StateYearVotesBill Sponsor R or DClass 1 and 2 opt outClass 3 accessClass 3 opt inAge requirementSidewalk restrictionsNon-motorized trail access provisionsEquipment requirementsE-bike weight limitSpeedometer requirementHelmet requirementLabeling requirement?CPSC Referenced in Definition?Wheel Count Referenced in Definition?
Vermont (2021): S 662021Does not sayDDefines three classesA municipality, local authority, or State agency having jurisdiction over a bicycle or multi use path may prohibit the operation of a class 3 electric bicycle on that path.YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike but may ride as a passengerNoThis subsection shall not apply to a trail that is specifically designated as non motorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials. A municipality, local authority, or State agency having jurisdiction over a trail described in this subdivision may regulate the use of an electric bicycle on that trail.
Manufacturers and distributors of electric bicycles shall apply a label that is permanently affixed, in a prominent location, to each electric bicycle. The label shall contain the classification number, top assisted speed, and motor wattage of the electric bicycle and shall be printed in Arial font in at least 9-point type.No
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
Missouri (2021): SB 1762021House Floor - Yes (93) No (54)
Senate Floor - Yes (27) No (6)
RDefines three classesA municipality, local authority, or state agency having jurisdiction over a bicycle or multi-use path may prohibit the operation of a class 3 electric bicycle on that path.YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike but may ride as a passengerNo person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district.The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to a trail that is specifically designated as non motorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials. A local authority or agency of the state having jurisdiction over a trail described in this subsection may regulate the use of an electric bicycle on that trail.Beginning August 28, 2021, manufacturers and distributors of electric bicycles shall apply a permanent label to each electric bicycle. The label, which shall be affixed to the electric bicycle in a prominent location, shall contain the classification number, top assisted speed, and motor wattage of the electric bicycle. The text on the label shall be Arial font and in at least nine-point type.No
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
NoYesYesTwo or three wheels (assuming this carriers over from the "bicycle" definition, which allows for three wheels if the front two or back two are in parallel)
Minnesota (2021): HF 102021House Floor - Yes (112) No (21)
Senate Floor - Yes (67) No (0)
DDefines three classesA person may operate a class 3 electric-assisted bicycle with the motor engaged on​ a bicycle path, bicycle trail, or shared use path unless the local authority or state agency​ having jurisdiction over the bicycle path or trail prohibits the operation.​YesNo person under the age of 15 shall operate an electric-assisted bicycleNo person shall ride a bicycle​ upon a sidewalk within a business district unless permitted by local authorities.The local authority or state agency having jurisdiction over a trail that is designated​ as non motorized and that has a natural surface tread made by clearing and grading the native​ soil with no added surfacing materials may regulate the operation of an electric-assisted​ bicycle.​The manufacturer or distributor of​ an electric-assisted bicycle must apply a label to the bicycle that is permanently affixed in​ a prominent location. The label must contain the classification number, top assisted speed,​ and motor wattage of the electric-assisted bicycle, and must be printed in a legible font with​ at least 9-point type.​

