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Help Needed
12:00:00 PM - EODDread
All WeekendBig Top Side Room 3Board game room (free play) deduction games? Classic euro games? Party games? Find these and more in our game library, or bring your own!
1:00 - 1:30 PMPavilionElena Doing MassagesElena
4-5PMRoundtable the basics of lockpicking in the roundtable room! Locks and pick sets will remain available at a table for the entire camp. By taking this workshop you agree to teach at least one other person at vibecamp how to pick locks.
4-9 pmThe Oracle DomeOracle space for divination of all forms—tarot, astrology, I Ching, bibliomancy, tasseomancy, anythingyouwantomancy! Volunteer oracles will be available for one-on-one and group readings at designated times (schedule forthcoming), but anyone is welcome to hang out here throughout vibecamp. We are still deciding on some kind of oracle dome kickoff event, and we don't have the details for this yet, but it will be somewhere in this time slot.
We'd really appreciate anyone who is able to lend us divination equipment (tarot decks, Ouija boards, whatever). Also, if you'd like to offer your divination services, please hit up slice!
4-5pm & 5-6pmMeeting RoomSpeed FriendingSpeed lots of vibecampers in a short amount of time. there will be two sessions, tentative times are 4-5pm & 5-6pm
5:45pm - 6:45pmAmphitheaterLive Twitter Live twitter polls, spicy level high
5:00pm - 8:00pmCafeteriaDinnerVibecampteam@vibecamp.xyzThere will be 3 separate dinner times to reduce congestion. 6, 7, and 8. You will be assigned to a dining group before vibecamp.
6pm-8pmPavilionEscape RoomR@actualwebutanteOne physical room and one mental escape "room"; test your puzzle solving abilities, there will be different outcomes on whether you act competitively vs cooperatively. You are SBF, you’ve just woken up from an adderall fueled rage and party on your yacht to find your crypto empire has collapsed and the feds are after you. You must escape the feds! Will you be able to catch the jet leaving in 30 minutes? If tactical puzzles aren't your style there will be an additional, harder computational puzzle available for completion.
6:00 - 7:00 PMThe PoolHarm Reduction Flow WarmupIvy me questions about drugs / how to test drugs as I do a bit of flow arts warming up by the pool prior to the dance parties!
just some space + maybe a folding table
7:00pm-8:00pmAmphitheaterJust Asking Questions
Aella and Robin Hanson
@aella_girl, @robinhanson
9:30 PM - 2:00 AMThe Big TopDance PartiesYassine / Meskhout#3954There will be concurrent dance parties each night at The Big Top and The Barn Theater. DJs are still being selected. There will be multiple DJs playing at each dance party and a schedule of who is playing will be published beforehand. These times are tentative for now.
Feel free to bring your DJ equipment. If you're planning on bringing anything let Yassine know. Any equipment still needed after we get an inventory of what DJs are bringing, will be provided by vibecamp.
9:30 PM - 2:00 AMThe Big TopFlow x Dance PartiesIvy has been nice enough to set aside space for flow artists at the dance venues!! We will also try and have a communal tent or something for ppl to store / share gear! Also if you want to learn how to do flow pls come over and ask!
anyone proficient in kinetic arts, esp. hooping and poi
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMBarn Theater Dance PartiesYassine / Meskhout#3954There will be concurrent dance parties each night at The Big Top and The Barn Theater. DJs are still being selected. There will be multiple DJs playing at each dance party and a schedule of who is playing will be published beforehand. These times are tentative for now.
Feel free to bring your DJ equipment. If you're planning on bringing anything let Yassine know. Any equipment still needed after we get an inventory of what DJs are bringing, will be provided by vibecamp.
