A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH | AI | AJ | AK | AL | AM | AN | AO | AP | AQ | AR | AS | AT | AU | AV | AW | AX | AY | AZ | BA | BB | BC | BD | BE | BF | BG | BH | BI | BJ | BK | BL | BM | BN | BO | BP | BQ | BR | BS | BT | BU | BV | BW | BX | BY | BZ | CA | CB | CC | CD | CE | CF | CG | CH | CI | |
1 | Key | Item Type | Publication Year | Author | Title | Publication Title | ISBN | ISSN | DOI | Url | Abstract Note | Date | Date Added | Date Modified | Access Date | Pages | Num Pages | Issue | Volume | Number Of Volumes | Journal Abbreviation | Short Title | Series | Series Number | Series Text | Series Title | Publisher | Place | Language | Rights | Type | Archive | Archive Location | Library Catalog | Call Number | Extra | Notes | File Attachments | Link Attachments | Manual Tags | Automatic Tags | Editor | Series Editor | Translator | Contributor | Attorney Agent | Book Author | Cast Member | Commenter | Composer | Cosponsor | Counsel | Interviewer | Producer | Recipient | Reviewed Author | Scriptwriter | Words By | Guest | Number | Edition | Running Time | Scale | Medium | Artwork Size | Filing Date | Application Number | Assignee | Issuing Authority | Country | Meeting Name | Conference Name | Court | References | Reporter | Legal Status | Priority Numbers | Programming Language | Version | System | Code | Code Number | Section | Session | Committee | History | Legislative Body |
2 | 89U8TMXX | journalArticle | 2015 | Ширяева, О. С. | История изучения и видовое богатство агарикоидных базидиомицетов Свердловской области | Вестник Оренбургского государственного педагогического университета. Электронный научный журнал | 2303-9922 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24986989 | Проанализированы опубликованные сведения о биоте агарикоидных базидиомицетов Свердловской области. Представлены количественные данные по видовому богатству агарикоидных грибов различных зональных и географических подразделений территории. В литературе для области указано 763 вида грибов. Наиболее изучены горные леса южнотаежной подзоны, для них известно 706 видов. На локальном уровне наибольшим видовым богатством характеризуется территория Висимского заповедника, для которого в литературе приводится 651 вид. Данные о видовом составе шляпочных грибов остальной территории фрагментарны. The information on current agaricoid fungi’s diversity of Sverdlovsk region was obtained by compiling species lists from the literature. In all, 763 species of agaricoid fungi was given in the literature for the region under study. Southern taiga mountain forests are the most intensively studied. 706 species of agaricoid fungi are revealed here. In this area the largest species list was compiled for Visim Nature Reserve (651). The data on species composition of pileate fungi in other localities is incomplete. | 2015 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 49–58 | 4 | Russian | Number: 4 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\WPV8E9SW\Ширяева_2015 История изучения и видовое богатство агарикоидных базидиомицетов Свердловской.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; Western Siberia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | IAHP7DMW | book | 2001 | Перова, Н. В.; Горбунова, И. А. | Макромицеты юга Западной Сибири | 5-7692-0460-5 | 2001 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 158 | Изд-во СО РАН | Новосибирск | Russian | Institution: Изд-во СО РАН | D:\d\JURISM\storage\YFK7TN7T\Перова и Горбунова - 2001 - Макромицеты юга Западной Сибири.djvu | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Tomsk Oblast; _agaricoid; _gasteroid; Altai Republic; Kemerovo Oblast; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia | Седельникова, Н. В. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | FKLYW93Z | journalArticle | 2008 | Tomšovský, Michal | Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic position of Trametes cervina and description of a new genus Trametopsis | Czech Mycology | 12110981, 18051421 | 10.33585/cmy.60101 | http://www.czechmycology.org/doi/cmy.60101.php | Trametes cervina (Schwein.) Bres. differs from other species of the genus by remarkable morphological characters (shape of pores, hyphal system). Moreover, an earlier published comparison of the DNA sequences within the genus revealed considerable differences between this species and the remaining European members of the genus Trametes. These results were now confirmed using sequences of nuclear LSU and mitochondrial SSU regions of ribosomal DNA. The most related species of Trametes cervina are Ceriporiopsis aneirina and C. resinascens. According to these facts, the new genus Trametopsis Tomšovský is described and the new combination Trametopsis cervina (Schwein.) Tomšovský is proposed. | 7/4/2008 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 1/5/20 20:51 | 1-Nov | 1 | 60 | Czech Mycol. | en | DOI.org (Crossref) | Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\7NDYGPIA\Tomšovský_2008 Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic position of Trametes cervina and description.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Kemerovo Oblast; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 8WGAK7RD | journalArticle | 1973 | Бондарцева, М. А. | К флоре трутовых грибов Сибири. 1. Трутовики Алтая | Новости систематики низших растений | 1973 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 127–133 | 10 | Russian | D:\d\JURISM\storage\DLXSQZYN\Бондарцева_1973 К флоре трутовых грибов Сибири. 1. Трутовики Алтая.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | MCWRAUJY | book | 1983 | Pegler, David N. | The genus Lentinus. A world monograph | 0-11-242627-1 | 1983 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 281 | 10 | Kew Bulletin Additional Series | Her Majesty's Stationery Office | London | en | Institution: Her Majesty's Stationery Office | D:\d\JURISM\storage\DBCYADRV\Pegler_1983 The genus Lentinus. A world monograph.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Kamchatka Krai; Karelia; Khabarovsk Krai; Krasnodar Krai; Lentinus; Murmansk Oblast | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | BVS4958A | journalArticle | 1999 | Kovalenko, A. E. | The arctic-subarctic and alpine-subalpine component in the Hygrophoraceae of Russia | Kew Bulletin | 10.2307/4110865 | http://www.jstor.org/stable/4110865 | Twenty-four species belonging to tneHygrophoraceae (Basidiomycetes) are recorded from high latitudes and altitudes in Russia. These species are placed within the list of all the Russian Hygrophoraceae and systematically arranged. Gliophorus citrinopallidus is proposed as a new combination. | 1999 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 9/9/21 9:47 | 695–704 | 3 | 54 | Kew Bull. | JSTOR | en | Institution: JSTOR Number: 3 tex.ids: Kovalenko1999_KB | D:\d\JURISM\storage\IIZ249ZC\Kovalenko_1999 The arctic-subarctic and alpine-subalpine component in the Hygrophoraceae of.pdf; D:\d\JURISM\storage\JFFTBY5T\Kovalenko - 1999 - The Arctic-Subarctic and Alpine-Subalpine componen.pdf | Komi Republic; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Kamchatka Krai; Krasnodar Krai; Murmansk Oblast; Buryatia; Chukotka AO; Yamalo-Nenets AO | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Z6PBCDXT | journalArticle | 2017 | Vaishlya, Olga B.; Kudashova, Nadezhda N.; Gashkov, Sergei I.; Karbysheva, Kseniia S.; Bakhtinskaya, Irina A. | First list of macromycetes forming ectomycorrhizas in cedar and pine forests of Tomsk region of West Siberia | International Journal of Environmental Studies | 0020-7233 | 10.1080/00207233.2017.1294422 | https://doi.org/10.1080/00207233.2017.1294422 | The study was conducted during 2004–2015 in West Siberia natural forests. The Tomsk region mycobiota is almost unstudied though this region is considered to be an accumulation zone for North American, European, and Far East fungi species. Sampling was implemented in pure cedar or pine stands. Molecular data and microscoping identified 283 macromycetes species, which form ectomycorrhizas with Pinus sibirica and Pinus sylvestris. | 9/3/2017 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 9/9/21 9:48 | 12/29/19 18:29 | 752-770 | 5 | 74 | Int. J. Environm. Stud. | en | Taylor and Francis+NEJM | Citation Key Alias: Vaishlya2017IJES Number: 5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\VM5ND6F5\Vaishlya_etal_2017 First list of macromycetes forming ectomycorrhizas in cedar and pine forests of.pdf; D:\d\JURISM\storage\6PVDHEVU\Vaishlya и др. - 2017 - First list of macromycetes forming ectomycorrhizas.pdf | Western Siberia; Tomsk Oblast; _agaricoid; _gasteroid | cedar; ectomycorrhiza; pine; West Siberia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 6EYVRVDN | journalArticle | 2009 | Hausknecht, Anton; Kalamees, Kuulo; Knudsen, Henning; Mukhin, Viktor | The genera Conocybe and Pholiotina (Agaricomycotina, Bolbitiaceae) in temperate Asia | Folia Cryptogamica Estonica | 1736-7786 | https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/FCE/article/view/13671 | 44 taxa of Conocybe and Pholiotina are reported from Siberia, Georgia and some of the countries in Middle Asia mostly based on the authors own collections. Three of them are described as new species, viz. C. semidesertorum Hauskn. & Kalamees, C. obliquopora Hauskn. & Kalamees and C. uralensis Hauskn., Knudsen & Mukhin. A further two and a variety are probably also new but not validly described due to insufficient material. A number of species are new records for Asia, or for Siberia, or for one of the four countries, Georgia, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. A number of the species are rarely reported presumably due to their main distribution being in dry, grassy steppezones with soils of high pH values. This mycogeographical element includes e.g. C. enderlei, C. graminis, C. herbarum, C. leporina and C. subxerophytica, so far mostly or only known from the steppezone in eastern and central Europe through to Middle Asia. Pholiotina altaica and P. procera from Altaj are redescribed from the types. Several taxa are provided with macro- and/or microscopic data, taxonomic descriptions and drawings of microscopic features. The taxonomic reliability of the taxa presented in the literature up to the present time has been reviewed critically. | 2009 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 9/9/21 9:46 | 12/10/19 21:36 | 23-47 | 45 | Folia Cryptog. Estonica | en | ojs.utlib.ee | tex.ids: Hausknecht.etal2009_FCE_45a | D:\d\JURISM\storage\VN22YCZ3\Hausknecht_etal_2009 The genera Conocybe and Pholiotina (Agaricomycotina, Bolbitiaceae) in temperate.pdf; D:\d\JURISM\storage\U32RYXRG\Hausknecht и др. - 2009 - The genera Conocybe and Pholiotina (agaricomycotin.pdf | Western Siberia; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Irkutsk Oblast; Khakassia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Kamchatka Krai; Khabarovsk Krai; Buryatia; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Sakha Republic; Sakhalin Oblast | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | MFGAGF9T | journalArticle | 2014 | Morozova, O.V.; Noordeloos, M.E.; Vila, J. | Entoloma subgenus Leptonia in boreal-temperate Eurasia: towards a phylogenetic species concept | Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi | 0031-5850 | 10.3767/003158514X681774 | https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/10.3767/003158514X681774 | This study reveals the concordance, or lack thereof, between morphological and phylogenetic species concepts within Entoloma subg. Leptonia in boreal-temperate Eurasia, combining a critical morphological examination with a multigene phylogeny based on nrITS, nrLSU and mtSSU sequences. A total of 16 taxa was investigated. Emended concepts of subg. Leptonia and sect. Leptonia as well as the new sect. Dichroi are presented. Two species (Entoloma percoelestinum and E. sublaevisporum) and one variety (E. tjallingiorum var. laricinum) are described as new to science. On the basis of the morphological and phylogenetical evidence E. alnetorum is reduced to a variety of E. tjallingiorum, and E. venustum is considered a variety of E. callichroum. Accordingly, the new combinations E. tjallingiorum var. alnetorum and E. callichroum var. venustum are proposed. Entoloma lepidissimum var. pauciangulatum is now treated as a synonym of E. chytrophilum. Neotypes for E. dichroum, E. euchroum and E. lampropus are designated. | 6/30/2014 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 12/15/19 21:04 | 141-169 | 32 | Persoonia | Entoloma subgenus Leptonia in boreal-temperate Eurasia | en | Crossref | Citation Key Alias: Morozova2014P | D:\d\JURISM\storage\IA7SDCZ2\Morozova_etal_2014 Entoloma subgenus Leptonia in boreal-temperate Eurasia - towards a phylogenetic.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; Western Siberia; Tomsk Oblast; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia; Kamchatka Krai; Krasnodar Krai; Murmansk Oblast; Khanty-Mansi AO; Samara Oblast; Bryansk Oblast; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Leningrad Oblast; Moscow Oblast; Novgorod Oblast; Orenburg Oblast; Penza Oblast; Primorsky Krai; Ryazan Oblast; Stavropol Krai; Tatarstan; Udmurt Republic; Ulyanovsk Oblast; Vologda Oblast | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | BEHHT6A3 | journalArticle | 2015 | Malysheva, Ekaterina F.; Malysheva, Vera F.; Svetasheva, Tatiana Yu. | Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the genus Bolbitius (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricales) in Russia | Mycological Progress | 1861-8952 | 10.1007/s11557-015-1087-2 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-015-1087-2 | Six species recorded from Russia in the genus Bolbitius were studied. Among them, B. bisporus and B. pallidus are described as new in this paper. Comprehensive descriptions of all species, illustrations, photographs and comparisons with similar taxa are provided. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted to aid in taxa delimitation as well as identification of species boundaries in the genus Bolbitius. Molecular phylogenetic reconstructions inferred from maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses were based on combined datasets: nrITS-nrLSU for the whole set of studied species and nrITS-tef1-mtSSU for B. titubans specimens. The molecular data of three genetic markers indicate the existence of at least three divergent lineages in B. titubans, and each may represent an independent taxonomic unit, which suggests that B. titubans is likely a species complex rather than one widely distributed taxon. | 7/25/2015 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 11/28/19 20:40 | 64 | 8 | 14 | Mycol Progress | en | Springer Link | Citation Key Alias: Malysheva2015MP Number: 8 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\JFC2PNCI\Malysheva_etal_2015 Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the genus Bolbitius.