TitleAuthorJournal/Proceeding TitleVolumeIssue No.Pages
"Participation" in a conflicting policy frameworkPuginier, O.Asean Biodiversity Special Reports------35-42
[M+FE - 5H]2- Peptide ion composition verified by fourier transform mass spectrometry accurate mass and tandem mass spectrometry accurate mass and tandem mass analysesCraig, A.G., Speir, J.P., Rosamilia, S., Fursey, V., Lirazan, M.B.Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry11---83-87
13C/12C Ratios in Marine Food Webs of the Torres Strait, QueenslandFry, B., Scalan, R.S., Parker, P.L.Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research34---707-715
13C-depleted charcoal from C4 grasses anf the role of occluded carbon in phytolithsKrull, E.S., Skjemstad, J.O., Graetz, D., Grice, K., Dunning, W., Cook, G., Parr, J.F.Organic Geochemistry34---1337-1352
14C ages of a varved last glacial maximum section off Pakistanvon Rad, U., Sarnthein, M., Grootes, P.M., Doose-Rolinski, H., Erbacher, J.Radiocarbon453467-477
16S Mitocondria ribosomal RNA Gene Sequences: A comparison of seven conus speciesMonje, V. D., Ward, R., Olivera, B. M., Cruz, L. J.Philippine Journal of Science1283225-237
2000 stock assessment and fishery evaluation for atlantic highly migratory speciesU.S. Department of Commerce------[1-160]
2001 stock assessment and fishery evaluation for atlantic highly migratory speciesDepartment of Commerce------[1-17]
2002 Neodarwinism and infectious diseases transmission: An e-debateAyala, F.J., Lyons, E., Michalakis, Y., Tibayrenc, M.Infection, Genetics and Evolution1249-253
3,7- Dimethylguanine, a new purine from a Philippine sponge Zyzzya fuliginosaTasdemir, D., Mangalindan, G.C., Concepcion, G.P, Harper, M.K., Ireland, C.M.Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin49121628-1630
500 years of mercury production: global annual inventory by region until 2000 and associated emissionsHylander, L.D., Meili, M.The Science of the Total Environment304---13-27
A five channel chlorophyll concentration algorithm applied to SeaWiFS data processed by SeaDAS in coastal watersGohin, F., Druon, J.N., Lampert, L.International Journal of Remote Sensing2381639-1661
A 21 000 cal years paleoclimatic record from Caco Lake, northern Brazil: Evidence from sedimentary and pollen analysesSifeddine, A., Albuquerque, A.L.S., Ledru, M.-P., Turcq, B., Knoppers, B., Martin, L., de Mello, W.Z., Passenau, H., Dominguez, J.M.L., Cordeiro, R.C., Abrao, J.J., Bittencourt, A.C.dS.P.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology189---25-34
A 7 year record of above-ground net primary production in a southeastern Mexican mangrove forestDay Jr., J.W., Coronado-Molina, C., Vera-Herrera, F.R., Twilley, R., Rivera-Monroy, V.H., Alvarez-Guillen, H., Day, R., Conner, W.Aquatic Botany55---39-60
A 70 year record of contamination from industrial activity along the Garonne River and its Tributaries (SW France)Grousset, F.E., Jouanneau, J.M., Castaing, P., Lavaux, G., Latouche, C.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science48---401-414
A bayesian approach for estimation of directional wave spectra with HF radarHashimoto, N., Tokuda, M.Coastal Engineering Journal412137-149
A biooptical model of irradiance distribution and photosynthesis in seagrass canopiesZimmerman, R.C.Limnology and Oceanography481, part 2568-585
A buffer sensitive inorganic carbon utisation system in Zostera marinaHellblom, F., Beer, S., Bjork, M, Axelsson, L.Aquatic Botany69---55-62
A case for tolerance in marine ecology: let us not put out the baby with the bathwater*Arntz, W.E., Gili, J.-M.Scientia Marina65Supplement 2283-299
A century of natural change in coral distribution at the dry tortugas: A comparison of reef maps from 1881 and 1976Davis, G.E.Bulletin of Marine Science322608-623
A change in the freshwater balance of the Atlantic Ocean over the past four decadesCurry, R., Dickson, B., Yashayaev, I.Nature42618/25826-829
A climatology of the circulation and water mass distribution near the Philippine CoastQu, T., Mitsureda, H.Journal of Physical Oceanography29---1488-1505
A combined approach of photogrammetrical methods and field studies to determine nutrient retention by submersed macrophytes in running watersSchulz, M. Rinke, K., Kohler, J.Aquatic Botany76---17-29
A combined swarm differential evolution algorithm for optimization problemsHendtlass, T.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg------11-18
