1BulbasaurSeed Pokémon Grass/PoisonBasicSince the day it was born, there is a strange bulb planted on its back containing numerous seeds and nutrients. The bulb itself stores energy and the nutrients it needs to grow and with the help of the sun, it can go days without eating because it uses photosynthesis, helping the seed grow alongside it.
2IvysaurSeed Pokémon Grass/PoisonEvolves from Bulbasaur
When exposed to sunlight, the bulb, now a bud, grows so much that it can apparently lose the ability to stand on its hind legs and adds to its strength. To support this weight, its legs have grown thicker and stronger and it grows by drawing in energy. The more sunlight Ivysaur bathes in, the more strength wells up within it, allowing the bud on its back to grow larger. When a sweet wafting scent fills the area and when it spends more time in the sun, it's going to evolve soon.
3VenusaurSeed Pokémon Grass/PoisonEvolves from Ivysaur
Its always on the move to seek sunlight so it can absorb it for energy, and when it does this, it tends to lay still. The aroma from the flower it now has on its back can sooth the emotions of people. It's said that if a Venusaur gets enough sunlight and nutrition, its flower will take on vivid coloration and it fills its body with power, and as a result, it's way more powerful in the summertime. After a rainy day, its flower will smell stronger, and the scent attracts other Pokémon.
Mega VenusaurSeed Pokémon Grass/PoisonMega Evolves from VenusaurDue to Mega Evolution, its flower has grown tremendously, so its back and legs have grown stronger to support it.
Gigantamax VenusaurSeed Pokémon Grass/PoisonGigantamaxes from Venusaur In battle, it swing around 2 huge vines, which are so stong that if they were slammed into a 10-story building, they could easily destroy it. Huge bursts of pollen erupt from its very large flower with the force of a volcanic eruption though inhaling to much pollen can cause fainting.
4CharmanderLizard PokémonFireBasic
Preferring hot places, there is a flame at the tip of its tail. Even newborns have a flame, though since they're unfamiliar with fire, they will sometimes accidentally burn themselves. When it rains, you can see smoke coming from its tail, and it does make a sound, though you'll have to be in a quiet place to hear it. The flame determines its vitality and emotions, the brighter it is, the healthier it is. Similarly, when its tail is wavering, it's happy yet when blazing, it's angry. The flame doesn't go out if it's healthy, but if it ever does, it would die.
5CharmeleonFlame Pokémon FireEvolves from Charmander
Being a very feisty Pokémon, fights can really excite it, causing bluish-white flames to spew. It swings its tail around causing unbearable temperatures, and it also uses its razor-sharp claws to attack as well. It constantly seeks tough opponents and it calms down only when it's victorious. In the rocky mountains where they live, the night sky looks like a starry night due to their fiery tails.
6CharizardFlame Pokémon Fire/FlyingEvolves from Charmeleon
The fire that it breathes is hot enough to melt boulders, and its been known to accidentally start forest fires. When breathing fire, which reaches blazing temperatures, it inflicts terrible pain on its foes, and the flame at the end of its tail burns more fiercely, though it will never use its fiery breath on foes weaker than itself. It can quickly melt glaciers weighing more than 10,000 tons, and if it becomes furious, its flames become bluish-white. Its wings can let it soar up to 4,600 feet as it flies in search of stronger opponents and its fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsher battles.
Mega Charizard XFlame Pokémon Fire/DragonMega Evolves from CharizardThe overwhelming power of Mega Evolution that fills its entire body causes it to turn black and creates intense blue flames.
Mega Charizard YFlame Pokémon Fire/FlyingMega Evolves from CharizardIts bond with its Trainer is the source of its power, and it boasts speed and maneuverability greater than that of a jet fighter.
Gigantamax CharizardFlame Pokémon Fire/FlyingGigantamaxes from CharizardThis colossal figure of Charizard was brought about by Gigantamax energy, and the flame inside it reaches about 3,600°F. When it roars, that temperature climber even higher.
