Worldview, Memetic Tribe, or Project NameApproach to Addressing the Meta-CrisisThought Perspective
/ vMeme
Intellectual LineageTribe of TransformationImplementationProponentsAssociated OrganizationsCore Information Sources
Cynical IndifferenceThe world's ecosystems and society might be doomed to collapse, but you don't need to care about any of that. You can rely on your survival impulse and live an adequate life without attachment to any people nor physical things and just live very plain and simple. This involves living based primarily on meeting one's immediate needs through selfish drive, which is the our pre-social instinctual core.Premodern / ArchaicCynicismNAPeople continuing the tradition of Diogenes the CynicNA
Holistic Back-to-NatureWe need to re-discover our indigenous roots and live in harmony with nature, which will involve much less consumption and a dramatic decrease in industrialization. This also involves strong and vibrant local social organization that might or might not translate into stable social cohesion nor large-scale peaceful inter-group coexistence.Premodern / IndigenousEcology, cultural anthropologyWounded ActivistsGreta ThunbergGreenpeace
LeviathanWe are doomed to a war of all against all unless a single entity has ultimate power and authority. Only a strong absolute leader can provide the leadership to bring about peace and prosperity. This can be either a single person or a military junta or a global superpower nation state or a tightly controlled united global "new world order". Power can be delegated and distributed, but a single entity (person, council, or the like) needs to have ultimate authority on all matters. Premodern / EgocentricNeoconservatism, Absolute monarchismNANeo-conservative Pax-Americana hawks, George Soros in the eyes of some conspiracy theoristsPNAC
Ethnocentric Doomer DefeatismThere is no way to head off civilizational disaster so the best you can do is to save yourself and your family and maybe the members of the ethnic group that you identify with.Premodern / TraditionalTraditional religion, neo-fascismNASteve Bannon, Curt DoolittlePropertarian Institute, Breitbart
Religious FundamentalismWe all must repent and be saved and accept the teachings of the one true religion and sacred scriptures, as the day of judgment is coming in which the almighty will sort between the wicked and the righteous. Those who accept the dogma will be saved and will enjoy the paradise of the world to come and the nonbelievers will perish for eternity.Premodern / TraditionalAbrahamic religions, Conservitism, Scriptural literalismNAJerry Fallwell Jr., Ayatollah KhameneiWesboro Baptist Church, Daesh, Al Qaida
Rational Optimistic / Enlightenment 1.5We need a more full embrace and more widespread adoption throughout the world of what already has been shown to work, which are the values and psycho-technologies of the Age of Enlightenment, such as rationality, science, progress, skepticism, liberty, fraternity, equality, and getting away from ignorance, dogmatism, authority, tradition, superstition, and prejudice. Postmodernism and critical theory have little or nothing of value to offer and are only diversions and roadblocks. We can see this as an updated version of the 18th Century Western Enlightenment (Enlightenment 1.0), and thus it can also be called Enlightenment 1.5.ModernEnlightenment 1.0 (Western), modern scienceNASteven PinkerHarvard, CambridgeThe Better Angels of Our Nature, Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker
Techno-OptimismTechnological advancements will save humanity and will save our planet. Next-generation innovations will heroically avert any and all calamities. Humanity's best days are ahead because of the power of technology and innovation. We need to only not get in the way of the most ingenous inventors and innovators so that they can save humanity with their brilliance.ModernEnlightenment 1.5, modern science, transhuman technologyNAMarc Andreessen, Elon MuskMIT, Caltech
Transhumanism / Homo DeusThe way the world is going, the humanist ideology is no longer going to work. Human rights are created myths and it is already impossible to guarantee life, liberty, and happiness to the 3rd world poor. In the near future, some people will use transhumanist technology to become godlike. A small percent will live far above the masses in terms quality of life.ModernTechno-Optimism, Ubermensch transhumanismNAYuval Noah HarariWorld Transhumanist Association, Humanity+Sapiens, Homo Deus, and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari
Revolutionary Anti-CapitalismWe need to overthrow the capitalist bourgoisie before they destroy the world with their unquenchable greed. Members of the working class need to become conscious of their shared interests and collectively work to bring about revolution and to usher in a socialist distatorship of the proletariat, which will then transition to a communist utopia.ModernMarxismWounded ActivistsWorkers, members of the proletariat needs to form groups and international organizations and develop class consciousness and work in solidarity against the bourgoisie and establish a socialist system of economics and government.Contemporary doctrinaire Marxists via Karl MarxIMCWP, AntifaThe Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Radical FeminismThe problems of the world are caused by the continued dominance of the patriarchy. We need to bring about a matriarchy, which will be egalitarian and peaceful and sustainable. Women should lead the way and need to stop supporting the partriarchy and stop submitting to their desires and stop giving them the things that that they demand.PostmodernFeminism, indigenous matriarchyNAContemporary successors of Andrea Dworkin, Bell hooksRedstockings, Radical Women
