#TierNameKiCharacterCondition 1Effect 1Condition 2Effect 2Limit BurstAuthor's Notes
11Hee Hee SunglassesBombKid GokuAlwaysProtects all allies from blindnessAuto Just Guard
23Flying Nimbus!!PowerGokuPower Pole Pro ModeGrants super armor. (Deactivates after taking some damage)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
32Haaaaaaaaaaaah!!PowerTienAlwaysNullifies Kamehameha damage.DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
43Your death is imminent!PowerPiccoloGiant ModeBoosts all attack' Stamina damage. (M)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
51Your power is 5? ...Scum.BombRaditzAuto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
62Get lost before I send you flying.HomingYamchaAlwaysBoosts Charged Ki Blasts. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
71Gyau!!!!RushSaibamanRevive Gauge Auto-Recovery!
83Tien, please don't dieBombChiaotzuWhen KO'edRestores all ally Ki.Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
93You cocky little...!PowerNappaOnce only when health is below 50%Temporarily reduces damage taken (XL)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
103Body, don't let me down!PowerGokuWhen Kaioken is activatedBoosts normal attacks. (L) Drains healthATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
114I am the universe's strongest!RushVegetaWhen charging a Ki BlastBoosts strength of charged Ki Blasts (S) *Can be stacked up to ten timesATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
123Welcome to the end of the line!PowerGreat Ape VegetaWhen below 25% HealthBoosts normal attacks (XL) Seals skills.DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
135I actually felt that one...PowerTurlesWhen succeeding at a Just GuardBoosts opponent Stamina depleted when succeeding. (M)Auto Just Guard
144I got back my youth and vigor!PowerSlugWhen Ki is maxed outBoosts normal attacks. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
151I must tell Lord Frieza...HomingAppuleAuto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
161Tch... Guess I have no choice.ParalyzeRaspberryAuto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
172Unleash your power!!BombKrillinWhen the battle beginsTemporary Boosts all ally attacks. (M)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
183Stop trampling on Namek's peace!HomingYoung NamekianAlwaysBoosts all abilities based on number of allies who are the same raceDEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
193I'll kill all of you!!HomingDodoriaWhen Ki is maxed outBoosts stamina recovery speed. (M)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
203H-How could he?!PowerZarbonAlwaysBoosts Stamina recovery speed. (S)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
213Saiyans are a warrior race!!PowerVegetaWhen you KO an enemyBoosts strength of melee attacks based on how many enemies you've KO'ed. (S) *Can be stacked up to ten times.DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
222Kieeeee!!ParalyzeGuldoWhen a Charged Ki Blast hitsSlows down opponentsRevive Gauge Auto-Recovery!
233Your life is mine! Toh!BombRecoomeReinforcement Skill ActivatedTemporary Boosts all ally attacks. (M)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
242I'm the fastest in the universeParalyzeBurterWhen Ki is maxed outBoosts movement speed. (XL)Revive Gauge Auto-Recovery!
252We're the one and only Ginyu Force!RushJeiceAlwaysLowers strength of melee attacks. (M)Once only when health is below 50%Restores stamina. (XL)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
262Let me show you how it's done.PowerGinyuAlwaysBoosts Charged Ki Blasts. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
273I must protect Grand Elder Guru!HomingNailOnce only when Reinforcement Skill is activatedTemporarily activates health auto-recovery.Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
282Popporunga pupirittparoBombDendeAlwaysBoosts Capsule recovery speed. (S) Shortens revive time. (L)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
294The ultimate power is mine!PowerPiccoloAlwaysBoosts all attacks. (M)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
304I'll never forgive you, scum!PowerFrieza (1st Form)When guard is brokenTemporarily reduces damage taken from all all attacks. (XL)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
313Drop dead!!!RushGohan (Kid)When Health is below 50%Boosts normal Ki Blasts. (M) Boosts Ki Blast-Based moves. (M)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
323That offer's expired...PowerFriezaWhen the battle beginsBoosts strength of normal attacks. (L) Skills become unusable.When health is below 25%Skills become usable.DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
332Gotcha!ParalyzeFriezaWhen a charged Ki Blast hitsExtends paralysis time for charged Ki BlastsDeath Beam ATK Up!
343Goku the legendary Super Saiyan!PowerSuper Saiyan GokuSuper Saiyan ModeBoosts strength of melee attacks. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
353As if I'd lose!RushFrieza (Final Form)AlwaysBoosts movement speed. (M)When Health is below 25%Boosts Ki Blast-based skills. (XL)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
365You must die by my hand!RushFrieza (Final, Full Power)When KO'ed, one time onlySurvives the first KO with one point of health remaining. Temporarily nullifies damage from all attakcs. Temporarily boosts strength of Ki Blast skills. (M)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
373The real hell begins here!ParalyzeCooler (4th Form)AlwaysWeakens all attacks (L)When a Charged Ki Blast hitsSlows down opponents. Poisons opponentsFull Power Energy Wave ATK Up!