7SquirtleTiny Turtle Pokémon WaterBasic
When born, its back swells into a shell which, after some time, will become resilient, though it takes time for the shell to harden. When it feels threatened, it tucks in its limbs and hides in its shell. Squirtle's shell is not merely used for protection as the shell's rounded shape and the grooves on its surface help minimize water resistance, enabling it to swim at high speeds. It can spray a powerful foam from its mouth by retracting its long neck and it can vigorously shoot water out in the same way.
8WartortleTurtle Pokémon WaterEvolves from Squirtle
It often hides underwater to stalk its prey, and when it's swimming fast, it moves its fluffy ears to help it keep its balance. When tapped, it will pull in its head, but its tail will still stick out a little bit. The tail is covered with rich fur, and as it ages, the fur will begin to darken in color. It stores air in the fur before taking extended dives underwater. It's very popular with elders because of its furry tail being known as a symbol of longevity, as it's said to live for 1,000 years, so it's quite common to have as a pet. If its shell is covered in algae and scratches, that Wartortle is quite old and it proves its strength as a battler.
9BlastoiseShellfish Pokémon WaterEvolves from Wartortle
The 2 canons on its shell shoot out pressurized jets of water, able to shatter concrete and thick walls of steel with more force than a fire hose, though they can also be used in high-speed tackles. This brutal Pokémon deliberately makes itself heavy so it can withstand the recoil of the water jets it fires. The water spouts are very accurate as they can shoot bullets of water with enough accuracy to strike empty cans from a distance of over 160 feet. It crushes its foe under its heavy body to cause fainting, and in a pinch, it will withdraw inside its shell.
Mega BlastoiseShellfish Pokémon WaterMega Evolves from BlastoiseThe cannon on its back is as powerful as a tank gun, and its tough legs and back enable it to withstand the recoil from firing the cannon.
Gigantamax BlastoiseShellfish Pokémon WaterGigantamaxes from BlastoiseIt's not very good at precision shooting. When attacking, it just fires its 31 cannons over and over and over, though water fired from its central main cannon has enough power to blast a hole into a mountain.
10CaterpieWorm Pokémon BugBasic
Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls. To protect itself from bird Pokémon, it will release a horrible stench from the antennae on its head if anything touches it and it has large eye-like patterns on its body used to scare away predators. It crawls into foliage where it camouflages itself among leaves that are the same color as its body. Because it possibly wants to grow up quicker, Caterpie has a voracious appetite, as it can devour hundreds of leaves bigger than its body right before your eyes. It's covered with green skin, and when it grows, it sheds the skin, covers itself with silk, and becomes a cocoon. It's easy to catch, and it grows quickly, making it one of the top recommendations for novice Pokémon Trainers. Its body is soft and weak, and due to this, in nature, its perpetual fate is to be seen by others as food.
11MetapodCocoon Pokémon BugEvolves from Caterpie
Metapod is quite vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body. At this stage, it can only harden its shell, so it remains motionless to avoid attack, however a large impact may cause it to pop out of its shell as it can't withstand a harsh attack, even though the shell covering Metapod's body is as hard as an iron slab. It stays still because it's preparing its soft innards for evolution inside the hard shell, yet it's been known to break, so intense battles with it should be avoided. Its shell is filled with a thick liquid, and all of the cells throughout its body are being rebuilt in preparation for evolution. Its hard shell doesn't even crack a bit even if Pikipek pecks at it, but it will tip over, spilling out its insides. It patiently waits for the moment when it evolves again.
