1AARC2Dec 2464RIAApr 2019Authentication and Authorisation For Research and CollaborationThe goal of AARC2 is to design an AAI framework to develop interoperable
AAI, to enable researchers to access the whole research and infrastructure
service portfolio with one login. AARC2's objectives are:1. enable
federated access in research communities participating in...
Secure SystemsHold
4AEGISJul 2475CSAApr 2019Accelerating EU-US DialoGue for Research and Innovation in CyberSecurity
and Privacy
AEGIS aims to strengthen dialogues between Europe and the US, in order to
facilitate exchange of views, policies and best practices to stimulate
cooperation around cybersecurity and privacy R&I, and contribute in shaping
the future global cybersecurity and privacy...
Cybersecurity Governance
5ANASTACIAApr 2467RIADec 2019Advanced Networked Agents for Security and Trust Assessment in CPS/IOT
The main objective of the ANASTACIA is to address the constant discovery of
vulnerabilities in ICT components providing assurance that ICT systems are
secure and trustworthy by design. To this end, ANASTACIA will research and
develop a holistic security framework, which will...
Verification & Assurance
6ARIESNov 2454RIAFeb 2019reliAble euRopean Identity EcoSystemARIES main goal is to deliver a comprehensive framework for reliable
e-identity ecosystem comprising new technologies, processes and security
features that ensure highest levels of quality in eID based on trustworthy
security documents and biometrics for highly secure and...
Secure SystemsHold
7ARMOURJan 2445RIAJan 2018Large-Scale Experiments of IoT Security TrustThe Internet-of-Things (IoT) is rapidly heading for large scale meaning
that all mechanisms and features for the future IoT need to be especially
designed and duly tested/certified for large-scale conditions. Also,
Security, Privacy and Trust are critical elements of the IoT...
Secure SystemsDrop
8ASAPJun 2188ERC-AGSep 2018Adaptive Security and PrivacyWith the prevalence of mobile computing devices and the increasing
availability of pervasive services, ubiquitous computing (Ubicomp) is a
reality for many people. This reality is generating opportunities for
people to interact socially in new and richer ways, and to work mor...
Human AspectsHold
9ATENADec 2454IAApr 2019Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and
their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures
Over recent years, Industrial and Automation Control Systems (IACS) adopted
in Critical Infrastructures (CIs) have become more complex due to the
increasing number of interconnected devices, and to the large amount of
information exchanged among system components. With the...
Operational RiskHold
12C3ISPDec 2454IASep 2019Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber
C3ISP mission is to define a collaborative and confidential information
sharing, analysis and protection framework as a service for cyber security
management. C3ISP innovation is the possibility to share information in a
flexible and controllable manner inside a collaborative...
Operational RiskAdopt
13CANVASDec 2454CSAAug 2019Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven CybersecurityThe growing complexity of the digital ecosystem in combination with
increasing global risks entail the danger that enforcing cybersecurity may
bypass other fundamental values like equality, fairness or privacy, whereas
downplaying cybersecurity would undermine citizens’...
Cybersecurity Governance
14certMILSApr 2467IADec 2020Compositional security certification for medium- to high-assurance
COTS-based systems in environments with emerging threats
certMILS develops a security certification methodology for Cyber-physical
systems (CPS). CPS are characterised by safety-critical nature, complexity,
connectivity, and open technology. A common downside to CPS complexity and
openness is a large attack surface and a high degree...
Cybersecurity Governance
Aug 2431RIADec 2017Automated Synthesis of Dynamic and Secured Choreographies for the Future
The Future Internet (FI) represents an age of unprecedented opportunities
for social, economic, and business growth thanks to the global scale
connectivity of the virtual as well as of the physical world. This indeed
opens up a wealth of innovative and revolutionary real-life...
Secure SystemsDrop
16CIPSECDec 2454IAApr 2019Enhancing Critical Infrastructure Protection with innovative SECurity
In recent years, the majority of the world's Critical Infrastructures CIs
evolved to become more flexible, cost efficient and able to offer better
services and conditions for business opportunities. Towards this evolution,
CIs and companies offering CI services had to adopt...
Secure SystemsHold
17CITADELDec 2454IAMay 2019Critical Infrastructure Protection using Adaptive MILSCritical infrastructures (CI) rely on complex safety- and security-critical
ICT systems placed into unpredictable environments and forced to cope with
unexpected events and threats while exhibiting safe adaptive behavior.