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMBarn Theater Flow x Dance PartiesIvy has been nice enough to set aside space for flow artists at the dance venues!! We will also try and have a communal tent or something for ppl to store / share gear! Also if you want to learn how to do flow pls come over and ask!
anyone proficient in kinetic arts, esp. hooping and poi
9:00 PMThe Big TopMetta Dance Party (Guided Meditation)Tasshin
@tasshinfoglemantasshin#1961Guided meditation preparing for the Metta Dance Party. Tasshin will host a combination loving kindness workshop and dance party. The event will begin with a guided meditation on loving kindness meditation. The meditation will last about thirty minutes. You'll learn how to practice loving kindness, and how to do so while dancing. Then, we'll kick off a dance party, with the intention of doing loving kindness practice as friends dancing together to good music. Practicing loving kindness during the dance party is encouraged, but not required - and besides, just dancing and having a good time is already a form of loving kindness.
9:30 PMThe Big TopMetta Dance Party (Dance)Tasshin
@tasshinfoglemantasshin#1961Dance party portion of the Metta Dance Party. Tasshin will host a combination loving kindness workshop and dance party. The event will begin with a guided meditation on loving kindness meditation. The meditation will last about thirty minutes. You'll learn how to practice loving kindness, and how to do so while dancing. Then, we'll kick off a dance party, with the intention of doing loving kindness practice as friends dancing together to good music. Practicing loving kindness during the dance party is encouraged, but not required - and besides, just dancing and having a good time is already a form of loving kindness.
8:45 - 9:45pmPavilionFolk DancingDancinghorse16 group dances done in circles. Simple to start, instruction provided. 1 hr.
1 person to start/stop music; help demo. needs large open space and PA system.
10:45pm - MidnightPavilionClosed RehearsalTeam ChaosA closed rehearsal for a secret event.
8:30 - 9:00pmAmphitheater💫Whisking the Night Away💫Adam Wong
@CookingWongAdamsulliwong#4302Join us for a thrilling night of DIY steel wool fireworks as we light up the sky with brilliant sparks! We'll be using steel wool and wire whisks to create a dazzling display that will leave you amazed. Safety is (a) priority, so we'll be taking necessary precautions to ensure everyone can enjoy the event safely. Available while supplies last! BRING HOODIES, SOCKS, AND MAYBE GLOVES AND GOGGLES
1 person to be on fire watch duty, ideally in a sexy fireman outfit playing YMCA
9:30 - midnightCanteenKava and Kratom with Touch & BuddhiTouch + get rooted, zooted, and maybe a little hyperfaluted with the high priestess and priest of getting high. Special dranks from our laboratory (which don't mix well with alcohol so it's better if you haven't been taking that poison recently)
All WeekendRopes Playground Flow VillageIvy a little more secluded / spiritual flow space away from the dance parties, Festie Besties will be decorating the 'ropes playground' area which has already been previously decorated by a Fae group for maximum magic! If you want to contribute to this communal art project pls come by!
ppl to help decorate! also any cool / mystical decorations ppl might have to spare like glow in the dark things, LED's etc
8-11:30amFire CircleKiddie CampDancinghorse16 - 11:30am General fun to keep kids busy and allow parents to attend events. Take an hour, give an hour. Toys, books, balls, coloring supplies, snacks provided. Leave children at your own risk. Cabin U.
YES, MANY, 1 hour shifts, 2-3 adults each hour
9:00 AMTriangle FieldGrappling Fundamentals and world's oldest game! Self defense! Advanced body manipulation! The most fun you can have with your clothes on!
We'll introduce the basics of judo, BJJ and MMA, and make time for sparring for those who want to try or already have experience. There will be ample time to learn, to sparr, and to hang out and talk about physical combat. We'll also make sure to practice every day so that you can start integrating and applying what you learn. I will try to have some equipment available for those who want to try MMA sparring (gloves, shinpads) or gi grappling, so feel free to come explore -- or share your knowledge!
Any sort of workout clothes are fine as long as you're okay with grass stains.
Bring equipment if you have it, if you know some grappling sport come show me some moves!
10:00 AM - 8:00 PMTriangle FieldBounce House, Sumo, and CornholeVibecamp
10am-9 pmThe Oracle DomeOracle space for divination of all forms—tarot, astrology, I Ching, bibliomancy, tasseomancy, anythingyouwantomancy! Volunteer oracles will be available for one-on-one and group readings at designated times (schedule forthcoming), but anyone is welcome to hang out here throughout vibecamp.
