A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | ||
1 | Resolutions 0500-0734 passed locally on March 19. Resolutions 0001-0320 that were sent to all March 19 County/SD conventions are available at txdem.co/March-19-Docs in Word Doc Form. | Timestamp | To Be Sent To County/SD Convention Rules & Procedures Committees or Resolutions & Platform Committees Across the State | Organization (if any) | First name of Resolution Author | Last name of Resolution Author | County (ex. Travis) | Cell Number (ex. (512) 111-2222) | Senate District (ex. 14) | Resolution Category | If "Memorial - Honor" Category, give the full name, address, city, zip & email (if any) you want the Resolution sent to after passage, for acknowledgement | In support or opposition to the subject/title | Subject/Title of Resolution | Whereas Clause 1 | Whereas Clause 2 | Whereas Clause 3 | Whereas Clause 4 | Whereas Clause 5 - Last Whereas Clauses | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that (if needed) Clause 2 | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that (if needed) Clause 3 | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that (if needed) Clause 4 | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that (if needed) Clause 5 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Last Clause | Which of the following is the most true? | This Passed _ number of County/SDs -- if 0, then it was forwarded w/o recommendations by at least 1 County/SD | Form Fillers Name | Form Fillers Email | This Resolution/Rule Passed what Senate District of a County | This Resolution Passed what County | Form Fillers Phone Number | |||
2 | 0001 | 2/18/2022 19:20:48 | Rules & Procedures Committees | hypatiasm@earthlink.net | Susan | Bradley | Dallas | (214) 718-5808 | 16 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | CEC Removal of Referenda From Primary Ballot | N/A | Amend Article III (Executive Committees), C. (Election Matters). 2. (Referendum Issues) by adding item g.: "Any referendum placed on the general primary election ballot by the SDEC pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 172.087 may be excluded from said ballot within a particular county by a majority vote of the County Executive Committee." | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 2 | |||||||||||||||||
3 | 0002 | 3/8/2022 12:21:53 | Rules & Procedures Committees | stevenw@chelm.org | Travis County Democratic Party | Steven | Weintraub | Travis | 512-698-6953 | 14 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | In support of a Texas Democratic Rule change to allow Executive Committees to Censure and Denounce Non-Democrats Who Run in Our Primaries. | Whereas the Texas Democratic party has no power to prevent people who do not hold Democratic Party values from running in Texas Democratic primaries; and | Whereas some Texas Democratic primary candidates have philosophies or histories so incompatible to the Democratic understanding, to cry out for action; and | Whereas, sometimes, through political processes outside party control, these candidates win the primary and become our nominee; and | Whereas Texas Democratic Party rules prohibit Democratic officials from taking actions as an official to denounce a candidate in a primary; and | Whereas the penalty for such action is severe, including removal from the Democratic official from office; and Whereas such denouncement, either from the party organization, or action to prevent such a candidate from winning might be in the best interest of the public good and protecting the brand and reputation of the Democratic Party; and Whereas such denouncement, while useful, could be abused to limit legitimate internal party conflicts, the bar to allow such denouncement must be extremely high so as to prevent abuse; | The Texas Democratic Party change its rules to allow groups of elected Democratic officials in districts (County Executive Committee for county wide races or the collection all the precinct chairs that exist in the district the candidate is running elsewhere) to denounce such a candidate via resolution if it signed by 90% of the district membership or a 90% quorum at a meeting of all the district membership; | The Texas Democratic Party change its rules to allow Democratic districts to pass a resolution to foreswear the enforcement of penalties against any Democratic official who works actively against a nominated candidate; signed by 80% of the members of the district membership or 80% of a quorum at a meeting of all the district membership; | In either case, the resolution must be sponsored by 20% of the members of the district’s membership, the complete membership and the candidate in question must be given notice 15 days in advance of the meeting such a resolution will be heard and voted upon and the candidate allowed to attended, hear the complaints against themselves and reply to them. | That it is allowed to hold the discussion and candidates defense in executive session and only the vote itself needs to be public. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 1 | |||||||||
4 | 0003 | 3/9/2022 13:25:58 | Rules & Procedures Committees | hays332@hayscountydemocrats.org | HCDP | Chana | Temple | Hays | 512-214-8498 | 21 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | An individual should have at least one year of experience as a Precinct Chair or have 2/3 supermajority approval by the CEC to run for County Chair position. | whereas, it builds trust and faith at a local level to have experienced leadership. | that local citizens can have confidence in selecting a name on the ballot of an individual with at least a minimum level of experience or the support of local Precinct Chairs to be the County Chair. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | 0004 | 3/13/2022 11:53:24 | Rules & Procedures Committees | witterodgers@yahoo.com | Christi | Rodgers | Dallas | 2148621736 | 16 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Precinct Chair Elections | Election of all Democratic Party officials should be based upon democratic principals. | Proposed rule change that Precinct Chairs should be elected by majority vote rather than plurality vote in the interest of fairness to voters and Precinct Chair candidates. | that Precinct Chair elections should not differ from any other election in structure from other candidates for other offices on any ballot. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | 0005 | 3/14/2022 13:00:38 | Rules & Procedures Committees | eal002@yahoo.com | CCDP and MADC | Elizabeth | Michel | Collin | 214-734-7421 | 8 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | A formal process to remove a precinct chair. | Precinct Chairs are duly elected by the Democratic voters of their respective precinct, and | in a Democracy, there is a formal process to remove every other person we elect to serve, and | there are times when a precinct chair's actions are detrimental to the party, and | a formal process should be in place to remove someone detrimental to the Democratic Party. | that elected precinct chairs may be removed from their office by following a formal process/procedure. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 1 | |||||||||||||
7 | 0006 | 3/14/2022 19:44:47 | Rules & Procedures Committees | chalupacabre@gmail.com | Sterling | Camp | Harris | 832.496.0584 | 17 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | In Support of a Texas Democratic Party Rule Change to Limit the Number of Precinct Chair Signatures Captured on a Petition to Run for County Chair | WHEREAS Texas Democratic Party Rule Article III.E.4.b states “b. In addition, qualified Party members filing for the office of County Chair in a county with a population of 1 million or more shall include a petition containing the signatures of 10 percent of the current, incumbent Precinct Chairs serving on the County Executive Committee in the county using a form which shall be provided by the State Party. The petition shall contain the candidate’s sworn oath that the signatures thereon are valid and that each was signed in the presence of the candidate or candidate’s representative. (Required by Texas Election Code §172.021(f)).” | AND WHEREAS the Texas Democratic Party Platform states: “A representative democracy is only truly representative if every single citizen is guaranteed the inalienable right to vote in fair and open elections.” | AND WHEREAS the Democratic Party is a quasi-governmental body. | AND WHEREAS an incumbent County Chair has a greater opportunity to collect the signatures of most Precinct Chairs, and those who are more likely active and available, thus impeding a “fair and open election”. | AND WHEREAS the choice of a leader at the County Chair level would garner more interest in the Primary Election. | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Texas Democratic Party Rule Article III.E.4.b. be amended to state: “b. In addition, qualified Party members filing for the office of County Chair in a county with a population of 1 million or more shall include a petition containing the signatures of 10 percent, but not more than 25%, of the current, incumbent Precinct Chairs serving on the County Executive Committee in the county using a form which shall be provided by the State Party. The petition shall contain the candidate’s sworn oath that the signatures thereon are valid and that each was signed in the presence of the candidate or candidate’s representative. (Required by Texas Election Code §172.021(f)).” | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 1 | |||||||||||||
8 | 0007 | 3/14/2022 20:28:19 | Rules & Procedures Committees | chalupacabre@gmail.com | Sterling | Camp | Harris | 832.496.0584 | 17 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | A Resolution in Support of Limiting Interim County Chairs | WHEREAS Texas Democratic Party Rule Article II.E.1.b. States: b. The County Chair shall be elected by majority vote and precinct chairs shall be elected by plurality vote in the Party Primary Election held in even-numbered years. The County Chair shall be elected by the qualified voters of the county, and the Precinct Chairs by the qualified voters of their respective precincts. (Allowed by Texas Election Code §171.022) | AND WHEREAS Article II.E.1.e.(1) states (1) When due to the death, resignation, withdrawal, declaration of ineligibility, creation of a new office, or any other reason, a vacancy occurs in the office of County Chair or for the nomination of any office on the ballot and a county, district, or precinct executive committee is permitted or required by law to elect a new County Chair or nominate a replacement candidate for the ballot for the other office, the precinct chairs eligible to vote in the executive committee meeting to fill the vacancy are only those precinct chairs who are posted on the Secretary of State website on the date the vacancy occurred or on the twenty-fourth day after the last preceding runoff primary election day, whichever date is later. | AND WHEREAS that interim County Chair was selected by a limited number of Democratic Precinct Chairs and not elected by Democratic voters. | AND WHEREAS the Texas Democratic Party Platform states: “A representative democracy is only truly representative if every single citizen is guaranteed the inalienable right to vote in fair and open elections.” | AND WHEREAS a consistent pattern of resignations and interim County Chairs who are then elected as County Chairs largely due to their incumbency, has the appearance of elections not “fair and open”. | NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Texas Democratic Party Rules be amended to prohibit the interim County Chair selected only by a limited number of Precinct Chairs and not elected by Democratic voters, from placing their name on the next Primary Election ballot for County Chair, or from serving as County Chair in the following term if another vacancy should happen then. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 0 | |||||||||||||
9 | 0008 | 3/15/2022 20:59:25 | Rules & Procedures Committees | Pwinbushtx@gmail.com | Prince | Winbush III | Harris | 7739627794 | 15 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Resolution to Organize the TDP & SDEC by Congressional District | WHEREAS, per the 2020 Census, Texas State Senate districts have an ideal population of 940,178, and Texas United States Congressional districts have an ideal population of 766,987; and | WHEREAS, the more constituents a representative is, the harder and more expensive it becomes to contact them and be responsive to them; and | WHEREAS, the Texas Democratic Party (TDP) has to seek a waiver from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) each Presidential Primary to organize our National Delegates by State Senate District, which requires additional time and work from the TDP Staff, DNC Staff, Texas DNC members, and DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee members; and | WHEREAS, when the TDP originally sought these waivers from the DNC, there were more State Senate districts than Congressional districts in Texas, so the waiver was seeking smaller districts with lower populations; and | WHEREAS, Texas Election Code Sec. 171.002 provides for the organization of the TDP’s State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC) by Congressional district; THEREFOR | BE IT RESOLVED, the Texas Democratic Party shall amend its rules, so that for the 2024 Texas Democratic State Convention, the TDP shall elect its National Delegates within Congressional District Caucuses instead of Senate District Caucuses; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Texas Democratic Party shall further amend its rules, so that beginning with the 2024 term, the State Democratic Executive Committee shall organize itself by Congressional districts, and the TDP shall elect its SDEC committee members within Congressional District Caucuses instead of Senate District Caucuses; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Texas Democratic Party shall further amend its rules, so that the election of Texas Democratic State Convention committee members and Electors be likewise updated in the same manner. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 3 | ||||||||||||
10 | 0009 | 3/15/2022 22:05:34 | Rules & Procedures Committees | jkaufmann121@earthlink.net | Hays County Democratic Party | Jeffrey | Kaufmann | Hays | 512-633-3016 | 25 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Qualifications for Precinct Chair and County Chair | Section E.3.a currently contains insufficient specificity regarding the qualifications of a person who wishes to run for county chair; and | The current qualifications allow for a person who is not demonstrably a member and supporter of the Texas Democratic Party to run for the position of county chair; and | The current statement of qualifications constitutes a loophole by which a person other than a member or affiliate of the Texas Democratic Party while a candidate may run for county chair; and | A simple adjustment of the wording of paragraph a. will correct this problem; | The current wording of Article III, Section E., parapraph a. reads: They are qualified voters (Required by Texas Election Code §161.005 (a)(1)) and voted in the most recent Democratic Primary, not including runoffs, or signed an oath of affiliation:… | That the wording of Article III, section E., paragraph a be changed to read: 3. Qualifications. Democrats 18 years of age or older are eligible for the offices of Precinct Chair or County Chair, provided they meet the following criteria: a. They are qualified voters (Required by Texas Election Code §161.005 (a)(1)) and voted in the most recent Democratic Primary, not including runoffs, and signed and delivered to county election officials on or before the date they filed for election an oath of affiliation | That this change to the Texas Democratic Party Rules be made effective immediately upon adoption. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||||
11 | 0010 | 3/16/2022 12:37:15 | Rules & Procedures Committees | jeffstrater@gmail.com | Jeff | Strater | Dallas | 2148931336 | 23 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Party rule change- regarding referendum placed on the general primary election ballot | Texas Democratic Party rule change -- Amend Article III. (Executive Committees) C. (Election Matters) 2. (Referendum Issues) by adding item g. "Any referendum placed on the general primary election ballot by the SDEC pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 172.087 may be excluded from said ballot within a particular county by a majority vote of the County Executive Committee." | Amend Article III. (Executive Committees) C. (Election Matters) 2. (Referendum Issues) by adding item g. "Any referendum placed on the general primary election ballot by the SDEC pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 172.087 may be excluded from said ballot within a particular county by a majority vote of the County Executive Committee." | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 0 | |||||||||||||||||
12 | 0011 | 3/16/2022 14:34:53 | Rules & Procedures Committees | Joel@TarrantDemocrats.org | Tarrant County Democratic Party | Joel | Fryar | Tarrant | (817) 287-9492 | 9 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Proposed Change to Article III, Section I of the Texas Democratic Party Rules | Whereas the lack of a Primary Election in the case of a Special Election called to fill a vacancy denies a District Executive Committee the right to elect a Democratic Nominee in the race; | Whereas the lack of a Democratic Nominee in said election causes the dilution of the Democratic vote and probable loss of election to the other Party; | That Article III, Section I, Paragraphs 1 and 3 are amended as indicated in the proposed rule change. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 0 | |||||||||||||||
13 | 0012 | 3/16/2022 14:47:54 | Rules & Procedures Committees | kathylopez5557@gmail.com | Galveston County Democratic Party | Kathy | Lopez | Galveston | (281) 683-9391 | 14 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | In support of a Texas Democratic Rule change to allow Executive Committees to Censure and Denounce Non-Democrats Who Run in Our Primaries. | Whereas the Texas Democratic party has no power to prevent people who do not hold Democratic Party values from running in Texas Democratic primaries; and | Whereas some Texas Democratic primary candidates have philosophies or histories so incompatible to the Democratic understanding, to cry out for action; and | and Whereas, sometimes, through political processes outside party control, these candidates win the primary and become our nominee; and | Whereas Texas Democratic Party rules prohibit Democratic officials from taking actions as an official to denounce a candidate in a primary; and | "Whereas the penalty for such action is severe, including removal from the Democratic official from office; and Whereas such denouncement, either from the party organization, or action to prevent such a candidate from winning might be in the best interest of the public good and protecting the brand and reputation of the Democratic Party; and Whereas such denouncement, while useful, could be abused to limit legitimate internal party conflicts, the bar to allow such denouncement must be extremely high so as to prevent abuse; | The Texas Democratic Party change its rules to allow groups of elected Democratic officials in districts (County Executive Committee for county wide races or the collection all the precinct chairs that exist in the district the candidate is running elsewhere) to denounce such a candidate via resolution if it signed by 90% of the district membership or a 90% quorum at a meeting of all the district membership; | The Texas Democratic Party change its rules to allow Democratic districts to pass a resolution to foreswear the enforcement of penalties against any Democratic official who works actively against a nominated candidate; signed by 80% of the members of the district membership or 80% of a quorum at a meeting of all the district membership; | In either case, the resolution must be sponsored by 20% of the members of the district’s membership, the complete membership and the candidate in question must be given notice 15 days in advance of the meeting such a resolution will be heard and voted upon and the candidate allowed to attended, hear the complaints against themselves and reply to them. | That it is allowed to hold the discussion and candidates defense in executive session and only the vote itself needs to be public. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 1 | |||||||||
14 | 0013 | 3/16/2022 15:06:00 | Rules & Procedures Committees | joel@tarrantdemocrats.org | Tarrant County Democratic Party | Joel | Fryar | Tarrant | (817) 287-9492 | 9 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Proposed Change to Article III, Section I, Paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Texas Democratic Party Rules | Whereas the lack of a Primary Election in the case of a Special Election to fill a vacancy deprives the voters of a given District the right to select a Democratic Nominee; | Whereas not having said Nominee causes the Democratic vote to be diluted and greatly increases the risk of the Special Election being lost to the opposing Party; | Whereas the Texas Election Code allows the District Executive Committee to meet and elect a nominee | Article III, Section I, Paragraphs 1 and 3 shall be revised as follows: Proposed Revised Rule: I. Duties of District Committees in Special Elections 1. When for any reason a vacancy occurs in an office requiring a special election, the State Chair shall call a meeting of the appropriate District Executive Committee for the purpose of considering the endorsement of a candidate for the open office. A District Committee may endorse a candidate in a special election, even if more than one Democrat is seeking election. 3. The Chair shall provide at least 72 hours’ notice of the meeting after learning a vacancy has occurred or shall occur. If the State Chair fails to call the meeting within 72 hours after learning of the vacancy, the meeting shall be called by the District Executive Committee Chair by notifying the State Chair and SDEC Secretary in writing. Electronic transmission of this notification is allowed. In no case shall a meeting be called later than 14 days after the actual occurrence of the vacancy. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 0 | ||||||||||||||