12ButterfreeButterfly Pokémon Bug/FlyingEvolves from Metapod
Butterfree flits around from flower to flower, collecting honey every day. Its wings, covered with poisonous powders, can repel water, and this allows it to fly in the rain. Butterfree has a superior ability to search for delicious honey from flowers, as it can even search out, extract, and carry honey from flowers that are blooming over six miles from its nest. Nectar being its favorite food, it can even locate flower patches that have tiny amounts of pollen in them, as it rubs honey onto the hairs on its legs to carry it back to its nest. In fields of flowers, it has heated battles with Cutiefly for territory and if attacked, it flaps its wings at high speed to release highly toxic dust into the air, so if you see one flapping its wings, be careful not to inhale any of the dust. If it finds bird Pokémon going after Caterpie, Butterfree sprinkles its scales on them to drive them off, and close examination of its large eyes reveals that each eye is composed of a myriad of tiny eyes.
Gigantamax ButterfreeButterfly Pokémon Bug/FlyingGigantamaxes from ButterfreeCrystallized Gigantamax energy makes up its blindingly bright and highly toxic scales. Once it has opponents trapped in a tornado that could blow away a 10-ton truck, it finishes them off with its poisonous scales.
13WeedleHairy Bug Pokémon Bug/PoisonBasic
Often found in forests and grasslands, Weedle has an extremely acute sense of smell, as it's capable of distinguishing its favorite kinds of leaves from those it dislikes just by sniffing with its big red nose, for it eats its weight in leaves every day. However, beware of the sharp, two-inch venomous stinger on its head as it may be used if you step on it. Its bright-colored body is intended to warn off its enemies when it fends off its attackers.
14KakunaCocoon Pokémon Bug/PoisonEvolves from Weedle
Kakuna remains virtually immobile as it clings to a tree, only slightly able to move, though because it is virtually motionless, it may appear dead. However, on the inside, it is extremely busy as it prepares for its coming evolution, and this is evident from how hot the shell becomes to the touch. Kakuna can only harden its shell to protect itself from predators as it hides from predators under leaves and in nooks of branches, though when endangered, it may stick out its stinger and poison its enemy.
15BeedrillPoison Bee Pokémon Bug/PoisonEvolves from Kakuna
It has 3 poisonous stingers on its forelegs and its tail, and it uses its sharp, poisonous stings to defeat prey, then takes the victim back to its nest for food. Beedrill are extremely territorial, so no one should ever approach its nest, and this is for their own safety because if angered, they will attack in a furious swarm, jabbing their enemies with the stinger on its tail, which secretes a very powerful poison. Its best attack involves flying around at high speed, striking with poison needles, then flying off.
Mega BeedrillPoison Bee Pokémon Bug/PoisonMega Evolves From BeedrillIts legs have become poison stingers, and it stabs its prey repeatedly with the stingers on its limbs, dealing the final blow with the stinger on its rear.
16PidgeyTiny Bird Pokémon Normal/FlyingBasic
A common sight in forests and woods, it's very docile, so if attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself and avoid battles rather than fight back. However, if it has to, it will ferociously fight back, as small or weak enemies are blown away by Whirlwind. Often hiding in tall grass, it rapidly flaps its wings in the grass, stirring up a dust cloud that drives insect prey out into the open. Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction, as it is capable of unerringly returning home to its nest, however far it may be removed from its familiar surroundings.
17PidgeottoBird Pokémon Normal/FlyingEvolves from Pidgey
Pidgeotto claims a large area as its own territory, and it builds its nest in the center of it. It flies around, patrolling its living space, and if its territory is violated, it shows no mercy in thoroughly punishing the foe with its sharp claws. Full of vitality, it slowly flies in a circular pattern, all the while keeping a sharp lookout for prey, and it uses its powerfully developed talons to swiftly snatch it, such as how it can carry prey such as an Exeggcute to its nest over 60 miles away. It has outstanding vision, as however high it flies, it can distinguish the movements of its prey.
