Institution NameCertificate NameDepartmental HomeOffered SinceAudienceFormatTotal Credits
Number of Courses
RequirementsRequired / Core CoursesElective Courses
Teaching Practicum Offered / Required?
Required Practical Component / Project / Internship?
Required Capstone Course / Project?
Required Portfolio?LinkNotesDescriptionActive?
DePaul UniversityGraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
In person16
ENG 469 TOPICS IN AMERICAN LITERATURE: Digital Humanities in 19th Century American Literature
ENG 475 TOPICS IN LITERATURE: Digital Humanities Tools and Methods for Literary Study
New York UniversityAdvanced Certificate in Digital Humanities
Graduate School of Arts and Science
Standalone certificate, or current graduate student
In person205
2 core programming courses; electives from GSAS graduate courses
CSCI 1120: Introduction to Programming (Python)
CSCI 1121: Working with Data
CSCI 1122: Web Development
Northwestern UniversityDigital Studies Certificate Program
School of Professional Studies
2018?Standalone (postgraduate)In person124
Core course and three electives
IPLS 420: Introduction to Digital Studies
IPLS 492: Black Chicago
LIT 405: Conceptions of the Body in Renaissance Literature
LIT 480: Topics - Proust
Digital Studies is a diverse and growing interdisciplinary field in which humanistic inquiry is enhanced and redefined by the possibilities of digital tools for the researching, analysis, publishing, distribution, and consumption of scholarly work. Pursue research topics of personal interest in literature, history, and visual culture using a variety of digital resources and analytical methods in the context of the most current theoretical discussions about the digital in the humanities.
Pratt InstituteAdvanced Certificate in Digital HumanitiesSchool of Information2015
Current master's student at Pratt, or post-master's
In person12
2 core courses, 2 elective courses
INFO 657 Digital Humanities I
INFO 659 Digital Humanities II
INFO 631 Academic Libraries & Scholarly Communications
INFO 625 Management of Archives & Special Collections
INFO 670 Cultural Heritage Description & Access
INFO 679 Museum & Digital Culture: Theory & Practice
INFO 689 Rare Books & Special Collections

Digital Content
INFO 665 Projects in Digital Archives
INFO 647 Visual Resources Management
INFO 655 Digital Preservation & Curation
INFO 668 Projects in Moving Image & Sound Archives
INFO 669 Digital Asset Management

INFO 658 Information Visualization
INFO 687 Geographic Information Systems
INFO 640 Data Analysis & Publication
INFO 630 Research Design & Methods

User Experience (UX)
INFO 644 Usability: Theory & Practice
INFO 643 Information Architecture & Interaction Design
INFO 646 Advanced User Experience Design
INFO 682 Projects in Information Experience Design

Special Topics
INFO 611 Information Policy
INFO 628 Data Management & Services
INFO 633 Strategic Leadership
INFO 663 Metadata: Description & Access
INFO 664 Programming for Cultural Heritage
INFO 680 Instructional Technologies
INFO 681 Community Building & Engagement
Salem State UniversityGraduate Certificate in Digital StudiesEnglish
Online or in-person
2 core courses, 2 electives
ENG 713 - Digital Humanities
ENG 830 - Digital Writing
LBS 724 - Electronic Technologies for Information Retrieval
LBS 850 - Emerging Technologies for Libraries
HST 703 - Oral History
HST 705 - Institute: Information Technology in History
HST 990 - Internship
ENG 715 - Topics in Digital Humanities
ENG 879 - Internship in Digital Humanities
ENG 875 - Directed Study
Innovative, flexible and practical for professionals and academics in almost any discipline, the graduate certificate in digital studies trains educators and practitioners in the humanities and sciences in the skills needed to enter and succeed in fields such as digital archiving and stewardship, museum and library curation, cultural heritage preservation, and public history.
Texas Tech University
Certificate in Book History and Digital Humanities
Department of English2013
In person / Online
6 hours core, 9 hours electives
5341 - Histories and Theories of the Book
5344 - Teaching History of the Book
5346 - Digital Humanities
ENGL 5340 - Research Methods (only applicable when contains appropriate content)
ENGL 5345 - Letterpress Printing History and Practice (onsite only)
ENGL 5347 - Scholarly Editing in Digital Environments
ENGL 5348 - Topics in History of the Book
ENGL 5349 - Religion and the Material Text
ENGL 5369 - Discourse and Technology
Thomas Edison State UniversityGraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities
School of Arts and Sciences
Online only1212 credits
DHM-510 Digital Communication (3)
DHM-610 Introduction to Digital Humanities (3)
DHM-620 Social Media and Social Change (3)
DHM-710 Mapping Time, Space and Identity (3)
University of California-Berkeley
Digital Humanities Certificate
Division of Arts and Humanities
External undergraduate students
In person155
2 core courses; 3 electives
DIGHUM 100: Theory and Methods in the Digital Humanities
DIGHUM 101: Practicing the Digital Humanities
DIGHUM 150A: Digital Humanities and Archival Design
DIGHUM 150C: Digital Humanities and Textual and Language Analysis
DIGHUM 160: Critical Digital Humanities
Same requirements as minor, but for non-Berkeley students only
The digital and data revolutions have transformed our world. For students of the humanities, these revolutions have made new kinds of study possible.

