A | B | C | |
1 | Change History | ||
3 | Date | Description | Version |
4 | 18-Jun-2024 | Fixed an issue to report correctly on check_num’s and revenue_center's in Wallet Nonce Export 2.0. Remove order_uuid and order_created_time from User Promotions file. These fields don’t have relevant data, as the tile’s purpose is to specifically report on promotions awarded via Canopy or the API. | 2.07.05 |
5 | 17-Jan-2024 | Added order_created_at_utc and client_created_at_utc to F&M Orders. Adding line_items_created_at_utc and void_amount to F&M Line Items. | 2.07.04 |
6 | 14-Nov-2023 | Adding user_promotions_affiliations and user_promotions_expiration_time to User Promotions file in F&B Exports. | 2.07.03 |
7 | 15-Aug-2023 | Adding line_item_amount and line_item_pretax_amount to the end of F&M Line Items in F&B Exports. Adding transaction_guid to the end of F&M Orders in F&B Exports. REMOVING account_active from Mobile Wallet Accounts in Wallet Exports. Adding deactivated_time to the end of Mobile Wallet Accounts in Wallet Exports. | 2.07.02 |
8 | 24-May-2023 | Adding changes to the BETA Wallet Nonce Export to match as cloesly as possible to the Wallet Nonce Export. | 2.07.01 |
9 | 27-Apr-2023 | Adding expired_at field to the Virtual Currency Activity and Mobile Wallet Awards tabs in the Wallet Exports report. | 2.06.01 |
10 | 8-Mar-2023 | Adding employee_id field to F&M Orders export | 2.05.01 |
11 | 17-Feb-2023 | Adding a new file to the F&B/Merch export that will include all user promotions that have been awarded via Canopy or the API | 2.05 |
12 | 15-Nov-2022 | Added an item_classification_code field to the end of F&M Line Items in the F&B Exports | 2.04.35 |
13 | 2-Aug-2022 | Replace deactived_at field in Mobile Wallet Accounts and Wallet exports with new account_active field | 2.04.34 |
14 | 01-Feb-2022 | Add First and Last Name fields to wallet accounts export | 2.04.33 |
15 | 25-Jan-2022 | Added order_created_time and fixed client_created_time in the F&B Exports | 2.04.32 |
16 | 13-Dec-2021 | Added QR barcode to the marketplace user items export | 2.04.31 |
17 | 04-Nov-2021 | Added shift4_invoice_number to payment transactions export | 2.04.30 |
18 | 29-Oct-2021 | Added affiliation_tier to the wallet nonce export | 2.04.29 |
19 | 14-Oct-2021 | Added employee_name to the orders export | 2.04.28 |
20 | 11-Oct-2021 | Added a new tab to this doc that defines each order state | 2.04.27 |
21 | 17-Sep-2021 | Added instance to the wallet nonces exports | 2.04.26 |
22 | 19-Aug-2021 | Added 3 new fields to the order & line item exports: window_uuid, window_name, & rtp_store_number | 2.04.25 |
23 | 20-Jul-2021 | Fixed the web_order field & updated its description | 2.04.24 |
24 | 14-Jul-2021 | Added payment_voided_at | 2.04.23 |
25 | 08-Jun-2021 | - The user information CSV in the DataNow users export will be deprecated on June 8th since it is no longer relevant (the affiliations CSV will remain as is) - The user information export is no relevant with Web/ SDK 2.0 products and the data currently included in it can be found in other exports (i.e. loyalty accounts, orders & payment transactions) | 2.04.22 |
26 | 24-May-2021 | - settled_by in the orders & line items export will always be null - Please use the Order State Transition reason to get this informaiton | 2.04.21 |
27 | 12-May-2021 | - instance has been added to the loyalty wallet accounts export - instance has been added to the F&M & Marketplace exports | 2.04.20 |
28 | 11-Mar-2021 | - Added the user phone number that is provided at the time of purchase | 2.04.19 |
29 | 08-Mar-2021 | - Added modified_line_item_uuid so that modifier line items can be traced to the parent line item | 2.04.18 |
30 | 26-Feb-2021 | Updated relationship diagram | 2.04.17 |
31 | 16-Feb-2021 | - Added item_id & menu_uuid to the F&B Line Items export - Added the following fields to the F&M Cart Upsells export: upsell_rule_uuid upsell_campaign_id upsell_campaign_uuid upsell_rule_priority upsell_rule_components upsell_rule_targeted upsell_suggested_menu_item_uuid | 2.04.16 |
32 | 22-Jan-2021 | - tax has been removed from the F&B Orders Export for performance improvements. Instead use the tax_applied field in the line items export | 2.04.15 |
33 | 14-Dec-2020 | - Added marketplace_metadata to the marketplace user items export - Added payment_type_code to the payment transactions export | 2.04.14 |
