A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | Subject | Topic | Sub topic | Title | What to do | Site | Type | Rating | Middle school | High school | AP | APC | Flash/JS/Java? | URL | Activity written | https://highered.mheducation.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=swf::800::600::/sites/dl/free/0072482621/78778/Doppler_Nav.swf::Doppler%20Shift%20Interactive | ||||||||||
2 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Atomic structure | Atomic interactions | View PE vs r graph for approaching atoms, different nuclei, + forces | PhET | Sim | n | n | y | n | https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/atomic-interactions/latest/atomic-interactions_en.html | ||||||||||||||
3 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Atomic structure | Closest Approach Lab | Change speed, charge, mass, measure dist. Of closest approach | PhysAviary | Lab | n | y | y | n | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/ClosestApproachLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
4 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Atomic structure | Isotopes | Concept Building Activity | The Physics Classroom | Game | Y | Y | Y | Y | https://www.physicsclassroom.com/Concept-Builders/Chemistry/Isotopes | ||||||||||||||
5 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Atomic structure | Isotopes and Atomic Mass | Make isotopes of elements, view abundance, calculate average atomic mass | PhET | Sim | n | y | y | n | https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/isotopes-and-atomic-mass/latest/isotopes-and-atomic-mass_en.html | ||||||||||||||
6 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Atomic structure | Plum pudding vs Rutherford | Change positive charge from diffuse to concentrated fire alpha particles | Molecular Workbench | Sim | Good | n | y | y | n | http://mw.concord.org/nextgen/#interactives/physics/electrostatics-physics/concentrating-charge-electric-fields-physics | |||||||||||||
7 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Atomic structure | Rutherford Scattering | View alpha particle expt with different nuclei, change energy, view single nuclei, compare with plum pudding model | PhET | Sim | Good | n | y | y | n | https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/rutherford-scattering/latest/rutherford-scattering_en.html | |||||||||||||
8 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Atomic structure | Structure of the atom | View probable positions of electrons in atoms | Molecular Workbench | Sim | n | n | y | n | http://mw.concord.org/nextgen/#interactives/physics/the-atom-physics/structure-atom-physics | ||||||||||||||
9 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Atomic structure | Subatomic Particles | Concept Building Activity | The Physics Classroom | Game | Y | Y | Y | Y | https://www.physicsclassroom.com/Concept-Builders/Chemistry/Subatomic-Particles | ||||||||||||||
10 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Atomic structure | Understanding probability maps | Dartboard as analogy for probabality distribution of electrons | Molecular Workbench | Sim | n | n | y | n | http://mw.concord.org/nextgen/#interactives/physics/the-atom-physics/understanding-probability-maps-physics | ||||||||||||||
11 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Bohr model | Bohr's Theory of the Hydrogen Atom | View Wave/particles models for different principle quantum numbers | Fendt | Sim | n | n | y | n | http://www.walter-fendt.de/html5/phen/bohrmodel_en.htm | ||||||||||||||
12 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Bohr model | The Bohr/de Broglie model | Change the energy level of the electron in this Bohr Model | CCNY | Sim | n | y | y | n | https://sciencesims.com/sims/bohr-model/ | ||||||||||||||
13 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Crooke's Tube | Simulation of discovery of electron | Molecular Workbench | Sim | n | y | y | n | http://mw.concord.org/nextgen/#interactives/physics/the-atom-physics/crookes-tube-physics | ||||||||||||||
14 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | e/m with magnetic field | Use Helmholtz coils to measure e/m | Virtuelle Expts | Lab | good | n | n | y | y | https://virtuelle-experimente.de/en/b-feld/b-feld/experiment.php | |||||||||||||
15 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Electron deflection between parallel plates | Change accelerating and deflection p.d.s see deflection | Virtuelle Expts | Lab | good | n | n | y | y | https://virtuelle-experimente.de/en/e-feld/hypothesen/experiment.php | |||||||||||||
16 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Electron diffraction experiment | Change the p.d., measure radius, test De Broglie | Virtuelle Expts | Lab | good | n | n | y | y | https://virtuelle-experimente.de/en/elektronenbeugung/wellenlaenge/quantitativ.php | |||||||||||||
17 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Electron gun | Change the accelerating an heater p.d. | Virtuelle Expts | Sim | good | n | n | y | y | https://virtuelle-experimente.de/en/kanone/klassisch/simulation.php | |||||||||||||
18 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Exploring electron properties | Send different charged particles between plates , view deflection | Molecular Workbench | Sim | n | y | y | n | http://mw.concord.org/nextgen/#interactives/physics/the-atom-physics/exploring-electron-properties-physics | ||||||||||||||
