Reference Information
Mod File Format (Helpful with SSEEdit) page listing all the record types used in esm/esp files. Helpful reference, you should read through it!
Out of Game Tools
LOOT makes use of this resource but doesn't display info quite as intuitively at least for me. LOOT data shows if you're missing a compatibility patch, if 2+ mods just aren't compatible whatsoever and more.
Skyrim Performance Monitor inside Skyrim and displays lots of live info on performance as you play. Not for running all the time but invaluable when testing out how various mods/INI tweaks are affecting performance.
Wrye Bash for more functions than I and even aware but I use it to create a bashed patch. That's a patch that loads at the end of your load order designed to handle conflicts and the merging of leveled lists. This is important trust me.
BethINI to navigate/modify the overwhelming (for a newbie) number of options in the Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files. It's easy to type something incorrectly that can even cause CTDs (Crash To Desktop) problems. This tool helps to avoid such problems but can also make a number of tweaks you (and a number of more experienced users) wouldn't be aware of or maybe even think of right away.
Fallrim Tools poorly written mods can leave script fragments or poor decisions on the part of a player (i.e. teleporting while a mod's script is running can cause script fragments to get "orphaned" (leftover). However in my experience it happens because you uninstall a mod mid playthrough and the scripts/data of said mod gets left behind. This tool can help remove (some of?) those orphaned scripts. It can do quite a bit more than that however.
LazyVoiceFinder you're making a mod that makes use of vanilla voice assets this tool is very useful. There are a LOT of vanilla voice files that were never even used in the game so it's worth a look at what's there, might even give you an idea for a mod. Some mods make use of snippets of vanilla assets by splicing them together to make entirely new dialogues. Amorous Adventures is an example of a mod that does an excellent job of this.
SSEEdit (xEdit) tool does a lot of things, far more than I am capable of making use of at this time. It allows for edits to existing mods (yes, even those written by others that you've downloaded). Obviously however, doing so is dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. An example of a change I made is the sorting of the masters of a mod I had downloaded. I didn't do this on a whim. LOOT told me to and like a good little boy I followed instructions. Sorting the masters is just updating the order of the list of master files in a mod to match the currently recommended order of the vanilla asset files. The mod that I was told to do this with was Amulets of Skyrim. I have no idea what benefit doing so provides but it took almost no time and they know better than we do so just follow instructions.
AutoHotkey (aka AHK) tool is by far the most incredibly powerful tool listed here. It goes far far beyond use in Skyrim or any single program. It allows for the scripting of just about damn near anything. It is absolutely worth your time to learn as much as possible about this language. It will just make your life easier, happier and more productive. An example is a script that will allow you to paste your clipboard content into the game (the console, yes your life can be better). Here's an example AHK script that will allow you to paste your clipboard content (some text you've copied) into the game. Also added a "select all" function as well
Example Useful AHK Script
SSELODGen regenerate LODs (distant renderings of various in game things i.e. trees) using the models included in many popular mods. Without doing this some objects in mods will just pop in from nowhere as you walk along as opposed to appearing in the distance prior.
SKSE for a LOT of exciting mods that add pretty sweet functionality
BodySlide and Outfit Studio alongside CBBE (Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-) to adjust garments from mods compatible with CBBE to fit your CBBE body preset. Also generates the physics parameters for physics compatible garments. Used to generate morphs for various garments as well to provide deeper functionality for the RaceMenu mod.
Outfit Studio installed along with the BodySlide mod. Used to modify garments and apparently also to convert garments compatible with mods like UNP over to the CBBE framework.
DLL Plugin Loader work as an alternative to SKSE in some cases but is listed as a requirement for some mods. SkillUncapper for example will work with either SKSE or this mod. Used by modders to access certain functionality of the game.
xSHADOWMANx's Dll Loader DLL loader. Listed as a requirement for some mods but obviously also allows advanced modders to access certain functionality.
GIMP DDS format plugin
Plugin for the GIMP image editor that allows for creation of the DDS format used by TES5
In-Game Tools
More Informative Console a good bit more info on things. For example, while the console is open click on something, even a dropped item. It will show you the name of what you've selected, the nif name of the model and what mod last touched it.
Jaxonz Positioner Converted you to move damn near anything in game. Example: A tree in the middle of a wall. Move that damned thing out of the wall so it doesn't look stupid. The change is persistent (it remains from save to save).
RaceMenu, this is a tool as well! It allows for modifications of head geometry and more.
Loot Vision - Subtle Glow for play but invaluable if you're actually trying to find some damned thing for a legitimate purpose.
Where in Oblivion am I - SSE detailed information on your current location cell name and elevation. Useful for finding that location in the Creation Kit
AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer agree, it is cheaty so don't use it for regular play you cheating lowlife (jk). It will make finding an item faster with its search function but more importantly allows you to search items by mod!!!