We'd really appreciate anyone who is able to lend us divination equipment (tarot decks, Ouija boards, whatever). Also, if you'd like to offer your divination services, please hit up slice!
10:00 AM - 1:00 PMCafeteriaBrunchVibecampteam@vibecamp.xyzThere will be 3 separate breakfast times to reduce congestion. 10, 11, and 12. You will be assigned to a dining group before vibecamp.
10:00 — 11:00 AMThe Pond Fire Hot Girl HIIT
Nina Colada & Emily by Night
@coladaclanRomfordPriestessHot Girl HIIT returns, with double the instructors. There are many routes to the Hot Girl state of mind, and we'll be travelling by endorphins and sweat. Come for the tabata laddering, stay for the collaborative cardio challengers. Pack your lipstick.
A UE Boom / Megaboom family portable speaker would be excellent, making good use of the Party Up function. Can I have some wisdom about where to plonk ourselves?
10:30 AMMeeting RoomZombie Apocalypse Doomsday Prepping: Culture Edition
Simone & Malcolm Collins, H Collins#9647Will your values, worldview, and culture die with you, or spread and evolve across generations? Join this 90 minute working session (fully participatory conversation—which we'll break into smaller working groups to keep size around eight people) to develop upgrades, protections, and boosters that make your values and culture capable of withstanding existential threats like aggressive outside conversion, sterilizing memes, and low birth rates.
10:30 AM - 11:30 AMPavilionPost-AGI Midlevel Programmer Self-Help torrel#6489Whats left for us to do after most programmer jobs, as they are today, have been automated? Working with AI, building unique interfaces or accessing yet undigitzed data, lets brainstorm a happy path into the future.
10:30 AM - 11:30amTriangle FieldClub Juggling to juggle clubs! Learn to pass clubs! If we have enough people, play combat! If you don't know how, I'll teach you (helps if you can juggle balls, but not required); if you do know how, all the better! Bring clubs if you've got them; a handful will be provided (and are available to take home)
10:30 AM - 11:30 AMBarn Theater Fiction Panel: The Art of StorytellingKuiper &
@justkuiper and @EneaszWrites
Kuiper#4517Join science fiction author Eneasz Brodski and video game scriptwriter Justin Kuiper for a live panel-style discussion about the art of storytelling
11:15 AM - 12:45 PMThe Pond Fire Decentralized Poetry Workshop!Aidan is inherently decentralized, dialectical, social. Free poetry from the tyranny of the single author! Decentralized poetry (or daopoetry) aims to unleash the poetic creativity of the collective. We will be working in pairs, trios, and larger groups to write poetry together--- line for line, stanza for stanza, or free for all! We will be using provided pens/pencils and paper, notebooks, phone notes, and/or the new daopoetry app beta. All you really need is your brain! Experienced poets and complete amateurs equally welcome; you'd be surprised how easily decentralized poetry makes poetry accessible to newcomers! First-time poets will find themselves throwing out some FIRE lines, guaranteed. The poems written will be published collectively if you wish :) Jump in or out at any point!
11:30 AM - 12:30 AMBarn Theater Two Birds, One Nest: A Decision Making Meditation WorkshopToby tobysola#1467A common critique of meditation is that it's a waste of time: If you're stressed out, you should do something to improve your situation, rather than just sit quietly and gaze at your navel. In this workshop, we'll debunk this common critique by learning a simple decision making meditation. You'll learn how to bring wisdom, love, and power to an important decision, readying you to spring forth and take skillful action in your life.

Three key takeaways:

1. How to use meditation to make better decisions
2. Experiential understanding of the components of self (mental talk, mental image and emotional body sensation)
3. A new perspective on a current decision in your life
11:30 AMTriangle FieldIntro to Sport for all skill levels, like Tae-bo but with modern point sparring concepts and techniques.
Would like to use music, but will need speakers/system.
