I combined this into single transaction making one step less for the user. The proving time of deployment increased slightly but the UI experience improved a lot. (new) Network error handling. Before, if there was a failure in reaching the network the app was silent and would not inform the user. I have implemented handling of this error and display adequate message to the user. (new) Network selection component. Before the default network was Berkeley. I implemented a component allowing user to select the network, now TestWorld is also supported. This will also make it faster to include mainnet once it becomes available for zkApps. (new) o1js contribution. While working on this cohort I found a minor problem in the o1js repo. I created a pull-request PR#1224 and it was merged. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | rahul.aeriuslabs | ZkSnap | Verifiable on/off chain DAO voting with ballot privacy using storage proofs. | https://github.com/aerius-labs/zk-snap https://github.com/aerius-labs/zk-snap-backend https://github.com/aerius-labs/zk-snap-frontend https://github.com/aerius-labs/rlp-snarkyjs | https://twitter.com/AeriusLabs/status/1735254591573487672 | 1. Project Planning and Design (Weeks 1-2): The initial weeks will be dedicated to finalizing the project plan, including detailed design of the Zk-SNARK circuits and inclusion proofs. This phase will also include the design of the frontend interface and the backend architecture. 2. Development of Zk-SNARK Circuits (Weeks 3-6): With the design in place, we will begin the development of the Zk-SNARK circuits. This is a complex task and we anticipate it will take approximately four weeks to complete. 3. (PArtially done) Implementation of Storage Proof Verification Algorithms (Weeks 7-9): Concurrently with the development of the Zk-SNARK circuits, we will start implementing the storage proof verification algorithms. We aim to complete this task within three weeks. 4. Frontend Interface and Backend Architecture Development (Weeks 10-12): The final phase of the three-month period will be dedicated to developing the frontend interface and the backend architecture. This will ensure a user-friendly experience and a robust, scalable system. 5. Testing and Refinement (Ongoing): Throughout the entire process, we will conduct continuous testing and refinement of all components of the system. This will allow us to promptly identify and address any issues, ensuring the system's security, effectiveness, and usability. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | saumay_ | Mina Ecosystem 101 | Developer onboarding content for the Mina ecosystem. | https://github.com/QuezarHQ/mina-ecosystem-101 | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqgutSGloqiIhvkaLRXwh4wmIxkd0e1Le | Milestone 1 - Content Draft shared via google docs for feedback Milestone 2 - Video series live on youtube Milestone 4 - Sample zkApp deployment New Milestone - Add content for two more zkApps | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | berkingurcan | zkApps Umstad | AI Agent powered by ChapGPT and trained on Mina specific assets designed to assist zkApp developers. | https://github.com/UmstadAI/zkAppUmstad Sub projects: https://github.com/UmstadAI/uploaders/ https://github.com/berkingurcan/discord-qa-scrapper https://github.com/UmstadAI/Thread-Uploader | https://zkappsumstad.com/, https://pypi.org/project/zkappumstad/ | Milestone 1: User Interface and Context Integration with Vector Database Develop a user-friendly interface for the chatbot, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience. Integrate a vector database to enhance the chatbot's ability to understand and maintain context during conversations. Enable the chatbot to recall previous interactions, improving the continuity and effectiveness of conversations with developers. Milestone 2: Project Planning AI agent translates specifications and requirements into actionable tasks for the implementation phase. This process is fully automated, with the agent creating and prioritizing a list of issues and tasks. Each task is tagged with details and resources required for completion. Milestone 3: Implementation Phase Focus on the development and implementation of core features for zkApps, MINA Protocol, SnarkyJS Enable the chatbot to provide code suggestions, examples, and explanations specific to zkApps and SnarkyJS Ensure the chatbot can assist developers in writing, testing, and debugging smart contracts effectively. Milestone 4: Optimization Conduct thorough testing and gather user feedback to identify areas for improvement in the chatbot's performance. Analyze and optimize the chatbot's response time, accuracy, and resource utilization to enhance overall efficiency. Continuously refine the chatbot's algorithms and training methodologies to improve its understanding and effectiveness in assisting developers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | pvldshvv | zkCredential - ZK Verifiable Credentials | Protocol to achieve zero-disclosure verifiable credentials. | - ZK-credential specification: https://github.com/zcred-org/ZCIPs/blob/main/ZCIPs/zcip-2.md - Query language: https://github.com/zcred-org/o1js-jal - ZKC passport issuer: https://github.com/sybil-center/sybil-center/tree/main/backend - ZCred SDK: https://github.com/sybil-center/sybil-center/tree/main/zcredjs-core - ZCred Mina SDK: https://github.com/sybil-center/sybil-center/tree/main/zcredjs-mina - Demo zkApp: https://github.com/zcred-org/zcred-demo | - ZK-credential specification: https://github.com/zcred-org/ZCIPs/blob/main/ZCIPs/zcip-2.md - Query