Ecosystem-Based Marine and Coastal Management group (Eco-MCM) researchs and projects
The sustainable use of natural resources in coastal zone: environmental protection areas as an instrument for socio-environmental conservationCritically analyze APAs as an instrument to support the policies and actions development focusing on socio-environmental sustainability in the coastal zoneSemi-structured interviews
Expert opinion techniques
Socio-environmental sustainability index based on ecosystem-based management (6 coastal APAs)
Sustainable use
Environmental Protection area
Coastal zone
Ecosystem-based management
Prestes (doctoral thesis in progress)
Sea Organization: a systemic view of Brazilian Marine Spacial PlanningFrom a systemic view, describe an integrated and complete concept of MSP in the country to visualize the main needs for the advancement of Marine Space Planning in BrazilBibliographic review (bibliometrics)Marine Spacial Planning
Public policy
Ecosystem-based management
Ribeiro (doctoral thesis in progress)
The decision-making path for coastal zone management: governance for implementationUnderstand and describe the decision-making processes for Brazilian coastal management, as well, the implementation of actions through a systemic view. Develop a model for integrating technical-scientific components analyzes (information / knowledge base) and governance (different actors / perspectives / interests) that modulate all structure functioning.Conceptual frameworks of Complexity Theory, Post-Normal Science, Socioecological Systems (SES), Adaptive Governance and the Grounded Theory (TFD) in its constructivist versionDecision-making
Coastal governance
Coastal management
Post-normal science
Costa (doctoral thesis in progress)
The integrated ecosystem assessment as information base for coastal and marine managementDevelopment of a methodological proposal for implementing an a coastal and marine management ecosystem approach, based on the Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) applied to the state of Santa CatarinaIntegrated Ecosystem AssessmentEcosystem-based management
Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
Integrated Coastal Management
Sardinha (doctoral thesis in progress)
River basins environmental zoning to support integrated coastal management: a case study in Southern Brazil Define a methodology for a governance system that should be used to ensure, at the same time, ecosystem services management and socioeconomic development in coastal zone watershedDefinition of a environmental zoning methodology and a ecosystem-based management that can be replicated in other coastal watersheds. Identification of the necessary pillars for the method application and management in coastal region hydrographic basins of the in an integrated mannerCoastal management
Ecosystem-based management
Rovedder (doctoral thesis in progress)
Ecosystem modeling as a subsidy for watershed management: the Mirim watershed case - São Gonçalo, RSDevelop a methodology for Planning Units (UP) definition adapted to the hydrographic basins management Integration of spatial models between uses, ecosystem services and vulnerability of environmentsSpace models
Ecosystem management
Hydrographic basin
Planning units
Gianuca (doctoral thesis in progress)
Investigating the role of traditional, indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) and its contribution to the governance foundation of coastal managementRecognize and value the role of traditional knowledge for coastal management, understand how these (and others knowledge systems) can improve the scientific information developed for decision making.Quantitative analysis of management instruments, literature review of concepts that support these instruments (ecosystem services and NCP, for example), survey of demonstrative cases where the ILK increased scientific knowledge for management.Coastal management
Governance instruments
Traditional knowledge
Pereira (doctoral thesis in progress)
Transdisciplinary Ecoformation: horizons for Local Coastal Co-Management SystemsThe deepening of discussions on Coastal Management as an applied psychosocioecological science.
As well as the construction of a guiding framework that aims at possibilities for the development of local transdisciplinary eco-formative processes in order to work the autonomy of local coastal communities in Co-Building their own local Coastal Management.
Guided literature review and their records, concept dialogues that will support the development of the thesis, conceptual hybridizations, construction of other languages, method hybridizations (transdisciplinary complex systemic, dialectical historical materialism, etc.) and analysis models (Odum, 1988 , and Oakerson, 1992)Geography,
Coastal Management,
Transdisciplinary Ecoformation,
Political Ecology,
Human Ecology,
Marques (doctoral thesis in progress)
Governance of archaeological heritage in coastal
Understand how archaeological heritage governance works in coastal areas, identifying good practices that can be adapted for Brazilian coastal archaeological heritage governance, using the Campeche Island (Florianópolis) as a study case.Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)
Decalogue (Barragán, 2014)
DPSIR model
SWOT analysis
Semi-structured interviews
Coastal Management
Campeche Island
SARDINHA, GABRIELA DECKER. Governança do patrimônio arqueológico em áreas costeiras. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gerenciamento Costeiro) – Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, 2020.