No person shall operate a bicycle at nighttime unless the bicycle or its operator is equipped with (1) a lamp which emits a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front; and (2) a red reflector of a type approved by the Department of Public Safety which is visible from all distances from 100 feet to 600 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful lower beams of headlamps on a motor vehicle. A bicycle equipped with lamps that are visible from a distance of at least 500 feet from both the front and the rear is deemed to fully comply with this paragraph.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
NoYesYesTwo or three wheels
Iowa (2021): HF 4932021Senate Floor - Yes (46) No (0) House Floor - Yes (91) No (1)RDefines three classesA person shall not operate a class 3 low-speed electric bicycle on a bicycle lane or multi-use path in excess of the posted or applicable speed limit, or if there is no posted or applicable speed limit, twenty miles per hour.YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike but may ride as a passengerNoDoes not define1. A manufacturer or distributor of low-speed electric bicycles shall apply a label that is permanently affixed in a prominent location to each of the manufacturer’s or distributor’s low-speed electric bicycles. The label shall
contain all of the following information printed in arial font with a font size not less than nine point type:
a. A classification number for the low-speed electric bicycle that corresponds with a class defined in section 321.1, 6 subsection 036A.
b. The low-speed electric bicycle top assisted speed.
c. The low-speed electric bicycle motor wattage.
2. A person shall not knowingly modify the speed capability or engagement of a low-speed electric bicycle such that the
low-speed electric bicycle does not qualify for a class defined in section 321.1, subsection 036A. If a person has modified the speed capability or engagement of a low-speed electric bicycle, the person shall affix a new label containing the information listed in subsection 1 to the modified low-speed electric bicycle.
3. A low-speed electric bicycle shall be manufactured and equipped in compliance with 16 C.F.R. pt. 1512.
4. A low-speed electric bicycle shall be manufactured to operate in such a manner that when the rider stops pedaling, applies the brakes, or the electric motor is disengaged, the electric motor assist ceases to function.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
NoYesYesTwo or three wheels
Kansas (2022): SB 1012022House Floor - Yes (86) No (35)
Senate Floor - Yes (37) No (2)
R and DDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on bike paths and multi-use paths unless a local agency with jurisdiction determines otherwise.YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike. Persons under 16 can ride as a paseenger.NoSubsections shall not apply to a trail that is specifically designated as nonmotorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials. A local authority or state agency having jurisdiction over a trail described in this subsection may regulate the use of an electricassisted bicycle on such trail.On and after January 1, 2023, manufacturers and distributors of electric-assisted bicycles shall apply a label that is permanently affixed, in a prominent location, to each electric-assisted bicycle. The label shall contain the classification number, top assisted speed and motor wattage of the electric-assisted bicycle and shall be printed in Arial font in at least nine-point type.NoSpeedometer requirements not outlined.NoYesYesTwo or three wheels
North Dakota (2021): HB 11482021House Floor - Yes (93) No (1)
Senate Floor - Yes (41) No (6)
RDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on bike paths and multi-use paths unless a local agency with jurisdiction determines otherwise.YesA person under 18 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike unless they are wearing a helmet.NoDoes not defineBeginning January 1, 2022, any person that manufacturers or distributes an electric bicycle in this state shall affix a permanent label to the electric bicycle which contains the following information in at least nine-point Arial font:
a. The designated class of the electric bicycle;
b. The maximum assisted speed of the electric bicycle; and
c. The wattage of the electric bicycle motor.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
Riders under 18 operating a Class 3 e-bike must wear a helmet.YesYesTwo or three wheels (this carries over from the "bicycle" definition, which allows for three wheels if the front two or back two are in parallel)
Delaware (2022): HB 192022House Floor - Yes (41) No (0)
Sennate Floor - Yes (21) No (0)
DDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on bike paths and multi-use paths unless a local agency with jurisdiction determines otherwise. In order for a local agency to restrict e-bikes, it must for safety, compliance with other laws, or because e-bikes are inducing trail erosion. YesOperators must be 16+. Passengers may be any age, for a bike that is designed to accomodate passengers. E-Bikes are allowed on sidewalks only when the motor is not in useE-Bikes are by default allowed on natural surface trails, unless local jurisdictions prohibit them due to erosion conncerns. On and after January 1, 2023, manufacturers and distributors of electric bicycles shall apply a label that is
a. permanently affixed, in a prominent location, to each electric bicycle.
b. The label shall contain the classification number, top assisted speed, and motor wattage of the electric bicycle,
c. and shall be printed in Arial font in at least 9-point type.

An electric bicycle shall comply with the equipment and manufacturing requirements for bicycles adopted by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
NoClass 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All operators and passengers of Class 3 bikes must wear a helmet. YesYesTwo or three wheels
Idaho (2019): HB 762019House Floor - Yes (107) No (0) Senate Floor - Yes (37) No (0)RDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on pathsN/ANoNoNot defined in state lawE-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Every bicycle must be equipped with a white front facing headlight visible from at least 500 feet when used at nighttime.

