ProjectVendorScope Budget GOMB Bondability DeterminationBondablitiy NotesSource Document
Program Management - Consultant Scope of WorkEly Consulting GroupMarketing and Public Relations. Coordinate with the Public Relations Consultant to ensure timely responses to inquiries concerning the CIT from the public and stakeholders. Plan long- term messaging to coincide with CIT program milestones and accomplishments.

Public-Private Partnership. Coordinate discussions and negotiations between the public sector and private sector parties that will form the P3 partnership that supports deployment of the CIT. Serve as primary point of contact with public sector partners within the CIT P3 structure.

Port Business Plan. Develop strategic options to enhance the CIT business plan in coordination with Logistics, Planning and other Consultants.

Port Financial Pro Forma. Develop options and opportunities to enhance the CIT financial pro- forma in coordination with Logistics, Planning and other Consultants as well as Decennial Group and other equity and debt providers to the CIT.

Contract Negotiations, Leases. Coordinate the development of site leases with Legal, Logistics Consultants, and potential customers.

Tenant Acquisition. Assist in the acquisition of qualified tenants for CIT.

Grant Acquisition. Assist in the acquisition of applicable grants to support CIT development.
$350,000Not Bond Eligible
Costs are not directly related to installation or design of capital asset. These are operational expenses.

Bondability guidelines refer to planning, design, and implementation of a capital project and not operation of overall asset.

Internal components/effective functioning in Bond Note 7 refers to periphery equipment/work that is necessary to make project work but is not on its own a "bondable" asset - paint, moveable equipment, FF&E, etc.
General Guidelines for Utilization of Bond Proceeds:
In general, any expenditure purpose shall be considered appropriate for financing from proceeds provided that such expenditure purposes:

1. Are not recurring. In this context, recurring expenses are defined as those costs which are incurred at frequent or regular periodic intervals within the initial term of financing; and which would cause pyramiding accumulation of costs for the same expenditure purpose before the expenses initially incurred for such purpose are completely amortized;

2. Can be characterized as durable or not readily consumed in use;

3. Reflect an extended useful life or longevity which effect confers long-term (non-transitory) benefits to the citizens of the State of Illinois;

4. Are not subject to inherent risk of failure, rapid technological obsolescence, or primarily intended to fulfill temporary requirements or needs;

5. Reflect a direct interest of the State of Illinois, including its legally constituted subdivisions, in any
real property to be improved, as evidenced by valid title to the real property on which the proposed improvement is to be made, or an easement interest of record which at least encompasses the proposed term of bond financing.

6. Appreciably increases, improves, or enhances the equitable interests of the State of Illinois in capital facilities, land, permanent improvements, and related assets;

7. Are considered as internal components of a project, which if considered separately may not reflect extended useful life, but will be bondable provided that such components are initially required and appreciably contribute to effective functioning, or are otherwise incapable of separation from a more complex unit which in itself is bondable.
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Planning Consultant Scope of WorkVickerman & AssociatesBusiness Due Diligence. Contribute to and review the CIT Business Plan; support development of final Pro Forma for CIT operations; support customer acquisition and commercial contract development; advisory on P3 formation.
Ecological Due Diligence to Support Permitting. Wildlife studies; wetlands assessment; geotechnical studies.
Plan Review. Comprehensive and critical review of all plan documents including:
- Review of Terminal backlands planning and design documents.
- Review of Terminal Project Environmental Permit Applications and associated supporting permit studies required by the USACE, USCG, State of Illinois DOT, IEPA and local required major state and federal authority permits.
- Review of supporting specialized permit studies including but not limited to Navigational Safety and Risk Computer Simulation, Wildlife, Wetland Assessment and Mitigation, Geotechnical Engineering Analysis, Hydrodynamic and Bathymetric Surveys, and Barge Fleeting operations.
Review of proposed project mitigations recommended for state and federal authority permits.