15 | 0014 | 3/16/2022 18:28:45 | Rules & Procedures Committees | texkathi@gmail.com | Kathleen | Thomas | Hays | 512-845-0155 | 25 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Resolution to allow County Executive Parties to Censure and Denounce non-Democrats who run in our primaries | Whereas the Texas Democratic Party has no power to prevent people who do not hold Democratic Party Values from running in the Texas Democratic Primaries, and | Whereas some Texas Democratic primary candidates have philosophies or histories so incompatible to the Democratic understanding to cry out for action; and | Whereas, sometimes, through political processes outside part control, these candidates win the primary and become our nominee; and | Whereas Texas Democratic Party rules prohibit Democratic officials from taking actions as an official to denounce a candidate in a primary because of the severe penalty of removal from office of the Democratic offials; and | Whereas such denouncement, either form the Party organization, or action to prevent such a candidate from winning might be in the best interest of the public good and protecting the brand and reputation of the Democratic Party; and that such denouncement, while useful, could be abused to limit legitimate internal party conflicts, the bar to allow such denouncement must be extremely high so as to prevent abuse, | Texas Democratic Party change it’s rules to allow groups of elected the County Executive Committee to denounce such a candidate via resolution if it is signed by 90% of the County Executive Committee. | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED The Texas Democratic Party change its rules to allow Democratic County Executive Parties to pass a resolution to foreswear the enforcement of penalties against any Democratic official who works actively against such a nominated candidate, signed by 80% of the County Executive Committee, or 80% of a quorum at a meeting of all the district membership. | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in either case, the resolution must be sponsored by at least 20% of the members of the district’s membership, and the complete membership and the candidate in question must be given notice 15 days in advance of the meeting where such a resolution will be heard and voted upon, and the candidate allowed to attend, hear the complaints against themselves, and reply to them. | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is allowed to hold the discussion and the candidate’s defense in executive session and only the vote itself needs to be public. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 1 | ||||||||||
16 | 0015 | 3/16/2022 18:38:54 | Rules & Procedures Committees | texkathi@gmail.com | Dripping Springs Democratic Action | Kathleen | Thomas | Hays | 512-845-0155 | 25 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Resolution to required a petition with at least 10% of the current County Executive Board to have signed for a candidate for County Chair of Democratic Party in counties of 240,000 or more. | it is important that a candidate for the Democratic County Chair be someone who is involved in Democratic politics, and has at least a basic understanding of the Democratic Party policy; and | the Texas Democratic Party already requires County Chair candidates in counties of one (1) million or more to present a petition at the time of application to run in the County Chair race with at least 10% of the sitting CEC's signatures; and | WHEREAS this would assure that there is at least some buy-in on the CEC for the person running for County Chair in terms of qualifications so that the candidates for the County Chair in Counties of 240,000 or more people we can be assured that someone is a candidate of good standing and not a “stalking horse” for another party or person; | that the Texas Democratic Party lower their threshold for requiring the petition of at least 10% of the sitting members of the CEC for those wishing to run for County Chair of the Democratic Party to 240,000 residents. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 2 | ||||||||||||||
17 | 0016 | 3/16/2022 22:13:49 | Rules & Procedures Committees | treiber.andre@gmail.com | Andre | Treiber | Travis | (832) 377-9661 | 14 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Organizing the SDEC by Congressional District | WHEREAS, Texas Election Code Sec. 171.002 provides our Party the choice of organizing the Texas Democratic Party’s (TDP) State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC) by Congressional districts (like many other states) or by State Senate districts (which we currently use); and | WHEREAS, the TDP has to seek a waiver from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) each Presidential Primary to organize our National Delegates by State Senate district instead of Congressional district, which assumes unnecessary risk and requires additional time and work from the TDP Staff, DNC Staff, Texas DNC members, and DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee members; and | WHEREAS, when the TDP originally sought these waivers from the DNC, there were more State Senate districts than Congressional districts in Texas, so the waiver was seeking smaller districts with lower populations and greater grassroots participation; and | WHEREAS, per the 2020 Census, the 31 Texas State Senate districts have an ideal population of 940,178, while the 38 Texas United States Congressional districts have an ideal population of 766,987; and | WHEREAS, the more constituents a representative has, the harder and more expensive it becomes for the representative to contact constituents and be responsive to them, and the less likely it is for a constituent to be able to lobby, discuss, question, hold accountable, or otherwise interact with a representative; THEREFORE | BE IT RESOLVED, the Texas Democratic Party shall amend its rules, so that for the 2024 Texas Democratic State Convention, the TDP shall elect its National Delegates within Congressional District Caucuses instead of Senate District Caucuses; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Texas Democratic Party shall further amend its rules, so that beginning with the 2024 term, the State Democratic Executive Committee shall organize itself by Congressional districts, and the TDP shall elect its SDEC committee members within Congressional District Caucuses instead of Senate District Caucuses; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Texas Democratic Party shall further amend its rules, so that the election of Texas Democratic State Convention committee members and Electors be likewise updated in the same manner. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 3 | |||||||||||
18 | 0017 | 2/13/2022 7:51:56 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | Meghna.roy27@gmail.com | Access RRISD | Meghna | Roy | Williamson | (512) 992-7187 | 24 | Children and Youth | In support of | Equal access to education and safety for all children and youth | Texas legislation passed laws (senate bill 3 Sep 2021) that prohibits teachers from discussing ‘sensitive topics’ like American history of slavery and oppression, which puts teachers at risk for attacks and takes education & representation opportunity away from children, to be nullified; and | The push from Texas legislators to undermine representation for lgbtq+ and people of color children and youth through targeted book bans to be countered | That elected official in all Texas cities should insist on equal access to proper education designed by education experts, safe school environment welcoming children of all identities and remove religion from schools unless equally represented by all faiths. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | |||||||||||||||
19 | 0018 | 3/9/2022 16:21:53 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | ttraidered@yahoo.com | Americans for Parental Equality | John | Eberly | Midland | 4322602319 | 31 | Children and Youth | In support of | Equal parenting resolutions for the Children of Texas | WHEREAS, The Texas Democratic Party supports equality and civil justice for ALL, we believe that the reciprocal U.S. Constitutional Rights and Protections of both parent and child be codified in the Texas Family Code. It is presumed that fit parents act in the best interests of their children. | Whereas Shared Parenting in separated families create a happier, healthier society by promoting the importance of congenial parent-child and functioning family relationships. | Whereas Shared Parenting is proven to reduce drug and alcohol use, 2x less likely to drop out of school, 4x less emotional or behavior problems, 7x less likely to become a teen parent. | Whereas non-shared parent households make up 63% of youth suicides, 85% of behavior problems, 85% of the youth in prison, 75% of teen substance abuse and 71% of high school drop outs. | Be it resolved that the “best interest of the child” standard be codified in the Texas Family Code to require Equal Shared Parenting, and children be provided with equal time with BOTH parents, unless one or both parents have been found, with clear and convincing evidence, to be unfit or harmful to his/her children. The presumption of Equal Shared Parenting is limited to fit, willing, and able parents, or such time that a parent becomes fit, willing and able. | Be it resolved that a loving fit parent who is removed from a child’s life is NOT in the best interest of the child and is NOT constitutional to either the parent or child. | Be it resolved that any violation a valid child possession orders in the State of Texas, under Texas Penal Code 25.03, Interference with Child Custody, shall be enforced by all local jurisdictions. | Be it resolved that Texas judges, attorneys, and court actors in Texas will no longer have any Immunity when violating State, Local or Federal laws, violating State, Local or Federal guidelines, or violating State or Federal Constitutional Rights and Protections. Any and all such violations will expose the judiciary and all court actors to criminal penalties and civil actions, just as the rest of our fine Texas citizenry. | Be it further resolved that the Texas Family Law Foundation (TFLF) be Recognized and Admonished as an organization that is opposed to U.S. and Texas Constitutional Protections and Rights for children and families, that they have and continue to lobby against the best interest of children, and therefore have lobbied against Texas Families. Their economic conflict of interest is to promote family hostility and warfare in the un-necessary fight for custody between the loving and fit parents. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||
20 | 0019 | 3/14/2022 21:21:41 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | tsheldon@cwa-tseu.org | Texas State Employees Union | Tyler | Sheldon | Travis | 5124667962 | 14 | Children and Youth | In support of | Resolution to support ending the Children Without Placement Crisis | WHEREAS, Texas is under Judicial oversight after being found by Federal Courts to fail to protect children in the foster care system from harm; | WHEREAS, Privatization attempts of DFPS by the Texas Legislature have failed to improve outcomes for children in foster care; | WHEREAS, The State of Texas and private contractors have failed to expand safe foster care placements options that has led to a shortage of quality placements for children in the foster care system ; | WHEREAS, the lack of safe placements has led to a rise of Children Without Placement (CWOP) throughout the state, resulting in children staying in offices, hotels, apartments, and churches under the supervision of DFPS Staff; | WHEREAS, DFPS Staff must complete CWOP duties on top of their own job duties without the proper training or qualifications necessary to meet the child’s needs; WHEREAS, the CWOP crisis continues to put DFPS Staff and the Foster children of our State in often dangerous situations in unacceptable settings; | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Texas Democrats support immediately prioritizing the resolution of the CWOP crisis by increasing funding to DFPS for Staffing, Placements and additional resources needed to care for the Children in foster care. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | ||||||||||||
21 | 0020 | 3/15/2022 11:53:23 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | Lancarter001@gmail.com | Phuong | Carter | Bell | 254-681-7492 | 24 | Children and Youth | In support of | in favor of health care rights for transgender children | WHEREAS, On February 23 2022 Governor Greg Abbott sent a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, calling on it to “conduct a prompt and thorough investigation” of any instances of minors undergoing “elective procedures for gender transitioning; | WHEREAS, The letter tasked those who work with children including teachers, nurses, and social workers as well as members of the general public with reporting such claims adding, “state law provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse.”; | WHEREAS, Family and Protective Services employees are being ordered to violate long-standing codes of ethics that includes provision of gender affirming care supported by the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and others; | WHEREAS, A 2015 study in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that transgender youth are two to three times as likely as their peers to suffer from depression and anxiety disorders, or to attempt suicide or harm themselves while a 2017 study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry showed that levels of depression and self-worth reported by more than 100 socially transitioned transgender children from across the United States and Canada were about the same as for their nontransgender, or cisgender, siblings and peers; WHEREAS, Governor Abbott’s letter violates the civil rights and privacy of children and their families that already experience illegal discrimination; and | WHEREAS, Governor Abbott’s letter violates the civil rights and privacy of children and their families that already experience illegal discrimination; and WHEREAS, Attorney General Ken Paxton’s opinion and Governor Abbott’s directive will likely be found to be illegitimate and unconstitutional in the Courts; | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party supports transgender children and their right to gender-affirming care, believing that such health decisions should be left to said individuals, their families, and their medical professionals; | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to support transgender children and their families, Texas Democrats strongly oppose the hateful attacks on the Transgender youth of Texas being made by Governor Abbott, AG Ken Paxton, and the Texas Legislature | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | ||||||||||||
22 | 0021 | 3/15/2022 13:48:38 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jlugo1949@gmail.com | CWA-TSEU 6186 | Judy | Lugo | El Paso | (915) 449-6482 | 29 | Children and Youth | In support of | Resolution to support ending the Children Without Placement Crisis | WHEREAS, Texas is under Judicial oversight after being found by Federal Courts to fail to protect children in the foster care system from harm; | WHEREAS, Privatization attempts of DFPS by the Texas Legislature have failed to improve outcomes for children in foster care; | WHEREAS, The State of Texas and private contractors have failed to expand safe foster care placements options that has led to a shortage of quality placements for children in the foster care system ; | WHEREAS, the lack of safe placements has led to a rise of Children Without Placement (CWOP) throughout the state, resulting in children staying in offices, hotels, apartments, and churches under the supervision of DFPS Staff; | WHEREAS, DFPS Staff must complete CWOP duties on top of their own job duties without the proper training or qualifications necessary to meet the child’s needs; | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Texas Democrats support immediately prioritizing the resolution of the CWOP crisis by increasing funding to DFPS for Staffing, Placements and additional resources needed to care for the Children in foster care. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | ||||||||||||
23 | 0022 | 3/15/2022 14:25:05 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | tylert2345@gmail.com | Texas State Employees Union | Tyler | Sheldon | Hays | 512-466-7962 | 25 | Children and Youth | In support of | Resolution to support ending the Children Without Placement Crisis | WHEREAS, Texas is under Judicial oversight after being found by Federal Courts to fail to protect children in the foster care system from harm; | WHEREAS, Privatization attempts of DFPS by the Texas Legislature have failed to improve outcomes for children in foster care; | WHEREAS, The State of Texas and private contractors have failed to expand safe foster care placements options that has led to a shortage of quality placements for children in the foster care system ; | WHEREAS, the lack of safe placements has led to a rise of Children Without Placement (CWOP) throughout the state, resulting in children staying in offices, hotels, apartments, and churches under the supervision of DFPS Staff; | WHEREAS, DFPS Staff must complete CWOP duties on top of their own job duties without the proper training or qualifications necessary to meet the child’s needs which puts DFPS Staff and the Foster children of our State in often dangerous situations; | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Texas Democrats support immediately prioritizing the resolution of the CWOP crisis by increasing funding to DFPS for Staffing, Placements and additional resources needed to care for the Children in foster care. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | ||||||||||||
24 | 0023 | 3/15/2022 21:40:23 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | efros.natalya.erica@gmail.com | E. Natalya | Efros | Collin | (972) 816-6483 | 8 | Children and Youth | In opposition to | Resolution opposing the attacks by Texas Governor Greg Abbott on trans children, families, and FPS workers | Whereas on February 22, 2022, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released an opinion that allowing minors to receive gender affirming care such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy is child abuse under state law; and | Whereas on February 23 2022 Governor Greg Abbott sent a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, calling on it to “conduct a prompt and thorough investigation” of any instances of minors undergoing “elective procedures for gender transitioning.”; and | Whereas the letter tasked those who work with children including teachers, nurses, and social workers as well as members of the general public with reporting such claims adding, “state law provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse.”; and | Whereas Family and Protective Services employees are exposed to moral injury and professional censor by being ordered to violate long-standing codes of ethics that includes provision of gender affirming care supported by the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and others; and | Whereas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s opinion and Governor Abbott’s directive will likely be found to be illegitimate and unconstitutional in the Courts as it violates the civil rights and privacy of children and their families that already experience illegal discrimination; | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, in order to support transgender children and their families, that Texas Democrats strongly Opposes the attacks on the Transgender youth of Texas that are being made by Governor Abbott, AG Ken Paxton and the Texas Legislature. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | |||||||||||||
25 | 0024 | 3/15/2022 21:50:50 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | cannonsdroid@gmail.com | Cannon | Brown | Dallas | 901-634-1365 | 16 | Children and Youth | In opposition to | Resolution opposing the attacks by Texas Governor Greg Abbott on trans children, families, and FPS workers | Whereas on February 22, 2022, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released an opinion that allowing minors to receive gender affirming care such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy is child abuse under state law; and | Whereas on February 23 2022 Governor Greg Abbott sent a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, calling on it to “conduct a prompt and thorough investigation” of any instances of minors undergoing “elective procedures for gender transitioning.”; and | Whereas the letter tasked those who work with children including teachers, nurses, and social workers as well as members of the general public with reporting such claims adding, “state law provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse.”; and | Whereas Family and Protective Services employees are exposed to moral injury and professional censor by being ordered to violate long-standing codes of ethics that includes provision of gender affirming care supported by the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and others; and | Whereas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s opinion and Governor Abbott’s directive will likely be found to be illegitimate and unconstitutional in the Courts as it violates the civil rights and privacy of children and their families that already experience illegal discrimination; | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, in order to support transgender children and their families, that Texas Democrats strongly Opposes the attacks on the Transgender youth of Texas that are being made by Governor Abbott, AG Ken Paxton and the Texas Legislature. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 3 | |||||||||||||