34 | 30-Nov-2020 | F&M Payment Transactions - Added order_location_external_ref_id - Added order_location_name - Added payment_description - Added payment_status F&M Line Items - Added order_location_external_ref_id - Added order_location_name - Added split_item_quantity - Added void_reason - Added menu_subtype - Added menu_name - Added customer_item_attributes - Added numerator & denominator F&M Orders - Added order_location_external_ref_id - Added order_location_name - Added menu_subtype - Added menu_name - Added tax_exempt | 2.04.13 |
35 | 18-Nov-2020 | - Added credit card last_4 to the F&B/ Merch Payment Transactions export | 2.04.12 |
36 | 22-Oct-2020 | - Added pretax_price & line_item_tax_inclusive to F&B exports - Added user_name to the F&B ordes & line items exports | 2.04.11 |
37 | 13-Oct-2020 | - Added device_guid to user info export - Added device UUID to the F&B exports | 2.04.10 |
38 | 08-Oct-2020 | - Added updated at to the loyalty wallet accounts export | 2.04.9 |
39 | 02-Sep-2020 | - Added stands_description to the F&B line items and orders export | 2.04.8 |
40 | 08-Aug-2020 | - Added payment_type_charge_amount to the wallet nonces export - Added separate fields for menu_categories & item_categories | 2.04.7 |
41 | 28-Jul-2020 | Added event_name & event_start_time to the marketplace line items export. Only new purchases will have this data. | 2.04.6 |
42 | 23-Jul-2020 | - Added payment type to the wallet nonce export - Added external_id, merchant_id, card_type, customer_name, braintree_customer_id, & last_4 to the Wallet Nonces export - Added tax_rules to the F&B Line Items Export | 2.04.5 |
43 | 17-Jul-2020 | - Added 10 new fields to the wallet nonces export to help with reconciliation | 2.04.4 |
44 | 15-Jul-2020 | - Increased row limit to 750,000 - Added Virtual Currency Activity to the Wallet Export - Added processor to the F&B Transactions CSV | 2.04.3 |
45 | 08-Jul-2020 | - Added internal_name to the F&B line items export | 2.04.2 |
46 | 23-Jun-2020 | - Tax rate is now available in the F&B Line Items export - Added a custom data field to the F&B line items exports - Added credit card BIN number, email, first name, and last name to the user export | 2.04.1 |
47 | 16-Jun-2020 | - Added a F&B/ Merch export for Order State transitions | 2.04.0 |
48 | 11-Jun-2020 | - Added information about affiliations | 2.03.2 |
49 | 10-Jun-2020 | - Added email domain to the accounts export - Added external_account_id to the F&B orders & line item exports | 2.03.1 |
50 | 18-May-2020 | - Added customer_id to the F&B Orders & Line Item exports - Added Accounts & Venues exports - Added user_type to the Promotion Details Export | 2.03.0 |
51 | 13-May-2020 | - Added promotion details export - Use the new Promotion Detail filter view to see the fields that are in it - Added a link to sample data in tips section (https://data.venuenext.com/exports-sample-data) | 2.02 |
52 | 05-May-2020 | - Consolidated all data fields into a single tab - Removed timezone & format columns; these are now called out in the description & tips tab now - Removed the length column - Added filter views - Updated export descriptions - Added exports for wallet nonce, ticketing, and user data | 2.01 |
53 | 10-Apr-2020 | - Exports can be scheduled from DataNow - User profile export is not longer supported - Deleted the reference notes tabs since it was a duplicate of Reporting Tips - Consolidated descriptions & tips - Added an export configuration tab - Added user item & loyalty account exports - Split up transactions, ordering items, & transfers into multiple exports each | 2.00 |
54 | 18-Mar-2020 | Added event_name to Ordering Items and Transactions reports. | 1.07 |
55 | 03-Mar-2020 | Added source_device_uuid and device_subtype to Ordering Items and Transactions reports. | 1.06 |
56 | 30-Jan-2020 | Added venue_name to Ordering Items and Transactions reports. Added external_transaction_id and tip to Transactions report. | 1.05 |
57 | 09-Jan-2020 | Added payment_type to the Ordering Items report. | 1.04 |
58 | 22-Oct-2019 | Renamed Mobile Ordering Transactions to Transactions and Mobile Ordering Items to Ordering Items. Added ordering_platform to the Transactions report. Added client_created_at to both the Transactions and the Ordering Items report. | 1.03 |
59 | 05-Sep-2019 | Addition of external_revenue_center_id, employee_email, and section_name to the transaction report and the addition of external_revenue_center_id, employee_email, section_name, promotion_discount, promotions, tax_rate, tax_inclusive, and tax_applied to the items report. | 1.02 |
60 | 09-Aug-2019 | Added Reporting Tips | 1.01 |
61 | 07-Jun-2019 | Initial creation of DataNext data dictionary. | 1.0.0 |