382I'm nothing like my brother!ParalyzeCooler (Final Form)AlwaysBoosts Charged Ki Blasts. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
392I've come back from the dead...HomingMetal CoolerAlwaysLowers energy needed to revive. (M)Revive Gauge Auto-Recovery!
402Gohan! Eat a Senzu Bean!BombPiccoloAlwaysBoosts health recoevered when allies revive. (L)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
414A monster? No, I'm a devil!RushBrolyAlwaysReduces damage taken from melee attacks. (S)When the battle beginsRestores all KiDEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
423My Ki is building... Overflowing...PowerBrolyAlwaysReduces Stamina recovery speed. (XL)When Ki is maxed outReduces damage taken from all attacks. (XL)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
434I'm neither Kami nor PiccoloRushPiccoloAlwaysBoosts strength of Ki Blast attacks. (M)When stamina is maxed outActivates health auto-recovery.Revive Gauge Auto-Recovery!
443I can easily regenerate this.PowerCell (1st Form)Once only when health is below 25%Temporarily activates health auto-recovery.Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
453I am... Super Vegeta!!RushSuper Saiyan VegetaSuper Saiyan ModeBoosts Ki Blast-based skills. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
464A power-biased transformation...PowerCell (Perfect)Awoken Skill ActivatedBoosts normal attakcs (L) Reduces damage taken from all attacks. (L) Slow movement speed. (M) Seals guard.DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
473This fight... is truly pointless...HomingSuper Saiyan Gohan (Teen)When the battle beginsLowers all abilities. (S)When an ally gets KO'edBoosts all abilities. (L)Kamehameha ATK Up!
481Keeeeeeeee!!BombCell Jr.AlwaysShortens revive time. (M)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
493Set your rage free...BombAndroid 16AlwaysShortens revive time. (S)When KO'edFully retores all allies' Ki.Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
503What a handy miscalculation...RushCell (Perfect, Full Power)When health is below 50%Boosts Ki Blast-based skills (M). Activates Ki Auto-Recovery Mode temporarily.Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
513I wanted to kill you with my own hands.RushSuper Saiyan 2 Gohan (Teen)When an enemy revivesBoosts Ki Blast-based skills. (L) Activates Ki Auto-Recovery Mode.ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
525Gimme 20 million Zeni.PowerAndroid 18When the battle endsDoubles Zeni gained.Revive Gauge Auto-Recovery!
53540 ton weights!PowerSouth KaiWhen the battle endsBoosts score gained.Revive Gauge Auto-Recovery!
542The Great Saiyaman is here!PowerGreat Saiyanman 1When using an Ultimate AttackTemporarily boosts strength of strike attacks. (M)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
553Why would I ever do that?!PowerVidelAlwaysBoosts strength of all attacks against female opponents. (XL) Weakens strength of all attacks against males. (XL) *Ineffective against Namekians and the Frieza Race.DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
562That looks fun!PowerGotenAlwaysBoosts movement speed. (M)When Stamina is maxed outBoosts melee skills. (M)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
573Don't go all-out!BombGotenWhen a charged Ki Blast hitsBoosts damage from Ki Blasts. (XL)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
582Time to go Super Saiyan!PowerTrucks (Kid)AlwaysReduces damage taken from Ki Blast skills. (M) Weakens strength of Ki Blast kills. (M)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
594Let's just enjoy the game right now.PowerEast Supreme KaiAlwaysReduces damage taken from all attacks. (S) Nullifies poison. Nullifies movement reduction. Nullifies hindrance damage.Revive Gauge Auto-Recovery!
603I refuse to give up...PowerVidelWhen Health is lower than 25%Reduces damange taken from Ki Blast-based skills. (XL) Boosts melee skills. (M)Auto Just Guard
612I won't use my full power yet!BombKibitoOnce, when an Reinforcement Skill activatesCures all ally status ailments. Recovers Ki. (M) Recovers Stamina. (M)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
623I'm still not used to this form!RushSuper Saiyan 3 GokuSuper Saiyan or Golden ModeBoosts Ki Blast-based skills. (XL) Depletes Ki.ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
633Buu will eat you...PowerMajin BuuWhen an enemy is KO'edRestores Health. (M)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
645Take care... of your mother...BombMajin VegetaOnce only when KO'edRestores all allies' health. (L) Fully restores all allies' ki.Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
653I've had enough of you!HomingHerculeWhen an ally gets KO'edNo Ki depletion, temporarily.Dynamite Kick ATK Up!
