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1. Path of Enlil (Northern Stars/Constellations)

1) ĸ. APIN -- Triangulum (at least)

2) ĸ. Šú-gi, šēbu (senex) -- Perseus (a) (kà kkabu níbū ša ĸ. Šúgi -- α or β Persei) (b) (kakkab�ni ummulūtum ša Šugi (the dim stars of Perseus -- group of small stars in East Perseus) (c) (ĸ. Nasrapu - most probably ε Persei, (or group composed of μ, λ etc.)

3) ĸ. G�M, Gamlu (ritual vessel, 'weapon of Marduk') -- Auriga

4) ĸ. Maš-tab-ba gal-gal, Tu'�me rabūti -- most of Gemini, or simply α and β Geminorum

5) ĸ. Maš-tab-ba tur-tur, Tu'�mē sihrūti -- λ and ζ (?) Geminorum

6) ĸ. AL-LUL Šittu (?) -- Cancer, exclusive of β which belongs to ĸ. Siru, the serpent constellation

7) ĸ. Ur-gu-la (the great dog) -- Nēšu (lion) -- Leo (a) (kakkabē ša kakkad ĸ. Ur-gu-la -- (the two stars of the lion's head) -- ε and μ Leonis) (b) (kakkabu IV ša irti-šu -- the 4th star of his breast -- γ Leonis) (c) (ĸ. Lugal (ĸ. šarru) -- king -- Regulus) (d) (kakkabu II ša rapašti-šu -- the 2nd star of his hips -- δ Leonis) (e) (kakkabu edu ša zibbati-šu -- the single star of his tail -- β Leonis)

8) ĸ. A-EDIN, Eru -- Virgo West (Coma Berenices ?)

9) ĸ. HEN-GAL-A-A, Hegalai, nuhšu -- abundance -- Coma Berenices

10.(a)) ĸ. ŠU-PA, kakkabu namru -- the shining star - Arcturus (α Boötes), at times probably the entire southern part of Boötes

10.(b)) ĸ. Šudun -- yoke -- also Arcturus (a) (ĸ. Šudun-anšu -- the (forward) yoke of the ass -- η Bootis (+ neighbouring stars) (b) (ĸ. Šudun-anšu arkitu -- the rear yoke of the ass - ε Bootis (very probably also ξ, π and ζ Bootis)

11 (a)) ĸ. BAL-UR-A kakkab baltum -- Corona Borealis

11 (b)) (also) ĸ. GAM-tu -- kippatu -- Corona Borealis

12) ĸ. Mar-gid-da, sumbu -- wain -- Ursa Major (a) (ĸ. LUL-A, ĸ. Ka-a, ĸ. Šelibu, -- fox star -- ġ (Alkor) above ζ Ursae Majoris) (b) ĸ. γ, kakkabu ša ina pani (put) Margidda izzazu -- the star which stands before η (?) Ursae Majoris

13) ĸ. MU-GID-SAR-DA, niru ša šamē -- yoke of heaven -- Draco

14) ĸ. Mar-gid-da-an-na - wain of heaven - Ursa Minor

15) ĸ. AN-DU-BA-MEŠ(an-gub-ba-meš) šú-ut E-kur -- Serpens

16) ĸ. AN-KU-A-MEÅ (an-dur-a-meÅ¡) šú-ut E-kur -- Ophiuchus - Southern portion of Ophiuchus is named ĸ. il Za-mà -mÃ

17) ĸ. Ur-ku (Lik-ku ?) -- kalbu -- dog -- Hercules (a) (MAŠ-a-ti (ĸ. Aha-a-ti) -- star of the side -- (γ +) β Herculis) (b) (ĸ. Ur-ka-a-ti -- ζ Herculis) (c) (kakkabu edu -- the single star -- μ Herculis)

18) ĸ. Uza -- she-goat -- Lyra (also ĸ. Gašan-din, ĸ. Bēlit bal�ti) (a) (kakkabu nibū ša ĸ. Uza -- α Lyrae (b) (the two stars behind him (sukal il Ba-u, i.e., α Lyrae) -- probably η and θ Lyrae)