19 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Franck-Hertz experiment | Change p.d. see electron kinetic energy | Glowscript | Sim | n | n | y | y | https://www.glowscript.org/#/user/matterandinteractions/folder/matterandinteractions/program/08-Franck-Hertz | ||||||||||||||
20 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Maltese cross expt | Change the accelerating an heater p.d. | Virtuelle Expts | Lab | good | n | n | y | y | https://virtuelle-experimente.de/en/schattenkreuz/ladung/stoerfeld.php | |||||||||||||
21 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Millikan Oil Drop Experiment (Prototype) | Students collect data from this classic experiment to calculate the charge on a single electron. | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/5c1a9cb7427fa0002055435c/preview | ||||||||||||||
22 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Millikan Oil Drop Lab | Simulation of oil drop experiment | PhysAviary | Lab | n | y | y | n | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/MillikanOilDropLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
23 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | The Millikan Oil-Drop Experiment | Simulation of oil drop experiment | GeoGebra | Lab | n | y | y | n | http://ophysics.com/em2.html | ||||||||||||||
24 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Electron properties | Thompson's Cathode Ray Tube Lab | Change accelerting p.d., deflection p.d., B field, veiw deflection | PhysAviary | Lab | n | n | y | n | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/ThompsonetomLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
25 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Absorb/emit | Move electrons up and down and see lines | Glowscript | Sim | n | y | y | y | https://www.glowscript.org/#/user/matterandinteractions/folder/matterandinteractions/program/08-absorb-emit | ||||||||||||||
26 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Bohr levels | Cycle through levels, see energy/distance | Glowscript | Sim | n | y | y | y | https://www.glowscript.org/#/user/matterandinteractions/folder/matterandinteractions/program/08-Bohr-levels | ||||||||||||||
27 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Different excited states for different elements | Investigate exciting electrons by collisions - many atoms | Molecular Workbench | Sim | n | y | y | n | http://mw.concord.org/nextgen/#interactives/physics/light-sound-physics/different-excited-states-physics | ||||||||||||||
28 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Emission Spectra Lab | Viewing spectra for different elements through grating, measuring position of lines | PhysAviary | Lab | n | y | y | n | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/EmissionSpectra/index.html | ||||||||||||||
29 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Energy Level Lab | Select electron energy level, view frequency of photon emitted | PhysAviary | Lab | n | y | y | n | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/EnergyLevelLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
30 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Energy levels in hydrogen | View shapes of orbitals of electrons in H | Molecular Workbench | Sim | n | y | y | n | http://mw.concord.org/nextgen/#interactives/physics/the-atom-physics/energy-levels-hydrogen-atom-physics | ||||||||||||||
31 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Excited electrons | Investigate exciting electrons by collisions - 2 atoms | Molecular Workbench | Sim | n | y | y | n | http://mw.concord.org/nextgen/#interactives/physics/light-sound-physics/excited-electrons-physics | ||||||||||||||
32 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Flame Test Quantitive Analysis | A way to quantify the spectra from standard flame tests and gas emission tubes | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | y | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/5b180a12fc556800206555c8/preview | ||||||||||||||
33 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Gas Emission Spectra | Students measure the frequencies of light emitted by different substances. | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | y | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/5ac7b7fb71171500276cbcc7/preview | ||||||||||||||
34 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Energy levels/spectra | Neon lights and other discharge lamps | See electron transitions for different gases | PhET | Sim | n | y | y | n | Java | https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/discharge-lamps | |||||||||||||
35 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Photoelectric Effect | Photoelectric Effect Lab | Adjust wavelength of radiation to emit electrons | PhysAviary | Lab | n | n | y | n | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/PhotoelectricEffect/index.html | ||||||||||||||
36 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Photoelectric Effect | Photoelectric Effect Lab | Adjust wavelength of radiation to emit electrons | I Want to Study | Lab | n | y | y | n | http://iwant2study.org/lookangejss/06QuantumPhysics/ejss_model_photoelectriceffectwee3/photoelectriceffectwee3_Simulation.xhtml | ||||||||||||||
37 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Photoelectric Effect | Photoelectric Effect Lab | Simple simulation of effect, vary wavelength, p.d., metal | Kings Center | Lab | Good | n | n | y | n | http://www.kcvs.ca/site/projects/JS_files/Photoelectric_Effect/PhotoElectric.html | |||||||||||||
