A | B | C | D | E | |
1 | Burndown Charts | ||||
2 | |||||
3 | Pattern or other work item | Brief Description | Developer's Estimated Delivery Date | Remarks | |
4 | |||||
5 | 360 Degree Feedback | ||||
6 | Agile Performance Review | ||||
7 | Bonfire | ||||
8 | Daily Play | ||||
9 | Hubs | ||||
10 | Multi Skilled Career Path | ||||
11 | Multi-Team Refinement | ||||
12 | One Piece Flow | ||||
13 | Reciprocal Dependencies First | ||||
14 | Team Performance | ||||
15 | The Culling | ||||
16 | Undone | ||||
17 | |||||
18 | Book Publication | 16/8/2019 | |||
19 | Layout | Make sure pictures are sized / placed properly | 9/8/2019 | Publisher was a week delayed | mdh |
20 | Overall copy edit | Revisit patterns that haven't been touched in years, and make sure patterns reflect our current understanding and the current state of Scrum (the Scrum Guide has changed since we started) | 4 of the team members concur that this is a 50- to 150-day job, full-time (½ - 1 day per pattern or other section; parallelism dscouraged). aa predicts end of June for his independent effort Was done 20/7/2019 including our review | Is being done as a team at a ScrumBlitz. Rate is about half the time of the estimate. aa prediction was not met, and no update. | cr, lh, cope, mdh aa removed as unengaged nbh removed as disengaged |
21 | Alpha Book | A toolset that allows us to produce an alpha version of the printed book, along with enough topical content to make it interesting. Depends on book design / outline. This is a benchmark and not an MVP. MVP doesn't apply to books and probably not at all in Agile: q.v. Luke Hohmann | 7/1/2018 | There is a risk to this effort if we convert toolset mid-stream. This item became kind of ill-defined as a benchmark; the delivery ended being more continuous... | cope |
22 | Fix formally reported errata | From Prag Prog's error reporting site | 20/7/2019 | Done. | cope |
23 | Marketing Video | We need a marketing video as part of the marketing development | 23/5/2019 | Done. | jk |
24 | Marketing Plan | Our Dear Publisher threatens to hold up publication of the book until we have an approved marketing plan. | 20/5/2019 | Approved by Brian MacDonald 20/5/2019 (https://sites.google.com/a/scrumplop.org/works-in-progress/home/marketing-efforts) | cope |
25 | Incorporation? | Deferred. | cr | ||
26 | Confidential | Dropped. | lh | ||
27 | Bring existing Scrum PLoP agreements up-to-date | The legal and financial framework will change the parties named in the Scrum PLoP agreement. The agreement must be updated and all signatories must sign off. | Dropped - appears that publisher has no need for this (weird) | Depends on "Book legal and financial framework" | |
28 | Professional copy-edit | It would be good to choose our own copy editor to bring the English quality up to publication standards. Past performance by publishers' copy editors has been of irregular quality | Dropped - will go with publisher copy edit | Depends on a funding source and "Legal and Financial Framework." Could be deferred until after the Alpha book, but that creates an uncomfortable ménage à trois with the publlsher and weakens our negotiating position | |
29 | Conference | Removed from this backlog — not part of the book effort. | Wait to schedule until we know about the book | cr + df, joe, jeos | |
30 | Audit patterns against the Scrum Guide | We want to make sure we're not blindsided by missing something important in Core Scrum | There have been several informal efforts to do this. | df | |
31 | Content audit | To make a conscious decision to discard certain patterns, create a few new ones to fill holes, and to keep the rest | Done. | ||
32 | Execute copyright transfer agreements | We will need to negotiate and execute a copyright transfer agreement with each author | Dropped - appears that publisher has no need for this. | ||
33 | IP Work | Citation verification; getting permissions for quotes | Done. | mdh | |
34 | New administrative environment | People don't like Google Docs, &c. for administering the patterns, and Ademar has proposed a simpler alternative hosted on git or some other site. This can start as a prototype and then grow. Further, Google Sites is going away. | Should be before ScrumPLoP 2015, to make sense and to be worth doing? Maybe shoot for Scrum PLoP 2017. Currently no estimated delivery date — high risk. | Ademar is working on a DocuWiki solution. Builds on scrumbook.org work. Timeline in mail from gsuite-noreply@google.com 3 Nov 2016 05:47UCT+1. Current drop-dead date is 2018/03/09. This doesn't seem like it will happen. Ademar again asked for requirements, so I think this will be a big uphill effort for marginal value. Killed. | aa |