language: https://github.com/zcred-org/o1js-jal - ZKC passport issuer: https://github.com/sybil-center/sybil-center/tree/main/backend - ZCred SDK: https://github.com/sybil-center/sybil-center/tree/main/zcredjs-core - ZCred Mina SDK: https://github.com/sybil-center/sybil-center/tree/main/zcredjs-mina - Demo zkApp: https://github.com/zcred-org/zcred-demo | - Barebones version of zkIssuer and zkApp to test the flow - Initial zkCredential SDK extracted from the barebones zkIssuer - Refined zkIssuer and zkApp, separated and deployed - Specifications - Released zkCredential SDK along with documentation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | anks_ | MinAuth - zkProof based auth | Tools to enable developers to implement privacy concious authorization mechanisms. | https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/MinAuth | Link to demo: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1paxCE2XLLc-BScVu_Nx8mopTTDgsyi8w | Milestone 1 - Project Planning and Design Milestone 2 - Core proof flow and a simple plugin Milestone 3 - Full proof flow Milestone 4 - Chain-indexing plugins | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | illya.papi | zkLocus | Enables users to authenticate their geographic location with service providers while preserving their privacy. | https://github.com/iluxonchik/zkLocus/ | https://github.com/zkLocus/integration-oracle | https://zklocus.dev | https://twitter.com/zklocus | * Smart contract development and testing * Documentation production * Creation of example use case guides * Development of a JavaScript library simplifying the location proving process * Development of a frontend application demonstrating system usage * (new) Whitepaper detailing the technology, the vision and the mission * (new) Authenticated geolocation through integration oracle: https://github.com/zkLocus/integration-oracle * (new) Full support for arbitrary authenticated geolocation sources * (new) Offline/off-chain compatibility * (new) Educational and promotional material articles at https://illya.sh/blog/ Also includes some videos published on social media. * (new) Application chain/self-rollup architecture * (new) Homepage for the product: https://zklocus.dev * (new) Twitter/X community: https://twitter.com/zkLocus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | gercekkriptocu | Educational Video Series And Podcast For Community | Educational video series and community focused content.. | https://open.spotify.com/show/5cnyqocmcg6d0n9PXv7dVF. Twitter.com/Gercekkriptocu https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU6Tpj3IooHVBy-5kBLYJyzZk_5tWhhlJ&si=uDbphatnZO3smA7p | 1- Video Creation and Adding Subtitles 2- Converting to Podcast and Uploading to Platforms | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | racampos | zkNotary | zkOracle for Mina powered by TLSNotary. | https://github.com/racampos/zkNotary | 1. Setting Up TLSNotary: Successfully launch the TLSNotary service and demonstrate its capability by notarizing a TLS session resulting from an API call to a chosen data source. 2. zkOracle Development: Construct a foundational zkOracle, akin to the example provided in Tutorial 7 of the Mina Docs. This zkOracle will not assume data authenticity. Instead, it will derive data authenticity from the notarized transcript provided by TLSNotary. 3. Documentation: Produce comprehensive guidelines detailing the steps to create a zkOracle with TLSNotary. This will also include instructions on how to integrate it within a Mina zkApp framework. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | phn2211 | On-chain Funding platform for builders and investors | Platform to bring bring funding workflows (investments, grants, accelerators) on chain.. | Libraries: https://github.com/auxo-zk/auxo-libs ZkApps: - DKG: https://github.com/auxo-zk/Distributed-key-generation - Platform: https://github.com/auxo-zk/Platform Services: https://github.com/auxo-zk/auxo-server Web Applications: - DKG Committee: https://github.com/auxo-zk/frontend-committee-auxo - Builders: https://github.com/auxo-zk/frontend-builder-auxo - Organizers: https://github.com/auxo-zk/front-organizer-auxo - Investors: https://github.com/auxo-zk/front-investor-auxo Website: https://github.com/auxo-zk/landing-page | Website: https://auxo.fund; Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuxoZk | Scope 1 - DKG zkApp Use cases [Done] Creation of a DKG committee [Done] Request for key generation and key usage [Done] Contribution processes for key generation (2 rounds) [Done] Contribution processes for key usage requests (1-2 rounds) [Done] Monitor keys’ statuses Results [Done] A functional smart contract system in SnarkyJS [Testing] A web app in React with UI/UX design [Done] TypeScript libraries for DKG’s contribution & request [Done] Services (backend + off-chain storage) for smart contract & web-app interaction Scope 2 - Funding Module Use cases [Done] Fund/refund with Threshold Homomorphic Encryption [Done] Calculate the final result [Done] Allocate funds to projects [Done] Manage portfolio (funding notes) Results [Done] A functional smart contract system in SnarkyJS [Done] TypeScript libraries for interactions with funding notes [Done] Services (backend + off-chain storage) for smart contract & web-app interaction Scope 3 - Project Module Use cases [Done] Create new projects [Done] Manage milestones [Done] Apply for funding campaigns [Done] Withdraw funds received Results [Done] A functional smart contract system in SnarkyJS [Done] TypeScript libraries for interactions with milestones [Done] Services (backend + off-chain