General explanation
All data is 2011 data unless otherwise indicated. Countries receive scores on each indicator as a fractional rank relative to all countries for which data is available (after most data is corrected for GDP, i.e. economic size of the country). The actual simple ranks per category are based on the mean fractional ranks on the 5 indicators per category (subject to maximum 2 missing values per category). The overall rank is based on the average of the category ranks.In case of equal overall ranks, the country with the lowest low score on any of the 7 categories gets pushed down. Also see the FAQ section on the
Variable codeShort variable nameDiscription (mouse hover-over text)Technical value labelTechnical referenceTechnical data treatment
Overall_RankThe overall rank is based on the average of the category ranks. All data is 2011 data unless otherwise indicated.The actual overall rank based on 163 countries included in the index and mean rank score for the 7 category ranks
ST_RankContributions to Science & Technology Actual category rank based on 163 countries included in index and mean fractional rank score for the 5 indicators
ST11International studentsNumber of foreign students studying in the country (according to UNESCO) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
ST12Journal exportsExports of periodicals, scientific journals and newspapers (according to ITC) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from Trade Map, International Trade Centre, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
ST13International publicationsNumber of articles published in international journals (according to World Bank) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from The World Bank: Scientific and technical journal articles: National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
ST14Nobel prizesAccumulated Nobel prizes (up to 2011) assigned to countries based on laureates' country of birth as well as country (countries) of institutional affiliation at the time of the award, relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData compiled from (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Accumulated Nobel prizes (up to 2011) are assigned to countries based on laureates' country of birth as well as country (countries) of institutional affiliation at the time of the award. Values are divided by GDP and ranked.
ST15PatentsNumber of International Patent Cooperation Treaty applications (according to WIPO) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from WIPO Statistics Database, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
CU_RankContributions to CultureActual category rank based on 163 countries included in index and mean fractional rank score for the 5 indicators
CU21Creative goods exportsExports of creative goods (UNCTAD's Creative Economy Report categorisation) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNCTADstat, UNCTAD's Creative Economy Report (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
CU22Creative services exportsExports of creative services (UNCTAD's Creative Economy Report categorisation) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNCTADstat, UNCTAD's Creative Economy Report (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
CU23UNESCO dues in arrears as % of contributionUNESCO dues in arrears as percentage of contribution (negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData compiled from UNESCO, UNESDOC, is arrears are divided by the annual contribution agreed and ranked.
CU24Freedom of movement, i.e. visa restrictionsNumber of countries and territories that citizens can enter without a visa (according to Henley & Partners).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData sourced from The 2011 Henley & Partners Visa Restriction Index.Data sourced in its original form, with permission. Scores were ranked.
CU25Press freedomFreedom of the press (based on mean score for Reporters without Borders and Freedom House index as a negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData compiled from,1054.html and index scores averaged and ranked.
PS_RankContributions to International Peace and SecurityActual category rank based on 163 countries included in index and mean fractional rank score for the 5 indicators
PS31Peacekeeping troopsNumber of peacekeeping troops sent overseas for UN missions, relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from United Nations, Peacekeeping Statistics, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Countries not listed were assumed not to have contributed (i.e. missing value = 0). Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
PS32Dues in arrears to UN peace keeping budgets as % of contributionDues in arrears to financial contribution to UN peacekeeping missions as percentage of contribution (negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData compiled from United Nations, Committee on Contributions (data reveived on request).Dues in arrears are divided by the annual contribution agreed and ranked.
PS33International violent conflictAttributed number of casualties of international organised violence (number of casualties per conflict divided by the number of countries involved according to UCDP/PRIO) relative to the size of the economy (negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData compiled from UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset V4, Gleditsch, Nils Petter; Peter Wallensteen, Mikael Eriksson, Margareta Sollenberg & Håvard Strand (2002) Armed Conflict 1946–2001: A New Dataset. Journal of Peace Research 39(5): 615–637. Themnér, Lotta & Peter Wallensteen (2013) Armed Conflict, 1946-2012 Journal of Peace Research 50(4) (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Number of casualties per conflict divided by the number of countries involved. The number of 2011 causalities per conflict in which a country is involved is totalled (and divided by GDP and ranked).
PS34Arms exportsExports of weapons and ammunition (according to ITC) relative to the size of the economy (negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from Trade Map, International Trade Centre, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
PS35Internet security (2014)Global Cybersecurity Index score (according to ITU 2014 first edition).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData sourced from ITU (first edition 2014) sourced in its original form. Values were ranked.
WO_RankContributions to World OrderActual category rank based on 163 countries included in index and mean fractional rank score for the 5 indicators
WO41Charity givingPercentage of population that gives to charity (according to Charities Aid Foundation) as proxy for cosmopolitan attitude.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData sourced from Charities Aid Foundation (2011) World Giving Index, sourced in its original form. Values were ranked.
WO42Refugees hostedNumber of refugees hosted (according to UNHCR) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNHCR Population Statistics, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Values were divided by GDP and ranked.
