Jobs & WorkplaceFair Taxes
Crime & Criminal Justice
Clean Air, Land & Water
Children & FamiliesCorporate WelfareDemocratic Rights
Bill # →HB196HCR77HB610HB680HB680SB61SB128SB128SB215SB215HB7HB7HB273HB273HB278HB278HB292HB292HB514HB514HB659HB678HB678SB159HB32HB32HB84HB84HB145HB145HB216HB216HB248HB248HB261HB261HB325HB325HB493HB586HB586HB596HB609HB609HB652HB652SB34SB34SB118SB118HB72HB72HB549HB549HB669HR88SB2SB44SB97SB97SB129SB129SB203SB203HB190HB190HB324HB374HB374HB375HB375HB382HB409HB409HB468HB564SB156SB156SB205HB26HB26HB293HB370HB464HB482HB662HB662SB36SB36SB101SB101SB167SB167SB240HB138HB138
Vote for a good bill: ✅
Vote against a bad bill: ✅
Vote for a bad bill: ❌
Vote against a good bill: ❌
Abstain: 😴
What bill would do →HB 196 is a constitutional amendment to prohibit the use of slavery or involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime.HCR 77 creates a task force to study the feasibility of increasing state minimum wage, which would improve information regarding this important wage protection for workers.HB 610 provides for a $28 increase in weekly unemployment benefits, creates a state back-to-work program and distributes lump sum payments as incentives to return to work. While the benefits are modest, this is a better deal for workers than other legislation of its ilk.HB 680 establishes the Louisiana Youth Jobs Tax Credit Program, which provides a tax credit to businesses that hire youth who meet specific need-based criteria.HB 680 establishes the Louisiana Youth Jobs Tax Credit Program, which provides a tax credit to businesses that hire youth who meet specific need-based criteria.SB 61 prohibits individuals from being discriminated against in a work setting on the basis of their natural hair texture or protective hairstyles like braids, locks and twists.SB 128 provides 45 minutes of uninterrupted planning time for teachers, which helps ensure they have adequate paid time to prepare lessons and perform other necessary job functions.SB 128 provides 45 minutes of uninterrupted planning time for teachers, which helps ensure they have adequate paid time to prepare lessons and perform other necessary job functions.SB 215 requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for workers with pregnancy-related medical conditions, which would help ensure safe and stable employment for these workers.SB 215 requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for workers with pregnancy-related medical conditions, which would help ensure safe and stable employment for these workers.HB 7 exempts feminine hygiene products and diapers from sales taxes, which is appropriate because taxes on these necessities are generally regressive and disproportionately affect low-income people.HB 7 exempts feminine hygiene products and diapers from sales taxes, which is appropriate because taxes on these necessities are generally regressive and disproportionately affect low-income people.HB 273 institutes a budget cap, which would arbitrarily limit the legislature's ability to increase spending on public services if needed.HB 273 institutes a budget cap, which would arbitrarily limit the legislature's ability to increase spending on public services if needed.HB 278 is part of a tax reform effort to amend the Louisiana constitution by lowering income tax brackets. It includes a trigger that automatically limits revenue for the state if tax collections go up, which places proportionally more tax burden on poor people.HB 278 is part of a tax reform effort to amend the Louisiana constitution by lowering income tax brackets. It includes a trigger that automatically limits revenue for the state if tax collections go up, which places proportionally more tax burden on poor people.HB 292 produces $90M in additional revenue from corporate income taxes by removing the ability of corporations to deduct their federal tax liabilities from their state-declared income.HB 292 produces $90M in additional revenue from corporate income taxes by removing the ability of corporations to deduct their federal tax liabilities from their state-declared income.HB 514 relates to medical marijuana taxation; this amendment would make a generally regressive sales tax permanent, shift funding to the transportation fund and excempt manufacturing utilities from taxation.HB 514 relates to medical marijuana taxation; this amendment would make a generally regressive sales tax permanent, shift funding to the transportation