TimestampWhat kind of interview was it?What level interview was it?What questions did they ask you?What questions did you ask the interviewers?What position level was it for?What type of organization?Job focus was (check all that apply):Where are you?Where are you?Any other comments, for me or for your fellow job hunters?
7/22/2024 1:00:29In-personFirst round1. Please give a general summary of your career so far and what attracted you to this role

2. How would you balance the competing needs of the library and civil registration services?

3. Tell us about a time you took a big or innovative decision that was unpopular with the staff?

4. Can you tell us about a time when senior management placed roadblocks in the way of a project you were managing?

5. Tell us about a time when you had to choose between doing what was right for the team and doing what was right for the service?

6. Can you tell us about a situation when you managed a project with little or no support from the top?
1. "Is there anything you've asked where you think I didn't answer fully, or where you'd like me to give more detail?" (An 'old reliable' but useless here: the lead interviewer just waffled about "I wouldn't want to pre-judge what my colleagues might say" and honestly looked pretty cross at being asked, which I've never seen before!)

2. "What do you think makes the difference between a good head of service and a great one?"

3. "What do you think are the biggest challenges I'd face stepping into this role?"
Head of Library and Registration Services ("County Librarian" we'd call it in my day)Local AuthorityAdult Services, Cataloging/Technical Services, Children’s Services, Outreach, Programming, Web Services, Civil RegistrationUKGloucestershireThis was a weird one. Full day thing, two candidates per day, two days. Huge amount of staffing resource went into it (8 members of senior leadership giving 4-6 hours of their time), and in the end they didn't appoint *anyone* - as a hiring manager myself, I think they were asking the wrong questions because the feedback I had suggested they thought my answers and experience didn't cover area (x) well enough... when all the questions were about areas (y) and (z) (and area (x) was really clearly covered in my CV)

That said, based on the questions they had asked, I already wasn't keen - I've done a lot of interviews for a lot of roles, including very senior leadership. I already know that anywhere top level management are asking questions that are solely focused on "What would you do if we blocked your project", "Tell us about how you make unpopular decisions" or "How would you deliver without any support from us" is not a place I want to try to be leading people: I realise you're here looking for the questions they might ask you (good research skills! :-)) but don't forget that no employer can help telling you a lot about their culture from the questions they ask, and trust your gut if it feels toxic!
7/19/2024 19:20:35Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. Tell me about yourself
2. What book did you read recently?
3. Who is your favorite children's author?
4. Why are you interested in this position?
5. Why do you want to work for this library?
6. How did you prepare for this interview?
7. Describe your supervisor style
8. How have you implemented STEM/STEAM in programming?
9. Have you ever used puppets/other props before?
10. Tell us about a time you made a mistake and what you learned
11. Tell us about a time you received constructive criticism
12. Tell us about a time a coworker did an exemplary job and how you addressed it
13. What experience do you have with ILS and other software?
14. What would you do if a parent said their child checked out an inappropriate book
15. What would you do if an adult was being disruptive during storytime
16. What accomplishment from this past year are you most proud of?
17. How would you build relationships/outreach with the local k-12 schools?
18. How do you stay up to date with youth trends?

(there might've been a couple more questions, and some of these are paraphrased but these were the ones I could remember! they also had me do a sample/mock storytime session)
Mostly asked logistical questions about the job/position plus about DEI practices in the workplace/programming and book challengesTwo or more years of experiencePublic LibraryChildren’s ServicesSouthern USCity/town
7/18/2024 8:57:04Skype/Video ChatFirst roundTell us about yourself and what interests you in the Research & Instruction Librarian position at (university).

Please describe your approach to instruction, training, and coaching.

This position will support instruction efforts and (specific projects). How do you provide the environment and tools to ensure that students are successful?

Tell us about a specific action you implemented to support diversity, inclusion, equity, or social justice. What prompted you to take this measure and what were the outcomes?

This position plays a key role in enhancing support, resources, and engagement for students. Success involves both maintaining existing partnerships and building new ones. This includes, but is not limited to: faculty, vendors, and campus departments.
Please share an example of when you collaborated with various stakeholders on a project. What was your approach and the impact?

Do you have any questions for us?
How do you define a successful candidate? What is your ideal vision for this role?

What is something you enjoy about working at (library) and (university)?

What would be the biggest challenge for this role?
Entry levelAcademic LibraryInstruction, OutreachWestern USCity/townThis interview was over Zoom, but everyone had video off - the hiring librarian said it was meant to imitate a phone interview.

Good luck to all of us!
6/30/2024 18:28:58In-personFirst roundTell us about how you envision the library clerk position and why your experience and background make you a strong candidate.
Give us specific examples of how you will contribute to [our described] work place culture. What strategies have you used to contribute to an inclusive environment.
Recall a time when you made a mistake. How did you handle the situation? What was the outcome?
What elements do you think are part of a welcoming and comfortable library space?
As part of the library's team, how might you help us ensure we are providing this type of space?
Please describe your comfort level with technology.
Give us an example of when you really listened to what a customer needed and changed your service to meet their needs in a way that was outside of your normal duties.
You're working at the desk and the phone is ringing, someone has a question, someone needs help on the computer, and some patrons are being loud in the quiet reading area. How do you handle this?
Give an example of you had a situation with difficulty communication with someone and how you handled it.
Please share some examples of high-accuracy tasks that you have accomplished and hwat strategies you envision using in this role.
How would you describe the work environment like the pacing, especially compared to the Main library branch.
Do you have an idea about the shift schedule for this position?
What are some of the most challenging parts about working as a clerk?
Library ClerkPublic LibraryCirculationSouthwestCity/town
6/24/2024 9:32:12PhoneFirst round1. What is your experience working in a public library? 2. Describe the strategies you've used to connect the public with the library. 3. Tell us about a time when you were given a new project, with a short time frame, and how you balanced it with your regular duties. 4. Describe your experience as a direct supervisor and provide detailed examples. 5. What experience and skills will you bring to be successful in this position?None - not allowed to ask questions.Librarian IPublic LibraryWestern USCity/town
6/17/2024 11:35:28Skype/Video ChatFirst and only round- Tell us about your work history and experience, and why you are interested in the position.
- How do you manage your time and deadlines?
- Tell us about a time you used data to inform your decision-making.
- Tell us about a time you made a mistake in a professional setting.
- Tell us about a time you led or advocated for a change in your workplace.
- Tell us about a time you had a difficult conversation with a coworker or a supervisor.
- How do you build relationships with coworkers, neighborhood partners, supervisors, and other parties within and outside of the Library?
- This position is an entirely computer-based role: tell us about your experience with technology and work-related software platforms.
- How would you handle an uptick in patron demand for books by an author you find problematic or have issues with?
- How do you stay up-to-date on new releases and trends in youth literature and literacy?
- What's a book or series of books that you love, and why should the Library have them in our collection? (Assume that the Library does not already have the book/books.)
- What is your vision or goals for the collection in the coming year or so?
- What opportunities for professional development are available?
Materials SelectorPublic LibraryCataloging/Technical Services, Children’s Services, Teen Services, Collection development; collection management; materials selectionMidwestern USUrban area
6/17/2024 11:09:06In-personFirst round- Tell us about a project where you worked as a member of a team and how you contributed successfully.
- Tell us about your experience with teaching or library instruction - in any modality.
- Tell us about a time where you needed to be flexible or adapt to a colleague's working style or when working with a challenging user?
- What have you learned from an interaction with an individual or group from a different background than your own?
- In working at the (college) library, you may have to learn new and emerging technologies. Tell us about your experience learning a new technology or tool.
- What makes a successful candidate in this role?
- What is your favorite part about working at (college)?
- The job description mentions creating physical and digital resources for students, can you give examples of how you envision them? What have past staff members done?
- What does the rest of the process look like?
Entry levelAcademic LibraryInstruction, Outreach, ProgrammingWestern USCity/townGood luck, fellow job hunters! We've got this.
5/28/2024 8:24:30In-personSecond roundTwo or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryMedicalMidwestern USCity/town
5/16/2024 21:54:55Skype/Video ChatSecond roundWhat do you see as important issues facing academic libraries today?

What can librarians and academic libraries do to address these issues?

How do you keep up to date with developments in librarianship and technology?

Can you describe your experience with and/or knowledge of managing gifts to libraries?

Describe a situation in which you were successful in an initiative that was important to you. What did you learn from the experience?

Describe a situation in which you were involved in an initiative that was important to you in which you felt the outcomes to be unsatisfactory. What did you learn from this experience?

How would you go about building strong relationships with faculty and students?

Required qualifications for this position include the demonstrated ability to work independently and to work collaboratively with others. Can you describe to us how you have demonstrated both these abilities in the past?

Can you describe your research interests?

What contributions have you made to librarianship as a profession?

Is there anything we have not asked that you feel is pertinent to this job?

Do you have any questions for us?
Can you describe the day-to-day responsibilities of this position?

What is the relationship with faculty like? How often would I be working with faculty?

What makes this institution a good place to work? Work/life balance?

What are you working on right now that you’re excited about? How does the library system support open access?

Is this a replacement position or will there be opportunities for a continuing position?

When will I hear back? What is the onboarding process like for new hires?
Entry levelAcademic LibraryLiaison, ReferenceCanadaCity/town
4/10/2024 11:22:38Skype/Video ChatFirst roundTell me about your work experience and how it qualifies you for this position. Based on my answers today, do you have any hesitations about my qualifications for this position?LibrarianPublic LibraryWestern USUrban area
3/13/2024 12:45:07In-person1 of 1- How did you prepare for the interview?
- What would you say good customer service looks like?
- Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a coworker.
- Tell me about a time you had a difficult customer and what you did to resolve the issue.
- What would you say has been your most rewarding experience when working in a team?
- What role do you succeed most in when working in a team?
- Tell me about a work experience that was frustrating for you.
- Tell me about a supervisor you've had in the past that you've had a good experience with. What did you learn from them?
- What opportunities are there for professional development?
- Do you have any advice you'd give to someone who wants to succeed in this role?
- What does a typical day in this role look like?
- Is there any possibility of working overtime?
Library AidePublic LibrarySouthwestern USSuburban areaSo glad I found this spreadsheet. It helped a lot when preparing the morning of my interview! Best of luck to everyone 🍀
3/8/2024 12:28:05In-personSecond roundWhy do you want to work at this institution? What do you think will be your greatest challenge? What are three words that you use to describe yourself? How do you stay abreast of discussions in the profession? How do you approach teaching information literacy? Are there any organizations that you think are doing good work in this area? How you do you approach collaboration? What is important to you in a supervisor? How would you market and promote library services and events?Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryInstruction, Liaison, Outreach, ReferenceMidwestern USSuburban areaThe range for this position was 45k-50k
2/5/2024 10:05:31In-personI do not know. First round/application/initial screening..?(They had a list of about 12 questions on the table on a piece of paper , and another piece of blank paper, they gave us 5min to write notes to help us answer the question, then proceeded to ask us said questions. 1 or 2 questions weren't written on paper but they asked anyways too. Didn't ask about any specific questions to do with CV or my application. It's like they didn't even read it haha)

Questions are as follows: (that I remember, paraphrased)

-Why do you want to work here?