18PidgeotBird Pokémon Normal/Flying Evolves from Pigeotto
When hunting with its wicked talons, it skims the waters, as its outstanding vision allows it to spot splashing Magikarp, even while flying at Mach 2 at 3,300 feet. Its well-developed chest muscles make it strong enough to whip up a gusty windstorm with just a few flaps. It spreads its gorgeous wings widely to intimidate enemies, and by flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees, as by the time its flapping is heard, it is long gone. Many Trainers are captivated by the striking beauty of the dazzling plumage of beautifully glossy feathers on its head, compelling them to choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon.
Mega PidgeotBird Pokémon Normal/FlyingMega Evolves from PidgeotWith its muscular strength now greatly increased, it can fly continuously for two weeks without resting.
19RattataMouse Pokémon NormalBasic
Rattata are really common to find, but quite hazardous to deal with as they're very cautious, so they will bite anything when they attack, and even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. Its sharp incisors continue growing until its death, so if its Trainer doesn't offer it a file to gnaw on, it will gnaw on door frames, table legs, and so on as they can easily cut right through tough wood. In the wild, it appears to be jittery and unable to remain still as it scurries around quickly, searching for hard objects to gnaw. If its incisors get too long, Rattata will be unable to eat, and so it starves to death. Living wherever there is food available, it ceaselessly scavenges for edibles the entire day, so with their strong capacity for survival, they can live in dirty places without concern. If left unchecked, they will settle down somewhere and multiply rapidly as they're not picky about where they live, so if you see one, you can be sure that around 40 more are in the area.
Alolan RattataMouse Pokémon Dark/NormalBasic
Night after night, they sneak into people's homes seeking food by using their incisors, gnawing through doors, and infiltrating people's homes. Then, with a twitch of its whiskers, it steals whatever food it finds, and because of this, a massive outbreak of them has become an issue of public concern. Its whiskers provide it with a keen sense of smell, enabling it to pick up the scent of hidden food and locate it instantly. However, it shows no interest in anything that isn't fresh, so if you take it shopping with you, it will help you pick out only the freshest ingredients. Nocturnal, it runs around town on a chase for good food for the boss of its nest, Alolan Raticate.
20RaticateMouse Pokémon NormalEvolves from Rattata
Its fangs never stop growing, so keep them ground down, it gnaws on rocks, logs, the walls of houses, and can even topple concrete buildings by gnawing on them. It's far more violent than its looks would suggest, so don't let your hand get too close to its face and touch its whiskers as it could bite your hand clean off, no matter how friendly you are. Its whiskers are essential to maintain its balance, though it slows down if they are cut off. Its hind feet are webbed, acting as flippers, so it can swim in rivers and hunt for prey in wide areas as it's quite a strong swimmer. In Alola, people say that it fled from its enemies by using its small webbed hind feet to swim from island to island. If attacked, it stands up on its hind legs, bares its fangs and shrieks in an intimidating manner at its enemy.
Alolan RaticateMouse Pokémon Dark/NormalEvolves from Alolan Rattata
It commands a nest of Rattata, but since different nests don't get along, it whips up severe fights over feeding grounds. It has an incredibly greedy personality, as its nest is filled with so much fresh food that it made its Rattata underlings gather, that it can't possibly eat it all. It's quite particular about the taste and freshness of its food as restaurants where Alolan Raticate live have a good reputation.
21SpearowTiny Bird Pokémon Normal/FlyingBasic
Spearow has a very loud cry that can be heard over half a mile away, so if its high, keening cry is heard echoing all around, it's a sign that they are warning each other of danger. Although it has to flap its short wings at high speed to stay airborne, it can't fly very high yet it can fly quite fast to protect its territory. It flaps its short wings to flush out insects from tall grass, and it then plucks them with its stubby beak, so farmers whose fields are troubled by bug Pokémon appreciate Spearow for its vigorous appetite and look after it. Its reckless nature leads it to stand up to others, even large Pokémon, if it has to protect its territory, so even if it is frail, it can be a tough foe that uses Mirror Move.