Systemic approach for water classification in coastal aquatic environmentsProspecting methodological alternatives that can support the process of framing water bodies as a planning tool in coastal environments Identification of functional units in the Low Patos Lagoon Estuary study case linked to their ecosystems services, uses / benefits and benefited social actors
Ecosystems spatial distribution maps
Selection of potential indicators to qualify the services supply
Coastal aquatic systems
Water bodies framework
Water classification
Ecosystem services
Water quality parameters
CUNHA, JOYCE GABRIELA. Abordagem sistêmica para a classificação das águas ambientes aquáticos costeiros. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gerenciamento Costeiro, Instituto de Oceanologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, 2020.
Coastal environments in the estuarine fluvial zone: Ecosystem basis for planning and management in the upper Lagoa dos Patos EstuaryThe objective of this work was to diagnose the importance and the role of environmental systems in estuarine fluvial areas, through a case study, to subsidize adequate environmental management. Semi-structured interviews
Field observations
Expert opinion techniques
DPSIR model
Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)
Ecological functions
Ecosystem services
Ecosystem basis
Upper Patos Lagoon Estuary
BUBOLZ, Rafaella Peglow. Ambientes litorâneos na zona fluvial estuarina: Base ecossistêmica para planejamento e gestão no alto Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. 2020. 120 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gerenciamento Costeiro) – Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, 2020.
Ecosystem-based Metrics for the Characterization and Management of Coastal LagoonsThe goal of this work is to propose an index based on the relationships between the different beneficiaries of the environmental services provided by Mirim Lagoon, as an alternative approach to the traditional conflict analysis.Spatialize and characterize the Lagoa Mirim environmental systems and adjacent municipalities
Build and spatialize the Compatibilization Demand Index (CDI)
Detect the beneficiaries and overlaping systems of uses and competition for environmental services
Ecosystem-based management
Mirim Lagoon
Environmental services
Ecosystem services
NYLAND DO AMARAL RIBEIRO, J., SILVA DA SILVA, T., ASMUS, M., OLIVEIRA, MA. A., HIROMI YAMAZAKI, P., MELGAREJO MONTENEGRO SILVEIRA V., 2020. Ecosystem-based Metrics for the Characterization and Management of Coastal Lagoons. Revista Costas, 2(1): 105-144. doi: 10.26359/costas.0602
Information Base and its influence on governance decision making in the Brazilian coastal territoryThe chapter addresses the need and the importance of different knowledge systems (scientific and traditional) integrating in the coastal governance decisions, as well as, we present a systemic model for integrating this information.Conceptual frameworks of Complexity Theory, ecosystem based-management, governance, coastal management, participation, knowledge systems. Governance
Coastal zone
Integrated coastal management
COSTA, J. C. da; ASMUS, M. L. Base de Informações e sua influência nas tomadas de decisões de governança no território costeiro brasileiro. In: MUEHE, D.; LINS-DE-BARROS, F. M.; PINHEIRO, L. (orgs.) Geografia Marinha: oceanos e costas na perspectiva de geógrafos. Rio de Janeiro: PGGM, 2020. p. 438-455. ISBN 978- 65-992571-0-0
Public administration and brazilian coastal management: Reformism and late modernityThis article seeks to analyze the possible effects of these institutional movements on plans and structures aimed at Brazilian coastal
management, seen as an integral part of the public policies established for planning and
management in this field.
The methodological approach developed is descriptive and interpretive, with qualitative data that try to characterize the National Coastal Management Program (GERCO) from the stages of a public policy cycle, observing the presence (or absence) of elements of each model of administration in its development.Coastal managemen
Public administration models
Public policy cycle,
National Coastal Management Program
Brazilian public administration
COSTA, J.C; ASMUS, M.L; SALES, G. Administração Pública e Gestão Costeira no Brasil: Reformismo e Modernidade Postergada. Public Administration and Brazilian Coastal Management: Reformism and late Modernity. Revista Costas, no prelo, 2020.
Multimethodological approach for conservation units implementationBased on a systemic approach to
environmental attributes and governance, the multi-methodological application proposed
by this research made it possible to identify the main points to be observed for the Turtle’s
Bay Municipal Environmental Protection Area, in Vitória/ES, a case representative of the
theme, can achieve its creative goals
Semi-structured interviews
Field observations
Expert opinion techniques
DPSIR model
Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)
SWOT analysis
Protected areas
Systemic approach
GONÇALVES, Rafael Kuster. Enfoque multimetodológico para a implementação de Unidades de Conservação. 2019. 232 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gerenciamento Costeiro) – Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande.