storage) for smart contract & web-app interaction Scope 4 - Platform zkApp Use cases [Done] Register as Builders, Investors, or Organizers. [Done] Create funding campaigns. [Done] Monitor and manage funding campaigns. [Done] Explore information about campaigns and projects. Results [Done] A functional smart contract system in SnarkyJS [Integrating] 3 web apps in React with UI/UX design [Done] TypeScript libraries for DKG’s contribution & request [Done] Services (backend + off-chain storage) for smart contract & web-app interaction Scope 5 - Operation [Done] Infrastructure: VMs & Off-chain Storage [Done] Project Management Scope 6 - Business Development [Done] Create a brand package for the project [New] Business Research [New] Marketing Strategy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | chrlyz | An auditable social media platform | Auditable social media platform without opaque algorithms. | https://github.com/chrlyz/wrdhom_contracts, https://github.com/chrlyz/wrdhom_server, https://github.com/chrlyz/wrdhom_client | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5iembFEMoKwUhykeWE_E-cvxilO1wOUV | -Server implementation. -Client implementation. -Comments implementation. -Reactions implementation. -Reposts implementation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | andreas #5359 | EasyMina | Onboarding tools for Mina developers. | https://github.com/easyMina | http://docs.easymina.xyz/ | DEPLOYER ACCOUNTS Generation of Account Set Account Encryption Address Pattern Finder Namespace with Branches TUTORIAL IMPORTER Insert Interaction Folder Create Payload Structure DOCUMENTATION Internationalization Adjusting the documentation to the new features Custom GPT (new) MINA DATA Standalone Module (minaData) Documentation for minaData API Server (new) FRONTEND (Alpha-Version) Building the Folder Structure Division into Backend and Frontend Variables, Methods, and Classes Basic Webserver Template Creation of HTML Templates TESTS Creation of Tests | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Nout#2830 | MinaPlayground | Improvements to Mina Playground. | https://github.com/devarend/easy-mina-deploy, https://github.com/devarend/o1js-react, https://github.com/devarend/web-ide, https://github.com/devarend/vscode-webcontainer, https://github.com/devarend/vscode-mina-kit, https://github.com/devarend/vscode-mina-playground-fsprovider, https://github.com/devarend/mina-playground, https://github.com/devarend/mina-playground-backend | https://twitter.com/MinaPlayground | - Fork public project - Create dependency management - Project management - Create different tutorial modes - (new) Implemented my own (basic) version control system - (new) Re-using webcontainer process and installation of o1js for all tutorials - (new) Made interactive tutorials more efficient by only returning the tutorial files, excluding all the base files when they are not needed or already loaded in - (new) Released the interactive tutorials on production - (new) Solved a major memory issue while navigating between tutorials - (new) Implementation of o1js in Next.js and React using different components and a hook (o1js-react) - (new) Created a VSCode webcontainer extension for VSCode for web, which makes it possible to run zkApps/Smart Contracts through VSCode for web (new) Created a VSCode Mina Kit extension which combines the webcontainer extension and custom Smart Contract deployment functionality | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | br0wn_d3v | Doot | Oracle project to allow zkFi protocols to achieve new levels of efficiency, privacy, and functionality. | https://github.com/Doot-Foundation | https://www.github.com/Doot-Foundation https://www.doot.foundation https://www.npmjs.com/package/@doot-oracles/clien | The Web Interface, The NPM Package, The Smart Contracts (Different logic than what was originally proposed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | li.quan | Snarky-ML: Enable SnarkyJS with machine learning capabilities | Adds enhanced machine-learning functionality within o1js. | https://github.com/only4sim/Snarky-ML/tree/main; https://github.com/only4sim/recursive-forest | Standard Scope Milestones Base ML Libraries for SnarkyJS Milestone 1: Develop and test base ML libraries Milestone 2: Debug, document, and create tutorials for base ML libraries Advanced Scope Milestones Representative model templates/translators Milestone 3: Develop, test, and debug libraries for decision trees, linear regression Milestone 4: Document, and create tutorials for advanced ML Model Libraries New Milestone 5: Develop, test, and debug model for logistics regression (new) New Milestone 6: Develop, test, and debug recursive XGBoost (new) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | .killerthief | MAYA | CLI tool that simplifies Mina Protocol development with ready-to-use boilerplate templates for popular frameworks. | https://github.com/Philosakha | http://linkedin.com/company/maya-framework/ | Milestone 1: CLI Tool Delivery The CLI tool has been successfully delivered. Milestone 2: Framework Integration Additional integration of frameworks such as React, Next.js, TypeScript, Next.js 13, Next.js 14, and React TypeScript has been completed. Milestone 3: Hooks Enhancement Hooks for React and Next.js, including the useBalance and useAccount hooks, have been implemented and delivered. Milestone 4: Documentation Progress Documentation work is currently in progress and is expected to be completed by the end of next month. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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