WO43Refugees generatedNumber of refugees overseas (according to UNHCR) relative to the size of the population (negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNHCR Population Statistics, (and divided by population size according to World Bank data).Values were divided by population size and ranked.
WO44Birth ratePopulation birth rate (according to World Bank as negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from The World Bank: Birth rate (annual %): World development Indicators.In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then ranked.
WO45UN Treaties signedNumber of UN treaties signed (up to 2011) as proxy for diplomatic action and peaceful conflict resolution.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData compiled from United Nations, Treaty Collection, May 15, 2000, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan sent the leaders of the Member States a letter identifying the twenty-five treaties most central to the spirit and goals of the UN Charter (see: Since 2000, several updates and major new treaties were added, such as:
The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. New York, 18 December 2002.
The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. New York, 20 December 2006.
The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel. New York, 8 December 2005.
The United Nations Convention against Corruption. New York, 31 October 2003.
The Amendment to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects. Geneva, 21 December 2001.
The Amendment to Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Nairobi, 17 November 2006.
This indicator counts the number of these treaties signed/acceded/succeeded/ratified (using, with a potential high score of 31 (Annan's 25 plus 6 updates/new treaties).
Recent treaties (since 2008) were not included as states need time to sign/accede.
Counts were ranked.
PC_RankContributions to Planet and ClimateActual category rank based on 163 countries included in index and mean fractional rank score for the 5 indicators
PC51Ecological footprintNational Footprint Accounts, Ecological footprint (according to Global Footprint Network) relative to the size of the economy (negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from Global Footprint Network, 2015. National Footprint Accounts, 2014 Edition (2011 data). Available online at national footprint values were divided by GDP and ranked.
PC52Reforestation since 1992Re-/De-forestation since 1992 (according to UNEP Environmental Data Explorer).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNEP (2015): The UNEP Environmental Data Explorer, as compiled from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - FAOStat . United Nations Environment Programme. (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).The forest area in 2011 was compared to 1992 and % growth or decline values were ranked.
PC53Hazardous pesticides exports Hazardous pesticides exports (according to UNEP Environmental Data Explorer) relative to the size of the economy (negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNEP (2015): The UNEP Environmental Data Explorer, as compiled from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - FAOStat . United Nations Environment Programme. (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
PC54CO2 emissionsCO2 emissions (according to World Bank) relative to the size of the economy (negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from The World Bank: CO2 emissions (kt): Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, United States. World Development Indicators (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Values were divided by GDP and ranked.
PC55OzoneConsumption of ozone-depleting substances - all (according to UNEP Environmental Data Explorer) relative to the size of the economy (negative indicator).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNEP (2015): The UNEP Environmental Data Explorer, as compiled from United Nations Envrionment Programme . United Nations Environment Programme. (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
PE_RankContributions to Prosperity and EqualityActual category rank based on 163 countries included in index and mean fractional rank score for the 5 indicators
PE61Open trading Trading across borders (open trading performance compared to best practice; i.e. IFC distance to frontier)Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from The World Bank: Distance to Frontier Score: Doing Business Indicators, sourced in its original form. Scores were ranked.
PE62UN volunteers abroadNumber of aid workers and volunteers sent overseas (according to UNV) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNV (2011), Annual report, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Countries not listed were assumed not to have contributed (i.e. missing value = 0). Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
PE63Fairtrade market sizeFairtrade market size (according to Fairtrade International) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from Fairtrade International, Annual Review 2011-12, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Values were divided by GDP and ranked.
PE64FDI outflowsFDI outflow (according to UNCTAD) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNCTADstat.In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then ranked.
PE65Development assistanceDevelopment cooperation contributions (aid according to Development Initiatives) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from Development Initiatives, ‘Investments to End Poverty’, 2013 (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Values were divided by GDP and ranked.
HW_RankContributions to Health and WellbeingActual category rank based on 163 countries included in index and mean fractional rank score for the 5 indicators
HW71Food aidAmount of wheat tonnes equivalent food aid shipments (according to WFP) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from World Food Programme's World Food Information System, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Otherwise, countries not listed were assumed not to have contributed (i.e. missing value = 0). Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
HW72Pharmaceutical exportsExports of pharmaceuticals (according to ITC) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from Trade Map, International Trade Centre, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).In case 2011 data for a particular country was missing, but data was available for other years, missing data was imputed based on time series analysis using SPSS TREND function. Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
HW73Voluntary excess donations to the WHOVoluntary excess contributions to World Health Organisation relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from World Health Organisation's Institutional Repository for Information Sharing, (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Countries not listed were assumed not to have contributed (i.e. missing value = 0). Values were then divided by GDP and ranked.
HW74Humanitarian aid donationsHumanitarian aid contributions (according to UNOCHA) relative to the size of the economy.Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData adapted from UNOCHA, Financial Tracking Service (FTS), (and divided by GDP according to World Bank data).Values were divided by GDP and ranked.
HW75International Health Regulations Compliance International Health Regulations Compliance (according to WHO).Fractional rank for all countries with available indicator dataData compiled from World Health Organisation's Global Health Observatory data repository, compliance on all health regulation capacities was calculated and ranked.