- Review of Terminal overall operations and maintenance requirements.
- Review of Terminal major equipment including Ship-To-Shore (STS) riverside Gantry Cranes and Terminal backlands key terminal operational equipment such as Rubber Tired Gantry (RTG) Cranes. yard hustlers, refrigerated container receptacles, dry bulk handling equipment.
- Terminal Operating System (TOS) and Terminal Information Technologies application.

- Review of overall Terminal Utility Systems including electrical and power distribution systems, lighting, potable water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage systems, fire-fighting systems, compressed air, communications systems, and Storm Water Requirements and NPDEF Retention Ponds.
Review of Market Driven Demand / Cargo Forecast Micro-Econometric Analysis.
- Review Cargo Volume Commitment Levels by Terminal Operational Types.
- Prospective Terminal Tenant Identification and Involvement.
- Beneficial Cargo Owners (BCOs) Identification and Involvement.
- River and Ocean Carrier Identification and Involvement.
- Terminal Operator and Stevedoring Entity Identification and Involvement.
International and Domestic Investor Types and Identification and Involvement.

- National Labor Agreements and Local Union Work Rule Compliance Requirements.
Review Business Plan and Pro Forma Requirements.
- Review and Assistance for Terminal Tenant/Customer Acquisition and Commercial Contracts.
- Review of the Legal Formation of the Project P3 Entity.

- Review of Construction Management Approach and Methodologies.
$200,000Items in red - Not Bond Eligible (operating costs)

Items in green - Bond Eligible

Items in blue - need additional information

Is the Review of Terminal Equipment for equpment that would be purchased with bond proceeds/grant funding?

What is ithe nature of the operating system - will software be developed/owned by Port, or will it be licensed? Does this involve the installation of hardware or purchase of equipment?

Do the labor agreements and union rules apply solely to construction-related workers, or to operational workers of the port?

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Business Planning Consultant Scope of Work Capstan Business Consulting Market Analysis and Feasibility Assessment. Market and cargo flow analysis; competitive facilities analysis; Total Logistics Cost (TLC) analysis of the end-to-end transport costs of competing transportation routings and alternative options (ports/terminals, trucking, rail, and barge) for the targeted cargo types across primary lanes within the expected geographic catchment area of the project.
Preliminary Financial Analysis. The purpose of this task will be to utilize the additional inputs gathered during the market sounding rounds and conduct additional research as needed to build off and refine the financial analysis to evaluate the project’s ability to meet both investor and ACPD’s requirements.
Market Sounding with Potential Shippers. Using the results from the previous tasks, Capstan will conduct a series of market sounding interviews with prospective shippers and/or potential P3 equity investment partners to further validate the value proposition and further capture feedback on their interest in the project as well as valuable feedback on key terms, project structure and other elements that should be taken into consideration to improve the attractiveness of the project and increase the potential for a successful P3 transaction.
Investment Grade Financial Analysis. The purpose of this task will be to utilize the additional inputs gathered during the market sounding rounds and conduct additional research as needed to build off and refine the financial analysis to evaluate the project’s ability to meet both investor and ACPD’s requirements.
Summary and Management Workshop Presentation. Upon completion of the previous tasks, Capstan will summarize the results, key findings, and observations including views toward likely customers and or investors and their feedback into a Phase I Market Analysis and Feasibility Assessment presentation for discussion with ACPD and their advisors. Conditions and schedules permitting, Capstan recommends organizing this presentation as an in-person workshop session to provide members of the ACPD and advisory team to engage in interactive dialogue with a view toward capturing key feedback and inputs necessary from ACPD’s perspective before moving forward with the Phase II Business Plan.
Business Plan Development. Market analysis/opportunity assessment; Value proposition, competitive positioning, and marketing strategy; prioritized customer portfolio and line of business development plan; volume projection scenarios; recommended infrastructure development plan and anticipated capital expenditures according to anticipated market demand. Also included will be a summary of the pro-form financial projections and valuations derived from the investment grade financial modeling; review of potential funding and financing sources including revenue bonds, federal funding and financing, private sector investment and debt funds, and other sources as is relevant. Lastly, the plan will incorporate plan-of-finance scenarios; risk analysis summarizing main commercial, economic, financial, technical, and institutional project risks; and a recommended implementation plan and schedule
$300,000Not Bond Eligible
Costs are not directly related to installation or design of capital asset. These are operational expenses.