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Irkutsk Oblast; Samara Oblast; Leningrad Oblast; Moscow Oblast; Penza Oblast; Primorsky Krai; Stavropol Krai; Vologda Oblast; Adygea; Rostov Oblast | Bolbitius; Phylogeny | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Q38NB2MC | journalArticle | 2016 | Van de Putte, Kobeke; Nuytinck, Jorinde; De Crop, Eske; Verbeken, Annemieke | Lactifluus volemus in Europe: Three species in one – Revealed by a multilocus genealogical approach, Bayesian species delimitation and morphology | Fungal Biology | 1878-6146 | 10.1016/j.funbio.2015.08.015 | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187861461500152X | This study provides morphological and molecular evidence (from nuclear ITS, LSU, and rpb2 DNA sequences) for three previously unrecognized species within the morphospecies Lactifluus volemus from Europe. Phylogenetic species are supported by both a multi-locus tree-based method and Bayesian species delimitation. Lactifluus volemus and Lactifluus oedematopus are provided with a new description, and a third species, Lactifluus subvolemus, is described as new to science. Lactifluus oedematopus can be easily recognized by its short pileipellis hairs. Both L. volemus and L. subvolemus have longer pileipellis hairs and can only be distinguished from each other based on cap colour. Intermediary colour forms, however, occur as well, and cannot be identified as either L. volemus or L. subvolemus without molecular data. Revealing that L. volemus – already considered extinct in the Netherlands and the Belgian Flemish region, and declining in other European countries – is actually a complex of three species that are even more vulnerable to extinction, this study emphasizes the fundamental role of taxonomy in species conservation. | 1/1/2016 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 12/1/19 12:11 | Jan-25 | 1 | 120 | Fungal Biology | Lactifluus volemus in Europe | en | ScienceDirect | Citation Key Alias: VandePutte2016FB Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\54LNSHRL\Van de Putte_etal_2016 Lactifluus volemus in Europe - Three species in one – Revealed by a multilocus.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _agaricoid; Krasnodar Krai | Ectomycorrhiza; General lineage concept of species; Morphological species; Species complex | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | INXBWL9A | journalArticle | 2019 | Antonín, Vladimír; Borovička, Jan; Holec, Jan; Piltaver, Andrej; Kolařík, Miroslav | Taxonomic update of Clitocybula sensu lato with a new generic classification | Fungal Biology | 1878-6146 | 10.1016/j.funbio.2019.03.004 | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878614618302411 | The taxonomy and phylogeny of the hydropoid clade (genera Clitocybula s.l., Megacollybia, Leucoinocybe gen. nov., Hydropus, Trogia, Gerronema, Porotheleum and Lignomphalia gen. nov.) in Europe is studied using morphological and molecular approaches; the first three genera in detail including all known European species. Only two European species remain in Clitocybula s.str., Clitocybula lacerata and Clitocybula familia. The European C. lacerata is a species complex which should be treated as C. lacerata agg. at the current state of knowledge. A neotype originating from type area was designated to fix the application of the name. The presence of American species Clitocybula abundans in Europe is insufficiently proved. “Clitocybula dryadicola ˮ belongs to the genus Hydropus, and Clitocybula tilieti has an unclear systematic position. The results showed that Megacollybia and Leucoinocybe represent independent genera separated from Clitocybula. The genus Leucoinocybe is validly published with two European species, Leucoinocybe lenta and Leucoinocybe taniae. “Clitocybula flavoaurantia” proved to be conspecific with the latter species. The genus Lignomphalia is published for “Pseudoomphalina lignicola”, a lignicolous omphalinoid species. The Indian “Clitocybula sulcata” is transferred to Leucoinocybe and “Clitocybula atrialba” to Gerronema. The first European records of Megacollybia marginata are published. | 6/1/2019 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 11/27/19 19:57 | 431-447 | 6 | 123 | Fungal Biology | en | ScienceDirect | Number: 6 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\KBW9JAW2\431-447 Taxonomic update of Clitocybula sensu lato with a new generic classification.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Sakhalin Oblast; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Primorsky Krai; Mordovia | Phylogeny; Europe; nrITS; nrLSU | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | SPUVP9WN | journalArticle | 2015 | Spirin, Viacheslav; Runnel, Kadri; Vlasák, Josef; Miettinen, Otto; Põldmaa, Kadri | Species diversity in the Antrodia crassa group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) | Fungal Biology | 1878-6146 | 10.1016/j.funbio.2015.09.008 | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878614615001749 | Antrodia is a polyphyletic genus, comprising brown-rot polypores with annual or short-lived perennial resupinate, dimitic basidiocarps. Here we focus on species that are closely related to Antrodia crassa, and investigate their phylogeny and species delimitation using geographic, ecological, morphological and molecular data (ITS and LSU rDNA, tef1). Phylogenetic analyses distinguished four clades within the monophyletic group of eleven conifer-inhabiting species (five described herein): (1)A. crassa s. str. (boreal Eurasia), Antrodia cincta sp. nova (North America) and Antrodia cretacea sp. nova (holarctic), all three being characterized by inamyloid skeletal hyphae that dissolve quickly in KOH solution; (2) Antrodia ignobilis sp. nova, Antrodia sitchensis and Antrodia sordida from North America, and Antrodia piceata sp. nova (previously considered conspecific with A. sitchensis) from Eurasia, possessing amyloid skeletal hyphae; (3) Antrodia ladiana sp. nova from the southern part of the USA, Antrodia pinea from East Asia, and Antrodia ferox – so far known from subtropical North America, but here reported also from Eurasia. These three species have inamyloid hyphae and narrow basidiospores; (4) the North American Antrodia pini-cubensis, sharing similar morphological characters with A. pinea, forming a separate clade. The habitat data indicate that several species are threatened by intensive forestry. | 12/1/2015 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 11/27/19 19:58 | 1291-1310 | 12 | 119 | Fungal Biology | en | ScienceDirect | Citation Key Alias: Spirin2015FB Number: 12 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\JENQNES6\Spirin_etal_2015 Species diversity in the Antrodia crassa group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota).pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Karelia; Khabarovsk Krai; Leningrad Oblast; Primorsky Krai; Arkhangelsk Oblast; Nizhny Novgorod Oblast | Host specificity; Polypores; Translation elongation factor; Wood-inhabiting fungi | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | JPMU8NWD | journalArticle | 2015 | Floudas, Dimitrios; Hibbett, David S. | Revisiting the taxonomy of Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) using a four gene dataset and extensive ITS sampling | Fungal Biology | 1878-6146 | 10.1016/j.funbio.2015.04.003 | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878614615000574 | We amplified RPB1, RPB2, and the ITS and LSU ribosomal genes from species mostly in the phlebioid clade, focusing heavily in phanerochaetoid taxa. We performed Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses for different combinations of datasets. Our results provide a strongly supported phylogenetic picture of the phlebioid clade, representing 89 species in the four genes analyses, of which 49 represent phanerochaetoid taxa. Phanerochaete sensu lato is polyphyletic and distributed across nine lineages in the phlebioid clade. Six of these lineages are associated to already described genera, while we describe the new genus Phaeophlebiopsis to accommodate Phlebiopsis-like species in one of the remaining lineages. We also propose three taxonomic transfers and describe nine new species, with four of those species currently placed in Phanerochaete sanguinea or Phanerochaete velutina. Finally, the placement of Leptoporus mollis along with other potential brown-rot species in the phlebioid clade suggests that, in addition to the Antrodia clade, brown-rot fungi may have evolved more than once in Polyporales. | 8/1/2015 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 11/27/19 20:26 | 679-719 | 8 | 119 | Fungal Biology | en | ScienceDirect | Citation Key Alias: Floudas2015FB Number: 8 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\LN8LLCQD\Floudas_Hibbett_2015 Revisiting the taxonomy of Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) using a.html; D:\d\JURISM\storage\G9P9HZHN\Floudas_Hibbett_2015 Revisiting the taxonomy of Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) using a.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid | Phylogeny; Corticioid fungi; Multi-marker analyses; Phlebioid clade; RPB1; RPB2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | UAWWGYAR | journalArticle | 2012 | Tomšovský, Michal | Delimitation of an almost forgotten species Spongipellis litschaueri (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) and its taxonomic position within the genus | Mycological Progress | 1861-8952 | 10.1007/s11557-011-0756-z | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-011-0756-z | Spongipellis litschaueri, described in 1931 from Austria, is often synonymised with S. delectans in current literature. Morphological and molecular approaches were applied to revise the taxonomic position of this species. The basidiospore dimensions and DNA sequences confirmed differences between S. delectans and S. litschaueri, thus the latter should be kept as a distinct species. However, the relationship between S. litschaueri and its North American kin S. unicolor is complex. Although most of the examined specimens of S. unicolor differ significantly from S. litschaueri in morphological and molecular characters, one American isolate showed markedly high DNA sequence similarity to the European species. Moreover, specimens of S. unicolor from the more or less western USA have larger basidiospores than the others and the respective values are similar to S. litschaueri. Thereby, S. unicolor may split in two taxa where one is closely related to S. litschaueri. Additionally, DNA sequences of a large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene were analysed to elucidate the position of Spongipellis within the Polyporales. The results revealed unexpected polyphyly when the generic type S. spumeus fell into a separate lineage from S. delectans, S. litschaueri, S. pachyodon, and S. unicolor. In addition, Tyromyces fissilis occasionally kept in Spongipellis is not related to any species of the genus nor to Tyromyces chioneus, the generic type of Tyromyces. An identification key of European Spongipellis species is provided. | 5/1/2012 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 11/28/19 21:16 | 415-424 | 2 | 11 | Mycol Progress | en | Springer Link | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\MJNZNCXL\Tomšovský_2012 Delimitation of an almost forgotten species Spongipellis litschaueri.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Tomsk Oblast | Basidiospores; Polyporales; Ribosomal DNA; Ring of species; Spongipellis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | IDHDUUCM | journalArticle | 2007 | Агафонова, Н. Н.; Крючкова, О. Е.; Кутафьева, Н. П.; Гашков, С. И. | Макромицеты Томской области (Западная Сибирь). 2. Афиллофоровые грибы | Новости систематики низших растений | 0568-5435 | 10.31111/nsnr/2007.41.92 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=12157735 | 2007 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 92–101 | 41 | Russian | D:\d\JURISM\storage\CI7GUNG6\Агафонова и др. - 2007 - Макромицеты Томской области (Западная Сибирь). 2..pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Tomsk Oblast; _agaricoid | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | CFDF26BT | book | 2010 | Shiryaev, A. G.; Kotiranta, H.; Mukhin, V. A.; Stavishenko, I. V.; Ushakova, N. V. | Aphyllophoroid fungi of Sverdlovsk region, Russia: biodiversity, distribution, ecology and the IUCN threat categories | 978-5-98829-024-7 | 2010 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 10/8/21 12:59 | 304 | Goshchitskiy Publisher | Ekaterinburg | en | Institution: Goshchitskiy Publisher | D:\d\JURISM\storage\RWPYVMCU\Shiryaev_etal_2010 Aphyllophoroid fungi of Sverdlovsk region, Russia - biodiversity, distribution,.pdf; D:\d\JURISM\storage\Z9CERMSD\Shiryaev et al. - 2009 - Aphyllophoroid fungi of Sverdlovsk region, Russia.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; _cyphelloid | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | 5GHB3UAD | journalArticle | 1979 | Parmasto, Erast; Parmasto, Ilmi | The xanthochroic reaction in the Aphyllophorales | Mycotaxon | 1979 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 4/23/21 6:25 | 201–232 | 1 | 8 | en | Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\ISJD6YE8\Parmasto_Parmasto_1979 The xanthochroic reaction in the Aphyllophorales.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnodar Krai; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Caucasus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | IPNCF6GR | journalArticle | 2001 | Parmasto, Erast | Hymenochaete cruenta and H. sphaericola, two sibling species of Hymenochaetales (Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota) | Czech Mycology | 2001 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 307–315 | 4 | 52 | Czech Mycol. | en | Number: 4 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\WCIUARIQ\Parmasto_2001 Hymenochaete cruenta and H. sphaericola, two sibling species of Hymenochaetales.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Tyumen Oblast; Caucasus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | F5BPYMFL | journalArticle | 1979 | Kotlaba, František; Pouzar, Zdeněk | An interesting Asian polypore Pachykytospora subtrametea | Česká Mykologie | 1979 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 129–133 | 3 | 33 | Česká Mykol. | en | Number: 3 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\WJQRDCRK\Kotlaba_Pouzar_1979 An interesting Asian polypore Pachykytospora subtrametea.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Tomsk Oblast; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | J22DQVRB | journalArticle | 1931 | Burt, E. A. | Hymenomycetous fungi of Siberia and Eastern Asia – mostly of wood-destroying species | Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | 1931 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 469–487 | 3 | 18 | Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. | en | Number: 3 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\KJQFFB9P\Burt_1931 Hymenomycetous fungi of Siberia and Eastern Asia – mostly of wood-destroying.