Thanks for taking part! Pretty much anything goes, but some requests: Weekday breakfasts are "quiet" -- no cooking while family sleeps! I won't drink coffee. I'll take this list literally: If you don't say what I can drink, it'll be water only. If I need to postpone a meal or day, I'll make it up, I promise. Thanks again!
DayDateYour nameBreakfastLunchDinnerSnackOther rulesActualGrade
Fri8/1/2014Erin McDaniel
Oatmeal (plain instant with mix of nuts, dried fruit and/or berries. touch of honey if you need a sweetener. If you'd prefer to make a recipe, I love this one: It makes a lot so you can have for the week. Mix up the toppings/add ins to suit you.)
[lunch provided by work]
Fish with tomatoes, capers, and olives: OR salmon with roasted tomatoes:,,10000000604771,00.html. Serve with couscous or quinoa and a roasted veg. I like asparagus. Trim stalk ends, put on pan with olive oil, salt (pref kosher) and pepper. 400 for 8-12 minutes.
Yogurt, fruit or almonds from office
Drink lots of water. Walk around/stand throughout the day.
Did it!100
Sat8/2/2014Jaclin Ewerscheerios with sliced bananas and greek yogurt with granola
Chopped salad - baby spring greens, avacado, blue cheese, tomotoes, bacon, and a lite/fat free dressing on the side
Steak, asparagus wrapped in bacon (boil asparagus first then wrap bacon around it and bake with some EVOO and parme sprinkled on top), and mashed red potatoes. Kids healthy choice on what they want to eat !
Almonds, cheese sticks, and frozen yogurt
Drink water, nothing else allowed.
Did all but dinner (Sox game)90
Sun8/3/2014Laura Hirsch
Green eggs. These are also good with a sprinkle of feta cheese and/or salsa or chopped tomatoes. 100% orange juice. Full glass of water. Link:
Salad with salmon and avacado. Basically whatever salad and dressing you like - just be sure to add the cooked/chilled salmon and some avacado slices. Full glass of water.
Loaded Nachos. These are yummy with or without the meat. Full glass of water. Link:
Chopped veggies like organic bell peppers and/or cucumbers. small handful nuts. 1oz cheese. Apple. Split this snack up throughout the day.
Water! Meditate for 5 minutes.
Did it!95
Mon8/4/2014Jack Eiermann
Instant oatmeal, any flavor, toasted English  muffins any flavor with a smear of PB, coffee if you do caffeine or booze if you don't.
Peanut butter, maybe crunchy and jelly your flavor choice
PB&J on toasted  raisin bread, ice cream for dessert
Fresh fruit
Water, water and if thats fails beer.
Did it (leftover Laura dinner)100
Tue8/5/2014Evette Tan
Parfait. Grab some plain yogurt, granola (they sell them in bulk bins at Whole Foods) and your choice of berries -- strawberries, blueberries, etc. Stir in honey to your taste, but don't overdo! You can have your choice of beverage but water will do, really.
Sausage zucchini pasta. Something to make the previous night? this doesn't take very long. For one serving just boil water for pasta (I like fussilli but any will do), then heat 1/2 tbsp of butter in a separate pan, saute 1/4 cup chopped onions, once they're almost translucent throw in all of 1 sliced sausage. Start cooking the pasta. When the sausage starts to brown, throw in half a small zucchini, sliced, then quartered, and season with salt&pepper. When the zucchini starts to get cooked, add in about 5 cherry tomatoes, halved, and season with salt&pepper again. Toss with pasta. Drink with water! (Have you tried flavored sparkling water? I've found that a good alternative to sodas.)
Veggie Tortilla Pizza. Just cook the veggies (add some cooked chicken too, that's okay) a little bit before you add them to the tortilla. Each could be good for a serving and it's a pretty easy meal to make. Once you're more comfortable with it you can do pretty much any other toppings you have available! Again, drink with water.
Nuts! We have pistachios in the office. :)
Water is good for you! If not that, maybe some kind of juice? But try to find something that isn't all sugar, because that's just as bad.
Did it!100
Wed8/6/2014Michelle Magoffin
Protein drink and a fruit. Coffee or tea, if you want it; cream is ok, real sugar is not. For the protein drink, I use Premier Nutrition chocolate flavor from Costco because it only has 11 carbs. Have a mid-morning protein snack like cheese and nuts, or a Greek yogurt. I prefer Dannon Light and Fit, or Yoplait 100-cal because they are low sugar.
Big salad with lots of protein on it, and dressing. Or, a protein and a vegetable side. Fried protein is ok, breaded is not. No bread. To drink: anything calorie-free, preferably not carbonated.
Protein, vegetable, grain like rice or corn. No bread. Prepare these however you like, but not breaded.
Have an afternoon protein snack like a Kind bar, or any protein bar that has fewer than 20 carbs.
Fat is fine, sugar is not. Bread is bad. Drink water, or calorie-free flavored water, or iced tea.
Did it! Chipotle bowl dinner felt like cheating, but it really wasn't, I swear97
Thu8/7/2014Kathy O'Malleywhole grain low sugar cereal, berries, and milk
Chicken sandwich on whole grain bread with lettuce and slice of cheese
Small steak (4-6 oz.), sweet potato fries, you pick a vegetable
Roasted salted amondsDrink lots of waterDid it!95
Fri8/8/2014Michelle Walsh
Breakfast smoothie (made in your blender or other fancy kitchen device you might have - if you don't have one, let me know) - make with fruit and either almond milk or coconut milk - place 2 RIPE organic bananas (think brown spots), frozen organic blueberries, frozen organic strawberries in blender with liquid of choice and until smooth. If you have protein powder, you can add that too - vanilla or strawberry would be great - totally okay to omit if you don't already have it. [This was changed to fruit and a Larabar, due to trying to keep the house quiet in the morning]
[lunch provided by work]
Grilled chicken breast, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower rice. For the grilled chicken - season with salt and pepper - add lemon if you like too! Just don't use any "fake" seasonings that contain weird stuff like MSG; Brussel sprouts - place in boiling water for 5-10 minutes (depending on size), drain, place into bowl of ice cold water, cut in halves and cut off the ends, toss with coconut oil, salt and pepper (be generous with both) and bake in the oven on 400 until brown (I love when they get crispy a little bit) - you can flip them over halfway through; cauliflower rice - recipe here: [This was moved to 8/23. Dinner was pasta with sausage pieces.]
Hard boiled eggs - as many as you like - I like mine with salt or hot sauce; any fruit or veggie is also good - just no processed snacks
LOTS of water!! Coffee and tea are okay too - just no soda or sugary drinks.
Postponed. Still ate healthy, but a C grade for postponing75
Sat8/9/2014Michelle Walsh
Since you'll be traveling, eat a big breakfast so you're not tempted to eat junk - bacon (nitrate free) and eggs (free range or organic if you can) - and breakfast potatoes/hash browns - I like to cut them up into chunks, toss with chopped onion and coconut oil, salt & pepper, and cook in the oven (or stovetop if you prefer) - you'll have to start these earlier b/c they take a little while to cook. Fresh squeezed OJ, coffee, or water - whatever you prefer!
fresh fruit/veggies are always best, but kind bars and/or larabars are okay too. nuts are also good - almonds are probably best, but eat what you like.
LOTS of water!! Coffee and tea are okay too - just no soda or sugary drinks.
Did it; lunch out was a healthy pasta, dinner was a simple hamburger. Compared to what I'd normally get, I did great90
Sun8/10/2014Erin McDanieltravelingtravelingA dinner from Blue Apron: Salmon filletsI wrote this. Biscuit breakfast, healthy option lunch dining out, salmon filet dinner95
Mon8/11/2014Beth SwierkOmlette: 1/2 cup southwest egg beaters, 2 slices diced canadian ham
and any chopped up veggie you choose
bagel thin with turkey, lettuce, cucumber
baby carrots
Tilapia, asparagus, red potatos (all 3 just need salt, pepper, olive oil)
Fage yogurt, 0% FF with fresh nectarine cut up and cucumber slices sprinkled with garlic salt
throw a multi-vitamin in there while you're at it
Did it95
Tue8/12/2014Laura T Berronesyogurts with granola or walnutswow bao dumpling soup
Fire up your grill, toss on chicken marinated with lemon, s&p, garlic. grill zucchini that is lightly brushed with evoo, s&p and a side of brown rice (seeds of change has a nice brown rice & quinoa packet)
Apple dipped in peanut butter (sriracha optional)
sing a lot and laugh loudly, cackle even
Did it, with simple lunch (worked from home)95
Work travel day. Probably a lame excuse, I know, but I want to be realistic
Oatmeal breakfast, fish lunch, I don't recall dinner but it wasn't unhealthy. Splurged on a cookie and Coke during work event. Didn't even need/enjoy it.85
Thu8/14/2014Sharon Gilmartin
Oatmeal - 1/2c of rolled oats, 1c water, sweetener if you'd like -- microwave for 2 minutes (make sure it doesn't run over!), and then add in a spoonfull of peanut butter and dried cranberries. If you're feeling crazy, sprinkle some cinnamon over the top. Mix it all up and enjoy!