-How you meet the key requirements, with what experience? (give examples)

-Experience working with public

-Experience where you had to have a flexible approach

-Give us an example of how you dealt with a difficult customer, your approach/how you resolved the conflict

-Why is teamwork with staff and volunteers important?

-When are you available? (it was a part time position) (not written on PAPER)

-What training are you expecting to carry out for the role?

-What can the library do to get more customers/ppl to use it. (not written on the paper)

-What attitude should library assistants have towards there job?

-What personal skills help with running a modern public library?

-Are you willing to engage in story time/rhyme time, book club, and craft activities?

-Do you have any gaps in employment and why? (this was a mandatory council ques apparently, not written on paper, she skimmed over it since she could tell I had only ever been in fulltime education)
Whats the most difficult/challenging part of being a librarian?

(I didn't rlly need to ask this)
Part-time library assistant rolePublic LibraryGeneral?UK, town in north West England. City/townRead the job roles description/listing well, what they are looking for etc. and try to add it into what you say, they will most likely ask questions relating to this anyways. Act as if they have not read your application and supporting documments- most questions were just repeats of what they asked us to write about in our supporting documents- "How you meet key requiremnts for role", you have to refer to key requerment doc which was attatched on job listing. But yeh. And come on time to the interview and be friendly. Good luck!
2/4/2024 22:38:20In-personApplicationIn what instance did you went above and beyond for a customer?Is there any hesitation about my fit for this role, how do i compare to other candidates?Library AssistantPublic LibraryAdult Services, Cataloging/Technical Services, Web ServicesWestern USSuburban area
1/23/2024 21:07:43PhoneFirst roundTell us about your supervisory experience.
Describe your management / leadership style.
Tell us about a time when you had to reprimand a direct report.
Describe a time you had a conflict at work and how you resolved it.
Why would you be a good fit/what do you bring to the job?
No questions allowed.SupervisoryPublic LibrarySouthwestern USCity/town
12/13/2023 10:07:19Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. What do you know about our commmunity college and the needs of our community, and as a librarian, how would you go about supporting their needs?

2. What is your process for discovering, learning, applying, and sharing new technological and pedagogical tools & practices in librarianship?

3. The position we are hiring for requires flexibility and independent work at multiple locations within HCC's Northeast College campuses, as well as collaborative work. Please give us one or two examples of your experiences having to work independently while making sure you still worked successfully as part of a team.

4. In what ways have you provided reference services and how do you see reference services evolving in the future?

5. In the age of AI, Google and paper mills, how do you approach conversations with students, either in instruction or one-on-one, about plagiarism and the ethical use of information?

6. How would you prepare to teach an engaging research instruction session on a subject that you are unfamiliar with?

7. What are some methods you would employ to promote library services to dual-credit students, public patrons, faculty, and traditional/non-traditional students who are unfamiliar with library services?

8. How would you go about developing a collection in a community college setting? How do you ensure that your selection process meets the needs of the students and faculty?

9. What challenges, for example: difficult patrons and book bans, do you anticipate facing as a community college librarian in Texas, now, and in the near future? And how would you meet them?

10. Why are you the ideal candidate for this HCC position?

11. Please give a 10-minute teaching demonstration appropriate for first year workforce community college students. Please utilize an interactive tool.
Entry levelAcademic LibraryInstruction, Outreach, Programming, ReferenceSouthern USUrban area
12/2/2023 9:43:48Skype/Video ChatFirst roundWhy are you interested in this position?
What do you know about the community here?
What importance do you think a programming librarian has to their community?
How would you manage boundaries between your work life and your private life?
How do you manage to stay focused and work independently in a busy environment? How do you manage multitasking?
What do you see as a successful program?
Where do you see the future of library programming in 3-5 years?
Be creative: what sort of programming would you like to implement at the library?
Describe a time when you included an alternative, diverse perspective into a situation at work, and how did it inform your experience?
What are your experiences working on a team and how to you approach team-building?
What does success look like for this role?
What do you love most about working in this community?
Two or more years of experiencePublic LibraryAdult Services, Outreach, Programming, Reference, community engagementWestern USUrban areaIt's okay to ask interviewers to repeat the question. Remember to speak slowly on a virtual interview and put energy into your voice and facial expressions. You are evaluating whether they are a good fit for you as much as they are evaluating you!
11/27/2023 10:26:46In-personSecond roundDiscovery Services Librarian Interview Questions

November 2023

Morning Questions with the search committee:

1. What initially interested you about librarianship? How has your experience influenced or changed your motivations since you originally considered pursuing a library career?

2. Describe a supervisor who brought out the best in you—including the traits you most admire and found most helpful. What did you learn from this person that you would bring to your role as a leader?

3. What are some common disconnects between library metadata, discovery interfaces, and user needs? What steps can be taken to bridge these gaps?

4. How do you address accessibility and inclusivity in library cataloging? What measures would you take to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can effectively access and discover library resources?

5. What experience do you have with OCLC systems/software and what library systems have you used? What did you like or dislike about them?

6. You have your interview schedule; do you have any questions for us?

Collections Strategies Group Questions:

1. What do you value most in a work environment?

2. What are some strategies you have used to manage projects effectively? 

3. What responsibilities of this position are you looking forward to accomplishing the most and why?

4. How would you go about learning about our library’s discovery services?

5. What are some of the things you would like to do in your first few weeks on the job? 

6. How would you characterize your communication style?

7. What questions do you have for us?

Significant Collaborators Group Questions:

1. What do you value most in your coworkers and in a work environment?

2. Many times, you may be managing multiple projects simultaneously. How do you prioritize the work and manage expectations?

3. Tell us about a time when you had to solve a problem with very little guidance or direction.

4. What is it about this job that interests you?

5. How will you gain the technical knowledge you need to do this job?

6. What skills and strengths do you bring to the position?

7. What Questions do you have for us?

Special Collections Group Questions:

1. Describe colleagues who bring out the best in you—including the traits you most admire and find most helpful.

2. How would you foresee collaborating with various library staff to promote the discoverability of library collections?

3. What strategies do you use to help ensure a collaborative project has the best possible chance of succeeding?

4. What roles do you typically take in group projects or committees?

5. What is one thing you would like to accomplish in this role and why?

6. What questions do you have for us?

Afternoon Search Committee Questions

1. Provide an example of a decision you made that did not turn out as you had expected. What were the implications of the decision? What did you learn?

2. When dealing with a large-scale cataloging project, how would you prioritize which records to work on first, and what criteria would you use to determine the order of processing?

3. This position requires working with people across the library and campus community. Tell us about a time when you communicated effectively across a broad range of stakeholders?

4. This position will be involved in loading and manipulating small to large files of MARC records; what sort of training would you appreciate to help you if you were hired (MARC record structure, OCLC, ILS, etc.)?

5. In this role, you would be working with library units who have a range of different roles with various priorities. How would you negotiate different priorities among all these groups and bring them together as a team?

6. Based on what you have learned today during this interview, if you are the successful candidate, what strengths do you think you would bring to this position and organization? What challenges would you face?

7. What questions do you have for us?
SupervisoryAcademic LibraryCataloging/Technical Services, Liaison, Web ServicesMidwestern USUrban area
11/27/2023 10:22:50Skype/Video ChatSecond round1. What do you anticipate enjoying most about the Discovery Services Library position, and what skills would you bring to the job?

2. Describe a time when you actively promoted inclusivity and belonging in a team or project? What strategies did you use to ensure that all voices were heard and valued?

3. Provide an example of your cataloging experience in a professional or educational setting? Please describe the cataloguing standards and tools you used in that situation.

4. Tell us about a problem you encountered that was difficult to solve or required you to investigate to find a solution? What steps did you take to resolve the issue?

5. Talk about a complex project or workflow where accuracy and attention to detail were crucial. What strategies did you use to ensure quality work?

6. Please discuss your perspective on pursuing a tenure-track position? How do you see your creative and research endeavors leading to success in this role?

a. Do you have any questions about the tenure process at USU?

7. You listed x, y, and z as your references. Could you describe the nature of your relationship with each reference and how they are familiar with your work and skills related to this position?

8. Do you have any question for us?
SupervisoryAcademic LibraryCataloging/Technical Services, Web ServicesMidwestern USUrban area
11/27/2023 10:18:36Skype/Video ChatFirst roundTell us about yourself, your career path, and how you decided to become a librarian.
What about EKU specifically interests you in this position? How do you see yourself contributing to this role as well as EKU’s mission?
Describe a project you worked on that best displays your interests and skills. Tell us about the role you played. What, if anything, would you have done differently?
Tell us about a time where you partnered or worked with students/faculty/staff/or another department to accomplish a goal/project. What worked well? What didn't work well? What would you do differently?
What does Open Education mean to you? What makes you interested in that?
What questions do you have for us?
Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryInstruction, Liaison, OutreachMidwestern USUrban area
11/26/2023 6:35:11In-personFirst roundwhat skills do you need to be a good team member and a leader?
How would you demonstrate equal opportunities?
How would you handle cash and record financial transactions?
Had to also sort fiction and nonfiction books in order. (Non-fiction we’re sorted by decimal numbers).
How would you run a reading session?
Also had to do a demonstration reading a children’s book.
Demonstrate how to find a book from the online library and how to find an address for another library? Had to within 5 minutes
What is your favourite thing about working here?
what advice would you give to yourself when you first started?
Library AssistantPublic LibraryCataloging/Technical Services, Children’s ServicesUKCity/townTry to get into more detail with your answers and develop them.
Also if you haven’t worked in a library before express you interest for training.
If you need to demonstrate reading session talk loud and mention author and illustrator.
Equal opportunities include examples like changing text size, different colours.

