Name of Presenter:Title of Presentation:Date:Rated by:
ELA.7 Giving PresentationsI can give purposeful and effective presentations in formal settings, making strategic and appropriate decisions about content, language use, and discourse style based on the audience, venue, and topic.
ELA.7.1 How well do I introduce my presentation?ELA.7.2 How well do I organize, present, and support my ideas?ELA.7.3 How effectively do I customize my presentation for my specific purpose, context, and audience?ELA.7.4 How effectively do I use different media to communicate my ideas?ELA.7.5 How well do I use my words, voice and body language to engage my audience?ELA.7.6 How well do I conclude my presentation?
Level 5I can tell my audience the central idea I will be speaking about and the purpose of my presentation.
I can keep my audience focused on the central idea throughout the presentation (e.g. by restating the central idea, by repeating key words, or by connecting back to the central idea).I follow all guidelines that were provided for my presentation (e.g. time limits)I can make or use a visual aid for my presentation (e.g. Prezi, google slides, poster).
I can speak loudly and clearly enough for my audience to hear and understand me.

I maintain good posture.
I can conclude my presentation by restating my central idea.
Level 6I can introduce myself and provide some necessary background information that will help my audience understand my topic and/or the reason I am interested in it.I can present my central idea and findings in an organized and focused way throughout my presentation.

I can use relevant descriptions, facts, and/or details to highlight my central idea or themes.
I can appropriately welcome and greet my audience (e.g. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!")I can make a visual aid for my presentation that has a uniform style (e.g. consistent colors, themes, fonts, etc.)

I can include simple multimedia components (e.g. graphics, images) that relate to my central idea.
I maintain good posture and/or move with purpose.

I can look up to make eye contact with my audience.
I can conclude my presentation by summarizing my central idea and main points.
Level 7I can engage my audience with a hook.I can make clear connections between my central idea and the supporting evidence.I can choose examples that are relatable to my specific audience.I can select and include multimedia components (e.g. graphics, images, sounds, music) that are connected to my central idea or theme.

I can use my visual aid throughout my presentation to support my talking points.
I can make direct eye contact with my audience.

I can avoid fidgeting and crutch words (e.g. um, uh, like, kind of, you know, right).

I can emphasize the significance of my central idea or theme.

Level 8I can connect the hook with my central idea.I can use transition words to introduce my main points and supporting evidence (e.g. for example, in addition, shows that).I can choose words, details, stories or examples that are relatable to my specific audience.

In my introduction and greeting, I can set a tone for my presentation that is appropriate for my audience (serious, humorous, enthusiastic).
I can include multimedia choices that highlight and support my central idea and main points (e.g. graphics, charts, images, sounds, music).

The content of my visual aid emphasizes only the most important information (e.g. bullet points on slides instead of entire paragraphs of writing).
I can keep my presentation moving at a consistent pace without losing my place.I can leave my audience with a final thought such as a question, suggestion or quote.

Level 10I can engage my audience with a compelling and/or provocative hook and clearly connect it to my central idea.

I can use several types of supporting evidence (e.g. explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant sources) that strengthen my central idea and convey background knowledge on the topic.

I can use transition words to introduce my main points and supporting evidence (e.g. for example, in addition, shows that) and to make connections between my ideas (e.g. as stated earlier, in contrast to, similarly to).

When appropriate, I can identify and address alternative views.

As needed, I can manage a Q&A session.
In my introduction and greeting, I can set a tone for my presentation that is appropriate for my audience (serious, humorous, enthusiastic) and I can maintain that tone throughout.

There is evidence that I took my specific audience into consideration.
I can select and include specific multimedia components to help clarify information, strengthen my central idea, and/or emphasize the most important information.
I can intentionally use gestures and/or facial expressions to try to engage my audience.
I can conclude my presentation with a short and clear summary of my central idea and main points.

I can explain the connections between my central idea and a larger universal theme, essential question, or area of personal development.

I can leave my audience with suggested next steps, such as resources for further learning, a personal challenge or a call to commitment or action.
Level 12 I can make clear the significance of my central idea.I can use varied types of supporting evidence that strengthen my central idea and convey in-depth background knowledge on the topic.

I can use transition words to introduce main points, connect ideas, and create a logical line of reasoning for my audience.

Throughout the presentation, I can demonstrate that I have adequate knowledge and/or experience to speak about this topic.

When appropriate, I can present my analysis of alternative views, drawing on diverse sets of evidence to support my position.

As needed, I can manage a Q&A by fielding questions from the audience in a knowledgeable and concise way.
The organization and delivery of my presentation offers evidence that I have taken my specific audience into consideration when preparing for my presentation (e.g. language, content, structure, background knowledge).

I can read my audience and, when needed, I can make changes to my presentation (e.g. length, language, anecdotes) so that my audience remains invested.
I can ensure my multimedia choices emphasize and reinforce my presentation to help me achieve my purpose (e.g. inform, persuade).

When appropriate, I can use technology to expand my audience (e.g. Skype; record for later viewing).
I can intentionally change the pace and/or tone of my speaking to try to maintain the interest of my audience and to emphasize important points.I can conclude my presentation by providing a succinct and compelling synthesis of my central idea and main points.

I can explain the connections between the topic, my central idea, and/or a current local or global issue, universal theme, essential question or area of personal development.

My final words are carefully chosen to impact the audience and leave them with a powerful or inspirational message or thought provoking question.