Hummus and Turkey Sandwich -- add lettuce, cucumbers, red onions, and tomatoes (or any combo of those that you like) for some nice crunch and extra flavor. Garlic hummus is super yummy in this combo! Have a side of pretzels and carrots.
Crockpot pulled pork - before you leave for work, put a 4lb (approx) pork butt in your slow cooker and pour a bottle of root beer over the pork. Let it cook on low for 8-10 hours. When it's done, pull the meat off the bone (it will come off easily) and shred it with a fork. Top it with your favorite barbecue sauce, and serve it on a bun. Make or buy cole slaw and salad to serve on the side (or on top) of the sandwich!
String cheese and grapes are a delicious combination! And we usually keep both stocked in the work fridge
What Jack said -- water during the day, and reward yourself with a beer at night for a job well done!
Did it, with Potbelly lunch90
Fri8/15/2014Evelyn & Mike Galante (postponed)
2 eggs or 1/2 cup eggbeaters, (quietly) scramble in a bowl using a whisk or fork, add a little salt, pepper, and a splash (about a tablespoon) of milk. If you have grated cheese on hand, you can add ~2 tablespoons. Set that aside while you prep the pan... Heat a pan over medium heat, add 1/2 tablespoon of canola or olive oil. Once the pan is hot, add eggs and slowly stir and fold using a rubber spatula - be gentle :) Remove from pan when the eggs look a little runny still (they'll finish cooking in the time between being plated and entering your mouth). Enjoy with a piece of toast or an english muffin. [Was actually a banana]
[lunch provided by work] **Don't eat any sweets here, you have a treat after dinner**
Roast chicken and chickpeas:
You can make 2 chicken breasts instead of 4 if you don't want leftovers. BUT still make the full spice mixture even if you halve the chicken. If you don't have smoked paprika, use the regular kind. Instead of fresh tomatoes, we used canned. And we skipped the cilantro entirely (because cilantro is gross)
TGIF! Treat yourself to a Zombie Dust tonight too.
Dessert! Waffle Iron Brownies:
Top with fresh berries if you've got it. And you can have 1/4 cup scoop of ice cream with it too :) Kids should love this too - so you might want to make extra.
Try some green tea instead of a Coke today. Look for a bottle of iced green tea at the store with less than 10g of sugar (for example, any of the HonestTea unsweetened or "just a tad sweet":
Postponed. Still ate healthy, but a C grade for postponing75
Sat8/16/2014Jen Bachelder
Steel cut oats! I like mine with a teaspoon of brown sugar (per serving) and some fresh fruit.
Turkey Panini! Turkey, provolone, spinach, sliced avocado, and a little light mayo. Side of sweet potato fries.
Taco Salad! Lean ground turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheese, a small bit of sour cream, and Baked Tostitos Scoops.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Go for a walk!Did it95
Sun8/17/2014Tim Walsh
8 oz of room temp water, then Coffee is if you care for it with I slice of wheat toast with peanut butter. Wash it down with 8 oz. room temp water. Yum
All the Caesar Salad you want. Bring water to a boil and carefully place one egg in there. Boil for 1 minute and pull it out. Stick it in the fridge. Mix together 6 TB of canola oil, 1/2 tsp of Grey Poupon (don't tell Wayne and Garth), 1 tsp Lea & Perrins Worchestershire Sauce, 2 tsp fresh lemon juice, 4 TBS grated parmesan cheese, 1/2 tsp chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Add the coddled egg from the fridge, (discard the shell, Kurt. Let's be smart about this.) Now I like to blend this together so it's foamy, but others say it better if you just beat the daylights out of it with a fork. Your choice. Pour it over 2 heads of washed and chopped Romain. No croutons, Homey! Enjoy this with as much room temp water as you like. No coke!