In our Summer Minor or Certificate Program in the Digital Humanities, you will explore questions about art and culture using digital tools. You will learn to search through large collections of sources instantly using text analysis. You will learn to analyze and present your research vividly in visual formats. You will learn to design dynamic and interactive projects on digital platforms. Above all, you will learn how to employ these cutting-edge techniques to investigate subjects in the humanities in new and fascinating ways.

The digital humanities minor teaches you how to ask timeless questions, and answer them using today’s tools. It offers you the skills to make your work communicable and relevant in today’s digital world – skills you’ll use as a scholar and as a professional. Come explore the possibilities with us.
University of California-Berkeley
Digital Humanities Minor
Division of Arts and Humanities
Berkeley undergraduate students
In person155
2 core courses; 3 electives
DIGHUM 100: Theory and Methods in the Digital Humanities
DIGHUM 101: Practicing the Digital Humanities
DIGHUM 150A: Digital Humanities and Archival Design
DIGHUM 150C: Digital Humanities and Textual and Language Analysis
DIGHUM 160: Critical Digital Humanities
Same requirements as minor, but for non-Berkeley students only
The digital and data revolutions have transformed our world. For students of the humanities, these revolutions have made new kinds of study possible.

In our Summer Minor or Certificate Program in the Digital Humanities, you will explore questions about art and culture using digital tools. You will learn to search through large collections of sources instantly using text analysis. You will learn to analyze and present your research vividly in visual formats. You will learn to design dynamic and interactive projects on digital platforms. Above all, you will learn how to employ these cutting-edge techniques to investigate subjects in the humanities in new and fascinating ways.

The digital humanities minor teaches you how to ask timeless questions, and answer them using today’s tools. It offers you the skills to make your work communicable and relevant in today’s digital world – skills you’ll use as a scholar and as a professional. Come explore the possibilities with us.
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Graduate Certificate Program in Digital Humanites
UNC Digital Innovation Lab2011
UNC-CH graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences or professional schools; non-degree seeking students through the Friday Center for Continuing Education
In person104
3 approved courses; 1 credit hour of field experience
AMST 795: Digital Humanities Field Experience
University of Victoria (BC)
Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities (with Digital Humanities Summer Institute)
Distributed; classes at UVic, through DHSI + the Eleectronic Textual Cultures Lab at UVic, or through DHSI partner institutions Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT) - offered with UPenn Price Lab, Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DHOxSS), and the Digital Humanities programme at Universitat Leipzig.
In person5 courses
DHUM 501: Introduction to Digital Humanities and any other 4 DH courses at DHSI, UVic, or up to 2 at partner institutions. These must fall within four distribution areas.
DHUM 501: Introduction to Digital Humanities
DHUM 502: Core Concepts and Skills
DHUM 503: Remediation and Curation
DHUM 504: Creation, Communication and Dissemination
DHUM 505: Analysis, Teaching and Administration
Washington State University
Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities and Culture
EnglishWSU graduate studentsIn person9
English/DTC 560: Critical Theories, Methods, and Practice in Digital Humanities
DTC/Engl 561: Studies in Technology and Culture
AMST 522 Digital Cultures, Digital Divides
DTC/ENGL 477 Advanced Multimedia Authoring
DTC/ENGL 478 Usability and Interface Design
ENGL 548 Seminar in Critical and Cultural Theory
ENGL 591 Topics in Pedagogy
HIST 527 [M] Public History: Theory and Methodology
HIST 529 Interpreting History through Material Culture
The graduate certificate in Digital Humanities and Culture emphasizes historical, rhetorical, and cultural knowledge by building expertise in the critical analysis and creative production of digital media. This understanding prepares students for problem solving and communicating both locally and globally. More than learning a specific technology or computing platform, a graduate certificate in Digital Humanities and Culture directs students to learn how, when, and most importantly why to use technology to solve a range of problems for digital classrooms, scholarly research methodologies, information technology companies, political advocacy groups, social justice projects and beyond. Merging theory and practice, the Digital Humanities and Culture certificate provides a foundation for critical digital literacy.