Recent security trends stress continuous adaptation to...
Secure SystemsAdopt
18CLARUSJul 2431RIADec 2017A FRAMEWORK FOR USER CENTRED PRIVACY AND SECURITY IN THE CLOUDAlthough cloud computing offers many benefits, security issues such as
confidentiality and privacy are still major concerns to those intending to
migrate to the cloud. Traditional cloud security has been based on
assurance to customers that cloud providers follow sound...
Secure SystemsDrop
19CloudSocketOct 2431RIADec 2017Business and IT-Cloud Alignment using a Smart SocketBusiness and IT Alignment is important challenge, as we are facing a
dramatic change in the way we rely, depend and interact with ICT that
influences our everyday life. Although “digital natives” will soon enter
the workforce, there is still a huge gap between the business...
Secure SystemsDrop
22COEMSOct 2463RIAOct 2019Continuous Observation of Embedded Multicore SystemsThe ability to observe the internals of an execution of a computer-based
system is a fundamental requirement for ultimately ensuring correctness and
safe behaviour. Within COEMS (Continuous Observation of Embedded Multicore
Systems) a novel observer platform with supporting...
Secure SystemsAdopt
24COMPACTJul 2475IAOct 2019COmpetitive Methods to protect local Public Administration from Cyber
security Threats
Cyber threats are the most significant and growing risk for public
administrations (PA). However, technological, organisational and structural
issues hamper the ability, especially for local PAs (LPAs) to improve their
cyber security level. Budget constraints and evolving...
Cybersecurity Governance
26CREDENTIALJul 2433IASep 2018Secure Cloud Identity WalletWith increasing mobility and Internet usage, the demand for digital
services increases and has reached critical and high assurance domains like
e-Government, e-Health and e-Business. Those domains have high security and
privacy requirements and hence will be harnessed with...
Identity & PrivacyHold
28CryptoCloudAug 2407ERC-AGMay 2019Cryptography for the CloudMany companies have already started the migration to the Cloud and many
individuals share their personal informations on social networks.
Unfortunately, in the current access mode, the provider first authenticates
the client, and grants him access, or not, according to his ri...
Identity & PrivacyAdopt
29CS-AWAREJul 2475IAAug 2020A cybersecurity situational awareness and information sharing solution for
local public administrations based on advanced big data analysis
Cybersecurity is one of today's most challenging security problems for
commercial companies, NGOs, governmental institutions as well as
individuals. Reaching beyond the technology focused boundaries of classical
information technology (IT) security, cybersecurity includes...
Cybersecurity Governance
30CYBECOAug 2475RIAApr 2019Supporting Cyberinsurance from a Behavioural Choice PerspectiveCYBECO will research, develop, demonstrate, evaluate and exploit a new
framework for managing cybersecurity risks, one that is focusing on
cyberinsurance, as key risk management treatment. CYBECO integrates
multidisciplinary research methods from Behavioural Economics...
Verification & Assurance
32CYCLONENov 2431IADec 2017Complete Dynamic Multi-cloud Application ManagementApplication service providers (ASPs) now develop, deploy, and maintain
complex computing platforms within multiple cloud infrastructures to
improve resilience, responsiveness and elasticity of their applications.
The CYCLONE project targets the ASPs, providing them with...
Secure SystemsDrop
33CYRailJan 2464Shift2Rail-RIASep 2018Cybersecurity in the RAILway sectorRailway infrastructures are moving towards more intelligent, connected,
user-centric and collaborative systems. While it brings many advantages for
the industry and users, it also poses new opportunities for cyber-criminals
and terrorists. CYRail aims to deliver tailored...
Operational RiskHold
34DAPPERMay 2408MC-CIGMar 2018"Doing Anonymization Practically, Privately, Effectively and Reusably""There is currently a tug-of-war going on surrounding data releases. On one
side, there are many strong reasons pulling to release data to other
parties: business factors, freedom of information rules, and scientific
sharing agreements. On the other side, concerns about indiv...
Identity & PrivacyDrop
35DECODEJan 2465RIANov 2019Decentralised Citizens Owned Data EcosystemToday’s Internet is becoming increasingly centralised, slowing innovation
and challenging its potential to revolutionise society and the economy in a
pluralistic manner. DECODE will develop practical alternatives through the
creation, evaluation and demonstration of a...