AnarchismThis is a political philosophy and movement that is sceptical of authority and rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. Anarchism calls for the abolition of the state, which it holds to be unnecessary, undesirable, and harmfulPostmodernHolistic Back-to-Nature, Anti-authoritarianismNAWhile there are different versions of anarchism, anarcho-syndicalists believe that direct action—action carried out by workers as opposed to indirect action, such as electing a representative to a government position—would allow workers to liberate themselves.Noam ChomskyWorkers' Solidarity Alliance, IWA–AITOn Anarchism by Noam Chomsky, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Peter Kropotkin
Social JusticeThe most significant problems in our society are caused by privileged people, mainly hetero-normative white males, but also white people in general and also men in general, who are too fragile to recognize their microaggressions are perpectuating systemic racism and sexism and discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.PostmodernCritical race theory, Critical gender theory, Critical queer theoryNAThe privileged classes need to recognize the systemic racism and sexism in society and need to be much more sensative to groups who are victims of systemic bias. If enough people wake up to this then eventually the victims of discrimination and bias can acheive equality in society.Ibram X. Kendi, Robin DiAngeloACLU, Race Forward, Color of ChangeA People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn, Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon
Enlightenment 2.0We need to address the "Enlightenment Gap", which the first enlightenment never solved and which Enlightenment 1.5 doesn’t solve either. This involves embracing enlightenment rationalism and postmodern critique, coming up with a coherent naturalistic ontology and more clear definitions for scientific terms that are taken for granted. This also involves new paradigms and new methodologies that embrace inner development integrated with science. In the broad sense, this includes practices for developing wisdom and for living wisely and several organizations and movements are underway that are based on these general principles and that offer more specific approaches.Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 1.5 (Western), Eastern enlightenment, modern science, postmodernismRenegade Scholars, Metamodern PioneersLiving Wisely—As each of us learns to make better decisions and pursue well-being, the world will become a better place. Each of us can choose to live wisely by increasing our personal responsibility, thinking clearly, understanding the world we live in, creating possibilities for what can be, improving our moral reasoning, and doing good. As we seek real good, a better world will emerge.Gregg Henriques, John Stewart, Tomas Metzinger, Tomas Bjorkman, Jonathan RowsonUTOK, Club of Rome, PerspectivaConsilience by E.O. Wilson, The World We Create by Tomas Bjorkman, Metamodernity by Lene Rachel Andersen
Dark RenaissanceThe continued dominance of disembodied rationality and science way will not make life better for us and will only further denigrate our culture. We should not always think in terms of problems/solutions, as this will likely only further tie us in knots and create even more shadows. There are dark things that we are going to be able to face within our collective subconscious through art. The way society is headed, things will go dark almost inevitably, meaning that society will break down and a new dark age will result in the coming years and decades. But some of us will be able to create new aesthetic movements to get things through in order to plant the seeds for an eventual rebirth, and some people are already working on this. Integrative / MetamodernRomanticism, existentialism, psychoanalysis, postmodernism, critical theoryAttention Finders, Renegade Scholars, Metamodern pioneersIt is important to recognize the dark sides of our nature rather than pretending they don't exist or that we have the fully under control. This is about weilding a power or a force. This is set of skills that we can hone for creativity and authenticity and unique and fulfilling engagement with people and groups.Alexander Bard, Raven Connelly, Tom AmarqueIntellectual Deep Web, Parallax
Meta-SensemakingWe really need to greatly improve our sensemaking amid the constant bombardment of information and ever-shifting technology and the related psychological and sociological impacts. We need to take a meta view of the information ecology and understand the limitations of our own rationality through mindfulness of cognitive biases and the effects of large-scale information propagation on our minds and on society as a whole.Integrative / MetamodernInformation theory, communications theory, sociology, cognitive science, evolutionary psychologyMedia EcologistsAnalyze the effects that different forms of media and different communication styles and propagation methods have on our psychology and sociology and recommend ways that people and organizations can do better sensemaking and also how the human relation to technology can be improved.Karl Weick, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Dave SnowdenThe Consilience ProjectSensemaking in Organizations by Karl Weick, Cynefin - Weaving Sense-Making into the Fabric of Our World by Dave Snowden
