3. Is there any other Special Focus label you'd like to see added to the list? (Remember, Special Focus refers to the type of community you'd like to be with, in a meeting.)
4. SPECIAL FOCUS: If you were searching for a meeting and could select as many options as you wished, are there any labels below that you would probably NEVER choose? (Multiple responses possible.)
7. Is there any other Special Topics label you'd like to see added to the list? (Remember, a Special Topic refers to the meeting's specific topic or activity.)
8. SPECIAL TOPICS: If you were searching for a meeting and could select as many options as you wished, are there any labels below that you would probably NEVER choose? (Multiple responses possible)
9. How do you identify by belief? I'm primarily:
10. Regardless of your personal belief, do you think it is necessary for everybody's recovery to believe in God or another deity or mystical higher power?
11. Which of these meetings have you attended?
6/11/2021 11:58:14SecularAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Open Philosophy
Atheist / AgnosticSecularSpiritualityAtheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/13/2021 10:36:00Secular
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Spiritual, not religiousApatheistSecularSpirituality (Alternative)
Open Philosophy, Spirituality (11th Step)
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing
6/13/2021 10:40:00SecularFreethinkerAlternative SpiritualitySecularSpirituality (Meditation)Spirituality (Alternative)Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/13/2021 10:55:25Atheist / Agnostic / SecularFreethinkerApatheistFreethinkerSecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing
6/13/2021 11:03:22SecularFreethinker
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
SecularFreethinkerSpirituality (Alternative)Atheist / AgnosticNo
Sunday/Zoom: Secular Community Circle (unofficial OA meeting)
6/13/2021 12:41:54Atheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic / SecularSkepticApatheistAtheist / AgnosticSecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/13/2021 14:23:05SecularAtheist / Agnostic / SecularApatheist, Open PhilosophySecularAtheist / Agnostic
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I don't want to be put in a box or have a labelNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/13/2021 15:45:14SecularAtheist / Agnostic / SecularAlternative Spirituality, ApatheistSecularAtheist / Agnostic
Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/13/2021 16:55:40Atheist / Agnostic / SecularSecular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / AgnosticSecularI like "gratitude".
Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Tuesday/Zoom: Secular Recovery (unofficial OA meeting), Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Saturday/Zoom: Different Drummers
6/13/2021 21:26:36
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / SecularApatheistFreethinkerOpen Philosophy
No place else to put this, but you have an oversight in #11!- needs a choice of None" w/your definition of twice or more/month!
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics
6/14/2021 10:03:33Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Mental healthApatheistSpirituality (Alternative)Spirituality
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees
6/14/2021 10:04:00Atheist / AgnosticSecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study
6/14/2021 14:18:26Atheist / Agnostic / SecularSecular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Freethinker, Open Philosophy
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Saturday/Zoom: Different Drummers
6/14/2021 19:04:08Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Open Philosophy
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (11th Step)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Tuesday/Zoom: Secular Recovery (unofficial OA meeting), Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Thursday/Zoom: Secular Support (unofficial OA meeting)
6/14/2021 19:06:29Alternative SpiritualityFreethinkerApatheist, Open PhilosophySpirituality (Alternative)Freethinker
Atheist / Agnostic, Freethinker, Secular, Spirituality (Alternative)
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing
6/15/2021 4:54:56
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
SecularApatheist, FreethinkerAtheist / AgnosticSpirituality (Alternative)FreethinkerAtheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Thursday/Zoom: Secular Men's OA
6/15/2021 6:28:55Atheist / AgnosticSecular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Open Philosophy
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Wednesday/Zoom: German Secular OA, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/15/2021 10:04:53Freethinker
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
freethinker, overeater, sexual abuseApatheistFreethinkerSpirituality (Alternative)freethinker/ spiritual abuseSpirituality (Meditation)I don't want to be put in a box or have a labelUnsure
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/15/2021 10:06:36Atheist / AgnosticFreethinker
Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Open Philosophy
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/15/2021 12:24:43Atheist / Agnostic / SecularSecularNo HP
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Freethinker, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/16/2021 19:01:19
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Secular, I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spirituality (Meditation)Open Philosophy
Atheist / Agnostic, Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Secular, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation), I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous, Sunday/Zoom: Secular Community Circle (unofficial OA meeting)
6/16/2021 19:06:38Atheist / Agnostic / SecularSecular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Open Philosophy
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (11th Step)
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Saturday/Zoom: Different Drummers
6/16/2021 22:23:34Atheist / Agnostic / SecularSecular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Open Philosophy
Spirituality (Alternative)Spirituality (Meditation)Open Philosophy, SpiritualitySpiritual but not religiousNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/17/2021 5:15:05Atheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Open Philosophy
Atheist / AgnosticSecularAtheist Literature
Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/18/2021 9:34:36
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/18/2021 10:15:50