Human AspectsAdopt644044.5-4.5-31.511.5
36DEFENDERAug 2475IAApr 2020Defending the European Energy InfrastructuresCritical Energy infrastructures (CEI) protection and security are becoming
of utmost importance in our everyday life. However, cyber and
system-theoretic approaches fail to provide appropriate security levels to
CEIs, since they are often used in isolation and build on...
Operational RiskAdopt
37DISCOVERYJun 2446CSADec 2017Dialogues on ICT to Support COoperation Ventures and Europe-North AmeRica
(Canada and USA) sYnergies
"DISCOVERY aims at supporting dialogues between Europe and North America
(US and Canada); and fostering cooperation in collaborative ICT R&I, both
under Horizon 2020 and under US and Canada funding programmes. With this
purpose, DISCOVERY proposes a radically new approach to...
Cybersecurity Governance
38DiSIEMDec 2454IAAug 2019Diversity Enhancements for SIEMsSecurity Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems are a fundamental
component of the ubiquitous ICT infrastructures that form the backbone of
our digital society. These systems are mostly used to monitor
infrastructures using many types of sensors and tools and...
Operational RiskAdopt
40DOGANAJul 2433IAAug 2018aDvanced sOcial enGineering And vulNerability Assesment Framework"The advent of Social Networks has made both companies and public bodies
tremendously exposed to the so-called Social Engineering 2.0, and thus
prone to targeted cyber-attacks. Unfortunately, there is currently no
solution available on the market that allows neither the...
Human AspectsHold765656000
42e-SidesJun 2464CSADec 2019Ethical and Societal Implications of Data SciencesData-driven innovation is deeply transforming society and the economy.
Although there are potentially enormous economic and social benefits this
innovation also brings new challenges for individual and collective
privacy, security, as well as democracy and participation. The...
Identity & PrivacyAdopt
43ECRYPT-CSAJan 2432CSAFeb 2018European Coordination and Support Action in CryptologyThis CSA intends to strengthen European excellence in the area of
cryptology and to achieve a durable integration and structuring of the
European cryptography community, involving academia, industry, government
stakeholders and defence agencies. The project will coordinate...
Verification & Assurance
45ENCASEMay 2444MSCA-RISEDec 2019EnhaNcing seCurity And privacy in the Social wEb: a user centered approach
for the protection of minors
ENCASE will leverage the latest advances in usable security and privacy to
design and implement a browser-based architecture for the protection of
minors from malicious actors in online social networks. The ENCASE
user-centric architecture will consist of three distinct...
Secure SystemsAdopt622647-21-252
46EU-SECDec 2467IADec 2019The European Security Certification FrameworkIn recent years the ICT market has evolved toward a cloud-based approach.
This shift together with the rapidly changing legal and regulatory
landscape has heavily impacted security assurance, governance and
compliance. The information security market players have tried to...
Cybersecurity Governance
47EUNITYJan 2475CSAMay 2019Cybersecurity and privacy dialogue between Europe and JapanThe EUNITY project addresses scope 2 (international dialogue with Japan) of
objective DS-05-2016 of the H2020 work programme. This two years project
aims at developing and encouraging the dialogue between Europe and Japan on
cybersecurity and privacy topics. The partners...
Cybersecurity Governance
50FutureTrustDec 2454IAMay 2019Future Trust Services for Trustworthy Global TransactionsAgainst the background of the regulation 2014/910/EU on electronic
identification (eID) and trusted services for electronic transactions in
the internal market (eIDAS), the FutureTrust project aims at supporting the
practical implementation of the regulation in Europe and...
Secure SystemsAdopt6547470-252
51GenoPriDec 2455
MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF
Apr 2018Quantifying and Protecting the Privacy of Genomic DataGenomic data carries a lot of sensitive information about its owner such as
his predispositions to sensitive diseases, ancestors, physical attributes,
and genomic data of his relatives (leading to interdependent privacy
risks). Individuals share vast amount of information on...
Identity & PrivacyDrop
52GHOSTAug 2475IAApr 2020Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk ControlTo effectively respond to the multitude & complexity of cybersecurity
challenges in smart-homes GHOST deploys a pioneering software-enabled
‘usable security’ solution. The project brings professional level security
to the European citizens and to this end it: (a) increases...
Human AspectsAdopt765644.511.5-31.511.5
54HECTORJul 2431RIAFeb 2018HARDWARE ENABLED CRYPTO AND RANDOMNESSA single flipped bit or a weak random number generator can cause secure
systems to fail. The main objective of this proposal is to close the gap
between the mathematical heaven of cryptographic algorithms and their
efficient, secure and robust hardware implementations. It...
