Competitive audit
Competitive audit goal:
General information
First impressionsInteractionVisual designContent
Competitor type
(direct or indirect)
Product offering
($ - $$$$)
Business size
(small, medium, large)
Target audience Unique value proposition Desktop website screenshotsApp or mobile website experienceFeaturesAccessibilityUser flow NavigationBrand identityToneDescriptiveness
Labcorp On DemandInDirect Online products with in person labsPurchase at home testing to be done at home and then sent to be processed in their labs. World Class diagnostics largeLab testing for anyoneHave their own labs and they do their own testing, so they offer their own services.
has 2-3 star rating that app doesn't work, error messages when scheduling appointments, issues staying logged in. Need to create an account to view services. Doesn't give any information, just looks like downloading a patient portal and app just has you sign into that portal.
Offer an array of different tests on their site that you can purchase without going to the doctor and then send back. They have their own team, and don't take lab orders from your persoanl physician. Their own physician reviews your request for a testThere is alot of text on this website in a smaller size font that may be difficult for an elderly individual or someone hard of seeing to view and navigate. Assistance features such as the chat bot are in the same color as the main website causing this to blend in. It did not catch my eye or direct my attention to it any way. Website does not work with a screen readerRATING
Difficult to differentiate what services they offer and how to access the different services. Its confusing. I am confused if I would be buying tests and if thats the only services they offer
Navigation present but confusing, something about it seems off.
Needs work. Rounded corners on some things, rectangle on others. No heirarchy to color scheme, all the same blue so not easy to differentiate between different features. Design inconsistencies.
To the point informative. Definitely trying to tell you how big of a company they are. I do not believe an elderly individual would be able to navigate their desktop or app. The assistance features do not stick out, and are not visible to those that would need them. If I don't need assistance and I had a difficult time locating the assistance features, how is someone that needs assistance going to do it?
National Phlebotomy Provider NetworkDirect /indirectOnline products with in person labsConnect those in need to mobile phlebotomy services and those receiving at home treatmentHome blood draw services and located nationally (not shown)
-Direct connection to personal phlebotomy services.
No app or service available in google play store and website is not responsive so how people access this service I am a bit confused.Hero image has info ontop overlayed in a bad spot. Call to action button in hero image, doesn't look like a button. Features of this website are very dated and hard to follow. Bot blends in and looks like a pop up ad, and one of those things I would be afraid to click if I was an elderly person. Other assistive tech also blends in with the same color as everything else. If I didn't know to look for it, I wouldn't have noticed it.
-does not pass 411y contrast standards
Txt, buttons, color schemes: there is not much information architecture or organization to this site. It all smooshes together, and everything is thrown onto each pages providing alot for an individual to look through before being able to find what theyre looking for
-Txt is quite small and hard to read and differentiate because there is so much information being presented on each page.
Too much text and information to easily navigate featuresThere is none. There is a "logo" with the name at the top of the page, but it is so small I cannot make out what the logo says or what it actually is because its been made too small. I also do not see this logo repeated anywhere else on the website. Colors start at the top of the website matching exactly to this color in this img, and migrate throughout the page into different colors ie bright blue and green turn to turqoise. I question if this service is still active due to the outdated nature of their website and limited accessibility features ie contrast, heirarchy, screen readers and to omuch text. Its difficult to pull a tone out because I would be here all day reading. There is no mobile presence so I do not understand how individuals access this service as it was easily googleable. My first impression is that a question legitimacy of website.
Get LabsDirect online and mobileOffer at home lab appointments. They come to you to collect your labs and deliver to labcorp or quest same day nationwide. getlabs.compossibly mock or smaller intermediaryClaim for everyone, but not impression I am getting.

"When you look at their website, although it is very clear and makes a nice impression, they use this video of a technician coming to a patients home for the reserved appointment. The video is a nice way of showing how the experience works, and I understand exactly what the service is from it. Then they repeat those images below when explaining the process from the video. the philosophy of it works. So they are talking about affordable pricing and personalized service, but what I see in the video is a well manicured woman holding a pure bred dog in a half a million dollar home. The content of this imagery for me says I can't afford this service. So even though they are saying its simple and affordable with vast availability with a cost of $35, the impression that I am getting is that this is a service for people that have money and can afford it, and this is not a service for the average to low income. If I was an elderly person and I came to this website to book my appointment and then this is the first thing I see, as an elderly person on a budget with liminted income and access to health access, that is going to steer me away right away. "
Offer at home lab appointments, they come to you to collect your labs and deliver to labcorp or quest available same day nationwide
I cant get to interface, I am stuck in the sign up process on both desktop and mobile so I believe this could potentionally be a prototype.