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAlternative Spirituality, Open PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticSecularOpen Philosophy, SpiritualityAtheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Tuesday/Zoom: Secular Recovery (unofficial OA meeting), Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study, Thursday/Zoom: Secular Support (unofficial OA meeting), Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous, Sunday/Zoom: Secular Community Circle (unofficial OA meeting)
6/19/2021 8:56:29Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAlternative SpiritualityOpen PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticFreethinkerSpiritualityAtheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/19/2021 8:57:56
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular, Freethinker, Secular
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
Atheist / Agnostic, Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Secular, Spirituality (Alternative)
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Saturday/Zoom: Different Drummers
6/19/2021 9:03:28Open PhilosophySecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Open PhilosophySecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/19/2021 9:06:02
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Alternative SpiritualityBuddhist
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spirituality (Alternative)Atheist / Agnostic
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/19/2021 9:06:20
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / SecularApatheist, Open PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticSecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/19/2021 9:51:16SecularAlternative SpiritualityFreethnkers
Alternative Spirituality, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Secular
SecularSpirituality (Alternative)
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/19/2021 10:47:05Atheist / Agnostic / SecularOpen PhilosophyNo thanks.ApatheistAtheist / AgnosticSecularNo thanks.
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousUnsure
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/19/2021 10:57:28
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Alternative Spirituality
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spirituality (Alternative)Secular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/19/2021 14:10:28I would not choose any of these.SecularGodless
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Secular, I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
SecularAtheist / AgnosticgodlessSpirituality (11th Step)Spiritual but not religiousNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/19/2021 14:11:39Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Open Philosophy
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/20/2021 10:03:31Atheist / Agnostic / SecularFreethinkerNon religiousApatheistAtheist / AgnosticSecularNon religious based
Spirituality, Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study, Saturday/Zoom: Different Drummers
6/21/2021 4:14:44SecularAlternative Spirituality
Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic, Open Philosophy
SecularSpirituality (Alternative)
Atheist / Agnostic, Open Philosophy, Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/21/2021 6:14:38SecularAtheist / AgnosticApatheist, Open PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticSecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/21/2021 7:49:33Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAlternative SpiritualityApatheist, FreethinkerSpiritualityOpen Philosophy
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousUnsure
Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/21/2021 19:04:19SecularAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Open Philosophy
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Open Philosophy, Spirituality (11th Step)
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/21/2021 19:07:03SecularAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Open Philosophy
Spirituality (Meditation)Secular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing
6/21/2021 19:09:18
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
SecularAlternative Higher PowerApatheist, Open PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticSecularAlternative Higher Power
Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics
6/22/2021 4:44:54
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
FreethinkerApatheistAtheist / AgnosticFreethinker
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study, Thursday/Zoom: Secular Men's OA, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/22/2021 4:49:55
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
I would use one of the pre-existing options shown in the image above.
ApatheistSpirituality (11th Step)Spirituality (Meditation)Atheist / AgnosticNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting
6/22/2021 8:15:36Atheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Open Philosophy
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Thursday/Zoom: Secular Men's OA, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/22/2021 12:17:14SecularAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Thursday/Zoom: Newton MA | Atheist/Agnostic, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Saturday/Zoom: Different Drummers
6/22/2021 15:40:36Atheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting
6/22/2021 16:53:53Atheist / Agnostic / Secular
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I don't want to be put in a box or have a labelNo
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/22/2021 17:07:44SecularAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Freethinker, Open Philosophy
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative)
Atheist / AgnosticUnsure
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/22/2021 18:09:23SecularAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Freethinker, Open Philosophy
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Secular Recovery (unofficial OA meeting), Thursday/Zoom: Secular Support (unofficial OA meeting)
6/23/2021 5:43:04Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist / AgnosticNoAlternative SpiritualitySecularAtheist / Agnostic
Freethinker, Spirituality, Spirituality (11th Step)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Wednesday/Zoom: German Secular OA, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/23/2021 5:46:41Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
ApatheistAtheist / AgnosticSecular
Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
I don't want to be put in a box or have a labelNo
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/23/2021 7:05:51I would not choose any of these.