Internal components/effective functioning in Bond Note 7 refers to periphery equipment/work that is necessary to make project work but is not on its own a "bondable" asset - paint, moveable equipment, FF&E, etc.
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Logistics Consultant(s) TBDLogistics Consultant(s) may be engaged to provide some or all of the scopes of services noted below. Scopes of service noted below may be adjusted, combined, limited or enhanced pending the outcome of the design and environmental permitting activities that are currently underway.

Transport Economics. Provide market studies, including competition analyses, traffic forecasts and transport demand modelling; generate financial analyses, including tariff studies and estimates for investment costs (capital expenditures and operational expenses); support economic evaluation of projects, including cost benefit analyses and economic impact assessments; inform financing and investment considerations; support internal policy and strategy development.

Tenant Identification and Contracting. Identify and recruit suitable tenants and users of the CIT facility; establish credit and contract requirements; recommend brokers to identify future tenants.

Equity Partnerships. Identify a program that will encourage the participation of members of historically underserved communities in the development, construction, use and operation of the CIT facilities.
$300,000Not Bond Eligible
Costs are not directly related to installation or design of capital asset. These are operational expenses.

Internal components/effective functioning in Bond Note 7 refers to periphery equipment/work that is necessary to make project work but is not on its own a "bondable" asset - paint, moveable equipment, FF&E, etc.
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Energy ConsultantThe Power Bureau, LLC
Site Energy Modeling.
Consultant to model energy requirements for the CIT through various stages of development. Work product will support utility system planning and staging to ensure adequate service to meet CIT operational requirements. Deliverables to include reports and spreadsheets projecting hourly, daily, seasonal, annual electricity consumption projections under various operational configurations and development stages for the CIT.

Utility Rate Negotiation. Consultant to lead negotiations with local utility provider (Cairo Public Utility Company, CPUC) to establish rates for energy supply and delivery to support CIT operations. Work product will be used to establish rates and terms for CIT tenants and site occupants. Deliverables to include work papers and spreadsheets projecting energy cost projections under existing CPUC rates, recommendations for customized rates and incentives for CIT from CPUC, assistance with negotiations and planning with CPUC organization.

Green Energy Procurement. Consultant to identify and negotiate virtual power purchase agreements (or other suitable contracting methods) to secure renewable energy credits equal to a portion of the electricity consumed by the operations of the CIT. The work product will be used to earn CIT a “green” designation that will be used to attract site users that require minimum levels of demonstrated sustainability. Deliverables to include briefings to CIT management identifying various methods of securing “green” energy, drafts of requests for proposals from regional wind and solar developers, assistance in negotiations related to “green” energy procurement at various development stages for the CIT.
$90,000Bond Eligible20220324_CIT Consultants Tasks_One to Two Pagers_FINAL (003).pdf
Public Relations Consultant Aileron Communications
Strategy and Messaging
. In coordination with the Alexander Cairo Port District, develop public relations strategy and tactical plan that supports the goal of improving US logistics and shipping and demonstrating the unique business opportunities the Cairo port offer to the region and how it can drive economic growth in Southern Illinois and the tri-state region; work with the District and relevant partners to prepare strategic messaging.

Media Relations. Seek and place feature stories across media outlets that support the strategic, communications and business goals of the District; Maintain contact with news and media outlets, reporters and editors of importance to the District; Engage media to assist in shaping coverage; Draft and distribute press releases and advisories; Draft and distribute commentary and op-ed pieces, as appropriate; Develop a regular cadence of news announcements demonstrating the progress and viability of the project.

Communications Materials. Develop content for a variety of printed and digital materials, including but not limited to: Presentation slide decks, Fact sheets, Event invitations, Event signage and visuals, Other materials as needed.

Media Training and Counsel. Conduct media training and spokesperson training for designated personnel; Provide media relations counsel (including Local, regional, national and industry press, Preparation for interviews, Monitoring and analysis of news coverage); Coordinate messaging and communications efforts between the District and various public and private partners; Act as spokesperson, if requested by the District.