Game BWe need to better understand the processes of complex, self-organizing systems and also concepts such as nonlinearity, second-order effects, probability, networks, holism, symbiosis and evolution, game theory, and self-knowledge. Our challenge is to use what we know to minimize the suffering during this time of turbulent change, and to maximize the beneficence of the next emerging world order. We urgently need to evolve new solutions while keeping the best of the old. Many possibilities are already being tried. Game B communities experiment with these and more. As yet no one really knows what will actually work, or how the next world order will unfold. We need to try out every good idea, find which ones actually work, and scale up. We have already begun. Integrative / MetamodernTechno-Optimism, Game theory, transhuman technology, information theory, complexity scienceCautious Futurists, Wise Businesses, Reflexive InvestorsGame B is a memetic tag that aggregates a myriad of visions, projects and experiments that model potential future civilisational forms. The flag on the hill for Game B is an anti-fragile, scalable, increasingly omni-win-win civilisation. This is distinct from our current rivalrous Game A civilisation that is replete with destructive externalities and power asymmetries that produce existential risk. Yet Game B is not a prescriptive ideology (or an ideology at all): while the eyes of Game B players may be fixed on the same flag, the hills are multitudes and the flag sits atop each, and no player individually is equipped to map a route in advance. Jim RuttGame B Home, Future ThinkersInfinite Games by James Carse
Ecology of Mind / Warm DataWe can use our understanding of ecology in conjunction with warm data and the nuances and complexities of various aspects of life to help us intuitively make better choices. It is important to sense the context and the complex interdependencies in all situations in life. It is best not to assume any sort of a map of the context, since all maps are inherently incomplete and can easily lead to misunderstandings and can be used to perpetuate oppression.Integrative / MetamodernEcology, genetics, evolutionary biology, meta-rationality, complexity scienceAttention Finders, Integral FacilitatorsWarm Data are contextual and relational information about complex systems. In other words, warm data involve transcontextual information about the interrelationships that integrate a complex system, as well as interwoven complex systems. Warm Data Labs are group processes, which illustrate interdependency and generate understandings of systemic patterns for people with no previous exposure to systems theory. Warm Data Labs enable new societal responses to complex challenges.Nora Bateson, Jill NephewThe International Bateson Institute, InqwireCentral Ideas - The International Bateson Institute
Folk-Bildung 3.0This involves empowering everybody through bildung to act and take sustainable action where they are. This also involves self-cultivation, community development, and lifelong learning working in conjunction. The formal political systems also ought to be there; they may not live up to our expectations, but if we want clean water in the pipes, modern medicine, food for 8 billion people, safe transportation, and solid science to back decisions, there also needs to be institutions and political with which to collaborate.Integrative / MetamodernDevelopmental psychology, developmental sociology, pedagogy, big history, earlier versions of folk bildung, complexity theoryCultural Democrats, Integral Facilitators, Metamodern pioneersWe need to upgrade our understanding of the world and promote bildung and educate ourselves to grasp the challenges from exponential technologies, new ownership and power structures, globalization, climate change, and the overall human impact on the only habitable planet we have. We can make the world a wiser place, and we could create new empowerment, folk-bildung and folk high schools for the 21st century around the globe. We could start studying “for the purposes of making life more interesting.” Lene Rachel Andersen, Tomas Bjorkman, Jonathan RowsonNordic Bildung, Global BildungThe Nordic Secret by Lene Rachel Andersen and Tomas Bjorkman, Bildung: Keep Growing by Lene Rachel Andersen
Conscious EvolutionWe can develop higher levels and states of consciousness and become mindful of the dynamics of the fundamental force of evolution and the relation to consciousness and this will awaken our collective capacity to overcome our challenges and create a better future. In socio-political terms, this hasn't been fully developed, despite Wilber claiming to have a "theory of everything" 20 years ago, since some of this is the subject of his forthcoming 3rd book in the Kosmos Trilogy.Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 2.0, Integral Theory, Modern science, Eastern spirituality, Western esotericism, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, evolutionary theoryRenegade Scholars, Integral Facilitators, Spiritually CapaciousThis is implemented through meeting places where people come together and practice with others
who are also passionate about spiritual awakening, and growing into greater human maturity and who aspire to live their lives based on a radical world-embracing non-duality. Such people feel compelled by the call to co-create a brighter future for all of us by advancing the evolution of consciousness and culture. To evolve towards this ideal, such people dedicate their energy, attention and awareness to deep transformational practice rooted in the teachings of Evolutionary Enlightenment.