22FearowBeak Pokémon Normal/FlyingEvolves from Spearow
Drawings of a Pokémon resembling Fearow can be seen in murals from deep in ancient history, so it dates back many years. Fearow is recognized by its long neck and elongated beak, and it's conveniently shaped for catching prey in soil or water as it deftly moves its long and skinny beak to pluck prey and to fight with, though it has a surprisinly long reach. Its huge and magnificent wings can keep it aloft in the sky and it can remain flying a whole day without landing, even while carrying a heavy load as it enjoys flying high in the sky, but if it senses danger, it instantly flies high and away. In Alola, fish Pokémon are its prey as it can be seen circling above the ocean searching for food as it shoots itself suddenly high into the sky, then plummets down in one fell swoop to strike its prey. Even carrying food through Fearow's territory is dangerous because it'll snatch the food away from you in a flash.
23EkansSnake Pokémon PoisonBasic
Found in grasslands as such, when Ekans are first born, it has no poison, so their bite is painful but harmless. The older it gets, the longer it grows, so at night, it wraps its long body around tree branches to rest. It stealthily sneaks through the grass as it strikes unsuspecting prey from behind and searches for its favorite food, the eggs of bird Pokémon. By dislocating its jaw, it can swallow prey larger than itself, but since it swallows eggs whole, sometimes an egg gets stuck, and Ekans faints, though after a good meal, it becomes too heavy to move, so it curls up and rests. It flicks its tongue in and out to sense danger in its surroundings. An Ekans curls itself up in a spiral while it rests and this position allows it to quickly respond to an enemy from any direction with a threat from its upraised head
24ArbokCobra Pokémon PoisonEvolves from Ekans
The ferocious warning markings on an Arbok's belly differ from area to area, and the latest research has determined that there are over 20 possible arrangements of the patterns on its stomach. Weak foes will flee just at the sight of the pattern, but if it encounters a strong enemy, it raises its head, intimidating the opponent with the frightening pattern on its body. Then, while transfixing its prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, Arbok binds and poisons the frightened victim, then waits for them to stop moving. Arbok has a terrifically strong body for constricting things as it can even flatten steel oil drums, so once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible. To intimidate foes, it spreads its chest wide and makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth. With a very vengeful and tenacious nature, it won't give up the chase, no matter how far, once it targets its prey.
25PikachuMouse Pokémon ElectricEvolves from Pichu
Pikachu is now adept at using the electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks, and these appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps, though it occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up. If it's not getting enough sleep, it will be able to use only weak electricity, but you'll still feel a tingly shock if you touch it. If it's angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks, though it'll feel stressed now and then if it's unable to fully discharge the electricity, yet if you yank its tail, it will try to bite you. If electricity is loosely discharged from the electrical pouches on its cheeks, it's being wary but when it releases pent-up energy in a burst, the electric power is equal to a lightning bolt, though it'll occasionally use an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that's in a weakened state. It keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings, though the tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose, so when several Pikachu gather in an area, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms, and as a result, forests where nests of Pikachu live are dangerous since the trees are so often struck by lightning. Whenever Pikachu comes across something new, it blasts it with a jolt of electricity, so if you come across a blackened berry, it's evidence that Pikachu mistook the intensity of its charge as Pikachu cleverly roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat. A plan was announced in Alola to gather lots of Pikachu and make an electric power plant. Sometimes you'll see a Pikachu with its loose Trainer's cap on its head, and it wears it with pride knowing that it has traveled through regions with it, so it's brimming with memories.
Gigantamax PikachuMouse Pokémon ElectricGigantamaxes from PikachuIts Gigantamax power expanded, forming its supersized body and towering tail. When it smashes its opponents with its bolt-shaped tail, it delivers a surge of electricity equivalent to a lightning strike.
