What are things you enjoy about the Indiana Avenue corridor as it exists today?
Whether I feel safe as a cyclist or pedestrian depends on where. For instance, when I stand on one of the north corners of the Indiana - Third intersection, I feel unsafe because of all the automobile turning motions so close to the sidewalk ramps.
In contrast, the broad unobstructed sidewalks on the IU campus feel very safe.
I appreciate the wide, relatively smooth sidewalks, unlike the narrow, poorly maintained sidewalks on Henderson just north and just south of the identified region for improvements.
Wide sidewalks on both sides of the street for part of the route (between 3rd and 7th).
Multiple stop signs for pedestrian crossing.
Good tree cover (although miss the shade by the Spanker's Branch/Campus River bridge that was recently removed), pleasant views of campus, direct route to my building (Franklin Hall) from Henderson to the south and good route to Nick's too.
I enjoy the downhill from 3rd St towards 7th St.
I enjoy its one-way nature.
I like the trees
I have no issues with Indiana Ave. If it’s determined that a bike lane is needed, I’d strongly advocate for eliminating the on street parking between 3rd and Kirkwood to maintain 2 lanes for vehicles plus the bike lane.
The shops opposite campus north of the Sample Gates have nice density and walkability.
When I get off it. Whew
I like the restaurants, and I think coming down the hill is a pretty view. I wish it was less car-centric, and I am excited about this project!