Ken Wilber, Andrew Cohen, Marc Gafni, Steve McIntoshIntegral Life, Center for Integral Wisdom, Manifest NirvanaSex, Ecology, Spirituality, A Theory of Everything, Integral Spirituality by Ken Wilber, Evolutionary Enlightenment by Andrew Cohen
The Listening Society / Nordic IdeologyEmphasizes developmental psychology and sociology also getting the socio-cultural attractors right and getting people and society up to a higher effective value meme. Also emphasizes developing new political institutions that optimize different aspects of public and private life and that are interdependent.Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 2.0, Game B, Folk Bildung 3.0, political theory, developmental psychology, developmetal sociologyPolitical Revisionists, Cultural DemocratsCreate a deliberately developmental society in which institutions are created to help people develop and to reach their full potential. Multiple dimensions of development are important, including code, depth, state, and complexity. New forms of politics are created, including Gemeinschaft (community building), Existential (personal inner work), Democratization (people have a voice), Emancipation (people are free), Empirical (what is the truth?) and Theory (giving people meaning)Hanzi FreinachtMetamodernaThe Listening Society and Nordic Ideology by Hanzi Freinacht
Metamodern SpiritualityThis involves transformative integration of psyches and societies through the creation of ecologies of practice and the development of the so-called "religion that is not a religion". This also involves functional harmonization of the meta-state based on the collective capacity for large-scale strength, robustness, anti-fragility, health, and coordination.Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 2.0, Dark Renaissance, Abrahamic religions, new atheism, existentialism, Eastern spiritualityMetamodern pioneers, Spiritually Capacious, Integral FacilitatorsSomehow scale up a science-friendly, philosophically sophisticated wisdom tradition in the world that we're facing now. We need super-comprehensive interdisciplinary philosophies and their relationship to embodied developmental practice to give the potential for a multi-dimensional civilizational upgrade.Brendan Graham Dempsey, Layman PascalMetamodern Spirituality, The Integral StageThe Metamodern Spirituality series by Brendan Graham Dempsey
Manifesting Mass Metanoia / Post-CapitalismThis involves personal and collective transformation happening within organizations, buinesses, governements, and institutions. This would be driven by metamodernism, post-secularism, and neo-Marxism. We need a change of mind, at scale, now.Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 2.0, Revolutionary Anti-Capitalism, Marxism, Liberation TheologyWounded Activists, Cultural Democrats, Integral FacilitatorsUrgently get the message out to the working class, the 99.9% of the population who control an ever-shrinking slice of the wealth despite being the ones who actually created all of that value, wake them up to class consciousness. This would include abstractions and the relations to concrete matters-of-fact. If the working class truly understand their interests and the stakes at hand then they will organize into a movement that the 0.01% will not be able to ignore and this will finally allow for the realignment of priorities and distribution of resources where they are needed.Brent CooperThe Abs-Tract Organization
Peer to PeerThis involves people cooperatively pooling their resources through commons in a way that is complementary to business and government with the idea that this can create prosperity for all. One of the main guiding principles is cosmo-localism.Integrative / MetamodernGame B, Meta-Sensemaking, interpersonal relating, descentralized technologyCultural Democrats, Cautious FuturistsThe P2P Foundation motto is "Together we know everything, together we have everything", i.e. pooling our resources through commons, creates prosperity for all. We document thousands of initiatives going in that direction on order to create "Hope with evidence".Michel BauwensP2P Foundation
Web3Web3 is the collective name for the latest wave of innovation online. Touted as much more decentralized, democratic and creative than the current web ecosystem, for its evangelists it's our best hope to innovate our way out of many our most pressing societal problems. Web1 involved the early garage innovators who created the early internet and Web2 was when cyberspace became colonized by the major technology and social media companies. Integrative / MetamodernGame B, Meta-Sensemaking, descentralized technologyCautious Futurists, Reflexive InvestorsWeb3 promises a new technical substrate for the internet, with blockchains and cryptography and other inscrutable gadgetry. But more importantly, it promises to rebuild the web with a new set of values: less centralised power, more distributed ownership, more user sovereignty.Jordan HallThe Civium Project