19) ĸ. UD-KA-GAB-A (Ud-da-dŭ-a) -- Panther -- Cygnus + Pegasus + α Andromedae (a) (Kumaru ša ĸ. Ud-ka-dŭ-a -- δ Cygni) (b) (Kakkabu nibū ša irti-šu -- α Cygni) (c) (Kinsu ša ĸ. Ud-ka-dŭ-a -- η Pegasi) (d) (Asidu ša Ud-ka-dŭ-a -- α Andromedae)

20) ĸ. ŠAH (šahu) il Da-mu -- very probably Delphinus

21) ĸ. Sisū -- horse -- very probably Equuleus

22) ĸ. Lulim -- at least Andromeda

2. Path of Anu (Middle of 'Equatorial' Stars/Constellations)

1) ĸ. Šim-mah (Šinunutum -- kakkab imbari) -- the swallow and storm constellation -- West Aquarius (α, β, χ, ε and ν)

2) ĸ. DIL-GAN, ĸ. Iku -- constellation which in various periods had different extent - four forms to be distinguished: 1) Aries (= Hired Labourer) + Cetus + East Aquarius, 2) Aries (= Hired Labourer) + Cetus - East Aquarius - GU-LA, 3) Cetus + East Aquarius - Aries KU-MAL, 4) Cetus - Aries KU-MAL / East Aquarius GU-LA

3) ĸ. Anūnitū, ĸ. n�r Dillat (Tigris constellation), ĸ. Tultum (worm constellation) the SW portion of Pisces plus the 'band' ω-ζ Piscium

4) ĸ. avēl KU-MAL -- Agru, t
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3, 21 Feb 2021 00:23:54 GMT
4; charset=UTF-8200OK1991 VGSETA and 1991 VG

By Duncan Steel

Anglo-Australian Observatory and the University of Adelaide

A '10-metre object on a heliocentric orbit, now catalogued as

1991 VG, made a close approach to the Earth in 1991 December, and was discovered a month before perigee with the Spacewatch telescope at Kitt Peak. Its very Earth-like orbit and observations of rapid brightness fluctuations argue for it being an artificial

body rather than an asteroid. None of the handful of man-made rocket bodies left in heliocentric orbits during the space age have purely gravitational orbits returning to the Earth at that time, and in any case the a priori probability of discovery for 1991 VG was very small, of order one in roo ooo per annum. In addition, the small perigee distance observed might be interpreted as an indicator of a controlled rather than a random encounter with the Earth, and thus it might be argued that 1991 VG is a candidate as an alien probe observed in the vicinity of our planet.

Chapman-Rietschii has noted, following Arkhipov2, that much work and discussion of SETI tends to overlook the possibility of discovering alien arti­ facts within the Solar System. Such a pursuit is normally known as SETA (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Artifacts3A). Over the past two decades various