Every bicycle must have a red reflector clearly visible from the rear of the bicycle
Speedometer requirements not outlined.NoYesNoTwo only (presumably, since electric bicycle is a "bicycle", which is "every vehicle propelled exclusively by human power upon which any person may ride, having two (2) tandem wheels, and except scooters and similar devices")
Utah (2016): SB 1212016Senate Floor - Yes (23) No (5) House Floor - Yes (74) No (1)RDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on pathsN/AA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike

A person under 14 cannot ride an e-bike on public property unless with supervision
NoAn individual may operate an electric assisted bicycle on a path or trail designated for the use of a bicycle. A local authority or state agency may adopt an ordinance or rule to regulate or restrict the use of an electric assisted bicycle, or a specific classification of an electric assisted bicycle, on a sidewalk, path, or trail within the jurisdiction of the local authority or state agency.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes who are under 21 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesNo (...but this provision might account for that: "Except as otherwise provided in this section, an electric assisted bicycle is subject to the provisions under this chapter for a bicycle.")Any number of wheels is fine (the definition of bicycle simply says "a wheeled vehicle" and does not specify number)
Virginia (2020): HB 5432020Assembly vote - Yes (86) No (10)
Senate vote - Yes (38) No (0)
DDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on pathsYesA person under 14 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike, unless supervised by an adult.NoA locality or state agency having jurisdiction over a trail may regulate the use of electric power-assisted bicycles on such trail. For purposes of this subdivision, "trail" means a trail that is specifically designated as non motorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

All bikes must have front and rear lights.

Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
All riders of Class 3 e-bikes must wear a helmet when riding.YesYes"not more than three wheels in contact with the ground"
Florida (2020): HB 9712020House Floor - Yes (52) No (13)
Senate Floor - Yes (28) No (7)
RDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on pathsYesNoNoLocal governments may adopt an ordinance governing the operation of electric bicycles on streets, highways, sidewalks, and sidewalk areas and may prohibit the operation of an electric bicycle on a bicycle path, multi use path, or trail network. E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Speedometer requirements not outlined.All riders and passengers under 16 years of age must wear a helmet when riding. YesYesE-Bike is defined as a "A bicycle or tricycle", where a bicycle is something with "not more than two wheels in contact with the ground"
Wisconsin (2019): AB 1322019Assembly vote - Yes (13) No (0)
Senate vote - Yes (3) No (2)
R and DDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on pathsYesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoThe department of natural resources may promulgate rules prohibiting the operation, with the power unit in operation, of electric bicycles on bikeways, as defined under s. 84.60 (1) (a), under its jurisdiction.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.NoYesYesTwo or more wheels (since and electric bicycle is a bicycle, and bicycle means "every vehicle propelled by feet or hands acting upon pedals or cranks and having wheels any 2 of which are not less than 14 inches in diameter")
Wyoming (2019): SF 812019Senate Floor - Yes (18) No (0) House Floor - Yes (37) No (21)RDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on pathsN/ANoNoA local authority or state agency with jurisdiction may regulate the use of any class of electric bicycles on trails, including non motorized trails, under its jurisdiction. For purposes of this paragraph, "non motorized trail" means a trail with a natural surface made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Speedometer requirements not outlined.NoYesYesTwo or three wheels
Texas (2019): HB 21882019House Floor - Yes (145) No (2) Senate Floor - Yes (28) No (2)RDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on pathsYesA person under 15 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoThe department or a local authority may not prohibit the operation of an bicycle on a highway that is used primarily by motor vehicles or in an area in which the operation of a non electric bicycle is permitted, unless the area is a path that is not open to motor vehicles and has a natural surface tread made by clearing E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.NoYesYesTwo wheel only (assuming "bicycle" definition applies, no separate definition for electric bicycle)
Mississippi (2021): HB 11952021House Floor - Yes (112) No (5)
Senate Floor - Yes (52) No (0)
RDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on paths unless a local agency with jurisdiction determines otherwise.YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike but may ride as a passengerNoThis subsection shall not apply to a trail that is specifically designated as non motorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials. A municipality, local authority or state agency having jurisdiction over a trail described in this subsection may regulate the use of an electric bicycle on that trail.On and after January 1, 2022, manufacturers and distributors of electric bicycles shall apply a label that is permanently affixed, in a prominent location, to each electric bicycle. The label shall contain the classification number, top assisted speed, and motor wattage of the electric bicycle, and shall be printed in Arial font in at least 9-point type.

An electric bicycle shall comply with the equipment and manufacturing requirements for bicycles adopted by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (16 C.F.R. part 1512).
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
NoYesYesTwo or three wheels ("...means a bicycle or tricycle")
Alabama (2021): HB 992021House Floor - Yes (102) No (0)
Senate Floor - Yes (29) No (0)
DDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on paths unless a local agency with jurisdiction determines otherwise.

