TimestampName (First and Last)Your instructor
1. I need to find the way to a shop that a friend recommended. I would:
2. A website has a video showing how to make a special graph or chart. There is a person speaking, some lists and words describing what to do and some diagrams. I would learn most from:
3. I want to find out more about a tour that I am going on. I would:
4. When choosing a career or area of study, these are important for me:
5. When I am learning I:
6. I want to save more money and to decide between a range of options. I would:
7. I want to learn how to play a new board game or card game. I would:
8. I have a problem with my heart. I would prefer that the doctor:
9. I want to learn to do something new on a computer. I would:
10. When learning from the Internet I like:
11. I want to learn about a new project. I would ask for:
12. I want to learn how to take better photos. I would
13. I prefer a presenter or a teacher who uses:
14. I have finished a competition or test and I would like some feedback. I would like to have feedback:
15. I want to find out about a house or an apartment. Before visiting it I would want:
16. I want to assemble a wooden table that came in parts (kitset). I would learn best from:
Total number of Vs circled
Total number of As circled
Total number of Rs circled
Total number of Ks circled
1/19/2022 8:38:22Emijah FlowersMr. Nguyend. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
a. using examples from what I have done.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
1/19/2022 9:26:08Gerald LittleMr. Nguyenb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.a. seeing the diagrams.
b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
d. read books, articles and handouts.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail.
a. watch others play the game before joining in.
c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
b. a discussion with the owner.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
1/19/2022 9:54:42ashaunna barrettMr. Nguyen
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
b. listening., c. reading the words.
b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
2/2/2022 12:13:14James ColegroveMs. Townsel
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions.
b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
2/3/2022 19:50:32Jaylen YoungMs. Townselb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.a. seeing the diagrams.
b. use a map and see where the places are.
c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
b. interesting design and visual features.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs.
c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
a. using examples from what I have done.
b. a discussion with the owner.
d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
2/4/2022 11:51:11Joshua KiddMr. Nguyen
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
3/11/2022 15:23:46Eddie CcornellMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know.
c. reading the words.
d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
b. see patterns in things.
c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
3/16/2022 9:14:43Edward Cornell Mr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.a. seeing the diagrams.
d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion.
d. read books, articles and handouts.
c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
3/16/2022 12:40:13Edward CornellMr. Madisond. use a map.b. listening.
b. use a map and see where the places are.
d. Using words well in written communications.
c. use examples and applications.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in.
d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
b. advice from someone who has done it before.
3/23/2022 13:09:57Masyn Hiemstra Mr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., c. handouts, books, or readings.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
3/24/2022 19:21:03samarr collinsMr. Nguyenb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.
b. listening., c. reading the words.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
3/25/2022 12:26:46andrewMr. Nguyen
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
3/25/2022 14:05:07Natasha ManursMr. Nguyen
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
3/25/2022 14:17:02matthewmorrisMr. Nguyenb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.c. reading the words.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
b. Communicating with others through discussion.
b. see patterns in things.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
b. using a written description of my results.
a. to view a video of the property.
d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
3/26/2022 15:42:46Jamarreion carsonMr. Nguyen
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
3/28/2022 22:26:16nathan grahamMr. Nguyen
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know.
d. watching the actions.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done.
a. to view a video of the property., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
3/29/2022 8:48:54D'Arreus RandallMr. Nguyen
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
3/29/2022 9:24:11Thaliana McElrath Mr. Nguyend. use a map.
c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
3/30/2022 8:47:17Morgan HaneyMr. Nguyen
c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
4/8/2022 14:20:30Michael BlandingMs. Townsel
c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
b. see patterns in things., d. read books, articles and handouts.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
4/9/2022 15:49:37cheyenne grayamMs. Townsel
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
5/12/2022 9:25:09Anwar brooksMr. Madisond. use a map.a. seeing the diagrams.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
5/13/2022 8:51:55yahkhamayah andrichMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
5/16/2022 15:18:43Aniyah BrooksMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
b. advice from someone who has done it before.
5/17/2022 12:24:39Shawn HicksMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
b. interesting design and visual features.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
b. use the written instructions about what to do., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
5/28/2022 11:56:45jayon smithMr. Nguyend. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., d. read books, articles and handouts.
c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program.
b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
5/31/2022 13:18:00breyon burrowsMr. Nguyen
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
a. using examples from what I have done.
b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
6/22/2022 14:55:17Katie DicksonMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
6/22/2022 17:54:37Katie DIcksonMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions.
b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
6/22/2022 21:12:21Brandy LeightonMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
b. using a written description of my results., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
6/24/2022 16:21:39Joshua FrostMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
6/27/2022 12:43:18Charles LopezMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
6/27/2022 12:45:22Branson MillerMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
c. described what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
6/28/2022 6:58:41JOoselyne maldonadoMr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.a. seeing the diagrams.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
b. see patterns in things., d. read books, articles and handouts.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
6/28/2022 12:50:23TaMya PoindexterMr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
b. a discussion with the owner.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
7/1/2022 20:42:03keymyla andrews Mr. Nguyen
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
7/15/2022 8:17:43angellic dardieMs. Townsel
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
b. listening., c. reading the words.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
b. use the written instructions about what to do.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
7/15/2022 8:17:52Rocicimo ChiappelliMr. Madisond. use a map.d. watching the actions.