26RaichuMouse Pokémon Electric Evolves from Pikachu
Because so many Trainers like the way Pikachu looks, you don't see many Raichu's very often. Exceeding 100,000 volts of power, it can easily knock out a Copperajah, and due to this, Raichu exudes a weak electrical charge from all over its body that makes it take on a slight glow in the dark. Its long tail discharges electricity and also serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high voltage power. If its electric pouches run empty, it raises its tail to gather electricity from the atmosphere, but if they become fully charged, both ears will stand straight up. If it stores too much electricity, its muscles are stimulated and its behavior turns aggressive, sometimes even its Trainer has to take care to avoid being attacked. To avoid this, it'll occasionally discharge excess energy into the ground until calms itself down, as scorched patches of ground will be found near a Raichus nest, though one theory on why it does this is that the electricity buildup is actually causing it stress.
Alolan RaichuMouse Pokémon Electric/PsychicEvolves from Pikachu
Only Pikachu in the Alola region can evolve into this form. According to researchers, the climate, weather, and its diet are some of the causes of this change, as it loves pancakes prepared with a secret Alolan recipe. When you rub its cheeks, a sweet fragrance comes wafting out, however, you'll also get a light shock from it, so be careful! It uses psychokinesis to control electricity as it attacks with star-shaped thunderbolts, and it also focuses psychic energy into its tail and rides it like it's surfing. Another name for Alolan Raichu is “hodad.”
Alolan Sandshrew
28SandslashMouse Pokémon GroundEvolves from Sandshrew
Sandslash's body is covered by tough spikes, which are hardened sections of its hide, and once a year, the old spikes naturally fall out, to be replaced with new spikes that grow out from beneath the old ones. Although they are sharp, if it digs at an incredible pace, its claws and spikes often snap off, though they grow back the next day, so it is not bothered by the temporary loss. The broken claws and spikes can also be used to carve plows for tilling farm fields, as the drier the area Sandslash lives in, the harder and smoother its spikes feel when touched. Sandslash can roll up its body as if it were a ball covered with large spikes and run into foes or escape. In battle, Sandslash will try to make the foe flinch by jabbing it with its spines as it wildly leaps and tears at the stunned foe with its sharp claws while curling up into a ball to protect itself from enemy attacks, though it also curls up to prevent heatstroke during the daytime when temperatures rise sharply. Thanks to its thick claws, it's good at climbing trees, as there are plenty of Sandslash that park themselves in trees and go right to sleep, though it might also attack its enemies from above by curling into a ball and dropping onto them, and in an attempt to hide itself, it will run around at top speed to kick up a blinding dust storm. When its gathering food with its young, Sandslash will share the berries it gathers by dropping them down to Sandshrew waiting below the tree.
Alolan SandslashMouse Pokémon Ice/SteelEvolves from Alolan Sandshrew
A long, long time ago, it lived in the desert, and fleeing a volcanic eruption, it settled on a snowy mountain, so this is Sandslash's form after adapting to the frigid environment. It developed thick, sharp claws to plow through the snow, so with its sharp claws fully extended, it can climb right up an iceberg without slipping. Alolan Sandslash's steel spikes are sheathed in ice and stabs from these spikes cause deep wounds and severe frostbite as well. It uses its large, hooked claws to cut a path through deep snow as it races through the snowfields, sending up a spray of snow as it runs. On snowy mountains, Alolan Sandslash is faster than any other Pokémon. Many people climb snowy mountains, hoping to see the icy spikes of Alolan Sandslash glistening in the light of dawn.
29Nidoran (F)
32Nidoran (M)Poison Pin Pokémon PoisonBasic
The male Nidoran has developed muscles for moving its ears, and thanks to them, the ears can be freely moved in any direction, as even the slightest sound does not escape its notice, though its large ears are flapped like wings when it is listening to distant sounds. If it senses danger, it will attack first by extending its toxic barbs when angered, and it'll charge and stab them with the horn to inject poison though the larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom. Small but brave, it will hold its ground and even risk its life in battle to protect the female it's friendly with.