Governance dynamics in conservation units for sustainable use: Estação Ecológica de Carijós, Florianópolis, Brazil, a case study.To identify, through the analysis of a Functional Model, the main influence, componentes and control aspects of a Systemic Environmental Governance Conservation Units, taking ESEC Carijós as a study case.Development of a Basic Analysis Model - with interaction between the vertices of Systemic Environmental Governance (numerical classification used to evaluate the results)Conservation units
Environmental education
Coastal Areas
Participative management
Ecosystem Services
Carijós Ecological Station (ESEC Carijós)
ABRAHÃO, GISELE ROSA. Dinâmica da governança em Unidades de Conservação: Estudo de caso da Estação Ecológica de Carijós, Florianópolis. Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, Florianópolis, 2018. 181 p.

ABRAHÃO, G.R., M.L. ASMUS, & W. FERREIRA. 2019. Dinâmica da Governança em Unidades de Conservação: Estudo de Caso da Estação Ecológica de Carijós, Florianópolis, Brasil. Revista Costas, 1(1): 1-18
Governance system in Conservation UnitsAcknowledge and assess the Conservation Units (UC) governance system with a focus on its components related to environmental education, management and local structureSemi-structured qualitative interviews with social key representatives from ESEC Carijós
Conservation units
Environmental education
Participative management
ABRAHÃO, G.R., ASMUS,M. Sistema de governança em Unidades de Conservação. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente. Edição especial: X Encontro Nacional de Gerenciamento Costeiro. Vol. 44, fev 2018.
Ecological relevance of urban green areas in coastal municipalities: a case study in Rio Grande, RS, extrem Brazilian South Providing subsidies for initiatives based on ecosystems management, the present study characterized the ecosystem basis of a coastal relevant green area located in Rio Grande, extreme south of Brazil. The Bolaxa Urban Park, created in 2011, for conservation, public use and environmental education purposes.Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)
Semi-structured qualitative interviews with social key representatives from
Bolaxa Urban Park DPSIR model
Coastal green areas
Ecosystem services
Ecosystem basis for management
PEREIRA, P. M. F. Áreas verdes de relevância ecológica em municípios costeiros: um estudo de caso em Rio Grande, RS, Brasil. Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Rio Grande-FURG, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gerenciamento Costeiro, Rio Grande, p.134. 2018
Ecosystem Basis for Artisanal Fishing: Case Study in the Low Estuary of
the Patos Lagoon (BELP), RS, Brazil
The present work characterized the ecosystem base that subsidizes the artisanal fishing activity in the
Low Estuary of Lagoa dos Patos (BELP, in Portuguese) utilizing the mullet fishery (Mugil liza) as
a representative one.
Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)
Conceptual energy models
Semi-structured qualitative interviews with social key representatives from Low Estuary of
the Patos Lagoon (BELP) region
Field observations
Expert opinion techniques
Ecosystem-based management
Ecosystem services
Artisanal fishing
Baixo Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos
COSTA, J. C; ASMUS, M.L. Base Ecossistêmica da atividade pesqueira artesanal: Estudo de caso no Baixo Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos (BELP), RS, Brasil. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, v.44, p. 51-75, 2018.
Simple to be Useful: Ecosystem Base for Coastal ManagementThe present work proposes, presenting practical results, a methodological path of six stages: 1. Identifjcation of ecosystems as “Management Units”; 2. Mapping, modeling and simulating ecosystems and their connections; 3. Identifjcation and classifjcation of ecosystem services; 4. Defjnition of values and quality of services; 5. Identifjcation of related management procedures; and 6. Integration with policies and other management and legal toolsA methodological path of six stages: 1. Identifjcation of ecosystems as “Management Units”;
2. Mapping, modeling and simulating ecosystems and their connections; 3. Identifjcation and classifjcation
of ecosystem services; 4. Defjnition of values and quality of services; 5. Identifjcation of related management
procedures; and 6.