35 | End-to-End review of book | Reviewing to see if it hangs together | 13/10/2018 firm Date missed | There have been a couple of false starts on this and we will drop it at this time. | Ademar |
36 | Book Picture Selection | We can use the stuff from presentermedia.com or the ones that Neil found from the LOC or... | Is progressing, but we probably should be starting to get explicit copy permissions. Need to check with publisher about what is needed. Is progressing as best as we can, and seems on track. | "Done" includes having copy rights. Does it depend on having a financial framework in place? | nbh, mdh |
37 | Android pattern app | An app that would allow people to reference the pattern languages and to augment them with local adaptations, or to combine patterns into an organizational Whole, in the spirit of Alexander's GateKeeper. First target should be Android: Canalys notes tht 51% of app downloads are Android downloads while only 40% are iPhone downloads. Kantar puts Android phone sales growth at 51.2% and iOS at 43.5%. In the embedded base there are about 900 million Android devices out there and only 600 million iOS devices (ALL - including iPhone, iPad, etc. — data from Flurry.) The app should be done in conjunction with a publisher, who will share in the revenue stream, to avoid copyright tranfer complications and to enlist the support of a publisher in coordinated release and marketing. | 4Q2018 | Cesário is pursuing! Publisher not interested. | |
38 | Preface | A nice Zen preface | In progress. Comments solicited from Lewis Wilson. | cope & kh | |
39 | Discussion: Do we need "PO also implements"? | Alexander hates hands-off architects. In Jeff Sutherland's team the PO builds running prototypes to keep their hands dirty. | Dropped at PO's discretion. | ||
40 | Historical References in patterns | Good patterns tell where the idea evolved from | Mark pointed this out: See https://www.agilealliance.org/agile101/practices-timeline/ | ||
41 | Audit: Pattern Recognisability | We need to audit the patterns to ensure that they are not just documentation of some part of Scrum, but that they can be indexed by the problem they solve to help Scrum teams gain insight to concrete problems | 17/10/2018 | Probably will not happen. Killed. | TBD |
42 | Audit: 3 uses | Make sure each pattern points to three independently discovered known uses using citable sources. | Has to wait for a plenary session at next PLoP (Iceland?) | Currently being done incrementally. There will probably be no further work on this. | team |
43 | Fixed Work | Copy editing and getting to Done | Buried 17/10/2018 | Done by Mark. Cope says Done. And Lachlan. | |
44 | Art work | All art work needs to be re-done; each art design should be reviewed. | 17/10/2018 | Doesn't seem to be necessary any more than we have done. | |
45 | Change ROI to Value | 5/9/2018 | Seems to be in hand | CR | |
46 | BookBinder XML generator | To translate the existing Google / scrumbook.com XML into the appropriate markup | 1/8/2018 | Ongoing mtce, but mainly done | cope |
47 | Layout | This needs to be done in collaboration with someone from our side to meet pattern community standards | Moot. We just follow the Prag Prog tools. | ||
48 | Section on ROI? | That ROI can be any kind of value. | Motivated by June Kim question in EMail | cope | |
49 | Audit: Is the PO the bad guy? | We don't want the patterns to portray the PO as the bad guy. | DF | ||
50 | Audit: Pattern Context Linking | The patterns should flow as a language and should complete each other in a way where the flow between a pair of patterns is explicit and obvious. This needs to be audited and most patterns will need updating | Has to wait for a plenary session at next PLoP (Iceland?) Did a PL walkthrough at PLoP 2018. Seemed to go well. I don't think we benefit from furtther work. | Depends on Sequences, which might help shed some light on doing this. Also needs to be coordiinated with "Create Pattern Language Graphs" (below) | team |
51 | Legal and financial framework | We need a sink for the book royalties under a tax-free dispensation. It would be good if we also could be relieved of the adminstration. | 16/5/2018 | We could maybe use Hillside as the administrator of these agreements | Check with Joe Yoder Handled with Cesário |
52 | Add low res / greyscale options to BookBinder | The book file is approaching 200 megabytes — too large to conveniently send to some people. Also, there is a chance that if we can keep it unde 12 Megabytes we may be able to support E-books using our own standard flow coupled with that of Pragmatic Bookshelf. | 13/5/2018 | cope | |