33NidorinoPoison Pin Pokémon PoisonEvolves from Nidoran (M)
Nidorino secretes a powerful venom, and if it punctures an enemy, the impact makes the poison leak out as it pumps a powerful venom into the wound. Being nervous, it raises its big ears to check its surroundings, and if it senses anything, it immediately attacks aggressively. If it senses a hostile presence, all the barbs on its back bristle up at once, as it challenges the foe with all its might. The potency of its poison increases along with the level of adrenaline present in its body. With a horn that's harder than diamond, it goes around shattering boulders as it searches for a Moon Stone to evolve.
34NidokingDrill Pokémon Poison/GroundEvolves from Nidorino
Very recognizable, Nidoking's thick tail packs enormously destructive power. With one swing, it can topple a metal transmission tower, snap a telephone pole as if it were a matchstick, and if it binds an enemy, it can snap the victim's spine quite easily, leaving it helpless. When it goes on a rampage, it's impossible to control, but in the presence of a Nidoqueen that it's lived with for a long time, Nidoking calms down. Nidoking prides itself on its strength because it uses its thick arms, legs, hide, and tail to attack forcefully as melee combat is its specialty. In battle, it's spirited and forceful, making use of its thick tail and diamond-crushing horn, which is sharp and highly venomous, so be careful. It swings its big tail around during battle, and if its foe flinches, it will charge with its sturdy body steel hard hide.
35ClefairyFairy Pokémon FairyEvolves from Cleffa
Its adorable behavior and cry make it highly popular as a pet, and though rarely seen, it becomes easier to spot on the night of a full moon. On every night of a full moon, groups of them come out to play and the surrounding area is enveloped in an abnormal magnetic field. It's said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon, though when dawn arrives, the tired Clefairy return to their quiet mountain retreats where they live and go to sleep nestled up against each other. At night, the moonlight that it stores in its faintly glowing wings gives it the ability to float in midair even without flapping them.
36ClefableFairy Pokémon FairyEvolves from Clefairy
Clefable moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using its wings, and its bouncy step lets it even walk on water as it's known to take strolls on deserted lakes on quiet, moonlit nights. Because it hates to be seen, it prefers to hide away in quiet places, though it can't help but hear a pin drop from over 1,100 yards away, so it lives deep in the mountains where there aren't many people or Pokémon. According to tradition, people who see a pair of Clefable skipping by can look forward to a happy marriage. Some scientists believe that it gazes intently at the sky on nights with a full moon because it's homesick, as it listens for the voices of its kin living on the moon.
37VulpixFox Pokémon FireBasic
At the time of its birth, Vulpix has one white tail, and the tail separates into six if Vulpix receives plenty of love from its Trainer. As its body grows larger, its six warm, curled tails become more beautiful, with a more luxurious coat of fur, however, if it's not brushed diligently, it will be a mass of tangles before you know it. If you raise one from when it's young, it will grow close to you like a puppy Pokémon. Being quite popular, warm and cuddly, inside Vulpix's body burns a flame that never goes out. During the daytime, when the temperatures rise, Vulpix releases flames from its mouth to prevent its body from overheating. From its mouth, it freely controls flames that seem to resemble the spirits of the deceased, and some people mistakenly think this fire is a ghost, though just before evolution, its six tails grow hot as if on fire. If it is attacked by an enemy that is stronger than itself, it feigns injury to fool the enemy and escapes.
Alolan VulpixFox Pokémon IceBasic
After long years in the ever-snowcapped mountains of Alola, this Vulpix has gained power over ice, though elderly people in Alola tend to call it by an older name, Keokeo. Defending themselves with their icy breath, before eating their prey, they freeze it solid with their -58 °F breath. If you observe its curly hairs through a microscope, you'll see small ice particles springing up, though in hot weather, Alolan Vulpix makes ice shards with its six tails and sprays them around to cool itself off. Alolan Vulpix live together in a skulk, helping one another, though if you carelessly approach it because it's cute, the boss of the pack, Alolan Ninetales, will appear and freeze you. Some suspect this species changed its form to adapt to the frigid climate.