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Omsk Oblast; Tomsk Oblast; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Irkutsk Oblast; Leningrad Oblast; Primorsky Krai; Tyumen Oblast; Caucasus; Altai Krai; Amur Oblast; Dagestan; Kirov Oblast; Murashkinsky | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | HB5KCUPW | book | 1967 | Райтвийр, А. Г. | Определитель гетеробазидиальных грибов (Heterobasidiomycetidae) СССР | 1967 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 9/14/21 20:36 | Наука | Л. | Russian | Institution: Наука | D:\d\JURISM\storage\ELSCE35Y\Райтвийр_1967 Определитель гетеробазидиальных грибов (Heterobasidiomycetidae) СССР.djvu | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Omsk Oblast; Kemerovo Oblast; Southern Siberia; Tyumen Oblast; Altai Krai; !exclude | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | YN6SFHBZ | book | 1965 | Пармасто, Э. Х. | Определитель рогатиковых грибов СССР. Сем. Clavariaceae | 1965 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 9/13/21 9:24 | 165 | Наука | М., Л. | Russian | Institution: Наука | D:\d\JURISM\storage\ILCDETCL\Пармасто_1965 Определитель рогатиковых грибов СССР. Сем. Clavariaceae.djvu | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Omsk Oblast; Tomsk Oblast; Altai Republic; Kemerovo Oblast; Southern Siberia; Caucasus; Altai Krai; Kurgan Oblast | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | IB6Y4TGX | journalArticle | 2008 | Ширяев, А. Г. | Клавариоидные грибы антропогенных территорий Урала | Вестник экологии, лесоведения и ландшафтоведения | 1811-7457, 2071-0429 | 2008 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 80–91 | 8 | Russian | tex.ids: Shiryaev2008_VELIL number: 8 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\UA5YQMIU\Ширяев_2008 Клавариоидные грибы антропогенных территорий Урала.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Khanty-Mansi AO | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | J8F92H42 | journalArticle | 1915 | Наумов, Н. | Грибы Урала. I | Записки Уральскаго общества любителей естествознанія | 1915 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 1–48 | 11–12 | 35 | Russian | Number: 11–12 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\UR5PM8PI\Наумов_1915 Грибы Урала. I.pdf; D:\d\JURISM\storage\3H8NC5MB\Наумов_1915 Грибы Урала. I.djvu | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; _agaricoid; _gasteroid; Chelyabinsk Oblast; Perm Krai; Urals | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | 4G3R5ISS | journalArticle | 2004 | Shiryaev, A. G. | Clavarioid fungi of Urals. I. Boreal forest zone | Микология и фитопатология | 0026-3648 | 2004 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 9/9/21 9:47 | 59–72 | 4 | 38 | English | tex.ids: Shiryaev2004_MIF_38a number: 4 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\5PG3S6JW\Shiryaev_2004 Clavarioid fungi of Urals. I. Boreal forest zone.djvu; D:\d\JURISM\storage\2LKC7NVD\Выпуск 4_2004.djvu | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Komi Republic; Chelyabinsk Oblast; Bashkortostan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | B479U6BH | journalArticle | 1997 | Korhonen, K.; Fedorov, N. I.; Porta, N. La; Kovbasa, N. P. | Abies sibirica in the Ural region is attacked by the S type of Heterobasidion annosum | European Journal of Forest Pathology | 1439-0329 | 10.1111/j.1439-0329.1997.tb01081.x | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1439-0329.1997.tb01081.x | Specimens of Heterobasidion annosum were collected in seven mixed stands of Abies sibirica and Picea abies in Yekaterinburg and Perm regions on the western side of the Ural Mountains, Russia. Pure cultures were isolated from 60 collections and identified in mating tests. Only the S intersterility group was found, attacking both fir and spruce. Based on the appearance of clamp connections in matings, the compatibility of 12 homokaryons from the Ural area with 14 S group homokaryons from western Europe was 100%, with 13 F group homokaryons from southern Europe 76% and 9 P group homokaryons from western Europe 3%. The results show that A. sibirica, in contrast to A. alba, is very susceptible to the S type H. annosum. | 1997 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 12/5/19 13:20 | 273-281 | 5 | 27 | Eur. J. Forest Pathol. | en | Wiley Online Library | Citation Key Alias: Korhonen1997EJFP Number: 5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\NAA4SLR4\Korhonen_etal_1997 Abies sibirica in the Ural region is attacked by the S type of Heterobasidion.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Perm Krai | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | VTVNKHWP | journalArticle | 2013 | Spirin, Viacheslav; Miettinen, Otto; Pennanen, Jorma; Kotiranta, Heikki; Niemelä, Tuomo | Antrodia hyalina, a new polypore from Russia, and A. leucaena, new to Europe | Mycological Progress | 1861-8952 | 10.1007/s11557-012-0815-0 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-012-0815-0 | A new polypore species, Antrodia hyalina, is described from Russia. It is morphologically similar to Antrodia pulvinascens, but differs in having annual, thinner and softer basidiocarps, solid skeletal hyphae, and cylindrical spores. Antrodia leucaena, originally described from China, is reported as new from Finland and Russia on Populus tremula. Antrodia wangii is regarded as a synonym of A. bondartsevae. | 2/1/2013 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 11/28/19 21:05 | 53-61 | 1 | 12 | Mycol Progress | en | Springer Link | Citation Key Alias: Spirin2013MP Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\K6KW7DYL\Spirin_etal_2013 Antrodia hyalina, a new polypore from Russia, and A. leucaena, new to Europe.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Karelia; Khabarovsk Krai; Khanty-Mansi AO; Samara Oblast; Leningrad Oblast; Nizhny Novgorod Oblast; Bashkortostan; Moscow; Populus tremula | Cotton Blue; Populus; Salix; Tramal | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | SSXI7TAJ | journalArticle | 1990 | Thorn, Greg; Kotiranta, Heikki; Niemelä, Tuomo | Polyporus pseudobetulinus comb. nov.: new records in Europe and North America | Mycologia | 0027-5514 | 10.1080/00275514.1990.12025933 | https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1990.12025933 | Piptoporus pseudobetulinus causes a white rot and is taxonomically remote from the type of Piptoporus, P. betulinus, which causes a brown rot; the new combination Polyporus pseudobetulinus is proposed. The range of this species is extended from Finland and the U.S.S.R. to include Canada, Austria and Sweden. Fruiting bodies and cultures are described. Hosts and habitats in Eurasia and North America are compared. Its relationship to other polypore genera causing white rots, and the correct type for Polyporus are discussed. | 9/1/1990 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 12/1/19 21:06 | 582-594 | 5 | 82 | Polyporus Pseudobetulinus Comb. Nov. | en | Taylor and Francis+NEJM | Citation Key Alias: Thorn1990M Number: 5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\5G3UD9J4\Thorn_etal_1990 Polyporus pseudobetulinus comb. nov. - new records in Europe and North America.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Omsk Oblast; Tomsk Oblast; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia; Irkutsk Oblast; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Karelia; Khabarovsk Krai; Sakha Republic; Leningrad Oblast; Altai Krai; Mari El Republic | cultural characteristics; Favolus; Piptoporus; Polypore taxonomy; Polyporus; wood decay | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | LG9KX3VD | journalArticle | 1980 | Wells, K.; Raitviir, A. | The species of Eichleriella (Tremellaceae) of the U.S.S.R. | Mycologia | 0027-5514 | 10.1080/00275514.1980.12021219 | https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1980.12021219 | The genus Eichleriella is defined to include those tremellaceous species forming a basidiocarp with an abrupt to reflexed margin, a smooth hymenium or with fertile pegs or spines, a basal layer of thick-walled, brownish hyphae, and a vinaceous tint upon drying. The species of Eichleriella known from the USSR are described and illustrated. Eichleriella alliciens, which is defined to include E. incarnata, is shown to occur in the Far Eastern Region (i.e., Khabarovskiy Kray and Primorskiy Kray). Several collections of E. leucophaea, which is redefined to include E. schrenkii, are described from Tadzhikistan and Turkmenistan (i.e., Tadshikskaya S.S.R. and Turkmen S.S.R.). Eichleriella deglubens, which is tentatively included in the genus, is evidently widely distributed throughout the USSR. The species of Eichleriella in the USSR are known to occur only on decaying angiosperm wood. | 5/1/1980 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 12/1/19 21:05 | 564-577 | 3 | 72 | en | Taylor and Francis+NEJM | Citation Key Alias: Wells1980M Number: 3 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\RR92VILX\Wells_Raitviir_1980 The species of Eichleriella (Tremellaceae) of the U.S.S.R.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Kamchatka Krai; Khabarovsk Krai; Krasnodar Krai; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Primorsky Krai; Caucasus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | MSQTFE3B | journalArticle | 1977 | Wells, K.; Raitviir, A. | The Species of Exidiopsis (Tremellaceae) of the U.S.S.R. | Mycologia | 0027-5514 | 10.1080/00275514.1977.12020151 | https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1977.12020151 | The species of Exidiopsis known to the authors from the U.S.S.R. are noted. Those species not previously studied in detail are described and illustrated. The genus Exidiopsis is emended to exclude the type and closely related species of Eichleriella. Exidiopsis candida, previously known only from tropical and subtropical regions, is shown to occur on Sakhalin Island. Exidiopsis effusa, on angiosperm wood, is reported from eastern Siberia and European U.S.S.R. Exidiopsis grisea, on gymnosperm wood, was identified from several sites in the Transcaucasia. A previously undescribed species, E. gypsea, is shown to occur in the Crimean Peninsula, Transcausasia, and Estonian S.S.R. Exidiopsis calcea is reported from throughout the U.S.S.R. and apparently occurs on both angiosperm and gymnosperm wood. It is the most frequently collected and widely distributed species of Exidiopsis in the U.S.S.R. Additional collections of E. griseobrunnea are noted from Siberia, and a new subspecies, E. griseobrunnea subsp. macrogyna, is described. Both subspecies of E. griseobrunnea are apparently only able to utilize species of Duschekia as a substrate. Additional collections of E. laccata and E. pallida, which have been previously reported from the U.S.S.R. were not noted. | 9/1/1977 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 12/1/19 21:05 | 987-1007 | 5 | 69 | en | Taylor and Francis+NEJM | Citation Key Alias: Wells1977M Number: 5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\UZBAKZFA\Wells_Raitviir_1977 The Species of Exidiopsis (Tremellaceae) of the U.S.S.R.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Komi Republic; Southern Siberia; Irkutsk Oblast; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Kamchatka Krai; Khabarovsk Krai; Krasnodar Krai; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Sakha Republic; Sakhalin Oblast; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Primorsky Krai; Arkhangelsk Oblast; Caucasus; Amur Oblast; Dagestan; Crimea; Magadan Oblast; Tyva Republic | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | EKYY26AB | journalArticle | 1975 | Wells, K.; Raitviir, A. | The species of Bourdotia and Basidiodendron (Tremellaceae) of the U.S.S.R. | Mycologia | 0027-5514 | 10.1080/00275514.1975.12019824 | https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1975.12019824 | The species of Bourdotia and Basidiodendron known from the U.S.S.R. are described and illustrated. The genus Bourdotia is emended to include B. galzinii and an unnamed species. Bourdotia galzinii is shown to have petiolate basidia and to be cospecific with Sebacina petiolata. Bourdotia galzinii, which seems to be a common species in the Transcaucasia of the U.S.S.R., is widely distributed in western Europe, but the most northern known American collection site is New Orleans, Louisiana. Sebacina cremea is transferred to Basidiodendron, and the second known collection is identified from the Stanovoy Mountains. Basidiodendron cinereum, B. caesiocinereum, and B. eyrei are shown to be widely distributed in the U.S.S.R. and to occur on both coniferous and angiosperm wood. The concept of B. cinereum is redefined to exclude Sebacina stratosa and Basidiodendron rimosum. The available studies indicate that Basidiodendron cinereum and B. eyrei are probably cosmopolitan, whereas B. caesiocinereum is seemingly restricted to the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. | 9/1/1975 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 12/1/19 21:04 | 904-922 | 5 | 67 | en | Taylor and Francis+NEJM | Citation Key Alias: Wells1975M Number: 5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\EIEAGKWL\Wells_Raitviir_1975 The species of Bourdotia and Basidiodendron (Tremellaceae) of the U.S.S.R.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Komi Republic; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Kamchatka Krai; Krasnodar Krai; Murmansk Oblast; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Sakhalin Oblast; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Primorsky Krai; Caucasus; Amur Oblast; Tyva Republic | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | 3T8SC348 | journalArticle | 2013 | Spirin, Viacheslav; Vlasák, Josef; Niemelä, Tuomo; Miettinen, Otto | What is Antrodia sensu stricto? | Mycologia | 0027-5514 | 10.3852/13-039 | https://doi.org/10.3852/13-039 | The polypore genus Antrodia (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in the strict sense consists of a small number of species grouped around the type species A. serpens in phylogenetic analyses. This distinct clade (Antrodia sensu stricto in our view) contains species of the Antrodia heteromorpha complex, A. macra coll. and Antrodia mappa (formerly Postia mappa). Nuclear rDNA ITS and tef1 data show that the Antrodia heteromorpha species complex includes four species: A. heteromorpha sensu stricto (mostly on gymnosperms, large pores and spores), A. serpens (on angiosperms in Europe, resupinate, smaller pores but large spores), A. favescens (smaller pores and spores, pileate species in North America, formerly known as Trametes sepium), and A. tanakai (a close kin of A. favescens in Eurasia). Antrodia albida is a synonym of A. heteromorpha sensu stricto. We combine A. mappa, A. favescens and A. tanakai in Antrodia and designate neotypes for A. albida and A. heteromorpha, and an epitype for A. serpens. We also compare the morphologically similar but distantly related A. albidoides and A. mellita, and conclude that A. macrospora and A. subalbidoides are synonyms of A. albidoides. | 11/1/2013 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 12/1/19 12:31 | 1555-1576 | 6 | 105 | en | Taylor and Francis+NEJM | Citation Key Alias: Spirin2013M Number: 6 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\GLG7XHM8\Spirin_etal_2013 What is Antrodia sensu stricto.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Komi Republic; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Karelia; Khabarovsk Krai; Buryatia; Leningrad Oblast; Vologda Oblast; Kaluga Oblast | Polyporales; Antrodia heteromorpha; brown-rot fungi; polypore | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | CZA6Y3HK | journalArticle | 2019 | Peintner, Ursula; Kuhnert-Finkernagel, Regina; Wille, Viana; Biasioli, Franco; Shiryaev, Anton; Perini, Claudia | How to resolve cryptic species of polypores: an example in Fomes | IMA Fungus | 2210-6359 | 10.1186/s43008-019-0016-4 | https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-019-0016-4 | Species that cannot be easily distinguished based on morphology, but which form distinct phylogenetic lineages based on molecular markers, are often referred to as cryptic species. They have been proposed in a number of fungal genera, including the basidiomycete genus Fomes. The main aim of this work was to test new methods for species delimitation in cryptic lineages of polypores, and to define useful characters for species identification. | 9/23/2019 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 12/1/19 13:36 | 17 | 1 | 10 | IMA Fungus | How to resolve cryptic species of polypores | en | BioMed Central | Citation Key Alias: Peintner2019IF Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\UN4FGQD2\Peintner_etal_2019 How to resolve cryptic species of polypores - an example in Fomes.