Deep CodeWe need to understand the foundational basis that underlies our ontology, epistemology, ethics, and phenomenology and also the generator functions for civilization so that we can bring about the creation of a new civilizational system before we destroy our biosphere and everything that depends on it.Integrative / MetamodernEnightenment 2.0, Game B, Meta-Sensemaking, Cognitive science, analytic philosophy, phenomenology, communication theory, sociology, evolutionary psychologyMetamodern pioneers, Spiritually CapaciousThe current civilization framework we are operating under is no longer adequate for the set of challenges that humanity is facing, and this civilization will ultimately collapse under its own weight. Looking through the deep code lens, we can analyz why is the case and where we are on that trajectory and we can begin to design a new viable civilization, and to understand what the actionable steps are for humanity to get to the next stage. We need to go deep and find the underlying structure of the process of learning. We have to examine the assumptions our current civilization is operating under, and deconstruct them so that we can reconstruct something anew.Jordan Hall, Forrest Landry, Bonnitta RoyThe Popup School, Civilization Emerging
Meaning 3.0This involves using scientific research to create "ethical cults" that can carefully incorporate rituals, drugs, sex, and altered states of consciousness with the aim of realizing Meaning 3.0 and strengthening communities and improving and optimizing human performance.Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 2.0, Game B, Ecology of Mind / Warm Data, Neuro-anthropology, cognitive scienceAttention Finders, Cautious Futurists, Integral Facilitators, Metamodern PioneersFlow Genome Project and Recapture the Rapture, which has 3 sections Choose Your Own Apocalypse, takes a look at our current meaning crisis, The Alchemist Cookbook, applies the creative firm IDEO’s design thinking to the meaning crisis, Ethical Cult Building, focuses on the tricky nature of putting these kinds of experiences into gear and into cultureJamie WhealFlow Genome ProjectRecapture the Rapture by Jamie Wheal
Bright Future NowThis involves plantary consciousness and aiming for sustainability, which is made possible through systems thinking and mindfulness of neuro-chemical psychology and finding the optimzal zone through which we can minimize pathologies and optimize well-being at the individual, community, and planetary levels.Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 2.0, Meta-Sensemaking, Neuroscience, sustainability science, developmental psychology, evolutionary psychologyAttention Finders, Cautious Futurists, Integral Facilitators, Metamodern PioneersBright Future Now initial visionRobert GilmanBright Future Now
The Regenerative Renaissance / Bio-TransformationThis involves harnessing nature-based and biological insights and explicitly more feminine embodied intuitions and felt senses to paradigm-shift modernity, and its discontents, into regenerative business models and systems that temper and transform abstraction, extraction, accumulation, exploitation, and mechanistic thinking with lived experiences, expressions, and practices of interdependence, reciprocity, reverence, caring wholeness/healing. It means engaging in purpose-led systemic transformation and institutional innovation and entrepreneurial processes, where purpose is explicitly a felt experience of love/caring—free from personality patterns and cognitive distortions from developmental challenges—moving into action through constellations of people, data, and things (that have a business model attached).Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 2.0, Game B, Ecology of Mind / Warm Data, neuroscience, indigenous knowledge, sustainability science, developmental psychology, evolutionary psychology, complexity scienceWise Businesses, Metamodern pioneers, Spiritually CapaciousRegenerative technology, some qualities or criteria of regenerative brand, project or business, and existing ingredients of a regenerative RenaissanceNick Jankel, Tyson Yunkaporta, Nora BatesonSwitch On