Digital Communications Services. Develop and execute the District’s digital communications strategy; Provide strategic counsel and manage Port District website and electronic communications tools (including, but not limited to: Website content, Electronic newsletter for relevant businesses, economic development groups, public officials, media and other stakeholders, Images, videos, or other visual marketing assets); Develop and execute social media strategy with a goal of elevating commercial opportunities.

Meetings and Public Events. Plan and execute public meetings and events such as tours, press conferences, and visits from key stakeholders; Manage requests for tours and events in coordination with the District

Advertising and Paid Media. Evaluate value and potential of paid media, digital media and advertising opportunities to advance the strategic goals of the District; Propose appropriate and targeted paid media campaign; Manage design, content and placement of any approved ads, thought leadership or digital marketing pieces
$200,000Not Bond Eligible
Costs are not directly related to installation or design of capital asset. These are operational expenses.

Internal components/effective functioning in Bond Note 7 refers to periphery equipment/work that is necessary to make project wor
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Financial ConsultantTBDP3 Planning and Development. Conduct P3 governance analysis to assess opportunities and risks to inform capital structure. Provide critical third-party review of project development and business case for overall development. Evaluate Industry and Market assessments to validate revenue certainty and alternatives development.

Transaction Advisory. Structure and analyze payment structures and mechanisms. Provide financial model design review. Deliver optimized tax structure and advisory. Review capital budget and financing strategy as well as debt and equity structuring. Structure drawdown management. Certify cash flow analysis. Review value management engineering and initial financing options.

Risk Assessment. Conduct technical risk analysis of revenue and cost streams. Provide critical review of pro forma operations and maintenance costs. Recommend enhancements to development phase cost planning and analysis. Analyze project’s entire lifecycle costing.
$120,000Not Bond Eligible
Costs are not directly related to installation or design of capital asset. These are operational expenses. This is more business modeling/planning, not capital planning.
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Incubator Consultant TBDFeasibility Study. Identify the range of value-added services that start-up companies supported by the Incubator could serve CIT and its tenants; analyze how the Incubator could generate benefits to local region; provide market research on what level of rent potential users would pay to access the space (including economic development agencies who may be “anchor tenants,” related entrepreneurs, startups, and other interested businesses or community organizations); specify the facilities, facility characteristics, amenities, and types of spaces that potential Incubator participant’s would be interested in using.

Business Plan. Develop a business plan demonstrating the financial capacity required to operate the facility and reach a positive cash flow within three years; evaluate similar facilities in the region on the basis of lead tenant status, staffing, financial management and risk management; identify prospective revenue for the Incubator from anchor tenants, coworking tenants, other organizations, and special events; identify prospective expenses of the incubator, including initial outfitting costs, annual operating costs, and ongoing payroll costs if staff is recommended;

Management Plan. Provide a management plan for operation of the Incubator that includes tenant selection policy, tenant lease agreements, the business assistance policy that outlines the various types of assistance that will be provided to start-up firms, including how support will be provided to tenants/clients with access to capital needed to grow their businesses successfully; a Staffing plan that details the talent and resources that will be dedicated to supporting the startup companies accepted; a tenant graduation policy with clear requirements for tenant graduation from the facility or services; and a performance plan that includes how the Incubator will track the success of tenants.
$60,000Not Bond Eligible20220324_CIT Consultants Tasks_One to Two Pagers_FINAL (003).pdf
Project Management Group/ Design BuilderDecennial Group, Ely Consulting Group, TBD - Design Builder(s)Scope of Services.

Logistics Consultant(s) may be engaged to provide some or all of the scopes of services noted below. Scopes of service noted below may adjusted, combined, limited or enhanced pending the outcome of the design and environmental permitting activities that are currently underway.

P3 Structure Approval. Negotiate and approve Private-Public Partnership; stand up board; establish reporting and compliance.

CIT Site and Business Plan Approval. Review and approve comprehensive Site and Business Plan for CIT that provides sufficient budget support for construction and operation.