A comment on the use of flushing time, residence time, and age as transport time scalesMonsen, N.E., Cloren, J.E., Lucas, L.V.Limnology and Oceanography4751545-1553
A community-level analysis of spatial mortality patternsYoshioka, P.M.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology214---167-178
A comparative study of asymmetric migration events across a marine biogeographic boundaryWares, J.P., Gaines, S.D., Cunningham, C.W.Evolution552295-306
A comparative study of sediments under a marine cage farm at Gran Canaria Island (Spain). Preliminary resultsMolina Dominguez, L., Lopez Calero, G., Vergara Martin, J.M., Robaina Robaina, L.Aquaculture192---225-231
A comparative study on spatial and spectral resolutions of satellite data in mapping mangrove forestsGao, J.International Journal of Remote Sensing20142823-2833
A comparative test of the adaptive plasticity hypothesis: Relationships between habitat and phenotype in Anuran Larvaevan Buskirk, J.The American Naturalist160187-102
A comparison betweet sites of growth, physiological performance and stress responses in transplanted Tridacna gigasElfwing, T., Blidberg, E., Sison, M., Tedengren, M.Aquaculture219---815-828
A comparison of alternative strategies for estimating gene flow from genetic markersNeigel, J.E.Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics28---105-128
A comparison of early juvenile red drum densities among various habitat types in Galveston Bay, TexasStunz, G.W., Minello, T.J., Levin, P.S.Estuaries25176-85
A comparison of fish communities of subtidal seagrass beds and sandy seabeds in 13 marine embayments of a Caribbean island, based on species, families, size distribution and functional groupsNagelkerken, I., van der Velde, G.Journal of Sea Research52---127-147
A comparison of HPLC pigment signaures and electron microscopic observations for oligotrophic waters of the North Atlantc and Pacific OceansAndersen, R.A., Bidigare, R.R., Keller, M.D., Latasa, M.Deep-Sea Research II432-3517-537
A comparison of KNMI quality control and JPL rain flag for SeaWindsPortabella, M., Stoffelen, A.Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing283424-430
A comparison of nutrient- and light-limited photosyntesis in psammophytic versus eplithic forms of Halimeda (Caulerpales, Halimedaceae) from the BahamasLittler, M.M., Littler, D.S., Lapointe, B.E.Coral Reefs6---219-225
A comparison of nutrient characterisitics and primary productivity in the Sulu Sea and South China SeaSan Diego-McGlone, M.L., Jacinto, G.S., Dupra, V.C., Narcise, I.S., Padayao, D.O., Velasquez, I.B.Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica373219-229
A comparison of photosynthetic electron transport rates in macroalgae measured by pulse amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorometry and mass spectrometryFranklin, L.A., Badger, M.R.,Journal of Phycology37---756-767
A comparison of phytoplankton populations of the Arabian Sea during the Spring Intermonsoon and Southwest Monsoon of 1995 as described by HPLC-analyzed pigmentsLatasa, M., Bidigare, R.R.Deep-Sea Research II45---2133-2170
A comparison of ship- and scatterometer-derived wind speed data in open ocean and coastal areasKent, E.C., Taylor, P.K., Challenor, P.G.International Journal of Remote Sensing19173361-3381
A comparison of taxonomic composition and diversity between reef coral life and death assemblages in Madang Lagoon, Papua New GuineaPandolfi, J.M., Minchin, P.R.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology119---321-341
A comparison of the ecology of shallow subtidal gastropods between western Indian Ocean and Caribbean coral reefsMcClanahan, T.R.Coral Reefs21---399-406
A comparison of the sea-state sensitivity in empirical and theoretical models of altimeter ocean backscatterAnderson, C., Macklin, J.T., Gommenginger, C.P., Srokosz, M.A.Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing283475-483
A comparison of two sampling techniques in the study of submersed macrophyte richness and abundanceCapers, R.S.Aquatic Botany68---87-92
A comparison of visual observations of surface oil with Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery of the Sea Empress oil spillJones, B.International Journal of Remote Sensing2291619-1638
A Comprehensive, integrated review and evaluation of the scientific evidence relating to the safety of the Herbicide 2,4-DMunro, I.C., Carlo, G.L., Orr, J.C., Sund, K.G., Wilson, R.M., Kennepohl, E., Lynch, B.S., Jablinske, M., Lee, N.L.Journal of the American College of Toxicology1151-176