fund and excempt manufacturing utilities from taxation.HB 659 establishes a progressive income tax credit for people with children to help lift children and families out of poverty.HB 678 provides a tax credit for work re-entry; the amendment increases the amount of the earned income tax credit for those between the ages of 18-25 and 65+, which would help lift lower income working families out of poverty.HB 678 provides a tax credit for work re-entry; the amendment increases the amount of the earned income tax credit for those between the ages of 18-25 and 65+, which would help lift lower income working families out of poverty.SB 159 reduces the maximum allowable rate of individual income tax from 6% to 5% and removes a federal income tax deduction requirement. Enshrining income tax caps in law limits much-needed tax revenue, and this amendment lowers the cap further to 4.5%.HB 32 allows offenders who earn a bachelor's degree or a master's degree to earn an additional 90 days of credit toward a reduction of their projected good time parole supervision date.HB 32 allows offenders who earn a bachelor's degree or a master's degree to earn an additional 90 days of credit toward a reduction of their projected good time parole supervision date.HB 84 allows individuals convicted of a felony to serve on a jury, beginning five years after the completion of their sentence, which ends the undemocratic practice of excluding those with felony convictions from participating on juries.HB 84 allows individuals convicted of a felony to serve on a jury, beginning five years after the completion of their sentence, which ends the undemocratic practice of excluding those with felony convictions from participating on juries.HB 145 provides good time release options to certain people sentenced between 1997 and 2008, which reduces over-incarceration and helps individuals return to society.HB 145 provides good time release options to certain people sentenced between 1997 and 2008, which reduces over-incarceration and helps individuals return to society.HB 216 eliminates court fees for juvenile defendants, which helps reduce undue hardship on people already facing economic and social consequences from involvement in the criminal legal system.HB 216 eliminates court fees for juvenile defendants, which helps reduce undue hardship on people already facing economic and social consequences from involvement in the criminal legal system.HB 248 reduces parole and probation fees for individuals on unsupervised or inactive status to $1 or less, which reduces undue hardship on people already facing economic and social consequences after incarceration.HB 248 reduces parole and probation fees for individuals on unsupervised or inactive status to $1 or less, which reduces undue hardship on people already facing economic and social consequences after incarceration.HB 261 prevents bad actors from serving on municipal fire or police civil service boards in the 10 years following a violation; this helps ensure the integrity of fire and police oversight.HB 261 prevents bad actors from serving on municipal fire or police civil service boards in the 10 years following a violation; this helps ensure the integrity of fire and police oversight.HB 325 requires the development of guidelines and training for law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of children if their parent or guardian is arrested.HB 325 requires the development of guidelines and training for law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of children if their parent or guardian is arrested.HB 493 would reduce good time earning for people sentenced with certain weapons violations, which would unnecessarily over-incarcerate Louisianans.HB 586 creates the Office of the State Public Defender, which removes local control of public defender funds, politicizes the role of the public defender by putting the power in the hands of an executive appointee and does nothing to increase funding.HB 586 creates the Office of the State Public Defender, which removes local control of public defender funds, politicizes the role of the public defender by putting the power in the hands of an executive appointee and does nothing to increase funding.HB 596 allows for the concealed carrying of weapons, which tends to increase the risk of violent crime.HB 609 strengthens accountability of law enforcement by ending civil qualified immunity as a defense for wrongful