© The Observatory • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

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I995 April Duncan Steel 79
authors have debated whether the best place to look for such artifacts is in the asteroid beltS, in the outer Solar System6, on planetary surfaces7, or as extra­ terrestrial probes in the inner Solar Systems-to, whereas the famous Fermi Paradox argument is based upon the understanding that such probes have not been detected, and thus extraterrestrial intelligent beings do not existll, 12, The aim of this communication is to point out (very tentatively) that an extrater­ restrial spaceprobe may have been detected in late I99I in near-Earth space.
The o·9I-m Spacewatch telescope of the University of Arizona commenced operation in I989, since when it has been used to detect asteroids of an unprece­ dentedly small size in the Earth's vicinity13. On I99I November 6 Spacewatch observer Jim Scotti discovered a body initially described as being a 'fast-moving asteroidal object' at a geocentric distance of o· 022 AU, a month before its clos­ est approach (at o ·003 I AU) to the Earth14. Its heliocentric orbital elements at discovery were a= I ·04 AU, e = o · o65, i = 0°·39, so that the suggestion was soon made that 'this might be a returning spacecraft' (ref. I4). The fly-by of the Earth-Moon system resulted in slight changes in its osculating elements15-17, Assuming the albedo of an S-type asteroid is appropriate -its spectral reflec­ tivity was not dissimilar to main-belt S-type asteroids13 - it would be about
9 m in size, or I9 m with the albedo of a C-type. However, observations by
Richard West and Olivier Hainaut from ESO, close to the time of nearest approach, indicated a non-asteroidal nature for the object, with strong, rapid brightness variations which can be interpreted as transient specular reflections from the surfaces of a rotating spacecraft18,19, Contrary to this, Wieslaw Wisniewski at Kitt Peak found only a slowly-varying brightness18, but under poor observing conditions. The question of the nature of this object might have been answered by radar observations, but radar sounding attempts failed16,20, I99I VG was also observed in I992 April with larger telescopes at Kitt Peak21, but it is unlikely to be observed again soon (see below). However, that recov­ ery allowed an improvement of the ephemeris (in both cartesian and frequency space) for the time of the radar observations, which may make identification of I99I VG in those data possible when they are fully analyzed20,
The approach taken here is to investigate the different probabilities for the nature of this object, given our incomplete knowledge. Three distinct pos
5; charset=UTF-8200OKneither alchemical plastic surgery nor victorian pseudo-baroque automatismJUDGES MAY NOT TELL YOU THIS, but when you sit on a jury, you have the right to vote according to your conscience and to judge the law being applied to the case. As a juror, you are the final safeguard for justice.

It's the judge's obligation to give the jury the wording of the law being applied to the case. If the judge fails to provide the wording of the law or you think the law he gives you is a bad or unconstitutional law or a good law being improperly applied, or there are other factors that would make you regret a vote to convict someone, then it is your right and duty as a juror to vote 'Not Guilty' even if you are the only juror who does and you therefore 'hang' the jury. You cannot be punished for the way you vote.

Our lawmakers sometimes pass bad laws, and, at times, good laws have been misused. Throughout history reasoning jurors have refused to convict fellow citizens who were accused of breaking the law: They freed tax protesters during the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, refused to convict those who aided runaway slaves in violation
of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, freed bootleggers charged during Prohibition 1920-30, and released Vietnam War objectors 1960-70.

When our country was young, all jurors were told of their right to judge the law, as well as the facts of the case.

Then judges decided that juries should no longer be told of their power to act as a safeguard against bad laws or unethical lawmakers. Now, all jurors are instructed to accept the law as it is given to them by the judge, even in cases where the law is clearly unjust.

But now you know the secret: If you are selected as a juror, you have the right and duty to do the right thing: to follow your conscience and to judge the law as well as the facts of the case. It is the only way to keep government in the hands of the people.

'I consider [trial by jury] as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.' --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 1789.
6, 21 Feb 2021 00:24:20 GMT
7; charset=UTF-8200OKThe Great SilenceAn Astrophysical Explanation for the Great Silence

