SO/AC/GroupName of documentURLGeographical/Regional RepresentationLanguageGenderAgePhysical disabilityDiverse SkillsSG or Constituency
ASO CouncilOperating Procedures 6:
The Address Council will organize a policy proposal team consisting of one (1) member from each region.
ASOMoU CompositionN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
ALACRules of Procedures 1.
There are five Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs), one corresponding to each of the five geographic regions defined by ICANN.
Section 3.
ten ALAC Members (two per ICANN Region) selected by each of the Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs); and
3.1.2 five ALAC Members (one per ICANN Region) selected by the ICANN Nominating Committee as defined in the ICANN Bylaws
Section 14.
method of selection of membership, including whether the membership is confined to ALAC Members, is to include balanced RALO or regional representation, or is generally open;
Section 14.
Simultaneous interpretation and translation from and into other languages may be provided to the extent possible and practical, where there is sufficient demand and subject to ICANN policy and funding.
AFRALOOperating Principles
APRALORules of Procedures All APRALO meetings are conducted in English (unless specified that a selected or 'local language' is to be used); and most documents associated with the ALAC, APRALO and ICANN are produced in English, but local language materials should be produced where practical and possible. As such, all AP-LT Members must have a suitable level of spoken and written English proficiency to facilitate engagement with ALAC and ICANN.
APRALOOperating Principles
EURALOArticles of Association The Association shall at all times act in an open, accountable and transparent manner and is committed to cultural and geographic diversity and gender balance in its work internally and externally.
9.2.1 nationals of different countries, and;
9.2.2 to the extent possible, from different regions of Europe, and;
1.4 The official version of the Instruments of Association of The Association will be in English, though translations into other languages may be made from time to time.3.4 The Association shall at all times act in an open, accountable and transparent manner and is committed to cultural and geographic diversity and gender balance in its work internally and externally.
9.2.3 to the extent possible, gender balance shall be sought.
11.5.10 Electing the ALAC members representing Europe. The selected representatives must be members of different ALSes, must have their principal residence in different countries of the region and their nationalities must be different. To the extent possible, gender balance and regional balance within Europe shall be fostered.
LACRALOOperating Principles - LACRALO shall adopt the ongoing and pre-arranged, subregion-based rotation principle as a mechanism to hold leadershippositions.3. LACRALO shall be multilingual since its inception. All documents shall be written, and all discussions held, in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
NARALORules of Procedures The primary language for meetings and documents is English. However, to
maximize accessibility and participation, NARALO shall make every effort to provide appropriate
translations, interpreters, and accessibility tools
NARALOOperating Principles
GNSO CouncilOperating Procedures Timing of Meetings
The time of the meetings may vary to accommodate the different geographic regions represented by GNSO Council members. By way of guidance, start times corresponding to local times for the GNSO Council members earlier than 0600 and later than 2300 should be avoided where possible.
7.1.1 Groups should have their participation rules based on common principles developed by the GNSO. Groups should avail themselves of ICANN staff services to make these rules available in English and the five United Nations languages – Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and French – so that ICANN’s global audience can understand them.
4.3 ICANN will provide timely and accurate translations, and move from an organization that provides translation of texts to one that is capable of communicating comfortably with a range of different languages (...)
Every effort will be made to ensure equity between comments made in languages other than English and those made in English. If it is not possible to arrange the release of particular documents in the agreed languages at the same time, then each language will be provided with the same time period in which to make comments.
Additional references to 6 UN Languages in: Annex 2: 7, Annex 2: 12, Annex 5: 7,
N/AN/AN/A6.1.3 While open Working Groups may offer many benefits in terms of broad participation and support, it is equally important that inclusiveness does not compromise effectiveness.7.1.1 All Groups should strive to improve inclusiveness and representativeness. Groups should have either a differential fee structure based on the ability to pay, in order to encourage increased representation from those living in less developed economies, or hardship provisions that entitle any potential member to apply for relief from the normal fee scale.
Annex 1: 3.2 Representativeness
Ideally, a Working Group should mirror the diversity and representativeness of the community by having representatives from most, if not all, CO Stakeholder Groups and/or Constituencies.
CSGCharter Ensure that the Recognized Constituencies adopt internal procedures in selecting six (6) GNSO Council representatives such that no more than 3 of the 6 may be domiciled in the same “Geographic Region” (as defined in the ICANN bylaws)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2.2 If a new Constituency is proposed for inclusion in the Commercial Stakeholder Group, the Executive Committee shall convene to propose new procedures, including any necessary amendments to this Charter, to address such an event.