Also, close Kirkwood to cars year round!!!!
It is a very bustling place with lots of activity. Sample Gates and associated landscaping make it very pretty. I was unsure about the new bike lanes on the sidewalk at Henderson and Smith but I think it was a good move. I often use this corridor when traveling from Elm Heights or Bryan Park to go downtown and I typically turn left on Fourth Street. I almost never see parking spots along Indiana but there are often some available on Fourth Street.
It is a crucial corridor to access both the city and IU. I appreciate the ease of access for my vehicle.
Not very much. The 7th street bike lane is great except for when it intersects with Indiana, where I often fear I will be hit by a car in Indiana or the buses turning widely onto 7th from Indiana.
Bloomington doesn’t have many grand public avenues, but something about the placement of the buildings, the blending of new and old, especially old, and the public facilities on the east side, make it one of the more pleasant streets to travel in Bloomington.
Until now, I never thought about it, but it’s one of those liminal places, where town becomes campus and vice versa, and that’s always interesting and fun. Plus, it just has more older buildings, better looking ones, and houses than newer stuff in town.
That it's a one-way to go North. It helps get past the downtown and campus without having to go on Walnut, which is even more dangerous.
It’s a necessary thoroughfare to navigate from points within Bloomington
Some good lunch places, and the planters at the Sample Gates fill me with joy every time I see them.
Sample gates are an attractive entrance to IU.
Two lanes allow traffic to flow, even with backups due to cars arriving in / leaving parking spaces south of Kirkwood and Indiana intersection. Frequent stop signs allow sufficient pedestrian crossing opportunities.
2 lane one way traffic is great! Do not get rid of the 2 lanes! On street parking there is too difficult to use. The kirkwood intersection needs more pedestrian control.
It is one of the most beautiful parts of the city. It also like a super speedway. Cars race north on Indiana and pay very little attention to pedestrians. I very much enjoy summer when there is less traffic.
I like the new bike lane and wider sidewalk near the intersection of Hunter. It is nice to be able to have some space from the automobile traffic.
the scenery and energy
It’s fine the way it is
The businesses along the corridor and, of course, the sample gates.
I like how there are nice shops and pedestrian scale things to see. Walking there is fun (though crossing the street is a little scary).
I enjoy the amount of foot traffic and walkability. I enjoy it when Kirkwood is closed to traffic and there’s less unpredictable traffic at Kirkwood and Indiana.
easy access to town and campus
The shops near downtown are great, the sidewalks between 3rd and 10th are great.
The sidewalks along either side, the ease of getting to sample gates and to the businesses, the ease of getting to Kirkwood.
One-way makes traffic flow easily and generally smoothly. The intersection at 7th where the 7 line was put in is weird and can be confusing. Otherwise it is fine.
One way traffic
Two lanes are preferred for our emergency response; when responding emergent, we need room for other vehicles to move aside. Multiple one-direction lanes are helpful in that regard.
The area between 4th and Kirkwood is very aesthetically pleasing, and a fun place to hang out.
I like that it passes beautiful parts of the campus!
I love when Kirkwood is closed and that cars generally seem to stop for students, especially right by Kirkwood.
I enjoy the connectivity it gives between downtown and campus, and reaching up to the northern parts of the town such as the football stadium.
It was confusing when the city bus stop moved to Von Lee - but now it makes perfect sense! I am not on Indiana at night - so I really can't confirm how safe I feel after dark.
Many trees on each side. sample gate and shops. Relatively slow speed of cars south of sample gate.
the shops and restaurants and proximity to IU
the ease of parking
the events that are often held nearby
its populated but not too busy or difficult to navigate, so it feels vibrant and alive
The views are great.
I don't enjoy being on Indiana Ave. I do like Sample Gates area but not because of the road.
Cars tend to use Dunn, so Indiana from 17th to 12th is largely car free. Going southbound, it's easy to get speed up going downhill
The fastest connection from south campus to north campus on the west side of campus.
the name :)
I like that it’s a one-way so I don’t have to look both ways when crossing in the Sample Gates area and it keeps things flowing around campus in a loop.
Crosswalks are somewhat respected by motorists. As a cyclist the corridor is better than some because at least drivers can go around you in the other lane rather than pressure you from behind or the side. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are nicely shaded and well kept.
Low speed limit
Good access to nearby destinations. By bike it allows for connection from 3rd street to 7th street and everywhere in between. Its also an important and useful bus connection
Access to campus and Kirkwood. It has two lanes to get around stopped vehicles.
Shops and bus stops being so proximal to campus.
it looks great, the vehicle traffic is not crazy fast like Walnut Street Pike
The pedestrian crosswalks are well marked. The shops that are on the one block across from Sample Gates.
I don't
There are too many bike lanes in Bloomington already--STOP with all these bike lanes! 7th Street has become unsafe with this stupidity!
That it is one-way
It's the only way to get to my IU office in Franklin Hall w/o riding on campus sidewalks. I believe that is allowed but it doesn't always seem like a good idea—especially when lots of people are out walking between classes. Last night I was looking at the bike lanes on Henderson before it becomes Indiana. Those are confusing and weird!! What's for bikes, pedestrians, etc. and which lanes are meant to go in which directions? Yes, these are marked but it's not at all clear. If there's a way to improve these and link to Indiana I would be thrilled! Henderson is an ideal artery to campus from South Bloomington, esp since it connects to the Greenway that runs across Bryan Park. Related: The new bike lane on 3rd St. is awesome. It was SOOO dangerous riding there when cars could double-park on the campus side. People still double park in the car lane beside the bike lane—not ideal, but it still feels better because you don't have to jump out into traffic to avoid a parked car.
Scenic view of campus. Car friendly if you are driving.
Seeing the people and buildings.
It is a convenient thoroughfare for very important parts of campus, and because it is two lanes in one direction, it rarely gets congested. When people park along the sidewalk, or turn left into one of several parking lots along that strip, or when service vehicles unload, (which is frequent), the extra lane keeps traffic flowing.
I would NOT be in favor of any project that reduced or removed the second lane on Indiana Ave.
I like that the cars drive slowly and cautiously. I enjoy walking south from 10th and watching tennis, and south of 7th, taking in the activities in Dunn Meadow. I frequently visit Dagwoods, Gabels Bagles, Buffa Louies the Indiana Shop, Lennie's, Big Woods, Insomnia, Jimmy Johns, and 4th Street restaurants. I walk to the annual 4th St Art Festival.
The crosswalks are useful, but there are some places I would like to cross that don't have crosswalks.
I appreciate that there are sidewalks. I would however love for there to be better accommodations for pedestrian traffic. It's unfortunate that we aren't prioritizing bicycle traffic and walking traffic in these areas.
Street parking is usually available and convenient when needed
The road works fine as it is
It's active. I like seeing all the people, and the gorgeous limestone buildings of IU
Frequent stops to keep traffic slow, sidewalks on both sides, shaded by mature tree cover.
connection to the 7th Street bike lane is very nice
Once you're at the NE corner at 3rd and Indiana, it's not so bad as long as you don't want to cross Indiana. That is, if you're sticking to campus. (Although crossing 7th can be iffy.) Also, there's so much pedestrian and bike traffic at the Sample Gates, that cars and buses are generally good about stopping and making sure there's no one in the crosswalk. Crossing Indiana anywhere else, though, requires extra diligence.
The sidewalk on the east side between the law school and 7th is fairly wide.
Lots of pedestrians, wide sidewalks, lots of trees
I like how it is set up currently with traffic flowing one way. It feels safe for pedestrians, bikes, and cars to share the space if all parties follow standard traffic rules (the problems I see are most often that pedestrians and cyclists are on their phones and/or do not look before they step out into traffic- not just on this corridor but across town)
Two lanes of traffic keep things from getting overcongested.
restaurants, close to work, people watching
It is scenic - IU maintains its garden beds etc. so that this area looks really nice all year round...
It's liveliness as it's a Bloomington hub of sorts. Seeing students and others gathering at Sample Gates. The views both into campus and down Kirkwood from the corner of Indiana and Kirkwood.
The new widened sidewalk/bike lane between 2nd and Smith has substantially improved my commute.
One way street means I only have to check for traffic from one direction.
it is the nexus of town and gown. it is lively. it is a beautiful location that can continue to be improved and/or maintained. dedicated cycling lanes, if properly constructed, would not detract from the beauty nor the function of the corridor.
Love the brick pavers, proximity to campus, wide street, no stoplights that actually tend to accelerate the pace of traffic as drivers try to speed through the light.
It being one direction
Proximity to IU and adjacent landscape
Trees!! Don't take these out!!
Brick walkway

Separate comment: How about a pedestrian bridge option at Indiana Av & Sample Gates? Traffic snarls are a mess when full student population in town - pedestrians vs cars.
When Kirkwood gets closed off in the summers.
View of campus and Kirkwood
I like the brick walkway on its intersection with Kirkwood.
In general, automobiles are alert and grant the right-of-way to pedestrians and bicycles.
I enjoy the scenery, the walking area by Sample Gates is really nice and the crosswalks are clear. I have issues with the crossing farther down the road by 6th and Indiana
Lots of trees along campus. Good sidewalks. A good mix of businesses nearby.
It's the boundary point for IU into the community - flow of traffic along Indiana is important, and accessibility of businesses.
I mostly walk along the corridor, between Smith and 7th. I think the sidewalks along this area are nice and wide compared to the surrounding neighborhoods.
Looking at Sample Gates en route.

I miss Kirkwood being closed during the summer because it decreased car traffic.
The proximity to the university and downtown. It's a great junction point.
I like where it connects to the cultural trail
Nice views of campus and downtown.
Simplicity of use. Clarity of where different types of users interact (I.e. peds, bikes, vehicles). Plenty of trees for shade.