Ecosystem Based Management
Ecosystem services
Ecosystem services matrix
ASMUS, ML, NICOLODI, J, EYMAEL, M, SCHERER, G, GIANUCA, K, COSTA, JC, GOERSCH, L, HALLAL, G, VICTOR, K., WASHINGTON, LS, RIBEIRO, JN DO A, PEREIRA, R, BARRETO, BT, FIGUEIREDO, L, SOUZA, BBG, MASCARELLO, M, VILLWOCK, A. 2018. Simples para ser útil: base ecossistêmica para o gerenciamento costeiro. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 44: 4-19. DOI - 10.5380/dma.v44i0.54971
Governance in sustainable use conservation units in the coastal zoneThis research intends to contribute to the development of
good governance in the Lagoa Verde EPA, from the perspective of the historical, cultural,
economic, political and environmental aspects that permeate the CU
Semi-structured qualitative interviews with social key representatives (face-to-face observation in the Management Council)
Field observations
Expert opinion techniques
Conservation Units
Sustainable Use
Integrated Coastal Management
Environmental Protection Area
VICTOR, Kamila Debian. Governança em Unidades de Conservação de Uso
Sustentável na Zona Costeira. 154 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gerenciamento
Costeiro) – Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande,
Application of the Ecosystem Base in the Environmental Management of PortsThis paper discusses a proposal for integrated and multidisciplinary management for the different port sectors and services of the port of São Francisco do Sul (located in the North coast of Santa Catarina State), Brazil.Semi-structured interviews
Field observations
Expert opinion techniques
DPSIR model
Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)
Ecosystem services
Ecosystem-based management
Port of São Francisco do Sul
Babitonga Bay
ANDRADE, L. F.G; ASMUS, M.L.; ONETTI, J.G; SCHERER, M.G.E Aplicação da base ecossistêmica na gestão ambiental de portos. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, v.44, p. 76-103, 2018.
Ecosystem Basis for Artisanal Fishing: Case Study in the Low Estuary of
the Patos Lagoon (BELP), RS, Brazil
The present work characterized the ecosystem base that subsidizes the artisanal fjshing activity in the
Low Estuary of Lagoa dos Patos (BELP, in Portuguese) utilizing the mullet fjshery (Mugil liza) as
a representative one.
Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)
Conceptual energy models
Semi-structured qualitative interviews with social key representatives from Low Estuary of
the Patos Lagoon (BELP) region
Field observations
Expert opinion techniques
Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)
Conceptual energy models
Semi-structured qualitative interviews with social key representatives from Low Estuary of
the Patos Lagoon (BELP) region
Field observations
Expert opinion techniques
COSTA, Julliet Correa da. Base ecossistêmica da atividade pesqueira artesanal: estudo de caso no Baixo Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos (belp), RS, Brasil.. 123 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gerenciamento Costeiro) – Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, 2017.
The risk to lose ecosystem services due to climate change: A South American case.An assessment of the environmental risk generated by climate threats in coastal ecosystems was carried out through a South American case study developed on the Southern coast of Brazil – Estuary of Patos Lagoon.Implementation of a model that estimates the risk of losing ecosystem services used by different stakeholder groups as a function of (1) the climate threat, (2) the value of the service defined by the stakeholder perception, and (3) the vulnerability of each group in relation to a possible service loss. Global climate change
Ecosystem services
Risk calculation
Risk model
Patos Lagoon Estuary
ASMUS, M. L.; NICOLODI, J.; ANELLO, L. S.; GIANUCA, K. The risk to lose ecosystem services due to climate change: A South American case. Ecological Engineering, in press. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng. (2017).