10/28/2023 21:45:18Skype/Video ChatFirst roundWhat are your communication skills/how do you rate your communication skills?
How do you deal with feedback when you make a mistake?
Are you good at working independently?
(1) What is your favorite part of your job?
(2) What characteristics are you looking for in a candidate?
(3) What kind of professional development do you offer?
(4) What exactly is the CAMPI project?
Library ClerkSpecial LibraryCataloging/Technical Services, Law, ReferenceWestern USUrban area
10/26/2023 21:16:00Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. Tell us about yourself, and why you applied for an archival role?
2. do you have experience using our archival services before and how?
3. what do you understand about records management?
4. how do you see a role here fitting into your plans and goals for the future?
1. what are the general responsibilities/learning opportunities for new trainees coming in?
2. what is the working arrangement like? (hybrid/in-person)
3. what is the working culture like?
Entry levelArchivesCataloging/Technical Services, records managementSingaporeCity/towni didn't have prior 'formal' experience working under archives but a researcher background which influenced the questions I was asked, but just keep calm, be honest and express your interest and what you do know (def prep and research beforehand, it'll help). we got this!
10/19/2023 10:24:28PhoneFirst roundWhy do you want to work here?, What experience or skills qualify you for this position?, Describe your approach to teaching., Describe how you work with others., What were the biggest challenges you have faced in the last year?, What is the instruction faculty relationship with the library like?, How is success measured in this position? Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryInstructionSouthern USUrban area
10/5/2023 12:25:36Application
9/6/2023 11:49:53Skype/Video ChatFirst roundTell me about yourself.
Why do you want this job, and what do you think the challenges of it would be for you?
What is your preferred method of communication with your coworkers?
How do you organize, plan, and prioritize daily tasks?
What is your experience with using Microsoft Office or Sierra?
How would you approach a variety of items that all need to be cataloged?
How do you handle criticism, and what would you do if you didn't agree with it?
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself that we didn't go over?
What does an average day on the job look like?
How are performance reviews done? How often is feedback given?
What does success look like in this role?
(Because I'm out of state) How long do you expect the hiring and interview process take?
Public LibraryCataloging/Technical ServicesCity/town
8/9/2023 4:21:29In-personSecond round-Based on the job description, which aspects of this position do you believe would be easy for your to carry out? Which would be challengin? Which would be new? How would you go about learning what you need to know about these?
-Please describe a recent information literacy session that you are particularly proud of. What did you teach and how did you collaborate with your faculty member or other colleague on it?
-What do you consider your greatest professional success?
-Describe how you would help a student navigate the pros and cons of preprint servers in STEM (arXiv, bioRxiv, chemrxiv).
-Many STEM students mistakenly associate libraries with humanities more strongly than with their STEM-related classes. What would you say to these students to highlight the advantages that library services can provide STEM students in 2023?
-What were some of the buggest challenges you have faces in your career coming into a new environment/employer? How did you overcome these challenges?
-What is a reponsibility or an aspect of your current position that you are hoping this role at [college name] will either offer or fulfill for you?
-What aspects of STEM information literacy excite you, that you would like to explore in this job?
-This job requires that you build relationships with all faculty and staff across the college. What has been successful in building relationships with faculty in the past?
-How do you approach new experiences and partnerships where you may feel less prepared or knowledgeable?
-Studens in STEM fields often come to librarians for help finding existing datasetrs for their research. What is your experience helping people find quantitative data? How do you envision learning about sources of data in fields less familiar to you?
-How do you shape your instruction to make it accessible and inclusive in order to help all students learn?
-What do you look for in a colleague?
-With the growing pushback against college education and the affordability crisis, what is [college name] doing to position itself to remain relevant?
-What did you see in my CV and cover letter that made you reach out for an initial interview and then to invite me to campus? Why do you want me to fill this position?
-Why do you think you’ve had trouble filling this position?
-How long has this position been vacant?
-I am here during a time when normal classes are not in session. What is the difference in atmosphere here and in Northfield when classes are in session?
-How many information literacy classes do the RILs do in a typical semester?
-I saw a message on the chat window saying the librarians are not available, but librarians from other institutions are available to help 24/7. Which institutions are those, and how does that work?
-What is the annual review process like?
-How much is the budget for material purchases?
-How does the library support open access?
-What are some immediate concerns for the person in this position in the first few months on the job?
-What professional development resources are available?
-How do you all communicate with one another as a team?
-How often do you have department meetings?
-Do you feel supported by the library and college administrations?
-How would you foresee working together with the person in this position?
-How would you describe the students you work with at the reference desk?
-In what ways do you support open access?
-What are your thoughts on AI? Have you used it in your work?
-Do you conduct assessments in your sessions? How do you go about it?
-Have any of you been in a faculty librarian position prior to this one? How would you describe the differences in the faculty position and your non-faculty position now?
-What is your leadership style?
-What do you think are the biggest opportunities and challenges for [college name]?
-What excites you about [college name]?
-Will the recent Supreme Court decision in affirmative action have any effect on [college name]'s admission process?
Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryInstruction, Liaison, ReferenceMidwestern USCity/townAsk them as many hard questions as they ask you. One of the questions hiring committee's love to ask candidates is "Why do you want this position? or Why do you want to work here?" Turn it around on them also and ask them "Why do you want me? What did you see in my CV and cover letter that made you invite me for an interview." Let them tell you why you why they think you are great.
6/28/2023 8:47:39In-personSecond round1. Tell us about yourself
2. What does customer service mean to you and what experience do you have with customer service?
3. Tell us more about your most recent work/job/career experience.
4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
5. What software programs are you comfortable with? What is your level of experience with each?
6. Tell us about a time you had trouble with a customer and how you resolved it.
7. Do you work better independently or as part of a team?
8. What is your five year plan/where do you see yourself in 5 years?
9. What made you apply for this job?
10. What are you passionate about?
11. What are your 3 favorite/most read book genres? What has been your favorite recent read and why?
12. Why would you be a good fit for this role?

And then questions regarding logistics - do you have reliable transportation, what hours are you available, etc.
What is the library policy on collection management and reconsideration?Library ClerkPublic LibraryAdult Services, Cataloging/Technical Services, OutreachSouthern USUrban areaLooking over questions in this database really helped me prepare for the interview - I had a good idea of what type of questions to expect and had prepared an outline in my head of how to answer them. I also made sure to look around the library's website and read some information from the ALA to prepare.
6/18/2023 7:19:42In-personFirst roundComfort with computers, computer proficiency (specific questions such as how I would help a patron format a word document, copy and pasting, etc)
Customer service, how I would deal with stressful situations such as upset patrons.
Uniform and appropriate dress
How librarians workshop ideas, how to contribute to that
Library AidePublic LibraryCataloging/Technical ServicesSouthern USUrban area
5/30/2023 15:23:27PhoneFirst round1. Why are you interested in this position?

2. Tell us about your experience working in libraries.
2a. Follow-up: Questions we may have about specific work experience in their resume or cover letter.

3.Tell us about your experiences providing research help.
3a. Follow up: What resources/databases are you most comfortable with? Which subject areas are you least comfortable with? In what modalities do you have experience providing research help?

4. Tell us about your experience providing information literacy instruction in-person and online.

5. What do you enjoy most about working at a service desk?

6. What is your availability? We are looking for coverage during the late afternoons/evenings (possibly a weekend rotation?). Does this work with your schedule?

7. Is there something we didn’t ask you about that you’d like to highlight?

8. What questions do you have for us?
1. How has reference and research help changed during and since the pandemic?

2. How has instruction evolved over the years, and especially with the pandemic? Have relationships and work with faculty changed?

3. When can I expect to hear back about the next steps?
Entry levelAcademic LibraryInstruction, ReferenceMidwestern USUrban areaStarting with this phone interview and going for all remote interviews, I'm starting to time myself when I answer questions so I don't ramble. I have a bad tendency to during interviews, so this will help me check myself
5/26/2023 12:26:04Skype/Video ChatFirst round1) Tell us about yourself, including education and work experience and how they are relevant to this position. 2) Tell us about a time you used technology to improve a program/event/process. 3) How would others describe your leadership style? 4) Share your experience regarding programming for children, teen, and adults. 5) Tell us about your current work priorities. How do you manage and organize competing priorities? 6) Tell us about a time you worked on a team, what was your role? How did it turn out? 7) Share about a time you had to deal with a difficult situation. How did you handle it? How was it resolved? 8) Tell us about a time you solved an issue in a unique way. 9) Do you have any questions/final comments. 1) When do you anticipate the start date for this position? How does the library system support entry level librarians? What qualities do you seek for a person in this position? Librarian IPublic LibraryGeneral LibrarianSouthwest USUrban areaLots of the questions follow the formulaic answer structure - 1) Situation, 2) steps taken to improve/resolve, 3) how did it make it better (especially from the perspective and context of the patron/library user). Self-advocate and remind them why you are the best candidate at the end, do not omit this step! No one else can speak for you better than you can!
5/24/2023 20:15:45Skype/Video ChatFirst round1) How do you adapt to new technology? 2) Tell me about a time you received excellent customer service.PagePublic LibraryWestern USUrban area
5/24/2023 12:37:14In-personFirst roundWhy are you interested in the position and what are your expectations for the position?

Tell us about a time you were part of a team to achieve a goal. What was your role?

Tell us about a time you took initiative without waiting for directions.

Tell us about a time you dealt with a difficult customer and what was the outcome?

Tell us about a time you had a conflict with a coworker and how did your relationship progress?

Do you have any scheduling experience?

What is your supervisory experience?

Two people are having an audible discussion. Other patrons complain. What do you do?

Is there anything we should know about you that wasn't covered in the interview?
If you had to pick the most important trait to have for this job, what would it be?