SINful CBP fine tuning of physics... it is a tool because being able to have the perfect shake and jiggle makes modding a bit less irritating
SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin) for a number of tweaks not the least of which being the ability to speed up the passage of time while sleeping/waiting. Necessary if resetting cells after making changes/installing new mods.
Equipment HUD SE just a QoL mod. If you're changing item to item, spell to spell quickly while testing functionality of a mod then this will be a complete lifesaver.
Better descriptions SSE a good amount of additional detail to a variety of things. It is mainly a QoL mod I admit but has been helpful on more than one occasion while referencing things.
UIExtensions resource that allows for a great deal more access to a variety of in game functions. Necessary resource for a number of mods/modders.
Teleport Milestone and dirty way of saving a specific location quickly and then returning. Saves up to 32 locations by placing a milestone with collisions (don't place it somewhere that blocks passage for example) and provides a good interface for renaming/organizing them. Not a bad immersive option for travel btw if you choose to disable fast travel. For example.
Yes Im Sure, yes it's QoL but if you're making a mod where you for example are creating recipes for something that uses crafting facilities like the tanning rack, smelter, grindstone, armor workbench for for example umm creating a recycling/salvaging mod then dear Lord this is amazing. It just removes a single keystroke from the steps of processing a recipe.
Haven Bag and handy access to most any crafting station, storage and a bed. They're all within steps of each other and can be accessed quickly with minimal loading times. Super handy for testing things out.
Better Sleep Wait Menu for up to 744 hours of sleeping/waiting (30 days) to enable you to more easily reset cells. Make note of and be sure to use to mod SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin) above with this to adjust the speed of the passage of time so you aren't waiting for the rest of your life for 744 hours to pass.
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE necessary for the functioning of a number of regular play mods it adds a lot of access for modders to manipulate animations and the like as well of course.
PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions as a requirement for the installation of some mods but also provides detailed logging of game functions as well as scripting resources for modders.
HDTSSE Physics High Heels Framework 1 5 97 physics framework.
Perk Point Book you can add perks manually one by one but I'm a lazy bastard sometimes. If you aren't using a bat file to add a recurring specific set it's just easier to use the damned book.
The Rabbit Hole - SSE provides a quick location to engage a number of combatants quickly. Can be useful in certain scenarios.
Bethesda Archive Extractor (BSA and BA2) to extract game assets for various archives.
Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE for processing animation files for proper function in-game. Useful for modders too of course but how is beyond my newbie knowledge.
Quality of Life Mods (some Immersion too)
SkyUI SE - Flashing Savegames Fix mod prevented me from engaging in self-harm
SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin) for a number of tweaks not the least of which being the ability to speed up the passage of time while sleeping/waiting. Necessary if resetting cells after making changes/installing new mods.
Equipment HUD SE ultimate damned hotkey cycling mod. Changing weapon to weapon, spell to spell, power to power quickly has never been more fun.
Better descriptions SSE a good amount of additional detail to a variety of things. It is mainly a QoL mod I admit but has been helpful on more than one occasion while referencing things.
Teleport Milestone up to 32 locations by placing a milestone with collisions (don't place it somewhere that blocks passage for example) and provides a good interface for renaming/organizing them. Not a bad immersive option for travel btw if you choose to disable fast travel. For example.
Yes Im Sure using crafting facilities like the tanning rack, smelter, grindstone, armor workbench for most anything this is amazing. It just removes a single keystroke from the steps of processing a recipe multiple times.
Mining For Mages Redux't hate on the mages. We should be able to use a badass lightning spell to mine while you suckers get stuck in a dumb animation using a tool you have to lug around.
NPCs Protected Redux makes a bunch of named NPCs Essential (basically invulnerable to death caused by someone other than the player). OOPS CORRECTION DON'T USE THIS ANYMORE. See next entry
Protect your People - PyP - Better NPC Protection SE makes a bunch of named NPCs Essential (basically invulnerable to death caused by someone other than the player). Can also prevent quests from being broken as well as the change in mood/dialogue of their family members.
Resurrect - NPC Revive Spell I just like the idea and it's convenient sometimes. I don't think it fixes relationship changes with family members though. It also doesn't remove a bounty for murder either I think.
performance optimized textures for SSE (by me using Skyrim Performance Monitor 64) to use a good bit less VRAM (iirc like 1GB less). Pretty helpful overall for applications that need less load.
Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn SSE for remembering little tidbits of info from session to session. Can also be used to add a good amount of immersion.
Multiple Floors Sandboxing those dumb AI bastards can wander from floor to floor! :D