Verification & Assurance
55HERMENEUTJul 2475RIAApr 2019Enterprises intangible Risks Management via Economic models based on
simulatioN of modErn cyber-aTtacks
IT security and risk management often ignore or underestimate the human
factor (psychological, behavioural, societal, organisational and economic
aspects) in the identification of cyber-risks, their quantitative economic
impact and the costs of countermeasures. Cyber-attacks...
Operational RiskHold654747000
56HIPSJul 2416ERC-CGSep 2019High-Performance Secure Computation with Applications to Privacy and Cloud
"Secure two-party and multiparty computation has long stood at the center
of the foundations of theoretical cryptography. However, in the last five
years there has been blistering progress on the question of efficient
secure computation. We are close to the stage that secure ...
Secure SystemsAdopt
57IMPACTApr 2427ERC-SyGJan 2021imPACT – Privacy, Accountability, Compliance, and Trust in Tomorrow’s
The Internet has evolved from a mere communication network used by tens of
millions of users two decades ago, to a global multimedia platform for
communication, social networking, entertainment, education, trade and
political activism used by more than two billion users. This...
Operational RiskAssess10
58KONFIDOApr 2467RIAOct 2019KONFIDO - Secure and Trusted Paradigm for Interoperable eHealth ServicesKONFIDO advances the state of the art of eHealth technology with respect to
four key dimensions of digital security, namely: data preservation, data
access and modification, data exchange, and interoperability and
compliance. To address the challenges of secure storage and...
Secure SystemsAdopt422247-25-252
60LIGHTestDec 2456IAAug 2019Lightweight Infrastructure for Global Heterogeneous Trust management in
support of an open Ecosystem of Stakeholders and Trust schemes.
The objective of LIGHTest is to create a global cross-domain trust
infrastructure that renders it transparent and easy for verifiers to
evaluate electronic transactions. By querying different trust authorities
world-wide and combining trust aspects related to identity...
Secure SystemsAdopt7549472-252
62MAMIApr 2445RIAJun 2018Measurement and Architecture for a Middleboxed InternetRecent revelations about large-scale pervasive surveillance of Internet
traffic have led to a rapidly expanding deployment of encryption in order
to protect end-user privacy. At the same time, network operators and access
providers rely on increasing use of in-network...
Human AspectsHold
63MAPPINGJun 2204CSA-SAFeb 2018Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and INternet GovernanceBuilding on the results of several EU FP7 projects including CONSENT
(covering on-line consent and privacy in social networks), SMART and
RESPECT (which cover smart and on-line surveillance, etc.) MAPPING’s goal
is to create an all-round and “joined-up” understanding of the m...
Human AspectsDrop
67mF2CJun 2464RIADec 2019Towards an Open, Secure, Decentralized and Coordinated Fog-to-Cloud
Management Ecosystem
Fog computing brings cloud computing capabilities closer to the end-device
and users, while enabling location-dependent resource allocation, low
latency services, and extending significantly the IoT services portfolio as
well as market and business opportunities in the cloud...
Secure SystemsAdopt6547470-252
68MH-MDJul 2464RIAOct 2019My Health - My DataIssues of data subjects’ privacy and data security represent a crucial
challenge in the biomedical sector more than in other industries. The
current IT landscape in this field shows a myriad of isolated, locally
hosted patient data repositories, managed by clinical centres...
Secure SystemsAdopt6547470-252
69MIKELANGELOJan 2432RIADec 2017MIcro KErneL virtualizAtioN for hiGh pErfOrmance cLOud and hpc systemsMIKELANGELO is a project, targeted to disrupt the core underlying
technologies of Cloud computing, enabling even bigger uptake of Cloud
computing, HPC in the Cloud and Big Data technologies under one umbrella.
The vision of MIKELANGELO is to improve responsiveness, agility and...
Secure SystemsDrop
70MITIGATEAug 2442IAFeb 2018Multidimensional, IntegraTed, rIsk assessment framework and dynamic,
collaborative Risk ManaGement tools for critical information infrAstrucTurEs
Despite the importance of Critical Information Infrastructures (CIIs) and
dynamic ICT-based maritime supply chains (SCs) for port operations,
state-of-the-art Risk Management (RM) methodologies for maritime
environments pay limited attention to cyber-security and do not...
