A | B | |
1 | Make sure to ctrl+f to see if the word or phrase exists before adding more | |
2 | White Cards (noun or gerund - single word or phrase) | Black Cards (direct question or fill-in-the-blank statement with one blank or two) (5 underscores = blank) |
3 | _____ as a service. | |
4 | Brogrammers | _____ dooms any project to epic failure. |
5 | Continuous integration | _____ is a feature, not a bug. |
6 | STEM | Smashing the _____ for fun and profit |
7 | The Cult of Mac | _____ is weaponized privilege. |
8 | Degraded performance in some AWS availability zones | _____ is webscale. |
9 | Developers | _____ logs or it didn't happen. |
10 | DevOps | _____ with one weird trick. |
11 | Eating sushi with Andrew Clay Shafer | _____, as one does. |
12 | fuckedcompany.com | _____, for some values of _____. |
13 | Git | Ask Me Anything about _____. |
14 | Golang | Called on account of _____. |
15 | Growth hacking | Disrupting the established players in _____ via _____. |
16 | vi vi vi | Doge _____. |
17 | Hacker News | Employees must _____ before returning to work. |
18 | Larry Ellison | Enterprise _____ in the cloud. |
19 | Leaky abstractions | Enterprise-ready _____. |
20 | Meritocracy | Epic yak-shave caused by _____. |
21 | MongoDB | Facebook has acquired _____ for $10b and _____. |
22 | Node.js | Free as in _____. |
23 | NPM | Glitter-bombed with _____. |
24 | Pareto Inefficient Nash Equilibriums | Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such commit messages as _____ and _____. |
25 | Posting on Etsy's codeascraft blog | How even is _____ formed? |
26 | Python | I can haz _____. |
27 | Python datetime module | Tinder for _____ |
28 | RecruiterFail | If _____ is the answer, you are asking the wrong question. |
29 | ____ does not type check. | |
30 | Ruby | If you're using _____, you're gonna have a bad time. |
31 | Running out of IPv4 addresses | Nobody ever got fired for _____. |
32 | Sysadmins | Running Windows in production leads to _____. |
33 | The Stanford of Canada | The Internet is for cat memes and _____. |
34 | Thought leadership | "Our release schedule doesn't have time for _____." |
35 | The Internet of Things will be controlled by _____. | |
36 | Unicode errors | The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is _____. |
37 | Unknown source in your stack trace | Uber is on surge pricing because of _____. |
38 | Waiting for console.aws.amazon.com | WARN: _____ has been deprecated. |
39 | Women in tech | Will merge pull requests for _____. |
40 | Yet another package manager | Zero-day _____. |
41 | Our Release Engineer | Time to schedule the postmortem for _____. . |
42 | DevOps Days | It worked on my _____. |
43 | Bullshit.io | _____, the only thing worse than recruiting spam. |
44 | OpenSSL | tbu |
45 | Heartbleed | Put some ______ on it |
46 | The NSA | Wrap it with the _____ duct tape |
47 | O'Reilly | But Google is using _____ so we should too! |
48 | Edward Snowden | _____ is the new _____. |
49 | Etsy says we should _____ everything. | |
50 | Magic Spray | xkcd.com just made a hilarious comic making fun of _____. |
51 | Web scale | This isn't going to be all unicorns and _____. |
52 | Functional programming | Apple just patented _____. |
53 | Stack trace generator | When I was a kid we didn't have _____. |
54 | PHP? Oh dear god why?! | _____ is a nice idea, lets found a start-up. |
55 | ActionScript 3 | _____ is for closers. |
56 | SVN | |
57 | Perl 6 | DevOps: Now with 100% more _____! |
58 | COTS Shareware | Main benefits of automation: _____ and _____. |
59 | 2400 baud modem | Chef convergence failed due to _____. |
60 | A squirrel with a taste for fiber | ...and then there was the time I found _____ on the root partition. |
61 | Zombie processes | We run production on _____ and _____. |
62 | CAP Theorem | Management said it's OK to deploy _____ at 5pm on Friday |
63 | Snowflake server | Did you know that we have _____ on pager rotation? |
64 | A Cisco router with a flaky chip | "There was no good solution for _____, so we built our own." |
65 | NullPointerException: null | Amazon built a datacenter on the moon to lessen the risk of _____ causing problems. |
66 | Apache 1.2 running as root | In order to improve security, we're upgrading to _____. |
67 | More buzzwords than you can shake a scrum at | The two pillars of our Continuous Deployment pipeline are _____ and _____. |
68 | it better not have, why wouldn't you text | I got paged at 3am because of _____. |
69 | VisualBasic DLLs | The most stable part of our infrastructure? _____ |
70 | A JAR full of spaghetti | When I told Jez Humble about our _____, he actually cried. |
71 | An epic caffeine bender | When I write a book about my experiences, it'll be called "_____, the good parts" |
72 | A WSDL from 2003 | Restoring from backups failed due to _____. |
73 | The Sales & Marketing department | My two most indispensable tools are _____ and _____. |
74 | Business logic in PowerPoint slides | The production datacenter burned down because of _____. |
75 | /var/log symlinked to /dev/null | It turns out that the button labeled "Don't Push" actually does _____. |
76 | Hypervisors running hypervisors running hypervisors | You should think of your servers like _____ and not like _____. |
77 | An angry badger with an electromagnet on its back | I find Java to be way too _____. |
78 | A shared root password | It's like trying to herd _____. |
79 | Private keys in /var/www | I ended up having to buy a replacement _____ on eBay. |
80 | Parsing HTML with regex | _____ is more memory than anyone will ever need on a computer. |
81 | A 3.5" floppy disk | _____ Driven Development. |
82 | An untested restore process | The RIAA is suing me for downloading _____. |
83 | A cron job that reboots the server every 5 minutes | Security? We've got that! We use _____. |
84 | Apache Zookeeper on a 286 | sudo pip install _____ |
85 | Sadness as a Service | When I hooked the 3D printer up to the Internet, it accidentally created _____. |
86 | Cloud-based business strategy | My next blog post will be about how we used _____ to create _____. |
87 | Cloud 2.0 | So, I was using Wireshark to check network traffic... Did you know we have _____ in production? |
88 | The next Y2K | My eyes started bleeding when I opened the editor and saw _____. |
89 | An army of chaos monkeys, all carrying flamethrowers | I think maybe I'll leave _____ off my resumé. |
90 | A CORBA service written in Ada which communicates using JSONx | We don't need _____ - we have _____ ! |
91 | A home-rolled systemd replacement | Management just told me I need to get certified in _____. |
92 | A custom kernel with Frontpage Extensions installed | Our app is like _____, but for _____. |
93 | A mobile web 2.0 RIA | Marketing says we're leaders in the _____ space, but I think it's more accurate to say we specialize in _____. |
94 | Agony-Driven Development | Our greatest achievement in the last year is _____. |
95 | Being acquired by Oracle | I write my code in vim because of _____ |
96 | Catastrophic Failure as a Service | If we make this deadline, Management has promised us _____. |
97 | Zombie processes | Sweet! I just found a Puppet module for _____! |
98 | A global write lock | Last week, I created a Chef recipe for _____; this week, it's an entire cookbook for _____, Automation FTW! |
99 | 75-tier architecture | We really need to open-source our _____. |
100 | Hand-crafted artisan x86 assembly code:q | A sales rep just tried to pitch me on _____; I told them we already have _____. |