Noon - 4pmPavilionEscape RoomR@actualwebutantescrublette #6944One physical room and one mental escape "room"; test your puzzle solving abilities, there will be different outcomes on whether you act competitively vs cooperatively. You are SBF, you’ve just woken up from an adderall fueled rage and party on your yacht to find your crypto empire has collapsed and the feds are after you. You must escape the feds! Will you be able to catch the jet leaving in 30 minutes? If tactical puzzles aren't your style there will be an additional, harder computational puzzle available for completion.
Noon - 3pmDining Hall✨💸 One Dollar Life Coach 💸✨'s a cardboard box. I'm sitting on one side of it. You can sit across from me, give me a dollar, and you have 15 minutes to explain a problem you're having. I'll listen carefully, and at the end of the 15 minutes, if I have any advice, I'll give it to you. The advice is guaranteed to be worth one dollar. Subsidies available. I am not a life coach. Thanks
12:30 - 2:00pmThe Big TopCome Get Arranged Married for VibecampAella, goblinodds, Matt Brooks/Impact
@the_matt_brooks, @goblinodds, @aella_girl
goblinodds, .mattb.Let’s get married! A few questions will sort you into a small group of speed-daters, after which you’ll be matched and married to the love of your life weekend. We’re full up on men seeking women, but everyone else: pls fill out this survey if you're attending to help us plan better.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PMLocation: TBDDJ 101
Octavia & Yassine Meskhout Meskhout#3954Learn how to DJ and be famous
1:00 PM - 3:00 PMThe PoolStorytelling, Epic Poetry, and Fanfare Slam and JamHarambe Yishma' noteworthy deeds and events in oratory, verse, and song we share. The organizer will assist in topic identification, composition, aizuchi, and heckling. An eclectic collection of musical instruments the organizer little knows how to play will be on hand. Mixing with the other storytelling​,​ song​, and drinking​ related crews and efforts gathering at this and other times and places will be most welcome.
1:00 PM - 3:00PMThe PoolMai Tai & Margarita Poolside Pop-up better than poolside drinks on a warm summer afternoon. We will be setting up a pop-up bar by the pool for a couple hours and serving mai tais, margaritas, and some cold nonalcoholic beverages. Come on by and enjoy!
Accepting applications for a laughably underworked barback (your job will mostly consist of hanging out by the pool and being charming, may be asked to cut garnishes or run and grab ice once or twice). Also going to need a folding table of some sort
2:00 PM - 3:00PMMeeting Room1+1: Building Physical Community in an Online WorldCormac
@cormac_sbCCSB#3259Initial thoughts/short talk on my thoughts and experience cultivating a new community from the ground up in a new place followed by small (3-5 person) group breakouts working on eachothers social/community/friendship etc problems that you are trying to figure out!
Would be very excited if anyone else has lots of thoughts on this and wanted to collaborate!
2:00 PM - 3:30PMBarn Theater freeing your voice: literally, not
ewu#5136i mean there’s a metaphorical layer to it of course but we will be doing vocal training and core energetics-based vocal exploration. the core idea here is that everyone has a beautiful voice, and we can explore how to open our voices even further by playing with tension and relaxation in pursuit of reflexivity, resonance, and authenticity. open to complete beginners and complete experts. 60 minutes with an option for an additional 30.
2:00 PM - 3:00 PMTriangle FieldHa Ha GameFractal laugh your asses off with us. We will laugh so hard that our sides hurt.
2:00 PM - 7:00 PMThe Big TopRehearsal for secret
2 PMAmphitheaterLighting Talks: Game (5-15) minute talks by game developers on general interest topics - Do games always have to punish failure? What lessons can video game designers learn from tabletop design? Why are gamers wrong about the games they enjoy? (Taking submissions for short talks)
Taking submissions for short talks, DM Kuiper#4517 on Discord
3 PMAmphitheaterDharma Chatsmetabum@metabummermetabum#3449Unlike a dharma talk (esteemed teacher gives an hour+ talk), Dharma Chats are for any practitioner to spend 10 minutes or so on a topic they are working on / playing with / curious about and maybe answer questions from the audience. We're going to forgo slides/presentations to keep it less formal and make it easier for people to take part. (Please let me know if you'd be interested in taking part. The only requirement is having an active practice, and we're using the word dharma very loosely.)