Designed to enhance already existing graduate programs in the humanities and the social sciences, the graduate certificate in Digital Humanities and Culture offers graduate-level coursework in critical methods, textual analysis, composing practices, and hands-on production for engaging with humanistic studies in, as well as about, digital environments. Sharing the vision of the College of Arts and Sciences to, “Connect faculty and students across disciplines and campuses to enable them to address problems that transcend disciplinary boundaries,” the graduate certificate in Digital Humanities and Culture brings together courses, students, and faculty with an emphasis on the interdisciplinary strengths of the English department and the Digital Technology and Culture program.

The core courses of the Digital Humanities and Culture certificate offered by the English department pull from the strengths of our diverse faculty highlighting both the critical and practical aspects of the proposed certificate: critical inquiry and theory connected to digital production and processes. Our faculty’s wide range of specialties and areas of expertise including Rhetoric and Technical Communication, Digital Media Studies, Print Culture, Cultural Criticism, and Ethnography, will draw both English graduate students and graduate students across the College of Arts and Sciences.
St. Cloud State UniversityDigital Humanities Certificate
College of Liberal Arts; English; History
Standalone or grad studentsIn person124
4 required courses
DH 502: Introduction to Digital Humanities
DH 503: Applied Digital Humanities
DH 505: Digital Humanities Servers
DH 504: Client Software in the Digital Humanities
Prepare to curate online collections, mine data and transcribe and encode text for research and online publications with a certificate in Digital Humanities. You will learn how to digitize historical documents, design platforms for digital-born documents and website design. You will be prepared to create digital exhibits for museums, archives, libraries, governments and to create crowd-sourcing projects.

Program Highlights
Combines training to work with both historical documents and contemporary digital-born assets
Classes are offered in the evenings to accommodate working professionals
Pairs well with several graduate programs
Four-class program that can be completed in one year
Offered jointly by the departments of history and English
George Mason UniversityDigital Public Humanities
College of Humanities and Social Sciences; Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media / The Smithsonian
2015Online only15
HIST 680: Introduction to Digital Humanities (3 credits)
HIST 694: Digital Public History (3 credits)
HIST 689: Teaching and Learning History in the Digital Age (3 credits)
HIST 794: Internship in Applied History (6 credits)
Digital tools and resources are transforming the ways in which we research, interpret, and communicate. This graduate certificate trains students in a wide range of digital tools that are in increasingly high demand in humanities careers. Students will use these tools to develop digital projects and enhance their professional portfolios, and an internship with the Smithsonian Institution will help students gain professional experience. Internships will be coordinated remotely, allowing students to work from any location.
North Carolina State UniversityDigital Humanities Graduate Certificate2015
Current master's or PhD students at NC State, UNC or Duke
In person12
Three thematic requirements: Context (survey of DH research, teaching, and alt-ac careers); Training (hands on media / computation); Applied Project
Many - in English, History, Communication, Computer Science, Art + Design, Education, Information + Library Sciences, Journalism, American Studies
Dakota State UniversityDigital Humanities Graduate Certificate
College of Arts and Sciences
SD graduate students; standalone post-bacc certificate
In person / Online
2 core courses, 2 semesters of DH Practicum / Project
DHUM 601: DH Methods, Practices, and Principles
DHUM 602: Interdisciplinary Reading Seminar in DH
DHUM 701: Digital Humanities Practicum / Project
University of MissouriGraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities
School of Information Sciences and Learning Technologies
Current graduate students?
Online / In person / Hybrid
2 core courses, 2 electives, project
IS_LT 9439: Digital Humanities & Information (3)
IS_LT 7302: Organization Of Information (3)
Online Synchronous Courses offered through the School of Information Science & Learning Technologies

