
To use the list, navigate to the next sheet and copy the ASINs. Then, proceed with these steps:

1- Log in to Seller Central and navigate to 'Add a product.'
2- Paste the ASIN and click 'Apply to sell.'

Note: While not all ASINs may work for your store initially, especially if you're new or have only made a few sales, some products might remain gated. However, as you increase your sales volume, more options will become available.

If you encounter gated brands after trying the auto-ungate ASINs:

Consider using a profitable product that has already worked for you. Use the purchase invoice from the website where you bought the product for ungating.
Learn how to use an invoice for ungating by reading this article: https://oabeans.com/submit-invoices-for-amazon-ungating/

For those looking for guaranteed ungated products, we offer our Fayot list, which includes products that are 100% ungated. Check out the details and pricing: https://oabeans.com/pricing/

For further assistance:

Learn more about the ungating process at: https://oabeans.com/ungating-on-amazon/

Explore professional ungating services at: https://oabeans.com/amazon-ungating-service/

We hope these resources enhance your business potential!

Soheil from OABeans