Application of ecosystem models in coastal lagoon systems to support managementThis study aims to identify, classify and analyze the consequences of conflicts, through the evaluation of important areas in terms of human uses and potential risks to environmental systems in the Mirim-Mangueira-Patos system, Southern Rio Grande do Sul.InVEST and spatial information from socio-economic sectors and environmental systemsEnvironmental systems
Ecosystem models
Overlapping uses
Ecosystem risk assessment
Coastal lagoons
RIBEIRO, J.N. do A. Aplicação de modelos ecossistêmicos em sistemas de lagoas costeiras como suporte à Gestão. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sensoriamento Remoto) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, RS, 213p, 2017
Space-temporal evaluation of relations between the urban growth and ecosystem dynamics in coastal zonesThis study analyzed the spatial and temporal relations between the urban growth and the dynamic of ecosystems in coastal zones, taking, as a case study, the city of Garopaba, located in the south central coast of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. For that, the evolution of urban sprawl and soil cover was estimated for a period of 10 years, evaluating the effect of coastal urban uses over ecosystems and its services.Field observations
geoprocessing techniques
Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)
Coastal urbanization
Ecosystem services
Coastal management
HALLAL, Gabriel Prates. Avaliação espaço-temporal das relações entre o crescimento urbano e a dinâmica ecossistêmica em zonas costeiras. 92 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gerenciamento
Costeiro) – Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande,
Uses and conflicts in the aquatic domain and at margins in the Lagoa dos Patos Low Estuary, RSIdentify conflicts and main uses analysis in the aquatic and margins domain in the Lagoa dos Patos Low EstuaryCharacterization and spatialization, through Google Earth vectorization, of natural and anthropic uses relating the main natural ecosystems to anthropic uses

Ecosystem services
Overlapping uses
Geographic Information System
Coastal zone
RIBEIRO, JÚLIA NYLAND DO AMARAL. Usos e conflitos nas margens e no domínio aquático no baixo estuário da Lagoa dos Patos, RS. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação em Oceanologia) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Instituto de Oceanografia, Rio Grande / RS, 2015. 74 f.
Uses and conflicts in the water layer and in Lagoa da Conceição coastline, Florianópolis-SCIdentification and characterization of uses and conflicts in aquatic coastal environments and establishment planning subsidies and management actions, through a case study in Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis, SCThe Lagoa da Conceição lagoon system and associated ecosystems were mapped, as well as dominant uses and conflicts and ecosystem services that maintain them were characterized (Ecosystem Services Matrix (ESM)Uses and conflicts
Ecosystem services
Spatial planning
Coastal management
Coastal aquatic ecosystems
Lagoa da Conceição
CUNHA, Joyce Gabriela. Usos e conflitos no espelho d’água e na linha de costa da Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis-SC. 2020. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - – Curso Bacharelado em Oceanografia, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2015.
Modelling to evaluate the coastal governance in BrazilDevelop a conceptual model that can represent coastal areas governance, expressing it as a logical and functional system.Conceptual energy models
Decalogue (Barragán, 2014)
Critical Component Index for Coastal Governance
SWOT analysis
Coastal management system
Conceptual model
Critical Component Index for Coastal Governance
Scherer; Amus (2021)
Critical gaps in the coastal ecological and economic zoning implementation after 30 years of Brazilian Coastal Management PolicyTo evaluate the ZEEC implementation processes analysis in the context of the 17 coastal brazilian states Conceptual model based on Odum's ecosystem modelling Coastal Ecological and Economic Zoning
Coastal Management
Brazilian Coastal Management Plan
Coastal Policy Implementation
Nicolodi et al. 2021
New sustainability index for protected areas: a case study in southern BrazilPropose an ecosystem-based socio-environmental sustainability index for protected areasSystemic-based socio-environmental sustainability assessment model Sustainability indexes
Protected areas
Systemic models
Ecosystem services
Prestes; Asmus; Silva (in prep.)
Socio-Environmental Sustainability of the Cadiz Bay Natural Park and area of influence Understand the expression of socio-environmental sustainability of the Natural Park of the Bay of Cádiz and area of influence from a systemic analysis of a qualitative and quantitative approachAdaptation of the Systemic-Based Socio-Environmental Sustainability Assessment Model for Spanish parks Socio-environmental sustainability
Protected areas
Systemic models
Ecosystem services
Prestes (in prep.)
Systemic Based Port Environmental Management: case study applied to the Porto Alegre Port (Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil)Apply the systemic based methodologies to support the development of an environmental management proposal for Porto Alegre portMethodology for Identifying Significant Environmental Aspects and ImpactsPort environmental management
System-based management
Environmental aspects
Environmental systems
Prestes et al. (in prep.)
Ecosystem-based metrics for integrated wetland assessment: a comparative study between the Cadiz Bay (Spain) and the Lagoa dos Patos Estuary (Brazil)Propose methodologies to support the management and environmental systems qualitative and quantitative assessment in wetlands (salt marshes and wetlands) and their ecosystem servicesMetrics developed according to the concepts of an ecosystem-based approach integrated with GIS, exploring the relationship between the exclusivity of the service provided and the beneficiary's dependence, as well as the risk of loss of services, associated with human activities and the pattern of use and occupation of the soil.Wetlands areas
Ecosystem approach
Spatially explicit models
Aquino et al. (in prep.)