I would use one of the pre-existing options shown in the image above.
God Centered
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Secular
I would not choose any of these.
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
Atheist / Agnostic, Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Secular, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
None of the above/Decline to stateUnsure
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/23/2021 7:44:06SecularAlternative SpiritualityApatheistSpirituality (Alternative)SecularOA12/12
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I don't want to be put in a box or have a labelNo
Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/23/2021 8:02:39
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting
6/23/2021 8:05:38Atheist / Agnostic / SecularSecularApatheist, Freethinker, Open PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticSecular
Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/23/2021 8:09:30SecularAtheist / Agnostic / SecularNot religious SecularAtheist / AgnosticI don't want to be put in a box or have a labelNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Wednesday/Phone: We Agnostics in OA, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/23/2021 9:25:57Atheist / Agnostic / Secular
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Apatheist, Open PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticSecularOpen PhilosophyAtheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous, Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/23/2021 11:22:45Alternative SpiritualityOpen Philosophy
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
SecularSpirituality (Alternative)
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/23/2021 12:28:03
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / SecularApatheist, Freethinker, Open PhilosophySecularSpiritualitySpirituality (11th Step)Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/23/2021 12:47:31Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Open Philosophy
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
Open Philosophy, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/23/2021 13:13:51SecularAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Open Philosophy
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees
6/23/2021 13:28:54I would not choose any of these.Alternative SpiritualityUse existing label
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
SpiritualitySpirituality (11th Step)Good old spirituality
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/23/2021 19:02:11Secular
I would use one of the pre-existing options shown in the image above.
Trauma focused
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
Trauma focused?
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing
6/23/2021 19:31:06SecularAtheist / Agnostic / SecularAlternative Spirituality
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
Atheist / Agnostic
Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/23/2021 20:24:18
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Alternative Spirituality, Atheist / Agnostic, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Secular
Spirituality (Alternative)Open Philosophy
Atheist / Agnostic, Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Secular, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing
6/23/2021 22:01:08Atheist / Agnostic / SecularFreethinkerLGBTQIA, Singles, Book GroupApatheistSecularFreethinker
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Saturday/Zoom: Different Drummers, Sunday/Zoom: Secular Community Circle (unofficial OA meeting)
6/23/2021 23:55:19SecularFreethinkerAlternative Spirituality, ApatheistFreethinkerSecular
Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing
6/24/2021 3:11:27Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist / AgnosticAlternative SpiritualitySecularAtheist / AgnosticSpirituality, Spirituality (Meditation)Atheist / AgnosticNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Thursday/Zoom: Secular Men's OA
6/24/2021 5:37:35Atheist / Agnostic / SecularSecular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Thursday/Zoom: Secular Men's OA
6/24/2021 6:08:38Atheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Open Philosophy
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/24/2021 8:25:33Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Apatheist, I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/24/2021 8:44:45Atheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Freethinker, Open Philosophy
Atheist / AgnosticSecularFreethinker, Open PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticNo
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/24/2021 10:20:54Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Open PhilosophySpiritualitySpirituality (Alternative)SpiritualityI don't want to be put in a box or have a labelDo not wish to answer
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/24/2021 20:41:43Atheist / AgnosticSecularOaAgnosticaAlternative Spirituality, Open PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticFreethinkeroaAgnostica
Open Philosophy, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Wednesday/Phone: We Agnostics in OA, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous, Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/25/2021 9:17:41
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular
Atheist / Agnostic, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Secular
Atheist / AgnosticSecularAtheist / Agnostic, SecularAtheist / AgnosticNo
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/25/2021 9:18:09SecularAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Open Philosophy
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Monday/Zoom: Emeryville CA | Freethinkers Rotating Topics, Tuesday/Zoom: Atheists/Agnostics Early Bird Meeting, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous, Sunday/Zoom: Secular Community Circle (unofficial OA meeting)
6/25/2021 9:30:29
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I don't want to be put in a box or have a labelNo
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/25/2021 9:52:16Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAlternative SpiritualityTHE OPTIONS ARE FINE ALREADY
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticSecularI don't want to be put in a box or have a labelNo
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/25/2021 9:53:21Atheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticFreethinker
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/25/2021 9:59:01Atheist / Agnostic / Secular
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Spiritual but not religiousUnsure
Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/25/2021 10:38:50
I would use one of the pre-existing options shown in the image above.