26 | 0025 | 3/16/2022 17:26:04 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | Getactivetoo@yahoo.com | David | Fisher | Dallas | 323 547-0798 | 16 | Children and Youth | In support of | Supporting Transgender Children | All children deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and provided fair access to opportunities and services | All children should be able to attend school in a safe and inclusive environment free from discrimination | Transgender children and their families have come under attack. Governor Greg Abbott issued a directive to have a state agency investigate parents for child abuse if they seek gender-affirming care for their children | Research shows that access to gender-affirming medical care and family acceptance of a child's gender identity result in better mental health outcomes, including lower rate of suicidality | Abott's directive could lead to an increase in false accusations of child abuse directed at parents who are simply supporting and loving their child | That the Texas Democratic Party strongly condemns Governor Greg Abbott's transgender directive | That the Texas Democratic Party supports transgender children and their families who deserve to know that they are safe, loved and valued by their fellow Texans. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 3 | ||||||||||||
27 | 0026 | 3/16/2022 21:23:54 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | efros.natalya.erica@gmail.com | E. Natalya | Efros | Collin | (972) 816-6483 | 8 | Children and Youth | In support of | Protecting transgender youth and families | On February 18, 2022, Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a legal interpretation that labels certain types of gender-affirming medically necessary and best-practice healthcare for transgender youth as child abuse; and | As a result of AG Paxton’s action, Governor Abbott directed the Texas Department of Family Protective Services to enforce the AG’s opinion. This directive will subject transgender youth and their families to child abuse investigations; and | Key medical associations support best practice standards of healthcare for transgender youth. The actions of our Governor and Attorney General interfere with the doctor-patient/family relationship and will negatively affect a population which already faces a high rate of depression and suicide without the proper care; and | It is important for every child in Texas to have access to evidence-based and comprehensive health care which includes gender-affirming health care for transgender and gender-diverse children. The Texas Democratic Party wants all children, including transgender and gender-diverse children to know that they are valued. We stand with transgender and gender diverse youth and their families. Attempts to restrict or challenge what is often lifesaving medical care as abuse is discriminatory and dangerous. Attempts to block parents from making critical health care choices for their children is not only inhumane but also creates a chilling affect on health care providers and mandatory reporters which, in turn damages the mental and physical health of our transgender and gender diverse youth. To this end, the Texas Democratic Party and party leadership encourage Democrats across the state to contact Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) urging them follow the guidance of leading medical associations and protect transgender and gender diverse youth and their parents’ parental rights and not to follow Governor Abbott’s directive; and | The Texas Democratic Party calls for Democratic elected officials in the state to pledge to not enforce Governor Abbott’s harmful directive that allows for open investigations into children receiving gender-affirming care. District attorneys from five Texas counties including Dallas, Bexar, Harris and Travis have stated they would not treat gender-affirming actions as abuse. Texas House LGBTQ Caucus, Texas House Democratic Caucus, Mexican American Legislative Caucus, Texas Legislative Black Caucus and Texas Women’s Health Caucus (TWHC) have joined together to condemn the latest attack on transgender children and their families. | The Texas Democratic Party leadership pledges to propose a platform plank to the Texas Democratic Party Platform committee with specific language protecting transgender and gender diverse youth and their parents. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | |||||||||||||
28 | 0027 | 3/16/2022 21:28:41 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | nicholas.l.hudson@gmail.com | Nicholas | Hudson | Webb | 541-968-3334 | 21 | Children and Youth | In opposition to | Resolution opposing the attacks by Texas Governor Greg Abbott on trans children, families, and FPS workers | Whereas…On February 22, 2022, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released an opinion that allowing minors to receive gender affirming care such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy is child abuse under state law; WHEREAS, On February 23 2022 Governor Greg Abbott sent a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, calling on it to “conduct a prompt and thorough investigation” of any instances of minors undergoing “elective procedures for gender transitioning; | WHEREAS, The letter tasked those who work with children including teachers, nurses, and social workers as well as members of the general public with reporting such claims adding, “state law provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse.”; WHEREAS, Family and Protective Services employees are being ordered to violate long-standing codes of ethics that includes provision of gender affirming care supported by the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and others; | WHEREAS, A 2015 study in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that transgender youth are two to three times as likely as their peers to suffer from depression and anxiety disorders, or to attempt suicide or harm themselves while a 2017 study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry showed that levels of depression and self-worth reported by more than 100 socially transitioned transgender children from across the United States and Canada were about the same as for their nontransgender, or cisgender, siblings and peers; | WHEREAS, Governor Abbott’s letter violates the civil rights and privacy of children and their families that already experience illegal discrimination; WHEREAS, Attorney General Ken Paxton’s opinion and Governor Abbott’s directive will likely be found to be illegitimate and unconstitutional in the Courts; and | Whereas more than 60 Inter and National Businesses have come out in opposition through an advertisement in the Dallas Morning Star in opposition to this egregious policy as bad for business; | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party supports transgender children and their right to gender-affirming care, believing that such health decisions should be left to said individuals, their families, and their medical professionals; | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to support transgender children and their families, Texas Democrats strongly oppose the hateful attacks on the Transgender youth of Texas being made by Governor Abbott, AG Ken Paxton, and the Texas Legislature. | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolutions calls upon the Texas Democratic Party to determine feasibility in submitting an amicus brief on behalf of our constituents in opposition to this egregious and inhumane policy. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | |||||||||||
29 | 0028 | 3/16/2022 21:34:33 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | deepellumpc@gmail.com | Dallas County Precinct Chair | Elaine | Campbell | Dallas | 972)836-9205 | 23 | Children and Youth | In support of | Protecting Transgender Youth and Families | As a result of AG Paxton’s action, Governor Abbott directed the Texas Department of Family Protective Services to enforce the AG’s opinion. This directive will subject transgender youth and their families to child abuse investigations; and | Key medical associations support best practice standards of healthcare for transgender youth. The actions of our Governor and Attorney General interfere with the doctor-patient/family relationship and will negatively affect a population which already faces a high rate of depression and suicide without the proper care; and | It is important for every child in Texas to have access to evidence-based and comprehensive health care which includes gender-affirming health care for transgender and gender-diverse children. The Texas Democratic Party wants all children, including transgender and gender-diverse children to know that they are valued. We stand with transgender and gender diverse youth and their families. Attempts to restrict or challenge what is often lifesaving medical care as abuse is discriminatory and dangerous. Attempts to block parents from making critical health care choices for their children is not only inhumane but also creates a chilling affect on health care providers and mandatory reporters which, in turn damages the mental and physical health of our transgender and gender diverse youth. To this end, the Texas Democratic Party and party leadership encourage Democrats across the state to contact Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) urging them follow the guidance of leading medical associations and protect transgender and gender diverse youth and their parents’ parental rights and not to follow Governor Abbott’s directive; and | The Texas Democratic Party calls for Democratic elected officials in the state to pledge to not enforce Governor Abbott’s harmful directive that allows for open investigations into children receiving gender-affirming care. District attorneys from five Texas counties including Dallas, Bexar, Harris and Travis have stated they would not treat gender-affirming actions as abuse. Texas House LGBTQ Caucus, Texas House Democratic Caucus, Mexican American Legislative Caucus, Texas Legislative Black Caucus and Texas Women’s Health Caucus (TWHC) have joined together to condemn the latest attack on transgender children and their families. | The Texas Democratic Party leadership pledges to propose a platform plank to the Texas Democratic Party Platform committee with specific language protecting transgender and gender diverse youth and their parents. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | |||||||||||||
30 | 0029 | 3/16/2022 22:18:30 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jwald@prodigy.net | Retired | Jerome | Wald | Harris | 713-291-5103 | 13 | Children and Youth | In opposition to | Resolution opposing the attacks by Texas Governor Greg Abbott on transgender children, families, and FPS workers | Whereas…On February 22, 2022, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released an opinion that allowing minors to receive gender affirming care such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy is child abuse under state law; and | Whereas… On February 23, 2022, Governor Greg Abbott sent a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, calling on it to “conduct a prompt and thorough investigation” of any instances of minors undergoing “elective procedures for gender transitioning;” and | Whereas…The letter tasked those who work with children including teachers, nurses, and social workers as well as members of the general public with reporting such claims adding, “state law provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse;” and | Whereas…Family and Protective Services employees are exposed to moral injury and professional censor by being ordered to violate long-standing codes of ethics that includes provision of gender affirming care supported by the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and others; and | Whereas… Attorney General Ken Paxton’s opinion and Governor Abbott’s directive will likely be found to be illegitimate and unconstitutional in the courts as it violates the civil rights and privacy of children and their families that already experience illegal discrimination, | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, in order to support transgender children and their families, that Texas Democrats strongly oppose the attacks on the transgender youth of Texas that are being made by Governor Abbott, AG Ken Paxton and the Texas Legislature. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | ||||||||||||
31 | 0030 | 3/16/2022 22:19:21 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | cannonsdroid@gmail.com | Cannon | Brown | Dallas | 901-634-1365 | 16 | Children and Youth | In support of | Protecting transgender youth and families | On February 18, 2022, Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a legal interpretation that labels certain types of gender-affirming medically necessary and best-practice healthcare for transgender youth as child abuse; and | As a result of AG Paxton’s action, Governor Abbott directed the Texas Department of Family Protective Services to enforce the AG’s opinion. This directive will subject transgender youth and their families to child abuse investigations; and | Key medical associations support best practice standards of healthcare for transgender youth. The actions of our Governor and Attorney General interfere with the doctor-patient/family relationship and will negatively affect a population which already faces a high rate of depression and suicide without the proper care; and | It is important for every child in Texas to have access to evidence-based and comprehensive health care which includes gender-affirming health care for transgender and gender-diverse children. The Texas Democratic Party wants all children, including transgender and gender-diverse children to know that they are valued. We stand with transgender and gender diverse youth and their families. Attempts to restrict or challenge what is often lifesaving medical care as abuse is discriminatory and dangerous. Attempts to block parents from making critical health care choices for their children is not only inhumane but also creates a chilling affect on health care providers and mandatory reporters which, in turn damages the mental and physical health of our transgender and gender diverse youth. To this end, the Texas Democratic Party and party leadership encourage Democrats across the state to contact Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) urging them follow the guidance of leading medical associations and protect transgender and gender diverse youth and their parents’ parental rights and not to follow Governor Abbott’s directive; and | The Texas Democratic Party calls for Democratic elected officials in the state to pledge to not enforce Governor Abbott’s harmful directive that allows for open investigations into children receiving gender-affirming care. District attorneys from five Texas counties including Dallas, Bexar, Harris and Travis have stated they would not treat gender-affirming actions as abuse. Texas House LGBTQ Caucus, Texas House Democratic Caucus, Mexican American Legislative Caucus, Texas Legislative Black Caucus and Texas Women’s Health Caucus (TWHC) have joined together to condemn the latest attack on transgender children and their families. | The Texas Democratic Party leadership pledges to propose a platform plank to the Texas Democratic Party Platform committee with specific language protecting transgender and gender diverse youth and their parents. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 3 | |||||||||||||
32 | 0031 | 3/16/2022 23:07:59 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jwald@prodigy.net | Retired | Jerome | Wald | Harris | 713-291-5103 | 13 | Children and Youth | In support of | Resolution to support ending the Children Without Placement Crisis | WHEREAS, Texas is under Judicial oversight after being found by federal courts to fail to protect children in the foster care system from harm; and | WHEREAS, Privatization attempts of DFPS by the Texas Legislature have failed to improve outcomes for children in foster care; and | WHEREAS, The State of Texas and private contractors have failed to expand safe foster care placements options that has led to a shortage of quality placements for children in the foster care system; and | WHEREAS, the lack of safe placements has led to a rise of Children Without Placement (CWOP) throughout the state, resulting in children staying in offices, hotels, apartments, and churches under the supervision of DFPS staff; and | WHEREAS, DFPS staff must complete CWOP duties on top of their own job duties without the proper training or qualifications necessary to meet the child’s needs which puts DFPS staff and the foster children of our State in often dangerous situations, | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Texas Democrats support immediately prioritizing the resolution of the CWOP crisis by increasing funding to DFPS for staffing, placements, and additional resources needed to care for the children in foster care. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 3 | ||||||||||||
33 | 0032 | 3/16/2022 23:39:46 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | 4cscrz@gmail.com | CWA/TSEU | Chris | Cruz | Travis | 5129986588 | 14 | Children and Youth | In support of | Resolution to support ending the Children Without Placement Crisis | WHEREAS, Texas is under Judicial oversight after being found by Federal Courts to fail to protect children in the foster care system from harm; | WHEREAS, Privatization attempts of DFPS by the Texas Legislature have failed to improve outcomes for children in foster care; | WHEREAS, The State of Texas and private contractors have failed to expand safe foster care placements options that has led to a shortage of quality placements for children in the foster care system; | WHEREAS, the lack of safe placements has led to a rise of Children Without Placement (CWOP) throughout the state, resulting in children staying in offices, hotels, apartments, and churches under the supervision of DFPS Staff; | WHEREAS, DFPS Staff must complete CWOP duties on top of their own job duties without the proper training or qualifications necessary to meet the child’s needs which puts DFPS Staff and the Foster children of our State in often dangerous situations; | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Texas Democrats support immediately prioritizing the resolution of the CWOP crisis by increasing funding to DFPS for Staffing, Placements and additional resources needed to care for the Children in foster care. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 3 | ||||||||||||
34 | 0033 | 2/16/2022 21:58:01 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | haleyctaylorschlitz@gmail.com | Haley | Taylor Schlitz | Tarrant | 4699687239 | 9 | Civil Rights | In support of | Texas CROWN Act | Whereas our nation and state has long used skin color and hair texture as a means to classify people on race. This act of classification based on skin color and hair texture have been used to discriminate against individuals; and | Whereas historic efforts led by citizens, elected officials, and our courts have overturned many historic mechanisms of racism in our society; and | Whereas currently there are dress code policies in place across our nation and in Texas that deliberately discriminate against people and students based on historic issues of hair texture and styles; and | Whereas Black men, women, and children are directly harmed by these dress code policies. Many Black students across our nation and specifically in Texas have been suspended and missed days of school because of the way their hair grows from their bodies; and | Whereas during the 87th Session of the Texas Legislature, State Representative Rhetta Andrews Bowers introduced House Bill 392 that would prohibit race-based hair discrimination - the denial of employment, educational, and housing opportunities because of hair texture or protective hairstyles including braids, locs, twists or bantu knots. HB 392, The Texas CROWN Act, passed out of policy committee but did not receive a floor vote in the Texas House of Representatives; | that the Texas Democratic Party fully supports the Texas CROWN Act legislation when it is reintroduced as legislation at the start of the 88th Legislative Session | that each Democratic Member of the Texas State Senate and Texas House of Representatives commit to publicly support the Texas CROWN Act and to serve as co-authors of the legislation | that the Texas Democratic Party calls on the Governor, all members of the Texas State Senate, and all members of the Texas House of Representative to commit to support the Texas CROWN Act and pass it into law as soon as possible. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 3 | |||||||||||