38 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Photoelectric Effect | Photoelectric Effect Lab | Change f, stopping p.d. | PhET | Sim | good | n | y | y | n | Java | https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/photoelectric | ||||||||||||
39 | Physics | Atomic/Nuclear | Photoelectric Effect | Photoelectric Effect with Lasers (feat. A. Einstein) | Students measure the frequencies of light emitted by different substances. | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | y | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/5ceea9262e91f7001e6d456c/preview | ||||||||||||||
40 | Physics | Circular motion | Angular motion | Circular motion | Change speed, radius, measure time | Boston Uni | Lab | n | n | y | y | http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/HTML5/circular_motion.html | ||||||||||||||
41 | Physics | Circular motion | Angular motion | Circular Motion Learning Lab | Calculate RPM | PhysAviary | Lab | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/CircularMotionLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
42 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Case Studies - Circular Motion | Concept Building Activity | The Physics Classroom | Game | N | Y | Y | Y | https://www.physicsclassroom.com/Concept-Builders/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/Case-Studies | ||||||||||||||
43 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Centripetal Force Card Sort: Symbolic Reasoning | Match representations | Desmos - Brian Frank | Game | good | n | y | y | y | https://teacher.desmos.com/activitybuilder/custom/5f2c62c96cf78e23a87b5338 | |||||||||||||
44 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Changing v, effect on Fc | Change speed see force, ang velocity | St Mary's | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://www.stmary.ws/HighSchool/Physics/home/notes/MotionPlane/Centripetal_Vel/animations/FcRelat5.htm | ||||||||||||||
45 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Circular force Lab | F = mv2/r for hover disk in circular motion with string through table | PhysAviary | Lab | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/CircularForceLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
46 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Circular Logic | Concept Building Activity | The Physics Classroom | Game | N | Y | Y | Y | https://www.physicsclassroom.com/Concept-Builders/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/Circular-Logic | ||||||||||||||
47 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Circular Motion Card Sort: FBDs and Net Force | Match diagrams and readings | Desmos - Brian Frank | Game | good | n | y | y | y | https://teacher.desmos.com/activitybuilder/custom/5f2c0c233c4eef2e010009a4 | |||||||||||||
48 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Circular Motion Self Test | Check understanding of ang vel, period, angle | PhysAviary | Game | Good | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Games/CircularMotionSelfTest/index.html | |||||||||||||
49 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Classic Circular Force Lab | Take measurements of m, v, r, check f | PhysAviary | Lab | Good | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/ClassicCircularForceLab/index.html | |||||||||||||
50 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Experimental Design and Data Analysis Practice: Circular Motion 1 | Vary mass/radius, measure centripetal force | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/5a7c539feac562001afe1c0d/preview | ||||||||||||||
51 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Experimental Design and Data Analysis Practice: Circular Motion 2 | Determine mass of object in circular motion varying angular velocity | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/5a7dc950fd95f4001a531995/preview | ||||||||||||||
52 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Exploring Forces in Circular Motion I | vary angular speed, radius, and mass, and measure radial force | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/599741b41eb16f001751132f/preview | ||||||||||||||
53 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Exploring Forces in Circular Motion II | vary tangential speed, radius, and mass, and measure radial force | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/59fccdfb4f06220018e1d347/preview | ||||||||||||||
54 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Force, velocity, letting go | Basic - moving in circle, moving at a tangent | St Mary's | Sim | n | y | y | y | http://www.stmary.ws/HighSchool/Physics/home/animations3/centripetal_arrow5.htm | ||||||||||||||
55 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Forces and Free-Body Diagrams in Circular Motion | Concept Building Activity | The Physics Classroom | Game | N | Y | Y | Y | https://www.physicsclassroom.com/Concept-Builders/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/Forces-In-Circles | ||||||||||||||
56 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Model of a carousel (centripetal force) | See forces, period, change mass, string | Fendt | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://www.walter-fendt.de/html5/phen/carousel_en.htm | ||||||||||||||
57 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Quick Circular Motion Calculations Challenge | Centripetal Force, angular velocity, rpm | PhysAviary | Game | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Games/QuickCircularCalculations/index.html | ||||||||||||||