James Annis
Experimental Astrophysics Group
MS 127, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510, USA
An astrophysical model is proposed to answer Fermi’s question. Gamma-ray
bursts have the correct rates of occurrence and plausibly the correct energetics to
have consequences for the evolution of life on a galactic scale. If one assumes that
they are in fact lethal to land based life throughout the galaxy, one has a mechanism
that prevents the rise of intelligence until the mean time between bursts is comparable to the timescale for the evolution of intelligence. Astrophysically plausible models
suggest the present mean time between bursts to be ∼ 108 years, and evolutionarily plausible models suggest the rise of intelligence takes ∼ 108 . Hence, this model
suggests that the Galaxy is currently undergoing a phase transition between an equilibrium state devoid of intelligent life to a different equilibrium state where it is full
of intelligent life.
“Where are they?”, Fermi asked [1]. In classic Fermi style, he had worked through an
order of magnitude calculation capturing the essence of a problem, in this case the existence of
extra-terrestrial civilizations. He had realized that the likely time scales of the expansion of a
civilization through a galaxy are so much shorter than the age of the galaxy itself that, given
the existence of one intelligent race, one has to wonder where everyone else is.
Fermi’s question is so simple and so powerful it is worth going over it in detail. First,
the Galaxy is roughly 1010 years old. Second, the Galaxy is roughly 100,000 light years across
and on average has a star every light year. The average time it takes a civilization to move
between stars sets it’s expansion velocity. At Earth orbital velocities, 10−4 c, it takes 10,000
years. Technologies that allow 10−1 c seem feasible, lowering the interstellar time to 10 years.
Take the mean time to be 1000 years, corresponding to 10−3 c, to allow for the inevitable
delay between the colonization of one system and the embarkation upon a new colonization
project. The time it takes a civilization to colonize from one end of the galaxy to another is
tc ∼ r/v ∼ 108 years. (More careful studies suggest times ranging from 50 million years [2]
to 109 years [3], showing the power of Fermi’s order of magnitude argument.) The capstone
to Fermi’s question is the mismatch between the galactic colonization timescale and the age
of the galaxy: tg ∼ 1010 ≫ tc ∼ 108 . Once an interstellar spacefaring civilization develops, it
should sweep across the galaxy like wildfire, as viewed on galactic timescales.
Have they come and gone? Clearly the vast majority of humans today are unaware of
any contact with extra-terrestrials. Just as clearly, the nearest handful of sun-like stars show
no civilization produced radio emissions. Furthermore, the solar system appears primordial
in the sense that it does not show the effects of the mega-engineering projects seemingly
within Mankind’s grasp in the coming centuries. The Moon appears untouched since the great
bombardment 4 billion years ago. Venus and Mars have not been terraformed. The asteroids
show every evidence of being in the orbits they formed in. There is no evidence of past or
present presence of extra-terrestrial civilizations in the solar system. Where are they?

?Brin [4] named this the Great Silence, and cataloged explanations for this silence. Here I
wish to add a new one: an astrophysical reason for the late development of intelligent life in
the galaxy.
An Astrophysical Explanation
Gamma-ray bursts are 10 second flashes of 12 Mev photons occurring 300 times a year at
positions isotropically distributed on the sky. It has been shown that they are at cosmological
distances [5]. The energy output during a burst is enormous, 1052 ergs over a few seconds.
This is comparable to that released by supernovae, but differs in two importa
8, 21 Feb 2021 00:24:19 GMT
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16, 21 Feb 2021 00:24:17 GMT
17; charset=UTF-8200OKLess Occult Than The Pentagon And More SidesFrom BRUSA to Five Eyes

The Five Eyes community grew out of the cooperation between Britain and the United States during World War II. On March 5, 1946 both countries signed the BRUSA (now known as UKUSA) Agreement on communications intelligence cooperation. This is not only about collecting signals intelligence, but also about security measures, like the use of codewords to restrict access to highly sensitive sources and reports.*

In June 1948 the UKUSA Agreement was established, which Canada, Australia and New Zealand signed on along with the UK as 'Second Parties'. A separate agreement between Canada and the USA (CANUSA) was signed in November 1949, followed by one with Australia in September 1953.*

Finally, in May 1954, the BRUSA Agreement was renamed UKUSA, which became also the name for the complex network created by these often overlapping agreements, appendices and memoranda of understanding.* Australia acted on behalf of New Zealand until the latter became a full member in 1955 or 1977.

The (signals) intelligence agencies that have less close bilateral relationships with NSA are called Third Party partners. Currently, there are over 30 Third Party partners, see: NSA's Foreign Partnerships

When the term Five Eyes (for classification purposes abbreviated as FVEY) came in use is not clear, but the SIDtoday newsletter from August 5, 2003 confirms that 'Five Eyes' is derived 'from the 'US/UK/CAN/AUS/NZ EYES ONLY' caveat that limits the distribution of SIGINT reports to the listed Second Party countries.'

The initial network of bilateral relationships between the five partner countries was eventually transformed into a 'group partnership' in 1993 - as was revealed in a newsletter from August 25, 2003. It's not explained what this means, but it's sounds like a shift to a more multilateral framework for cooperation among eachother.