Is there anything on my resume or that was said in the interview you need clarification on?
SupervisoryPublic LibraryAdult ServicesSouthern USCity/town
5/23/2023 12:10:34Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. Why are you interested in this position?
2. ______ Libraries currently uses ArchivesSpace to manage and provide access to manuscript
collections, university archives, and artifacts. What tools and systems have you used to manage and provide access to archival materials? Please tell us about your experience using these tools.
3. Tell us about a particularly challenging or complex collection that you processed successfully. Why was it challenging and how did you address these challenges?
4. When processing large and/or complex collections, what strategies or methods have helped you to manage your time so that collections can be made available in a timely manner?
5. Please describe your experience working with born-digital materials. Please provide examples.
6. At _______ Libraries, scholarship and service are incorporated into our annual faculty work plans. If you were offered this position, what scholarly and service interests would you like to pursue?
7. Please tell us how you keep up with current archival practices and standards. What recent
developments or trends in the profession are most compelling to you?
8. How do you plan to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion as a faculty member through
archival practice?
9. Describe a specific example of how you have helped create an environment where differences are valued, encouraged, and supported.
What can you tell me about the workplace culture?
How does the organization support your professional development and career growth?
What would you expect in the first six months?
Is there a dedicated digital archivist which the procesing archivist works with?
Is there any room for the processing archivist to cross-train on other duties such as accessioning and reference?
Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryArchival processingNortheastern USSuburban area
4/28/2023 10:39:08In-personFirst round1. What drew you to this position? 2. How familiar are you with our library's collections? 3. How familiar are you with library collections in general? 4. Do you prefer repetitive tasks or creative ones? 5. Do you prefer working independently or with a team? 6. Give us an example of a time you worked independently and succeeded. 7. Give us an example of a time you worked as part of a team and succeeded. 8. You will frequently be shelving and organizing books. What is the importance of this to you? 9. Are you comfortable working with children and their parents? 10. If a minor checked out a book on pregnancy, would you tell their parents? 11. If a patron wanted to find books on a topic that goes against your beliefs, would you help them? 1. What would a typical shift look like? 2. Tell me more about your community outreach efforts. 3. What is your favorite thing about working here?Library AssistantPublic LibraryReferenceSouthern USRural areaDefinitely read up on the library's policies and the ALA Bill of Rights. Also be prepared to do a shelving test.
4/12/2023 12:21:11Skype/Video ChatFirst roundTell us a little about yourself and why your experience makes you a great fit for this role,
Why are you interested in this specific location [within a large library system]?
Tell us about a time that you received excellent customer service,
Tell us about a time that you had to adhere to policy while dealing with a difficult customer/patron,
Tell us about a time that you went against policy to help a customer/patron,
Do you prefer working individually or in a team?
What does working in a team mean to you?
What does working in a diverse community mean to you?
Scenario: You are the only employee at the service desk. There are four patrons waiting for assistance, one of whom is a parent with a screaming toddler. This causes another patron to come to the desk and complain because of the noise level. How would you handle the situation to achieve a successful outcome?,
What would you do if a patron approached you and was looking for a book about trains?
What questions do you have for us?
What have previous people in in this position done that you would like to see continued, and conversely, what is one area of improvement you consistently note for this position?

What happens during the typical day/shift?

Does this position offer any kind of tuition reimbursement if I were to pursue an MLIS?

[City that the branch is in] has undergone a lot of changes in recent years, in particular, we've seen an expanding and diversifying community along with a much higher cost of living. How has the library adapted to these changes?
Library ClerkPublic LibraryAdult ServicesWestern USSuburban areaResearch as much as possible! I did thorough pre-interview research for a hypothetical question about recommending books (after scouring this spreadsheet), which meant when the "book about trains" question came around, I had a list of clarifying questions to ask and databases to consult. My response elicited a "Wow, I really love that answer" from one of the interviewers! Also, have an anecdote/example prepared for a variety of answers. Take deep breaths, take your time, sip water, etc. if you need time to think.
3/29/2023 17:54:41Skype/Video ChatFirst roundWhat interests you in this position?
What do you think most qualifies you for this position?
What are you your short term and long term career goals?
Describe a time when you have encountered a problem or something you didn’t understand in your work. What did you do, and what was the outcome?
Could you elaborate on the types of materials that you have the most experience cataloging and the least experience cataloging?
What things have you done to become more effective at your job in your current or former position?
How is the library approaching DEIA issues? Are there any dei projects happening or planned?
What does collaboration between departments look like for your team?
What work are you hoping the person in this position will bring to the team right out of the gate, and what are you hoping they'd build toward in the future? What would you be hoping to see them doing in this positoin within a few months versus at the end of several years?
Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryCataloging/Technical ServicesWestern USUrban areaAre you asking about our current area or where the position is that I applied for? This particular response was for a job on the opposite side of the country from me.
3/28/2023 10:42:46Skype/Video ChatApplication1. There are a variety of tasks outlined in the job description that the incumbent will
need to handle. Which of these represent the greatest learning curve for you? How will
you handle this?  

2. Describe some working conditions that made you feel dissatisfied or did not bring out
your best qualities, and reflect on why. What gives you satisfaction in your work?

3. Tell us about your experience juggling work with different deadlines, and your
methods balancing detailed quality control with productivity.
1. How did the pandemic affect your work and the department's?

2. What recent projects or initiatives have been exciting or interesting?

3. What new projects or initiatives are coming up for the department?
Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryCataloging/Technical Services, PreservationWestern USUrban area
3/20/2023 9:32:01Skype/Video ChatFirst roundWhat is the difference between marc21 and RDA.Was other e-resource work going to be added to the position.Library AssistantAcademic LibraryCataloging/Technical Services, Acquisitions & E-Resources ProcessorWestern USSuburban areaIt's all about personality and answering "the right way" during the interview. Hired individuals
don't necessarily have the experience or skills called for in the job post, but they do have something that made their interview better than others. Secret sauce.
3/14/2023 10:50:34In-personFirst round1. Please introduce yourself.
2. Why are you interested in this position, specifically at this location?
3. What makes you a unique applicant? What can you bring to this position?
4. Name a scenario where you knew you were correct and/or had to follow policies but had to resolve conflict with another person. In general, how would you confront a library patron?
5. Are you able to work in a public setting where you may be interrupted a lot?
6. Are you able to work [specific hours of position]?
7. How do you go about working independently vs. working in a team? Do you have a preference for either?
8. How do you deal with conflict with a colleague or higher-up in the work setting?
9. What do you NOT want in a work environment?
10. Follow-up questions about my resume, previous work experiences, and computer skills.
1. When should I expect to hear from you? Are there any next steps that I should be aware of?
2. Was there anything of concern or anything that I should clarify?
3. How did the library navigate changes from the pandemic?
4. [City name] has changed a lot in the past few years, from the expanding and diversifying immigrant communities, to gentrification, to new developments. How has the library adapted?
5. What are some of your favorite events/programs/resources?
Paraprofessional AssistantPublic LibraryAdult Services, Cataloging/Technical Services, Children’s Services, Outreach, ProgrammingNortheastern USUrban areaRelax! Like some other people who answered in this form, the employers/interviewers also tend to look for personality/community fit, not just qualifications. The folks who interviewed me were kind and fair and let me know that they were asking all applicants the same questions without any trick questions. I should also note that I was interviewed by a panel of four people -- 2 library directors, 1 junior librarian, and 1 HR staff member.
3/13/2023 5:08:21In-personFirst roundThe responsibilities of this position include things like digital exhibitions as well as patron image requests. Tell us how you would prioritize patron vs. institutional needs?

Tell us about your experience working with Omeka.

How comfortable are you with acting as the subject authority on digital media at (library) and asking colleagues to defer to your expertise?

Tell us what you know about the long-term digital archive at (institution)?

Tell us about a project you found challenging and how you saw it through?

What attracted you to this position and make you want to apply for it?

Please describe strengths you have using specific technologies, tools and software that would be helpful for this position.

What do you think are the latest trends in digital library services as they pertain to special collections, and why are they important?
Work culture between library and faculty, expectations for first six monthsTwo or more years of experienceAcademic LibrarySpecial CollectionsSouthern USUrban area
3/10/2023 3:55:20In-personSecond roundWhat motivates you?
Tell us a time that you failed and what you learned from it.
Tell us about a good/bad manager you had and what made them good/bad.
Why should we hire you rather than the other candidate(s)?
What sort of leadership qualities are you looking for in the person that fills this position?
What is the biggest challenge the town will face in the next 5 years and how will this affect the library?
What measures do you take to ensure effective communication occurs from the top down and across departments?
What actions are you taking to prevent burnout among staff (or to support management who are trying to prevent burnout among their team members)?
Department HeadPublic LibraryCataloging/Technical ServicesNortheastern USCity/town
1/20/2023 10:18:05Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. Tell us about yourself. 2. What is a project that was memorable for you? What worked, didn't work, and what did you learn from it? 3. What drew you to this internship and what do you hope to gain from it? 4. How would you describe yourself in the workplace? How would your coworkers and supervisors describe you? 5. Describe a time where a mentor helped motivate you and how did they do it? 6. Describe a time where you had to create a lesson. How did you go about the research process and putting materials together? 7. Describe how diversity works in higher ed and the workplace. 8. How do you handle multiple deadlines at a time?I asked how long the internship typically lastsInternshipAcademic LibraryInstruction, Liaison, Medical, ReferenceSouthern USUrban area
1/15/2023 15:21:09Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. Why do you want to work at this institution?
2. At this institution, we have files interfiled, how do you handle those files?
3. How would you go about appraising materials that have donated?
4. Name a time you failed.
1. What is the size of the backlog?
2. How does one measure success in this role?
Digital archivist ArchivesSpecial collectionsSouthern USUrban area
1/11/2023 10:28:01In-personFirst round- Describe your library experience.
- Describe working with a team.
- Provided a scenario of a patron being disruptive & asked how I would address the situation.
- What was the last book that you recommended & why did you recommend it?
- Describe your experience with tech troubleshooting.
- Describe/ list software programs that you have used.
- Describe working with a diverse community.
- Provided a scenario of planning a program that was six months away & asked for ways that you would promote the program and keep people engaged.
- I asked about work scheduling because the position was part-time and I am entering my last semester of graduate school.
- I asked about any permanent changes to library programs that resulted due to the pandemic.
Entry levelPublic LibraryAdult ServicesSouthern USSuburban areaThe hiring manager provided a very good overview of the library system, the position itself, and the potential for career development.
They also provided a hard copy of the interview questions for me to refer to during the interview. I found it very helpful to have the copy to read while they read the questions out loud. It helped me focus on the question while I was nervous. Also I could glance back at the question while I was answering & make sure I was answering all parts of the question. I wanted to pass that along for managers conducting interviews.
12/8/2022 9:01:59In-personFirst roundTell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult patron. Tell us about a mistake you've made on the job and how you handled it. In this position, you will be part of a team that works collaboratively to provide excellent service. Please discuss a project or program you worked on with a team and how your contribution led to positive outcomes. Describe yourself in one word. What is a common misperception supervisors or coworkers have about you? Why? Tell us about a time you used creativity to solve a problem. How do you respond to criticism? Have you ever had to "go the extra mile" to satisfy a customer? What did you do?
Entry levelPublic LibraryAdult Services, Children’s Services, Programming, Reference, Teen ServicesSouthern USSuburban area
12/8/2022 8:51:35In-personThird roundWe wanted to give you an opportunity to give us your elevator speech. Tell us what you are

passionate about.