d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
b. see patterns in things.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
b. a discussion with the owner.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
7/15/2022 8:17:53angel dardieMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., c. reading the words.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
b. see patterns in things., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
7/15/2022 8:20:28kaliyah smithMr. Madisond. use a map.
b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done.
b. a discussion with the owner.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
7/15/2022 8:21:02kishaun davisMr. Madisond. use a map.d. watching the actions.
b. use a map and see where the places are.
b. Communicating with others through discussion.
b. see patterns in things.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong.
d. follow the diagrams in a book.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
b. use the written instructions about what to do.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
b. a discussion with the owner.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
7/15/2022 8:30:58Kaden NewsumMr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail.
a. watch others play the game before joining in.
c. described what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
7/18/2022 12:36:54dayveoun calhounMr. Madisond. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
b. use the written instructions about what to do.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done.
d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
b. advice from someone who has done it before.
7/19/2022 15:19:03Prisila PadronMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
7/20/2022 9:28:34kishaun davis Mr. Madison
c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in.
c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
d. follow the diagrams in a book.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results.
a. to view a video of the property., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
7/22/2022 19:44:40ryan numinenMr. Nguyen
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams.
b. use a map and see where the places are.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
a. like to talk things through.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
7/25/2022 8:42:37Sincere Overton Mr. Nguyen
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
8/5/2022 10:30:39Alvant JacksonMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
8/8/2022 13:34:15Shellae Young Mr. Madisond. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
8/9/2022 9:48:01ZaRhia FombyMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
8/9/2022 15:14:03janessa williamsMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
b. interesting design and visual features.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
b. use the written instructions about what to do.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property.
b. advice from someone who has done it before.
8/14/2022 14:14:58marni hawleyMr. Nguyend. use a map.c. reading the words.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
b. using a written description of my results.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
8/16/2022 9:50:13CDSSMr. Nguyen
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
8/29/2022 11:00:40billy buelMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
8/30/2022 10:26:03Norman ClarkMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
8/30/2022 14:07:12
Jameir Treyvon Andre Rogers
Mr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
8/31/2022 12:50:25Demarion Hodges Mr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
9/1/2022 8:17:57Demarion HodgesMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
b. using a written description of my results.
a. to view a video of the property., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
9/1/2022 14:14:39peyton cookMr. Nguyend. use a map.a. seeing the diagrams.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
9/2/2022 9:01:31aleah irwinMr. Nguyenb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.d. watching the actions.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
b. see patterns in things.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
c. described what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
9/6/2022 9:49:09Monica SmithMr. Nguyenb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.a. seeing the diagrams.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
b. see patterns in things.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
a. using examples from what I have done.
b. a discussion with the owner.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
9/7/2022 12:00:51Brenton HowardMr. Nguyenb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
9/8/2022 8:36:07Rachael WoodMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
b. using a written description of my results.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
9/8/2022 9:18:35Jacob SchwittersMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
9/8/2022 14:22:38Dylan Luce Mr. Madison
c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
9/9/2022 9:20:27Xavier Mitchell Mr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
9/9/2022 12:23:19Joseph WahlMr. Nguyen
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
9/9/2022 15:06:02Isaiah BrooksMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., c. handouts, books, or readings.
b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
9/15/2022 19:29:49Falana Henderson Mr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.
b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., d. Using words well in written communications.
d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
10/6/2022 8:34:07Charla JacksonMr. Madisond. use a map.
b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., d. Using words well in written communications.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
10/6/2022 12:16:03Sage La TulipMr. Madisond. use a map.d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
10/6/2022 14:44:48Jayvon MedleyMs. Townseld. use a map.d. watching the actions.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
b. using a written description of my results.
d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
10/7/2022 10:35:23Angel GalindezMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know.
d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results.
b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
10/10/2022 12:48:07Jonathan SerunjogiMr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.a. seeing the diagrams.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
a. like to talk things through.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
c. described what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
b. interesting design and visual features.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
b. a discussion with the owner.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
10/12/2022 13:52:33Candace JonesMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know.
b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
10/13/2022 8:12:27Jorrell LambertMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
10/19/2022 16:22:27Caitlin DonovanMr. Madisond. use a map.d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
b. see patterns in things.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong.
d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property.
d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
10/19/2022 23:36:06Katera Pennymon Mr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
10/20/2022 9:01:11ivoryanna townsend Mr. Madisond. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
10/20/2022 10:48:50Katera pennymon Mr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion.
c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
b. use the written instructions about what to do., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
10/21/2022 8:32:58jahymari griffinMr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.a. seeing the diagrams.
d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things.
c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
b. using a written description of my results.
b. a discussion with the owner.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
10/26/2022 14:24:10Martez TumpkinMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail.
a. watch others play the game before joining in.
c. described what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
a. using examples from what I have done.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
10/27/2022 14:23:12MiWaon JacksonMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs.
c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
b. using a written description of my results.
b. a discussion with the owner.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
10/31/2022 14:41:13terry shawMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening.
b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., d. talk with an expert about the options.
c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
b. using a written description of my results.
d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
b. advice from someone who has done it before.
