1 | Name of Film | Directed/Produced by | Distributed by | Telephone | Website | |
2 | A Letter From the Past | Ofer Zingerman | Cassis Films (Israel) | info@cassisfilms.com | 972-3-525-0111 | http://www.cassisfilms.com/ |
3 | An Apartment in Berlin | Alice Agneskirchner | Ruth Diskin Ruth Diskin Films (Israel) | ruth@ruthfilms.com | 972-2-672-4256 | http://www.ruthfilms.com/ |
4 | Art Dealer, The | Francois Margolin | Neil Friedman Menemsha Films | neilf@menemshafilms.com | 310-452-1775 | www.menemshafilms.com |
5 | Auf Das Leben (To Life!) | Uwe Janson/Alice Brauner | Neil Friedman Menemsha Films | neilf@menemshafilms.com | 310-452-1775 | www.menemshafilms.com |
6 | Aya | Oded Binnun & Mihal Brezis | Cassis Films (Israel) | info@cassisfilms.com | 972-3-525-0111 | http://www.cassisfilms.com/ |
7 | Barchu Student Film Showcase | multiple student directors | Righteous Conversations Project/ Rachel Fidler | rachel@lamoth.org | 323-456-5085 | http://righteousconversations.org/ |
8 | Belle and Sebastian | Nicolas Vanier | Maxwell Wolkin Film Movement | maxwell@filmmovement.com | 212-941-7744 ext. 211 | http://www.filmmovement.com/ |
9 | Chagall-Malevich | Alexander Mitta | Natasha Zakharova INTERCINEMA Agency LLC - Russia | natasha@intercinema.ru | 7 495-134-4014 | http://www.intercinema.ru/#!chagall-malevich/c1r6g |
10 | Curt Lowens: A Life of Changes | multiple student directors | Righteous Conversations Project | rachel@lamoth.org | 323-456-5085 | http://righteousconversations.org/ |
11 | Dancing Before the Enemy | Adam Bardach | Bardach Productions | bflim34@hotmail.com | 310-293-9771 | |
12 | Death and the Maiden | Yael Lotem | Hedva Goldschmidt Go2Films (Israel) | info@go2films.com | 972-2-583-1371 | http://www.go2films.com/ |
13 | Divorce, The | Danny Scheinmann | Miranda Ballesteros | miranda.fballesteros@gmail.com | 756-541-9691 | http://www.facebook.com/thedivorceshortfilm |
14 | Dough | John Goldschmidt | Neil Friedman Menemsha Films | neilf@menemshafilms.com | 310-452-1775 | www.menemshafilms.com |
15 | Forbidden Films | Felix Moeller | Emily Russo Zeitgeist Films | emily@zeitgeistfilms.com | 212-274-1989 | https://zeitgeistfilms.com/film/forbiddenfilms |
16 | Frank vs. God | Stewart Schill | BBA Studios, LLC | schill.scottj@gmail.com | 323-874-8308 | http://www.frankvsgod.com |
17 | Life & Hummus | Alex Matros/ Christoph Kauffman | Haven Entertainment | amatros@usc.edu / ck@haven.la | 949-244-8715/ 323-272-3433 | http://haven.la/ |
18 | Mr. Kaplan | Alvaro Brechner | Neil Friedman Menemsha Films | neilf@menemshafilms.com | 310-452-1775 | www.menemshafilms.com |
19 | Outrageous Sophie Tucker, The | William Gazeki/ Susan & Lloyd Ecker | Neil Friedman Menemsha Films | neilf@menemshafilms.com | 310-452-1775 | www.menemshafilms.com |
20 | Prisoners of War (Hatufim) | Gideon Raff/ Orianne Lichtenstein | Keshet TV | orianne.l@Keshet-tv.com | 972-54-5248765 | www.keshetinternational.com |
21 | Roadmap Genesis | Nolan Lebovitz | Nolan Lebovitz | nolan18@msn.com | 310-474-1518 | http://roadmapgenesis.com |
22 | Secrets of War | Dennis Bots | Maxwell Wolkin Film Movement | maxwell@filmmovement.com | 212-941-7744 ext. 211 | http://www.filmmovement.com/ |
23 | Touchdown Israel | Paul Hirschberger | Paul Hirschberger | paul@ntlfilms.com | 508-315-9067 | http://touchdownisrael.com |
24 | Treblinka's Last Witness | Alan Tomlinson/Michael Berenbaum | WLRN - Miami | AKennedy@wlrn.org | 305-995-2256 | http://wlrn.org/post/treblinkas-last-witness |
25 | Wandering Rabbi | Henry Wiener | Henry Wiener | henrywiener@gmail.com | 917-703-0482 | |
26 | Zemene | Melissa Donovan | Z Prob Films | Melissa@zemenefilm.com | 917-723-6364 | http://zemenefilm.com |