IS_LT 9423: Ethics, Data, and Information (1-3)
IS_LT 7305: Introduction to Library and Information Science (3)
IS_LT 9423: History of Books and Media (3)
IS_LT: 7310: Seminar: Game Design & Evaluation (3)
IS_LT: 7310 Seminar: Designing 3D Virtual Environments(3)
IS_LT: 7310 Seminar: Mobile App Development (3)
IS_LT: 7312: Principles of Cataloging and Classification (3)
IS_LT: 7360: Introduction to Web Development (3)
IS_LT 7358: Web Application Development II (3)
IS_LT: 7370: Intermediate Web Development (3)
IS_LT: 7334: Library Information Systems (3)
IS_LT: 7361: Introduction to Digital Media (3)
IS_LT: 7364 Flash Authoring (3)
IS_LT 7378: Electronic Portfolio Development (3)
IS_LT: 9410 Seminar: Designing Serious Games (3)
IS_LT: 9410 Seminar: Information Visualization (3)
IS_LT: 9410 Seminar: Introduction to Archives Management (3)
IS_LT: 9410 Seminar: Learning Analytics (3)
IS_LT: IS_LT 9410: MetaData (3)
IS_LT: 9410 Seminar: Rapid Development Tools (3)
IS_LT: 9410 Seminar: Mind Tools (3)
IS_LT 9410: Usability of Information Systems & Services (3)
IS_LT 9450: Introduction to Research in Library and Information Science (3)
IS_LT: 9461 Interaction Design (3)
IS_LT: 9471 Instructional Systems Design (3)
Relevant Courses Offered through Other MU Divisions

JOURN 7150: Using Infographics (3)
NAT_R 7325: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3)
Independent Studies in Humanities Disciplines (3)
University of Nebraska - LincolnGraduate Certificate in Digital Humanties
Office of Graduate Studies
UNL graduate students; standalone post-bacc certificate
In person12
2 required courses; 2 elective courses
ANTH/ENGL/HIST/MODL 946: Interdisciplinary Reading Seminar in Digital Humanities
HIST/ENGL 872: Digital Humanities Practicum
ANTH 935: Seminar in Archaeology: Digital Anthropologies
ANTH 886: Digital Heritage Tools
HIST 970: Seminar in Digital History
HIST 870: Digital History
ENGL 878: Digital Archives and Editions
ENGL 898: Electronic Texts: Development and Design
ENGL 898: Microanalysis (permanent course number pending)
ENGL 898: Macroanalysis (permanent course number pending)
University of OklahomaGraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities
School of Library and Information Studies
OU grad studentsIn person124
2 required courses (1 is practicum / internship); 2 electives
HSCI 5613 Issues and Methods in the Digital Humanities
HSCI 5623 Practicum/Internship in the Digital Humanities; or LIS 5823 Internship
A HI 5913: Visual Culture in Theory and Practice
C S 5093: Visual Analytics
ENGL 5463: Rhetoric & Technology
GEOG 5623: Seminar in GIS Design
JMC 5970: Digital and Transmedia Theories
LIS 5343: Archival Concepts and Traditions
LIS 5453: Digital Collections
LIS 5613: Dynamic Web Development
LIS 5623: Introduction to Data Mining for Information Professionals
LIS 5673: Introduction to Information Visualization
LIS 5970: Digital Curation
The Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities provides resources and opportunities for individuals working in any field to advance their understanding of how new methods, tools, models, applications, and theoretical frameworks are being put to use in expanding the scope and scale of inquiry in the humanities disciplines. It is designed to allow students to gain familiarity with the range of work being done through reading, reflection and discussion and to learn to work effectively in digital environments through hands-on experiences with real-world applications. You will also be encouraged through consultation with faculty advisors to explore how your own interests intersect with specific pathways within the general field of digital humanities.

No prior technical knowledge is required, and the Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities is open to students from all backgrounds. Currently-enrolled graduate students are eligible to apply to the program as well as non-degree students (including faculty and staff from OU and other academic and educational sites, professionals working in the non-profit sector, and independent scholars among others).

Work in digital humanities joins new ways of exploring how humans have sought to understand and change the worlds we live in to skills of long-standing value in the humanities: the ability to absorb and compare large amounts of complex material across media and disciplines; a deep knowledge of theoretical approaches for analyzing sources and artifacts; expertise at identifying and analyzing relevant contexts; discovering patterns and details through close reading and comparative assessment; and in utilizing the cumulative experience of multiple generations in evaluating sense and significance in challenging materials.