58 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Roller Coaster Design | Investigate factors affecting speed, accn, normal force and gs | Physics Classroom | Game | n | n | y | y | http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/Roller-Coaster-Design | ||||||||||||||
59 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Rollercoaster Loop | use circular motion concepts to analyze the motion of a looping roller coaster. | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/594a7f873ee2640011aecde4/preview | ||||||||||||||
60 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Steel ball in a spinning glass bow | Forces on object in bowl | DMV | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://serc.carleton.edu/details/files/35520.html | ||||||||||||||
61 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force | Uniform circular motion | Change radius, speed, mass, see a and Fc | Physics Classroom | Sim | n | y | y | y | http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/Uniform-Circular-Motion | ||||||||||||||
62 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - friction | Circular Friction Test Track | Steer cars around corners with different surfaces | PhysAviary | Lab | Good | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/CircularFrictionTestTrack/index.html | |||||||||||||
63 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - friction | Circular Motion and the Traffic Circle (roundabout) | apply our knowledge of circular motion and friction to determine the coefficient of friction between car tires and pavement | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/588f7eae53bf8d0011c57889/preview | ||||||||||||||
64 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - friction | Race track | Race car around oval track - hard | Physics Classroom | Game | n | n | y | y | http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/Race-Track | ||||||||||||||
65 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - gravity | The inner solar system | See inner planets moving | Boston Uni | Sim | y | y | y | y | http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/HTML5/inner_solar_system_new.html | ||||||||||||||
66 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - normal | Einstein on the Graviton | apply circular motion and friction concepts to this model of a popular amusement park ride | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/5a53d96274f4ab001a4606c6/preview | ||||||||||||||
67 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - normal | Force Normal on Spinning Space Station Lab | Simulating weight on spinning space station | PhysAviary | Lab | Good | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/ForceNormalSpaceStationLab/index.html | |||||||||||||
68 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - normal | Gravitron | Investigate forces on Gravitron ride | Boston Uni | Sim | Good | n | n | y | y | http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/HTML5/circular_carnival_ride.html | |||||||||||||
69 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - normal | The Scrambler | Weird fairground ride - work out least centripetal force | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/5b9719477d9e57002e897a15/preview | ||||||||||||||
70 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - tension | Letting go of string | Release ball to hit target | St Mary's | Game | n | y | y | y | http://www.stmary.ws/HighSchool/Physics/home/notes/MotionPlane/Centripetal_Vel/animations/CentripVel_Example5.htm | ||||||||||||||
71 | Physics | Circular motion | Centripetal force - tension | Slice the string | Slice string to get object in target | PhysAviary | Game | n | y | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Games/SlashtheString/ | ||||||||||||||
72 | Physics | Circular motion | Conical pendulum | Airplane on a String | Conical pendulum F = mv2/r airplane toy | Pivot Interactives | Lab | n | n | y | y | https://app.pivotinteractives.com/activities/5978e78c8438e2001181cad9/preview | ||||||||||||||
73 | Physics | Circular motion | Conical pendulum | Conical pendulum | Conical pendulum - vary angle, see forces | GeoGebra | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://ophysics.com/f4.html | ||||||||||||||
74 | Physics | Circular motion | Conical pendulum | Conical pendulum: adjustable speed | Conical pendulum - vary speed, angle, see forces | GeoGebra | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://ophysics.com/f5.html | ||||||||||||||
75 | Physics | Circular motion | Kepler's Laws | Elliptical orbits and Kepler 2 | Vary speed, distance, mass of Sun, see Kepler 2 trace | GeoGebra | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://ophysics.com/f6.html | ||||||||||||||
76 | Physics | Circular motion | Kepler's Laws | Gravity Force Lab | Change masses, distance, see force | PhET | Lab | Good | n | n | y | y | https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/gravity-force-lab/latest/gravity-force-lab_en.html | |||||||||||||
77 | Physics | Circular motion | Kepler's Laws | Kepler's First Law | Change planet, eccentricity, see K2 lines | Fendt | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://www.walter-fendt.de/html5/phen/keplerlaw1_en.htm | ||||||||||||||