Please describe a project where you were required to collaborate with colleagues, as a member

of a team, but not in a leadership role. How did you deal with conflict (e.g. competing agendas)

on the project?

What did you learn that can inform your future collaborations?

Is there anything else about you that you think is important to share with this committee?

How have you informed faculty members about Information Literacy? What strategies have

worked for you (esp. when faculty don’t really know what Info. Lit. is?)

Have you ever built an Info Lit program from scratch and how did you or how would you

approach it? Where do you start?

What questions do you have for us?

Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryInstruction, ReferenceSouthern USSuburban areaInformation Literacy Librarian at a small liberal arts college
12/8/2022 8:50:46Skype/Video ChatFirst roundWhat interests you about this position at New College?

What is your favorite Frame in the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy and how have you

incorporated it into your instruction?

What is your experience working with diverse populations?

Describe an instruction workshop or interaction that did not go as you planned and how you

created a positive outcome.

Academic librarians at the Jane Bancroft Cook Library are asked to publish and/or present as

part of promotion requirements. What are your research interests?

What questions do you have for the committee?
Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryInstruction, ReferenceSouthern USSuburban areaInformation Literacy Librarian at small liberal arts college
12/8/2022 8:49:27In-personThird roundWe wanted to give you an opportunity to give us your elevator speech. Tell us what you are passionate about.

Please describe a project where you were required to collaborate with colleagues, as a member of a team, but not in a leadership role. How did you deal with conflict (e.g. competing agendas) on the project?

What did you learn that can inform your future collaborations?

How have you worked with faculty members about Information Literacy? What strategies have worked for you (esp. when faculty don’t really know what Info. Lit. is)?

Have you had an opportunity to teach a semester-long course? If you had that opportunity at New College, what might you like to teach? What is your approach to curriculum design in the context of information literacy?

If you had to build an information literacy program from scratch how would you do it?

(optional) How would you gather input from various stakeholders?

(if time) At New College we have various programs to support students, such as Quantitative Resource Center, the Writing Center, Student Success, how would you see the role of the ID librarian in partnering with these programs?

(if time) How would you promote student engagement in and with the library?

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself? Do you have any questions for us?We wanted to give you an opportunity to give us your elevator speech. Tell us what you are passionate about.

Please describe a project where you were required to collaborate with colleagues, as a member of a team, but not in a leadership role. How did you deal with conflict (e.g. competing agendas) on the project?

What did you learn that can inform your future collaborations?

How have you worked with faculty members about Information Literacy? What strategies have worked for you (esp. when faculty don’t really know what Info. Lit. is)?

Have you had an opportunity to teach a semester-long course? If you had that opportunity at New College, what might you like to teach? What is your approach to curriculum design in the context of information literacy?

If you had to build an information literacy program from scratch how would you do it?

(optional) How would you gather input from various stakeholders?

(if time) At New College we have various programs to support students, such as Quantitative Resource Center, the Writing Center, Student Success, how would you see the role of the ID librarian in partnering with these programs?

(if time) How would you promote student engagement in and with the library?

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself? Do you have any questions for us?
Tell me about your passions and interests. I asked the folks specific questions about how they've worked with librarians before (since none of them were librarians) and about their classes, etc. Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryInstruction, Outreach, Web ServicesSouthern USSuburban areaResearch and Instructional Design Librarian at a small liberal arts college. I got the job!
12/8/2022 8:47:27Skype/Video ChatFirst roundPlease tell us briefly about yourself and what interests you about this position at New College?

What is your favorite Frame in the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy and how have you incorporated it into your instruction?

What is your experience working with diverse populations? How do you envision providing outreach for these groups at New College?

What experience do you have in working in a variety of instructional contexts, and how do you adapt your instructional approach to the situation when working with faculty versus students?

What is your experience, if any, with instructional technologies?

Academic librarians at the Jane Bancroft Cook Library are asked to publish and/or present as part of promotion requirements. What are your research interests?

What questions do you have for the committee?
Why weren't librarians on this committee? What professional development opportunities are there?Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryInstruction, Outreach, Web ServicesSouthern USSuburban areaResearch and Instructional Design Librarian at a small liberal arts college
11/28/2022 10:26:52Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. Please describe what you like in a work environment.
2. If you had a perfect job environment, what would it be?
3. What is your approach to innovation and experimentation?
4. Which types of decisions are easiest for you to make and which are the most difficult
and why?
5. Please explain your approach to problem solving and give an example if possible. 
6. Would you rather formulate a plan or carry it out?
7. Tell me about suggestions you made at your current/previous position to improve service
(or costs/morale/input).
8. What would your current or previous supervisor tell us about your dependability or
9. Tell me about a difficult work situation you experienced and how you resolved it. 
10. What experience have you had working with student employees? 
11. Tell me about training techniques you would use for Student Employees in this
12. Could you describe your experience in public service, including your approach to
customer service? 
13. Please provide specific samples of how you’ve incorporated diversity and inclusion into
your past work? 
14. Tell me about your ILS (Integrated Library System) experience. Which ILS have you
15. What functions or aspects of this ILS are you most familiar with? Acquisitions?
Cataloging?   Have you run reports? Created lists? Done bulk record updates?
16. Tell us about your experience with cataloging and technical services.
17. Tell us about your experience with digitization.  
18. Tell us about your experience with basic computer programs - such as Microsoft Office. 
19. What has been the most rewarding thing about your most recent job?
20. How do you stay up to date with the library profession?
21. How does this job fit into the career path you have set for yourself?
22. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about your skills or experience that has
not been addressed in this interview?
Library AssistantAcademic LibraryCataloging/Technical Services, ReferenceWestern USUrban area
11/2/2022 8:35:34Skype/Video ChatFirst roundGive a 15 minute presentation on the value of this type of library and how you would champion it in the university and beyond [given prompt ahead of time].
1. What are your specific interests in this type of library and what exerience do you have providing reference work?
2. How comfortable are you working with patrons from diverse backgrounds?
3. What do you understand the responsibilities of this position to be?
4. What do you already know about this library and its services?
5. What experience do you have with archival collections (A/V, photo negatives, etc.) and with determining what to add to an archive?
6. What experience do you have with the use, improvement, and maintenance of databases (both vendor created and homegrown)?
7. What experience do you have with the use, improvement, and maintenance of library websites, and what do you like or dislike about the library's current website?
8. What is your experience with liasing for a college department? Are you able to troubleshoot and provide mentorship in the use of library ILS, databases, and equipment?
How many employees do you have, and what is the structure or heirarchy?
What do you like most about working here?
What is the typical collaboration like per year between this library and other partners around campus and the community?
Was this a vacant position or was it created just now?
What opportunities are there for training and professional development?
What benefits of working here do you take advantage of though it might not be reflected in the job description?
Two or more years of experienceSpecial LibraryLiaison, Outreach, Special Collections, ArchivesWestern USUrban area
10/28/2022 7:33:00In-personFirst roundHow will you develop the collection? How will you incorporate different cultures into your programming? What types of programs would you like to lead based on your experience and skills? What type of program would you lead based on something you have no experience doing? What type of supervisory experience have you had? Why should we hire you? How will you multitask, prioritize tasks, and stay on top of deadlines? How have you implemented programs in the past?What would you like children to take out of their experience at the library? What will be expected of me in the first 30 days of employment? Two or more years of experiencePublic LibraryChildren’s Services, Teen ServicesNortheastern USSuburban area
10/25/2022 15:15:58In-personApplicationThey started with some "get to know you" questions (what genres do you like to read? what do you do in your free time?)
other questions were: how do you prioritize tasks? how are you with speaking in front of groups? what would you do if a patron asked you a question and you didn't know the answer? how would you handle an upset patron? what are your strengths and weaknesses? what is your experience level with computers, excel, word? what do you think you may have trouble with in this position? what would you do if you were having communication issues with a coworker? do you prefer to receive feedback in person or in writing? what is the best way I could motivate you (e.g. positive feedback, more responsibilities, etc.)?
what does the training process for this position look like?Library AidePublic LibraryAdult Services, Children’s Services, ProgrammingNortheastern USRural areathis was my first time interviewing for a library position and I was nervous but I got the job! be yourself - during the interview they told me they thought I'd fit in well there and reiterated that again when they offered me the job. keep in mind that they're also looking for the best fit personality-wise, not just qualification-wise.
10/18/2022 12:21:33Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. Briefly summarize your work history & education

2. What made you apply for this position?

3. Describe your experience with providing training or instruction for a group. What tools and strategies have you used to assess participants' learning?

4. Do you have a coach or mentor who has influenced you or made an impact? What advice did they share with you that has contributed to your current success?

5. How did you adapt to the challenges of the pandemic? (Specifically, working remotely, strategies for staying motivated and engaged while working from home)

6. Tell me about your experience working with and serving a diverse population.

7. What are your go-to sources for [liaison area] information?

8. What steps would you take to build relationships with [liaison area] faculty, staff, and students?

9. One of the preferred qualifications for this position is experience with data analysis and visualization tools. Tell us about a time you used a tool to tell a story using data.
1. How did work and life at the library change with the pandemic? What are they doing differently as we move toward a “post-pandemic” world?

2. How is the liaison relationship with [liaison area]? For ex, are they already heavy users of library services, is there room for outreach, etc?

3. What are some of the challenges in working with [liaison area]?

We ran out of time, but I had questions prepared on collaboration across the university's libraries, what is something they love about working there, what sort of DEIA work is happening at their institution, and the tenure/promotion process.
Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryLiaison, MedicalSouthern USUrban area
10/7/2022 18:04:42In-personFirst round- What are three skills, attributes or experiences that make you a strong candidate for this position?
- This position has a heavy emphasis on creating and coordinating programming for adults. What strategies would you use to come up with program ideas?
- Situational: If you see a coworker (professional or paraprofessional) in an interaction with a member of the public and it seems to be going badly, how would you react/respond?
--> Follow up: would you act differently if they were paraprofessional or professional?
- This is not a supervisory role, but it would still be important to show leadership in your work. What strategies would you use to demonstrate your leadership abilities?
- What strategies would you use to manage your projects in the event that you had to fill time on the public information desk unexpectedly?
- How would you reflect equity, diversity and inclusion as priorities in your work?
- How does this position fit into your career goals?
If this position has a community-led focus, is there a particular relationship outside the library that I would be carrying on if I am the successful candidate?