The British-U.S. Communication Intelligence Agreement from 1946
(the full text as pdf - click to enlarge)

Joint Executive for SIGINT Interoperability (JESI)

In 1998, the agencies of the Five Eyes group established the Joint Executive for SIGINT Interoperability (JESI, pronouncesd as 'jessy'). In the newsletter from August 25, 2003, JESI is described as a 'multi-national executive body responsible for ensuring continued interaction and interoperability among the five SIGINT partners'. JESI doesn't have its own staff, it's just a collaboration platform.

Officials from the Five Eyes agencies also meet at an annual JESI conference. In July 2003 this meeting was held in the Australian capital Canberra and was focused on the mission objectives of the partner agencies and how they relate to the 5-EYES SIGINT Partnership Business Vision, which was published earlier that year. They addressed the following topics:

- Mission collaboration and knowledge sharing
- Enabling SIGINT operations through information assurance
- Exchange of finished intelligence
- Maintaining business continuity

[Header of an NSA SIDToday newsletter]

For a more efficient cooperation among the Five Eyes partners, the following systems were created, most of them initiated by JESI in 2002-2003, as described in the SIDtoday newsletter from August 25, 2003:

Information sharing: IWS

A collaboration tool called InfoWorkSpace (IWS) was created to exchange information between NSA, the US military and partner countries during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.

IWS is a software tool that provides chat communications as well as audio and video conferencing, file sharing, virtual whiteboards, and shared desktop views through desktop computers connected to a secure network.* As within the Five Eyes it's about signals intelligence, IWS most likely ran, and maybe still runs on NSANet.

According to a SIDtoday newsletter from September 10, 2003 IWS was already used by over 4000 NSA and their Second Party counterparts at the working levels. They collaborated on topics like Operation Enduring
18, 21 Feb 2021 00:24:20 GMT
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25, 21 Feb 2021 00:23:59 GMT
26; charset=UTF-8200OKHow is your consciousness like their own monstrous unitary dumpsterJUDGES MAY NOT TELL YOU THIS, but when you sit on a jury, you have the right to vote according to your conscience and to judge the law being applied to the case. As a juror, you are the final safeguard for justice.

It's the judge's obligation to give the jury the wording of the law being applied to the case. If the judge fails to provide the wording of the law or you think the law he gives you is a bad or unconstitutional law or a good law being improperly applied, or there are other factors that would make you regret a vote to convict someone, then it is your right and duty as a juror to vote 'Not Guilty' even if you are the only juror who does and you therefore 'hang' the jury. You cannot be punished for the way you vote.

Our lawmakers sometimes pass bad laws, and, at times, good laws have been misused. Throughout history reasoning jurors have refused to convict fellow citizens who were accused of breaking the law: They freed tax protesters during the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, refused to convict those who aided runaway slaves in violation
of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, freed bootleggers charged during Prohibition 1920-30, and released Vietnam War objectors 1960-70.

When our country was young, all jurors were told of their right to judge the law, as well as the facts of the case.

Then judges decided that juries should no longer be told of their power to act as a safeguard against bad laws or unethical lawmakers. Now, all jurors are instructed to accept the law as it is given to them by the judge, even in cases where the law is clearly unjust.

But now you know the secret: If you are selected as a juror, you have the right and duty to do the right thing: to follow your conscience and to judge the law as well as the facts of the case. It is the only way to keep government in the hands of the people.

'I consider [trial by jury] as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.' --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 1789.
27, 21 Feb 2021 00:24:03 GMT
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49, 20 Feb 2021 22:34:30 GMT
50; charset=UTF-8200OKStephenville UFO ReportSpecial Research Report
Stephenville, Texas
© 2008 Mutual UFO Network, Inc.
155 East Boardwalk Dr., Suite 300
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

?Stephenville Lights: A Comprehensive Radar and Witness Report Study
Regarding the events of January 8, 2008
4pm to 8pm
by Glen Schulze and Robert Powell