Please let me know if you'd be interested in taking part. The only requirement is having an active practice, and we're using the word dharma very loosely.
3PM CanteenBanter WorkshopVivek
@vivekt17vivekt17#7063Jokes! Flirting! Teasing! Having fun! Let's dive into the art of banter. We'll talk about what banter is, how you can get better at it and how you can use it. And most importantly, we'll also explore DOING it and some exercises we can practice and really immerse ourselves in it. And marvel at this skill that can come in useful no matter what situation you find yourself in with other humans and change your life as it did mine. How can you "people" better? Well do I have the answer for you?!
I really think I need a projector for this one to share slides! LOL
4:00pm - 6:00pmRopes Playground Brotherhood Beyond the Mind: Nature Based Men's CircleScott Haber
@scotthaber8Connection, vulnerability, deep sharing and bonding with each other and the forest. Come find brotherhood, be seen, be heard and be nurtured to grow into the man that you want to be.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PMMeeting RoomT Group (like Circling)Fractal group is an authentic relating game like Circling (but without questions) in which we prioritize present moment physical sensations and emotions, in the service of authentic and open expression of self and meeting others doing the same. We will do a short intro and then assemble into smaller groups for a 30-45 minute long t group session.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PMThe Concrete WastesSacrificial Lamb (plus chimichurri)Chris P. (5-15) minute talks by game developers on general interest topics - Do games always have to punish failure? What lessons can video game designers learn from tabletop design? Why are gamers so bad at diagnosing why a game isn't fun? (Taking submissions for short talks)
4:00 pmBarn Theater Both Sides of the FenceBrooke and Yassinegptbrooke@gmail.combrooke bowmanQ&A and funny anecdotes from Yassine the public defender and Brooke, the ex-criminal/homeless person
4:00 PMThe Pond Fire Minimum Viable Dream: Costs of Your Fullest Livingcadillion goal is to really identify what the minimum setup looks like for you to be happy, loosely inspired by this google form I shared with some friends:

This includes thinking about:
- facilities and equipment required to pursue your interests or career (eg do you simply need a laptop and an internet connection, or do you need clean room facilities and a concert hall)
- Do you really need that concert hall? Or could you play lawn concerts and get the fulfillment you need from this part of your life?
- minimum quality of life requirements for your general happiness (eg some would be happy sleeping in a warehouse on a floor pad with a space heater, others need two memory foam mattresses and a private space)
- what does variety look like to you? Do you need access to top tier instructors? Can you settle down somewhere or do you need to be nomadic to be truly happy?

I am partly motivated by designing the minimum viable unchartered shantytown as opposed to the startup city. I want to understand the minimum profitable community that actually supports resident dreams and interests
time and location columns are not editable
5:00 PM - 6:00 PMPavilionWest Coast Swing Intro (partner dance)Eric coast swing is a modern partner dance with an emphasis on Improv that can be danced to a wide variety of music, such as most of the music at the dance parties later in vibecamp. Eric will be teaching the fundamental techniques of the dance

no partner needed, partners will rotate
5:00 PM - 6:00 PMBarn Theater Introspective open-ended guided visualization with introspection, like dream interpretation without sleeping. After the visualization, we'll break out into small groups, describe what we saw, and talk about what it means to us. This activity may not work for those with aphantasia.
6:00 PM - 9:00 PMCafeteriaDinnerVibecampteam@vibecamp.xyzThere will be 3 separate dinner times to reduce congestion. 6, 7, and 8. You will be assigned to a dining group before vibecamp.
6:00 - 7:00 PMThe PoolHarm Reduction Flow WarmupIvy me questions about drugs / how to test drugs as I do a bit of flow arts warming up by the pool prior to the dance parties!
just some space and maybe a folding table!