What would you say is the most challenging part of this position?

Two or more years of experiencePublic LibraryAdult Services, ProgrammingCanadaUrban area
9/29/2022 11:02:37Skype/Video ChatFirst round- Tell us about your undergrad and graduate education.
- What attracted you to this internship?
- Tell us how you have used archives.
- Tell us about your experience working in an archive.
- Tell us about content management systems you have used.
- How do you handle fragile items in an archive?
- Do you like to work independently? What are the pros & cons of working independently?
- Will there be opportunities to work with digitizing?
- Will there be opportunities to work with other departments?
- What is the timeline going forward? [Note - the interview was held two weeks after the internship had been advertised to start, so they had acknowledged they were behind schedule.]
InternshipArchivesCataloging/Technical ServicesSouthern USUrban area
9/28/2022 13:19:18PhoneFirst round1. Tell us about your career trajectory so far and what interested you about this position and/or Wayne State University.
2. Couldyoudescribeyourapproachtouser-focusedservices,especiallyasrelated to the social sciences, library instruction, and reference?
3. This position will serve as a liaison to one or more subject areas in the Social Sciences. How might you build professional relationships within the institution, focusing on fellow librarians as well as faculty and students?
4. How have you incorporated Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity considerations into your professional life so far? How might this position support continued work in this area?
5. What characteristics or abilities do you feel are most important for an academic librarian to possess? What strategies do you have for staying up to date with developments in those areas?
6. Describe a work scenario in which you would seek out the advice and expertise of a colleague.
7. While Wayne State is navigating the return to primarily on-campus activities, the past few years have broadened perceptions of how users and librarians might interact. How do you see remote working strategies supporting the duties of this position?
8. What questions do you have for us?
1. What does success look like in this position? 2. How does the library system support librarians in their positions? (I don’t remember the other questions 😬)Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryInstruction, Liaison, ReferenceMidwestern USUrban area
9/20/2022 16:44:07In-personSecond roundWhat drew you to working here?
Are you familiar with law libraries?
How have you advocated for DEI in the past?
What sort of vendors/database providers have you worked with?
What was a project that you initiated using library e-resources?
What is your experience with libcal/libguide SpringShare apps?
What do you do if you come across a policy that seemed wrong to you?
What do you do if a student you are supervising isn't performing well?
Do you work individually or collaboratively?
How do you work with fellow staff members and what are your expectations of them?
What professional areas do you want to grow more in?
What are some benefits about working here that aren't reflected on the job description? What is the most fulfilling/most difficult thing about working here?
What e-resources are the most used? If money was not a problem, what e-resource would you add?
Are there opportunities for professional development?
How do you handle employee evaluations?
e-resources manager / paraprofessionallaw libraryCataloging/Technical Services, LawWestern USUrban areaStay Resolute.
9/7/2022 11:30:02Skype/Video ChatBuilding a list/Initial screenWhat is your communication style, especially with supervisors?
How do you organize your time with scheduling and prioritizing?
What makes a good team dynamic, what role do you usually play, and an example of your work on a team
Give an example of a detail-oriented project you have had to work on.
What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this position?
How does the institution promote work/life balance?
What does hybrid look like for this position? (it was briefly mentioned in the job description)
Entry levelAcademic LibraryLawNortheastern USCity/town
8/30/2022 16:25:46In-personApplicationwhy do you want to work here?
what kind of teen program would you come up with?
a time where you needed attention to detail
you're helping an upset patron about a bill and there's a line of of people behind trying to get library cards what would you do?
is there any room for advancement?
is there any support/assistance to pursue higher education like a masters?
can you see any issue or place i might struggle in?
Library AssistantPublic LibraryTeen ServicesSouthwest USsmall town
8/5/2022 6:49:09In-personFirst roundDescribe what customer service means to you
You have a co-worker who is being rude to patrons and isn't living up to customer service standards. How would you handle the situation?
What's your supervisory experience?
Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation involving a patron
Describe a time when you had to handle an emergency situation at a job
A group of teens is being rambunctious in the library and disturbing other patrons. How do you handle the situation?
Why are you the best candidate for this position?
How do you promote reading within your local community?
How do you make connections with local schools, government organizations, or businesses within the community?
Describe a team you were part of a team that was in charge of a big project. What were the challenges you faced?
This job requires you to work weeknights and weekends, on a rotating basis. Is this a problem for you?
How many people work in the children's department and how many people would I be supervising?
Are there schools nearby to this branch, and does the branch get busy after school?
SupervisoryPublic LibraryChildren’s ServicesNortheastern USCity/townI also had to develop a 5 minute presentation on a program I would design for children in grades 2-5 based on a book or author that would promote reading and the library. This was my first time interviewing for a supervisory position, and I have to admit I felt so uncomfortable and nervous. There were five people interviewing me, and there was little to no conversation. Just one question to the next. I had a hard time reading them and if they liked my responses or not. I felt so unsure of how it went when I walked out.
8/3/2022 12:11:17In-personFirst roundWhat are my top strengths/weaknesses, why do I want to work in this community, talk about a successful project managing story, talk about my experience in youth services, talk about a difficult patron interaction I had and how I navigated that situation, do I have experience with diverse/rural communities, what's my favorite genrewhy did the previous YS librarian leaveEntry levelPublic LibraryChildren’s Services, Teen ServicesNortheastern USRural areabe prepared to to a mock-storytime!
7/31/2022 18:00:40Skype/Video ChatFirst round- Why are you interested in this position and what makes you a good candidate?
- Tell us about the most challenging class and which class you enjoyed the most.
- You will be helping with storytelling, original research, write articles and posts about the county. Tell us about any experience you may have that would prepare you for this.
- What have you accomplished that shows your initiative and willingness to work?
- What is your favorite time period?
- What experience do you have with the public and planning public events?
N/A, was a one-way interview via Spark HireManagement InternArchivesOutreach, ProgrammingWestern USCity/town
7/22/2022 21:36:25In-personSecond roundTell us about yourself, why you're interested in this role and what in your background makes you notably qualified for it.
Which aspect (or aspects) of the position would pose the most significant area of growth for you, and what might you do to meet that challenge?
Describe a tome when you effectively worked on multiple projects involving other people and within set deadlines. How did you manage unexpected changes, which could have been positive or negative?
Describe a work situation in which you went above and beyond what was required without being asked.
What classes did you find most interesting in graduate school?
Please share what sparked your initial interest in archives and how have you pursued this interest.
Is there a philosophy, model or mentor that has guided your work as an archivist?
What part of your past work are you most proud of or has given you the most satisfaction?
Please describe a situation or project you worked on that required collaboration and the role you took in that collaboration.
What kind of work environment is most productive and comfortable for you? How do you handle disruptions, interruptions or changes in priorities?
How do you set priorities when you have competing projects and limited time?
Describe a situation in which you did "all the right things" and were still unsuccessful. What did you learn from this experience?
How does this job fit in with your overall career goals?
This position requires attention to detail while working on multiple projects at the same time. Can you describe how you would keep track of progress and set priorities?
How do you handle multiple disruptions in your work day?
How do you keep up with emerging trends in the profession?
What is the largest collection you have processed/or worked with?

What are the biggest challenges the person in this position will face?
Can you describe a typical day or week in the position?
How will the success of the person in this position be measured?
How would you describe your management style?
What does diversity, equity and inclusion mean to you and how do they relate to the working environment?
Entry levelSpecial Collections/University Archive (Academic Library)Archival ProcessingSouthern USCity/townThis was an all day interview for a position in the archives at a university library. I interviewed with multiple groups without the day, and gave a 20 minute presentation followed by a Q&A session.
7/18/2022 13:45:52Skype/Video ChatFirst roundWhat interests you in the position? What interests you in this institution? What contribution have you made to the archive that you are proud of? How would you grow collections around underrepresented groups? How would you handle the teaching component of this position?Can you tell me about the expectations of the teaching component? Can I continue my research in this position (would be moving from faculty to admin)?Two or more years of experienceArchivesLiaison, Outreach, ReferenceNortheastern USCity/townMinimum salary starting 53K for college archivist job
7/12/2022 17:07:48In-personFirst roundWhy are you the best candidate for this role; how would a patron/colleague/supervisor describe you; what is your vision for the future of teen librarianship; how do you plan to incorporate technologies/makerspace into your work; what would you do if a teen's parent complained about drag queen storytime and how it's immoral; tell us about a time you had to respond to racism/prejudice from a patron; what are the benefits/challenges of building community partnerships?What would a successful year look like in this position
What supports do you offer to first-time librarians
Do you have any reservations about my abilities to do this role that i can address right now
Entry levelPublic LibraryAdult Services, Outreach, Programming, Teen ServicesCanadaCity/town
6/15/2022 22:19:08Skype/Video ChatFirst roundSorry. a little scarred for horrible interview. questions are scattered and paraphrased.