A coral damage index and its application to diving sites in the Egyptian Red SeaJameson, S.C., Ammar, M.S.A., Saadalla, E., Mostafa, H.M., Riegl, B.Coral Reefs18---333-339
A coupled oscillator model describes normal and strange zooplankton swimming behaviourRingelberg, J., Lingeman, R.Netherland Journal of Zoology522-4225-241
A cross-ecosystem comparison of the strength of trophic cascadesShurin, J.B., Borer, E.T., Seabloom, E.W., Anderson, K., Blanchette, C.A., Broitman, B., Cooper, S.D., Halpern, B.S.Ecology Letters5---785-791
A data ssimilative marine ecosytem model of the central equatorial Pacific: numerical twin experimentsFriedrichs, M.A.M.Journal of Marine Research59---859-894
A decision support model for determining sizes of Marine Protected Areas: Biophysical considerationsLicuanan, W.Y., Aliño, P.M., Campos, W.L., Castillo, G.B., Juinio-Meñez, M.A.The Philippine Agricultural Scientist891507-520
A deep-sea slant on the molecular phylogeny of the ScleractiniaLe Goff-Vitry, M.C., Rogers, A.D., Baglow, D.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution30---167-177
A demographic approach to monitoring the health of coral reefsSmith, L.D., Devlin, M., Haynes, D., Gilmour, J.P.Marine Pollution Bulletin51---399-407
A Diagnosis of Rainfall over South America during the 1997/98 El Niño Event. Part I: Validation of NCEP–NCAR Reanalysis Rainfall DataRao, V.B., Santo, C.E., Franchito, S.H.Journal of Climate155502-511
A Diagnosis of Rainfall over South America during the 1997/98 El Niño Event. Part II: Roles of Water Vapor Transport and Stationary WavesRao, V.B., Chapa, S.R., Fernandez, J.P.R., Franchito, S.H.Journal of Climate155512-521
A distributed multi-agent model for value netsDodd, C., Kumara, S.R.T.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg------718-727
A distributed multi-agent system for the self-evaluation of dialogsCardon, A.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg------43-50
A dyanamic model for flow and wind driven sediment resuspension in a shallow basinMarkensten, H., Pierson, D.C.Hydrobiologia494---305-311
A field survey of chemicals and biological products used in shrimp farmingGraslund, S., Holmstrom, K., Wahlstrom, A.Marine Pollution Bulletin46---81-90
A fluorescence study on the gel-to-sol transition of K-carrageenanPekcan, O., Tari, O.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules34---223-231
A fossil reef from the last interglacial, Western AustraliaGreenstein, B.J., Pandolfi, J.M., Blakeway, D.R.Coral Reefs24---593
A fuzzy logic classification scheme for selecting and blending satellite ocean color algorithmsMoore, T.S., Campbell, J.W., Feng, H.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing3981764-1775
A fuzzy logic model to describe the cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena blooms in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic SeaLaanemets, J., Lilover, M.-J., Raudsepp, U., Autio, R., Vahtera, E., Lips, I., Lips, U.Hydrobiologia554---31-45
A gastropod Parasite of Solitary Corals in HawaiiBosch, H.F.Pacific ScienceXIX---267-268
A general kinetic model for iron acquisition by eukaryotic phytoplanktonShaked, Y., Kustka, A.B., Morel, F.M.M.Limnology and Oceanography503872-882
A generalisable measure of self-organisation and emergenceWright, W.A., Smith, R.E., Danek, M., Greenway, P.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg------857-864
A generalized approach for estimating effective population size from temporal changes in Allele frequencyWaples, R.S.Genetics121---379-391
A geomorphic perspective on nutrient retention following dam removalStanley, E.H., Doyle, M.W.Bioscience528693-701
A global invader at home: population structure of the green crab, Carcinus maenas, in EuropeRoman, J., Palumbi, S.R.Molecular Ecology13---2891-2898
A global view of swell and wind sea climate in the ocean by satellite altimeter and scatterometerChen, G., Chapron, B., Ezraty, R., Vandemark, D.Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology19---1849-1859
A Halodule-dominated community in a subtropical embayment: physical environment, productivity, biomass, and impact of dugong grazingMasini, R.J., Anderson, P.K., McComb, A.J.Aquatic Botany71---179-197
A heuristic analysis of spatial patterns of hermatypic corals at Eilat, Red SeaBradbury, R.H., Loya, Y.The American Naturalist112985493-507
A high resolution study of NE Atlantic sediments at station Bengal: geochemistry and early diagenesis of Heinrich layersHinrichs, J., Schnetger, B., Schale, H., Brumsack, H.-J.Marine Geology177---79-92