53 | ScrumPLoP things | Difference between self-managing, autopoeietic, autonomous | 13/5/2018 | Ongoing... Dropped | |
54 | Star rankings | We need Alexandrian rankings for the patterns of zero, one, or two stars | 2/5/2018 | team | |
55 | Audit: Software focus | Needs to generalise beyond software | lh | ||
56 | Edits to "Remove the Shade" | Comments from Boško indicate that there is probably more work to be done on this pattern | df, gb | ||
57 | Approach Publishers | It's important to not do this too early, as it destroys credibility with the publisher if we bring a draft manuscript ("MVP") and then spend months readying the product. | See separate sheet. | cope | |
58 | Add logic / text for Beedle dedication | 21/4/2018 | cope | ||
59 | Add ROI "chapter" | Several commenters have suggested saying more about ROI | 2018/4/21 | cope | |
60 | Chapter 5 "Building your Own Language" needs introductory text | There is an empty space before the first subheading | 2018/3/25 | In progress; first draft complete. | cope |
61 | Create Pattern Language Graphs | We need graphs like the ones in the Org Patterns book to orient people to the patterns and their relationships. Again can use the dag or dotty facilities. Google has facilities to make these "touchable" for the web deliverable | 2018/03/09 | BookBinder part is done. Still need Organisational Structure Pattern Language graph. Count as done. Will only need adjustments from this point on. | |
62 | Scrum Blitz scheduling | We'll need at least one Scrum Blitz to finalize "Overall copy edit" as well as the Audits | 2018/03/09 | One done in the second week of 2017. Another scheduled for Lisbon before Scrum PLoP. Should have two more. Probably overkill. Need only to wrap up Fixed Work. Can wait until Scrum PLoP. | cr, nbh, mdh, lh, cope |
63 | Page number needed on reference in ScrumBoard | "The Definition of Done and a Sprint Burndown Chart for Visible Status can also be posted along with the Scrum Board. [2]" [2] Kenneth S. Rubin. Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn), 2012. -> Could not find this statement in the book | 2018/03/10 | Reported by Mark | Cesário |
64 | Page number needed on reference in Information Radiator | [2] Craig Larman and Bas Vodde. Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum 1st edition. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Professional, December 18, 2008. | 2018/03/10 | Reported by Mark | Cesário |
65 | Add Set-Based Design to the language | 2018/03/10 | Depends on finishing up Visible Status. Looks good where it is | cope | |
66 | Sketches in Daily Scrum pattern | 6/1/2018 | Rough sketch proposed by Cope | ev / mdh | |
67 | Circle of Trust — is now Fertile Soil | Copy editing and getting to Done | 9/12/2017 | Lachlan and Cope like it. Other pattern updates look good. Product Organization sequence patlet updated. Cesário likes it. And Mark. | lh and hdf |
68 | Patlets Appendix | Kind of like in the Org Patterns book | 06/12/2017 | Significant progress made. BookBinder updated and most patlets framed out. Missing about a dozen patlets — June wiill work issue. | jk, cope |
69 | Involve the Managers | Copy editing and getting to Done | 18/12/2017 | Done according to Mark and Lachlan. Awaiting Cesário. | cope |
70 | The Scrum Core as Patterns (Core Scrum Sequence) | Long-awaited section. | 22/12/2017 | Done according to Lachlan and Cesário. And Mark. That went fast. | cope |
71 | Product Organization Sequence | Is maybe good for now. May change if we eliminate Involve the Managers. But it does merit another pass over it. | End of August 2016 22/12/2017 | Cope is captain. Did some repair because of bug in possessives in names. Added Involve the Mangers to the sequence. | nbh cope |
72 | Sprint Planning | Copy editing and getting to Done | 04/11/2017 | Cope says Done. Mark says Done. And Cesário. | lh |
73 | Consistent citation format | 02/11/2017 | Cope is captain. Decided on Turabian / Chicago format. | cope | |
74 | Superflous citations in Aggregate Velocity / Speciallized Velocities, and in Testable Improvements and Value Areas | The reference lists for these patterns contain references that are nowhere called out in the text. | 10/11/2017 | cr | |
75 | Pop the Happy Bubble | Copy editing and getting to Done | 14/11/2017 | Done by Cope. And Lachlan. And Cesário. And Mark. | lh |
76 | Visible Status needs to convey urgency | Also copy editing and getting to Done | 05/11/2017 | Based on a lunch discussion with Kiro-san. Done according to Cope. And Mark. And Lachlan. And Cesário!!! | evan mdh & lh |