-can keep scrolling through on mobile and it will scroll through the navigation of the app which is cool, however when I get to the bottom its a bit confusing. Did I change pages, where am I? A page down page up feature may help here so its not so confusing.
Create an account
schedule lab service at your home
get results online
no real mentions of accessibility
Got stuck in a sign up loopvery basic navgiation with page down scrolling that lead you through each page.RATING
Aside from the context of the imagery contradicting the text, the visual design of this website works. It has a nice color scheme, simple text , accessibility features. However I was unable to go beyond landing pages as it wouldn't let me create an account.
"When you look at their website, although it is very clear and makes a nice impression, they use this video of a technician coming to a patients home for the reserved appointment. The video is a nice way of showing how the experience works, and I understand exactly what the service is from it. Then they repeat those images below when explaining the process from the video. the philosophy of it works. So they are talking about affordable pricing and personalized service, but what I see in the video is a well manicured woman holding a pure bred dog in a million dollar home. The content of this imagery for me says I can't afford this service. So even though they are saying its simple and affordable with vast availability with a cost of $35, the impression that I am getting is that this is a service for people that have money and can afford it, and this is not a service for the average to low income. If I was an elderly person and I came to this website to book my appointment and then this is the first thing I see, as an elderly person on a budget with limited income and access to health care, that is going to steer me right away. "RATING
I do question if this website is a prototype or a real service as I was caught in a flow loop and could not create an account. However the structure and features of this website and mobile app are clear and concise and simple to understand. The information is not overwhelming and the heirarchy and information architecture is easy to understand, with the exception that it wouldn't let me back out of a page and I got stuck.
Convelabsdirect/indirectin person labwork around Floridaconcerige mobile lab service
-do labs in your home
-online booking
-qiality collection of technicians
-all necessary supplies
-lab deliveries
-safety precautions for covid
convelabs.comsmall local businesstarget audience appears to be more elderly driven or without insurance they offer discounts. personalized service based on your accessibility
no mobile app.
-aside from online booking through a 3rd party the website is very outdated. Going to this 3rd party service opens a new window which is confusing because you lose all links back to the previous page. Not everyone will notice a new tab has opened.
-outdated website
They have the labs that canbe booked visible online which shows me what they are capable of doing prior to making any commitmentsAlot of text on a very outdated site. The fonts are difficult to read and nothign is responsive. Cant access from a phone. confusing to navigate.there is no visual representation of anything. It is all text and it is all wonky. Nothing lines up, there are no grids, backgrounds are different shapes and sizes where they should be uniformed and all the text is very small to read. I have great vision and I can't read this. I can't imagine anyone that wears glasses would be able to navigate this website without magnifying it. nonesympathetic. way to descriptive. Needs more visual cues and much much less text. Great reference for information however due to the amount of text, but from a design standpoint, not a patient standpoint.
TravaLabdirectnationwidedatabase of mobile phlebotomist, you sign up and it connects you with that mobile phlebotomist, they show up, collect lab work and they deliver it to the lab for testing audience for anyone that needs labwork, very neutral and scientific This website is very easy to navigate, easy to login.
website is great and services are available to reserve online. They have a responsive website that works on a mobile phone well. However the app that they use is not for patients. The app is for the phlebotomist to accept the orders coming through. There is no app for the patient to use, just the responsive website. Acceissible design, bright bold, great contrast, bot assistant, help page. Improvement opportunity to improve would be to turn on an assist mode. Click it on it will highlight fields and click off it goes back to normal operating. Great. Didn't have any issues with it. Easily NavigatableMedical informative, but more newage or modern approach. Can tell they are trying to evolve the system rather than just manage and keep the current system running. Doesn't have alot of information, but doesn't have a lack of information. It's a great representation .