A history pressurised gas-flow studies in plantsGrosse, W., Armstrong, J., Armstrong, W.Aquatic Botany54---87-100
A holonic approach to reconfiguring real-time distributed control systemsBrennan, R.W., Fletcher, M., Norrie, D.H.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg------323-335
A lifecycle for models of large multi-agent systemsVasconcelos, W., Robertson, D., Agusti, J., Sierra, C., Wooldridge, M., Parsons, S., Walton, C., Sabater, J.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg---297-317
A light trap design for stratum-specific sampling of reef fish larvaeFisher, R., Bellwood, D.R.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology269---27-37
A low cost photographic tool for the assessment and monitoring of shallow-water benthic communitiesLicuanan, W.Y.The Philippine Scientist35---87-100
A low cost photographic tool for the assessment and monitoring of the shallow-water benthic communitiesLicuanan, W.Y.The Philippine Scientist35---87-100
A low-level geographic information system for coastal zone management, with application to Brunei DarussalamCruz-Trinidad, A., Silvestre, G., Pauly, D.Naga, The ICLARM QuarterlyJuly-December 1997---31-36
A low-level geographic information system for coastal zone management, with applications to Brunei Darussalam: Part I: The concept and its design elementsPauly, D., Gayanilo, Jr., F.C.Naga, The ICLARM QuarterlyApril-June 1997---41-46
A manipulative experiment demonstrates that blooms of the macroalga Ulvaria obscura can reduce eelgrass shoot densityNelson, T.A., Lee, A.Aquatic Botany71---149-154
A meta-analysis of the habitat carrying capacity and maximum reproductive rate of anadromous alewife in Eastern North AmericaGibson, A.J.F., Myers, R.A.American Fisheries Society Symposium35---211-221
A method for cultivating plants under controlled redox intensities in hydroponicsLissner, J., Mendelssohn, I.A., Anastasiou, C.J.Aquatic Botany1638---1-16
A method for evaluating marine protected area managementAlder, J., Zeller, D., Pitcher, T., Sumaila, R.Coastal Management30---121-131
A method for the construction of cloud trajectories from series of satellite imagesSzantai, A., Desalmand, F., Desbois, M.International Journal of Remote Sensing2381699-1732
A miniscale algal toxicity testArensberg, P., Hemmingsen, V.H., Nyholm, N.Chemosphere30112103-2115
A model of allelochemical interactions between soft and scleractinian corals on the Great Barrier ReefAntonelli, P.L., Sammarco, P.W., Coll, J.C.------[1-30]
A model of competition for spaceSlatkin, M., Anderson, D.J.Ecology6561840-1845
A model of the effects of land-based, human activities on the health of coral reefs in the Great Barrier Reef and in Fouha Bay, Guam, MicronesiaWolanski, E., Richmond, R.H., McCook, L.Journal of Marine Systems46---133-144
A modelling approach to evaluate preliminary remote sensing algorithms: use of water quality data from Swedish Great LakesPierson, D.C., Strombeck, N.Geophysica361-2177-202
A molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the marine sponge genus Placospongia (Phylum porifera) indicate low dispersal capabilities and widespread crypsisNichols, S.A., Barnes, P.A.G.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology------1-15
A molecular phylogeny of the Littorininae (gastropoda: Littorinidae): unequal evolutionary rates, morphological parallelism, and biogeography of the Southern OceanWilliams, S.T., Reid, D.G., Littlewood, D.T.J.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution28---60-86
A month in the life of a subantarctic eddyStanton, B., Morris, M.Water & Atmosphere8319-20
A multiple scattering algorithm for atmospheric correction of remotely sensed ocean colour (MERIS instrument): principle and implementation for atmospheres carrying various aerosols including absorbing onesAntoine, D., Morel, A.International Journal of Remote Sensing2091875-1916
A multi-scale study of the relationships between habitat use and the distribution and abundance patters of three coral reef angelfishes (Pomacanthidae)Eagle, J.V., Jones, G.P., McCormick, M.I.Marine Ecology Progress Series214---253-265
A National Treatment Strategy for the Control of Sea Lice on Scottish Salmon FarmsN/AN/A------1-9
A neural network model for predicting the bulk±skin temperature di erence at the sea surfaceWard, B., Redfern, S.Internation Journal of Remote Sensing20183533-3548