35 | 0034 | 3/10/2022 22:47:46 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | aftab.a.siddiqui@gmail.com | Muslim Democratic Caucus of Texas | Aftab | Siddiqui | Tarrant | (817)706-7495 | 22 | Civil Rights | In opposition to | Islamophobia | WHEREAS the First Amendment of United States Constitution states “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” and this also includes no guilt by association. | AND WHEREAS anti-Muslim bias incidents have continued to increase since 2017. and a greater percentage of these instances have been violent in nature, targeting American children, youth, and families who are Muslim or perceived to be Muslim as reported by CAIR the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) recorded a 17 percent increase in anti-Muslim bias incidents nationwide in 2017 over 2016 accompanied by a 15 percent increase in hate crimes targeting American Muslims, including children, youth, and families, over the same period. | AND WHEREAS federal government agencies (i.e. CBP, FBI, TSA) instigated 35 percent of all anti-Muslim bias incidents recorded in 2017. This represents an almost unprecedented level of government hostility toward a religious minority within the United States, and is counter to the American value of religious freedom. | AND WHEREAS there was an executive order, the first version of which was signed on January 27, 2017, barring entry into the U.S. barring the entry of individuals from several Muslim-majority countries. CAIR recorded 464 incidents pertaining to the unconstitutional Muslim Ban that is a staggering 18 percent of the total number of anti-Muslim bias incidents documented in 2017 and the second version barring six additional predominantly Muslim populated countries is subject to double the anti-Muslim bias. | AND WHEREAS a 2020 bullying survey & report of American Muslim students in the Dallas Fort Worth area discovered that 48 percent of respondents were verbally assaulted, physically abused, or bullied online for being Muslim;25 percent of Muslim students surveyed responded that they did not feel welcome and respected at school, and one of the leading factors is their peers’ negative activity online wherein 42 percent of the Muslim students surveyed reported that students from their school made offensive statements and posts about Islam and Muslims online. | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Texas Democratic Party stands against anti-Muslim bias incidents, Islamophobia, verbal assaults, bullying, and violence against Muslims and those perceived to be. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | ||||||||||||
36 | 0035 | 3/14/2022 17:33:22 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | landon.young@live.com | Tarrant County Democratic PArty | Deinna | Mims | Tarrant | 4266644446 | 23 | Civil Rights | In support of | Police Violence is medically dangerous. | A Report in the Lancet. Identifies an urgent Public Health Crisis. Growing evidence demonstrates that death at the hand of the police disproportionately impact people of certain races and ethnicities. | A study by Lancet examines the presence and extent of under-reporting of police violence. Present revised estimates of death due to police violence as compared to National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) to 3 non-governmental open sources. (Fatal Encounters, The Counted, and Mapping Police Violence) | This study found that more than half of all death due to police violence was underreported from 1980 - 2018*. This study found that Black Men are 2 to 5 times more likely to be killed by police than white. The number for Black Women 1 to 4 times more likely to be killed by police than White. | Police violence is a Public Health Issue affecting both physical and mental health undermining individual and community safety and well being. Democrats shall pursue effective initiatives to aid in the preservation of life for the identified and affected Race and Ethnic groups. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | ||||||||||||||
37 | 0036 | 3/14/2022 21:10:07 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | Tyler Sheldon | Texas State Employees Union | Tyler | Sheldon | Travis | 5124667962 | 14 | Civil Rights | In support of | Resolution opposing the attacks by Texas Governor Greg Abbott on trans children, families, and FPS workers | Resolution opposing the attacks by Texas Governor Greg Abbott on trans children, families, and FPS workers | Whereas… On February 23 2022 Governor Greg Abbott sent a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, calling on it to “conduct a prompt and thorough investigation” of any instances of minors undergoing “elective procedures for gender transitioning | Whereas…The letter tasked those who work with children including teachers, nurses, and social workers as well as members of the general public with reporting such claims adding, “state law provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse.” | Whereas…Family and Protective Services employees are being ordered to violate long-standing codes of ethics that includes provision of gender affirming care supported by the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and others. | Whereas… Family and Protective Services workers are exposed to moral injury and professional censor by demanding that they go against their moral beliefs and the standards of their professions. Whereas…Governor Abbott’s letter violates the civil rights and privacy of children and their families that already experience illegal discrimination. Whereas…Attorney General Ken Paxton’s opinion and Governor Abbott’s directive will likely be found to be illegitimate and unconstitutional in the Courts | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, in order to support transgender children and their families, that Texas Democrats strongly Opposes the attacks on the Transgender youth of Texas that are being made by Governor Abbott, AG Ken Paxton and the Texas Legislature | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | ||||||||||||
38 | 0037 | 3/15/2022 11:31:09 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | sharonwkdr@gmail.com | Sharon | Cummings | Williamson | (512)415-5332 | 5 | Civil Rights | In support of | Legalization of Marijuana in all it's forms, from growing it to selling it to using it. | The criminalization of the natural herb commonly known as Marijuana has only served to make criminals out of ordinary citizens and has not stopped the growth, sales, or use of that herb. | forcing our citizens to buy this herb from shady sources that are not monitored for purity of substance | We believe that each human being has the sacred right to determine what goes into their own bodies and what happens to their own bodies as long as it does not harm someone else | Marijuana has been proven beneficial to the human body and is not addictive | The Growth, Sales, and Consumption of Marijuana shall be legal and taxed and regulated in accordance with other foods and liquor and Tobacco. | Marijuana shall be legal to purchase over the counter without medical prescriptions. | Farmers shall be free to grow this herb as normal crop in their fields without interference from burdensome oversight. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 3 | ||||||||||||
39 | 0038 | 3/15/2022 12:09:53 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | twoleftsocks@awesomenet.net | David T. | Spencer | Matagorda | 979-245-8242 | 17 | Civil Rights | In support of | Local Option Election Reform | WHEREAS in a justice precinct or county, the boundaries of which include both incorporated and unincorporated areas AND the alcoholic beverage sales status of the incorporated area(s) was previously determined by a local option election held within the incorporated limits of the town or city, current civil law (established in Patton v. Texas Liquor Control Board) requires that a local option election held in the justice precinct or county must include all of the justice precinct or county, NOTWITHSTANDING that the interests of citizens residing within the limits of the incorporated town or city are dissimilar, politically distinct, and (by Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, §251.73) unaffected by and bear no consequence from the result of the election; and | WHEREAS such circumstance effectively disenfranchises those citizens residing in the unincorporated, rural area of a justice precinct or county by causing their right of self-determination to be diluted and vote-by-vote canceled by the votes cast in the politically distinct incorporated area(s) wherein the voters are unaffected by and bear no consequence from the result of the election; and | WHEREAS such circumstance is also unfairly discriminatory against those citizens who reside in the unincorporated, rural area of a justice precinct or county in that they must suffer outside participation in their local option election which is not suffered by citizens who reside within the incorporated limits of a town or city in the conduct of the town's or city's local option election; | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature Of The State Of Texas shall order that the State of Texas conduct a constitutional amendment election as is necessary to amend the Constitution Of Texas, art. 16, Sec. 20, (b) by adding the following [bracketed] language, and deleting the stricken (hyphened-omitted) word: "The Legislature shall enact a law or laws whereby the qualified voters of any county, justices precinct, -- incorporated town or city, [the unincorporated part of a county or justices precinct, or that part of a justices precinct that lies within the incorporated limits of a town or city] may, by a majority vote of those voting [who reside within such authorized area and so will exclusively bear the consequences of such majority vote,] determine from time to time whether the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes shall be prohibited or legalized within the prescribed limits; and such laws shall contain provisions for voting on the sale of intoxicating liquors of various types and various alcoholic content." | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code and Texas Election Code shall be appropriately amended to better conform to its intended purpose to "insure that each voter has the maximum possible control over the status of the sale of alcoholic beverages in the area where he resides," which, as written and interpreted, has heretofore infringed upon the rights of certain voters, especially those who reside in unincorporated areas of a justices precinct or county. | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Texas Election Code shall be appropriately amended such that all information necessary for a voter to make an informed decision in a local option election shall be clearly and concisely expressed on their ballot, including: (a) the current alcohol sales status; (b) the alcohol sales status at issue in the election; (c) the statements, "Voting YES on the issue means that you prefer that the issue on the ballot would become the new alcohol sales status. Voting NO on the issue means that you prefer that the current alcohol sales status would remain unchanged"; (d) the authorized area in which such local option election is being held; (e) the cautionary statement, "Sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption in an unincorporated, rural area may pose an undue risk to public safety." | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Texas Election Code shall be amended by adding the issues: (a) "The legal sale of beer and wine for off-premise consumption and for on-premise consumption of beer and wine in limited quantities when served with a meal in a restaurant." (b) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages for off-premise consumption and for on-premise consumption of beer and wine in limited quantities when served with a meal in a restaurant." FURTHERMORE, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code shall be appropriately amended to implement certain heretofore unavailable issues offered in a local option election. | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Texas Election Code, Section 501 shall be amended such that the granting of public monies of any kind, through any public authority, to any business entity or its proprietor(s), shareholder(s), or other person for the purpose of applying for, petitioning for, advertising for, or otherwise promoting a position or end-result of a local option election shall be prohibited; such public expenditures to promote a particular outcome of an election is inherently corrupt. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||
40 | 0039 | 3/15/2022 23:08:21 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | Led1allen@gmail.com | Laura | Allen | Bell | 2542475221 | 24 | Civil Rights | In support of | Resolution To Affirm the Texas Democratic Parties Support of the Jewish Community | A gunman held four hostages in an eleven hour standoff at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas | A man intentionally set a fire at Congregation Beth Israel in Austin, Texas, where the synagogue sustained significant damage | Anti-Semitic literature is being distributed in counties throughout Texas | Texas state motto is “The Friendly State” and the continued attacks against Jewish persons and institutions are meant to intimidate, not just the Jewish population of Texas, but those Jews that may wish to visit Texas. | That the Texas Democratic Party condemns anti-semitism in all of its forms. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 4 | ||||||||||||||
41 | 0040 | 3/16/2022 3:07:15 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | bregiste@austincc.edu | Texas Reconstruction Project | Bryan | Register | Travis | 5712478527 | 14 | Civil Rights | In support of | Replacing Confederate Heroes Day with a Day in Honor of Texans, True to the Union | WHEREAS, while many Texans were enthusiastic participants in the Slavers' Rebellion of 1861-1865, many were not, and some actively resisted the Confederacy; and | WHEREAS, Texans should know the full glory of our resistance to the Confederacy rather than only the embarrassing tale of our acquiescence; and | WHEREAS, the lesson of resistance to evil is that if it did happen somewhere, then it could have happened anywhere, and it should have happened everywhere, and the story of the Nueces Massacre illustrates this lesson as dramatically as possible; and | The state holiday on January 19, known as "Confederate Heroes Day", shall be canceled | A state holiday, "True to the Union Day", shall be observed on August 10, the date of the Nueces Massacre. | It shall be legal to purchase fireworks between August 3 and August 10. | Comfort, TX shall be treated (in a strictly ceremonial fashion) as the Capital of Texas on August 10. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||
42 | 0041 | 3/16/2022 3:22:53 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | bregiste@austincc.edu | Texas Reconstruction Project | Bryan | Register | Travis | 5712478527 | 14 | Civil Rights | In support of | De-Confederating the Grounds of the Capitol of the Great State of Texas | WHEREAS, Confederate monuments conceal our history by glorifying men and women for acts that were not glorious; and | WHEREAS, a society that forgets its history is doomed to repeat it; and | WHEREAS, the grounds of the Capitol of our great state are festooned with monuments honoring men for fighting against the United States of America and in defense of an institution as degrading as any yet devised by the minds of wicked men; and | WHEREAS, the Capitol grounds should not be a space for exclusion and mystification but for honesty and collegiality, | that Confederate paraphernalia on the grounds of the Capitol of the Great State of Texas shall be removed at earliest convenience to display or storage at the Bullock History Museum, the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, the George Washington Carver Museum, the Holocaust Museums of Dallas or Houston, or other appropriate facilities not affiliated with neo-Confederate mystifications regarding the Slavers' Rebellion. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 1 | |||||||||||||
43 | 0042 | 3/16/2022 9:30:38 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | sunrisek@aol.com | Wilco Patriots | Dawn | Korman | Williamson | 713-582-2407 | 5 | Civil Rights | In support of | confederate monuments | WHEREAS, while many Texans were enthusiastic participants in the Slavers' Rebellion of 1861-1865, many were not, and some actively resisted the Confederacy; and | WHEREAS, Texans should know the full glory of our resistance to the Confederacy rather than only the embarrassing tale of our acquiescence; and | WHEREAS, the lesson of resistance to evil is that if it did happen somewhere, then it could have happened anywhere, and it should have happened everywhere, and the story of the Nueces Massacre illustrates this lesson as dramatically as possible; | BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT The state holiday on January 19, known as "Confederate Heroes Day", shall be canceled A state holiday, "True to the Union Day", shall be observed on August 10, the date of the Nueces Massacre. It shall be legal to purchase fireworks between August 3 and August 10. Comfort, TX shall be treated (in a strictly ceremonial fashion) as the Capital of Texas on August 10. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | ||||||||||||||
44 | 0043 | 3/16/2022 9:34:16 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | sunrisek@aol.com | self | Dawn | Korman | Williamson | 713-582-2407 | 5 | Civil Rights | In support of | Confederate Monuments | WHEREAS, Confederate monuments conceal our history by glorifying men and women for acts that were not glorious; and WHEREAS, a society that forgets its history is doomed to repeat it; and | WHEREAS, the grounds of the Capitol of our great state are festooned with monuments honoring men for fighting against the United States of America and in defense of an institution as degrading as any yet devised by the minds of wicked men; and | WHEREAS, the Capitol grounds should not be a space for exclusion and mystification but for honesty and collegiality | BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT that Confederate paraphernalia on the grounds of the Capitol of the Great State of Texas shall be removed at earliest convenience to display or storage at the Bullock History Museum, the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, the George Washington Carver Museum, the Holocaust Museums of Dallas or Houston, or other appropriate facilities not affiliated with neo-Confederate mystifications regarding the Slavers' Rebellion. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | ||||||||||||||
45 | 0044 | 3/16/2022 13:46:25 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | DavidRosen5002@gmail.com | Midland County Democratic Party | David | Rosen | Midland | (432) 634-6081 | 31 | Civil Rights | In support of | RESOLUTION TO AFFIRM THE TEXAS DEMOCRATIC PARTIES SUPPORT OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY | WHEREAS, A gunman held four hostages in an eleven hour standoff at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas; and | WHEREAS, A man intentionally set a fire at Congregation Beth Israel in Austin where the synagogue sustained significant damage; and | WHEREAS, Anti-Semitic literature is being distributed in counties throughout Texas; and | WHEREAS, Texas’ state motto is “The Friendly State” and the continued attacks against Jewish persons and institutions are meant to intimidate, not just Jews that live in Texas, but those that may wish to visit Texas | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party condemns anti-Semitism in all of its forms | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party believes that all Texas should be able to live and practice their faith without fear of harm or intimidation. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | ||||||||||||
46 | 0045 | 3/16/2022 18:40:12 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | paulcolbert@sbcglobal.net | Self Employed | Paul | Colbert | Harris | 713-725-3937 | 15 | Civil Rights | In support of | Resolution Opposing Antisemitism and Affirming the Texas Democratic Party’s Support of the Jewish Community | WHEREAS, more than 63% of reported hate crimes based on religion have been anti-Jewish hate crimes since the tracking of hate crime statistics began in 2004; and | WHEREAS, a gunman held four hostages in an eleven hour standoff at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas while making multiple antisemitic statements; and | WHEREAS, a man intentionally set a fire at Congregation Beth Israel in Austin, causing significant damage to the synagogue; and | WHEREAS, antisemitic literature is being distributed in counties throughout Texas; and | WHEREAS, the continued attacks against Jewish persons and institutions are meant to intimidate, not just Jews that live in Texas, but those that may wish to visit Texas; | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party condemns antisemitism, as defined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, in all of its forms; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party believes that all Texans should be able to live and practice their faith without fear of harm or intimidation. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | |||||||||||
47 | 0046 | 3/16/2022 18:50:27 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | rosalieweisfeld@gmail.com | Texas Democratic Jewish Caucus | Rosalie | Weisfeld | Hidalgo | 956.793.5814 | 20 | Civil Rights | In support of | Resolution Opposing All Acts of Hate and Bias | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes has risen dramatically over the past few years, from fewer than 5,500 in 2014 to nearly 7,800 in 2020, and it is estimated that only a small portion of committed hate crimes are reported to authorities or reported by those authorities to the federal hate crimes data base; and | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes based on race or ethnicity increased by over 92% during that same period, including a horrific 25% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone, and have averaged more than half of all reported hate crimes since reporting began in 2004; and | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes based on religion or perceived religious identity increased by 50% during that same time, including a 57% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone and have averaged nearly 20% of all reported hate crimes since reporting began; and | WHEREAS, one in every six reported hate crimes have been based on sexual orientation and gender identity since reporting began; and | WHEREAS, these dramatic increases in criminal acts involving hatred and bias have paralleled, and are likely linked to the increasing open expression of hatred and bias and accompanying non-criminal acts of hatred;. | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party condemns all forms of hatred and bias; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party calls on the Texas Legislature and the U. S. Congress to strengthen state and federal hate crimes statutes, including strengthening the required reporting of hate crimes by all relevant governmental jurisdictions with penalties for failure to comply; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party calls on all Texans and all Americans to stand up to and speak out against all acts and expressions of hate and bias. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | ||||||||||