2.3.2 As specified in each of the Recognized Constituency bylaws, Recognized Constituencies will work together to select six (6) designated representatives to the GNSO Council, on the basis of two (2) Council representatives per Recognized Constituency.
BCCharter The Business Constituency shall seek to recruit and elect CRs from a variety of global regions as defined by ICANN. Determination of which regions are represented by CRs is made by the Credentials Committee subject to the CSG Charter provision (§4.2.1) that no more than three of the six Council Representatives may be domiciled in the same Geographic Region as defined by ICANN.
4.2.2 The composition of the CC should endeavor to achieve geographic diversity.
4.2.3 The composition of the FC should endeavor to achieve geographic diversity.
6.2.3.b. Any Member of the Business Constituency may nominate one (1) other MR or AMR for each elected position. If, at the close of nominations, it would result that all Executive Committee officer nominees (excepting GNSO Council Representatives) are from the same geographic region, the nomination period may be extended to improve diversity.
N/A1.3.3.c. Treating all members of the ICANN community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation;1.3.3.c. Treating all members of the ICANN community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation;1.3.3.c. Treating all members of the ICANN community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation;N/AN/A
IPCBylaws (C) Geographic Diversity
The GNSO Council representatives must be citizens of countries that are in different geographic regions as defined by Article VI (5) of the ICANN bylaws.
II (C) Additional Factors
In determining eligibility for membership in the above-referenced categories of membership, the following additional factors shall be considered as applicable:
(2) the international/geographic diversity of membership;
VI (A) (2) The IPC shall strive for geographical diversity in its elections for IPC officers.
ISPCPArticles of the ISPCP (Charter) Diversity
8.1. In order to ensure broad international representation, no more than two Officers may be citizens of the same Geographic Region, and no more than one NC Representative citizen of a Geographic Region. If Members do not cover 3 or more regions, this rule will not apply.
11. Funding
11.1 Financial arrangements may be made at the discretion of the ISPE to financially assist non-profit trade associations from developing regions of the world.
ISPCPOperating Procedures Members of the ISPCP are required to:
Treat all members of the ICANN community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender,
racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation
6. Members of the ISPCP are required to:
Treat all members of the ICANN community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender,
racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation
6. Members of the ISPCP are required to:
Treat all members of the ICANN community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender,
racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation
NCSGCharter (...) no more than two (2) NCSG GNSO Council Representatives can be declared resident of the same geographic region as defined by ICANN. Reasonable efforts should be taken to recruit nominees so that all geographical regions may be represented by the NCSG GNSO Council Representatives.
7.4.4 The NCSG Executive Committee will ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that, in the selection of GNSO Councilors, no more than two shall come from the same geographic region as defined in the ICANN Bylaws.
N/A1.2.a The NCSG is intended to provide a representational vehicle for all noncommercial stakeholders; no noncommercial organization or noncommercial individual should be denied membership and no interest-group, constituency or coalition within it denied the right to participate and associate on the basis of their political views or policy positions, or on the basis of their religious belief (or lack thereof), national origin, gender, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, provided they promote noncommercial interests.
3.1 Reasonable efforts should be taken to recruit nominees so that all geographical regions may be represented by the NCSG GNSO Council Representatives. Reasonable efforts should also be taken to ensure gender balance and in no circumstance should there be fewer than 2 members of any gender.
N/AN/AN/A2.3 Constituencies will be eligible for representation on all NCSG committees. (...) As provided in the ICANN Bylaws, any group may petition to become a Constituency within a GNSO Non-Contracted Stakeholder Group by completing the applicable ICANN process for recognition of a GNSO constituency in place at the time of the petition.
NCSGOperating Procedures Candidates are sorted by vote count. If electing N first ones would not result in fewer than two representatives of either gender or more than two of any region in the council, they shall be elected
2. If there would be fewer than two of either gender, minority gender candidates shall be elected over majority gender ones until there'd be two of them in the council. If there're multiple minority gender candidates available, those satisfying the two-per-region limit shall be given first priority, then ones from otherwise non-represented regions, after that the ones with most votes.
4. If there would be more than two of any one region and there are candidates from less-represented region, the slots over two for the overrepresented region shall go preferentially to a candidate from a region that has no representative at all, after that to one that has only one. More than two councillors from one region shall be acceptable only in case there are no candidates left from other regions.
5. In event of a tie, minority gender and region shall be given priority as above until the requirement of at least two of each gender and at most two per region are satisfied. After that, priority shall be given to any otherwise non-represented region, then to minority gender representative. If tie still remains unresolved, winner shall be determined by lot.