The only thing that is cooked with this dish is the quinoa (and the roasted pistachios, if you count them, but I doubt you'll be roasting them yourself. Cook 1 cup of quinoa per the box. It should take 15 minutes or so. While that's happen, mix the following in a bowl: the juice of 1 lemon, 3 TBS of whole-grain mustard (the kind withe the whole seed), 1/2 cup of olive oil, 1/4 cup of rinsed capers. Mix that all together real nice and get chopping: Chop 1 shallot (I use green onion sometimes), 1/2 cup of fresh mint leaves, 1/2 cup of fresh parsley, 1/2 cup of roasted pisachios. Add all that and mix. Now thinly slice 2 small zuchini and 2 small yellow squash and add those. By now the quinoa is done cooking. Add it on top and mix it all together. The quinoa will mix with everything enough to heat it up a bit, but still keep the zucchini and squash crunchy and not soagy. Serve immediately. Drink as much room temp water as you like with this meal. It's delish!
Snack on raisins. treat yourself to peanut butter on a few celery sticks if you're about to faint.
I was told cold drink slow down digestion. Room temp or hot beverages are better.
Did all except dinner - had the next day's lunch for dinner85
Mon8/18/2014Julie Treumann
whole grain toast, smeared with 1/4-1/3rd avocado, tomato, fried/hard boiled/poached egg, basil, cayenne pepper, squirt of lemon or lime, and plenty of salt
1 serving (1.5 cups maybe?) of poor man's chili (make Sunday night!) to be heated up at the office microwave: chop 1 onion, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1 jalapeno-- saute these together in a medium hot pan with oil until they get soft, add 2-3 large carrots (cut into disks) and a sliced red pepper, cook until carrot starts to soften, add 1 tbsp of cumin, 1- 2 tsp cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes if you like spicy for another 30 seconds... then add 1 can black beans (rinse in collander first), refried beans (I do the veg, low sodium), kidney beans (rinse in collander first), a 16 oz can of chopped tomatoes, 1-2 c frozen corn.... stir everything together, bring up heat until things start to bubble, then lower heat to simmer and let cook for 20 minutes or so, or until everything is starting to meld... add salt to taste... (you will probably add more salt than you thought originally necessary-), serve with 3/4 c brown rice (which you can also make the night before) (you can doctor it up with a plop of full fat greek yogurt, some avocado, a sprinkle of cheese serving with cooked rice, farro (you can get great 10 minute farro at Trader Joe's-- it's my favorite grain and cooks so quickly) or quinoa, and an optional side of roasted cauliflower (cut into small, evenly sized piece, mix up with 1 tbsp oil, salt and crushed red pepper flakes, throw onto a cookie sheet into a 400 degree over for 25ish minutes or until it gets crispy/slightlycharred to taste)
small packet of almonds and your choice of fruit
Kurt, I'm a huge fan of preparing batches of food on Sunday then separating out the food into tuppeware and then refigerating or freezing... you could make both the chili and the curry on Sunday and have it ready to go on Monday. I think your whole family will like the chili... the curry is very mild but not sure if your kids will go there... I know my nieces wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole! Enjoy!
Did it95
Tue8/19/2014Jeremy Humphries
Keifer and Granola (it's not as bad as it sounds and is good for more than one breakfast)
Lean turkey sand which (lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese and mustard are mayo), fresh fruit- any kind (not canned), pirates booty (or equivalent) chips, and finally baby carrots and hummus for a snack between meals.
Taco Tuesday! So either a pound of chicken or turkey, simply organic (brand) taco seasoning, romaine lettuce, fav cheese, avocado, and last but certainly not least some kickass hot sauce. You can make a side like Spanish rice if need be, but typically I am set with a few tacos. Plus rice and potatoes after 3pm = no bueno.
Did breakfast. Lunch at jury duty; don't recall what happened at dinner, but it wasn't unhealthy80
Wed8/20/2014Kelly Rizo
1-2 slices wheat toast with peanut butter (preferably natural or organic to avoid hydrogenated oils) along with fruit of your choice (I would suggest berries or citrus and avoid starchy apples or bananas)
Use up some leftovers: either create a taco salad from last night's dinner or heat up something else you've made. If not available then I would opt for a healthy lunch from Chipotle! Burrito bowl with light brown rice, black beans, chicken or steak, any salsa and lettuce. Avoid the cheese and sour cream, and if you add guac ask for it on the side because otherwise it is like a half pound of guac.
Dinner is easy to prepare in advance and should slow cook all day. I would cut this recipe in half unless you want to make the whole thing and freeze some - but half will easily serve a family of four. Don't worry about the coconut milk, it does not add a lot of coconut flavor to the dish, just makes it creamy. And don't use low fat coconut milk, it won't turn out well.