662Killed all Earthlings!BombSuper BuuAlwaysBoosts Charged Ki Blasts. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
673Reaper of Justice, Super Gotenks!RushSuper Saiyan GotenksSuper Saiyan ModeTemporary Boosts Charged Ki Blasts (XL)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
684Hmm Hmm Hmmm! Hm Hmmm! Hmmm!BombElder KaiAlwaysShortens revive time. (M)Awoken Skill and Reinforcement Skill ActivatedAll allies enter Health Auto-Recovery Mode.Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.All allies including you. Essential for solo Expert Missions
692It's okay! I'll fix you!BombDendeWhen revivingGrants super armorRevive Gauge Auto-Recovery!
702Thanks, Dende!HomingUltimate GohanWhen resurrectedBoosts health restored. (L)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
714This is Super Vegito!!PowerSuper Saiyan VegitoSuper Saiyan ModePrevents Ki from depleting temporarily, once.Spirit Sword ATK Up!
723Hooohohohohohoho!PowerKid BuuAlwaysSpeeds up Boost Dash. (L)Auto Just Guard
733What quick, powerful attacks!!PowerVegetaWhen a charged attack hitsTemporary Boosts normal attacks. (M)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
742You're Number 1!!BombVegetaAlwaysBoosts assist effects. (M)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
754Janemba! Janemba!RushJanembaOn a successful Just GuardBoosts ki restoration on success. (M) Temporarily boosts strength of Ki Blast skills. (M)Auto Just Guard
762I'll send you to Hell!!RushVekuWhen the battle starts, temporaryReduces all damage taken. (L) Weakens normal attacks. (L)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
775I will defeat you!RushSuper Saiyan GogetaWhen the battle startsActivates Ki Regeneration Mode for a long time. Boosts Ki Blast-based kills for a long time. (M)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
781Evil will never prosper here!PowerGreat Saiyaman 2Justice Combination ATK Up!
793Now it's all over...PowerBardockWhen Health is below 25%Boosts Charged Ki Blasts. (XL)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
805Time to dismantle you androids!PowerGohan (Future)When Health is below 50%Activates Ki Auto-Recovery Mode. Reduces damage taken from all attacks. (M)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
814Getting beat up makes me cranky...RushAndroid 17AlwaysActivates Ki Auto-Recovery Mode.When Stamina is maxed outBoosts Ki Blast-based attacks. (L)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
824I'll use all my strength to kill you.PowerAndroid 18AlwaysActivates Ki auto-recover.When Ki is maxed outBoosts strength of normal attacks. (M)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
833I came to kill you...RushTrunks (Future)AlwaysBoosts strength of charged Ki Blasts. (XL) Stamina required to fire a charged Ki Blast becomes 100ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
843Vanish forever!RushTrunks (Future)Awoken Skill ActivatedBoosts Ki Blast-based skills temporarily. (XL)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
852Finally, some excitement.RushTrunks (GT)AlwaysBoosts Charged Ki Blasts. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
863I...hate you!!!RushPanWhen Health is below 25%Boosts Charged Ki Blast-based skills. (XL)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
875Now it's my turn.PowerSuper 17When a Heavy Smash hitsExtends time of guard break when opponent is knocked off balance. (L)Auto Just Guard
884I've waited for this fight...HomingNuova ShenronAlwaysReduces damage taken from normal attacks. (M)Once only when health is below 25%Temporarily activates stamina auto-recovery.DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
894Just win, okay?PowerEis ShenronAlwaysBoosts Ki restored. (M)When an opponent is KO'edRestores Health. (S)Auto Health and Stamina Recover! DEF Down.
904Strengthen me, Shadow Dragons!PowerOmega ShenronWhen Health is below 25%Boosts normal attacks. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
913Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4!PowerSuper Saiyan 4 GokuWhen resurrectedBoosts normal attacks. (L)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
924One finger is enough for you.PowerSuper Saiyan 4 GogetaWhen a Charged Ki Blast hitsReduces opponent's Ki.Auto Just Guard
932Everyone, lend me your energy!RushGoku (GT)When using an Ultimate AttackTemporarily boosts strength of Ki Blast skills. (M)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
944I never knew this world existed!HomingSuper Saiyan God GokuWhen an ally gets KO'edBoosts strength of all attakcs based on how many allies are KO'ed. (S) *Can be stacked up to ten times.DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
954Before creation comes ruin...RushGod of Destruction BeerusA bit of time after the battle startsBoosts Ki Blast-Based skills. (XL)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.30 Seconds to activate
963I delievered Chiaotzu and Yamcha.BombTienWhen the battle startsTemporarily reduces all damage allies receive. (S)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
974The gold represents the new me.RushGolden FriezaGolden ModeBoosts normal Ki Blasts. (XL)ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.
984It's a bit of a long story...PowerSSGSS GokuWhen a charged Ki Blast hitsBoosts damage from Ki Blasts. (L)DEF Up! You've Got Super Armor! Ki Rec. SPD Down.
994And don't come back again!RushSSGSS VegetaWhen an enemy is KO'edTemporarily boosts strength of all attacks. (L) Temporarily activates ki auto-recovery.ATK Up! Ki Auto-Recovery! Stamina Rec. SPD Down.