death, physical injury or personal injury.HB 609 strengthens accountability of law enforcement by ending civil qualified immunity as a defense for wrongful death, physical injury or personal injury.HB 652 reduces penalites for the possession of marijuana, which will help reduce disproportionate criminalization of Black people for such possession.HB 652 reduces penalites for the possession of marijuana, which will help reduce disproportionate criminalization of Black people for such possession.SB 34 strengthens accountability policies for law enforcement regarding body cameras, dash cameras, and choke holds; it requires officer training on de-escalation, bias policing recognition, sudden in-custody death, crisis intervention, and the duty to intervene.SB 34 strengthens accountability policies for law enforcement regarding body cameras, dash cameras, and choke holds; it requires officer training on de-escalation, bias policing recognition, sudden in-custody death, crisis intervention, and the duty to intervene.SB 118 allows for the permitless concealed carrying of weapons, which tends to increase the risk of violent crime.SB 118 allows for the permitless concealed carrying of weapons, which tends to increase the risk of violent crime.HB 72 initiates a self-audit program under the Department of Environmental Quality, which outsources DEQ's oversight responsibility to industry and reduces transparency with respect to environmental violations.HB 72 initiates a self-audit program under the Department of Environmental Quality, which outsources DEQ's oversight responsibility to industry and reduces transparency with respect to environmental violations.HB 549 changes definitions under the Right-To-Know Law in order to exempt natural gas pipelines from certain reporting requirements.HB 549 changes definitions under the Right-To-Know Law in order to exempt natural gas pipelines from certain reporting requirements.HB 669 authorizes the Department of Environmental Quality to increase annual fees for hazardous waste generators, which increases revenue and makes the cost of making hazardous waste more appropriate to the consequences for regular people.HR 88 urges the Commissioner of Conservation to limit industrial withdrawal of groundwater from the Southern Hills Aquifer to 5 million gallons/day. The aquifer is being degraded by saltwater intrusion due to industrial overuse.SB 2 strengthens environmental quality standards by requiring all facilities to fund and operate an “air monitoring system” to record in real time air pollutant concentrations and to detect the existence of public health threats.SB 44 strengthens environmental quality standards by requiring immediate public reporting of certain hazardous toxic releases.SB 97 removes plastics from the definition of solid-waste management and removes DEQ oversight from experimental technologies that involve burning and toxic chemicals management.SB 97 removes plastics from the definition of solid-waste management and removes DEQ oversight from experimental technologies that involve burning and toxic chemicals management.SB 129 creates the Community Drinking Water Infrastructure Sustainability Act to improve infrastructure and transparency surrounding local water systems.SB 129 creates the Community Drinking Water Infrastructure Sustainability Act to improve infrastructure and transparency surrounding local water systems.SB 203 creates an ethics exemption for the Groundwater Commission, which allows industry to continue controlling, consuming, and polluting the Southern Hills Aquifer, the clean drinking water source for Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas.SB 203 creates an ethics exemption for the Groundwater Commission, which allows industry to continue controlling, consuming, and polluting the Southern Hills Aquifer, the clean drinking water source for Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas.HB 190 expands insurance coverage to maternity services provided by midwives and doulas, which helps improve maternal health and birth outcomes, particularly among higher-risk populations.HB 190 expands insurance coverage to maternity services provided by midwives and doulas, which helps improve maternal health and birth outcomes, particularly among higher-risk populations.HB 324 prohibits corporal punishment in public elementary and secondary schools.HB 374 changes requirements around the rental application process