Baby carrots and hummus, almonds, and greek yogurt if you need something more substantial.
Lots of water! But you can have 1 alternative drink if you would like of your choice, but try to not have anything loaded with sugar. Green tea is a great alternative!
postponed (jury duty). Toast/PB breakfast, some odd concoction for jury duty lunch, don't recall what dinner was, but wasn't unhealthy75
Thu8/21/2014went unclaimed->->->->->Banana brkfst, Chipotle lunch, can't recall dinner70
Fri8/22/2014Evelyn & Mike Galante
2 eggs or 1/2 cup eggbeaters, (quietly) scramble in a bowl using a whisk or fork, add a little salt, pepper, and a splash (about a tablespoon) of milk. If you have grated cheese on hand, you can add ~2 tablespoons. Set that aside while you prep the pan... Heat a pan over medium heat, add 1/2 tablespoon of canola or olive oil. Once the pan is hot, add eggs and slowly stir and fold using a rubber spatula - be gentle :) Remove from pan when the eggs look a little runny still (they'll finish cooking in the time between being plated and entering your mouth). Enjoy with a piece of toast or an english muffin.
[lunch provided by work] **Don't eat any sweets here, you have a treat after dinner**
Roast chicken and chickpeas:
You can make 2 chicken breasts instead of 4 if you don't want leftovers. BUT still make the full spice mixture even if you halve the chicken. If you don't have smoked paprika, use the regular kind. Instead of fresh tomatoes, we used canned. And we skipped the cilantro entirely (because cilantro is gross)
TGIF! Treat yourself to a Zombie Dust tonight too.
Dessert! Waffle Iron Brownies:
Top with fresh berries if you've got it. And you can have 1/4 cup scoop of ice cream with it too :) Kids should love this too - so you might want to make extra.
Try some green tea instead of a Coke today. Look for a bottle of iced green tea at the store with less than 10g of sugar (for example, any of the HonestTea unsweetened or "just a tad sweet":
Postponed. Banana breakfast, steak shawarma lunch, feeling sick by dinner and had PB&J75
Sat8/23/2014Michelle Walsh
Breakfast smoothie (made in your blender or other fancy kitchen device you might have - if you don't have one, let me know) - make with fruit and either almond milk or coconut milk - place 2 RIPE organic bananas (think brown spots), frozen organic blueberries, frozen organic strawberries in blender with liquid of choice and until smooth. If you have protein powder, you can add that too - vanilla or strawberry would be great - totally okay to omit if you don't already have it.
Grilled chicken breast, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower rice. For the grilled chicken - season with salt and pepper - add lemon if you like too! Just don't use any "fake" seasonings that contain weird stuff like MSG; Brussel sprouts - place in boiling water for 5-10 minutes (depending on size), drain, place into bowl of ice cold water, cut in halves and cut off the ends, toss with coconut oil, salt and pepper (be generous with both) and bake in the oven on 400 until brown (I love when they get crispy a little bit) - you can flip them over halfway through; cauliflower rice - recipe here:
Hard boiled eggs - as many as you like - I like mine with salt or hot sauce; any fruit or veggie is also good - just no processed snacks
LOTS of water!! Coffee and tea are okay too - just no soda or sugary drinks.
Postponed due to being sick. Failed. Cereal breakfast, turkey sandwich lunch... and ordered pizza for dinner. Felt like I needed comfort food. I didn't, but I did.50
Sun8/24/2014Rachel Polish and Raul Keally
Steel cut organic oatmeal, fresh organic berries of your choice with a teaspoon of honey. If you want milk, use soy or almond milk. No high-sugar fruit juices! If you can find one that is low sugar, that's okay. :)
make your own grilled or roasted chicken in advance and create a wrap with whole wheat tortillas, blanched or roasted kale and tomatoes. If you need something inside the wrap for flavor, use a drop of olive oil and/or hot sauce. No soda! Try seltzer with a squeeze of a lemon or lime.
Do you have access to fresh (not frozen) fish? If so, select a white fish of your choice (e.g., tilapia, sole, etc.) and broil or bake with a drop of olive oil, salt, pepper and lemon. If not, try the same thing with extra firm tofu and feel free to grill. Sides can include cooked quinoa (easy to make in a rice cooker!), a lightly-sauteed green vegetable (kale or broccolini, for example) and roasted red pepper or tomatoes with a drop of olive oil.