8:00 PMThe Big TopDance PartiesYassine / Meskhout#3954There will be concurrent dance parties each night at The Big Top and The Barn Theater. DJs are still being selected. There will be multiple DJs playing at each dance party and a schedule of who is playing will be published beforehand. These times are tentative for now.
Feel free to bring your DJ equipment. If you're planning on bringing anything let Yassine know. Any equipment still needed after we get an inventory of what DJs are bringing, will be provided by vibecamp.
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMThe Big TopFlow x Dance PartiesIvy has been nice enough to set aside space for flow artists at the dance venues!! We will also try and have a communal tent or something for ppl to store / share gear! Also if you want to learn how to do flow pls come over and ask!
anyone proficient in kinetic arts, esp. hooping and poi
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMBarn Theater Dance PartiesYassine / Meskhout#3954Yassine Meskhout#3954
Feel free to bring your DJ equipment. If you're planning on bringing anything let Yassine know. Any equipment still needed after we get an inventory of what DJs are bringing, will be provided by vibecamp.
7:00 PM - 2:00 AMBarn Theater Flow x Dance PartiesIvy has been nice enough to set aside space for flow artists at the dance venues!! We will also try and have a communal tent or something for ppl to store / share gear! Also if you want to learn how to do flow pls come over and ask!
anyone proficient in kinetic arts, esp. hooping and poi
7:30 PMThe Pond Fire song circlewubbles back your right to sing! bring instruments, songs etc
time and date not editable
7:30 - 8:30pmPavilionFolk Dancing (2)Dancinghorse16 group dances done in circles. Simple to start, instruction provided. 1 hr.
1 person to start/stop music; help demo. needs large open space and PA system.
8:30 PM - 11 PMPavilionSecret EventStarts at 9pm
9:00pm - 10:00pmThe Pond Fire Firespinning! a.k.a. Friday Fire Power your flow props, bring your fuel, and let's all spin some fire! We'll cordon off an area on the hillside and have a fuel dump/spinoff bucket and speakers for music, and we will go for however long people want to keep spinning
Location: TBDDescent Into Dance Do you suck at dancing? Do you hate hippies? Join us into a descent into dance hell, where looking good doesn't matter and the music is threatening. This event is great regardless of your dance experience, but common feedback is that it's especially useful for people who feel self-conscious or nervous about dancing.
CanteenteahouseTouch, Nina, & Buddhi
@touchmoonflowerhapsavage#0316Building from the overwhelming success of its inaugural effort, the Vibecamp Teahouse is back again for 2023! Join us as we escape to a more cozy setting filled with friendly faces, chilled atmospherics, intimate conversations and the shared rituals of magnificent teas from around the world. Bring your cup!
8 - 11:30amFire CircleKiddie CampDancinghorse16 - 11:30am General fun to keep kids busy and allow parents to attend events. Take an hour, give an hour. Toys, books, balls, coloring supplies, snacks provided. Leave children at your own risk. Cabin U.
YES, MANY, 1 hour shifts, 2-3 adults each hour
9:00 AMTriangle FieldGrappling Fundamentals and world's oldest game! Self defense! Advanced body manipulation! The most fun you can have with your clothes on!
We'll introduce the basics of judo, BJJ and MMA, and make time for sparring for those who want to try or already have experience. There will be ample time to learn, to sparr, and to hang out and talk about physical combat. We'll also make sure to practice every day so that you can start integrating and applying what you learn. I will try to have some equipment available for those who want to try MMA sparring (gloves, shinpads) or gi grappling, so feel free to come explore -- or share your knowledge!
Any sort of workout clothes are fine as long as you're okay with grass stains.
Bring equipment if you have it, if you know some grappling sport come show me some moves!
9:30 AMLocation: TBDRock Stacking ≡Brian
Stacking rocks on top of each other. No experience required.
Reach out if you see any spots with a lot of rocks :)
10am-9 pmThe Oracle DomeOracle space for divination of all forms—tarot, astrology, I Ching, bibliomancy, tasseomancy, anythingyouwantomancy! Volunteer oracles will be available for one-on-one and group readings at designated times (schedule forthcoming), but anyone is welcome to hang out here throughout vibecamp.
