NamePlayed ByAgeSexHeightWeightLevelMax HPCurrent InjuriesFancy PTU 1.05 Sheet - v. 1.3
Tehya TamkynAeonThePhoenix18Female1.7m (M)60kg (4)1450$0
StatBase StatsFeatsBonusLevel-UpTotalSkill BackgroundCurrent Team
HP10--111Name:Radiant BeautyLux (Meowth)
ATK505Because I'm Worth It.
DEF5--27Adept SkillPathetic Skills
SDEF5--27Novice SkillCombat
SPD52--512GuileMedicine Ed
Total APUsed APCurrent APLvl-Up0FeaturesEdges
AthleticsPathetic11d6FashionistaProvocateurCharmerGem Lore
CharmAdept44d6ResearcherOccult Ed (Novice)Pokémon Ed (Novice)
CombatPathetic11d6Push Buttons
General EdUntrained22d6
Medicine EdPathetic11d6
Occult EdNovice33d6
Pokémon EdNovice33d6
Technology EdUntrained22d6
IntuitionUntrained22d6Pokémon Wishlist
PerceptionUntrained22d6Amaura, Audino, Carbink, Chespin, Cottonee, Dedenne, Ducklett, Eevee, Espurr, Feebas, Fennekin, Flabebe, Furfrou, Glameow, Golett, Goomy, Gothita, Mawile, Mincinno, Petilil, Pikachu, Purrloin, Ralts, Sableye, Sewaddle, Skitty, Smoochum, Snivy, Staryu, Vulpix...

Anything cute and/or historical basically.
SurvivalUntrained22d6Bonus Skill Edges
Training FeatureBrutal Training2
Trainer Advancement BonusesMilestonesDex EXPMISC EXP6
Bonus Features/EdgesLevelStatsAttSpAtt00012
50Bonus Features / Edges From Classes
100Crystal ArtificerDemoralize
Physical Description
Tehya stands at one metre, 70 centimetres and weighs 60 kilograms, putting her at just the right weight for her height. Usually Tehya is seen wearing some smart ensemble that represents her latest inspiration for fashion. Her unusual hair colour derives from a discovery that the natural indigo plant-based dye used on their clothes and fabrics worked equally well on her hair. Repeated applications of this seem to have made the colour change permanent, serving as a way in which Tehya can make herself stand out from everyone else "normal" around her. Tehya's clothes and hairstyle changes quite often depending on what latest inspiration has struck her, but recently she seems to have settled on her present blue ribbony ensemble.

Very rarely will you see Tehya looking messy, bedraggled or dirty, and if called upon to do a task of that nature will insist on changing first into work overalls so that her pristine clothes don't get ruined. As a result of this, Tehya isn't the most adept of people when it comes to physical tasks, not having a lot of endurance when it comes to hard work or when bursts of exertion are required. She's also practically useless in a fight, preferring to talk her way out of conflicts and simply resorting to fleeing only if that doesn't work or isn't an option. She's also not very good with anything medical either, being rather squeamish at the sight of blood.
Tehya grew up in the village of Fources an only child, raised by her mother Fortuna and father Archibald. Showing an aversion to dirt and mess even from a young age, Tehya preferred to help out in the village by making and mending torn clothes, occasionally sneaking off to explore the outskirts of the village borders with other children when old ruins were discovered (and boy did she get scoldings for that!).
As her passion for the distant past grew, Tehya started keeping a journal listing her thoughts, feelings and discoveries. Eventually the journal's contents would expand to include any of her fashion or accessory related ideas as well.

Like many other children Tehya also enjoyed when the merchants travelled to town every three months. Also she wasn't old enough to sit with them and the adults around the fire, she still took every opportunity to bombard them with questions about what they'd seen and if they'd discovered any old ruins or artifacts while looking around. Tehya had always enjoyed clothes making, but it was when one of the merchants presented her with an old fashion catalogue they'd found that the inspiration took hold and seized Tehya's soul. All the bright vibrant colours and styles nobody in the village would think to create was a real eye-opener for the Fourcesian girl and so her second passion in life was realized.

On her sixteenth birthday to celebrate her coming of age, Tehya was gifted with the pokémon that would be her lifelong partner. While not initially thrilled to get landed with a Meowth compared to all the other rarer more interesting Pokémon out there, Tehya swiftly came to appreciate her proud little bodyguard. It probably also helped that Lux kept bringing her little trinkets he found: A berry here, an herb there, even an apricorn ball - although the Scratch Cat pokémon did need a little early dissuasion on taking things that belonged to other people.
Personality, Quirks & Flaws
Tehya is a being of inspiration and imagination trapped in a world that thrives on practicality and survival. Though Tehya will help if asked, she'd much prefer to be working on her own projects and exploring her surroundings for any lost treasures or arfifacts from a bygone age. With her own creative talents stifled by post-apocalyptic life, she tries to put a personal flair on everything she does. Also due to the village's dislike of her hobbies, Tehya enjoys the rare moments where she is the centre of attention, even going as far as to steal the spotlight from others to do so when she's feeling particularly unappreciated.