N/A1. Candidates are sorted by vote count. If electing N first ones would not result in fewer than two representatives of either gender or more than two of any region in the council, they shall be elected
2. If there would be fewer than two of either gender, minority gender candidates shall be elected over majority gender ones until there'd be two of them in the council. If there're multiple minority gender candidates available, those satisfying the two-per-region limit shall be given first priority, then ones from otherwise non-represented regions, after that the ones with most votes.
3. If there are not enough minority gender candidates to achieve the required minimum of two, their slots shall be left empty, to be filled by the Executive Committee with temporary alternate appointments, with the proviso that majority gender representatives may be appointed for a maximum of one month at a time until a minority gender one can be appointed.
5. In event of a tie, minority gender and region shall be given priority as above until the requirement of at least two of each gender and at most two per region are satisfied. After that, priority shall be given to any otherwise non-represented region, then to minority gender representative. If tie still remains unresolved, winner shall be determined by lot.
NCUCCharter The EC shall consist of the Chair, a Vice Chair, a Treasurer, and Regional Representatives (one for each of the geographic regions recognized by ICANN).N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
NCUCOperating Procedures
NPOCCharter Represent geographically diverse organizations and communities; Determine the ICANN geographical Region(s) represented by each Member. This determination will be made based on citizenship, residence, duration of residency or experience within a Region, depth of involvement in Internet matters in the Region, and other criteria as contained in the ICANN Bylaws or approved by the ICANN Board;
7.2 The NPOC shall seek to recruit and elect CRs from a variety of global Regions. Determination of which Region(s) are represented by CRs is made by the Membership Committee Chair according to the criteria set forth in Section 2.2 and any geographic diversity needs or requirements communicated by the NCSG.
RrSGCharter The three (3) Generic Names Supporting Organization Council Representatives should normally be from three (3) different geographic regions. In accordance with 6.2.3.c, when a Council Representative position becomes available, only candidates from regions not already represented can be nominated and only if no candidates are found after further extending the nomination period, can candidate(s) from a region already represented be nominated.N/A1.3.3.c Treating all members of the ICANN community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation;1.3.3.c Treating all members of the ICANN community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation;1.3.3.c Treating all members of the ICANN community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation;N/AN/A
RySGCharter order to promote broad representational diversity in accordance with principles contained in the ICANN Bylaws, no more than one (1) of the elected RySG Representatives may come from the same geographic region as defined in the ICANN Bylaws.N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
CCNSO Guidelines There should be a minimum turnout or quorum for a vote to be valid, with a regional representation
1.3.2. ii. All other resolutions and/or decisions seven (7) calendar days after publication, subject to the written request for a Members’ veto vote by at least ten (10) Members of the ccNSO from at least ten (10) different Territories and representing no less than three (3) ICANN Geographic regions.
2.2 The quorum shall be at least thirty-three percent (33%) of the total Membership of the ccNSO, with at least three (3) Members per ICANN Region.
3. The Rules should be reviewed: At the request of: Ten (10) Members of the ccNSO from at least ten (10) different Territories and representing no less than three (3) ICANN Geographic Regions
GACOperating Procedures 21. To the extent possible, the Vice-Chairs should appropriately reflect the geographic and development diversity of the membership.N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
RSSACOperating Procedures
SSACICANN Bylaws, Section 12.2.b
SSACOperating Procedures New Member Selection
In addition to the primary questions, the Membership Committee compares the candidate against secondary issues as follows: (...) Geographic, gender, and other diversity.
2.5 Annual Review Process
The Membership Committee conducts an annual review process for those members whose terms expire at the end of the calendar year. The following process applies: (...) The Membership Committee will consider special and secondary criteria that are important to evaluating participation or represent characteristics that are important to SSAC. These criteria include at least the following: Geography; Gender; and Other diversity considerations.
N/A2.3. New Member Selection
In addition to the primary questions, the Membership Committee compares the candidate against secondary issues as follows: (...) Geographic, gender, and other diversity.
2.5 Annual Review Process
The Membership Committee conducts an annual review process for those members whose terms expire at the end of the calendar year. The following process applies: (...) The Membership Committee will consider special and secondary criteria that are important to evaluating participation or represent characteristics that are important to SSAC. These criteria include at least the following: Geography; Gender; and Other diversity considerations.
N/AN/A2.3. New Member Selection
On the basis of the candidate’s information and interview the Membership Committee reviews the candidate against the current SSAC members’ skills, identified SSAC skills gaps, and the skills of any other membership applicants.
SSAC Skills Survey: