NamePlayed ByAgeSexHeightWeightLevelMax HPCurrent InjuriesMoneyFancy PTU 1.05 Sheet - v. 1.4.1
Taylor DenevoirtechnoRomancer18Male5'5"Scrawny559$100
StatBase StatsFeatsBonusLevel-UpTotalSkill BackgroundCurrent Team
HP103--13Name:Street RunnerL15 Aipom "Bandit"
ATK50510Keeping a finger on Castelia's pulse - and his own.
DEF5--5Adept SkillPathetic Skills
SDEF5--5Novice SkillFocus
Total APUsed APCurrent APLvl-Up0FeaturesEdges
Athletics2Untrained22d6+2SurvivalistNovice PerceptionTraveler
CharmNovice33d6Natural FighterTerrain Talents Rank 1Novice General EdAcrobat
CombatPathetic11d6Adept Perception
CommandUntrained22d6Adept Acrobatics
General EdNovice33d6Hobbyist
Medicine EdUntrained22d6Dilettante Rank 1
Occult EdUntrained22d6
Pokémon EdUntrained22d6
Technology EdNovice33d6Tumbler
IntuitionUntrained22d6Flying Ace?Pokémon Wishlist
SurvivalAdept44d6Bonus Skill EdgesAerodactylKoffing
Training FeatureAgility Training2Novice CharmVenonatDitto
Trainer Advancement BonusesMilestonesDex EXPMISC EXP6SableyePoipole
Bonus Features/EdgesLevelStatsAttSpAtt4012
Dilettante Rank 252Bonus Features / Edges From Classes
100Novice StealthDynamism
200Adept StealthDive
300Novice Tech EdRepel Crafter
400Skill Monkey
Physical DescriptionBackground
Taylor is a late bloomer, scrawy and short enough to look a few years younger than his actual age. His boyish face and oversized clothes enhance the effect. Usually it doesn't bother him when people assume he's just a punk teen; makes it easy to go ignored, or get let off easy when he gets caught somewhere he shouldn't be. And that's where he ends up, most of the time - underfoot, around the corner, behind a door, on a rooftop. His lankiness belies a well-trained agility and nimble fingers he puts to good use (or naughty, depending on your point of view). He's just as good at disappearing into a crowd as he is at slipping into the shadows when he doesn't want to be found.Louis Denevoir was a bit of a disappointment to his father, never showing any interest in the family business beyond the prosperity it allowed the family. Coasting along at an endless string of part-time jobs, he was content to take advantage of his father's fame to make up the difference. Louis' own son Taylor wasn't much more ambitious, but he was at least a lot more active and independent.

Growing up on stories of the detective agency and his Grandpa's exploits, Taylor idolized the man as a child. While he grew out of it as he approached his teen years, he always kept a close relationship with the elder Denevoir. Certainly closer than with his father. As he got older Taylor only got increasingly frustrated with his boring dad. Louis wasn't a bad father, vaguely supportive of whatever his son wanted to do, but provided little to no structure or discipline in the boy's life. He never paid that much attention to Taylor, absorbed in his own pursuits and hobbies. Grandpa would have none of it but couldn't really reign the kid in, and settled for giving him errands to keep him productive. Taylor grudgingly obliged, though in truth he didn't really mind. His grandfather's cases were interesting, even if Taylor didn't really have a taste for mystery and intrigue.

What he did have a taste for was exploration. With no curfews or helicopter parents, Taylor spent most of his days running around the city, and most of his nights getting hauled back to the Baker Street office by his grandpa's exasperated police friends. Fortunately he was a bright kid, and made friends with pretty much everyone he met. The neighborhood was full of "aunties and uncles" happy to offer him snacks or chat about their day. Marlin Denevior was quick to realize what kind of advantage this could be once he noticed the casual connections his grandson had made. Taylor was a natural at gathering word off the street or "interrogating" unsuspecting witnesses. And, though Marlin was loathe to encourage it, the kid had a knack for getting into places he didn't belong. Denevoir's own vaunted skills in that department were dulling with age. And many of his own web of contacts were out of the loop these days or gone altogether.

For his part, though Taylor likes to act annoyed, he used to really enjoy helping his Grandpa out. Now that management has changed hands? He's not so sure yet.

Honestly, Taylor's not too attached to the Agency itself. It's seen better days, and it's a rare point of agreement with his father that he kind of wishes it would die a quick, painless death. It's preferable to a slow struggle that drags the family name even deeper into the mud (and the family accounts deeper into debt). Still, Taylor loves his Grandpa, one of the few people he's ever really respected. He can't bring himself to sabotage things, and still grudgingly lends his own skills to their investigations. If Denevoir's last crop of proteges can manage to turn the business around... well, who knows what might happen?
A clever kid with a sarcastic tongue, Taylor retains a cheerful nature even when spitting the most biting comments. Scrappy in a fight, he has no qualms about fighting dirty, or running away when a situation goes sour. A risk-taker who gets bored easily, he's constantly on the lookout for trouble to poke his curious nose into. Fortunately he's gotten just as good at getting out of trouble as he is at getting himself into it. Despite his natural abrasiveness, Taylor's never one to turn a blind eye to someone in need, and is a pretty helpful kid when you're on his good side.

Taylor's dad had a very light hand in raising his son, and Grandpa Denevoir practically encouraged his most mishievious behavior, so the kid spent most of his childhood with free reign across the city. At this point he knows the back alleys, rooftops, and sewers of Castelia better than the back of his Aipom's hand. He knows all the best shortcuts, points of interest, and people of influence. He's normally not much of a show-off, preferring not to attract attention if he doesn't need to. But being in tune with Castelia is a point of pride for him and he's not averse to some bragging. He's got friends everywhere and, thanks to his habit of getting himself (and his grandpa) involved where he shouldn't, many of them owe the Detective Agency a favor or two. Of course, in its current state a lot of these "friends" are reluctant to still associate with them...
Taylor and Bandit
The relationship between Taylor and his Aipom started out as more of a rivalry. By sheer coincidence they were both sneaking into the same warehouse, for different reasons, and the monkey Pokemon seemed to take it as a challenge. He began showing up everywhere Taylor went - snatching food or other items right out from under him only tease from out of reach, racing to beat him up walls and across rooftops. This drove Taylor to improve his own skills to keep up. In turn, the Aipom started trying to mimic Taylor's techniques as well. Over time the two began to appreciate each other's company, and now they're inseperable partners in crime, sharing a common sense of humor and talent for mischief. They've certainly been terrible influences on each other.