38NinetalesFox Pokémon FireEvolves from Vulpix
Smart, vindictive, and vengeful, those who cross it even once will be cursed for a thousand years, along with their descendants. Ninetales casts a sinister light from its bright red eyes to gain total control over its foe's mind and it can understand human speech. The flickering flames it spews from its mouth leave its opponents hypnotized, as it then attacks. According to some enduring legends, 9 noble saints were united and reincarnated as Ninetales, and each of its nine tails has its own unique type of special mystic power. Its nine beautiful tails are filled with a wondrous energy that could keep it alive for a millennium and a long-lived Ninetales will have fur that shines like gold.
Alolan NinetalesFox Pokémon Ice/FairyEvolves from Alolan Vulpix
Appearing draped in a blizzard, it won't forgive anyone who harms nature, so those who anger it will be frozen stiff in an instant, as it creates drops of ice in its coat and showers them over its enemies. Possessing a calm demeanor, Alolan Ninetales was revered as a deity incarnate before it was identified as a regional variant of Ninetales, and some said that deities visited mountains where Alolan Ninetales live, so in times long past, no one was allowed to go into those mountains. While it will guide travelers who get lost on a snowy mountain all the way down to the mountain's base, the reason it does this is that it wants them to hurry up and leave.
39JigglypuffBalloon Pokémon Normal/FairyEvolves from Igglybuff
Jigglypuff's vocal chords can freely adjust the wavelength of its voice, as Jigglypuff possesses a vocal range that exceeds 12 octaves, but each individual's singing skill depends on its own effort. Using its alluring eyes to enrapture its foe, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep. Nothing can avoid falling asleep to its song, so if it inflates its round body to sing a lullaby, it can perform longer and cause more drowsiness in its audience as Jigglypuff has top-notch lung capacity, even by comparison to other Pokémon. When Jigglypuff sings, it never pauses to breathe, so if it is in a battle against an opponent that does not easily fall asleep, Jigglypuff cannot breathe, endangering its life. The songs they sing are totally different depending on the region they live in, so some even sound like they're shouting! Recordings of Jigglypuff's strange lullabies can be purchased from department stores, and these CDs can be found near the bedding area of stores. It may be a relative to Scream Tail.
40WigglytuffBalloon Pokémon Normal/FairyEvolves from Jigglypuff
Wigglytuff has large, saucerlike eyes, and the surfaces of its eyes are always covered with a thin layer of tears, so if any dust gets in its eyes, it's quickly washed away. Being extremely luxurious yet strong, their fur feels so good that if two of them snuggle together, they won't want to be separated, and anyone who feels it can't stop touching it. In particular, the curl on its forehead has a perfectly heavenly texture, though it sheds its fine fur when the seasons change and the fur is gathered and spun into a luxurious yarn. Wigglytuff's body is very flexible, as Wigglytuff compete to see which one can inflate itself the most, and by inhaling deeply, it can inflate itself seemingly without end, and sometimes they can grow 20 times larger! Once inflated, Wigglytuff bounces along lightly like a balloon, so take care not to make it angry, or it may inflate steadily and hit with a body slam.
41ZubatBat Pokémon Poison/FlyingBasic
While living in pitch-black caverns, their eyes gradually grew shut and deprived them of vision, so they use ultrasonic waves for echolocation to flit about in the darkness. The frequency of their ultrasonic waves can differ slightly from colony to colony, so even in tight caves, Zubat flies around with skill. Zubat remains quietly unmoving in a dark spot with its colony during the bright daylight hours, and it does so because prolonged exposure to the sun causes its body to become slightly burned, so during the daytime, it stays in caves, forests or under the eaves of old houses, sleeping while hanging upside down. When it gets cold out, they gather together to warm one another's bodies.