Project Finance. Negotiate and approve equity and debt participation.

Design Build Selection. Review and select one or more firms to complete the design and construction of the CIT facility (wet side and dry side) including infrastructure (roads, water, rail, etc.); supervise project construction to ensure environmental, labor and safety compliance.

Tenant Identification and Contracting. Identify and recruit suitable tenants and users of the CIT facility; establish credit and contract requirements; recommend brokers to identify future tenants.

Equity Partnerships. Implement program that will encourage the participation of members of historically underserved communities in the development, construction, use and operation of the CIT facilities.

Port Operator Selection. Review and select one firms to manage the operation of the CIT facility; manage tenancy; manage hiring; manage security and safety; collect and remit tenant payments; supervise maintenance and subsequent phases of project construction; provide reporting on financial and operational aspects of the CIT to stakeholders and owners.
Travel and Contingency
$570,000Items in red - Not Bond Eligible (operating costs)

Items in green - Bond Eligible

Items in blue - need additional information

Costs associated with Site preparation and planning could be bondable, business plan items are operational in nature and should not be financed with bond proceeds.

Facilitating equity in design/construction work could be bondable but what all would this entail?

Travel and contingency for whom and related to what? Likely no.
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Environmental ConsultantsHDR, Skybx, Unaka, JVA, ECG, EnviroSAcience
Permitting Studies
State of Illinois, IDOT Environmental Procedures
 Environmental Survey Request (for wetlands, biological, and cultural resources)
NEPA Document: Purpose and Need, Alternatives, various resource studies including Environmental Site Assessment
Section 404 Permitting
Bat Habitat Study (if needed)
Wetland Assessment Renewal (if needed)
Purpose and Need
Alternatives Analysis
Avoidance and Minimization
Biological Assessment for T&E Mussel Species
Biological Assessment for T&E Pallid Sturgeon
Section 106 (National Historic Preservation Act)
IDNR-OWR Part 3700
Section 401 Permitting
Antidegradation Study
Section 408 Permitting
Sediment Transport Study
NEPA Documentation
Section 10 Permitting
Navigation Safety and Risk Study (Vessel-River Simulation)
Barge Fleeting Plan and Improvements
Project Dredging Plan Analysis Study
Particulate matter, light trespass, odor, sound etc.
Travel & Contingency

$3,288,000Bond Eligible - but, travel and contingency for whom?Information included in Poweroin "Port of Cairo P3 Slides 2.17" page 21 and 22
Pre- Development - Legal ConsultantIce Miller LLPPrepare and negotiate private entity operating agreement
Entity formation and diligence services
Prepare and negotiate P3 entity operating agreement
Entity formation and diligence services
Coordination with public entity counsel re: prep of public entity documents

Prepare and negotiate long term ground lease
Prepare and negotiate ancillary license and easement agreements
Conduct real estate diligence review of the port site

Prepare and negotiate port management agreement
Prepare and negotiate development agreement
Review and negotiate construction agreements
Environmental services / permits and agreements
Prepare and negotiate construction loan documents
Coordinate lender-required due diligence deliveries
Preparation of milestone trackers, transaction checklists
Participation of key team members in status calls / meetings
Research, Unforeseen Scope Adjustments, Contingency
$1,375,000 Items in red - Not Bond Eligible (operating costs)

Items in green - Bond Eligible

Items in blue - need additional information

Preparation and negotiation of site development agreements, construction/acquisition plans, etc. could be bondable.

Costs associated with participation of members in calls/meetings will depend on the nature of the call/meeting and whether it is related to a bondable activity.

Scope adjustments and contingency should only be funded if applied to actual construction costs.
Port of Cairo P3 Slides 2.17 page 17
Pre-Development Budget - Public SectorVarious
Legal Fees for City of Cairo, Alexander County, Alexander / Cairo Port District and Cairo Public Utility Company
Financial Consultants
$600,000 Not Bond EligiblePort of Cairo P3 Slides 2.17 page 18
$ 7,453,000