NamePlayed ByAgeSexHeightWeightLevelMax HPCurrent InjuriesMoneyFancy PTU 1.05 Sheet - v. 1.3
Franklin GaleHB of INS18M1.8376 kg559$0
StatBase StatsFeatsBonusLevel-UpTotalSkill BackgroundCurrent Team
HP10--313Name:Stormy LeaderSleipnir
ATK505Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightningPoseidon
DEF5--16Adept SkillPathetic Skills
SDEF5--16Novice SkillCharm
Total APUsed APCurrent APLvl-Up0FeaturesEdges
AthleticsUntrained22d6Spark MasterElemental Connection: Electric
CharmPathetic11d6Storm WizardNovice Acrobatics
CombatUntrained22d6Ace TrainerIron Mind
CommandAdept44d6Elite TrainerNovice Intimidate
General EdUntrained22d6Bottled LightningAdept Command
Medicine EdUntrained22d6Commander's VoiceAdept Intimidate
Occult EdUntrained22d6
Pokémon EdUntrained22d6
Technology EdUntrained22d6
IntuitionPathetic11d6Pokémon Wishlist
SurvivalNovice33d6Bonus Skill EdgesLotad
Training FeatureFocused Training2Novice SurvivalSwablu
Trainer Advancement BonusesMilestonesDex EXPMISC EXP6Stunfisk
Bonus Features/EdgesLevelStatsAttSpAtt4012Pawniard
502Bonus Features / Edges From ClassesMankey
100Agility TrainingZangoose
200Touched (Zapdos)
Physical DescriptionBackground
Franlin has an average height and lean build. He has dark, wild hair, that tends to rise whenever he gets angry. His eyes are fierce, with the colour of striking lightning, and his face is usually addorned with a commanding glare. He usually wears dark colours, as well as a black leather jacket.15 years ago, a great storm buffeted the coast near Duskhaven, raging on for hours on end, wind howling, rains tormenting the city and the sky seemingly non-stop alight with bolts of lightning, great cracks of thunder shattering windows. Few went out that day, and few dared to go outside even the day after, afraid that the winds might pick up again and the natural, or rather, divine - as they knew a storm this harsh could not be natural - unlsaught would continue. As such, it took until late in the afternoon untill someone found the young boy, barely three years old, stranded on the beach, apparently washed up during the storm. The people who found him, some beachcombers, brought him, still unconscious, to the hospital, where he was admitted with a high fever and raised heartbeat. When they tried to hook him up to a heart monitor, the machine was fried the moment it was turned on. Though intrigued by this minor disaster, the medics set about fixing at least the boy's fever, leaving his heartbeat for what it was. When his temperature dropped to normal levels, they checked his pulse again, figuring that mayybe the fever caused his increased heartrate. However, his heart was still racing, and they applied medicine and observed him for a few days. In these dayshis heartrate only decreased a little, still well above the normal level, but the boy didn't seem to suffer, so eventually they released him, making sure that he would return within the next few months for a checkup.
When they released him, he was sent to the nearest orphanage, as he had no known relatives, heck, he hadn't awoken yet and they didn't actually know his name. As such, the boy, barely older than a toddler, awoke in a strange room, accompanied by a strange woman, with no recollection of how he got there or of ... well, anything, really. Naturally, he was scared. And through this fear, he instinctively reached for anything to protect him. What he found was ... shocking, really. He lashed out and filled the room with electrical energy, hitting the strange woman in the process. Luckily for her, the wave of electricity was barely stronger than a static shock, and all it did was give her a mild sting and raise her hair. Still, it startled the woman, though not as much as could be expected, as she was told what had happened in the hospital with the electronical equipment. The woman, the matron of the orphanage, calmed the boy down enough so that they could have a normal conversation. She tried to get some information about himself from the boy, but wound with nothing, the boy having no memories from before the storm, and all he remembered from that was "water, water everywhere while lighted and booming..." which wasn't particularly useful. As he couldn't even remember his name, the two of them came up with several until they found one that worked. The boy would from now on be known as Franklin Gale, as he was found in one of the worst storms in a decade or so.
Franklin's childhood from this point on was mmostly normal, or at least as normal as possible for an amnesiac orphan with lightning powers. He spent a good deal of time on his own, trying to better control and improve his powers. This constant charge and discharge of electricity attracted the attention of the nearby Electric Type Mon, who would often come around and see what was happening while Franklin was training. After some time, Franklin noticed that he could sense the Mon coming long before he could see or hear them, like some small voice whispered in his ear that an Electric Type was approaching. There wasn't much he could do with this info, so he filed it away for later use. One of the Mon that appeared more regularly than the others was a young Blitzle. Franklin, notcing this,tried to get to know the zebra//horse better, and the two quickly became friends. This friendship was partially based on a mutual agreement that they would help each other get stronger. The Blitzle would show Franklin how to properly use his powers, and in return the boy would train the Blitzle, who he had called Sleipnir, the same way he had seen several older boys at the orphanage do. He seemed quite proficient at this, and the Blitzle was quickly growing stronger.
Franklin interacted little with the other children at the orphanage, preferring to stick to himself and Sleipnir. As the other kids tended to avoid him, something about him that scared them all off, which seemed to grow stronger as his powers increased. This suited Franklin just fine, and he and Blitzle spent most of their time outside, enjoying all opportunities a storm was out to just sit outside and experience the raw force of nature (or the gods, depending on the severity).
It was during one of these storms that Franklin found his second partner, a Tympole that was enjoying rain as much as they were. The tadpole quickly joined Franklin's team, and he called him Poseidon. Again, Franklin trained the Mon, and both him and Sleipnir were strengthening quite quickly, Poseidon even evolving into an Palpitoad.
Some time ago, Franklin noticed the superstorms were getting sparser and sparser, until they completely stopped. Sure, it still stormed with the usual intervals, but the large, divine wrath level superstorms had suddenly just ... stopped. Although he found this curious, there was little he could do about it and he just let it go. Untill, that is, one night he received a dream, telling him to head to Mount Radiance.
PersonalityGoals / Dreams / Obsessions
Franklin is quiet, preferring to stick to himself, and he seems to somehow radiate an aura of danger and power, which means that people usually don't tend to want to hang around with him. He is irritable, and when he angers he radiates an aura of static electricity, the distinct scent of ozon filling the air and his hair rising as he charges up with power. See what, or who, exactly called him to Mount Radiance. Find out what happened to the storms.