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Karelia; Krasnodar Krai; Samara Oblast; Moscow Oblast; Orenburg Oblast; Tatarstan; Nizhny Novgorod Oblast; Caucasus; Perm Krai; Bashkortostan; Kabardino-Balkar Republic; Smolensk Oblast; Volgograd Oblast | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | LW3YJY4Z | journalArticle | 1976 | Berthier, Jacques | Monographie des Typhula, Pistillaria et genres voisins | Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon | 1976 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 1–202 | 45 | Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon | French | Citation Key Alias: Berthier1976BMSLL | D:\d\JURISM\storage\72X5N3UX\Berthier_1976 Monographie des Typhula, Pistillaria et genres voisins.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; _clavarioid; Typhula; Typhulaceae | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | YRSCVNAX | book | 1836 | Weinmann, J. A. | Hymeno- et Gastero-Mycetes hucusque in imperio Rossico observatos | https://hdl.handle.net/2027/hvd.32044106414675 | 1836 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 676 | Petropoli | Latin | D:\d\JURISM\storage\D99VGCBA\Weinmann - 1836 - Hymeno- et Gastero-Mycetes hucusque in imperio Ros.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; _agaricoid; _gasteroid; Leningrad Oblast; Saint Petersburg; _cyphelloid; Altai Krai; Moscow | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | BJ4NVFQY | journalArticle | 2000 | Zhurbenko, Mikhail P.; Davydov, Evgeny A. | Lichenicolous fungi and some lichens from the Russian Altai, southern Siberia | Folia Cryptogamica Estonica | 2000 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 109–118 | 37 | Folia Cryptog. Estonica | en | D:\d\JURISM\storage\LH56UUS8\Zhurbenko_Davydov_2000 Lichenicolous fungi and some lichens from the Russian Altai, southern Siberia.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | 6ZYM5ACF | journalArticle | 2008 | Shiryaev, Anton | Diversity and distribution of thelephoroid fungi (Basidiomycota, Thelephorales) in the Sverdlovsk region, Russia | Folia Cryptogamica Estonica | 1736-7786 | https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/FCE/article/view/13716 | 63 species of the thelephoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) are reported from the Sverdlovsk region (Russia), including fifteen new species for the region. One of them, Phellodon secretus is reported for the first time from Russia. This study is based on 931 collections and observations, as well as on literature data. The most frequent species are Hydnellum aurantiacum, H. ferrugineum, Sarcodon imbricatus, S. squamosus, Thelephora palmata, Th. terrestris, Tomentella bryophila, T. ellisii, T. ferruginea, T. radiosa, T. sublilacina. These species comprise 52% of all observations, but only 17.5% of all species found in the region. Nine species (14.3%) were collected only once, seven species (11.1%) twice, and six species (9.5%) three times, respectively. Some rare species are also infreguently collected in other regions of Russia, viz. Amaurodon cyaneus, A. mustialaensis, Hydnellum auratile, H. geogenium, H. peckii, Pseudotomentella flavovirens, P. nigra, Tomentella galzinii, T. viridula. The highest richness of species was in the southernmost areas of the region, esp. in mixed or broad-leaved forests. Only 4.8% of the total number of the species has been recorded in all biogeographical provinces and 20.6% of species were found only in one province. | 2008 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 12/10/19 21:38 | 131-141 | 44 | Folia Cryptog. Estonica | en | ojs.utlib.ee | D:\d\JURISM\storage\65WDAN4N\Shiryaev_2008 Diversity and distribution of thelephoroid fungi (Basidiomycota, Thelephorales).pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Arkhangelsk Oblast | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | PVC9ADYR | journalArticle | 1998 | Kotiranta, Heikki | Parmastomyces mollissimus in North Europe | Folia Cryptogamica Estonica | 1998 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 41–47 | 33 | Folia Cryptog. Estonica | en | D:\d\JURISM\storage\VPP425VZ\Kotiranta_1998 Parmastomyces mollissimus in North Europe.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Khabarovsk Krai; Primorsky Krai | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | H8K3M9C6 | journalArticle | 1997 | Niemelä, Tuomo; Dai, Yu-Cheng | Polypore Skeletocutis lenis and its sib S. vulgaris | Annales Botanici Fennici | 0003-3847 | Skeletocutis lenis (P. Karst.) Niemelä is a poroid basidiomycete, living on dead wood and causing a white rot. A study of herbarium material revealed that the common concept of the species includes another species, S. vulgaris (Fries) Niemelä & Y.C. Dai, n. comb. Both species are described and illustrated. Skeletocutis lenis is characterized by perennial basidiocarps, fairly big pores and cylindrical, strongly curved spores; its generative hyphae lack swollen tips at dissepiment edge and hymenium; its skeletal hyphae are mostly > 3 µm in diam, bear a distinct lumen, and swell in KOH. Skeletocutis vulgaris is as a rule annual, small-pored, and its spores are cylindrical, moderately curved, and narrower than those of S. lenis. Generative hyphae of the dissepiment edge and hymenium occasionally have a swollen tip. The skeletal hyphae of S. vulgaris are mostly < 3 µm in diam, subsolid without a distinct lumen, and do not change or only slightly swell in KOH. The former has a northerly distribution and prefers fallen trunks of Pinus, while S. vulgaris is more southern and inhabits a wide range of both gymnosperm and angiosperm hosts. These two species have different ecology: S. lenis usually lives on very rotten wood in moist places, while S. vulgaris inhabits recently decorticated trunks, frequently in dry localities. Both species are found in Europe, Asia and North America. | 6/6/1997 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 133–140 | 2 | 34 | Ann. Bot. Fenn. | en | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\9C2I5MFJ\Niemelä, T. | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Karelia; Khabarovsk Krai; Sakhalin Oblast; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Primorsky Krai; Caucasus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | WZLSSS9M | journalArticle | 2007 | Kotiranta, Heikki; Ushakova, Nadya; Mukhin, Victor A. | Polypore (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycetes) studies in Russia. 2. Central Ural | Annales Botanici Fennici | 0003-3847 | One hundred and sixty-one polypore species are reported from the Central Urals. Two of them, Anomoporia vesiculosa Y.C. Dai & Niemelä and Junghuhnia semisupiniforme (Murr.) Ryvarden, are reported for the first time from Russia. The material consists of literature data and 838 collections and observations, and according to the data of the authors, the most frequent species are Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw. : Fr.) P. Karst., Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum (Ehrenb. : Fr.) Ryvarden, Fomitopsis rosea (Alb. & Schewin. : Fr.) P. Karst., Postia caesia (Schrad. : Fr.) P. Karst., and Bjerkandera adusta (Willd. : Fr.) P. Karst., respectively. These contain 22 per cent of all observations, but only 3.9 per cent of all the species. Thirty-two species (25.2%) were collected only once, 16 species twice (12.6%) and 10 species (7.9%) three times, respectively. The collecting sites are briefly described, the host trees listed and descriptions and illustrations of some species given. | 4/26/2007 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 103–127 | 2 | 44 | Ann. Bot. Fenn. | en | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\YKJADF59\Kotiranta_etal_2007 Polypore (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycetes) studies in Russia. 2. Central Ural.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Perm Krai | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | J7V57C8L | journalArticle | 2005 | Kotiranta, Heikki; Saarenoksa, Reima | Ceratobasidium and Oliveonia (Basidiomycota, Aphyllophorales) in Finland | Annales Botanici Fennici | 0003-3847 | http://www.jstor.org/stable/23727373 | Three species of Ceratobasidium, C. bicorne Eriksson & Ryvarden, C. cornigerum (Bourdot) D.P. Rogers and C. pseudocornigerum M.P. Christensen, and two species of Oliveonia, O. fibrillosa (Burt) Donk and O. pauxilla (H.S. Jacks.) Donk, are reported from Finland. Ceratobasidium cornigerum and O. fibrillosa are reported for the first time. The most widespread species seems to be C. cornigerum, whereas C. pseudocornigerum gives an impression of southern distribution and the Oliveonia species are very rare. The anamorph of Ceratobasidium bicorne Eriksson & Ryvarden is commonly isolated from conifer seedlings, but for the present no basidiocarps are observed. The substrates of the telemorphs are listed, the species are illustrated and a few reference collections from Russia were studied. | 8/30/2005 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 4/23/21 6:26 | 237–245 | 4 | 42 | Ann. Bot. Fenn. | en | Number: 4 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\J8RUN2Y7\Kotiranta_Saarenoksa_2005 Ceratobasidium and Oliveonia (Basidiomycota, Aphyllophorales) in Finland.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Moscow | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | WWHRS9ES | journalArticle | 2019 | Miettinen, O.; Larsson, K.-H.; Spirin, V. | Hydnoporia, an older name for Pseudochaete and Hymenochaetopsis, and typification of the genus Hymenochaete (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) | Fungal Systematics and Evolution | 10.3114/fuse.2019.04.07 | https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/wfbi/fuse/2019/00000004/00000001/art00008 | The genus name Hydnoporia is reinstated to encompass the Hymenochaete tabacina group currently addressed to Pseudochaete (illegitimate genus) or Hymenochaetopsis. Identity of the type species of Hydnoporia, Sistotrema fuscescens (= Hydnoporia olivacea in current sense), is clarified, and a lectotype is selected. In total, 12 species are combined in Hydnoporia: H. corrugata, H. gigasetosa, H. lamellata, H. laricicola, H. latesetosa, H. lenta, H. rhododendri, H. rimosa, H. subrigidula, H. tabacina, H. tabacinoides, and H. yasudai. Hydnoporia diffissa is described as new. Analyses of all available ITS (94) and newly produced tef1 sequences (20) indicate that there are at least 20–27 species in the genus. Identity of the type species of Hymenochaete, H. rubiginosa, is clarified; the name is retained for the species so named in Europe while other species are present in North America and East Asia. Additionally, three new combinations in Hymenochaete are proposed: H. campylopora (= Cyclomyces fuscus), H. microcycla (= Cyclomyces tabacinus), and H. saepiaria. | 12/1/2019 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 11/29/19 10:14 | 77-96 | 1 | 4 | Fungal Syst. Evol. | en | Citation Key Alias: Miettinen2019FSE Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\MP3ZA8CT\Miettinen_etal_2019 Hydnoporia, an older name for Pseudochaete and Hymenochaetopsis, and.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Khakassia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Karelia; Khabarovsk Krai; Buryatia; Primorsky Krai; Nizhny Novgorod Oblast; Perm Krai; Kaluga Oblast | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | DY2PUDI3 | journalArticle | 2019 | Malysheva, Vera; Spirin, Viacheslav; Miettinen, Otto; Kout, Jiří; Savchenko, Anton; Larsson, Karl-Henrik | On Craterocolla and Ditangium (Sebacinales, Basidiomycota) | Mycological Progress | 1861-8952 | 10.1007/s11557-019-01485-3 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-019-01485-3 | In the present paper, we select a neotype for Tremella cerasi and prove that it is conspecific with Ditangium insigne (the genus type of Ditangium). We argue that Ditangium should be restored as a correct genus for T. cerasi, while the currently used generic name Craterocolla is to be treated as its younger synonym. Morphological, ecological and genetic variability of Ditangium cerasi is discussed, and two other Ditangium species are described—D. altaicum, sp. nov. and D. incarnatum, comb. nov. In addition, Exidia fulva is combined in Globulisebacina. | 5/1/2019 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 11/28/19 18:59 | 753-762 | 5 | 18 | Mycol Progress | en | Springer Link | Citation Key Alias: Malysheva2019MPa Number: 5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\IFN8HPDV\Malysheva_etal_2019 On Craterocolla and Ditangium (Sebacinales, Basidiomycota).pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Komi Republic; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Khabarovsk Krai; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Leningrad Oblast; Primorsky Krai; Caucasus | Phylogeny; Dimorphic fungi; Heterobasidiomycetes; New taxa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | BEJ7SRSB | journalArticle | 2017 | Malysheva, Vera; Spirin, Viacheslav | Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Auriculariales (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) with stereoid basidiocarps | Fungal Biology | 1878-6146 | 10.1016/j.funbio.2017.05.001 | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187861461730051X | In the present study, we investigate taxonomy of the Auriculariales with effused or cupulate, persistent basidiocarps; generic and species concepts are revised based on morphological and DNA evidences. The genus Eichleriella is reinstated to embrace ten closely related species with ellipsoid-ovoid basidia, and the genus type, Eichleriella incarnata, is placed to the synonyms of Eichleriella leucophaea. Eichleriella bactriana, Eichleriella desertorum and Eichleriella sicca are described as new to science. In addition, four species earlier treated as members of Exidiopsis or Heterochaete are combined to the genus. The genus name Heteroradulum (type Radulum kmetii) is introduced for seven species with large, obconical, stipitate basidia. Of them, Heteroradulum adnatum and Heteroradulum semis are described as new. Two new genera, Amphistereum (with two species, type Eichleriella schrenkii) and Sclerotrema (monotypic, type Exidiopsis griseobrunnea), are proposed; Hirneolina (monotypic, type H. hirneoloides) and Tremellochaete (with two species, type Exidia japonica) are restored as good genera. The type species of Heterochaete, H. andina, is congeneric with Exidiopsis (type E. effusa). | 8/1/2017 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 11/27/19 19:55 | 689-715 | 8 | 121 | Fungal Biology | en | ScienceDirect | Citation Key Alias: Malysheva2017FB Number: 8 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\AKZCLSAU\Malysheva_Spirin_2017 Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Auriculariales (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota).pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Kemerovo Oblast; Southern Siberia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Khabarovsk Krai; Krasnodar Krai; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Bryansk Oblast; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Leningrad Oblast; Primorsky Krai; Caucasus; Heterobasidiomycetes; Kursk Oblast; wood-inhabiting fungi | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | BE6XUNRT | journalArticle | 1996 | Kõljalg, Urmas | Tomentella (Basidiomycota) and related genera in temperate Eurasia | Synopsis Fungorum | 1996 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 1–213 | 9 | Syn. Fungorum | en | D:\d\JURISM\storage\DKCG3WIS\Kõljalg_1996 Tomentella (Basidiomycota) and related genera in temperate Eurasia.