to protect individuals who were evicted as a result of COVID or last year’s hurricanes from being blacklisted from new residential housing based on their credit history.HB 374 changes requirements around the rental application process to protect individuals who were evicted as a result of COVID or last year’s hurricanes from being blacklisted from new residential housing based on their credit history.HB 375 protects survivors of sexual assault by allowing them to terminate their residential leases early; it further allows a lessor to immediately evict a sexual assault offender.HB 375 protects survivors of sexual assault by allowing them to terminate their residential leases early; it further allows a lessor to immediately evict a sexual assault offender.HB 382 expands prohibition against race and national origin discrimination to include facial characteristics. natural hair texture, and protective hairstyles like braids, locks and twists.HB 409 requires the termination of postsecondary education institution employees for failure to comply with reporting requirements relative to power-based abuse committed by or against students, which will help ensure negligent actors are held accountable.HB 409 requires the termination of postsecondary education institution employees for failure to comply with reporting requirements relative to power-based abuse committed by or against students, which will help ensure negligent actors are held accountable.HB 468 extends Medicaid coverage for one year postpartum, which helps improve maternal and infant health outcomes.HB 564 prohibits education concerning "divisive concepts" such as racism and sexism. This bill prohibits educators telling the truth about our history and drastically limits their right to free speech.SB 156 prohibits transgender students from participating on all-girls' sports teams, which unnecessarily discriminates against young people on the basis of their gender.SB 156 prohibits transgender students from participating on all-girls' sports teams, which unnecessarily discriminates against young people on the basis of their gender.SB 205 breaks up East Baton Rouge Parish's award-winning parish-wide recreation system into more racially segregated areas.HB 26 expands a stripper well severance tax exemption, costing crucial tax revenue.HB 26 expands a stripper well severance tax exemption, costing crucial tax revenue.HB 293 changes the corporate income taxes from a graduated schedule of rates dependent on income to a flat rate of 6.5%, lowering corporate income tax rates on the highest-earning corporations and costing La. $56M in lost revenue per year.HB 370 expands corporate property tax exemption terms, which amounts to a pure giveaway to industry that degrades much-needed local tax revenue.HB 464 establishes the Louisiana Capital Investment Program, which expands corporate property tax exemptions for capital investments and amounts to a pure giveaway to industry that degrades much-needed local tax revenue.HB 482 creates a "regulatory sandbox program" that allows financial companies, even those not otherwise authorized to operate in the state, to be largely exempt from state consumer protection laws for up to two and a half years.HB 662 exempts certain orphaned oil wells from having to pay severance taxes, which unnecessarily favors industry.HB 662 exempts certain orphaned oil wells from having to pay severance taxes, which unnecessarily favors industry.SB 36 authorizes a net operating loss on Louisiana corporation income to carry over to each taxable year until the loss is fully recovered, offering corporations special protection from their losses and depriving public services of corporate tax revenue.SB 36 authorizes a net operating loss on Louisiana corporation income to carry over to each taxable year until the loss is fully recovered, offering corporations special protection from their losses and depriving public services of corporate tax revenue.SB 101 makes it easier for self-storage facilities to seize property by weakening tenant notification requirements.SB 101 makes it easier for self-storage facilities to seize property by weakening tenant notification requirements.SB 167 would dedicate the first $30mm of federal COVID-19 relief money to capping orphaned oil wells, which are the responsibility of oil & gas operators to close.SB 167 would dedicate the first $30mm of federal COVID-19 relief money to capping orphaned oil wells, which are the responsibility of oil & gas operators to close.SB 240 prevents corporate taxpayers from getting refunds if their tax credits exceed their liabilities, which would help increase state revenue and reduce special treatment for corporations.HB 138 requires a yearly canvass of voters using address confirmation cards and puts those who do not respond on inactive lists, which is effectively a voter roll purge meant to limit access to voting.HB 138 requires a yearly canvass of voters using address confirmation cards and puts those who do not respond on inactive lists, which is effectively a voter roll purge meant to limit access to voting.