48 | 0047 | 3/16/2022 18:52:27 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | DebraKerner4Education@Yahoo.com | Debra | Kerner | Harris | 713-816-5387 | 15 | Civil Rights | In support of | Resolution Opposing All Acts of Hate and Bias | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes has risen dramatically over the past few years, from fewer than 5,500 in 2014 to nearly 7,800 in 2020, and it is estimated that only a small portion of committed hate crimes are reported to authorities or reported by those authorities to the federal hate crimes data base; and | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes based on race or ethnicity increased by over 92% during that same period, including a horrific 25% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone, and have averaged more than half of all reported hate crimes since reporting began in 2004; and | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes based on religion or perceived religious identity increased by 50% during that same time, including a 57% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone and have averaged nearly 20% of all reported hate crimes since reporting began; and | WHEREAS, one in every six reported hate crimes have been based on sexual orientation and gender identity since reporting began; and | WHEREAS, these dramatic increases in criminal acts involving hatred and bias have paralleled, and are likely linked to the increasing open expression of hatred and bias and accompanying non-criminal acts of hatred; | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party condemns all forms of hatred and bias; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party calls on the Texas Legislature and the U. S. Congress to strengthen state and federal hate crimes statutes, including strengthening the required reporting of hate crimes by all relevant governmental jurisdictions with penalties for failure to comply; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party calls on all Texans and all Americans to stand up to and speak out against all acts and expressions of hate and bias. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 3 | |||||||||||
49 | 0048 | 3/16/2022 18:55:07 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | paulcolbert@sbcglobal.net | Self Employed | Paul | Colbert | Harris | 713-725-3937 | 15 | Civil Rights | In opposition to | Resolution Opposing All Acts of Hate and Bias | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes has risen dramatically over the past few years, from fewer than 5,500 in 2014 to nearly 7,800 in 2020, and it is estimated that only a small portion of committed hate crimes are reported to authorities or reported by those authorities to the federal hate crimes data base; and | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes based on race or ethnicity increased by over 92% during that same period, including a horrific 25% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone, and have averaged more than half of all reported hate crimes since reporting began in 2004; and | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes based on religion or perceived religious identity increased by 50% during that same time, including a 57% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone, and have averaged nearly 20% of all reported hate crimes since reporting began; and | WHEREAS, one in every six reported hate crimes have been based on sexual orientation and gender identity since reporting began; and | WHEREAS, these dramatic increases in criminal acts involving hatred and bias have paralleled, and are likely linked to the increasing open expression of hatred and bias and accompanying non-criminal acts of hatred; | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party condemns all forms of hatred and bias; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party calls on the Texas Legislature and the U. S. Congress to strengthen state and federal hate crimes statutes, including strengthening the required reporting of hate crimes by all relevant governmental jurisdictions with penalties for failure to comply; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party calls on all Texans and all Americans to stand up to and speak out against all acts and expressions of hate and bias. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | ||||||||||
50 | 0049 | 3/16/2022 19:00:41 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | DebraKerner4Education@Yahoo.com | Debra | Kerner | Harris | 713-816-5387 | 15 | Civil Rights | In support of | Resolution Opposing Antisemitism and Affirming the Texas Democratic Party’s Support of the Jewish Community | WHEREAS, more than 63% of reported hate crimes based on religion have been anti-Jewish hate crimes since the tracking of hate crime statistics began in 2004; and | WHEREAS, a gunman held four hostages in an eleven hour standoff at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas while making multiple antisemitic statements; and | WHEREAS, a man intentionally set a fire at Congregation Beth Israel in Austin, causing significant damage to the synagogue; and | WHEREAS, antisemitic literature is being distributed in counties throughout Texas; and | WHEREAS, the continued attacks against Jewish persons and institutions are meant to intimidate, not just Jews that live in Texas, but those that may wish to visit Texas; | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party condemns antisemitism, as defined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, in all of its forms; and | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party believes that all Texans should be able to live and practice their faith without fear of harm or intimidation. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | ||||||||||||
51 | 0050 | 3/16/2022 21:42:55 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | Krismcgarvey@gmail.com | Brazoria County Democratic Party | Debra | Kerner | Brazoria | 409-939-8179 | 17 | Civil Rights | In support of | Resolution Opposing All Acts of Hate and Bias | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes has risen dramatically over the past few years, from fewer than 5,500 in 2014 to nearly 7,800 in 2020, and it is estimated that only a small portion of committed hate crimes are reported to authorities or reported by those authorities to the federal hate crimes data base; and | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes based on race or ethnicity increased by over 92% during that same period, including a horrific 25% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone, and have averaged more than half of all reported hate crimes since reporting began in 2004; and | WHEREAS, the number of reported hate crimes based on religion or perceived religious identity increased by 50% during that same time, including a 57% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone and have averaged nearly 20% of all reported hate crimes since reporting began; and | WHEREAS, one in every six reported hate crimes have been based on sexual orientation and gender identity since reporting began; and | WHEREAS, these dramatic increases in criminal acts involving hatred and bias have paralleled, and are likely linked to the increasing open expression of hatred and bias and accompanying non-criminal acts of hatred; | that the Texas Democratic Party condemns all forms of hatred and bias; and | that the Texas Democratic Party calls on the Texas Legislature and the U. S. Congress to strengthen state and federal hate crimes statutes, including strengthening the required reporting of hate crimes by all relevant governmental jurisdictions with penalties for failure to comply; and | that the Texas Democratic Party calls on all Texans and all Americans to stand up to and speak out against all acts and expressions of hate and bias. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | ||||||||||
52 | 0051 | 3/16/2022 22:56:08 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | Led1allen@gmail.com | Texas Democratic Jewish Caucus | Paul | Colbert | Bell | 2542475221 | 24 | Civil Rights | In support of | Resolution Opposing All Acts of Hate and Bias | The number of reported hate crimes has risen dramatically over the past few years, from fewer that 5,500 in 2014 to nearly 7800 in 2020, and it is estimated that only a small portion of committed hate crimes are reported to authorities or reported by those authorities to to the federal hate crime date base; and | The number of reported hate crimes based on race or ethnicity increased by over 92% during that same period, including a horrific 25% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone, and have averaged more than half of all reported hate crimes since reporting began in 2004 and | The number of reported hate crimes based on religion or perceived religious identity increased by 50% during that same time, including a 57% increase between 2019 and 2020 alone and have averaged nearly 20% of all reported hate crimes since reporting began; and | One in every six reported hate crimes have been based on sexual orientation and gender identity since reporting began and | These dramatic increases in criminal acts involving hatred and bias have paralleled, and are likely linked to the increasing open expression of hatred and bias and accompanying non-criminal acts of hatred | That the Texas Democratic Party condemns all forms of hatred and bias and | That the Texas Democratic Party call on the Texas State Legislature and the U.S. Congress to strengthen state and federal hate crimes statues, including strengthening the required reporting of hate crimes by all relevant governmental jurisdictions with penalties for failure to comply and | That the Texas Democratic Party calls on all Texans and all Americans to stand up to and speak out against all acts and expressions of hate and bias. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 3 | ||||||||||
53 | 0052 | 2/16/2022 12:52:39 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | alamoBrad@hotmail.com | Next Gen Dems of Guadalupe County | Bradley | O'Brien | Guadalupe | 210-790-0002 | 25 | Consitutional Reprsentative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In opposition to | Opposition to and Alternative to TERM LIMITS PROPOSALS FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS | Inumbent status confers notable re-election campaign benefits on any candidate running for elective office | Repeatedly re-elected incumbents accrue to themselves legislative seniority which in turn might dispel voters from casting those incumbents out of office | That the Texas Democratic party rejects Term Limits applied across the board | In light of polls which show voters often do not realize how long an incumbent has held an elective seat, all incumbents on any ballot will have listed by their name on that ballot the total number of years or terms the incumbent has held the seat. Moreover all publicly distributed printed or online campaign materials will likewise state in prominent legible writing the sum total of terms a current candidate has held that office | The Secretary of State office and the local elections administrator will be empowered to enforce this law | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
54 | 0053 | 2/16/2022 13:53:10 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | alamoBrad@hotmail.com | Next Gen Dems of Guadalupe County | Bradley | O'Brien | Guadalupe | 210-790-0002 | 25 | Consitutional Reprsentative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Ban on Military or Law Enforcement rank/insignia on all campaign materials | We Democrats believe voluntary military service to our nation represents altruism and fidelity to this nation's highest ideals of sacrificial service | The status of "veteran" is to be worn proudly | The party will discourage any and all candidate literature or signage wherein a candidate or nominee alludes to prior military rank where the rank could in any way be viewed as an "official endorsement" of the candidate by any branch of the US armed forces. The party will support legislation which would apply the "no military rank rule" to the election materials of all candidates of all parties. Moreover, no elected law enforcement personnel will be permitted to use official uniform attire in any printed or online campaign materials | Any violations of this policy will elicit fines to be determined by the Secretary of State not to exceed $500 | Enforcement of this law will be the exclusive purview of the State Attorney General's office | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 0 | |||||||||||||
55 | 0054 | 3/4/2022 19:29:59 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | reytexas2020@gmail.com | REYNALDO M TREVINO | Reynaldo | Trevino | Frio | 2107374316 | 19 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | separation of church and state | Texas should remove any State Constitutional Amendment or state document regarding GOD | The democratic party supports all religion but not in state documents. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | ||||||||||||||||
56 | 0055 | 3/8/2022 11:32:57 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | dmcvea@aurisproject.org | Auris Project, Inc. | Denise | McVea | Bexar | (210)704-7445 | 19 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Strengthening Anti-corruption Laws and Oversight | Whereas Texas suffers from endemic public corruption, lack of oversight, and few reliable penalties for public officials engaging in corrupt acts, | And whereas corrupt acts by public officials include graft, nepotism, white-collar crime, abuse of power, and fiduciary malfeasance and mismanagement, | And whereas public corruption impedes economic progress for all communities, weakens public safety, threatens national security, and tears at the social fabric, | that the Democratic Party calls on Democratic leadership to make anti-corruption measures a top priority of the Democratic Party Platform, | anti-corruption measures be drafted for consideration and ultimate enactment. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
57 | 0056 | 3/8/2022 12:44:25 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | stevenw@chelm.org | Steven | Weintraub | Travis | 512-698-6953 | 14 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Constitutional Amendment for the Proper Regulation of Corporation and Their Constitutional Rights | Whereas the Mitt Romney’s quote “Corporations Are People” has become conservative mantra justifying corporate rights; | Whereas the conservative courts using this theory have started granting corporations legal and constitutional rights preventing proper regulation of corporations; | Whereas in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010) the United States Supreme Court found that the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) of 2002 violated a corporation’s First Amendment's protection of free speech, removing from BCRA a ban from corporations funding political campaigns; | Whereas in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. ___ (2014) the United States Supreme Court found that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementing regulations violated a corporation’s First Amendment's protection of Free Exercise of Religion, removing from ACA a requirement to provide contraception from insurance plans; and | Whereas in the recent amendment of the Texas State Constitution changed the prohibition on income tax from “natural person” to “individual” opening the ability of the courts to rule the Business Franchise Tax violates the Texas Constitution and outlawing the Business Franchise Tax; | That the following amendment be proposed to the United States’ Constitution to remove this over-interpretation of right: Legally incorporated entities possess the same rights and privileges as natural citizens of this country except that those rights and privileges can be regulated, limited and removed by Congress and the States | the Texas Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party should add this resolution to their party Platform | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | ||||||||||||
58 | 0057 | 3/8/2022 12:57:43 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | stevenw@chelm.org | Steven | Weintraub | Travis | 512-698-6952 | 14 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Constitutional Amendment for the Ensuring Judicial Nominees Get Proper Hearings | Whereas a well-functioning Judiciary is important to political health of the United States; | Whereas in recent years the U.S. Senate has delayed and failed to responsibly make sure the Federal benches has been maintained by withholding and not giving hearings on Presidential nominees; | Whereas the U.S Constitution has given to President the power to fill these vacancies by recess appointments, but the Senate has contrived never to go into proper recess to just to prevent this expediency. | The following amendment be proposed to the United States’ Constitution to ensure nominees get heard by the Senate: Section 1. When the President makes a nomination to fill a Judicial position and the Senate fails to give its Advice and Consent by the end of its legislative term, the person nominated shall receive a commission to fill that position; The Senate can, in its next session, remove that commission, but afterwards the commission becomes permanent. Section 2. When the President makes a nomination to fill a Judicial position and the Senate fails to give its Advice and Consent by 45 days after the nomination, one third of the Senators can file petition to require an immediate vote by the Senate to confirm or reject the nomination. | Travis County Democratic Party ask the Texas Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party consider adding this resolution to their party Platform | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | ||||||||||||||
59 | 0058 | 3/8/2022 13:42:26 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | stevenw@chelm.org | Steven | Weintraub | Travis | 512-6986953 | 14 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Congress to Rewrite Judicial Rules to Allow Forced Immediate Appeal to The Supreme Court | Whereas the progress through the courts has a necessarily slow and meditative and sometimes to get final resolution of court case can take years or even decades; | Whereas, the Executive Department of the United States has often used this judiciary delay to withhold documents, witness and other evidence from Congress to prevent expedient and necessary oversight; | Whereas, often cases of extreme importance need immediate jurisdiction which the delay of courts often stymies; | Whereas The U.S Constitution give Congress in Article I.8 the power to constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court and in Article II.1 the ability to organize the courts | That congress add the following regulations to the Judiciary organization, and if Congress can’t legally do it by statue, write amendments to the U.S. Constitution so that : 1. In cases where expediency is necessary for proper execution of either House of Congress proceedings, a majority of that House of Congress can require the Supreme Court hear a case within 30 days and rule within 15 days after the hearing. 2. In cases where expediency is necessary, a majority vote of both Houses of Congress can require the Supreme Court hear any case within 30 days and rule within the current Supreme Court Session. | Travis County Democratic Party ask the Texas Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party consider adding this resolution to their party Platform | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
60 | 0059 | 3/12/2022 11:31:59 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jamesalappin@gmail.com | Tarrant County Democratic Party | James | Lappin | Tarrant | 817-875-8708 | 9 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | A Resolution in Support of Establishing A Non-Partisan Redistricting Commission in Texas | Whereas redistricting in Texas is a partisan process with the party in control of the legislature controlling the redistricting process, | AND WHEREAS partisan redistricting frequently results in representation in the Texas and US legislatures not representative of the population of Texas through the extreme use of cracking and packing, | AND WHEREAS this lack of fair representation violates the concept of one man one vote, | AND WHEREAS several other states have addressed this issue by establishing non-partisan redistricting commissions, | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Texas Democratic Party supports creating a non-partisan redistricting commission for the state of Texas whether this is accomplished thru the legislative process or thru petition. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | |||||||||||||