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Khanty-Mansi AO; Caucasus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | 6ID95FL8 | journalArticle | 2007 | Heklau, Heike; Dörfelt, Heinrich | Der Beginn der mykologischen Erforschung Sibiriens im 18. Jahrhundert | Zeitschrift für Mykologie | 2007 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 3–36 | 1 | 73 | Z. Mykol. | German | Citation Key Alias: Heklau2007ZFMa Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\AEXSMXC9\003-036 Der Beginn der mykologischen Erforschung Sibiriens im 18.pdf | Western Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | KWL5MMSI | journalArticle | 1912 | Пигнатти, В. Н. | Списокъ грибовъ, собранныхъ въ г. Тобольскѣ и его окрестностяхъ | Ежегодникъ Тобольскаго губернскаго музея | https://www.prlib.ru/item/331767 | 1912 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 16–18 | 20 | 18 | Russian | Number: 20 | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Khanty-Mansi AO; Tyumen Oblast | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | 4C4C9CA5 | book | 2010 | Yurchenko, E. O. | The genus Peniophora (Basidiomycota) of Eastern Europe. Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, distribution | 978-985-08-1141-7 | 2010 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 338 | Belorusskaya nauka | Minsk | en | Institution: Belorusskaya nauka | D:\d\JURISM\storage\XI29FW9C\Yurchenko_2010 The genus Peniophora (Basidiomycota) of Eastern Europe. Morphology, taxonomy,.djvu | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | MZKTMUXE | journalArticle | 2015 | Volobuev, Sergey; Okun, Mikhail; Ordynets, Aleksandr; Spirin, Viacheslav | The Phanerochaete sordida group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in temperate Eurasia, with a note on Phanerochaete pallida | Mycological Progress | 1861-8952 | 10.1007/s11557-015-1097-0 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-015-1097-0 | The taxonomy of the Phanerochaete sordida group is revised based on morphological and DNA studies of collections from the temperate zone of Eurasia. P. sordida sensu typi is predominantly a gymnosperm-dwelling species having long, tubular, apically thin-walled and non-encrusted cystidia and narrowly ellipsoid or thick cylindrical basidiospores. In phylogenetic analysis, P. sordida is rather distant from three other species possessing similar morphological characters; those species inhabit angiosperm hosts and have narrower, cylindrical basidiospores. P. livescens, comb. nova, is characterized by sharp-tipped, strongly encrusted cystidia with equally thickened walls. It is widely distributed in temperate forests of Eurasia. P. concrescens, sp. nova, is an East Asian species having blunt-tipped, only apically encrusted cystidia with gradually thickened walls. P. cumulodentata, comb. nova, is reintroduced for the European species formerly known as P. raduloides, and its identity versus P. magnoliae from North America is discussed. Additionally, P. pallida is restored as a good species; it is not related to the P. sordida group and clusters with P. jose-ferreirae within the Byssomerulius clade (Irpicaceae). | 9/8/2015 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 11/28/19 20:18 | 80 | 10 | 14 | Mycol Progress | en | Springer Link | Citation Key Alias: Volobuev2015MP Number: 10 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\GHE2VCP4\Volobuev_etal_2015 The Phanerochaete sordida group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in temperate.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Karelia; Khabarovsk Krai; Krasnodar Krai; Bryansk Oblast; Leningrad Oblast; Nizhny Novgorod Oblast; Caucasus; Perm Krai; Bashkortostan; Volgograd Oblast; Jewish AO; Oryol Oblast; Pskov Oblast; Tver Oblast | Phylogeny; Species complex; Corticioid basidiomycetes; Phanerochaete sordida | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | HYTRHTRW | journalArticle | 2018 | Viner, Ilya; Spirin, Viacheslav; Zíbarová, Lucie; Larsson, Karl-Henrik | Additions to the taxonomy of Lagarobasidium and Xylodon (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) | MycoKeys | 1314-4049 | 10.3897/mycokeys.41.28987 | https://mycokeys.pensoft.net/article/28987/ | Lagarobasidium is a small genus of wood-decaying basidiomycetes in the order Hymenochaetales. Molecular phylogenetic analyses have either supported Lagarobasidium as a distinct taxon or indicated that it should be subsumed under Xylodon, a genus that covers the majority of species formerly placed in Hyphodontia. We used sequences from the ITS and nuclear LSU regions to infer the phylogenetic position of the type species L. detriticum. Analyses confirm Lagarobasidium as a synonym of Xylodon. Molecular and morphological information show that the traditional concept of L. detriticum covers at least two species, Xylodon detriticus from Europe and X. pruinosus with known distribution in Europe and North America. Three species currently placed in Lagarobasidium are transferred to Xylodon, viz. X. magnificus, X. pumilius and X. rickii. Three new Xylodon species are described and illustrated, X. ussuriensis and X. crystalliger from East Asia and X. attenuatus from the Pacific Northwest America. The identity of X. nongravis, described from Sri Lanka, is discussed. | 10/23/2018 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 11/25/19 18:41 | 65-90 | 41 | en | 2019Ilya Viner, Viacheslav Spirin, Lucie Zíbarová, Karl-Henrik Larsson | mycokeys.pensoft.net | Citation Key Alias: Viner2018M | D:\d\JURISM\storage\C9BUFMI2\Viner_etal_2018 Additions to the taxonomy of Lagarobasidium and Xylodon (Hymenochaetales,.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Khabarovsk Krai; Chukotka AO; Primorsky Krai; Nizhny Novgorod Oblast; Moscow | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | A2Q62PRJ | journalArticle | 2016 | Spirin, Viacheslav; Vlasák, Josef; Rivoire, Bernard; Kotiranta, Heikki; Miettinen, Otto | Hidden diversity in the Antrodia malicola group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) | Mycological Progress | 1861-8952 | 10.1007/s11557-016-1193-9 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-016-1193-9 | Taxonomy of the Antrodia malicola group is revised based on DNA, morphological, ecological, and geographic data. This species complex is not related to Antrodia s. str. but constitutes its own lineage within the large Fomitopsis – Daedalea clade. The A. malicola group includes five species. Antrodia malicola s. str. is distributed in North America and East Asia, and a few records of this species are reported from Azores and Africa. Its European counterpart is A. kuzyana, comb. nova, with wider pores. Infraspecific variability of A. malicola and possible gene flow between it and A. kuzyana in East Asia are detected based on tef1 sequence data. Antrodia cyclopis, sp. nova, is described as a large-spored relative of A. malicola from New Guinea. Antrodia minuta is reported here from several European countries and Siberia, and its morphological characters and host preferences are discussed. Its close relative is A. tuvensis, sp. nova, from Central Siberia, an unusual member of the group with sparse, flexuous skeletal hyphae. | 4/29/2016 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 11/28/19 20:04 | 51 | 5 | 15 | Mycol Progress | en | Springer Link | Citation Key Alias: Spirin2016MP Number: 5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\JINEBBHJ\Spirin_etal_2016 Hidden diversity in the Antrodia malicola group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota).pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Southern Siberia; Khabarovsk Krai; Samara Oblast; Nizhny Novgorod Oblast; Bashkortostan; Moscow; Tyva Republic | Phylogeny; Antrodia malicola; Brown rot | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | VFJKDSCF | journalArticle | 2017 | Spirin, Viacheslav; Volobuev, Sergey; Okun, Mikhail; Miettinen, Otto; Larsson, Karl-Henrik | What is the type species of Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota)? | Mycological Progress | 1861-8952 | 10.1007/s11557-016-1267-8 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-016-1267-8 | Phanerochaete velutina and the closely related species P. alnea, P. alnea subsp. lubrica, and P. rhodella are identified as distinct species based on morphological criteria and molecular analyses. Besides differences in macroscopic and microscopic basidiocarp features, the taxa differ in distribution and ITS sequence. Phanerochaete alnea is widely distributed in Eurasia and North America, whereas P. alnea subsp. lubrica is limited to the Pacific Coast of North America. Phanerochaete velutina is known from Eurasia and Alaska, and P. rhodella is found in North America only. Nomenclatural problems with the name Phanerochaete P. Karst. are discussed, and type specimens for Thelephora alnea Fr., the generic type of Phanerochaete, and Peniophora karstenii Massee are selected. Phanerochaete alnea, P. alnea subsp. lubrica, and P. velutina are described and illustrated. In addition, the synonymy of Phanerochaete robusta and P. aurantiobadia is confirmed. | 2/1/2017 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 11/28/19 20:09 | 171-183 | 2 | 16 | Mycol Progress | en | Springer Link | Citation Key Alias: Spirin2017MP Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\HRRRUIBT\Spirin_etal_2017 What is the type species of Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota).pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Karelia; Leningrad Oblast; Nizhny Novgorod Oblast; Corticioid fungi; Perm Krai; Bashkortostan; Oryol Oblast; Lectotype; Phanerochaete | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | E7HMEEQP | journalArticle | 2018 | Spirin, Viacheslav; Malysheva, Vera; Larsson, Karl-Henrik | On some forgotten species of Exidia and Myxarium (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota) | Nordic Journal of Botany | 1756-1051 | 10.1111/njb.01601 | https://www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/njb.01601 | As shown by morphological and molecular (ITS, nrLSU and tef1 sequences) evidence, the current concept of Myxarium nucleatum covers four species in the Nordic countries: M. cinnamomescens, M. hyalinum, M. nucleatum s.s. and M. populinum. These species are redescribed here, their nomenclature is discussed and all relevant names are typified. Exidia cartilaginea and E. villosa are typified and shown to be conspecific with the North American species E. candida. Based on morphological differences, E. cartilaginea is retained as a variety of E. candida. Exidia subrepanda is treated as a synomym of E. saccharina, and Heterochaete europaea as a synomym of E. thuretiana. | 2018 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 12/1/19 12:44 | njb-01601 | 3 | 36 | Nordic J. Bot. | en | © 2017 The Authors | Wiley Online Library | Citation Key Alias: Spirin2018NJB Number: 3 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\P7VAQN65\Spirin_etal_2018 On some forgotten species of Exidia and Myxarium (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota).pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | YP8QM34Q | journalArticle | 2018 | Shiryaeva, Olga S. | New records of agaricoid fungi from Sverdlovsk Region, Russia | Botanica | 10.2478/botlit-2018-0015 | https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/botlit/24/2/article-p150.xml | Ten species of agaricoid fungi were reported for the first time from Sverdlovsk Region (Crepidotus crocophyllus, Mycena picta, Pleurotus eryngii, Pluteus fenzlii, Psathyrella ammophila, Russula aurea, Volvariella bombycina, V. caesiotincta, V. murinella, V. pusilla). Of these, five species are new to the Urals (Crepidotus crocophyllus, Mycena picta, Volvariella caesiotincta, V. murinella, V. pusilla) and one is new to the West Siberian Plain (Pleurotus eryngii). New record of Volvariella caesiotincta extends its distribution area eastward to the Urals. The species distribution in Russia as well as in the Urals was discussed. | 12/1/2018 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 12/1/19 12:13 | 150-161 | 2 | 24 | en | content.sciendo.com | Citation Key Alias: Shiryaeva2018B Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\MX2D9P3C\Shiryaeva_2018 New records of agaricoid fungi from Sverdlovsk Region, Russia.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; Western Siberia; _agaricoid | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | W9NMRHWK | journalArticle | 1950 | Singer, Rolf | New and interesting species of Basidiomycetes III | Sydowia | 1950 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 130–157 | 4 | en | Citation Key Alias: Singer1950Sa | D:\d\JURISM\storage\9X9EPPWD\Singer_1950 New and interesting species of Basidiomycetes III.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnodar Krai; Leningrad Oblast; Tatarstan; Saint Petersburg; Adygea | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | 6VHH9MMF | journalArticle | 1943 | Singer, R. | Das System der Agaricales. III | Annales Mycologici | 7/31/1943 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 1–189 | 1–3 | 41 | Ann. Mycol. | German | Number: 1–3 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\CPRYSEI3\Singer_1943 Das System der Agaricales. III.pdf | Western Siberia; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Altai Krai | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | QUJ66NUJ | journalArticle | 1938 | Singer, R. | Contribution à l'étude des Russules. 3. Quelques Russules américaines et asiatiques | Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France | 1938 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 132–177 | 54 | Bull. Soc. Mycol. France | French | D:\d\JURISM\storage\BWI78EHM\132-177 Contribution à l'étude des Russules. 3. Quelques Russules américaines et asiatiques.pdf | Western Siberia; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | D9PVNTCK | journalArticle | 1945 | Singer, R. | Cortinariaceae novae et minus cognitae | Ботанические материалы Отдела споровых растений Ботанического института им. В. Л. Комарова АН СССР | 1945 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 92–100 | 7–9 | 5 | Бот. матер. Отд. споров. раст. БИН АН | Latin | Number: 7–9 Original date: 1941 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\NP7NTSSR\Singer_1945 Cortinariaceae novae et minus cognitae.