what are your qualifications?
How would you integrate technology into the library?
What would a classroom visit for 3rd graders look like?
How would you facilitate the school's anti-bullying and behavioral ideals? (This school used Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS))
What are three ways you would promote the library and reading?
How are you furthering your education and learning because we like to surround ourselves with staff who are at the top of their game? (I'm not sure I am wording this right...)
How would you provide equity and inclusion in the library?
What are some ways you would collaborate with teaching staff?
What did you like about the school library?
What would you change about the school library?
If the school had to close again for unforeseen reasons like a pandemic, what would the role of the school librarian be?
What does a typical day look like for the school library?
What kind of technology is in the library?
How would you describe the culture of the staff and school?
Library Media TechniciaSchool LibraryChildren’s ServicesWestern USSuburban area
6/13/2022 11:51:49In-personSecond round1. Why did you apply? 2. What was your process in applying? 3. What will you do if you're not accepted? 4. Why did you decide to be a health sciences librarian? 5. What social and industry trends do you see impacting libraries over the next 10 years? 6. What is your definition of leadership? 7. Could you describe a difficult situation? 8. Describe a time when you worked in a team to complete a project? 9. How would you describe yourself in five words? Entry levelSpecial LibraryMedicalNortheastern USUrban area
6/13/2022 11:46:11PhoneFirst round1. Why do you want this position? 2. What experience do you have with evidence synthesis? 3. How do you prioritize? 4. What experience do you have with collection development?1. What makes this institution a good place to work? 2. Are there any gaps within the library system that you would like to see addressed by the successful candidate?Two or more years of experienceAcademic LibraryLiaison, MedicalCanadaUrban area
6/13/2022 11:35:59PhoneFirst round1. Why do you want this position? 2. What led you to librarianship? 3. What is your favourite and least favourite aspect of librarianship? 4. Tell me about a time you were successful. 5. Tell us a time when things didn't go so well.1. What are some projects that have been chosen by people in this position in the past? 2. What are a couple of the most valuable skills/experiences you had in this position? (This was a co-op/fellowship type position with past students present in the interview.)Entry levelSpecial LibraryMedicalNortheastern USUrban area
6/13/2022 11:29:04In-personSecond round1. Why are you interested in this position? 2. Can you describe your understanding of liaison roles? 3. What is unique to [this liaison area]? 4. Why are your strengths? 5. How do you see this position in connection with your professional growth? 6. What is your experience working with a diverse population? 7. What do you see as big changes to the field of academic librarianship over recent years? 8. What are your research interests?Entry levelAcademic LibraryLiaison, MedicalSouthern USUrban area
6/13/2022 11:20:10PhoneFirst round1. Tell me about your experience in these liaison areas? 2. What is your experience with information literacy instruction? 3. Tell us about a memorable teaching moment? 4. What is your experience with collection development?1. What is the relationship with faculty like? 2. How does the library system support open access?Entry levelAcademic LibraryInstructionCanadaCity/town
6/13/2022 11:15:38In-personSecond round1. What interests you/what are your goals/what gets you excited? 2. What challenges you? 3. Can you speak to your experience building relationships with faculty? 3. How do you stay current? 4. Tell me about your experience with group work? 4. This school has a lot of underrepresented students - do you have any experience working with underrepresented communities? 5. How would your colleagues describe you? 6. How do you handle working with people that have different personalities and viewpoints from your own?1. How is the current relationship between the faculty and the library? 2. How are libraries supported in terms of professional development? 3. Is there any emphasis on particular duties (more time spent on reference vs collections vs instruction, etc)?Entry levelAcademic LibraryInstruction, Liaison, Medical, ReferenceSouthern USUrban area
6/13/2022 11:04:15PhoneFirst round1. List the elements of client services that are important in reference. 2. Tell me about the strengths and weaknesses of one research database. 3. Tell me about a time you worked as part of a group to overcome challenges. 4. What is your experience with collaborative technology? 5. How do you deal with difficult clients? 6. What are four access points in a bibliographic record?Co-opSpecial LibraryReferenceCanadaUrban area
5/11/2022 7:03:55Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. What relevant experience do you have?
2. Describe a time that you participated on a project as part of a team.
3. What is a project that you are particularly proud of?
4. What does DEI work mean to you?
5. What elements of the job description stood out to you/why are you interested in this job?
1. What does reference look like at your institution? Do you have a desk? Is it staffed?
2. What are some examples of projects that the previous person in this position completed/what are some of their accomplishments?
3. What are your goals for this position? What would you like to see accomplished in the first few months?
4. How often do classes visit/what kind of instruction sessions do you do?
Two or more years of experienceSpecial Collections (Academic Library)Cataloging/Technical Services, Outreach, ReferenceNortheastern USCity/town
4/18/2022 7:08:55In person, phone, and ZoomWas asked in first and second roundWhat's the difference between your real self and your ideal self?; If an alien spaceship landed in your backyard and asked you to go with them would you?; What kind of animal are you: list of three was given but I can't remember what they were; several others like this that had nothing to do with skill and ability to do job. This was for ALL new positionsPublic LibraryChildren’s Services, Programming, Teen ServicesSouthern USSuburban areaI was later told these were personality test questions, but I have yet to figure out what personality test 8 years later. One of the admins LOVED weird, never heard of personality tests. If they start asking weird questions like this, the place is toxic. Run, don't walk, away. It's a screening technique to find compliant people they can control.
3/24/2022 16:35:34In-personFirst round1. Please tell us about your work experience and why you are interested in this position.
2. How did you prepare for this interview?
3. A patron asks you for materials in a genre that is unfamiliar to you. How do you help them?
4. Please describe your experiences with library programming.
5. You are at the reference desk on a busy afternoon. A patron is asking you for research help on water pollution, the phone begins to ring, and another patron calls out that the printer is jammed. Right then, a child vomits on the floor. How do you handle these competing situations?
6. The library resists censorship and upholds intellectual freedom. Keeping that in mind, how would you respond to a patron who is complaining about the content in the book "Heather Has Two Mommies?"
7. Please describe your experience providing library services and resources to children.
8. How would you prepare for an outreach visit for teens to a local high school?
1. What kind of mentoring do you offer to new librarians?
2. In a post-pandemic world, what do you feel are the greatest challenges facing this library system?
Entry levelPublic LibraryAdult Services, Children’s Services, Programming, Teen Services, Collection developmentWestern USUrban areaThis was a panel interview for several positions: Adult Services, Teen Services, Collections/Programming, and floater librarian
11/23/2021 21:49:36In-personFirst round1. What three skills or abilities do you bring to the positions
2. EDI policies are a priority for this library. How do you bring these principles to your work?
3. How does this position align with your career goals?
4. A patron comes to you holding a baby and angrily asks why people are allowed to sleep in the library, especially ones who "smell" and snore. What would you tell her?
5. It is Sunday and you are on an acting supervisor shift. A toilet starts overflowing, you can see it beginning to spread all over the floor. How do you respond?
6. A community partner organisation is giving a program in the library and one of the attendees makes some disparaging comments about "immigrants". The program presenter ignores the comments and moves on. What would you do/how would you step in?
7. Just as you are closing, a child is found alone in the library and no one is able to contact their parent. Your shift ends in 10 minutes and then all the staff will be gone. How do you help the child?
Follow up: the parent arrives several minutes after your shift ends. What do you tell them?
1. Does this interview cover my other applications (several positions are open at once)
2. Is the library considering purchasing some lendable telescopes (related to pre-interview assignment)
3. What is the career trajectory for this position?
Entry levelPublic LibraryAdult Services, Children’s Services, Outreach, Programming, Reference, Teen ServicesCanadaUrban area
11/15/2021 20:03:04Skype/Video ChatFirst roundWhat has been the greatest challenge when it comes to customer service and how did you overcome it.
What is your definition of excellent customer service and what example can you provide where you delivered
Has there been a situation with a hostile co-worker and how did you overcome it.
When has there been a time where you provided excellent customer service but was not able to provide the results the customer needed
Has there been a time where you not able to provide the best service and is there anything you would do differently.
What do you think would be the biggest challenge will be in this job and what would you do to overcome it
What is a time where you worked with a diverse group of people on a project. what was your role and how was your role important (can't remember the actual q but its something like this)
Lots of q's of all types of customer service experience
what opportunities of professional development are there
what is the average day like
Library AssistantAcademic LibraryAccess servicesNortheastern USUrban area
10/10/2021 10:13:48In-personFirst roundTell us about your career and past experience with teen and adult services.
How do you describe being a team-player?
Why are you interested in working with teens?
What is your process for planning and promoting successful adult programs? How is that different from teen programs?
How do you disagree with someone while still valuing team respect?
Tell us about an innovative thing you've done in your career.
If I ask you to provide excellent customer service, what does that mean to you?
What goes into an ideal library space for teens?
How do you balance teen and adult programs?
Tell us about your best mentor or supervisor.
Tell us about a time when you've successfully managed or resolved an issue with a teen patron.
Give us an example of a failure and how you handled it.
How do you ensure every teen is treated fairly?
What is your vision for adult programming? What about teen programming?
Follow up: What kind of adult programming has worked well in the past?
How would I be involved in the YA area design project that is in the works?
What specific projects do you have in mind for me if I got this role?
How do you mentor new librarians?
Entry levelPublic LibraryAdult Services, Programming, Reference, Teen ServicesWestern USCity/townDo your research on things going on in the library. Be yourself. I actually landed this role.
10/10/2021 10:07:55In-personFirst roundWhy did you apply for this positions?
Tell me about a time when your leadership helped a situation.
Tell me about your experience with cataloging and acquisitions processes.
Tell me about your familiarity with MARC, OCLC, and Sirsi Dynix.
What is your experience working with employees in a union?
Tell me about a time when you coached and/or disciplined an employee.
Give us an example of a failure and how you handled it.
How do you handle change in policies? How do you handle it for staff and yourself?
What steps do you take to get to know staff? Would you do it different to build relations with other departments?
Give us an example of a challenging citizen complaint.
What sort of leadership qualities are you looking for with this role?
What is one of the top pain points that you have right now? How can I help if I were to get this position?
What is your definition of success within a year?
SupervisoryPublic LibraryCataloging/Technical ServicesWestern USCity/town
9/28/2021 9:18:37Skype/Video ChatFirst roundDiscuss your research areas and interests and how would they strengthen our community?
What do reference and access mean to you?
Can you tell us more about why you are interested in this position specifically? Why do you want to join this community?
If chosen, how soon could you start, what is your availability?
Can you talk a bit about the sorts if things /areas you would like to start with if chosen for this position?
What sorts of DEI initiatives is the library currently working on?
What is your vision for this position? Are duties already laid out or is there room for tailoring the position to the strengths of the person?
Is this position exempt?