Secure SystemsDrop
71MUSASep 2431RIADec 2017MUlti-cloud Secure ApplicationsThe most challenging applications in heterogeneous cloud ecosystems are
those that are able to maximise the benefits of the combination of the
cloud resources in use: multi-cloud applications. They have to deal with
the security of the individual components as well as with the...
Secure SystemsDrop454343000
73NeCSNov 2442
Aug 2019European Network for Cyber-securityThe European Network for Cybersecurity (NECS) was formed in response to the
increased need of highly qualified experts able to cope with all the
aspects of the European cybersecurity strategy that is currently under
implementation.There is indeed an evident need and...
Identity & PrivacyAdopt
74OCGNAug 2455
Nov 2018Traditional Organised Crime and the Internet: The changing organization of
illegal gambling networks
Transnational criminal networks utilise Information Communication
Technology (ICT) to commit ‘old’ and ‘new’ types of crime. ICT assists in
transnational crime (i.e., hacking) and also as a way to exchange
information or plan new crimes. Empirical research has...
Operational RiskHold
77OPERANDOAug 2433IAApr 2018Online Privacy Enforcement, Rights Assurance and OptimizationThe goal of the OPERANDO project is to specify, implement, field-test,
validate and exploit an innovative privacy enforcement platform that will
enable the Privacy as a Service (PaS) business paradigm and the market for
online privacy services.The OPERANDO project will...
Secure SystemsDrop
79PaaSwordOct 2431RIADec 2017A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Platform-as-a-Service
Framework Introducing Distributed Encrypted Persistence in Cloud-based
The vision of PaaSword is to maximize and fortify the trust of individual,
professional and corporate customers to Cloud -enabled services and
applications, to safeguard both corporate and personal sensitive data
stored on Cloud infrastructures and Cloud-based storage...
Secure SystemsDrop
81PANORAMIXJul 2433IAAug 2018Privacy and Accountability in Networks via Optimized Randomized Mix-nets"The objective of the PANORAMIX project is the development of a
multipurpose infrastructure for privacy-preserving communications based on
""mix-networks"" (mix-nets) and its integration into high-value
applications that can be exploited by European businesses. Mix-nets...
Secure SystemsHold
86PQCRYPTOFeb 2432RIAFeb 2018Post-quantum cryptography for long-term securityOnline banking, e-commerce, telemedicine, mobile communication, and cloud
computing depend fundamentally on the security of the underlying
cryptographic algorithms. Public-key algorithms are particularly crucial
since they provide digital signatures and establish secure...
Human AspectsDrop
91PrEstoCloudDec 2464RIADec 2019PrEstoCloud - Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for
Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing
PrEstoCloud project will make substantial research contributions in the
cloud computing and real-time data intensive applications domains, in order
to provide a dynamic, distributed, self-adaptive and proactively
configurable architecture for processing Big Data streams. In...
Human AspectsAdopt754944.54.5-31.511.5
96PRISMACLOUDNov 2431RIAJul 2018PRIvacy and Security MAintaining services in the CLOUDWith a current volume of over USD 100 billion and annual growth rates of
over 10%, the world-wide market for cloud computing can be considered as
the major growth area in ICT. However, big companies and public authorities
are reluctant to entrust their most sensitive data to...
Operational RiskHold
98PRIVACY FLAGJul 2433IAApr 2018Enabling Crowd-sourcing based privacy protection for smartphone
applications, websites and Internet of Things deployments
Privacy Flag combines crowd sourcing, ICT technology and legal expertise to
protect citizen privacy when visiting websites, using smart-phone
applications, or living in a smart city. It will enable citizens to monitor
and control their privacy with a user friendly solution...
Secure SystemsDrop
99Privacy.UsDec 2442
Nov 2019Privacy and UsabiliyWith the rapid accumulation and processing of personal data by numerous
organizations, it is of paramount importance to protect people from adverse
uses of their data, while allowing them to enjoy the benefits the use of
these data can possibly provide. This is the question of...
Human AspectsAdopt
Sep 2409
MC-IIF - International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)
Mar 2018A Formal Rule-Processing Engine for Privacy-Respecting Forensic
The forensics investigation requirements are in direct conflict with the
privacy rights of those whose actions are being investigated. At the same
time, once the private data is exposed it is impossible to ‘undo’ its
exposure effects should the suspect is found innocent! Ther...