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Leningrad Oblast; Primorsky Krai; Tatarstan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | XDMIUZL5 | journalArticle | 2016 | Zmitrovich, I. V.; Bondartseva, M. A.; Vasilyev, N. P. | The Meruliaceae of Russia. I. Bjerkandera | Turczaninowia | 1560-7267 | 10.14258/turczaninowia.19.1.1 | http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/1205 | This paper opens a taxonomical survey on the genera of Meruliaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) presented in Russian mycobiota. All the meruliaceous fungi represent an obligate component of heterotrophic block of forest ecosystems and considerable demanded biotechnological resource. The purpose of the present elaboration is a revision of East European and North Asian material on Bjerkandera genus highlighting its species’ and intraspecific morphological variability and substrate specialization. The macroscopic descriptions are based on a study of fresh and dried specimens. The material of the herbaria of Komarov Botanical Institute (St. Petersburg, LE) and Institute of Zoology and Botany of Estonian Agricultural University (TAA) is studied. Micromorphological analysis is included the hyphal system revealing, the hyphae, basidia/basidiospores morphometry, and microchemical tests of the structures in question. The genus Bjerkandera is accepted in its original Karstenian sense, although the concepts by Pilát, Corner, Pouzar, and Zmitrovich et al. were discussed. The genus is characterized by two-layered context with rather loose tomentum and dense layer above the hymenophore, monomitic to pseudodimitic hyphal system, clamped generative hyphae, and ellipsoid-cylindrical basidiospores not staining in Cotton blue and Melzer’s reagent. Only two species, Bjerkandera adusta and B. fumosa were recognized in the genus, and a possible position of B. subsimulans and B. terebrans was discussed, too. The polymorphism of B. adusta is exhaustively presented and the form tegumentosa was epitypified and described. The polymorphism of B. fumosa is also presented, and the form flavipora was correctly published and epitypified. The relationships between two species are discussed and the key for species delimitation is presented here. Distributional patterns are presented for both species as well as their substrate range. The substrates of B. adusta and B. fumosa in old-growth arboreta of Saint Petersburg are presented. | 2016 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 12/28/19 11:30 | 5–18 | 1 | 19 | en | Copyright (c) 2016 Turczaninowia | turczaninowia.asu.ru | Citation Key Alias: Zmitrovich2016T Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\WU7JWDLD\Zmitrovich_etal_2016 The Meruliaceae of Russia. I. Bjerkandera.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Caucasus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | DN7ZJ6JK | journalArticle | 2018 | Zmitrovich, I. v.; Bondartseva, M. A.; Perevedentseva, L. G.; Myasnikov, A. G.; Kovalenko, A. E. | The Meruliaceae of Russia. II. Panus | Turczaninowia | 1560-7267 | 10.14258/turczaninowia.21.3.4 | http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/4396 | The history of taxonomical study of the genus Panus Fr. (Meruliaceae, Polyporales, Basidiomycota) is considered. A current revision of the genus in Russia was carried out. Two species of the genus Panus were recorded in various regions of Russia, Panus conchatus (Bull.) Fr. and P. lecomtei (Fr.) Corner. For P. conchatus, the lateral ecotype with conchiform pileus and rather dark wine-red to lilac-brown surface is more characteristic. Two main deviations from such a neutral type were described: 1) the chromatic one, characterized by light-colored (red or clay-yellow), usually conchiform pilei [P. conchatus var. inconstans (Pers.) Zmitr., Bondartseva, Perevedentseva, Myasnikov et Kovalenko] and 2) the growth one, characterized by a central (often bulbous) stipe, funnel-shaped cap and strongly inrolled margin [P. conchatus var. torulosus (Pers.) Zmitr., Bondartseva, Perevedentseva, Myasnikov et Kovalenko]. For P. lecomtei, the ecotype having small eccentric to lateral elegant stipe is considered. However, the stipe shape and size are variable. The stipe can be either central – rather small, with a bulbous base [P. lecomtei var. semirudis (Singer) Zmitr., Bondartseva, Perevedentseva, Myasnikov et Kovalenko], or strongly elongated [P. lecomtei var. stipitata (Malk.) Zmitr., Bondartseva, Perevedentseva, Myasnikov et Kovalenko]. Four new combinations, P. conchatus var. inconstans, P. conchatus var. torulosus, P. lecomtei var. semirudis, and P. lecomtei var. stipitata were suggested. It was concluded that Panus represents rather well-delimited genus belonging to merulioid phylogenetic radiation, whose morphotype on essential features of its organization is trametoid, but superficial habitual features make it closer to the lentinoid one. Its essential features are the abundance of fibrohyphae which form textura intricata, slowly growing basidiocarps and strictly lamellate hymenophore. Apparently, such an adaptive structure was generated at arid and warm climatic zones, and only 2 species, P. conchatus, and P. lecomtei, have been irradiated into temperate latitudes. The substrate spectrum of these fungi is determined by their insensitivity to substrate moistening and best ability to colonize hardwood, so the greatest number of their finds can be made on stumps and large remnants of stand-formers of corresponding forest areas. In Russia, a reliable association of Panus species to Betula spp. and Populus spp. was revealed. An ecotypic differentiation of the genus Panus is related to the quality of substrate colonized. The basidiocarps, growing over top cuts of the stumps, are characterized by strong central stipe (P. conchatus var. torulosus, P. lecomtei var. semirudis), whereas basidiocarps with sublateral attachment are common on fallen logs. Certain chromatic adaptations (P. conchatus var. inconstans) are associated with an insolation regime of the habitat. During last years, the Panus representatives have attracted an interest in biomedical research development. Their resource potential estimation should proceed from the fact that within Russian territory, such areas as Middle Belt of European Russia, North Caucasus, Altai and other regions of Southern Siberia are promising for replenishing the strains of P. conchatus and P. lecomtei. | 9/14/2018 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 12/28/19 11:38 | 29-44 | 3 | 21 | en | Copyright (c) 2018 Turczaninowia | turczaninowia.asu.ru | Citation Key Alias: Zmitrovich2018T Number: 3 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\2X3ZTR7G\Zmitrovich_etal_2018 The Meruliaceae of Russia. II. Panus.pdf | Western Siberia; Tomsk Oblast; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Tyumen Oblast | broadleaf wood-associated fungi; merulioid fungi; modifications variability; Russia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
63 | PHNUSNZR | journalArticle | 2006 | Dai, Yu-Cheng; Niemelä, Tuomo | Hymenochaetaceae in China: hydnoid, stereoid and annual poroid genera, plus additions to Phellinus | Acta Botanica Fennica | 0001-5369 | 10/23/2006 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 1–78 | 179 | Acta Bot. Fenn. | en | D:\d\JURISM\storage\XAJTXDF9\179 Dai_Niemela_2006 Hymenochaetaceae in China.djvu | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Southern Siberia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | QHSPLD88 | journalArticle | 2018 | Ширяев, Антон Григорьевич; Морозова, Ольга Васильевна | Пространственное распределение видового разнообразия биоты клавариоидных грибов Западной Сибири | Сибирский экологический журнал | 2018 | 4/23/21 6:27 | 9/9/21 9:55 | 599–615 | 5 | 25 | Russian | Number: 5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\Y8QVPLUZ\Ширяев_Морозова_2018 Пространственное распределение видового разнообразия биоты клавариоидных грибов.pdf; D:\d\JURISM\storage\9GDPLT6R\Ширяев и Морозова - 2018 - Пространственное распределение видового разнообраз.pdf | Western Siberia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Z77QYKD7 | bookSection | 1956 | Васильков, Б. П. | Березовик — Krombholzia scabra (Fr.) Karst. — в СССР | Труды Ботанического института им. В. Л. Комарова АН СССР. Серия II. Споровые растения. Выпуск 10 | 1956 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 367–384 | Изд-во АН СССР | М., Л. | Russian | Institution: Изд-во АН СССР | D:\d\JURISM\storage\4QQ3QSDK\Васильков_1956 Березовик — Krombholzia scabra (Fr.) Karst. — в СССР.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Karelia; Murmansk Oblast; Chukotka AO; Sakha Republic; Leningrad Oblast; Primorsky Krai; Mari El Republic | Савич, В. П. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | DHKIK2HH | bookSection | 1954 | Васильков, Б. П. | О некоторых интересных и новых видах гастеромицетов в СССР | Труды Ботанического института им. В. Л. Комарова АН СССР. Серия II. Споровые растения. Выпуск 9 | 1954 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 447–464 | Изд-во АН СССР | М., Л. | Russian | Institution: Изд-во АН СССР | D:\d\JURISM\storage\6WR9VD45\Васильков_1954 О некоторых интересных и новых видах гастеромицетов в СССР.pdf | Western Siberia; Tomsk Oblast; _gasteroid; Altai Republic; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia; Irkutsk Oblast; Kamchatka Krai; Murmansk Oblast; Sakha Republic; Leningrad Oblast; Moscow Oblast; Stavropol Krai; Saint Petersburg; Rostov Oblast; Arkhangelsk Oblast; Dagestan; Moscow; Mari El Republic; Crimea; Tver Oblast; Astrakhan Oblast; Nenets AO | Савич, В. П. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
67 | 89J4D9D9 | journalArticle | 2019 | Светашева, Т. Ю.; Морозова, О. В.; Горбунова, И. А.; Агеев, Д. В.; Агеева, Ю. Ф.; Брандруд, Т. Е.; Далберг, А. | Результаты международной микологической экспедиции 2018 г. в окрестностях Телецкого озера (Алтайский государственный природный биосферный заповедник) | Полевые исследования в Алтайском биосферном заповеднике | 2686-7109 | 2019 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 92–100 | 1 | Russian | D:\d\JURISM\storage\EWQAYVHU\Светашева и др. - 2019 - Результаты международной микологической экспедиции.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
68 | 6GQNRVNQ | journalArticle | 2019 | Brandrud, T. E.; Gorbunova, I. A.; Ageev, D. V.; Dahlberg, A.; Dima, B.; Morozova, O. V.; Svetasheva, T. Yu. | New data on Cortinarius funga (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Altaiskiy Nature Reserve and Gorno-Altaysk area (SW Siberia, Russia) | Микология и фитопатология | 0026-3648 | 10.1134/S0026364819060035 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41240318 | During an expedition in 2018 to Teletskoye Lake, Altaiskiy Nature Reserve and Gorno-Altaysk area (Altay Republic), 49 Cortinarius species were collected and documented, including ITS DNA sequencing of 32 samples. A total of 29 telamonioid species, 3 dermocyboid species, 6 anomaloid species, 6 phlegmacioid species, 3 myxacioid species and 2 species from other groups were found, of which 32 species are new to Altay and 14 species new to Russia. The Cortinarius funga of the Pinus – Betula – Abies forests of Altay is apparently very similar to that of boreal North Europe, and indicates a remarkable uniformity of the taiga from Scandinavia to western Siberia, with respect to fungal communities. Cortinarius privignipallens coll., C. subheterocyclus, C. nodosisporus appeared to be rare Eurasian species. A few undescribed species were also recorded, but since belonging to species complexes, they need further studies. Most of Cortinarius species (33) were found in Pinus sylvestris (Betula) mossy delta forests on sand/pebbles, whereas 9 species were found in the Pinus sibirica – Abies sibirica – Betula mixed tall herb slope forests. A few species were also found in the Alnus viridis subsp. fructicosa – Salix viminalis (Betula) riparian delta forest (3 taxa). Altogether 13 species were recorded in the calciphilous semi-open, partly grazed Betula pendula woodland around Gorno-Altaysk. | 2019-12 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 325–341 | 6 | 53 | Number: 6 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\C6NMQX2A\Brandrud и др. - 2019 - New data on Cortinarius funga (Agaricales, Basidio.pdf | Western Siberia; Tomsk Oblast; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
69 | 2RHGL34U | journalArticle | 2010 | Ronikier, Anna; Ronikier, Michal | Biogeographical patterns of arctic-alpine fungi: distribution analysis of Marasmius epidryas , a typical circumpolar species of cold environments | North American Fungi | 1937-786X | 10.2509/naf2010.005.0053 | https://openjournals.wsu.edu/index.php/pnwfungi/article/view/1080 | The existence of an arctic-alpine element is well-known in the biogeography and taxonomy of fungi, however synthetic analyses concerning their global distribution, morphological variation and ecology are largely lacking. Here, we compile all available information including published data and herbarium material concerning Marasmius epidryas , a characteristic representative of arctic-alpine macromycetes which grows exclusively on dead woody tissue of Dryas species. Our primary aim was to obtain as complete a picture as possible of the known distribution of an arctic-alpine fungus. Additionally, we attempted to analyse the variation of morphological features, phenology and ecology throughout its range. According to our data, the species has been recorded from over 300 localities. Although the records are clearly biased due to an uneven concentration of mycological investigations, the fungus was found in all parts of its presumable circumpolar distribution outlined by presence of the host plant. The localities included main northern and high-mountain areas as well as peripheral, southernmost parts of the Dryas distribution in Europe (Balkan Mts.), North America (Rocky Mts. of Colorado) and Asia (Altai Mts.). However, it may be a rare species in some regions. Marasmius epidryas appears to occur in most types of vegetation harbouring its host, an important arctic-alpine dwarf shrub, and is noted as a dominant fungal element for some. No significant differences were found in phenology of M. epidryas between the alpine and the arctic sites, with most records in August. Similarly, although there is a significant variation in quantitative morphological characters, no particular geographical trends were detected. | 12/22/2010 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 9/9/21 9:48 | 12/19/19 18:11 | 23-50 | 5 | 5 | N. Amer. Fungi | Biogeographical patterns of arctic-alpine fungi | en | Copyright (c) | openjournals.wsu.edu | Number: 5 tex.ids: Ronikier.Ronikier2010_NAF_5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\VNQFKLTW\Ronikier_Ronikier_2010 Biogeographical patterns of arctic-alpine fungi - distribution analysis of.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Buryatia; Chukotka AO; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Sakha Republic | ecology; Agaricomycetes; alpine belt; arctic-alpine element; biogeography; distribution; Mycetinis epidryas; phenology | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
70 | B7VQ2KD7 | journalArticle | 1941 | Singer, R. | De nonnullis Basidiomycetibus. II | Ботанические материалы Отдела споровых растений Ботанического института им. В. Л. Комарова АН СССР | 3/1/1941 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 84–86 | 4–6 | 5 | Бот. матер. Отд. споров. раст. БИН АН | Latin | Number: 4–6 tex.ids: Zinger1941_BMOSRBIIVLKAS_5b | D:\d\JURISM\storage\9I8J7QAG\Singer_1941 De nonnullis Basidiomycetibus. II.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Karelia; Krasnodar Krai | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
71 | WCPEUQ5I | journalArticle | 1939 | Singer, R. | Notes sur quelques Basidiomycètes. Ve Série | Revue de Mycologie | 1939 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 64–72 | 1 | 4 | Rev. Mycol. | French | Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\XAPNESIA\064-072 Notes sur quelques Basidiomycètes. Ve Série.pdf | Western Siberia; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