Two or more years of experienceTheological/Seminary libraryInstruction, Liaison, Outreach, Programming, Reference, Course ResearvesNortheastern USUrban/Suburban/Rural (community members coming from all)Be authentic. Do your research and due diligence. Breathe.
9/15/2021 15:59:49Skype/Video ChatFirst roundWhat do the terms Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion mean to you? How would you recommend a book to a patron? There's a line, kids are yelling, and the phone rings, in what order do you handle each situation? How would you respond to a customer complaint regarding the library's collection? Describe a situation in which you received a negative response from the patron. Describe a difficult situation and what you learned from it. How would you respond to a policy change you don't agree with? Describe training that influenced how you approach customer service. What are your sexual harassment policies and how do you respond to inappropriate patrons? Do you offer tuition reimbursement for an MLS? What can you tell me about the community? What are your goals for this library branch? Library AssistantPublic LibraryReference, CirculationWestern USRural areaInterviewers are almost always looking at personality fit as much as experience. Just be yourself.
9/14/2021 14:19:44In-personFirst roundWho do you see as the audience of cataloging? Describe a time when you've had to go through a change, especially an unwelcome one. Describe a time when you've implemented a change in procedure, and how it went. Describe a time when you've had to deal with a difficult person.What will initial training and ongoing support look like? How much of what we catalog is based on item-in-hand and how much on reports etc.?Senior LibrarianPublic LibraryCataloging/Technical ServicesMidwestern USCity/town
9/8/2021 6:19:48Skype/Video ChatFirst roundLibrary AssistantAcademic LibraryMidwestern USUrban area
8/12/2021 14:55:05
7/25/2021 12:47:59In-personFirst roundWhat is your favorite children's book and why, what is a common misconception people have about you, tell me a successful lesson you've conducted, how would you work as part of a team with teachers and the other specials, tell me about a difficult behavior probl you've had in a school and how you addressed it. Entry levelSchool LibraryChildren’s ServicesNortheastern USRural areaI was surprised. I've had two interviews post covid and neither asked me to read a story.
6/30/2021 18:00:52Skype/Video ChatFirst round1. Why are you passionate about libraries? Why are you interested in this job in particular? 2. Why do you think it’s important to address diversity and equity issues in this position, and what are some ways you might do that? 3. What is your philosophy on customer service? 4. Tell us about a time you’ve successfully helped develop a team to their full potential. How did you help support them throughout the process? 5. What was the most significant change you brought about in an organization? 6. Tell us about a time when you failed as a leader and what did you learn? 7. What are the most significant outreach opportunities for libraries in the future? 8. What are the most important values and ethics you demonstrate as a leader? Give us an example of these in practice. 9. Tell us about a time when you had to complete an important task you’d never done before. How did you go about it? Were you successful? Why or why not?
10. What was the one thing you hoped we would ask you about that we didn’t?
What is your vision for this position? Clarification of differing job description from previous posting.Internal temporary manager of Circulation, Tech services, computer services, outreach, makerPublic LibraryCataloging/Technical Services, Outreach, Circulation, computer services, makerWestern USCity/town
5/18/2021 15:47:26Skype/Video ChatSecond roundWhat is your style of teaching?
Describe your approach to collection development.
Provide examples of eLearning tools.
Talk to us about your ideas of marketing and outreach.
Provide an example of incorporating diversity and/or inclusion in your teaching
In a group setting, such as a library faculty meeting, what do you contribute?
Talk about your work style — what does it take for you to get the job done?
Which faculty make the greatest use of their liaison connection and which the least?
What is the number one, long-term goal of this position?
What are the immediate concerns for this position in the first 30, 60, and/or 90 days?
What challenges has the library and/or institution faced in the last year (I.e. pandemic) and over the last 5 years (to look at larger structural issues)?
How are new faculty/librarians on-boarded?
What support is there for research, publication, and presentation?
Entry levelAcademic LibraryInstruction, Liaison, Outreach, ReferenceMidwestern USCity/townThe Zoom interview lasted all-day (8am-4pm) and there were many different stakeholders to gear different questions. For example, I didn’t ask the library search committee about DEI and liaison work, I asked the faculty and larger community for their impressions. There was also an hour long teaching demo plus Q&A and the questions from the community were great and gave a good insight into the culture of the institution!
4/26/2021 5:20:12In-personFirst roundWhat LMS have you used What CPD opportunities do you provide for this position Library AssistantSchool LibraryReferenceUKCity/town
4/22/2021 14:46:57Skype/Video ChatFirst roundIt was very tricky because the interviewer was the head of the department and spent most of the interview trying to sell me on the law firm job. It was difficult to get a word in. The only concrete question I remember being asked was about my general law library experience.Is this a new role or position? How many other people do the same job? Would the person hired for this position be assigned to a specific legal practice area?Research Librarian (Reporting the Director of Library Services)International Law FirmLaw, ReferenceMidwestern USUrban areaThis position was open nationwide, regardless of proximity to a firm. I was not selected for a second interview.
4/22/2021 14:40:55Skype/Video ChatSecond roundWhat kind of legal-specific database experience do you have? How would you format an email response to a research request? If you receive multiple time-sensitive requests, how do you prioritize your responses? Do you work well with Type-A people? Are you comfortable working remotely and responding to requests from different time zones?How did the law firm adjust to COVID-19? What is your favorite part of your job? How many other people currently hold an equivalent position to this one? What is the assignment schedule for the group email? Does this position also conduct business intelligence or marketing research or is it strictly legal research?Research Analyst (Reporting to Research Manager)Law Firm LibraryLaw, ReferenceMidwestern USUrban areaLaw firm "librarian" positions are sometimes open in multiple locations. This one was open in any state where the firm had an established office but did not require work on-site.
4/12/2021 12:17:48In-personSecond round 1. In this position, you will be part of a team that works collaboratively to provide excellent service. Please discuss a project or program you worked on with a team and how your contribution led to positive outcomes.
2. What is a common misperception supervisors or coworkers have about you? Why?
3. Give an example of a project or work responsibility that required you to coordinate efforts across departmental boundaries. What challenges did you encounter? How did you handle them?
4. What sort of organizational changes have you found most difficult to accept?
5. Have you ever had to "go the extra mile" to satisfy a customer? What did you do?
6. What strategies would you use if you were participating in a small group meeting and there were divergent opinions or multiple solutions proposed to solve a problem?
7. In the workplace, how do you express your sense of humor with coworkers and the public?
8. We've all experienced something "slipping through the cracks." Tell me about a time when this happened to you, what you did about it, and what, if anything, you did to prevent it from happening again.
9. What is one of the best children's books you've read this year? What kind of reader would you recommend it to?
10. What questions do you have for us?
YS LibrarianPublic LibraryChildren’s ServicesSouthern USSuburban areaThe question about "how do you show your sense of humor" really caught me off guard!
4/10/2021 10:28:28Skype/Video ChatFirst roundThey asked their questions rather quickly, so I wasn't able to get all parts of all questions in my notes. However, here's what I was able to salvage:
-Why are you interested in this position?
-A hypothetical patron comes to you for help researching the artist of a piece in their personal collection. What resources (in person and remote) would you use to help this person and why?
-What library tasks would you say you perform well? What tasks do you not perform so well, and what measures are you taking to gain the ability to do them well?
-Who is your favorite artist and why?
-You mention in the job description that the person in this role will help with the development and implementation of a cataloging plan. Could you tell me a bit more about where you are now and what you are anticipating in terms of direction, timing, and contributions I could make if offered the position?
-How would you describe a typical day at the Library, both before the COVID-19 pandemic and now?
-How has everyone been staying connected and productive while physically distanced? Has it affected your work and/or morale?
-Which automated library system do you all use?
-What do you enjoy most about working at the Museum?
Library AssistantMuseum LibraryAdult Services, Cataloging/Technical Services, Outreach, Reference, Collection MaintenanceSouthern USCity/townI tailored my questions to the current situation we are all in with the COVID-19 pandemic and folks working remotely. The Museum (in which the Library is located) may be open to the public with timed ticketed entry and safety precautions, but the Library itself is still closed to the public. A couple of these questions may not be viable anymore after the pandemic is demoted from a public health crisis.
4/10/2021 10:08:43Skype/Video ChatSecond round-What makes you an ideal candidate for this position? How has your education and experience prepared you for this role, and what excites you about the position?
-Tell us about one of your best customer service experiences. What do you think exemplifies good patron support?
-Can you please describe your communication style and how you navigate working with others?
-Understating that conflict in the workplace sometimes occurs, can you please describe for us a specific experience you have had dealing with conflict? How did you go about resolving the situation?
-What classification system is used in your current or most recent library work setting? Please describe your level of familiarity with: Library of Congress Classification, OCLC Connexion, and Classification Web?
-In your current role or in the most recent role where you catalogued, how do you manage your cataloguing workflow and balance between quality and quantity of records?
-You have been tasked with inventorying and cataloguing the 90+ serials titles in the Library. How would you go about approaching this task and how do you envision working through the project from implementation to conclusion?
-How would you manage a backlog of 800 books that need to be reviewed, checked against current holdings and catalogued?
-Curators are one of the Library's core patron groups. Can you tell us about your experience supporting information needs common to this group, such as collection/exhibition history, provenance, genealogical, and/or archival research?
-How would you create a library environment that is welcoming, inclusive, and diverse?
-How is the library viewed by staff members, and how does this differ from the way it is viewed by members of the public?
-Can you please describe your management style? (Asked of the person who would be my direct supervisor)
-What would success look like in this role in 12 months?
-Based on what you've heard, is there anything about me that concerns you or needs clarification?
-What are the next steps in the process?
Library AssistantMuseum LibraryAdult Services, Cataloging/Technical Services, Outreach, Reference, Collection MaintenanceSouthern USCity/townThis was for a highly-coveted position in a museum library!
2/5/2021 11:23:40Skype/Video ChatPanel Interview (three interviewers) (not in order)
1. The library is short-staffed due to the flu. You are working the circulation desk, and there is a line of four people, and the phone won't stop ringing. What do you do?
2. What technology do you use in your day-to-day life?
3. What software do you have experience with?
4. Would you say you learn quickly?
5. What is your experience with customer service?
6. Tell us about a time you had a conflict with your employer.
7. This branch is in a very diverse community. What does diversity mean to you?
8. What is the last book you read?
9. Why should we hire you?
10. Are you okay with the fact you may come into contact with someone who has COVID?
1. What does a typical day look like for a library assistant?
2. Does training take place over-time or are the first few days dedicated to training?
3. What is the office culture like? (is it fast-paced? is it business-casual?)
Library AssistantPublic LibraryCustomer Service; Clerical Work; Front Desk; Shelving MaterialsNortheastern USCity/townThis was my first job interview in ten years--I hadn't worked since high school. Look at a panel interview more like a conversation than a grilling. I am disabled, so I had a job coach/social worker on the panel interview with me for "moral support."
The interviewers were very impressed that I had written a sociological paper about their town (No, really. I did! And that wasn't planned!). I was a research assistant intern during college and used Office to curate the sources.
For the conflict question, I talked about a big mistake I had made during a retail job: I ruined over $100 of merchandise. I had immediately gone to my supervisor to take ownership over it and I wasn't fired--the interviewers liked that a lot because I added that I was only 17 at the time, which shows maturity.
1/11/2021 14:58:38
1/1/2021 4:57:11
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