11/2/2022 10:05:28Elijah Gooden Mr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.
b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
b. see patterns in things., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
11/2/2022 19:11:42Lee ScottMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
11/3/2022 9:07:16Julien PhillipsMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
11/3/2022 9:07:18Tyteanna JohnsonMr. Madisond. use a map.b. listening.
d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., b. use the written instructions about what to do., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
11/3/2022 13:01:06Pras BeeneMr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.b. listening.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
a. like to talk things through.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail.
a. watch others play the game before joining in.
c. described what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features.
c. handouts, books, or readings.
b. using a written description of my results.
a. to view a video of the property.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
11/9/2022 14:29:52Aaron HillMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., c. read about the tour on the itinerary., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
11/9/2022 14:48:54Derrell NimoxMr. Madisond. use a map.c. reading the words.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
b. Communicating with others through discussion.
c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods.
a. watch others play the game before joining in.
c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
a. using examples from what I have done.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
11/9/2022 14:48:58jason bowersMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers.
c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly.
11/9/2022 20:44:41Sydney Rex Mr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., d. use a map.
b. listening., c. reading the words.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., c. use diagrams showing the camera and what each part does.
b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
11/16/2022 17:34:49Takeyha Brown Mr. Madisond. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results.
b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
11/17/2022 11:14:17Robert HoldenMr. Madison
b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., b. use a map and see where the places are., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., d. Using words well in written communications.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions., c. use the diagrams that explain the various stages, moves and strategies in the game., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error., d. follow the diagrams in a book.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
11/17/2022 12:26:26Toikinte CamakMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions.
b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion.
a. like to talk things through., b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
b. read a print brochure that describes the options in detail., c. use graphs showing different options for different time periods., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
b. talk with people who know about the program., c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features., c. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations., d. audio channels where I can listen to podcasts or interviews.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
a. ask questions and talk about the camera and its features., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me., d. using graphs showing what I achieved.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
b. advice from someone who has done it before., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
11/28/2022 15:11:52lincoln dumondMr. Madisonb. ask my friend to tell me the directions.a. seeing the diagrams.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
a. like to talk things through.
d. talk with an expert about the options.
b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
b. used a plastic model to show me what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
b. a written report describing the main features of the project., c. an opportunity to discuss the project.
b. use the written instructions about what to do.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions.
a. using examples from what I have done.
b. a discussion with the owner.
d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.
12/1/2022 9:29:20Juanika JohnsonMr. Madison
a. find out where the shop is in relation to somewhere I know., b. ask my friend to tell me the directions., c. write down the street directions I need to remember., d. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., b. listening., c. reading the words., d. watching the actions.
a. look at details about the highlights and activities on the tour., d. talk with the person who planned the tour or others who are going on the tour.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations., b. Communicating with others through discussion., c. Working with designs, maps or charts., d. Using words well in written communications.
c. use examples and applications., d. read books, articles and handouts.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information., d. talk with an expert about the options.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., d. read the instructions.
c. described what was wrong., d. showed me a diagram of what was wrong.
a. read the written instructions that came with the program., b. talk with people who know about the program.
a. videos showing how to do or make things., b. interesting design and visual features.
a. diagrams to show the project stages with charts of benefits and costs., d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
b. use the written instructions about what to do., d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., d. diagrams, charts, maps or graphs.
a. using examples from what I have done., c. from somebody who talks it through with me.
a. to view a video of the property., b. a discussion with the owner., c. a printed description of the rooms and features., d. a plan showing the rooms and a map of the area.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., c. written instructions that came with the parts for the table.
12/1/2022 9:45:56Rodaicia Jobe-YoungMr. Madisond. use a map.
a. seeing the diagrams., d. watching the actions.
c. read about the tour on the itinerary.
a. Applying my knowledge in real situations.
b. see patterns in things., c. use examples and applications.
a. consider examples of each option using my financial information.
a. watch others play the game before joining in., b. listen to somebody explaining it and ask questions.
a. gave me something to read to explain what was wrong., c. described what was wrong.
c. start using it and learn by trial and error.
a. videos showing how to do or make things.
d. examples where the project has been used successfully.
d. use examples of good and poor photos showing how to improve them.
a. demonstrations, models or practical sessions., b. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers., c. handouts, books, or readings.
a. using examples from what I have done., b. using a written description of my results.
a. to view a video of the property., c. a printed description of the rooms and features.
a. diagrams showing each stage of the assembly., d. watching a video of a person assembling a similar table.