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/25/2021 11:12:53Atheist / Agnostic / Secular
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticSpirituality (Alternative)
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous, Sunday/Zoom: Secular Community Circle (unofficial OA meeting)
6/25/2021 11:47:33Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist / Agnostic / Secular
Alternative Spirituality, Apatheist, Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality, Freethinker, Open Philosophy
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/25/2021 11:54:00Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
NoApatheist, Freethinker, Open PhilosophySpirituality (Alternative)Secularno
Freethinker, Open Philosophy, Spirituality (11th Step)
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/25/2021 11:58:46
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
Open Philosophy
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Wednesday/Phone: We Agnostics in OA, Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/25/2021 13:05:43SecularFreethinkerApatheistSecularFreethinkerOpen PhilosophyAtheist / AgnosticNo
Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study, Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/27/2021 10:04:43
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Alternative Spirituality
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
SecularAtheist / Agnostic
Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Spiritual but not religiousNo
Wednesday/Phone: We Agnostics in OA, Wednesday/Zoom: Emeryville, CA | Freethinkers Writing, Sunday/Phone: OA Unconventional Spirituality
6/27/2021 11:31:27
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
Open Philosophy, Spirituality, Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
None of the above/Decline to stateNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Secular Recovery (unofficial OA meeting), Thursday/Zoom: Secular Support (unofficial OA meeting), Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/28/2021 10:50:25Alternative SpiritualityFreethinkerNoneSecularSpirituality (11th Step)Spirituality (Meditation)NoSpirituality (11th Step)I don't want to be put in a box or have a labelDo not wish to answer
I don't attend any of these meetings.
6/28/2021 15:20:38Atheist / Agnostic / SecularFreethinker
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
Atheist / AgnosticFreethinker
Spirituality, Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/28/2021 19:04:45Atheist / Agnostic / Secular
I would use one of the pre-existing options shown in the image above.
Parents, Divorce
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / AgnosticSecular
Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Tuesday/Zoom: Secular Recovery (unofficial OA meeting), Thursday/Zoom: Secular Support (unofficial OA meeting)
6/30/2021 2:29:25Atheist / AgnosticSecularAlternative Spirituality, ApatheistAtheist / AgnosticSecular
Spirituality, Spirituality (Alternative), Spirituality (11th Step), Spirituality (Meditation)
Atheist / AgnosticNo
Monday/Zoom: Secular Sponsorship Workshops for Sponsees, Wednesday/Zoom: German Secular OA, Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics, Sunday/Zoom: Freethinker Monthly Step Study (unofficial OA meeting)
6/30/2021 13:36:08
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
Atheist / Agnostic / SecularApatheist, Open Philosophy
I would not choose any of these.
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
Freethinker, Open PhilosophyAtheist / Agnostic with a spiritual practiceNo
Friday/Zoom: Bethesda MD | Atheists & Agnostics
6/30/2021 17:39:59SecularAtheist / Agnostic / SecularApatheistSecularAtheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic, SecularAtheist / AgnosticNo
Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study
6/30/2021 17:52:46Atheist / Agnostic / SecularOpen PhilosophyList is good!Alternative SpiritualitySpirituality (Meditation)
I would use one or more of the pre-existing options already on the OA website.
Atheist / AgnosticAtheist / AgnosticNo
Saturday/Zoom: Secular Overeaters Anonymous
6/30/2021 18:07:59
Atheist / Agnostic / Secular / Alternative Spirituality
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
FreethinkerOpen Philosophy
I might choose any of the above, to search for a meeting. (There's no option here that I would "probably never choose.")
I don't want to be put in a box or have a labelNo
Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study
6/30/2021 18:13:39Atheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist / AgnosticAtheist / Agnostic / SecularAtheist / AgnosticSecularSpiritualityAtheist / AgnosticNo
Wednesday/Zoom: Secular OA Step Study