The digital humanities draw from many points of origin for diverse purposes, offering creative possibilities that are just beginning to be put into practice.
University of Maryland
Digital Studies in the Arts and Humanities Graduate Certificate
College of Arts and Humanities; Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH); with additional sponsorship from the Department of English and the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Matriculated UMD graduate students
In person15
Intro to DS in the Arts and Humanities (3)
Praxis Elective (3)
Digital Studies Colloquium (1x3)
Electives (6)
MITH610 Intro to DS in the Arts and Humanities (3)
Praxis Elective (3)
MITH729 Digital Studies Colloquium (1x3)
"Elective courses may be selected from within the student’s home department and/or across the College of Arts and Humanities or (potentially) elsewhere in the university, pending permission from the student’s home department. Appropriate electives (which may include Independent Studies) will emphasize digital methodologies and/or the study of digital media and culture."
NoYes (Praxis courses)NoNo
University of Colorado BoulderDigital Humanities Graduate Certificate
Center for Research Data & Digital Scholarship
2018?Local graduate studentsIn person93
DHUM 5000 and two elective courses, at least one outside of the home department
DHUM 5000: Introduction to Digital Humanities - Movements, Methods, and Tools
ARTS 5107: Special Topics: Remix Culture
ARTS 5316/IAWP 6700: Graduate History and Theory of Digital Arts
ATLS 5040: Game Design
ATLS 5120: Mobile Application Development
ATLS 5214: Big Data Architecture
ATLS 5519: Advanced Special Topics in Technology, Arts, and Media: Creative Technologies
ATLS 5519: Advanced Special Topics in Technology, Arts, and Media: Design Studio
ATLS 5519: Advanced Special Topics in Technology, Arts, and Media: Wearable Technologies
ATLS 5630: Web Front-End Development
COMM 5720: Readings in Communications and Technology
COMM 6200: Seminar: Selected Topics: Digital Rhetoric
CSCI 5352: Network Analysis and Modeling
CSCI 5502: Data Mining
CSCI 5832/LING 5832: Natural Language Processing
ENGL 5529/ IAWP 6100: Special Topics: Theory and Practice of Doing
GEOG 5103: Geographic Information Science: Spatial Analytics
HIST/DHUM 6790: Readings in Digital History
IAWP 6800: Intermedia Seminar: Media Archaeologies, Old and New
INFO 5201: Interdisciplinary Ways of Knowing
INFO 5401: Information and Ideas in Design Disciplines
INFO 5501: Peer Production and Crowdsourcing
INFO 5507: Investigations in Information Science: Data and the Humanities
INFO 5601: Ethical & Policy Dimensions of Technology and New Media
INFO 5602: Mastery in Information Science: Information Visualization
INFO 6301: Computation for Research In Information Science
JRNL 5001: Media Technology Bootcamp
JRNL 5562: Digital Journalism
LING 5200: Computational Corpus Linguistics
MDST 5001: Connected Media Practices
PSCI 7185: Political Network Analysis
STAT 5680: Statistical Collaboration
STAT 5700: Philosophical and Ethical Issues in Statistics
WRTG 5050: Graduate Studies in Writing and Rhetoric: Digital Visual Methodologies
WRTG 5050: Graduate Studies in Writing and Rhetoric: Digital Research and Pedagogy
The Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate welcomes students from all disciplines, including the humanities and arts, social sciences, natural sciences, computational and mathematical sciences, engineering, and communication, media, and information science. The certificate prepares students to:

create, utilize, and evaluate digital methods and tools for research
integrate them into their teaching
assess the diverse impacts of technologies on people and society
leverage digital technologies for public outreach and engagement
Through an interdisciplinary curriculum, the certificate provides graduate students from across campus the opportunity to explore the evolution and variety of Digital Humanities theories and practices and to study approaches in the field in-depth. Moreover, the certificate is intended to stimulate collaborations among graduate students in a range of fields, thus preparing them for work in a team-based environment.
Texas A&MDigital Humanities Certificate
Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture
2008T A&M graduate studentsIn person12
9 hours of coursework, 3 of which must be outside of home department; 3 hours independent study project
COMM 662. Survey of Telecommunication and Media Studies
COMM 663. Seminar in Telecommunication and Media Studies
COMM 665. Communication and Technology