All operators and passengers of Class 3 electric bicycles must wear a helmet.
YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike but may ride as a passengerBicycles are prohibited on sidewalks.This law does not apply to trails designated as non-motorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surface materials.

Following notice and a public hearing, a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state that has jurisdiction over a bicycle or multi-use path may do both of the following: Prohibit the operation of Class 1 or Class 2 electric bicycles on bicycle or multi-use paths if the entity finds that the prohibition is needed for safety reasons or compliance with other laws or legal obligations.
On and after January 1, 2022, manufacturers and distributors of electric bicycles shall apply a label that is permanently affixed in a prominent location to each electric bicycle. The label shall contain the classification number, top assisted speed, and motor wattage of the electric bicycle. The label shall be printed in a typeface and font legible to the operator.NoClass 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders and operators of a class 3 e-bike must wear a helmet.
All persons under the age of 16 must wear a helmet (all bicycles).
YesYesMust have 2 non-tandem wheels (and says can only carry one person)...unclear whether three-wheels are allowed
Illinois (2017): SB 3962017Senate Floor - Yes (52) No (0)
House Floor - Yes (104) No (5)
DDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed on paths; Class 3 not allowed on paths or bike lanes in ChicagoN/AA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeE-bikes not allowed on sidewalksNot defined in state lawE-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.NoYesYesNo (defined only as "bicycles", which I cannnot find an independent definition for)
Louisiana (2020): HB 5142020House Floor - Yes (93) No (3)
Senate Floor - Yes (37) No (2)
House Floor - Yes (96) No (2)
DDefines three classesAll classes of e-bikes allowed wherever bikes are allowed.N/AA person under 12 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeCyclists over the age of 12 are not allowed to ride on sidewalks. (Applies to both bikes and e-bikes.)This law shall not apply to a trail that is specifically designated as non motorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surface materials. A local municipal authority, local parish authority, or state agency having jurisdiction over a trail described in this Subsection may regulate the use of an electric-assisted bicycle on that trail.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesTwo or three wheels
Nevada (2021): SB 3832021Senate Floor - Yes (12) No (9)
Assembly Floor - Yes (33) No (8)
N/ADefines three classesAll classes of electric bicycles may be ridden in places where bicycles are allowed, including, without limitation, streets, highways, roads, roadways, bicycle lanes, bicycle paths and shared-use paths.YesNoNoThe provisions of this subsection do not apply to a trail that is specifically designated as non motorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials, except for occasional hydrological controls, including, without limitation, bridges and pervious patching materials. A local authority or state agency having jurisdiction over such a trail may regulate the use of an electric bicycle on that trail.On and after January 1, 2022, a manufacturer or distributor of electric bicycles in this State shall apply a label that is permanently affixed, in a prominent location, to each electric bicycle that it manufactures or distributes, as applicable. The label must:
(a) Contain the classification number, maximum assisted speed and wattage of motor of the electric bicycle; and
(b) Be printed in Arial font in at least 9-point type.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
NoYesYesTwo or three wheels
Mass (2022): S.2989 Amendment 2042022House Floor: Yes (155) No (0)
Senate Floor: Yes (39) No (0)
DDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes are NOT allowed on bike paths and multi-use paths unless a local agency with jurisdiction authorizes them.YesOperators must be 16+. Passengers may be any age, for a bike that is designed to accomodate passengers. E-bikes are not allowed to be ridden on sidewalksE-bikes are not allowed on natural surface trails unless permitted by a local jurisdictionManufacturers and distributors of electric bicycles shall apply a label that is permanently affixed, in a prominent location, to each electric bicycle containing the classification number, top assisted speed, and motor wattage of the electric bicycle. NoClass 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All operators and passengers of Class 3 bikes must wear a helmet. YesYesTwo or three wheels
New York (2020): AB 9508/SF 75082020Senate Floor - Yes (39) No (22)
Assembly Floor - Yes (81) No (60)
Budget billDefines Class 1 and 2. Class 3 is allowed in New York City but does not align with industry standards.

Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes:
• Are regulated like bicycles and subject to the same rules of the road as
human-powered bicycles.
• Are not subject to the registration, licensing or insurance requirements that apply
to motor vehicles.
• Have access on roads with speed limits of 30 mph or less, including bike lanes.
• Have access on some bike paths that are connected with or adjacent to roads.
• May carry passengers.
• Must ride single file.
Class 3 e-bikes are only allowed to be ridden in New York City.NoNoNoNo person shall operate a bicycle with electric assist on any public lands or property, other than a highway exclusive of any greenway running adjacent to or connected with a highway, except that a bicycle with electric assist may be operated on any such lands that have been designated and posted for travel by bicycles with electric assist.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

A bicycle must be equipped with:
- A bell, horn or other device that can be heard at least 100 feet away. Sirens and whistles are not permitted (Sec. 1236(b)).
- lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Speedometer requirements not outlined.All riders of e-bikes who are under 14 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.NoYesNo
New Hampshire (2019): HB 1482019House Floor - Yes (107) No (0) Senate Floor - Yes (37) No (0)RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle or multi use path unless it is within or adjacent to a highway or roadwayYesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoThe provisions of paragraph VII shall not apply to a trail designated as non-motorized if such trail has a natural surface tread made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials. A city, town, or state agency with jurisdiction over such a trail may regulate the use of electric bicycles on such a trail.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.

Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
All riders of Class 3 e-bikes who are under 18 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesNo
California (2015): AB 10962015Senate Floor - Yes (40) No (0)
Assembly Floor - Yes (80) No (0)
DDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle path or trail, bikeway or bicycle lane unless it is within or adjacent to a roadway. Operators and passengers of Class 3 e-bikes must wear a helmet.YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoA Class 3 e-bike shall not be operated on a bicycle path or trail, bikeway, bicycle lane, equestrian trail, or hiking or recreational trail, unless it is within or adjacent to a roadway or unless the local authority or the governing body of a public agency having jurisdiction over the path or trail permits, by ordinance, that operation.

The local authority or governing body of a public agency having jurisdiction over a bicycle path or trail, equestrian trail, or hiking or recreational trail, may prohibit, by ordinance, the operation of a class 1 or class 2 electric bicycle on that path or trail.
E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesNo
Maryland (2019): HB 939/ SB 9352019House Floor - Yes (135) No (0) Senate Floor - Yes (45) No (0)RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle path unless the bicycle path is within or adjacent to a highway right of way. YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike on a public highwayBicycles are considered vehicles and not allowed on sidewalksA local authority or state agency with jurisdiction over a trail may regulate the use of electric bicycles of any class on a trail designated as non motorized if the trail has a natural surface tread made by clearing and grading native soil with no added surfacing materials.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of e-bikes who are under 16 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesTwo or three wheels
South Dakota (2019): HB 1872019Senate Floor - Yes (30) No (0) House Floor - Yes (57) No (8)RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle, multiuse or shared use path unless it is within or adjacent to a highway or roadwayYesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoA person may operate a Class III electric bicycle on a trail that has been designated as non motorized, if the trail was constructed only by clearing or grading the native soil and without the installation or placement of any additional surface material and if the governmental entity having jurisdiction over the trail has not otherwise prohibited or restricted the operation. E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes who are under 18 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesNoTwo or three wheels
Georgia (2019): HB 4542019House Floor - Yes (133) No (28) Senate Floor - Yes (52) No (1)
House Floor - Yes (135) No (20)
DDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle, multiuse or shared use path unless it is within or adjacent to a highway or roadwayYesA person under 15 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoThis subsection of 40-6-303 shall not apply to a bicycle path or shared use path designated for non motorized vehicles if such path has a natural surface tread made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surface materials. The types of devices which may be used upon such trails may be regulated by the local authority or state agency having jurisdiction over such a path.
E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes must wear a helmet when riding.YesNo (...but it says this, which I can't find what it refers to: "Any electric assisted bicycle shall have the same equipment required for bicycles as set forth in Part 1 of this article")Two or three wheels
Indiana (2019): SB 361 / H 12362019House Floor - Yes (95) No (0)
Senate Floor - Yes (48) No (0)
RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle, multiuse or shared use path unless it is within or adjacent to a highway or roadwayYesA person under 15 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoUnless otherwise specified by a statute, rule, or local ordinance, a Class 1 or Class 2 electric bicycle may be operated on any trail, bicycle path, or multipurpose path where bicycles are permitted.