Sponsor →Edmond JordanBarbara CarpenterRodney LyonsJason HughesJason HughesTroy CarterKatrina JacksonKatrina JacksonRegina BarrowRegina BarrowAimee FreemanAimee FreemanBeau BeaullieuBeau BeaullieuStuart BishopStuart BishopNeil RiserNeil RiserTanner MageeTanner MageeMatthew WillardRoyce DuplessisRoyce DuplessisR AllainLarry SeldersLarry SeldersDenise MarcelleDenise MarcelleMarcus BryantMarcus BryantRoyce DuplessisRoyce DuplessisEdward JamesEdward JamesJoseph StagniJoseph StagniEd LarvadainEd LarvadainThomas PresslyTanner MageeTanner MageeBryan FontenotEdmond JordanEdmond JordanCedric GloverCedric GloverCleo FieldsCleo FieldsJohn MorrisJohn MorrisJean-paul CoussanJean-paul CoussanDanny McCormickDanny McCormickGary CarterDenise MarcelleCleo FieldsKaren PetersonEddie LambertEddie LambertFred MillsFred MillsMack WhiteMack WhiteMatthew WillardMatthew WillardStephanie HilfertyRoyce DuplessisRoyce DuplessisAimee FreemanAimee FreemanCandace NewellAimee FreemanAimee FreemanMandie LandryRaymond GarofaloBeth MizellBeth MizellMack WhiteDanny McCormickDanny McCormickNeil RiserBarry IveyBarry IveyMark WrightJean-paul CoussanJean-paul CoussanMike ReeseMike ReeseMark AbrahamMark AbrahamR AllainR AllainW. Jay LuneauLes FarnumLes Farnum
Venue →House Committee on Civil Law and Procedure VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteSenate Floor Vote, Peacock AmendmentHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Committee Judiciary B, Vote for Involuntary Deferment (good vote to kill a bad bill)House Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Committee Judiciary B VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Committee on Environmental Quality VoteSenate Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Committee on Education, Vote for Involuntary Deferment (good vote to kill a bad bill)Senate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor VoteHouse Floor VoteSenate Floor Vote
Outcome →Rejected by Committee, 5 - 9Failed House, 47 - 51Failed House, 45 - 54Passed House, 76 - 18Passed Senate, 35 - 2Passed Senate, 36 - 0Passed Senate, 34 - 2Passed House, 95 - 0Passed Senate, 36 - 0Passed House, 89 - 9Passed House, 62 - 32Passed Senate, 28 - 1Passed House, 71 - 22Failed Senate, 21 - 16 (failed to reach required two-thirds vote)Passed House, 68 - 30Passed Senate, 36 - 0Passed House, 77 - 20Passed Senate, 36 - 0Passed Senate, 27 - 10Passed House, 88 - 13Failed House, 32 - 58Passed House, 72 - 26Passed Senate, 27 - 9Failed Senate, 5 - 34Passed House, 97 - 0Passed Senate, 35 - 0Passed House, 55 - 42Passed Senate, 23 - 13Passed House, 87 - 7Passed Senate, 25 - 11Passed House, 91 - 0Passed Senate, 36 - 0Passed House, 92 - 1Passed Senate, 35 - 0Passed House, 95 - 0Passed Senate, 37 - 0Passed House, 93 - 0Passed Senate, 34 - 0Failed House, 48 - 49Passed House, 70 - 12Approved by Committee, 5 - 1Passed House, 73 - 28Passed House, 53 - 42Rejected by Committee, 2 - 4Passed House, 68 - 25Passed Senate, 20 - 17Passed Senate, 32 - 0Passed House, 97 - 1Passed Senate, 27 - 11Passed House, 73 - 28Passed House, 87 - 8Passed Senate, 33 - 4Passed House, 97 - 0Passed Senate, 35 - 1Passed House, 59 - 36Passed House, 59 - 39Rejected by Committee, 3 - 3Failed Senate, 16 - 17Passed Senate, 34 - 0Passed House, 97 - 0Passed Senate, 38 - 0Passed House, 99 - 0Passed Senate, 35 - 1Passed House, 76 - 22Passed House, 103 - 0Passed Senate, 35 - 0Failed House, 48 - 49Passed House, 87 - 10Passed Senate, 36 - 2Passed House, 96 - 0Passed Senate, 36 - 0Failed House, 46 - 48Passed House, 102 - 0Passed Senate, 37 - 0Passed House, 95 - 0Rejected by Committee, 7 - 7Passed Senate, 29 - 6Passed House, 78 - 19Passed Senate, 28 - 6Passed House, 63 - 27Passed Senate, 36 - 1Passed House, 88 - 11Passed House, 78 - 19Passed House, 77 - 20Passed House, 96 - 0Passed House, 100 - 0Passed Senate, 34 - 0Passed Senate, 37 - 0Passed House, 90 - 5Passed Senate, 25 - 12Passed House, 75 - 24Passed Senate, 35 - 0Passed House, 87 - 0Passed Senate, 20 - 16Passed House, 64 - 30Passed Senate, 28 - 10