61 | 0060 | 3/15/2022 8:02:13 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | amenajamali@gmail.com | Amena | Jamali | Dallas | 972-951-8151 | 16 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In opposition to | The Use of Disinformation | A shared understanding of the truth is fundamental to civil society and civil discourse, and disinformation breaks this understanding so that it is unclear what is true and what is merely something designed to evoke emotion | Social media is used by people of all ages, genders, and races, so disinformation spread by social media has a widespread impact | The activity of extreme news outlets enables disinformation to reach beyond social media into news reporting and therefore expand its reach to all of American society | The enemies of the United States, including Russia and China, use disinformation to twist our political discourse and spread chaos so that we cannot unite and act powerfully against them | Disinformation is detrimental to democracy in general and to American democracy in particular, as elections from 2016 to 2020 both here and around the world evidence | That disinformation should not be used by any political division of the Texas Democratic Party | That the use of disinformation is condemned by the Texas Democratic Party | That the Texas Democratic Party encourages its members to seek the truth when listening to or reading the news | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | |||||||||||
62 | 0061 | 3/15/2022 13:04:09 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | twoleftsocks@awesomenet.net | David T. | Spencer | Matagorda | 979-245-8242 | 17 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Eminent Domain Reform | WHEREAS the current practice of the State of Texas is to delegate its power of eminent domain to for-profit corporations for the purpose of acquiring right-of-ways for corporate use; and that the profit-motive causes a non-trivial degree of corruptive influence that must be strictly controlled in public decisions and/or public practices. | WHEREAS the State of Texas takes little responsibility for the decisions and practices of such for-profit corporations that wield the power of eminent domain against owners of private property; and that such for-profit corporations will typically offer (a) minimal agreement- or easement-terms that protect the property owner's interests, and (b) inadequate compensation because it can forcibly take use or ownership of the property through condemnation. | NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Texas Property Code shall be appropriately amended: (a) to clearly enumerate certain minimally required provisions in agreements and easements to be offered to property owners, including up-front payment plus annual rentals for the use of the property under an agreement or easement, and other such terms and provisions of the same or similar kind and function as the State of Texas acquires in its agreements and easements for state-owned lands and properties; and (b) cooperative consideration and implementation of alternative routes when requested by a landowner; and (c) comprehensive restoration duties upon expiration of such agreement or easement (including full-depth removal of any subsurface structures, foundations, or tower footings, and at minimum, clearing of contents, cutting, and closing cut ends of any and all abandoned pipelines at the point where such pipeline crosses a property's boundaries). | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 1 | ||||||||||||||||
63 | 0062 | 3/15/2022 15:22:21 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jmdavis293@gmail.com | John | Davis | Tarrant | 682-274-9919 | 10 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Term Limit all State elected offices to 8 years for current and future elected officials | The state of Texas has no term limits for all state elected offices including the Courts | Change the Texas State constitution by amendment for voters. Setting Term limits for all state offices | All elections up every 2 years would serve a maximum term of 4 terms. While all 4 year offices would be limit to 2 terms. A max of 8 years. | Those currently elected at the time but have exceeded 8 years would be eligible for another additional 2 or 4 years only. | The amendment would be in effect for offices in 2025 for persons elected in 2024. Also would be effective in 2027 for persons elected in 2026. This amendment would have more then half of all state officials be subjected to only serving 1 additional term. This amendment would effectively save taxpayers money on paying future pension benefits for elected officials unless they were previously a state employee prior to being elected. | That term limits in Texas for all state elected officials would in line with other states that term limit all their elected officials. | This amendment would not effect county courts. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | ||||||||||||
64 | 0063 | 3/15/2022 15:35:27 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jmdavis293@gmail.com | John | Davis | Tarrant | 682-274-9919 | 10 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Term Limits for County offices including county courts | Term Limit County offices including the Courts | County offices and the courts are held when state and federal elections are held. With the courts requiring retirement age by age 70 the last year someone can run for Judge is age 66. | Many of the current office holders have been elected more then 10 years and keeps growing every election cycle. | Proposing an Amendment to the state constitution to limit all county officials to 8 years. current officials elected at the time but surpassed the 8 year max would be allowed to serve another 4 years. | The Amendment would be proposed to the voters of the state of Texas and if passed it would in effect in all elections in 2024 and later. | Since county elections are funded by state and county funding then the state voters should be able to term limit all county offices in all 254 counties in the state and would end taxpayer funded retirement for future and most current elected officials. | Many counties upon this amendment passing many counties would have a turnover of elected officials in 4 years. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | ||||||||||||
65 | 0064 | 3/15/2022 15:38:36 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | BSKINNER4309@GMAIL.COM | BILL | SKINNER | Hunt | 9726793828 | 2 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Separation of church and state | Whereas, the US Constitution through the establishment clause calls for the seperation pf church and state, this right has slowly been infringed upon by the governor and state legislature | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the democratic party should actively promote the establishment clause of the US Constitution which will protect the beliefs of all Texans. The democratic party will defend against the infringement of religion into our state government or public schools. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||||||||||
66 | 0065 | 3/15/2022 19:26:13 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | robertgaudetjr@gmail.com | Robert | Gaudet | El Paso | (915) 780-8191 | 29 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Resolution For Transparency in the Courts | Whereas, The transparency of publicly-funded courts is a matter of public interest because it enables the public to have access to court proceedings and records and, thereby, build and maintain trust in the legal system as well as the rule of law; and | Whereas, The transparency of court hearings, proceedings, and trials (except in situations involving minors whose identities must be concealed or trade secrets that are confidential) allows the public to observe the work of elected judges, determine whether those judges are protecting the public interest, ascertain whether rulings tend to support corporate industry rather than the general public, and decide whether or not to re-elect those judges to their publicly-funded positions; and | Whereas, The transparency of court hearings, proceedings, and trials enables the media to report upon matters of public interest including criminal proceedings and lawsuits to enforce consumer protections, civil rights, commonly accepted standards for preventing and compensating injuries; and | Whereas, Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously wrote, “sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants” in a 1913 Harper’s Weekly article, entitled “What Publicity Can Do,” and wrote “publicity has already played an important part in the struggle against the Money Trust”; and | Whereas, Courts in El Paso, Texas and throughout the State of Texas have been closed during the Covid-19 pandemic such that many hearings and proceedings have taken place remotely through Zoom and the Texas court system has set up a Youtube Channel (http://streams.txcourts.gov/) to enable the public to access those proceedings; and Whereas, A report called “Background and Legal Standards – Public Right to Access to Remote Hearings Conducted During Covid-19 Pandemic” authored by Judge Roy Ferguson of Alpine for the Office of Court Administration of the State of Texas stated that the Texas Supreme Court issued an order recognizing the public’s right to access civil and criminal court proceedings during the covid-19 pandemic and that “the press and public have a similar, independent right under the 1st Amendment to attend all criminal proceedings” and that “there is a public right to access in civil cases under the 1st Amendment” and stated “[i]t is the court’s affirmative burden to ensure meaningful and unfettered access to court proceedings” except for “rare” situations such as preventing disclosure of non-public information, protecting a child’s emotional welfare, and ensuring a fair trial; and Whereas, It has come to the attention of this deliberative body that certain judges in the State of Texas are not live streaming hearings and proceedings through the Youtube channel set up by the Texas court system (http://streams.txcourts.gov/) such that there is no public access to those hearings; Whereas, To use one documented example, on March 10, 2022, the 243rd District Court of El Paso County conducted hearings in 32 docket numbers but none was live streamed on the Youtube channel set up by the Texas court system (http://streams.txcourts.gov/) and, upon information and belief, none involved any of the “rare” exceptions such as minors, trade secrets, or other information subject to secrecy; and Whereas, Upon information and belief, a number of judges in El Paso, Texas and likely throughout the State of Texas are not using the live streaming function on the Youtube channel (http://streams.txcourts.gov) set up by Texas courts to make proceedings and hearings, conducted remotely, available to the general public and the media; | Resolved, That the El Paso County Democratic Party of the State of Texas affirms its support for the importance of transparency in courts to allow the public and media to have unfettered access to all civil and criminal proceedings, hearings, and trials in the State of Texas except for rare situations such as protecting a child from emotional harm, preventing disclosure of non-public information such as trade secrets, and ensuring a fair trial where that is not possible with public disclosure; and | Resolved, That the El Paso County Democratic Party of the State of Texas expresses its belief that all court hearings, proceedings, and trials should be automatically live streamed on the Texas courts Youtube channel (http://streams.txcourts.gov), except for the rare exceptions noted immediately above, and that the courts shall not ask private lawyers or their parties whether they their choose to livestream any particular hearing, proceeding, or trial since it is the burden and obligation of the courts, rather than any private parties, to ensure public access; and | Resolved, That the El Paso County Democratic Party of the State of Texas shall not support or endorse any judge or candidate for judicial office or re-election who fails to practice transparency by making all of its hearings, proceedings, and trials (with rare exceptions such as protecting a child from emotional harm, preventing disclosure of non-public information such as trade secrets, and ensuring a fair trial) available to the public through in person attendance or, if conducted remotely, through live streaming on the Texas courts Youtube channel (http://streams.txcourts.gov) or other means of remote access; and | Resolved, That the El Paso County Democratic Party shall set up a committee of interested members who will review complaints of lack of transparency in the courts of El Paso County and shall investigate those complaints through inquiries and attempts to access those proceedings and hearings to inform the El Paso County Democratic Committee so that it may make informed decisions as to which judges to endorse, support, or not support for election or re-election and, further this purpose, the El Paso County Democratic Party shall set up an online comment form or email address where citizens can leave complaints about hearings, proceedings, and trials that are not made public by judges in El Paso County and which members of aforesaid committee shall receive, review, investigate, discuss, and make findings that they shall forward within one to three months to the El Paso County Democratic Party for review and discussion at the soonest monthly meeting; and | Resolved, That the Secretary shall deliver a copy of this Resolution to every federal and state judge in El Paso County in the State of Texas; and Resolved, That the Secretary shall deliver a copy of this Resolution to Judge Roy Ferguson and to the Office of Court Administration of the State of Texas; and Resolved, That the Secretary shall post a copy of this Resolution on all of the website pages supported by the El Paso County Democratic Party including but not limited to a website, a Facebook page, and other social media. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||
67 | 0066 | 3/15/2022 23:59:57 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | rosalieweisfeld@gmail.com | Texas Democratic Jewish Caucus | Rosalie | Weisfeld | Hidalgo | 956.793.5814 | 20 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | RESOLUTION TO AFFIRM THE TEXAS DEMOCRATIC PARTIES SUPPORT OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY | WHEREAS, A gunman held four hostages in an eleven hour standoff at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas; and | WHEREAS, A man intentionally set a fire at Congregation Beth Israel in Austin where the synagogue sustained significant damage; and. | WHEREAS, Anti-Semitic literature is being distributed in counties throughout Texas; and | WHEREAS, Texas’ state motto is “The Friendly State” and the continued attacks against Jewish persons and institutions are meant to intimidate, not just Jews that live in Texas, but those that may wish to visit Texas | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party condemns anti-semitism in all of its forms | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party believes that all Texas should be able to live and practice their faith without fear of harm or intimidation | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | ||||||||||||
68 | 0067 | 3/16/2022 7:56:38 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jmdavis293@gmail.com | John | Davis | Tarrant | 682-274-9919 | 10 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Abolish toll lanes and dismantle toll roads | In response to the 2021 Ft Worth toll lane disaster. Toll lanes have proven to not be safe and not properly managed. | It is time to abolish Toll Lanes all over Texas. Toll Lanes have never been proven popular and were never in demand by voters and drivers. Toll Roads have outlive its usefulness. Toll lanes have been an unwelcome presence. 123 vehicle pileup should wake people up. | It is time to suspend toll road and toll lane project proposals and phase out all current toll roads over the next 15 years. The 1st toll road that should be abolished is the Dallas North Toll road in Dallas county on the Dallas County side and phase out the Collin county portion within 8 years. Other Toll roads would be abolished in 2038. | Toll Lanes should be abolished within 18 months and current toll enforcement on toll lanes would be suspended and abolished in 6 months. Toll lane being abolished would lead to less traffic congestion. This toll abolishment would apply to airport toll roads like DFW airport. | Toll Lanes and Toll Roads no longer have any usage for Transportation. Texas should have a gas tax hike to 35 cents per gallon to compensate for abolishing toll roads. | Texas Roads should be toll free. Toll Lanes should be abolished asap. | A gas tax hike is better then toll roads and toll lanes. Only ones who oppose gas tax hike is US and non American automotive manufacturers. | Texas abolishing toll roads and toll lanes would send a clear message that tolls are obsolete. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | |||||||||||
69 | 0068 | 3/16/2022 19:05:47 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jmdavis293@gmail.com | John | Davis | Tarrant | 682-274-9919 | 10 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Abolish the Texas runoff election system. | Currently Texas along with a few other states mandate a runoff if a candidate gets under 51% | Runoff elections only attract very few voters and waste money to train poll workers. | Abolish the runoff election effective in elections that occur after January 1st 2024. | That runoff elections were established over 100 years ago. It is time for it to be abolished. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||||||||
70 | 0069 | 3/16/2022 20:18:21 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | aeiouxyz@att.net | Stanley | Johnson | Tarrant | 682-227-7389 | 10 | Constitutional Representative Democracy and Democratic Norms | In support of | Proportional Representation | Whereas 35% of the population of Fort Worth is Hispanic, | Whereas 30% of the population of Tarrant County is Hispanic, | Whereas the representation in the City does not reflect the demographics, | Whereas the representation in the County does not reflect the demographics, | Whereas Hispanics are thereby being grossly underrepresented, | there should be at least three majority 60+% Hispanic City Council districts created to provide proportional representation, | there should be at least one majority Hispanic 60+% County Commissioner district created to provide proportional representation, | the Tarrant County Democratic Party will work to obtain this proportional representation | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||||
71 | 0070 | 3/14/2022 15:20:50 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | calebmilne89@gmail.com | Caleb | Milne | Collin | 2542318871 | 8 | Consumer Rights | In support of | Ending Daylight Savings Time | Whereas daylight savings time serves no meaningful purpose in the modern economy; and | Whereas daylight savings time causes disruption in the lives of workers and their families; and | Whereas the Texas Democratic party is committed to improving conditions for workers and all families; | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Texas shall no longer observe daylight savings time. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||||
72 | 0071 | 3/14/2022 17:30:56 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | landon.young@live.com | Tarrant County Democratic PArty | Deinna | Mims | Tarrant | 4266644446 | 23 | Consumer Rights | In support of | Resolution to Eliminate the Digital Divide | In 2021 the Pew Research Center reported 7% of Americans approximately 23 million people do not use the Internet. Of the 23 million who do not use the internet 23% do not have access to a broadband connection at home. | Americans with higher household incomes are more likely to have multiple devices that enable them to go online. Lack of access to broadband at home means children fall behind in education. The Covid crisis really exposed this problem and evidenced the digital divide and its devastating consequences to our children's education and future. | Adults with less than $30,000 annual income don’t own a smartphone. And 43 % of adults in the lower income spectrum don’t have access to a computer desktop or laptop. | 4 out of 10 lower income households don’t have a connection to the internet. According to the Urban League State of Black America.org report 2018, Black Americans and Latino American in urban inner city and rural America are positioned to not reap the benefits and opportunities that the Digital horizon shall provide. | Technology must be a part of the Urban Inner City and Rural America so they are not grossly underrepresented in the digital workforce. Democrats must support Technology initiatives in urban and rural communities to reduce and eventually eliminate the “digital divide”. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | |||||||||||||
73 | 0072 | 3/15/2022 18:17:01 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | brandonbradley@utexas.edu | Austin Young Democrats and University Democrats | Brandon | Bradley | Travis | 8177096429 | 14 | Consumer Rights | In support of | A Resolution in support of: Consumer Privacy | WHEREAS Everyone has a right to their own data and their own privacy, | AND WHEREAS Without explicit consent, many online companies collect information about users that is then often sold or used for advertising, | AND WHEREAS Other countries have adopted legislation providing users the ability to have their data deleted, | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the platform support federal legislation that gives consumers the right to demand websites who serve webpages in the United States to permanently delete all data associated with said user or user’s account. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | ||||||||||||||