78 | Physics | Circular motion | Kepler's Laws | Kepler's Second Law | Change planet, eccentricity, see K2 lines | Fendt | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://www.walter-fendt.de/html5/phen/keplerlaw2_en.htm | ||||||||||||||
79 | Physics | Circular motion | Kepler's Laws | Satellite Lab | Use R3/T2 for different planets/satellites | PhysAviary | Lab | Good | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/SatelliteLab/index.html | |||||||||||||
80 | Physics | Circular motion | Newton's Law of Gravitation | Gravitational Fields | Change masses, distance, see force | Physics Classroom | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/Gravitational-Fields | ||||||||||||||
81 | Physics | Circular motion | Newton's Law of Gravitation | Gravitational force on KBO | Calculate force on object in Kuiper Belts | PhysAviary | Game | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/APPrograms/GravitationalForceOnKuiperBeltObject/index.html | Simple calculation | |||||||||||||
82 | Physics | Circular motion | Newton's Law of Gravitation | The Earth and the Sun | Change speed, see force of Sun on Earth | Boston Uni | Sim | y | y | y | y | http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/HTML5/gravitation_Earth_Sun.html | ||||||||||||||
83 | Physics | Circular motion | Newton's Law of Gravitation | The Earth and the Sun - multiple Earths | See effect of speed on orbit of Earth around Sun | Boston Uni | Sim | y | y | y | y | http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/HTML5/gravitation_multiEarth_Sun.html | ||||||||||||||
84 | Physics | Circular motion | Newton's Law of Gravitation | The Value of g | Click on globe to see value of g | Physics Classroom | Sim | n | y | y | y | http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/The-Value-of-g | ||||||||||||||
85 | Physics | Circular motion | Newton's Law of Gravitation | The Value of g on Other Planets | Explore value of g on other planets | Physics Classroom | Sim | n | y | n | y | http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/The-Value-of-g-on-Other-Planets | ||||||||||||||
86 | Physics | Circular motion | Newton's Law of Gravitation | Universal Gravity Lab | Change masses, distance, see force | PhysAviary | Lab | Good | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/UniversalGravityLab/index.html | |||||||||||||
87 | Physics | Circular motion | Newton's Law of Gravitation | Universal Gravity MiniLab | Use Newton's Law to see effect of gravity on person | PhysAviary | Lab | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/ForceGravityOnPlanetMiniLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
88 | Physics | Circular motion | Newton's Law of Gravitation | Your Weight on Other Planets | Find your weight | Physics Classroom | Sim | n | y | n | y | http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/Your-Weight-on-Other-Planets | ||||||||||||||
89 | Physics | Circular motion | Orbits | Orbital Motion | Change speed, radius, mass, energy bar charts | Sim bucket | Sim | Good | n | y | y | y | https://www.simbucket.com/satellite/ | |||||||||||||
90 | Physics | Circular motion | Orbits | Orbital Motion | Change eccentricity, see velocity and force | Physics Classroom | Sim | n | y | y | y | http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/Circular-and-Satellite-Motion/Orbital-Motion | ||||||||||||||
91 | Physics | Electricity | AC circuits | Electromagnetic oscillating circuit | Change C, L, R, see oscillations | Fendt | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://www.walter-fendt.de/html5/phen/oscillatingcircuit_en.htm | ||||||||||||||
92 | Physics | Electricity | AC circuits | Impedance triangle | Change R, C, L, F see effect | Boston Uni | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/HTML5/RLC_impedance_triangle.html | ||||||||||||||
93 | Physics | Electricity | AC circuits | RC in AC Lab | Change components, look at p.d. across them | PhysAviary | Lab | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/RCinACLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
94 | Physics | Electricity | AC circuits | RL in AC Lab | Change R, C, L, F see effect | PhysAviary | Lab | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/RLinACLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
95 | Physics | Electricity | AC circuits | RLC circuit | Change R, C, L, F see effect | Boston Uni | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/HTML5/RLC_circuit.html | ||||||||||||||
96 | Physics | Electricity | AC circuits | Simple AC circuits | Add R/C/L, change f, V | Fendt | Sim | n | n | y | y | http://www.walter-fendt.de/html5/phen/accircuits_en.htm | ||||||||||||||
97 | Physics | Electricity | Capacitors | Capacitor Charging Through a Resistor in DC Lab | Change R, C, L, F see effect on charging time | PhysAviary | Lab | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/RCinDCChargingLab/index.html | ||||||||||||||
98 | Physics | Electricity | Capacitors | Capacitor lab | Change area, distance, R, see field, effect on time | GeoGebra | Sim | Good | n | n | y | y | http://ophysics.com/em5.html | |||||||||||||
99 | Physics | Electricity | Capacitors | Capacitor lab | Change dielectric, pd. Area, number | PhET | Sim | good | n | n | n | y | Java | https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/capacitor-lab | ||||||||||||
100 | Physics | Electricity | Capacitors | Capacitor Properties Lab | Change area, distance, p.d. see energy stored | PhysAviary | Lab | n | n | y | y | http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/CapacitorPropertiesLab/index.html |