Mutations into the Integral-AperspectivalThis involves cohering aperspectival thinking, developing the mutational model, and catalyzing the integral mutation. Through discontinuous leap into new modes of participatory sensemaking and worlding and through cultural phenomenology, we can develop a planetary felt sense. This can help us to cohere the meta-linkings intimately present throughout the emergentsia, be they explorations of the meaning-crisis, practices of memetic mediation, or designing regenerative cultures.Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 2.0, Ecology of Mind / Warm Data, Integral Theory, phenomenology, developmental psychology, cognitive science, temporics, complexity scienceAttention Finders, Cautious Futurists, Integral Facilitators, Metamodern PioneersWe need to find what are the emergent potentials, articulated visions, or, in a word, ‘mutations’ that can help us to pathfind our way into the future. We need to find what forms of integrative thinking and being are required for this leap.Jeremy Johnson via Jean GebserMutationsThe Ever Present Origin by Jean Gebser, Seeing Through the World by Jeremy Johnson
MicrosolidarityThis involves the idea of pods, squads, crews, and gangs, which are four versions of microsolidarity are emerging in the so-called Liminal Web. These are small mutual aid communities for people to do a kind of personal development, in good company, for social benefit.Integrative / MetamodernPeer to Peer, Folk Bildung 3.0, democratization, network theoryWise Businesses, Cultural Democrats, Integral Facilitators, Metamodern PioneersShort version: form small groups, share feelings, then share money. Long versionJoe Lightfoot, Richard BartlettOther Internet, Enspiral
Localization & Bioregionalism / Doomer OptimismThis approach advocates for localized alternatives to the global economy, particularly involving the creation of robust local food systems and democratic structures that can effectively resist authoritarianism and economic globalization. The idea is that there is something to look forward to when certain pathological and outdated institutions in our contemporary world begin to fail and collapse, since then different ways of being in this world can emerge.Integrative / MetamodernPeer to Peer, Dark Renaissance, regenerative agrigulture, sustainability science, localism, bioregionalism, decentralismCautious Futurists, Wise Businesses, Reflexive InvestorsJoin or start a community garden, start a buy local campaign, reclaim your community's electrical grid, join or start a tool library, organize a citizen's assembly. You can't just go straight to optimism. You have to start by engaging exactly where we're at and thinking about it from realistic perspectives and then thinking "What can I do despite those challenges and limits?"Helena Norberg-Hodge, Jason Snyder, Ashley Colby, Joe BrewerLocal Futures, One Planet Living, One EarthThe Economics of Happiness by Helena Norberg-Hodge
Yin and Yang Web of SystemsThis involves being mindful of the systematic interconnectedness of global problems: energy shortages, environmental degradation, climate change, economic inequality, violence, war etc. Aggravating one of them will have an influence on the others. It is very important to be mindful of the deep interconnectedness of ecology and how our worldviews form and how they can be changed. Chinese philosophical thought is central to these efforts.Integrative / MetamodernEcology of Mind / Warm Data, Meta-Sensemaking, Systems theory, deep ecology, Taoism, ConfucianismAttention Finders, Wounded Activists, Cultural Democrats, Spiritually CapatiousPrimarily this requires respect and Care for the Community of Life, Ecological Integrity, Social and Economic Justice, and Democracy, Nonviolence, and Peace. This requires a change of mind and heart. It requires a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility. We must imaginatively develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, and globally. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the vision. Fritjof Capra, Jeremy LentEarth CharterTao of Physics by Fritjof Capra, The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent
SolarpunkThis is a genre and art movement that envisions how the future might look if humanity succeeded in solving major contemporary challenges with an emphasis on sustainability, climate change and pollution. It imagines a world where energy, usually from the sun or wind, can be used without harming our environment.Integrative / MetamodernAnarchism, Game B, eco-futurism, imaginative literatureWounded Activists, Cautious Futurists, Wise BusinessesThis begins with artistic imaginations of eutopian or protopian futures and also of less desirable dystopian possibilities. People in the present are encouraged to enter into a dialog with future possibilities and this helps them realize the paths available to work toward better futures and avoid calamaties.Saint Andrew, Phoebe TickellSOLARPUNKS, Moral ImaginationsThe Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin, Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach, A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