If a local authority or state agency with jurisdiction over a trail, bicycle path, or multipurpose path prohibits the use of a motorized vehicle or motorized conveyance on the trail, bicycle path, or multipurpose path, the local authority or state agency may also prohibit the use of an electric bicycle if the following  conditions are met: 
(1) The trail or path is created by the clearing and grading of native soil. 
(2) The surface of the trail or path consists of natural surface tread. 
(3) The surface of the trail or path does not contain any added surfacing material.
E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Speedometer requirements are not outlined.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes who are under 18 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesNo
Arkansas (2017): HB 21852017House Floor - Yes (86) No (2)
Senate Floor - Yes (34) No (0)
RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle, multiuse or shared use path unless it is within or adjacent to a highway or roadwayYesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoNot defined in state lawE-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes who are under 21 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesNo
Ohio (2018): HB 2502018House Floor - Yes (137) No (7)
Senate Floor - Yes (36) No (0)
RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle, multiuse or shared use path unless it is within or adjacent to a highway or roadwayYesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeCan stand or park on a sidewalk as long as they are not disrupting pedestriansNo person shall operate a class 1 electric bicycle, a class 2 electric bicycle, or a class 3 electric bicycle on a path that is intended to be used primarily for mountain biking, hiking, equestrian use, or other similar uses, or any other single track or natural surface trail that has historically been reserved for non motorized use, unless the county, township, municipal corporation, other local authority, or state agency as defined in section 1.60 of the Revised Code with control over the path by resolution, ordinance, or rule authorizes the use of a class 1 electric bicycle, a class 2 electric bicycle, or a class 3 electric bicycle on such a path.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Every bicycle when in use at night shall be equipped with the following:
- A lamp on the front ... that shall emit a white light visible from a distance of at least five hundred feet to the front and three hundred feet to the sides. A generator‐powered lamp... may be used to meet this requirement.;
- A red reflector on the rear that shall be visible from all distances from one hundred feet to six hundred feet to the rear...;
- A lamp emitting either flashing or steady red light visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear... If the red lamp performs as a reflector... a separate reflector is not required.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesTwo or more wheels (since and electric bicycle is a bicycle)
Oklahoma (2019): HB 1265
Amended 2020
2019House Floor - Yes (12) No (0) Senate Floor - Yes (44) No (1)RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle, multiuse or shared use path unless it is within or adjacent to a highway or roadwayYesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoThis subsection shall not apply to a trail designated as non motorized if such trail has a natural surface tread made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials. A local authority or of electric-assisted bicycles or that are under its jurisdiction. A state agency may regulate the use any class thereof on such trails.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
NoYesYesTwo or three wheels
Connecticut (2018): HB 53132018House Floor - Yes (52) No (13)
Senate Floor - Yes (28) No (7)
R and DDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle, multiuse or shared use path unless it is within or adjacent to a highway or roadwayNoA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoExcept where permitted by local ordinance, a class 1 or class 2 electric bicycle shall not be ridden on a bicycle trail or path or multi use trail or path designated for non motorized traffic if such trail or path has a natural surface tread made by clearing and grading the soil and no surfacing materials have been added.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders must wear a helmet when riding an e-bike.YesYes ("ensure that such electric bicycles comply with all relevant
requirements for bicycles established pursuant to 16 CFR 1512")
Arizona (2018): HB 26522018House Floor - Yes (34) No (26)
Senate Floor - Yes (25) No (5)
RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bicycle, multiuse or shared use path unless it is within or adjacent to a highway or roadway unless a local jurisdiction allows itYesNoNoNot defined in state lawE-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Speedometer requirements not outlined.NoYesNoTwo or three wheels
Colorado (2017): HB 1151
2017House Floor - Yes (52) No (13)
Senate Floor - Yes (28) No (7)
RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a bike or pedestrian path. YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNoNot defined in state lawE-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All passengers of Class 3 e-bikes who are under 18 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesYes ("AN ELECTRICAL ASSISTED BICYCLE MUST COMPLY WITH THE
Two or three wheels
Washington (2018): SB 6434 2018Senate Floor - Yes (33) No (0) House Floor - Yes (91) No (0)DDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a shared-use pathYesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeClass 3 not allowed on sidewalksAn individual shall not operate an electric-assisted bicycle on a trail that is specifically designated as non motorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials. A local authority or agency of this state having jurisdiction over a trail described in this subsection may allow the operation of an electric-assisted bicycle on that trail. E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.NoYesYesTwo or three wheels
Tennessee (2016): SB 17052016Senate Floor - Yes (33) No (0)
House Floor - Yes (91) No (0)
RDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on any part of a street or highway where bicycles are authorized to travel, unless the part is within or adjacent to the street or highway YesA person under 14 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeNo class 3 on sidewalksA class 1 electric bicycle or a class 2 electric bicycle may be operated on any part of a street or highway where bicycles are authorized to travel, including a bicycle lane or other portion of a roadway designated for exclusive use by bicyclists, the shoulder or berm, and any path or trail intended for use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non vehicular use, but excluding a trail or other area designated for exclusive use by dirt bikes or other off-highway vehicles.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesTwo or three wheels
Maine (2019): LD 12222019House Committee - Yes (18) No (0)
Senate Committee - Yes (5) No (0)
DDefines three classesClass 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on bike paths unless it is close to a highway, local authority has the power to regulate this. All e-bikes may not be operated on bike paths if the path is non-motorized and the majority of it is natural surface areas. Local authority has the right to govern this.YesA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeAn electric bicycle may not be operated on a bicycle path designated for non motorized traffic if significant portions of that bicycle path have a natural surface, including gravel, stones or wooden bridging, unless specifically authorized by the municipality, local authority or governing body of a public agency that has jurisdiction over the bicycle path. E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.
(2020 amendment)
All riders of e-bikes who are under 16 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesTwo or three wheels
West Virginia (2020): SB 6602020Senate Floor - Yes (32) No (1) House Floor - Yes (97) No (3)RDefines Class 1 and Class 3Class 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on bike paths, multi-use trails and single-use trailsNoA person under 16 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bike