Identity & PrivacyDrop
101ProBOSMay 2463SME-2Sep 2018Protection Beyond Operating System - Development of the next generation
cyber security solution
Cybercrime is on the rise in terms of scope and impact, which is
facilitated by current environment: increasing use of mobile devices,
social networking, mobile communications and cloud computing. Cyber attacks
are made mostly against governments and corporates to gather...
Secure SystemsHold
102PROTECTIVENov 2454IAAug 2019Proactive Risk Management through Improved Cyber Situational AwarenessPROTECTIVE is designed to improve an organisations ongoing awareness of the
risk posed to its business by cyber security attacks. PROTECTIVE makes two
key contributions to achieve this enhanced situational awareness. Firstly
it increases the computer security incident response...
Cybersecurity Governance
103Ps2ShareMar 2464RIADec 2017Participation, Privacy and Power in the Sharing EconomyIn this project, we propose an in-depth empirical investigation of privacy
in the sharing economy. We will investigate three challenges in particular:
privacy, participation/exclusion and power. First, sharing services come
with compounded privacy risks extending beyond the...
Identity & PrivacyDrop
104RAPIDAug 2431RIADec 2017Heterogeneous Secure Multi-level Remote Acceleration Service for Low-Power
Integrated Systems and Devices
Many low-power devices such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks as well as
several other embedded systems can't always cope with the increased demand
for processing power, memory and storage required by modern applications in
gaming, vision, security, robotics, aerospace, etc...
Operational RiskDrop
105REASSUREApr 2467RIADec 2019Robust and Efficient Approaches to Evaluating Side Channel and Fault Attack
Implementing cryptography on embedded devices is an ongoing challenge:
every year new implementation flaws are discovered and new attack paths are
being used by real life adversaries. Whilst cryptography can guarantee many
security properties, it crucially depends on the...
Cybersecurity Governance
107REDSENTRYMar 2478SME-1Dec 2017Proactive Operational Intelligence Cybersecurity Platform for the Financial
Services Industry
REDSENTRY aims to provide a flexible, scalable and open solution to the
ever-changing threat landscape faced by the financial services sector. The
threats faced by the financial services industry are varied and constantly
evolving and cybercrime is the 2nd most reported type...
Operational RiskDrop
110SafeCloudAug 2433IAAug 2018Secure and Resilient Cloud ArchitectureCloud infrastructures, despite all their advantages and importance to the
competitiveness of modern economies, raise fundamental questions related to
the privacy, integrity, and security of offsite data storage and processing
tasks. These questions are currently not answered...
Secure SystemsHold77634716-2516
111SAFEcryptoOct 2431RIADec 2018Secure Architectures of Future Emerging CryptographySAFEcrypto will provide a new generation of practical, robust and
physically secure post quantum cryptographic solutions that ensure
long-term security for future ICT systems, services and applications. Novel
public-key cryptographic schemes (digital signatures...
Verification & Assurance
112SAFERtecApr 2467RIADec 2019Security Assurance FramEwoRk for neTworked vEhicular teChnologyThe assurance of security, privacy, reliability and safety features is
key-point to unlock the enormous potential that the connected vehicles
systems paradigm i.e., the dynamic Cyberphysical system of highly-equipped
infrastructure-connected vehicles with numerous third-party...
Secure SystemsAdopt232547-22-252
113SAINTAug 2475RIAFeb 2021SYSTEMIC ANALYZER IN NETWORK THREATSSAINT proposes to analyse and identify incentives to improve levels of
collaboration between cooperative and regulatory approaches to information
sharing. Analysis of the ecosystems of cybercriminal activity, associated
markets and revenues will drive the development of a...
Verification & Assurance
114SAURONJan 2475IAApr 2019Scalable multidimensionAl sitUation awaReness sOlution for protectiNg
european ports
Nowadays coordinated and every time more complex terrorist attacks are
shocking the world. Due to the progressive rely of industrial sector and
many critical infrastructures (CI) (e.g. EU ports) in ICT systems, the
impact of a coordinated physical attack, a deliberate...
Secure SystemsHold422247-25-2516
115SCISSORSep 2431RIADec 2017Security In trusted SCADA and smart-gridsIn traditional industrial control systems and critical infrastructures,
security was implicitly assumed by the reliance on proprietary technologies
(security by obscurity), physical access protection and disconnection from
the Internet. The massive move, in the last decade...
Operational RiskDrop
116SCOTTFeb 2477IAJun 2020Secure COnnected Trustable ThingsCreating trust in wireless solutions and increasing social acceptance are
major challenges to achieve the full potential of the Internet of Things.