74 | 0073 | 3/16/2022 8:11:02 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jmdavis293@gmail.com | John | Davis | Tarrant | 682-274-9919 | 10 | Consumer Rights | In support of | Omit student loans and student default debt from Credit Checks in Texas. Also subject Student loan default to the same statue of limitations as other default loans. | As many people should know that student Loans and student default debt appear in Credit checks. It leads to barriers to getting loans for everything from homes to RV's. | Having a big amount of student loans or default appear on credit checks leads to less home owners and more renters or in some cases forced to live in a motel, hotel or extended stay where rates can rise to unbearable levels leading to many sleeping in Tents. | It is time to omit all student loans and student loan default from credit checks inside Texas. Also lenders from outside of Texas who serve Texas would not be able to see the student loan or student default on a credit check in Texas. As we don't use foreign loans defaults against Texans student loans and student loan defaults should not appear on any Credit Check. Same statue of limitations on defaults on all loans should apply to Student loans. | The Texas Democratic Party should ask 2024 Primary voters if our party should omit Student Loans and Student loan default from all credit checks for all Texas residents. | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 1 | |||||||||||||||
75 | 0074 | 3/16/2022 12:33:00 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jmdavis293@gmail.com | John | Davis | Tarrant | 6822749919 | 10 | Consumer Rights | In support of | Ban Raw Milk sales | Texas permits Raw Milk only at Farms. Allowing raw milk to be sold anywhere is dangerous | Raw Milk should be banned entirely from being sold anywhere in Texas. Raw Milk is not healthy and kills 200 Americans annually. | Texas should join a growing number of states that Raw Milk is banned everywhere it is banned. Raw Milk supporters have no evidence it is safe. | Pasteurized milk has been proven safe and is properly inspected before it is sold. Raw Milk is not inspected and can contained e coli. | Texas should pass a Raw Milk ban as emergency legislation or regular law. | Texas Democrats should support a outright ban of Raw Milk as a health and safety reason. Raw Milk should had been outlawed over 122 years ago. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||||||
76 | 0075 | 3/8/2022 10:53:58 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | navygoat70@gmail.com | Robert | Michael | Tarrant | (972) 533-4882 | 12 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Resolution Calling for Repeal of the Death Penalty to Be Retained in the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform. | WHEREAS the death penalty carries a high risk of executing an innocent person and, in fact, more than 186 people have been released from death rows across the country due to evidence of their wrongful conviction, including 16 in Texas; | AND WHEREAS there is significant evidence that Texas has already executed innocent people; | AND WHEREAS the death penalty has been documented to be exorbitantly more expensive than a life sentence; AND WHEREAS juries and prosecutors across Texas are opting against death, with death sentences remaining in the single digits for the last seven years; AND WHEREAS application of the death penalty remains racially biased and arbitrarily imposed, with just three counties in Texas accounting for more than one-third all new death sentences imposed in the past five years; AND WHEREAS Texas continues to lead the nation in the number of executions carried out each year; | AND WHEREAS other states are increasingly turning away from the death penalty as evidenced by the legislatures in New Jersey (2007), New Mexico (2009), Illinois (2011), Connecticut (2012), Maryland (2013), Nebraska (2015), New Hampshire (2019), Colorado (2020), and Virginia (2021) repealing the death penalty; the Supreme Courts of New York, Delaware, and Washington ruling it unconstitutional; and Governors in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and California declaring a moratorium on executions; | AND WHEREAS the 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2020 Texas Democratic Party Platforms endorsed abolition of the death penalty. | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following language be retained in the Capital Punishment subsection of the Public Safety Section of the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform: Texas Democrats call for the passage of legislation that would repeal the death penalty in this state. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
77 | 0076 | 3/8/2022 15:32:39 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | ctmccormick7@gmail.com | Courtney | McCormick | McLennan | 7134442721 | 22 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Resolution Calling for Repeal of the Death Penalty to Be Retained in the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform | WHEREAS the death penalty carries a high risk of executing an innocent person and, in fact, more than 186 people have been released from death rows across the country due to evidence of their wrongful conviction, including 16 in Texas; | AND WHEREAS there is significant evidence that Texas has already executed innocent people; | AND WHEREAS the death penalty has been documented to be exorbitantly more expensive than a life sentence; | AND WHEREAS juries and prosecutors across Texas are opting against death, with death sentences remaining in the single digits for the last seven years; | AND WHEREAS application of the death penalty remains racially biased and arbitrarily imposed, with just three counties in Texas accounting for more than one-third all new death sentences imposed in the past five years; | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following language be retained in the Capital Punishment subsection of the Public Safety Section of the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform: "Texas Democrats call for the passage of legislation that would repeal the death penalty in this state." | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 1 | |||||||||||||
78 | 0077 | 3/9/2022 11:47:42 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | kimsharrison@gmail.com | Kimberly | Harrison | Williamson | 8034661973 | 5 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Resolution Calling for Repeal of the Death Penalty to Be Retained in the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform | WHEREAS the death penalty carries a high risk of executing an innocent person and, in fact, more than 186 people have been released from death rows across the country due to evidence of their wrongful conviction, including 16 in Texas; | AND WHEREAS there is significant evidence that Texas has already executed innocent people; | AND WHEREAS the death penalty has been documented to be exorbitantly more expensive than a life sentence; | AND WHEREAS juries and prosecutors across Texas are opting against death, with death sentences remaining in the single digits for the last seven years | AND WHEREAS application of the death penalty remains racially biased and arbitrarily imposed, with just three counties in Texas accounting for more than one-third all new death sentences imposed in the past five years; AND WHEREAS Texas continues to lead the nation in the number of executions carried out each year; AND WHEREAS other states are increasingly turning away from the death penalty as evidenced by the legislatures in New Jersey (2007), New Mexico (2009), Illinois (2011), Connecticut (2012), Maryland (2013), Nebraska (2015), New Hampshire (2019), Colorado (2020), and Virginia (2021) repealing the death penalty; the Supreme Courts of New York, Delaware, and Washington ruling it unconstitutional; and Governors in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and California declaring a moratorium on executions; AND WHEREAS the 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2020 Texas Democratic Party Platforms endorsed abolition of the death penalty. | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following language be retained in the Capital Punishment subsection of the Public Safety Section of the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform: Texas Democrats call for the passage of legislation that would repeal the death penalty in this state. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
79 | 0078 | 3/9/2022 18:43:46 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | titus@titusfortexas.com | Titus | Benton | Harris | 3147247756 | 17 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Resolution Calling for Repeal of the Death Penalty to Be Retained in the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform | Whereas the death penalty carries a high risk of executing an innocent person and, in fact, more than 186 people have been released from death rows across the country due to evidence of their wrongful conviction, including 16 in Texas, and there is significant evidence that Texas has executed innocent people; | and Whereas the death penalty has been documented to be exorbitantly more expensive than a life sentence, and juries and prosecutors across Texas are opting against death, with death sentences remaining in the single digits for the last seven years; | and Whereas application of the death penalty remains racially biased and arbitrarily imposed, with just three counties in Texas accounting for more than one-third all new death sentences imposed in the past five years; | and Whereas Texas continues to lead the nation in the number of executions carried out each year while other states are increasingly turning away from the death penalty, as evidenced by the legislatures in New Jersey (2007), New Mexico (2009), Illinois (2011), Connecticut (2012), Maryland (2013), Nebraska (2015), New Hampshire (2019), Colorado (2020), and Virginia (2021) repealing the death penalty; the Supreme Courts of New York, Delaware, and Washington ruling it unconstitutional; and Governors in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and California declaring a moratorium on executions; | and Whereas the 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2020 Texas Democratic Party Platforms endorsed abolition of the death penalty. | that the following language be retained in the Capital Punishment subsection of the Public Safety Section of the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform: Texas Democrats call for the passage of legislation that would repeal the death penalty in this state. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
80 | 0079 | 3/12/2022 11:44:09 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | kbarretttx@aol.com | Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty | Kathy | Barrett | Travis | (512) 797-0133 | 14 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Resolution Calling for Repeal of the Death Penalty to Be Retained in the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform | Whereas, the death penalty carries a high risk of executing an innocent person and, in fact, more than 186 people have been released from death rows across the country due to evidence of their wrongful conviction, including 16 in Texas, and there is significant evidence that Texas has executed innocent people; | and Whereas the death penalty has been documented to be exorbitantly more expensive than a life sentence, and juries and prosecutors across Texas are opting against death, with death sentences remaining in the single digits for the last seven years; | and Whereas application of the death penalty remains racially biased and arbitrarily imposed, with just three counties in Texas accounting for more than one-third all new death sentences imposed in the past five years; | and Whereas, Texas continues to lead the nation in the number of executions carried out each year while other states are increasingly turning away from the death penalty, as evidenced by the legislatures in New Jersey (2007), New Mexico (2009), Illinois (2011), Connecticut (2012), Maryland (2013), Nebraska (2015), New Hampshire (2019), Colorado (2020), and Virginia (2021) repealing the death penalty; the Supreme Courts of New York, Delaware, and Washington ruling it unconstitutional; and Governors in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and California declaring a moratorium on executions; | and Whereas the 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2020 Texas Democratic Party Platforms endorsed abolition of the death penalty. | Therefore, Be It Resolved that the following language be retained in the Capital Punishment subsection of the Public Safety Section of the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform: Texas Democrats call for the passage of legislation that would repeal the death penalty in this state. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | ||||||||||||
81 | 0080 | 3/13/2022 13:03:26 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | central50@msn.com | none | Lauralee | Harris | Hays | 817-7055-7101 | 21 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Resolution Calling for Repeal of the Death Penalty to Be Retained in the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform | WHEREAS the death penalty carries a high risk of executing an innocent person and, in fact, more than 186 people have been released from death rows across the country due to evidence of their wrongful conviction, including 16 in Texas, and there is significant evidence that Texas has executed innocent people; | AND WHEREAS the death penalty has been documented to be exorbitantly more expensive than a life sentence, and juries and prosecutors across Texas are opting against death, with death sentences remaining in the single digits for the last seven years; | AND WHEREAS application of the death penalty remains racially biased and arbitrarily imposed, with just three counties in Texas accounting for more than one-third all new death sentences imposed in the past five years; | AND WHEREAS Texas continues to lead the nation in the number of executions carried out each year while other states are increasingly turning away from the death penalty, as evidenced by the legislatures in New Jersey (2007), New Mexico (2009), Illinois (2011), Connecticut (2012), Maryland (2013), Nebraska (2015), New Hampshire (2019), Colorado (2020), and Virginia (2021) repealing the death penalty; the Supreme Courts of New York, Delaware, and Washington ruling it unconstitutional; and Governors in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and California declaring a moratorium on executions; | AND WHEREAS the 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2020 Texas Democratic Party Platforms endorsed abolition of the death penalty. | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following language be retained in the Capital Punishment subsection of the Public Safety Section of the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform: Texas Democrats call for the passage of legislation that would repeal the death penalty in this state. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | ||||||||||||
82 | 0081 | 3/14/2022 15:57:25 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | sarahabdelmotaleb@gmail.com | Sarah | Abdel-Motaleb | Dallas | 2149384698 | 23 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Resolution Calling for Repeal of the Death Penalty to Be Retained in the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform | WHEREAS the death penalty carries a high risk of executing an innocent person and, in fact, more than 186 people have been released from death rows across the country due to evidence of their wrongful conviction, including 16 in Texas; | AND WHEREAS there is significant evidence that Texas has already executed innocent people; | AND WHEREAS the death penalty has been documented to be exorbitantly more expensive than a life sentence; | AND WHEREAS juries and prosecutors across Texas are opting against death, with death sentences remaining in the single digits for the last seven years; | AND WHEREAS application of the death penalty remains racially biased and arbitrarily imposed, with just three counties in Texas accounting for more than one-third all new death sentences imposed in the past five years; AND WHEREAS Texas continues to lead the nation in the number of executions carried out each year; AND WHEREAS other states are increasingly turning away from the death penalty as evidenced by the legislatures in New Jersey (2007), New Mexico (2009), Illinois (2011), Connecticut (2012), Maryland (2013), Nebraska (2015), New Hampshire (2019), Colorado (2020), and Virginia (2021) repealing the death penalty; the Supreme Courts of New York, Delaware, and Washington ruling it unconstitutional; and Governors in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and California declaring a moratorium on executions; AND WHEREAS the 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2020 Texas Democratic Party Platforms endorsed abolition of the death penalty. | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following language be retained in the Capital Punishment subsection of the Public Safety Section of the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform: Texas Democrats call for the passage of legislation that would repeal the death penalty in this state. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
83 | 0082 | 3/14/2022 20:43:56 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | micahstolte@gmail.com | Micah | Stolte | Montgomery | 7137266113 | 4 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Decriminalization of Cannabis and Related Products. | Whereas, local-level laws in Montgomery County regarding the possession, utilization, growth, sale, and trade of cannabis Sativa and cannabis Indica (with the active chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or Delta-9 THC) are backed by false claims created by President Richard Nixon on June 18, 1971, in which the “War on Drugs” was enacted by his administration; which was later confirmed by Nixon’s Aide, John Ehrlichman, to be motivated by racial prejudice and political gain when he admitted to this with the following statement: “We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course, we did.” This in turn continues to impact communities of color disproportionally. | Whereas the present laws derail and ruin the lives of many by creating criminals from the possession of marijuana, which is decriminalized in all but 11 states, with an unjust punishment that has and continues to incarcerate residents of Texas and Montgomery County. | Whereas the number of incarcerated citizens from Montgomery County could be comparable to that of other similarly sized counties, such as Harris County, which had spent approximately $26,663,800 of tax-payer dollars annually for low-level marijuana possession charges before it was decriminalized, which could be used to locate and arrest other criminals that commit higher-level charges, community mental health counseling, and substance abuse treatment. | Whereas when compared to alcohol, cannabis is less harmful to the consumer, involves less toxicity, is less addictive, and is less likely to cause or contribute to reckless or violent behavior. When compared to tobacco or other nicotine-based products, there is no link between cannabis and cancer, while tobacco is responsible for approximately 30% of cancer-related deaths; and there have been no reported deaths caused by cannabis consumption. | Whereas cannabis is not harmless; like any substance, there are risks, however, the health risks of cannabis, and even concentrated cannabis, are much lower than alcohol and tobacco and should not be a justified cause of arrest. A survey from the University of Houston and Texas Southern University from November 11, 2021 “found that 67% of Texas residents support legalizing the sale and use of recreational weed,” and if most Texans want it fully legalized, the least we could do is stop ruining peoples lives for such small possession crimes. | Now, therefore, be it resolved, that Montgomery County reduce the charge of “POSSESSION OF MARIHUANA (TX-Penal Code: 481.121, Sub. Sec. B, Sub. Sec. 1 and 2) from a Class B and Class A misdemeanor to a $150 fine and/or a mandated “decision making” class similar to that of Harris County's decriminalization initiative. | Be it further resolved that Montgomery County reduce the charge of “POSSESSION OF SUBSTANCE IN PENALTY GROUP 2 (TX-Penal Code: 481.116 Sub. Sec. B, C, and D), specifically for concentrated cannabis (Tetrahydrocannabinols) be reduced from a respective degree felony to a Class C misdemeanor. | Be it further resolved that Montgomery County stop the pursuit of conviction of any persons with any charges mentioned above, dismiss all cases of the charges mentioned above, release all those in custody for charges mentioned above (if that is their only charge), and expunge the arrest off of their record. | Be it further resolved that Montgomery County creates a “decision making” class similar to that of Harris County to have completed the course of resolution. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | ||||||||||
84 | 0083 | 3/15/2022 0:15:03 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | nikibergin@yahoo.com | Niki | Bergin | Dallas | 214-549-3234 | 2 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Resolution Calling for Repeal of the Death Penalty to Be Retained in the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform | WHEREAS the death penalty carries a high risk of executing an innocent person and, in fact, more than 186 people have been released from death rows across the country due to evidence of their wrongful conviction, including 16 in Texas, and there is significant evidence that Texas has executed innocent people; | AND WHEREAS the death penalty has been documented to be exorbitantly more expensive than a life sentence, and juries and prosecutors across Texas are opting against death, with death sentences remaining in the single digits for the last seven years; | AND WHEREAS application of the death penalty remains racially biased and arbitrarily imposed, with just three counties in Texas accounting for more than one-third all new death sentences imposed in the past five years; | AND WHEREAS Texas continues to lead the nation in the number of executions carried out each year while other states are increasingly turning away from the death penalty, as evidenced by the legislatures in New Jersey (2007), New Mexico (2009), Illinois (2011), Connecticut (2012), Maryland (2013), Nebraska (2015), New Hampshire (2019), Colorado (2020), and Virginia (2021) repealing the death penalty; the Supreme Courts of New York, Delaware, and Washington ruling it unconstitutional; and Governors in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and California declaring a moratorium on executions; | AND WHEREAS the 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2020 Texas Democratic Party Platforms endorsed abolition of the death penalty. | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following language be retained in the Capital Punishment subsection of the Public Safety Section of the 2022 Texas Democratic Party Platform: Texas Democrats call for the passage of legislation that would repeal the death penalty in this state. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