Executive Summary


Radar data and how it was obtained

8 - 10

Description of radar, physical location, and capabilities

11 - 13

Empirical correlation of radar and capabilities

14 - 18

Weather conditions Jan.8, 2008 & description of the area


Evaluation of military aircraft activity

20 - 30

Evaluation of unknown aircraft activity

31 - 45

1. Witness testimony
2. Radar based information

46 - 47




49 -76






This report presents the results of a lengthy and detailed analysis made into the sightings of an
unidentified flying object on the evening and night of January 8, 2008, in the Dublin-Stephenville area
of north Texas. Radar data from five different radar sites as well as witness testimony was reviewed in
an attempt to understand what did and did not occur on the night of January 8. The Executive
Summary will contain the basic overview of the results of this analysis, the authors' opinions and
conclusions to this report. Following the Executive Summary will be the detailed radar results and
witness testimony. The primary authors of this report are Glen Schulze and Robert Powell.
Glen Schulze received his BSEE from Washington University in 1952. While in the U.S. Army
he was assigned to White Sands Proving Grounds (WSPG). There, he participated in evaluating and
improving a five antenna site Cooperative Chain Radar System for tracking high performance long
range missile launches. His contributions to the WSPG radar system resulted in earning a letter of
commendation from the Commanding General of the USA 4TH Army. In the 1960s Mr. Schulze
provided a major service to the CIA/NSA in the successful recording of high powered Russian radar
signals arriving at the Caribbean Island of Antigua after being reflected from the surface of the moon.
In the 1970s Mr. Schulze was instrumental in the successful demonstrations of recording and
reproducing radar antenna return signals at the FAA Atlantic City Labs for accident investigations
which eventually led to the FAA incorporating the tape recording of all FAA radar antennas around the
US. In the mid 1990s Mr. Schulze began evaluating FAA radar signals obtained from FOIA requests
for FAA antennas positioned at JFK, DFW, Logan Boston, Newark, O’Hare, LAX , San Diego and Sky
Harbor Phoenix. He has evaluated over 3 million radar return signals from various FAA antenna sites.
Mr. Schulze has flown extensively on over fifty USN P3 and USAF ARIA aircraft flight exercises as a
civilian crew supernumerary responsible for the collection and recording of critical DOD and NASA
data. Mr. Schulze was also involved in radar analysis of the breakup of TWA flight 800, and is a Life
Member of the IEEE Professional Engineering Society.
Robert Powell is the current Director of Research at MUFON. He received his BS in Chemistry
from Southeastern Oklahoma State University in 1976. He worked in the semiconductor field from
1978 to 2006, where he gained experience in device physics, statistical analysis, and relational
algorithms used to improve the performance of semiconductor chips. During that time he participated
in the development of MOSTEK corporation's first CMOS based semiconductors. At Advanced Micro
Devices (AMD), during the 1980s, he was responsible for the early development of the flash memory
chips that are now used in cameras, PCs, memory sticks, and other electronic products. During the
1990s he was a manager responsible for quality control methods used in AMD's manufacturing and
engineering sites and was the manager of a state of the
51, 21 Feb 2021 00:23:48 GMT
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69; charset=UTF-8200OKWerner von Braun Operation Paperclip BriefingRepeating the pattern he had established during his earlier career in Germany, von Braun – while directing military rocket development in the real world – continued to entertain his engineer-scientist's dream of a future world in which rockets would be used for space exploration. However, instead of risking being sacked, he now was increasingly in a position to popularize these ideas. The May 14, 1950, headline of The Huntsville Times ('Dr. von Braun Says Rocket Flights Possible to Moon') might have marked the beginning of these efforts. These disclosures rode a Moon flight publicity wave that was created by the two 1950 U.S. science fiction films, Destination Moon and Rocketship X-M.

In 1952, von Braun first published his concept of a manned space station in a Collier's Weekly magazine series of articles entitled 'Man Will Conquer Space Soon!'. These articles were illustrated by the space artist Chesley Bonestell and were influential in spreading his ideas. Frequently, von Braun worked with fellow German-born space advocate and science writer Willy Ley to publish his concepts, which, unsurprisingly, were heavy on the engineering side and anticipated many technical aspects of space flight that later became reality.