SCOTT, with 57 key partners from 12 countries (EU + Brazil), will provide
efficient solutions of wireless, end-to-end secure...
Secure SystemsTrial76563818-1818
118SecIoTOct 2471CSAAug 2018Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected DevicesSecure Secure Ltd was founded in 2015 and headquartered in the UK. The
founding team brings extensive experience inthe fields of cybersecurity,
scalable software architecture, software company leadership and SME growth.
Given theaccelerating growth and importance of...
Secure SystemsHold
119SERECANov 2431RIAFeb 2018Secure Enclaves for REactive Cloud ApplicationsCloud security is of immediate concern to organisations that must comply
with strict confidentiality and integrity policies. More broadly, security
has emerged as a commercial imperative for cloud computing across a wide
range of markets. The lack of adequate security...
Secure SystemsDrop
120SHARCSSep 2431RIADec 2017Secure Hardware-Software Architectures for Robust Computing SystemsDeveloping new security paradigms, architectures, and software, for more
secure and trustworthy ICT systems and services has clear social,
scientific, and market motivation. This motivation is becoming stronger due
to the changing threat landscape; over the past decade we are...
Verification & Assurance
121SHiELD (Health)Apr 2467RIADec 2019European Security in Health Data ExchangeSHiELD will unlock the value of health data to European citizens and
businesses by overcoming security and regulatory challenges that today
prevent this data being exchanged with those who need it. This will make it
possible to provide better health care to mobile citizens...
Identity & PrivacyAdopt
122SHIELDDec 2454IAFeb 2019Securing against intruders and other threats through a NFV-enabled
Nowadays, cybercrime is one of the most relevant and critical threats to
both the economy and society in Europe. Establishing efficient and
effective ways to protect services and infrastructures from ever-evolving
cyber threats is crucial for sustaining business integrity and...
Secure SystemsHold6547470-2516
123SISSDENNov 2454IAApr 2019Secure Information Sharing Sensor Delivery event NetworkSISSDEN is a project aimed at improving the cybersecurity posture of EU
entities and end users through development of situational awareness and
sharing of actionable information. It builds on the experience of
Shadowserver, a non-profit organization well known in the security...
Secure SystemsHold
124SMESECFeb 2477IAMay 2020Protecting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises digital technology through an
innovative cyber-SECurity framework
Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) are an important driver for
innovation and growth in the EU. SMEs also stand to gain the most from
innovative technology, because it is complicated and costly for them to
set-up and run ICT in the traditional way. Taking into account...
Operational RiskTrial865858000
126SODAOct 2463RIADec 2019Scalable Oblivious Data AnalyticsMore and more data is being generated, and analyzing this data drives
knowledge and value creation across society. Unlocking this potential
requires sharing of (often personal) data between organizations, but this
meets unwillingness from data subjects and data controllers...
Secure SystemsAdopt744247-5-252
127SPECIALDec 2464RIADec 2019Scalable Policy-awarE linked data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency
and compLiance
The SPECIAL project will address the contradiction between Big Data
innovation and privacy-aware data protection by proposing a technical
solution that makes both of these goals realistic. We will develop
technology that: (i) supports the acquisition of user consent at...
Human AspectsAdopt311344.5-31.5-31.511.5
128SpeechXRaysJul 2433IAApr 2018Multi-channel biometrics combining acoustic and machine vision analysis of
speech, lip movement and face
The SpeechXRays project will develop and test in real-life environments a
user recognition platform based on voice acoustics analysis and
audio-visual identity verification. SpeechXRays will outperform
state-of-the-art solutions in the following areas:· Security: high...
Identity & PrivacyDrop
129SPOOCMar 2432ERC-COGAug 2020Automated Security Proofs of Cryptographic Protocols: Privacy, Untrusted
Platforms and Applications to E-voting Protocols
The rise of the Internet and the ubiquity of electronic devices has deeply
changed our way of life. Many face to face and paper transactions have
nowadays digital counterparts: home banking, e- commerce, e-voting, etc.
The security of such transactions is ensured by the means...
Identity & PrivacyTrial
131STOP-ITJul 2475IAMay 2021Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical ThreatsWater critical infrastructures (CIs) are essential for human society, life
and health and they can be endangered by physical/cyber threats with severe
societal consequences. To address this, STOP-IT assembles a team of major
Water Utilities, industrial technology developers...