No soda! You can have water or seltzer. If you want a low-sugar fruit sorbet for dessert, you can have one scoop! :)
Postponed due to being sick. Don't recall what all I had, but it wasn't pizza, and nothing unhealthy.80
Mon8/25/2014Jenny Stephen
Greek Yogurt (any flavor you like) along with a hard boiled egg sprinkled with salt and pepper. Protein packed breakfast that will keep you full until lunchtime.
Southwest Quinoa bowl: Make this the night before. 1 serving of quinoa mixed with diced chicken breast, black beans, avocado, corn, shredded mexican-blend cheese, cilantro and topped with any salsa you like. You can eat it cold or heat it up in the microwave and top with salsa afterwards. Add a side of fresh fruit, whatever you like.
Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas (; serve with whole grain tortillas or over brown rice, plain greek yogurt instead of sour cream, and low-fat Mexican blen shredded cheese. To lower the sodium in the dish you can use 2/3 of the fajita seasoning packet, that will still give you plenty of flavor.
String cheese; baby carrots with hummus.
Ditto on the waterDid it!100
Tue8/26/2014Judy Markeysame as Beth's suggestion.Subway's chopped salad w/ chickensame as you had on the 3rd.Healthy choice fudge barBanana brkfst, did lunch, leftover fajitas for dinner, no fudge bar!90
Wed8/27/2014Amanda Canada
Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie. Combine one cooked (just add minimal hot water ) oatmeal package (or 1/2 cup regular oats) - my favorite is Nature's Path Organic Gluten Free Spiced Apple with Flax, an organic banana, touch of honey, cinnamon and blend. Add almond milk or regular milk to mixture. (Add more milk for a thinner consistency or minimal milk if you like your smoothies thicker).
Salad in a Jar. (best to make multiples of these at once for multiple lunch meals for the week or to share). Let's do a southwest style (to piggy back on elements you'll already have from your quinoa bowl from yesterday). Layer 1 (goes in the jar first): Dressing. I like organic olive oil (but it is the only dressing I eat, it is ok to use whatever you like). Layer 2 (goes in jar second): black beans mixed with corn. Layer 3: Avocado, throw in tomatoes too (but only if you like them). Layer 4: Shredded mexican blend cheese. Layer 5: Shredded chicken. Layer 6: Baby spinach greens. Example of what it should look like:
Sweet Potato Hash (one of our dinner favorites in a breakfast for dinner sort of way). Great recipe here ( We do a mini version of this, since there is only 2 of us, using only the spices in our cabinet, organic olive oil, sweet potatoes, no-nitrate pork sausage or chorizo, and eggs. Watch the eggs carefully; otherwise they'll go from over-easy to rubber quick! Protip: As soon as the eggs turn white, take out of the oven. Great to use for leftovers! PLUS! Dessert! Avacado Truffles. I used this recipe. If I did it again, I would use a mixer rather than a belnder for the ingredients, but either would do. Also, I used regular organic coacoa. I put them in the fridge before eating them because my texture was pretty gooey.
Your choice of your favorite veggies and/or fruit. I like apples w/ organic peanut butter or almond butter.
Lots of water. Start the day and your afternoon with a glass of lemon water. (Fresh cut organic lemons added to ice cold water).
Smoothie breakfast, salad lunch85
Thu8/28/2014Kelly Rizo
1-2 slices wheat toast with peanut butter (preferably natural or organic to avoid hydrogenated oils) along with fruit of your choice (I would suggest berries or citrus and avoid starchy apples or bananas)
Use up some leftovers: either create a taco salad from last night's dinner or heat up something else you've made. If not available then I would opt for a healthy lunch from Chipotle! Burrito bowl with light brown rice, black beans, chicken or steak, any salsa and lettuce. Avoid the cheese and sour cream, and if you add guac ask for it on the side because otherwise it is like a half pound of guac.
Dinner is easy to prepare in advance and should slow cook all day. I would cut this recipe in half unless you want to make the whole thing and freeze some - but half will easily serve a family of four. Don't worry about the coconut milk, it does not add a lot of coconut flavor to the dish, just makes it creamy. And don't use low fat coconut milk, it won't turn out well.
Baby carrots and hummus, almonds, and greek yogurt if you need something more substantial.
Lots of water! But you can have 1 alternative drink if you would like of your choice, but try to not have anything loaded with sugar. Green tea is a great alternative!