72 | XG2N2NN7 | journalArticle | 1938 | Singer, R. | Notes sur quelques Basidiomycètes. IVe Série | Revue de Mycologie | 1938 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 6/18/21 17:48 | 187–199 | 4 | 3 | Rev. Mycol. | French | Number: 6 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\WVXXI2P8\187-199 Notes sur quelques Basidiomycètes. IVe Série.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | EPC8HUM7 | journalArticle | 1938 | Singer, R. | Sur les genres Ixocomus, Boletinus, Phylloporus, Gyrodon et Gomphidius (Suite) | Revue de Mycologie | 1938 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 157–177 | 4–5 | 3 | Rev. Mycol. | French | Number: 4–5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\SBKPMPL3\Singer_1938 Sur les genres Ixocomus, Boletinus, Phylloporus, Gyrodon et Gomphidius (Suite).pdf | Western Siberia; Tomsk Oblast; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | X5YI4ANA | journalArticle | 1938 | Singer, R. | Sur les genres Ixocomus, Boletinus, Phylloporus, Gyrodon et Gomphidius | Revue de Mycologie | 1938 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 35–53 | 2 | 3 | Rev. Mycol. | French | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\H4REVRPG\Singer_1938 Sur les genres Ixocomus, Boletinus, Phylloporus, Gyrodon et Gomphidius.pdf | Western Siberia; Tomsk Oblast; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
75 | H8A5E3BA | journalArticle | 2006 | Miettinen, Otto; Niemelä, Tuomo; Spirin, Wjacheslav A. | Northern Antrodiella species: the identity of A. semisupina, and type studies of related taxa | Mycotaxon | 2006 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 211–239 | 96 | en | D:\d\JURISM\storage\PDL9TR68\Miettinen_etal_2006 Northern Antrodiella species - the identity of A. semisupina, and type studies.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Omsk Oblast; Tomsk Oblast; Southern Siberia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
76 | UXWVL6I5 | journalArticle | 1962 | Singer, Rolf | Diagnoses Fungorum novorum Agaricalium II | Sydowia | 1962 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 45–83 | 15 | Latin | Original date: 1961 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\33UW4NF5\Singer_1962 Diagnoses Fungorum novorum Agaricalium II.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnodar Krai | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
77 | 62846C3K | book | 1964 | Smith, Alexander H.; Singer, Rolf | A monograph on the genus Galerina Earle | 1964 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 384 | Hafner Publishing Company | New York, London | en | Institution: Hafner Publishing Company | D:\d\JURISM\storage\Q757CST6\Smith_Singer_1964 A monograph on the genus Galerina Earle.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
78 | VVI52HSV | journalArticle | 1990 | Singer, R. | Clitocybe obsoleta | Zeitschrift für Mykologie | 1990 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 5-Jul | 1 | 56 | Z. Mykol. | German | Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\NJM9Q98N\Singer_1990 Clitocybe obsoleta.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
79 | SHHXQDHY | journalArticle | 2019 | Volobuev, S. V.; Bolshakov, S. Yu.; Shiryaev, A. G.; Sazanova, N. A.; Rebriev, Yu. A.; Ezhov, O. N.; Vlasenko, V. A.; Vlasenko, A. V.; Kalinina, L. B.; Stavishenko, I. V.; Zmitrovich, I. V. | New species for regional mycobiotas of Russia. 4. Report 2019 | Микология и фитопатология | 0026-3648 | 10.1134/S0026364819050076 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=39249166 | A total of 62 species of fungi have been recorded for the first time from 15 administrative regions of Russia: Altai Krai, Altai Republic, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Kirov Oblast, Leningrad Oblast, Magadan Oblast, Novgorod Oblast, Novosibirsk Oblast, Omsk Oblast, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Volgograd Oblast, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. An annotated species list containing the data on location, substrate, habitat type and voucher numbers is provided. Cantharellus amethysteus and Ramariopsis robusta are reported as the first records in Russia. Three species – Hygrophoropsis rufa, Typhula schoeni, Xerocomellus ripariellus – are recorded in Russia for the second time. | 2019 | 4/23/21 6:28 | 9/9/21 9:49 | 261–271 | 5 | 53 | Number: 5 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\T7BHG5WG\Volobuev и др. - 2019 - New species for regional mycobiotas of Russia. 4..pdf; D:\d\JURISM\storage\4WC9FJ2U\Volobuev и др. - 2019 - New Species for Regional Mycobiotas of Russia. 4. .pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Omsk Oblast; _agaricoid; _gasteroid; Altai Republic; Kemerovo Oblast; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia; Chukotka AO; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Leningrad Oblast; Novgorod Oblast; Arkhangelsk Oblast; Altai Krai; Kirov Oblast; Chelyabinsk Oblast; Bashkortostan; Magadan Oblast; Volgograd Oblast | Russia; Россия; Базидиомицеты; Биоразнообразие; Biodiversity; Fungal Distribution; Распространение Грибов; Basidiomycetes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
80 | BJWP7SXV | journalArticle | 2019 | Czernyadjeva, I. V.; Afonina, O. M.; Ageev, D. V.; Baisheva, E. Z.; Bulyonkova, T. M.; Cherenkova, N. N.; Doroshina, G. Ya.; Drovnina, S. I.; Dugarova, O. D.; Dulepova, N. A.; Dyachenko, A. P.; Filippova, N. V.; Ginzburg, E. G.; Gogorev, R. M.; Himelbrant, D. E.; Ignatov, M. S.; Kataeva, O. A.; Kotkova, V. M.; Kuragina, N. S.; Kurbatova, L. E.; Kushnevskaya, E. V.; Kuzmina, E. Yu.; Melekhin, A. V.; Notov, A. A.; Novozhilov, Yu. K.; Popov, S. Yu.; Popova, N. N.; Potemkin, A. D.; Stepanchikova, I. S.; Stepanova, V. A.; Tubanova, D. Ya.; Vlasenko, A. V.; Vlasenko, V. A.; Voronova, O. G.; Zhalov, Kh. Kh. | New cryptogamic records. 4 | Новости систематики низших растений | 0568-5435 | 10.31111/nsnr/2019.53.2.431 | https://www.binran.ru/en/publications/novosti-sistematiki-nizshyh-rastenij/2215/8369/ | First records of diatom species from the Barents and East-Siberian seas, of Myxomycetes for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra, Novosibirsk Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Basidiomycetes for the Arkhangelsk, Novosibirsk, Rostov and Volgograd regions, Altai Republic, Altai Territory, lichens, calicioid and lichenicolous fungi for the Murmansk, Novgorod and Tver regions, bryophytes for the Lipezk, Voronezh and Volgograd regions, St. Petersburg, Stavropol Territory, Caucasus, Republic of Bashkortostan, Yamal and Gydan peninsulas, Trans-Baikal Territory, Magadan Region, Sakhalin Island, Republic of Uzbekistan are presented. Data on localities, habitats, distribution of recorded species are provided. | 2019-10 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 1/7/20 18:07 | 431-479 | 2 | 53 | English and Russian | DOI.org (Crossref) | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\Z82QYGHN\Czernyadjeva и др. - 2019 - New cryptogamic records. 4.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia; Caucasus; Altai Krai | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | 3N4ZEIJ3 | journalArticle | 2003 | Bas, C. | A reconnaissance of the genus Pseudobaeospora in Europe II | Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi | 0031-5850 | https://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532431 | In the second and last part of this paper the genus Pseudobaeospora is redefined, its taxonomic position is discussed, and the possibilities of a formal infrageneric classification are considered. Because of the recent discovery of another new species, viz. P. mutabilis Adamčík & Bas, emendations of the key published in the first part of this paper (Bas, 2002), are proposed. Descriptions and drawings of all European taxa known are presented. Extralimital species are discussed and compared with European species. With the rapid increase in the number of species of the genus Pseudobaeospora in Europe from one or two ‘classical’ ones before 1995 to 14 to 16 species at present, also the morphological diversity of the genus has increased considerably. Therefore a new circumscription of the genus has become necessary, herewith emending the two most recent ones by Singer (1986) and Bas (1995). | 2003 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 9/9/21 9:45 | 163-199 | 2 | 18 | Persoonia | en | tex.ids: Bas2003_PPEF_18 number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\P2PL2F8S\Bas_2003 A reconnaissance of the genus Pseudobaeospora in Europe II.pdf; D:\d\JURISM\storage\272R5ESN\Bas - 2003 - A reconnaissance of the genus Pseudobaeospora in E.pdf | _agaricoid; Yamalo-Nenets AO | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | 74AIPA9K | journalArticle | 2014 | Федосова, А. Г.; Коваленко, А. Е. | Секция Boletus рода Boletus в России: видовой состав, морфология, экология и филогения | Микология и фитопатология | 2014 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 86–106 | 2 | 48 | Russian | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\FUTGPGV4\Федосова_Коваленко_2014 Секция Boletus рода Boletus в России - видовой состав, морфология, экология и.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnodar Krai; Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Leningrad Oblast; Moscow Oblast; Primorsky Krai; Stavropol Krai; Saint Petersburg | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | FA9W5PRD | journalArticle | 2020 | Wu, Gang; Wu, Kui; Qi, Liang-Liang; Morozova, Olga V.; Alexandrova, Alina V.; Gorbunova, Irina A.; Li, Yu; Liu, Jian-Wei; Yang, Zhu L. | Psiloboletinus is an independent genus sister to Suillus | Mycologia | 0027-5514 | 10.1080/00275514.2019.1681885 | https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2019.1681885 | The genus Psiloboletinus was proposed by Rolf Singer in 1945 based on Phylloporus lariceti, a species that associates with Larix in the Altai Mountains of central and eastern Asia. However, this classification has been controversial due to the morphological similarity to known genera Boletinus and Fuscoboletinus. Because of the lack of fresh material to study, the phylogenetic position of Psiloboletinus has remained unknown since its publication. However, the recently described species Suillus foetidus reported from northeast China allows this issue to be reexamined and resolved. Through morphological observations and comparison, we find that S. foetidus is a heterotypic synonym of Ps. lariceti. Furthermore, Psiloboletinus should be retained as an independent genus sister to Suillus based on molecular phylogenetic evidence and morphological features. | 1/2/2020 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 2/3/20 15:06 | 185-196 | 1 | 112 | en | Taylor and Francis+NEJM | Number: 1 PMID: 31900087 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\UHZWGKEJ\Wu и др. - 2020 - Psiloboletinus is an independent genus sister to S.pdf | Western Siberia; _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia | Larch; multilocus molecular phylogeny; Phylloporus; Suillaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
84 | 7GMFT25K | journalArticle | 2019 | Malysheva, Ekaterina; Moreno, Gabriel; Villarreal, Manuel; Malysheva, Vera; Svetasheva, Tatyana | The secotioid genus Galeropsis (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota): a real taxonomic unit or ecological phenomenon? | Mycological Progress | 1861-8952 | 10.1007/s11557-019-01490-6 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-019-01490-6 | Despite the recent mycologists’ interest in relationships between gasteroid taxa and agaricoid Basidiomycetes lineages and an intensive debate on the evolution of enigmatic secotioid fungi, systematic studies of the genus Galeropsis have received little attention. Here, the taxonomy of this genus is revised based on morphological and nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS and LSU) data. The genus is shown to be polyphyletic, with at least five phylogenetic lineages corresponding to known genera of Agaricomycetes (Panaeolus, Agrocybe, Parasola, Conocybe, and Leratiomyces). The type species of Galeropsis, G. desertorum, is combined to Panaeolus, and other six new combinations are proposed. In total, eight type collections are studied. The lectotype for Psammomyces plantaginiformis is designated here. Gastrocybe iberica is placed as synonym of Panaeolus desertorum, and the names Galeropsis andina and Galeropsis bispora are synonymized under Panaeolus plantaginiformis. The detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations of microscopic structures for all studied species are given. The phylogenetic inference and our current understanding of the phylogenetic structure and ecology of Galeropsis are discussed. | 6/1/2019 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 11/28/19 19:00 | 805-831 | 6 | 18 | Mycol Progress | The secotioid genus Galeropsis (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) | en | Springer Link | Citation Key Alias: Malysheva2019MP Number: 6 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\D9RHDPRX\Malysheva_etal_2019 The secotioid genus Galeropsis (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) - a real.pdf | _gasteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Stavropol Krai | Phylogeny; LSU; Secotioid fungi; Type study | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | X5XB6Z47 | journalArticle | 2011 | Агафонова, Н. Н.; Ребриев, Ю. А.; Гашков, С. И. | Гастероидные базидиомицеты Томской области | Микология и фитопатология | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=16399058 | Приведены результаты изучения гастероидных базидиомицетов Томской обл. В результате оригинальных исследований, дополненных литературными данными, составлен конспект гастеромицетов, насчитывающий 42 вида и разновидностей, из них 17 таксонов являются новыми для региона, 9 - для Западной Сибири. The investigations of Tomsk region gasteroid basidiomycetes results are given. Check-list of the gasteromycetes consists of 42 species and varieties, 17 of which are new for region and 9 - for West Siberia. | 2011 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 221–227 | 3 | 45 | Russian | Number: 3 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\7TUZ4WWU\Агафонова и др. - 2011 - Гастероидные базидиомицеты Томской области.pdf | Western Siberia; Tomsk Oblast; _gasteroid | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | FXA3TNF5 | journalArticle | 2018 | Горбунова, И. А.; Ребриев, Ю. А. | Новые сведения о гастероидных базидиомицетах заповедника «Тигирекский» (Алтайский край) | Turczaninowia | 1560-7267 | 10.14258/turczaninowia.21.1.3 | http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/3824 | The research on mycobiota of the Tigirek state nature reserve in 2016 has resulted in discovery of the species of gasteroid basidiomycetes new for the area, some of them being new for Altai territory and Siberia. An annotated list of 13 gasteromycetes new for the Tigirek nature reserve (Bovista aestivalis, B. furfuracea, B. plumbea, Calvatia turneri, Lycoperdon caudatum, L. marginatum, L. molle, L. norvegicum, L. nigrescens, L. pratense, L. rupicola, L. umbrinum) is presented in the article. For the new records for Altai territory, West and Central Siberia (Calvatia turneri, Lycoperdon caudatum, L. norvegicum, L. rupicola) ecological, morphological, biological characteristics are included, as well as the data regarding their distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation, distinguishing features that set them apart from morphologically similar species are listed. | 3/5/2018 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 9/14/21 20:36 | 12/28/19 11:32 | 24-30 | 1 | 21 | Russian | Copyright (c) 2018 Turczaninowia | turczaninowia.asu.ru | Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\LKNQ9WE5\Горбунова и Ребриев - 2018 - Новые сведения о гастероидных базидиомицетах запов.pdf | _gasteroid; Southern Siberia; Altai Krai; !exclude | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | EQZCN4ID | journalArticle | 2007 | Hughes, Karen W.; Petersen, Ronald H.; Mata, Juan Luis; Psurtseva, Nadezhda V.; Kovalenko, Alexander E.; Morozova, Olga V.; Lickey, Edgar B.; Blanco, Joaquin Cifuentes; Lewis, David P.; Nagasawa, Eiji; Halling, Roy E.; Takehashi, Seiji; Aime, M. Catherine; Bau, Tolgor; Henkel, Terry | Megacollybia (Agaricales) | Reports of the Tottori Mycological Institute | 0388-8266 | 2007 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 1–57 | 45 | Rep. Tottori Mycol. Inst. | en | D:\d\JURISM\storage\JKDAV9JA\Hughes_etal_2007 Megacollybia (Agaricales).pdf | Western Siberia; _agaricoid; Novosibirsk Oblast; Novgorod Oblast | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | PWWEKZLQ | bookSection | 2001 | Нухимовская, Ю. Д.; Коваленко, А. Е. | Аннотированная библиография и предварительный анализ состояния изученности микобиоты заповедников России | Заповедное дело. Научно-методические записки комиссии по заповедному делу. Вып. 8 | 2001 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 148–210 | М. | Russian | Edytor type: отв. ред. | D:\d\JURISM\storage\ATWXBFZV\Нухимовская_Коваленко_2001 Аннотированная библиография и предварительный анализ состояния изученности.pdf | Western Siberia | Павлов, Д. С. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | 9HDD22E3 | book | 1953 | Васильков, Б. П. | Изучение шляпочных грибов в СССР. Историко-библиографический очерк | 1953 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 191 | Изд-во АН СССР | М., Л. | Russian | Editor type: отв. ред. Institution: Изд-во АН СССР | D:\d\JURISM\storage\BX9YALWG\Васильков_Савич_1953 Изучение шляпочных грибов в СССР. Историко-библиографический очерк.djvu | Western Siberia | Савич, В. П. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | GSBPWEXC | journalArticle | 2018 | Горбунова, И. А. | Новые сведения об агарикоидных базидиомицетах заповедника «Тигирекский» (Алтайский край) | Turczaninowia | 1560-7267 | 10.14258/turczaninowia.21.2.16 | http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/4198 | The paper presents data on floristic finds in the Western Altai region, in forest and mountain belts, steppe and forest-steppe vegetation communities. The studies of macromycetes in the Tigirek State Nature Reserve in July-August 2016 have revealed 180 species of agaricoid basidiomycetes new for the reserve. The article contains an annotated list of 180 species of agaricoid basidiomycetes new for the Tigirek State Nature Reserve, 67 of which have been discovered in the Altai region for the first time, 18 are considered new for Western Siberia, and 8 (Hebeloma candidipes Bruchet, Hygrocybe ovina (Bull.) Kühner, Phaeocollybia lugubris (Fr.) R. Heim, Psathyrella olympiana A. H. Sm., Rugosomyces persicolor (Fr.) Bon, Tricholoma bufonium (Pers.) Gillet, Tubaria minutalis Romagn., Russula illota Romagn.) – new for Siberia. Specified for rare species and new finds in the Altai mountains areas of distribution and frequency on the territory of Siberia are given. | 6/9/2018 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 12/28/19 11:36 | 160–171 | 2 | 21 | Russian | Copyright (c) 2018 Turczaninowia | turczaninowia.asu.ru | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\2957CTY8\Горбунова - 2018 - Новые сведения об агарикоидных базидиомицетах запо.pdf | _agaricoid; Southern Siberia; Altai Krai | Boletales; chernevaya taiga; forest-steppe; Russulales; steppe; tundra; West Altai | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | N7QSULHV | journalArticle | 1993 | Korhonen, Mauri; Hyvönen, Jaakko; Ahti, Teuvo | Suillus grevillei and S. clintonianus (Gomphidiaceae), two boletoid fungi associated with Larix | Karstenia | 0453-3402 | 10.29203/ka.1993.296 | http://www.funga.fi/karstenia/?p=2399 | Suillus clintonianus (Peck) Kuntze, earlier regarded as a dark red-brown form of S. grevillei (Klotzsch: Fr.) Singer, is shown to possess other distinctive morphological characters as well, and to have a wide distribution in Eurasia and North America. It is here proposed as a separate species. Both S. grevillei and S. clintonianus are ectomycorrhizal fungi of Larix, and often grow together, but the total distributions are different. S. grevillei f. badius (Singer) Singer is included in S. clintonianus. | 1993 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 9/9/21 9:47 | 3/4/20 9:07 | 1-Sep | 1 | 33 | Suomen sieniseura | en | Crossref | Institution: Suomen sieniseura tex.ids: Korhonen.etal1993_K_33 number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\EE9FVBFX\Korhonen_etal_1993 Suillus grevillei and S. clintonianus (Gomphidiaceae), two boletoid fungi.pdf; D:\d\JURISM\storage\XDKD2Z66\Korhonen и др. - 1993 - Suillus grevillei and S. clintonianus (Gomphidiace.pdf | _agaricoid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Irkutsk Oblast; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Khabarovsk Krai; Yamalo-Nenets AO; Leningrad Oblast; Altai Krai; Bashkortostan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | 3IQJYGQL | journalArticle | 2007 | Shiryaev, Anton G. | Clavarioid fungi of the Urals. II. The nemoral zone | Karstenia | 0453-3402 | 10.29203/ka.2007.417 | http://www.funga.fi/karstenia/?p=1454 | One hundred and eighteen clavarioid species are reported from the nemoral zone of the Ural Mts.. Eight of them, Ceratellopsis aculeata, C. terrigena, Lentaria corticola, Pistillaria quercicola, Ramaria broomei, R. lutea, R. subtilis and Typhula hyalina, are reported for the first time from Russia. The material consists of 1300 collections and observations, and according to these, the most frequent species are Clavulina cinerea, Macrotyphula juncea, Typhula erythropus, T. sclerotioides, T. uncialis and T. variabilis. These contain ca. 23 % of all observations, but only 5 % of all the species. In comparison with the boreal zone of the Urals, the nemoral zone consists less abundant species (1.7% / 14.6%) and more rare species (47.8% / 38.2%). Species like Clavulinopsis aurantiocinnabarina, Pistillaria quercicola, Ramaria broomei, R. lutea and Sparassis brevipes are considered to be relicts of Pliocen and Holocen periods. The most favorable habitats for the rare and relict species are discussed. The collecting sites are briefly described and descriptions of the new and rare species for Russia are given. | 2007 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 3/4/20 8:49 | May-16 | 1 | 47 | en | Crossref | Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\JDKAYH4Y\Shiryaev_2007 Clavarioid fungi of the Urals. II. The nemoral zone.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Krasnodar Krai; Primorsky Krai; Adygea; Caucasus; Chelyabinsk Oblast; Bashkortostan; Crimea | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | 9YVNNVXM | journalArticle | 2015 | Shiryaev, Anton G.; Kotiranta, Heikki | Aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the middle part of Yenisei river basin, East Siberia, Russia | Karstenia | 0453-3402 | 10.29203/ka.2015.468 | http://www.funga.fi/karstenia/?p=1788 | Species assemblage and taxonomical notes of some aphyllophoroid fungi of the middle part of Yenisei river basin are provided. The material was collected in August 2013. Altogether 211 species belonging to 94 genera are reported. The three study localities are situated in the middle boreal subzone in East Siberia, and comparisons with some other Siberian Nature Reserves in the middle boreal subzone are made. Some threatened species are briefly discussed and a few notes on interesting specimens are given. | 2015 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 3/4/20 8:46 | 43-60 | 1-Feb | 55 | en | Crossref | Number: 1-2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\8GUICJE6\Shiryaev_Kotiranta_2015 Aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the middle part of Yenisei river basin,.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | Q6VLT8ZD | journalArticle | 2010 | Zmitrovich, Ivan V.; Ezhov, Oleg N; Ershov, Roman V. | On Salix-associated Polyporus pseudobetulinus and P. choseniae in Russia | Karstenia | 0453-3402 | 10.29203/ka.2010.441 | http://www.funga.fi/karstenia/?p=1413 | New records of Polyporus pseudobetulinus on willow species from Arkhangelsk Region (North of European Russia) were made. The differences between P. pseudobetulinus and the similar P. choseniae are generalized, highlighting spore variability and hyphal system. The two species are rather distant from each other. P. pseudobetulinus is characterized by dimitic hyphal system with a predominance of fibre hyphae, lack of clamps, and somewhat sigmoid spores, whereas P. choseniae has dimitic hyphal system with a predominance of skeleto-binding hyphae, clamps, and symmetrically fusoid basidiospores. The ecological preferences and distribution patterns of both species are discussed. | 2010 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 4/23/21 6:29 | 3/4/20 8:43 | 53-58 | 2 | 50 | en | Crossref | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\A8EKBN6I\Zmitrovich_etal_2010 On Salix-associated Polyporus pseudobetulinus and P. choseniae in Russia.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Novosibirsk Oblast; Irkutsk Oblast; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Leningrad Oblast; Arkhangelsk Oblast; Magadan Oblast | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
95 | FFZMLJVN | journalArticle | 2005 | Spirin, Wjacheslav A. | Notes on some rare polypores, found in Russia 2. Junghuhnia vitellina sp. nova, plus genera Cinereomyces and Skeletocutis | Karstenia | 0453-3402 | 10.29203/ka.2005.409 | http://www.funga.fi/karstenia/?p=1473 | A new species Junghuhnia vitellina Spirin is described, growing on Betula mandshurica in Russian Far East. Cinereomyces lenis (P. Karst.) Spirin, comb. nova is a so-called kelo fungus; its closest relative C. vulgaris (Fr.) Spirin, comb. nova has relatively wide set of hosts. The latter is new to Russia. Eleven species of Skeletocutis are discussed, and some data on their ecology are treated. S. chrysella Niemelä, S. subincarnata (Peck) Jean Keller and S. stellae (Pilát) Jean Keller are rare taiga species, growing on large spruce or pine trunks at late stages of wood-decomposition. S. biguttulata (Romell) Niemelä and S. brevispora Niemelä are locally common and found in both southern and northern parts of the study area. S. carneogrisea David and S. kuehneri David grow in association with Trichaptum species in virgin as well as managed coniferous forests. S. albocremea David is very rare; it was collected only once in old pine forest. S. kuehneri and S. papyracea David are new to Belarus. | 2005 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 3/4/20 8:42 | 103-113 | 2 | 45 | en | Crossref | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\UCDTJXS2\Spirin_2005 Notes on some rare polypores, found in Russia 2. Junghuhnia vitellina sp. nova,.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia; Caucasus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
96 | QPE3XTMI | journalArticle | 2005 | Kinnunen, Juha; Niemelä, Tuomo | North European species of Ceriporiopsis (Basidiomycota) and their Asian relatives | Karstenia | 0453-3402 | 10.29203/ka.2005.407 | http://www.funga.fi/karstenia/?p=1478 | The polypore genus Ceriporiopsis is revised, and a new combination is proposed:Ceriporiopsis pseudogilvescens (Pilát) Niemelä & Kinnunen. It is the correct name for the species commonly known as C. resinascens (Romell) Doma?ski; the latter is a northerly taxon with narrower spores and less resinous basidiocarp. Also the related C. aneirina (Sommerf.) Doma?ski, C. balaenae Niemelä, C. gilvescens (Bres.) Doma?ski, C. albonigrescens Núñez, Parmasto & Ryvarden and C. cremea (Parmasto) Ryvarden are discussed and compared. The results are supplemented with an extensive list of spore size measurements and by a key to the species. | 2005 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 3/4/20 8:39 | 81-90 | 2 | 45 | en | Crossref | Number: 2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\F4TC7NHN\Kinnunen и Niemelä - 2005 - North European species of Ceriporiopsis (Basidiomy.pdf | Western Siberia; _aphylloheteroid; Tomsk Oblast; Altai Republic; Kemerovo Oblast; Novosibirsk Oblast; Southern Siberia; Karelia; Bryansk Oblast; Leningrad Oblast | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
97 | JDI8ILTH | journalArticle | 2017 | Corfixen, Peer; Parmasto, Erast | Hymenochaete and Hymenochaetopsis (Basidiomycota) in Europe | Karstenia | 4533402 | 10.29203/ka.2017.483 | http://karstenia.fi/?p=3666 | Fourteen species of Hymenochaete and three species of Hymenochaetopsis from Europe are treated, including their distribution and host characteristics. Four new species are described, viz. Hymenochaete canescens, H. jaapii, H. pilatii and H. rhododendri. Two species are new for Europe, viz. Hymenochaete longispora and Hymenochaetopsis laricicola. | 2017 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 3/4/20 8:38 | 49-80 | 1 | 58 | en | Crossref | Number: 1 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\9N9ZXCK4\Corfixen_Parmasto_2017 Hymenochaete and Hymenochaetopsis (Basidiomycota) in Europe.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
98 | GWAYXCEU | journalArticle | 2000 | Bondartseva, Margarita A.; Lositskaya, Vera M.; Zmitrovich, Ivan V. | Punctularia strigosozonata (Punctulariaceae) in Europe | Karstenia | 0453-3402 | 10.29203/ka.2000.345 | http://www.funga.fi/karstenia/?p=2499 | Punctularia strigosozonata (Schwein.) P.H.B. Talbot is reported from nine localities in the European part of Russia, Belarus and Estonia. Spore dimensions of the collections are given. | 2000 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 3/4/20 8:38 | 9-Oct | 1-Feb | 40 | en | Crossref | Number: 1-2 | D:\d\JURISM\storage\E39V7FNQ\Bondartseva_etal_2000 Punctularia strigosozonata (Punctulariaceae) in Europe.pdf | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
99 | RB2FPZXN | book | 1953 | Бондарцев, А. С. | Трутовые грибы Европейской части СССР и Кавказа | 1953 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 1106 | Изд-во АН СССР | М.; Л. | Russian | Institution: Изд-во АН СССР | D:\d\JURISM\storage\KE2ES7PE\Бондарцев_1953 Трутовые грибы Европейской части СССР и Кавказа.djvu | Sverdlovsk Oblast; _aphylloheteroid; Caucasus | Савич, В. П. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 | RLV89YK3 | journalArticle | 1998 | Roberts, Peter | Thanatephorus ochraceus: a saprotrophic and orchid endomycorrhizal species | Sydowia | 1998 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 4/23/21 6:30 | 252-256 | 50 | en | D:\d\JURISM\storage\CYUTD99K\Roberts_1998 Thanatephorus ochraceus - a saprotrophic and orchid endomycorrhizal species.pdf | _aphylloheteroid; Altai Republic; Southern Siberia |