We'd really appreciate anyone who is able to lend us divination equipment (tarot decks, Ouija boards, whatever). Also, if you'd like to offer your divination services, please hit up slice!
10:00 AM - 1:00 PMDining HallBreakfastVibecampteam@vibecamp.xyzThere will be 3 separate breakfast times to reduce congestion. 10, 11, and 12. You will be assigned to a dining group before vibecamp.
10:00 AM - 11:00 AMTriangle FieldMovement Sampler different forms of movement from experienced practitioners in: qi gong, tai chi, yoga, pilates
10:30 AMAmphitheaterIntro to Unarmed Combatcadillion adversarial movement in a low pressure environment, building from tag, to structure-breaking games, to advantage-taking games. Identify principles of contact, leverage, and breath that can improve your ability to outlast your opponent.
time and location columns are not editable
10:30am - 11:30amTriangle FieldIntroduction to standing partner acrobaticsJim jas42#0277Learn some fun and accessible standing acrobatics. We'll start with some basic counterbalances, and end with a short routine to bust out at your next party. No partner required.
Space, grass near trees, people
10:30 AM - 12:30pmTriangle FieldCapture the flag - fast iteration, small fieldJames will play several rapid, small scale games of capture the flag. Large-scale capture the flag can often end in a stalemate as everyone is risk averse. To keep the game mooving we will have a small field and you get out of jail free after 90 seconds. This incentivises risk-taking since getting in jail isn't a big deal. For an extra competitive edge, consider wearing cleats!
11:30am - 12:30pm Location: TBDGuided Meditation + Q & A Kati Devaney
@kathryndevaneyKati will lead a guided meditation, offer a high-speed history of Buddhism, and do a meditation & neuroscience AMA
1:00-3:00pmMeeting RoomTactile and Experiential AnatomyElena &
@relic_radiation, @embryosophy
embryosophy#8697Let's go on a haptic body trip together! Elena (a licensed massage therapist) and Buddhi (a somatic movement educator and yoga teacher) will lead you through techniques and tips for sensing and feeling your anatomy through touch. Attendees can work in groups, dyads, or on themselves. Learning through touch, particularly when it comes to your body, is better than conceptual learning. No experience is necessary but come dressed comfortably for optional easy exploratory movement and sitting on the floor.
1:30pmPavilionIntro to Ballroom DancingDancinghorse16 to dance WITH another person. No partner required; partners will rotate. Basics of lead/follow, timing and movement to have fun dancing!
1 person to help demo, a little bit of dance experience needed. Large open floor space and access to PA system needed.
2:00 PMBarn Theater discovering the
ewu#5136"the clown is who you'd be if your inner child never heard the word 'no!'" open to complete beginners and complete experts. we'll go through a series of warm-ups and exercises to discover what it feels like to be a clown, to move through the world with reckless abandon and endless curiosity. 60 minutes with an option for an additional 30.
2:30 PMAmphitheaterFriday noon - Sunday 6amShoop &
@metafysical, @shoop_hs
#Ela1902, #shoop0799Come strapped with your favorite bottle to enjoy amidst tunes and conversation. Bring something to the table to try something on the table.
3:00 PMDining HallSilent no contact intimacyDreadCanary
Stare into a stranger's eyes for 6 minutes.
3-4 PMRoundtable RoomPeer Coaching / Brainstorming / Sharingsamhere
@sameerish3reSamhere#2448Bring challenges we're grappling with and collectively brainstorm / ideate on what modalities / approaches might be fruitful for addressing them! With such a priceless profusion of postrationalists, it's bound to be productive. (Feel free to join even if you don't identify as postrationalist, or are averse to alliteration.)