Failed. No brkfst, work lunch appointment of chicken salad (I thought it would be healthy), PB&J dinner. Boo me, and sorry Kelly -- I will make good on this!60
Fri8/29/2014Evelyn & Mike Galante
2 eggs or 1/2 cup eggbeaters, (quietly) scramble in a bowl using a whisk or fork, add a little salt, pepper, and a splash (about a tablespoon) of milk. If you have grated cheese on hand, you can add ~2 tablespoons. Set that aside while you prep the pan... Heat a pan over medium heat, add 1/2 tablespoon of canola or olive oil. Once the pan is hot, add eggs and slowly stir and fold using a rubber spatula - be gentle :) Remove from pan when the eggs look a little runny still (they'll finish cooking in the time between being plated and entering your mouth). Enjoy with a piece of toast or an english muffin.
[lunch provided by work] **Don't eat any sweets here, you have a treat after dinner**
Roast chicken and chickpeas:
You can make 2 chicken breasts instead of 4 if you don't want leftovers. BUT still make the full spice mixture even if you halve the chicken. If you don't have smoked paprika, use the regular kind. Instead of fresh tomatoes, we used canned. And we skipped the cilantro entirely (because cilantro is gross)
TGIF! Treat yourself to a Zombie Dust tonight too.
Dessert! Waffle Iron Brownies:
Top with fresh berries if you've got it. And you can have 1/4 cup scoop of ice cream with it too :) Kids should love this too - so you might want to make extra.
Try some green tea instead of a Coke today. Look for a bottle of iced green tea at the store with less than 10g of sugar (for example, any of the HonestTea unsweetened or "just a tad sweet":
Did breakfast, healthy sandwich at lunch... and I came home late to find the grandparent had taken the kids off our hands, leading to a road trip.75
Sat8/30/2014Michelle Walsh
Breakfast smoothie (made in your blender or other fancy kitchen device you might have - if you don't have one, let me know) - make with fruit and either almond milk or coconut milk - place 2 RIPE organic bananas (think brown spots), frozen organic blueberries, frozen organic strawberries in blender with liquid of choice and until smooth. If you have protein powder, you can add that too - vanilla or strawberry would be great - totally okay to omit if you don't already have it.
Grilled chicken breast, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower rice. For the grilled chicken - season with salt and pepper - add lemon if you like too! Just don't use any "fake" seasonings that contain weird stuff like MSG; Brussel sprouts - place in boiling water for 5-10 minutes (depending on size), drain, place into bowl of ice cold water, cut in halves and cut off the ends, toss with coconut oil, salt and pepper (be generous with both) and bake in the oven on 400 until brown (I love when they get crispy a little bit) - you can flip them over halfway through; cauliflower rice - recipe here:
Hard boiled eggs - as many as you like - I like mine with salt or hot sauce; any fruit or veggie is also good - just no processed snacks
LOTS of water!! Coffee and tea are okay too - just no soda or sugary drinks.
Went on vacation. Omelette brunch, chicken parm dinner, and for a snack... cheese curds. Not as many as you'd think, but still.55
Sun8/31/2014Rachel Polish and Raul Keally
Steel cut organic oatmeal, fresh organic berries of your choice with a teaspoon of honey. If you want milk, use soy or almond milk. No high-sugar fruit juices! If you can find one that is low sugar, that's okay. :)
make your own grilled or roasted chicken in advance and create a wrap with whole wheat tortillas, blanched or roasted kale and tomatoes. If you need something inside the wrap for flavor, use a drop of olive oil and/or hot sauce. No soda! Try seltzer with a squeeze of a lemon or lime.
Do you have access to fresh (not frozen) fish? If so, select a white fish of your choice (e.g., tilapia, sole, etc.) and broil or bake with a drop of olive oil, salt, pepper and lemon. If not, try the same thing with extra firm tofu and feel free to grill. Sides can include cooked quinoa (easy to make in a rice cooker!), a lightly-sauteed green vegetable (kale or broccolini, for example) and roasted red pepper or tomatoes with a drop of olive oil.
No soda! You can have water or seltzer. If you want a low-sugar fruit sorbet for dessert, you can have one scoop! :)
Not even close, as road trip wound down. Tea for breakfast, small pesto cavatappi for lunch, and (dinner to come, but with 6 PM church, it's not likely going to be fish. Tonight, anyway.)50