Tehya has a habit of being caught up in minor details and forgetting about the bigger picture, though despite what others percieve as Tehya's own "selfish interests that benefit no one", Tehya is a generous soul who would give away her last piece of food if someone else was starving. Despite this generous nature, Tehya doesn't enjoy getting her hands dirty and tries to stay as clean as possible, being averse to stepping in mud or risking getting herself messy. If it comes down to a pinch though, she is not above getting her hands dirty when it comes to helping her friends or creatures in need.

Tehya is also a bit of a social manipulator, often using the looks life gave her to convince others to do favors for her that she otherwise can't manage. She's also has a tendency to get overly melodramatic, getting caught up in the emotion of the moment and running with it. In her defense however she does always make a point to return any favors as soon as possible, not liking being in a position where she either owes favors to other people or has people owing them to her. Tehya is also prone to stress and pressure headaches, which are usually result in heavy nosebleeds. She likes to refer to it as the inspiration in her head building up too much without a release, which oddly could have a basis in truth given that she doesn't seem to get the headaches while working on her fashion projects,

Tehya also has a bit of a magpie mind when it comes to precious objects, letting her own impulses and curiosity overwhelm her better judgment. Usually if someone else provides an alternative voice of reason she can be snapped out of it with a little persuasion.
Goals / Dreams / Obsessions
Tehya has two major passions in her life: Her love of fashion and her love of history. Though not much has survived from years long past, Tehya hangs on every word brought to them by travelling merchants as well anything of historical interest. Unfortunately there isn't much of a use for fashion or archaeology in everyday survival, and so Tehya's passions are met with a ton of scorn, derision and criticism for their lack of practicality in a post-apocalyptic world. Nevertheless, even since the disaster five generations ago the times are changing, and Tehya firmly believes that her ideas will one day be welcomed with open arms and appreciated for the uniqueness they possess.

Tehya is painfully aware that to continue her dreams she will one day have to leave the village and that doing so is heavily frowned upon. To that end she has a secret stockpile of elemental shards and stones gathered from her treasure hunting skills that she intends to use to buy her personal freedom when the time comes. It is her hope that the horde should cover at least one visit from the merchants, if not serve as a fallback should the village suffer any hardships in her absence.
Lux's Personality
In spite of his small size and stature, Lux is a proud member of his species. Depending on who you talk to in the village, there are two opinions of Lux. Tehya will tell you that the Meowth is a loving, friendly affectionate little critter and her most loyal, intelligent friend. Everyone else will claim that Lux is a feral little bully with a serious temperament problem. Same Meowth, different views and all are true. The Meowth is quite easily recogniseable due to the stylish hat on his head that Tehya made for him - an object that he treasures and will violently reclaim or avenge should anything happen to it.

Being proud of his own prowess and skills, Lux expects the respect he believes he rightfully deserves and is often looking for new ways to test his abilities, be it against another Pokémon wild or tame. While he will tolerate criticism from Tehya only because he sees her as HIS, any derogatory remarks from anyone else will spark off his already short fuse. What others percieve as his bullying is simply Lux's way of keeping himself and others on his toes, trying to push himself and them into challenging and overcoming their own limits.

Though Lux can stand on his hind legs like many depictions of his species, it is a misconception that all Meowth are bipedal and thus Lux fights and moves on all fours like any other quadruped. Fully capable of understanding human speech (though not speaking it), Lux manages to find other ways of making his feelings known through emotional tone and body language, often in mimicry of behavior seen from the humans around him in Fources.
Lux's Background (SPOILERS!)
Unlike most pokémon partners, Lux was the result of a trade between a Travelling Merchant and Tehya's parents in an attempt to provide their daughter with a little something extra special for her sixteenth; her mother and father under the false impression that the pokémon being acquired was a rare handbred specimen. In truth, they were both ripped off as Lux was just caught in the wild a few weeks before the Travelling Merchants were due to arrive in Fources (and said trader has since been forcibly expelled from the Travelling Merchants' crew).

Prior to his capture, Lux was part of his own pack where he belonged and was happy until a rival pack attacked them. With his family slain in the attack and the rest of his tribe cowering in fear, Lux made a stand and challenged the leader of the rival pack. Despite his best efforts, Lux was soundly beaten and judged by the rival leader. Due to his status as an "impure half-breed" (Lux's mother having been a Delcatty) Lux was left out in the open bloody and injured to die, at which point fate took pity on him and he was captured, healed and eventually traded and passed on to Tehya.

While Lux doesn't talk about his past, he believes that one day destiny will reunite him with the Persian who slaughtered his family and then he will have his revenge. All his training and pushing of his limits is in preparation for that moment. As such, Lux is determined never to evolve - his pride demands it.
Team Role & Character Plan
Tehya's role on the team will be a mix between supportive and social, providing a host of accessories to benefit Pokémon and Trainers alike while serving as the team's ambassador to anyone they meet. Initially she will not be getting involved in physical combat except as a last resort. Her first priority will be escape, not prolonged battle.

The final class I'm planning to have for Tehya is Telekinetic, though I'm leaving WHEN up to the GM as I'd rather it be incorporated into the plot then just a "Oh look, I can do this now!" level-based advancement. When I do get this last class, I'm going to have abilities again develop at a more natural rate of progression as opposed to being dictated by Trainer Level. As her mental abilities develop further, she will start using them in combat but again, initially as a last resort and to end a fight, not prolong one. This is mainly because using them is going to cause its fair share of headaches and nosebleeds and take a mental toll until she starts to master them.