Meta-Ideological PoliticsThis involves educating people in the possibilities that emerge when you don’t firmly hold onto your own ideological position. We can transcend identity politics and populism and group identity if we acknowledge that they all have their own version of truth and they all cling to that version, which causes a breakdown of communication. People can explore the notion that we are immersed in the stories that we inhabit and those stories inform our field of experience. Not only being present yourself, but also if you start to explore what full presence means, it means letting others be present also. We need a politics of presence. Integrative / MetamodernMeta-Sensemaking, Social Justice, Buddhism, Full Presence MindfulnessAttention Finders, Renegade Scholars, Political Revisionists, Cultural DemocratsMIP seeks to transcend the confines of a single ideology by critically embracing the insights from a wide range of ideological and analytic frameworks. Also practically speaking, this involves bridge building with local communities and engaging with each memetic tribe on their own terms (ideologically/culturally) as a kind of applied memetic mediation/community building exercise. Both of those pave the way for the third part, which is running and winning actual elections. This involves a desire to step into the actual political arena to transform the current system via policy. All polarizations and the entire political spectrum can be held and embraced in emptiness, and from this place of emptiness one can find themselves in anything and anyone.Ryan Nakade, Jack PetrankerMeta-Ideological PoliticsThe Time, Space, and Knowledge series by Tarthang Tulku
Second Literacy of the East, West, and DigitalThe meta-crisis is ultimately being *caused* by fundamental changes that have already happened, including the shift from a TELEVISION to a DIGITAL paradigm and the fact that that ROBOTS are taking over our lives. Humans are unable to grasp the implications, including that we have collectively lost our agency.Integrative / MetamodernMeta-Sensemaking, Enlightenment 2.0, Medieval scholasticism, sociology of technologyMedia Ecologists, Renegade Scholars, Cautious FuturistsWe need a new SCRIBAL sensibility can reverse these trends. We need a “Second literacy” and a return to the trivium curriculum. Religion will play a surprisingly important role. The East is seeking a recovery of "The Way" – as reflected in the upsurge of interest in Daoist principles, etc. The West Sphere is struggling to return to a public embrace of "The Virtues" – as reflected in the wide-spread employment of "virtue-signaling" and what some call the "New Puritans." The Digital Sphere is hunting for "The Spark" of divinity which they hope can be transfered to cyborgs/robots resulting in immortalityMark StahlmanThe Center for the Study of Digital LifeUnderstanding Media, War and Peace in the Global Village by Marshall McLuhan
Education in a Time Between WorldsThe meta-crisis is a generalized educational crisis involving a set of related psychological dynamics; systems and societies are in trouble, but it is the psyche—the human dimension—that is in the direst of straits. Today we are without a “map” and lost in objective crises involving ecosystems, infrastructures, borders, and bombs. The loss of teacherly authority is hampering the inter-generational transmission of knowledge.Integrative / MetamodernMeta-Sensemaking, Deep Code, Peer to Peer, Folk Bildung 3.0, Developmental psychologyMetamodern pioneers, Renegade Scholars, Cautious FuturistsThere is no viable future for civilization that does not include a radical change in the nature of our educational systems. School systems themselves need to be repurposed and redesigned. Each school building be transformed into an unprecedented institution that is some combination of a public library, museum, co-working centre, computer lab, and daycare.Zak SteinThe Transformative Educational Alliance (TEA), Ronin InstituteEducation in a Time Between Worlds by Zak Stein
Nondual EmpiricismWe can reintegrate the "Supreme Science" of Eastern Wisdom with Western naturalistic empirical metaphysics on the nature of the Self in relation to the physical world with an emphasis on an awareness-based ontology. Nonconceptual knowing is central—experiencing reality by pure awareness, direct sensory experience, observation without interpretation, labeling, conceptualization, or categorization. Integrative / MetamodernEnlightenment 2.0, Yin and Yang Web of Systems, Advaita Vedanta, Zen, VajrayanaIntegral Facilitators, Spiritually CapaciousAlthough we acknowledge the existence of a crisis—the persistence of the grand challenges, as one manifestation—we cannot rely on a nonmaterial “I” to act. This raises the question “Whose problem is this?” Fortunately, although the “I” is nonmaterial, each of us does have agency—the ability to actNicholas LattanzioNonduality Institute, Center for Nondual Awareness