A | B | C | |
1 | ***Navigation + Composition*** | ||
2 | Notes | Nota | |
3 | Menu | Menu | |
4 | Done | Siap | |
5 | Save | Simpan | |
6 | Cancel | Batal | |
7 | Settings | Seting | |
8 | Open Settings | Buka Seting | |
9 | Empty Trash | Kosongkan Sampah | |
10 | Trash | Sampah | |
11 | Empty | Kosongkan | |
12 | Delete Forever | Buang Selamanya | |
13 | Search notes | Cari nota | |
14 | Search deleted notes | Cari nota terbuang | |
15 | Show Notes | Tunjukkan Nota | |
16 | Refresh Notes | Segar Semula Nota | |
17 | Preferences | Keutamaan | |
18 | No Header | Tanpa Pengepala | |
19 | Header %d | Pengepala %d | |
20 | Find Note | Cari Nota | |
21 | Go Forward | Pergi Ke Hadapan | |
22 | Go Backward | Pergi Ke Belakang | |
23 | Next | Seterusnya | |
24 | Continue | Teruskan | |
25 | |||
26 | ***Note Actions*** | ||
27 | Publish as Website | Terbit sebagai Laman Web | |
28 | Send as Email | Hantar sebagai E-mel | |
29 | Share in iMessage | Kongsi dalam iMessage | |
30 | Share + Export | Kongsi + Eksport | |
31 | Pin Note to Top | Pin Nota ke Atas | |
32 | Pin Note | Pin Nota | |
33 | Unpin | Batal Pin | |
34 | Add Todos to Calendar | Tambah Untuk Dibuat ke Kalendar | Is there a shorter variant? |
35 | Open in New Window | Buka dalam Tetingkap Baru | |
36 | More | Lebih Lanjut | |
37 | Create PDF | Bina PDF | |
38 | Export as HTML | Eksport sebagai HTML | |
39 | Export as TXT | Eksport sebagai TXT | |
40 | Export as Markdown | Eksport sebagai Markdown | |
41 | Move to Trash | Pindah ke Sampah | |
42 | Edit Note Actions | Edit Tindakan Nota | |
43 | Copy to Clipboard | Salin ke Papan Klip | |
44 | Save as File | Simpan sebagai Fail | |
45 | |||
46 | ***Collaboration*** | ||
47 | Add Collaborator | Tambah Rakan Kerjasama | |
48 | Manage Collaboration | Urus Kerjasama | |
49 | is typing... | sedang menaip... | This will be preceeded by the collaborator's initials -> "AV is typing..." |
50 | collaborating | sedang bekerjasama | |
51 | invited | telah dijemput | |
52 | %@ invited you to collaborate on '%@.' | %@ menjemput anda untuk bekerjasama pada '%@.' | The first %@ parameter becomes the friend's name. The second %@ parameter becomes the title of the note. |
53 | You are now collaborating on '%@.' | Anda kini bekerjasama pada '%@.' | The %@ parameter becomes the title of the note. |
54 | You have full permission to view the note, make edits, publish as website, and more. | Anda mempunyai kebenaran penuh untuk melihat nota, membuat pengeditan, menerbit sebagai laman web dan banyak lagi. | |
55 | You have view-only access. To request permission to edit, reach out to the person who invited you. | Anda mempunyai kebenaran untuk melihat sahaja. Untuk meminta kebenaran untuk mengedit, hubungi orang yang menjemput anda. | |
56 | Open Note | Buka Nota | |
57 | Learn About Collaboration | Ketahui Lebih Lanjut Tentang Kerjasama | |
58 | |||
59 | ***Publish as Website*** | ||
60 | View Published Website | Lihat Laman Web Diterbitkan | |
61 | Would you like to publish this note as a website? | Adakah anda ingin menerbitkan nota ini sebagai satu laman web? | |
62 | Anyone can view the website. Only you can make edits. | Sesiapa sahaja boleh melihat laman web. Hanya anda boleh membuat pengeditan. | |
63 | As you edit your note, your website automatically updates. | Apabila anda mengedit nota anda, laman web anda dikemas kini secara automatik | |
64 | Publish | Terbit | |
65 | Publishing... | Menerbitkan... | |
66 | Unpublishing... | Nyahterbit... | |
67 | Share Link | Kongsi Pautan | |
68 | Copy Link | Salin Pautan | |
69 | Unpublish | Nyahterbit | |
70 | Are you sure you want to unpublish? | Adakah anda pasti anda ingin nyahterbit? | |
71 | The website will no longer be available. You can always publish this note again later. | Laman web tidak akan tersedia. Anda boleh lagi menerbitkan nota ini nanti. | |
72 | Visit Website | Lawati Laman Web | |
73 | |||
74 | ***Folders, Tags*** | ||
75 | Create Folder | Bina Folder | |
76 | folder-name | nama-folder | These cannot have spaces, use dashes |
77 | welcome-notes | nota-selamat-datang | |
78 | published-websites | laman-web-diterbitkan | |
79 | todo-lists | senarai-perkara-untuk-dibuat | |
80 | expiring-soon | tamat-tempoh-tidak-lama-lagi | |
81 | pending-invites | jemputan-belum-dijawab | refers to people who have not yet responded to an invite to collaborate |
82 | |||
83 | ***Find in Note*** | ||
84 | Find in Note | Cari dalam Nota | |
85 | %lu of %lu | %lu daripada %lu | These %lu will be replaced by numbers. For example: "3 of 5" |
86 | no matches | tiada padanan | |
87 | |||
88 | ***Note Import*** | ||
89 | Add to... | Tambah ke... | |
90 | |||
91 | ***Quick Actions, Spotlight*** | ||
92 | Open %@ | Buka %@ | |
93 | New Note | Nota Baru | |
94 | New Todo List | Senarai Perkara Untuk Dibuat Baru | |
95 | Create New Note | Bina Nota Baru | |
96 | Create New Todo List | Bina Senarai Perkara Untuk Dibuat Baru | |
97 | |||
98 | ***Settings Menu*** | ||
99 | Be simple. | Jadikannya mudah. | |
100 | Thank you for writing with Minimal. | Terima kasih kerana menulis dengan Minimal. |