85 | 0084 | 3/15/2022 0:51:17 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | cj.cetina@gmail.com | CJ | Cetina | Hays | (210)352-0620 | 21 | Criminal Justice | In support of | To support the initiative to decriminalize cannabis | WHEREAS, Support for the elimination of low-level marijuana offenses is critical to the initiative for social justice. Thus, ending any citations and arrests for misdemeanor possession of marijuana will improve the status quo. Citations for possession of drug residue or drug paraphernalia shall not be issued in lieu of possession of marijuana charge. | WHEREAS, It is necessary to prohibit law enforcement from using the odor of marijuana or hemp as probable cause for search or seizure. | WHEREAS, This initiative increases the expansion of cannabis rights in the state of Texas. | WHEREAS, The Democratic Party of Hays County supports the expansion of cannabis rights. Adopting progressive policy in the realm of cannabis liberty is part of the fight and advocacy for justice. As an entity, the Democratic Party must support this initiative in an effort to reinforce the expansion of criminal and social justice. As stated in the 2020 platform, under criminal justice “Democrats will decriminalize marijuana use”. | WHEREAS, Minorities and young people are being impacted the most by the criminalization of marijuana. Eliminating low-level offenses of marijuana will prevent racially-biased police practices, which is clearly demonstrated in county citation and arrest data. Moreover, students stand the risk of losing access to financial aid due to cannabis criminalization, which can deeply disrupt their life. This must end. | BE IT HERE RESOLVED that the Hays County Democratic Party does everything in its power to support the elimination of low-level marijuana offenses. Doing so will keep people out of jail for marijuana possession. Furthermore, it will advance the movement for medical marijuana and protect veterans who use marijuana for pain and PTSD. Save scarce public resources for greater needs, and lower municipal liabilities for police abuse cases. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 1 | |||||||||||||
86 | 0085 | 3/15/2022 15:07:27 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | bskinner4309@gmail.com | BILL | SKINNER | Hunt | 9726793828 | 2 | Criminal Justice | In support of | That we push for Police reform and training and not to defund the police | Whereas there is a movement to defund the police, that we abandoned that movement and instead push for police reform and increase training. | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that democratic candidates in the state of Texas abandoned any idea of defunding the police and instead look at any reforms or training that would benefit the relationship between the police and the local community. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||||||||||
87 | 0086 | 3/15/2022 18:13:32 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | brandonbradley@utexas.edu | Austin Young Democrats & University Democrats | Brandon | Bradley | Travis | 8177096429 | 14 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Reinvesting Legalized Cannabis Proceeds | For decades, federal drug laws have disproportionately targeted minority communities, imposing unduly harsh sentences that have destroyed the lives of individuals and communities, | Texas Democrats, along with the majority of the people of the United States, have acknowledged that this sentencing regime has done great moral and material harm, | The effects of this overcriminalization of marijuana in minority communities has created problems that can only be fixed by investing in these communities long-term, | The TDP platform currently provide that proceeds from the taxation of legal marijuana create specific revenue streams for, “public health, education, and medical research organizations,” but do not provide for historically affected communities, | That the Texas Democratic Party support establishing a taxation structure for the recreational use of cannabis that creates, among other things, a dedicated revenue stream for services for, and investment in, communities that have historically been affected by so called “tough on crime” sentencing. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
88 | 0087 | 3/15/2022 18:17:17 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | brandonbradley@utexas.edu | Austin Young Democrats & University Democrats | Brandon | Bradley | Travis | 8177096429 | 14 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Pretrial Court Reform | Texas Democrats, along with a majority of Americans, know that our current criminal justice system fails to deliver justice in many cases due to inconsiderate and disproportionate sentencing, | Pretrial Diversion Programs have been used in some counties in Texas to serve the interests of Justice without unduly condemning the offender, | The current TDP platform already supports the use of diversion programs, where they exist, but doesn’t advocate for universal adoption, | Several counties face resistance to the establishment of these essential programs, | Even in counties with diversion courts, people can be held too long in jail without the state being ready for trial, denying them their liberty and due process due to the fact that Texas is out of step with the Federal Speedy Trial Act, | That the Texas Democratic Party support the creation of pretrial diversion programs in every county in Texas for all Class C Misdemeanors and drug possession - especially cannabis, | That the platform call for Texas to adopt the standards of the Speedy Trial Act akin to HB 1352 in the 87th Regular Session to ensure people aren’t denied their liberty if the state doesn’t have a case against them. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||
89 | 0088 | 3/15/2022 18:19:27 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | brandonbradley@utexas.edu | Austin Young Democrats & University Democrats | Brandon | Bradley | Travis | 8177096429 | 14 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Improved Police Procedures | Texas Democrats, along with a majority of Americans, know that current policing practices do not always serve the interests of Justice, and often endanger the lives of suspects, officers, and bystanders, | Officers who violate practices often evade accountability by moving to another police department, | Existing practices like “No-Knock Raids” have been shown to endanger the lives of suspects, bystanders, and officers, | The TDP platform already has language supporting accountability for officers who move within the state, and calls for the end of certain deadly police practices, | “within the state” be struck from the plank “Institute appropriate disciplinary actions for officers who violate departmental policies and prevent officers who have been terminated for violating civil rights or using unwarranted and excessive force from moving to another police department within the state” in the party platform, | That the TDP platform ought call for a complete ban on the use of no-knock raids. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | ||||||||||||
90 | 0089 | 3/15/2022 18:21:40 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | brandonbradley@utexas.edu | Austin Young Democrats & Young Democrats | Brandon | Bradley | Travis | 8177096429 | 14 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Increasing Oversight of Prisons | Conditions in Jails and Prisons, both in Texas and throughout the United States, are notoriously brutal to inmates, often failing to meet even their own standards of care, | Often complaints about unjust treatment don’t reach the right people, often because information on the correct reporting mechanisms is unavailable, | Even when a complaint is properly made, often there aren’t enough resources to carry out a thorough investigation, | The platform call for clearer and better communicated reporting mechanisms, | That greater resources be put into investigations of prisons and jails both in Texas and across the US. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 0 | |||||||||||||
91 | 0090 | 3/16/2022 8:29:10 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jmdavis293@gmail.com | John | Davis | Tarrant | 6822749919 | 10 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Attorney General Ken Paxton must resign due to his many scandals and criminal charges. | Attorney General Ken Paxton has been under criminal indictment since 2014. | Since 2014 Ken Paxton has had his trial delayed. | Ken Paxton clearing himself for sleeping with a woman to help a wealthy donor is very unethical and should warrant his immediate resignation | Ken Paxton being the attorney general has led to his criminal trial delay. | Due to many issues with Ken Paxton including extramarital affairs to get a woman a job. It is time he resign and he focus on his criminal charges. | That the Texas Democratic party should demand the immediate resignation of Ken Paxton without delay. | If Ken Paxton wins re-election in November 2022. Then impeaching Ken Paxton should be on the table under Article 15 of the Texas constitution for acts that violate his office including the real reason why Ken Paxton isn't on trial yet. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 1 | ||||||||||||
92 | 0091 | 3/16/2022 12:45:20 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jmdavis293@gmail.com | John | Davis | Tarrant | 682-274-9919 | 10 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Ending Parole or probation for repeat Violent convictions of more then 4 times | Texas currently allows people who are violent offenders parole or probation regardless of how many times they committed crimes | It is time to say that if someone was convicted 4 times or more of violent offense including violent rape to be not eligible for probation and/or parole. | Such individuals should be required to serve their entire sentence including life in prison In case of violent rape that person would serve life without parole. | Such individuals convicted 4 or more times would not be eligible for any type of early release and not eligible for release on medical grounds. | Texas should introduce a law that only effects crimes committed after the law takes place. | Texas Democrats should stand on the side of victims of violent crimes. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||||||
93 | 0092 | 3/16/2022 16:58:22 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | jmdavis293@gmail.com | John | Davis | Tarrant | 682-274-9919 | 10 | Criminal Justice | In support of | Make future Violent Rape Convictions subject to life in prison without Parole and no early release eligibility under any circumstances even medical. | Everyday a Violent Rapist is released from our prisons and required to register as Sex Offenders. | Between 65% and 87% of them are not employable and if employed they are normally hired depending on the age of the victims either in hard labor where minors don't work or low wage part time employment in companies like Burger King or other similar employers with an exception to McDonald's that doesn't hire sex offenders but are hired at times when kids aren't working or employed as overnight stockers. | Many of these Violent Sex offenders who have to register for life as a tier 3 high risk offender are almost entirely homeless except between 7% to 9%. This poses a threat to their lives as someone is a vigilante. | The best suggestion is future convictions of violent rape is to make the sentence automatic life imprisonment due to the fact this conviction is unable to transition into society. | Texas should pass a new statue that all future criminal convictions of violent rape be subjected to automatic life in prison. This would only apply for new convictions not retroactive to current registrants, those already in prison or those awaiting trial for violent rape. | The Texas Democratic Party should support this resolution for all Texans. Violent rapist have no place to ever be released from prison. We also would be protecting children, the vulnerable like Medically fragile, disabled people, seniors and the homeless who are more likely to be targets for violent rapist. Not all rapist are the same. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||||||
94 | 0093 | 2/21/2022 9:52:08 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | panic-runoff0x@icloud.com | None | Rashmi | Shah | Fort Bend | 7134597720 | 18 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Enhance Communication with Constituents | Democratic Party elected representatives, at Local and National level, needs to enhance communication with all voters making them aware of accomplishments of the party. This includes local level agenda and accomplishments and National level agenda and accomplishments. Party should appoint Communation Directors strictly for enhancing awareness of `WHAT ELECTED OFFICIALS AND PARTY HAS DONE FOR INDIVIDUALS'. Currently party focuses only on fund raising emails and mailers flooding digital and paper mailboxes. | that elected official at all levels will communicate weekly with all voters in their area and make them aware of what their accomplishments and agenda `FOR THE PEOPLE'. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | ||||||||||||||||
95 | 0094 | 3/4/2022 19:32:45 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | reytexas2020@gmail.com | Reynaldo | Trevino | Frio | 2107374316 | 19 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | party leaders | A Democrat controlled Texas Legislature should award committee chairmanships to Democrats only. | All democrat chairs shall be approved and vetted by their peers. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||||||||||
96 | 0095 | 3/15/2022 19:13:00 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | robertgaudetjr@gmail.com | Robert | Gaudet | El Paso | (915) 308-0025 | 29 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Resolution to Support Beto O'Rourke For Governor | Whereas, Beto O’Rourke won the Democrat primary to serve as the Democrat candidate for Governor of the State of Texas in the November 2022 election; and | Whereas, Beto O’Rourke supports the freedom of women to make choices regarding their reproductive health while his opponent, Greg Abbott, does not; and | Whereas, Beto O’Rourke supports the growth of sustainable energy and clean energy to replace fossil fuels while his opponent, Greg Abbott, does not; and | Whereas, Beto O’Rourke supports the use of safety measures such as masks to protect people from becoming infected with Covid-19 while his opponent, Greg Abbott, does not; and | Whereas, Beto O’Rourke supports the imposition of certain restrictions on the gun industry such as the need to obtain a permit to purchase a gun in line with past laws and regulations in Texas while his opponent, Greg Abbott, does not; | Resolved, That the El Paso County Democratic Party of the State of Texas affirms its support for Beto O’Rourke for Governor of the State of Texas; and | Resolved, That the El Paso County Democratic Party of the State of Texas encourages all voters in the State of Texas to vote for Beto, encourage their friends and family to vote for Beto, and to turn out to vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2022; and | Resolved, That the Secretary shall deliver a copy of this Resolution to local and county elected officials of the City of El Paso and of the County of El Paso; and | Resolved, That the Secretary shall deliver a copy of this Resolution to the campaign of Beto O’Rourke for Texas; and | Resolved, That the Secretary shall post a copy of this Resolution on all of the website pages supported by the El Paso County Democratic Party including but not limited to a website, a Facebook page, and other social media. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | |||||||||
97 | 0096 | 3/15/2022 21:01:36 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | ndnichols@yahoo.com | Nancy | Nichols | Smith | 903-253-8988 | 1 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | RESOLUTION TO PAY FILING FEES AND VAN ACCESS | Whereas the Texas Democratic Party disposes of millions of dollars in each election cycle to assist Democratic Candidates get elected to office here in Texas | Whereas, those dollars are not distributed evenly throughout the State so that some candidates get little if any assistance from the Texas Democratic Party | Whereas, the Texas Democratic is actively looking for Democratic candidates to run for office all over Texas | that the Texas Democratic Party will pay all state-mandated candidate filing fees for all candidates running as Democrats in the future elections | that the Texas Democratic Party will commit to provide VAN access free of charge to all candidates running as Democrats in future elections. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 0 | ||||||||||||||
98 | 0097 | 3/15/2022 23:01:11 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | adrianarmontoya@gmail.com | College Democrats at Texas State University | Adriana | Montoya | Hays | 9154782022 | 21 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | A Resolution to Empower Young Democratic Leaders | WHEREAS explicit and implicit ageism within the Democratic Party has resulted in condescension and disregard for the voices of college students, newly registered voters, and candidates under the age of 30 on a local and nationwide scale, | WHEREAS political spaces are greatly lacking in representation for young people, especially young people of color, | WHEREAS young Democrats and progressive organizers are often underpaid, overworked, and subject to the most barriers in resources and time to dedicate to political involvement, | WHEREAS young people should not be viewed or treated as the “future” of the Democratic Party, but active members that offer valid and diverse contributions relevant to current political discourse, | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party and its County Executive Committees do everything in their power to create more employment and leadership opportunities for young Democrats, amplify and reward the work of young organizers, encourage young people to become more politically engaged, and respect young Democrats as an effective and growing force for community change. | This Resolution is intended to be a Resolution | 2 | |||||||||||||
99 | 0098 | 3/16/2022 18:20:01 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | texkathi@gmail.com | Kathleen | Thomas | Hays | 5128450155 | 25 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Lobbying the Legislature to change the election of County and Precinct Chairs to the May election or runoff (when there are runoffs) | Whereas, during the spring primary Precinct Chairs and the County Chair need to be involved in running the primary and getting our base voters out to vote for our candidates; and | Whereas, trying to run their own campaigns takes away from the important Party work of running the primary and getting their base voters out to vote for our candidates; and | Whereas, the new officers don't take office until several months later; and | Whereas it makes far more sense for the County Chair and Precinct Chairs to be focused entirely on the Primary for our candidates, instead of running their own campaigns | That Texas Democratic Party lobby the Legislature to change the Texas Election Code so County Chairs and Precinct Chairs be on the ballot at May elections; and | The term of office for members of the County Executive Committee shall begin on the twentieth day following the Runoff Primary and shall continue for two years or until their successors are elected and certified. (Required by Texas Election Code §171.022(c)) | This Resolution is intended to be a Rules Proposal | 1 | |||||||||||||
100 | 0099 | 3/16/2022 18:57:31 | Resolutions & Platform Committees | texkathi@gmail.com | Dripping Springs Democratic Action | Kathleen | Thomas | Hays | 512-845-0155 | 25 | Democratic Party Affairs or Business | In support of | Resolution to continue to support the legalization of cannabis and to support small farmers in the growing of it | Thirty seven states have legalized medical cannabis, and eighteen have fully legalized recreational use of cannabis, and they glean the benefits of the tax dollars from legally sold cannabis; | While people of all races use cannabis at about the same rate, far more African American men are arrested and incarcerated than white; and | the current Agriculture Commissioner is making it impossible for small farmers to get permits to grown medical cannabis by making the permits very expensive; | the criminalization of cannabis is based on racist policies of the Nixon years; | we call on the Texas Democratic Party to continue to support the full legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use, with the tax dollars used to support more treatment beds for people who have other serious drug problems, and education about drug abuse; | that Texas Democratic Party call on the Legislature to expunge the records of those arrested for low level amounts of cannabis; and | that the Texas Democratic Party support the inclusion of small farmers to be able to farm cannabis by setting aside 25% of the permits for small farmers. | This Resolution is intended to be a Platform Plank or Issue or Section | 1 |