77 | Rhythms | 22/11/2017 | O.K. by Mark. O.K. by Lachlan. O.K. by Cope. | cope | |
78 | Illegitimus non Interruptus | Copy editing and getting to Done | 09/10/2017 | Lachlan says Done. Mark, too. Cesário, too. | cope |
79 | Product Owner Team | Copy editing and getting to Done | 23/10/2017 | Lachlan says Done. Mark votes Done. And Cope says Done. | cr |
80 | Product Owner | Copy editing and getting to Done | 23/10/2017 | Mark says Done. Cesário says Done. Cope says Done. And Lachlan. | cr |
81 | Development/Delivery Team | Copy editing and getting to Done | 24/10/2017 | Cope says Done. Lachlan says Done. And Cesário. And Mark. | mdh |
82 | Daily Scrum | Remove ambiguities | 25/10/2017 | Lachlan says Done. Cesário, too. And Mark. | cope |
83 | Norms of Conduct | Copy editing and getting to Done | 28/10/2017 | Done by Mark and Cope. And Cesário. | lh |
84 | Question: Do we want to include the Harrison / Coplien patterns in the book or just reference them? | The book should stand alone but it could get pretty large if we include all the patterns we cite. Maybe just set up a spot on the web? Include half-page patlets for each, together with the quintessential photo? | 26/10/2017 | Having new patlets helps. Am inclined to stop at that. Picture pages are gone | team |
85 | Firewall | These seem to go together with the one resolved 2017/10/26. Nicked 2017/11/02. | Editors need to decide how to handle Organizational Patterns here | nbh cope | |
86 | Gatekeeper | These seem to go together with the one resolved 26/10/2017. Nicked 2/11/2017. | Editors need to decide how to handle Organizational Patterns here | nbh cope | |
87 | Patron-Supported Understanding | Scrum does not have buy-in from management. Therefore: Solution : Educate, get a patron and show result | 15/10/2017 | jeos | |
88 | Historical Retrospective | Projects too often re-invent the wheel; Therefore: Start each new project with a retrospective over similar historic projects | 15/10/2017 | Relates closely with Learning Register | cope |
89 | Learning Register | Aggregate retrospective results into a collection of foundational, long-term learnings (from PRINCE2) | 15/10/2017 | Relates closely with Historical Retrospective | cope |
90 | Automated Code Checks | Definition of DONE does not mean: "Ready to Ship." Solution: Work on automating checks of the code. | 15/10/2017 | A bit software-specific. Generalize and relate to Toyoda looms? Stop-the-line? Subsume by DoD? | jeos |
91 | Rechunked PBIs | It's tedious to have too many fine-granularity PBIs deep in the Product Backlog; Therefore: Re-factor them back together into larger items | 15/10/2017 | Ville Mäkinen | cope |
92 | Down Time | How do you support the long-term vision and give the whole team a sense of buy-in? Therefore: Fund periodic time for the team to innovate. | 15/10/2017 | cope | |
93 | Hackathon | Problem: Organisations become fixated on building to the business model and not allowing enough time for freedom of creativity. Solution: 24 hour hackathons quarterly, both internal to the organisation and external. | 15/10/2017 | gabby | |
94 | External Feature Owner | Problem : Team is dependent an an external resource in the sprint and is unsure of how it is going. Solution : Make a team member responsible for the external resource, being proactive | 15/10/2017 | jeos | |
95 | Rotating Guru | 15/10/2017 | Monica Yap | ||
96 | Definition of Done as Workflow | Team members must adhere to "Done" but also have to get their work done. Therefore: Integrate "Done" with the process, so the process tends to create results that adhere to the definition. | 15/10/2017 | New | vr |
97 | New Team Bootstrap | How to get a new team prepared to become a Scrum team | 15/10/2017 | Probably needs a lot of work | vr |
98 | Project Management | Scrum handles one product at a time, but you may have several revenue streams; Therefore: Handle several projects on a single product backlog | 15/10/2017 | Needs better name | cope |
99 | Team by the Side | The first team would have been well trained and well funded, the second and later teams would usually not get the same level of support. Therefore: Place a new team by the side of the existing Scrum team. | 15/10/2017 | This seems maybe to be a BBOM pattern | kh |
100 | Documentation, by the people for the people | Documentation is difficult to make useful to those who need it, and difficult to get from those who write it. Therefore: let those who need the documentation write it | 15/10/2017 | New | gabby |