Operational RiskAssess77633330-830
132STORMFeb 2478RIAAug 2018The first cybersecurity management system providing evidence based metrics for cyber risk at the business asset level in real-timeInnoSec’s main product, STORM, is the only Cyber Risk Management
application that provides evidence based metrics defining cyber risk at the
business asset level in real-time, using a flexible risk modeling method,
while improving the overall user experience. STORM allows...
Operational RiskHold
133SUNFISHOct 2431RIADec 2017SecUre iNFormation SHaring in federated heterogeneous private cloudsToday the European Public Sector Players lack the necessary infrastructure
and technology to allow them to integrate their computing clouds.
Furthermore, legislative barriers often make it difficult to use available
commercial technological solutions. The SUNFISH project aims...
Operational RiskDrop644040000
134SUPERCLOUDJun 2431RIAJan 2018USER-CENTRIC MANAGEMENT OF SECURITY AND DEPENDABILITY IN CLOUDS OF CLOUDSToday, despite its unravelling business benefits, distributed cloud
computing raises many security and dependability concerns. Root causes
include increase in complexity and lack of interoperability between
heterogeneous, often proprietary infrastructure technologies...
Verification & Assurance
137TOREADORApr 2448RIADec 2018TrustwOrthy model-awaRE Analytics Data platfORmThe TOREADOR project is aimed at overcoming some major hurdles that until
now have prevented many European companies from reaping the full benefits
of Big Data analytics (BDA). Companies and organisations in Europe have
become aware of the potential competitive advantage they...
Human AspectsHold
138TREDISECSep 2431RIAMar 2018Trust-aware, REliable and Distributed Information SEcurity in the Cloud."The current trend for data placement shows a steady shift towards ""the
cloud"". The advent of cloud storage and computation services however comes
at the expense of data security and user privacy. To remedy this, customers
nowadays call for end-to-end security whereby only...
Cybersecurity Governance
Unicorn aims to simplify the design, deployment and management of secure
and elastic –by design- multi-cloud services. This will be achieved by a)
development and design libraries that will provide security enforcement
mechanisms, data privacy restrictions, monitoring metric...
Secure SystemsAdopt6547470-252
The VESSEDIA project will bring safety and security to many new software
applications and devices. In the fast evolving world we live in, the
Internet has brought many benefits to individuals, organisations and
industries. With the capabilities offered now (such as IPv6) to...
Secure SystemsAdopt
144VIRT-EUDec 2463RIADec 2019Values and ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in EUropeThe networked future promises new relationships between people and
artifacts, the private and the public, the individual and the collective.
The increased networking capabilities of pervasive technologies mean that
of personal data are being produced, analyzed, monetized and...
Identity & PrivacyAdopt
147WITDOMSep 2431RIADec 2017empoWering prIvacy and securiTy in non-trusteD envirOnMentsThe advent of the Future Internet prompts fundamental transformations in
whole ICT ecosystems, while bringing new opportunities to stakeholders in
the availability and rational use of physical resources with large-scale
savings in IT investments. It will also pose new security...
Secure SystemsDrop
148FENTECJun 2483RIADec 2020Functional Encryption TechnologiesFunctional encryption (FE), has been recently been introduced as a new
paradigm of encryption systems to overcome all-or-nothing limitations of
classical encryption. In an FE system the decryptor deciphers a function
over the message plaintext: such functional decryptability...
Operational RiskAssess3434331-830
150PROMETHEUSAug 2483RIADec 2019PRivacy preserving pOst-quantuM systEms from advanced crypTograpHic mEchanisms Using latticeSPrivacy-preserving cryptographic protocols allow users to take common daily
life actions online (e.g, purchases, reservations or voting) without
leaking sensitive personal information. They typically combine various
tools such as digital signatures, homomorphic encryption or...
Verification & Assurance
151REACTMar 2488RIAMay 2021REactively Defending against Advanced Cybersecurity ThreatsSecurity is a vital property for every operational system and network. As
systems become more powerful and, in many aspects, more complex, advanced
cyber-attacks impose new threats for important operations of our society.
Computer systems assist core functions of hospitals...
Secure SystemsAssess11927-18-1829
152SerIoTJun 2483RIADec 2020Secure and Safe Internet of ThingsThe IoT is coming upon us faster than we think, catapulting EU industry,
homes and society into the huge arena of security risks that accompany an
untested yet already universal technology that directly manages our
cyber-physical reality on a daily, and indeed second by...
Secure SystemsAssess611927-8-1829