Vetoed? →VetoedVetoedVetoedVetoedVetoedVetoedVetoedVetoedVetoedVetoed
Date of vote →5/11/20215/26/20215/20/20215/24/20216/7/20215/3/20215/25/20216/7/20215/20/20216/7/20215/25/20216/7/20215/24/20216/7/20215/19/20216/2/20214/26/20216/2/20215/26/20216/10/20215/25/20215/25/20216/10/20214/20/20214/27/20215/11/20215/4/20215/27/20214/28/20215/27/20215/13/20216/2/20214/28/20215/27/20215/13/20216/6/20214/29/20215/26/20215/20/20215/6/20216/1/20215/5/20215/11/20216/1/20215/11/20216/7/20214/29/20215/26/20214/27/20215/27/20215/13/20216/7/20215/3/20216/2/20215/18/20215/26/20214/27/20215/10/20215/3/20215/26/20214/20/20215/26/20214/26/20215/27/20215/12/20215/26/20215/4/20215/3/20215/27/20214/21/20215/12/20215/20/20214/28/20216/1/20215/25/20214/27/20215/5/20215/27/20215/11/20214/29/20216/7/20214/26/20215/19/20215/19/20214/19/20215/11/20215/26/20214/28/20215/27/20214/28/20215/19/20215/3/20216/3/20215/10/20215/18/20216/7/2021
Danny McCormickRRepHD-001
Samuel JenkinsDRepHD-002
Tammy PhelpsDRepHD-003😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Cedric GloverDRepHD-004😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Alan SeabaughRRepHD-005😴😴😴😴
Thomas PresslyRRepHD-006😴😴😴😴
Lawrence BagleyRRepHD-007😴😴😴😴😴
Raymond CrewsRRepHD-008😴😴
Dodie HortonRRepHD-009😴
Wayne McMahenRRepHD-010😴
Patrick JeffersonDRepHD-011😴😴
Christopher TurnerRRepHD-012😴
Jack McFarlandRRepHD-013😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Michael EcholsRRepHD-014😴😴😴
Foy GadberryRRepHD-015😴
Frederick JonesDRepHD-016😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Pat MooreDRepHD-017😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Jeremy LaCombeDRepHD-018😴😴😴
Francis ThompsonDRepHD-019
Neil RiserRRepHD-020😴
Travis JohnsonDRepHD-021😴😴😴😴😴😴
Gabe FirmentRRepHD-022😴😴😴
Kenny CoxDRepHD-023😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Rodney SchamerhornRRepHD-024
Lance HarrisRRepHD-025😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Ed LarvadainDRepHD-026😴😴😴
Mike JohnsonRRepHD-027😴😴
Daryl DeshotelRRepHD-028😴😴😴
Edmond JordanDRepHD-029😴😴😴😴
Charles OwenRRepHD-030
Jonathan GoudeauRRepHD-031😴
Dewith CarrierRRepHD-032😴
Les FarnumRRepHD-033😴😴😴😴😴
Wilford CarterDRepHD-034😴😴😴😴😴😴
Brett GeymannRRepHD-035😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Phillip TarverRRepHD-036😴😴😴
Troy RomeroRRepHD-037
Rhonda ButlerRRepHD-038😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Julie EmersonRRepHD-039😴😴😴😴😴
Dustin MillerDRepHD-040😴😴😴😴
Phillip DeVillierRRepHD-041😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
John StefanskiRRepHD-042😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Stuart BishopRRepHD-043😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Vincent PierreDRepHD-044😴😴😴😴
Jean-paul CoussanRRepHD-045😴😴😴😴😴
Mike HuvalRRepHD-046😴😴😴😴😴😴
Ryan BourriaqueRRepHD-047
Beau BeaullieuRRepHD-048😴😴😴😴😴
Blake MiguezRRepHD-049😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Vincent St. BlancRRepHD-050😴😴
Beryl AmedeeRRepHD-051😴😴😴
Jerome ZeringueRRepHD-052😴😴😴😴😴😴
Tanner MageeRRepHD-053😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Joseph OrgeronRRepHD-054😴😴😴😴😴😴
Bryan FontenotRRepHD-055😴😴😴
Gregory MillerRRepHD-056😴
Randal GainesDRepHD-057😴😴😴😴😴
Ken BrassDRepHD-058😴😴
Tony BacalaRRepHD-059😴😴😴
Chad BrownDRepHD-060😴😴😴😴
Denise MarcelleDRepHD-061😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Daryl AdamsIRepHD-062😴
Barbara CarpenterDRepHD-063😴😴😴😴😴😴
Valarie HodgesRRepHD-064😴😴
Barry IveyRRepHD-065😴😴😴😴
Rick EdmondsRRepHD-066😴😴😴
Larry SeldersDRepHD-067😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Scott McKnightRRepHD-068😴😴😴
Paula DavisRRepHD-069😴😴😴
Barbara FreibergRRepHD-070😴😴
Buddy MinceyRRepHD-071
Robert CarterDRepHD-072😴😴😴
William WheatRRepHD-073😴😴
Larry FriemanRRepHD-074😴
Malinda WhiteDRepHD-075😴😴😴😴😴
Robert OwenRRepHD-076😴😴
Mark WrightRRepHD-077😴
John IllgRRepHD-078😴😴😴
Debbie VillioRRepHD-079😴😴😴
Polly ThomasRRepHD-080😴😴
Clay SchexnayderRRepHD-081😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Laurie SchlegelRRepHD-082
Kyle GreenDRepHD-083😴😴😴
Timothy KernerRRepHD-084
Joseph MarinoIRepHD-085😴😴😴
Nicholas MuscarelloRRepHD-086😴😴
Rodney LyonsDRepHD-087😴😴😴😴😴
Kathy EdmonstonRRepHD-088😴
Richard NelsonRRepHD-089😴😴
Mary DuBuissonRRepHD-090😴😴😴
Mandie LandryDRepHD-091😴😴