The space station (to be constructed using rockets with recoverable and reusable ascent stages) would be a toroid structure, with a diameter of 250 feet (76 m); this built on the concept of a rotating wheel-shaped station introduced in 1929 by Herman Potočnik in his book The Problem of Space Travel – The Rocket Motor. The space station would spin around a central docking nave to provide artificial gravity, and would be assembled in a 1,075-mile (1,730 km) two-hour, high-inclination Earth orbit allowing observation of essentially every point on Earth on at least a daily basis. The ultimate purpose of the space station would be to provide an assembly platform for manned lunar expeditions. More than a decade later, the movie version of 2001: A Space Odyssey would draw heavily on the design concept in its visualization of an orbital space station.

Von Braun envisaged these expeditions as very large-scale undertakings, with a total of 50 astronauts travelling in three huge spacecraft (two for crew, one primarily for cargo), each 49 m (160.76 ft) long and 33 m (108.27 ft) in diameter and driven by a rectangular array of 30 rocket propulsion engines.[60] Upon arrival, astronauts would establish a permanent lunar base in the Sinus Roris region by using the emptied cargo holds of their craft as shelters, and would explore their surroundings for eight weeks. This would include a 400 km (249 mi) expedition in pressurized rovers to the crater Harpalus and the Mare Imbrium foothills.

Walt Disney and von Braun, seen in 1954 holding a model of his passenger ship, collaborated on a series of three educational films.
At this time, von Braun also worked out preliminary concepts for a manned mission to Mars that used the space station as a staging point. His initial plans, published in The Mars Project (1952), had envisaged a fleet of 10 spacecraft (each with a mass of 3,720 metric tons), three of them unmanned and each carrying one 200-ton winged lander[60] in addition to cargo, and nine crew vehicles transporting a total of 70 astronauts. Gigantic as this mission plan was, its engineering and astronautical parameters were thoroughly calculated. A later project was much more modest, using only one purely orbital cargo ship and one crewed craft. In each case, the expedition would use minimum-energy Hohmann transfer orbits for its trips to Mars and back to Earth.

Before technically formalizing his thoughts on human spaceflight to Mars, von Braun had written a science fiction novel on the subject, set in the year 1980. However, the manuscript was rejected by no fewer than 18 publishers.[61] Von Braun later published small portions of this opus in magazines, to illustrate selected aspects of his Mars project popularizations. The co
70, 21 Feb 2021 00:23:41 GMT
71, 21 Feb 2021 00:23:41 GMT
72; charset=UTF-8200OKlllllllllllll ||||| lll || llll || ll | ll 1 |||||||||||||| llllllll ||JUDGES MAY NOT TELL YOU THIS, but when you sit on a jury, you have the right to vote according to your conscience and to judge the law being applied to the case. As a juror, you are the final safeguard for justice.

It's the judge's obligation to give the jury the wording of the law being applied to the case. If the judge fails to provide the wording of the law or you think the law he gives you is a bad or unconstitutional law or a good law being improperly applied, or there are other factors that would make you regret a vote to convict someone, then it is your right and duty as a juror to vote 'Not Guilty' even if you are the only juror who does and you therefore 'hang' the jury. You cannot be punished for the way you vote.

Our lawmakers sometimes pass bad laws, and, at times, good laws have been misused. Throughout history reasoning jurors have refused to convict fellow citizens who were accused of breaking the law: They freed tax protesters during the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, refused to convict those who aided runaway slaves in violation
of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, freed bootleggers charged during Prohibition 1920-30, and released Vietnam War objectors 1960-70.

When our country was young, all jurors were told of their right to judge the law, as well as the facts of the case.

Then judges decided that juries should no longer be told of their power to act as a safeguard against bad laws or unethical lawmakers. Now, all jurors are instructed to accept the law as it is given to them by the judge, even in cases where the law is clearly unjust.

But now you know the secret: If you are selected as a juror, you have the right and duty to do the right thing: to follow your conscience and to judge the law as well as the facts of the case. It is the only way to keep government in the hands of the people.

'I consider [trial by jury] as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.' --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 1789.
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