Ideally a whiteboard or easels and pens or something
4:30-5:30PMCanteenConnection Games (aka "Authentic Relating Games")samhere
@sameerish3reSamhere#2448Explore deep, open connection with a variety of relating games! Leave with tools you can apply for the rest of your life - with friends, lovers, colleagues, family, and people you've just met. (No partner necessary)
Ideally cushions to sit on
4:00 PM-5:00PMThe PoolIFS Conversation Spacechristineist
@christineistchristineist#2206This is a conversation space/picnic style area for people to talk about Internal Family Systems! We'll meet at the pool then walk to a grassy spot. Start with intros then share stories about how IFS has been for you, reflect, etc. If people want, we can break off into a smaller sub-group to do a guided meditation. Add discussion questions/suggestions ahead of time in this doc:
4:00pm-8:00pmPavilionEscape RoomR@actualwebutantescrublette #6944One physical room and one mental escape "room"; test your puzzle solving abilities, there will be different outcomes on whether you act competitively vs cooperatively. You are SBF, you’ve just woken up from an adderall fueled rage and party on your yacht to find your crypto empire has collapsed and the feds are after you. You must escape the feds! Will you be able to catch the jet leaving in 30 minutes? If tactical puzzles aren't your style there will be an additional, harder computational puzzle available for completion.
Practice run, Determining best space, possibly set-up, but I have a few people willing to help with that
4:00 PMBarn Theater Improv GamesElanelan.lepovic@gmail.comelan#89652 hour workshop for people of all levels, people who have never done improv are welcome as well as experienced improviser. First hour will focus on improv games, second hour will focus on scenes. Feel free to come for one or both hours.
4:00pm - 11:00pmCanteenBAR & Elixir Bar
MyceliumMage, Sirocco, Elena Lake
@myceliummage, @relic_radiation
Elena P#9590Open bar! Also with nonalchoholic ultra herbal elixir options.
5:00 - 7:00 PMThe Pond Fire Healing with the Power of$#5566There's been a lot of buzz about the microbiome lately, linking it to practically every disease that's stumped medical science for the last fifty years. This is exciting because, if your genome's fucked, there's not much we can do about it, but the microbiome is a lot more flexible—and the latest studies suggest that everything from Parkinson's to seasonal allergies can be cured...if you're willing to get your hands a little dirty. Drop in to learn about the "other" 99% of your biology in a casual, discussion-focused seminar and Q&A with a poop scientist.
6:00 PM - 9:00 PMDining HallDinnerVibecampteam@vibecamp.xyzThere will be 3 separate dinner times to reduce congestion. 6, 7, and 8. You will be assigned to a dining group before vibecamp.
6:00 PM - 8:00 PMMeeting RoomAI Generated Art Contest - VibeWar.aiMax
@unclearirony, @vibewargame
Maximilien#3713A game to competitively create AI generated art as dinner-time entertainment. Played on your phone or computer at, submit your work or log in as a spectator to vote & crown the Vibe War Champion for Vibe Camp 2023. Use the built-in apis or submit the finished work from your preferred platforms.
just need a mic and display, game is played on everyone's phone or computer through the web,
6:00 - 7:00 PMThe PoolHarm Reduction Flow WarmupIvy me questions about drugs / how to test drugs as I do a bit of flow arts warming up by the pool prior to the dance parties!
just some space + maybe a folding table
7:00 PM - 9:00 PMFire CircleExplore the State-Space of Consciousness with QRI - GET YOUR VIBE CAMP RECORDER (scent)
Andrés Gómez Emilsson
Come to learn useful techniques to navigate the state-space of consciousness and pick up your VCR (Vibe Camp Recorder), a scent created in honor of this event, which will "record" this day forever in your memory. It is both pleasant and very distinctive, so that every time you smell it again you will vividly remember this day.
I won't need any help
12:30 AM - 2AMBarn Theater Dance PartiesYassine / Meskhout#3954There will be concurrent dance parties each night at The Big Top and The Barn Theater. DJs are still being selected. There will be multiple DJs playing at each dance party and a schedule of who is playing will be published beforehand. These times are tentative for now.
Feel free to bring your DJ equipment. If you're planning on bringing anything let Yassine know. Any equipment still needed after we get an inventory of what DJs are bringing, will be provided by vibecamp.