Passengers on Class 3 e-bikes under the age of 15 must be on an e-bike driven by someone 18 years
NoA Class 1 electric bicycle may be used in places where bicycles are permitted to travel, including, but not limited to, public roadways, public bicycle paths, public multi use trails, and public single-use trails.
A Class 3 electric bicycle may not be operated on a bicycle path, multi use trail, or single-use trail unless it is within a highway or roadway: Provided, That the provisions of this subdivision are not applicable to a bicycle path, multi use trail, or single-use trail if the municipality, local authority, or governing body of a state agency that has jurisdiction over the bicycle path, multi use trail, or single-use trail expressly permits that operation.
Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.Class 3 e-bikes must have a speedometer.All riders of e-bikes under age 15 must wear a helmet when riding.NoYesTwo or three wheels
New Jersey (2019): A1810/S7312019S731:
Senate Floor - Yes (35) No (2) House Floor - Yes (76) No (0)
DDefines Class 1 and 2N/AN/ANoCan park on a sidewalk but cannot rideUnless permitted by a local government entity or State agency with jurisdiction, a low-speed electric bicycle or low-speed electric scooter shall not be operated on a trail designated for non-motorized traffic if such trail has a natural surface tread made by clearing and grading the soil and no surfacing materials have been added. E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Speedometer requirements not outlined.All riders of e-bikes who are under 17 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesNoTwo or three wheels
Michigan (2017): 47822017House Floor - Yes (107) No (0) Senate Floor - Yes (37) No (0)RDefines three classesOnly Class 1 e-bikes can be ridden outside of a roadway. Class 2 and 3 e-bikes cannot be ridden on a linear trail that has an asphalt, crushed limestone, or similar surface, or a rail trail.Yes, for Class 2 and 3A person under 14 cannot operate a Class 3 e-bikeAn individual shall not operate an electric bicycle on a trail that is designated as non motorized and that has a natural surface tread that is made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials. A local authority or agency of this state having jurisdiction over a trail described in this subsection may allow and regulate the operation of an electric bicycle on that trail.E-bikes must have a label that displays:
(1) The class level of the electric bicycle.
(2) The top assisted speed of the electric bicycle.
(3) The total electric motor wattage or total power output of the electric bicycle electric motor

Bikes must be equipped with lights and reflectors when riding at night.
Speedometer requirements are not outlined.All riders of Class 3 e-bikes who are under 18 years old, must wear a helmet when riding.YesYesNo
New Mexico (2023): SB 692023
Oregon (2024): 2024