A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH | AI | AJ | AK | AL | AM | AN | AO | AP | AQ | AR | AS | AT | AU | AV | AW | AX | AY | AZ | BA | BB | BC | ||
1 | Is the decedent a police officer who was killed? (Yes or No) | Decedent's name | Decedent's age | Decedent's gender (Male, Female, Transgender) | Decedent's race | Veteran (Yes or No) | What instigated the initial contact? (Click for possible responses) | If 911 call, was a physical description of suspect included? (Yes, No, Unreported) | Did the decedent have a disability? (Yes or No) | If yes, select all that apply: Cognitive (e.g. autism, Down syndrome); Mobility (e.g. in a wheelchair); Chronic health (Diabetes, Alzheimer's); Sensory (Blind, Deaf); Mental health (see subsequent columns) | Was initial contact because mental crisis or drug use? (Yes, No, Unknown, Drug or alcohol use) | If Yes or Drug or alcohol use, what type? | Was there an after-the-fact exposition of drug use or mental illness? | If yes, what type? | Was drug use implicated (Not explicitly stated, but for example, the interaction was during a drug bust) | If officer is not the decedent, officer(s)'s name(s) (Separate by commas) | If officer is not the decedent, officer(s)'s age(s) (Separate by commas) | If officer is not the decedent, officer(s)'s gender(s) (Separate by commas, Male, Female, Transgender) | If officer is not the decedent, officer(s)'s race(s) (Separate by commas) | Officer(s)'s number of years on the force prior to the date of incident (Separate by commas) | Agency or agencies involved (Separate by commas) | Date of injury resulting in death | Time of day (Midnight-4a; 4a-8a; 8a-noon; noon-4p; 4p-8p; 8p-midnight | Complete address | Latitude | Longitude | Location of injury (address) | Location of death (city) | Location of death (state) | Location of death (zip code) | Location of death (county) | Cause of death (Click for possible responses) | If "Vehicle," is cause of death, is decedent: Driver in fleeing vehicle; Passenger in fleeing vehicle; Pedestrian bystander; Bystander in other vehicle; Police officer driving pursuit vehicle; Other police officer | Armed or Unarmed | Alleged weapon | If different than alleged weapon, what was item held in hand? For example, cell phone. | Fleeing? (Foot, Motor vehicle, Bicycle) | A brief description of the circumstances surrounding the death | Investigating agency | Official disposition of death (Click for possible responses) | Criminal charges for officer? | Administrative discipline for officer? | Criminal charges for third party? | Civil lawsuit? (Civil suit/Pending; Civil suit/Family awarded money; Civil suit/Dismissed; Civil suit/Settled out of court; Civil suit/Results unreported) | Amount of settlement | Is there video of the incident: Surveillance video, Cell phone video, Body cam video, Other video, No, or Unreported) | URL of image of decedent | Link to news article or digital reproduction of official document | Link to video | Additional URL 1 | Additional URL 2 | Additional notes/relevant commentary Any additional details about the officer's records (civilian complaints, suspensions/discipline, previous shootings, etc.) | Thoughts on non-fatal gunshots. | |||
2 | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | Mick | Mick | Mick | Mick | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | New | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | 911 call for medical, mental health, welfare assistance 911 call for police response Automated alarm In-person request for police response Off-duty officer Off-duty officer on second job Other Routine patrol/on view Routine patrol/Traffic/vehicle stop Warrant service Unreported | Gunshot Vehicle Tasered Beaten/Bludgeoned with instrument Asphyxiated/Restrained Medical emergency Stabbed Drug overdose Chemical agent/Pepper spray Drowned Burned/Smoke inhalation Fell from a height Undetermined Other | Justified-no further info available; Justified by Prosecutor; Justified by District Attorney;Justified by Commonwealth’s Attorney; Justified by internal review; Unjustified by internal review; Justified by outside agency; Unjustified by outside agency; Unreported; Excusable; Ruled suicide; Ruled suicide by police; Murder/suicide; Ruled accidental; Officer indicted/Pending; Officer indicted/Guilty; Officer indicted/Acquitted; Grand jury/No bill or Cleared; Grand jury/Referred to prosecutor; Grand jury/Pending; Other justified (Police review board/Civilian board/Coroner/Medical examiner) | Hospitalized, shot, injured, condition, critical, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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