CSCE 610. Hypertext/Hypermedia Systems
CSCE 655. Human-Centered Computing
CSCE 656. Computers and New Media
CSCE 667. Seminar in Human-Centered Computing and Information
CSCE 671. Computer-Human Interaction
CSCE 675. Digital Libraries

EDCI 655. Contemporary Visual Culture
EDCI 676. Evaluation of Electronic Learning Materials (web-based course)
Educational Technology

EDTC 602. Educational Technology: Field, Theory, Profession (web-based course)
EDTC 654. Instructional Design: Techniques in Educational Technology (web-based course)
EDTC 660. Interactive Video/Multimedia: Production and Utilization
EDTC 662. Computer Utilization in Educational Research and Practice

ENGL 603. Bibliography and Literary Research. Note: only open to ENGL & PHIL graduate students.
ENGL 604. Topics in Digital Research (Offered Spring 2018)
ENGL 666. Topics in Textual Studies and Book History
ENGL 685. Directed Studies with Digital Humanities Faculty

HIST 628. Historiography
HIST 666. History of Technology

ANTH 636. Computer Graphics in Archeology.
ANTH 654. Archaeological Photography

VIZA 616. Rendering and Shading
VIZA 641. Visual Storytelling
VIZA 654. Digital Image
VIZA 656. Image Synthesis
VIZA 665. Digital Compositing
University of IowaPublic Digital Humanities CertificateGraduate College2014
This certificate is available to graduate students from any department in the university, but it is primarily intended for students with humanities backgrounds who want to gain expertise and credentials to work more intensively with technology
In person15
SLIS 6330: Archives and Media
SLIS 6590: DH Capstone
Grad 7290 / SLIS 7290: Digital Humanities Theory and Practice
A course in visualization
An elective
SLIS 6330: Archives and Media
SLIS 6590: DH Capstone
Grad 7290 / SLIS 7290: Digital Humanities Theory and Practice
University of ChicagoGraduate Certificate in Digital StudiesDivision of the Humanities2018?Local graduate studentsIn person4
3 required courses; 1 elective; research presentation
DIGS 30001 Introduction to Computer Programming
DIGS 30002 Basic Mathematics and Statistics for Digital Studies
DIGS 30003 Data Management for Linguistic, Cultural, and Historical Research
DIGS 30004 Data Analysis for Linguistic, Cultural, and Historical Research
DIGS 30005 Data Publication for Linguistic, Cultural, and Historical Research
DIGS 30006 Natural Language Processing
The Graduate Certificate in Digital Studies is a degree-affiliated certificate for credit. It affords students foundational knowledge in digital studies, with a special focus on understanding and using digital tools for humanistic research.
Arizona State UniversityDigital Humanities Graduate Certificate
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
2015?ASU graduate studentsIn person15
Required Core: CDH 501 Digital Humanities: Critical Theory and Methods (3)
Electives (6 credit hours)
CDH 580 Practicum: Computational and Digital Humanities Lab (3)
CDH 593 Applied Project (3)
Required Core: CDH 501 Digital Humanities: Critical Theory and Methods (3)
CDH 580 Practicum: Computational and Digital Humanities Lab (3)
CDH 593 Applied Project (3)
Emory University
Certificate in Digital Scholarship and Media Studies
Laney Graduate School
Emory PhD students, librarians, and staff
In person12
DSMS 700, internship, 2 electives, digital project or paper
DSMS 700: Seminar in Digital Scholarship and Media Studies
ENG797 / ARTHIST 796 / HIST799: Internship
ANT 585: Statistical Methods
ANT 585S: Image Work: Visual Techniques in Qualitative Research
ANT 585S: Evolutionary Modeling
ANT 585-01P: Ethnography and Its Edges
ANT 585-002: Local/Global Media
ARTHIST 592: Introduction to Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
ARTHIST 597R: Directed Study
ARTHIST 596R: Internship
ARTHIST 592: Maps and Models
CPLT 751 00P: "Postcolonial and Global Studies in the 21st Century"
ENG 791R: Composition Pedagogy
ENG 790R: Composition Theory
ENG 797R: Directed Study
DSMS 720: Topics and Tools in Digital Humanities
FILM 500: Intro to Graduate Film Studies
FILM 504: Seminar in Theory: Media and the Mind
FILM 504: Seminar in Theory: Platforms and Apparatuses
FILM 582: Contemporary Film and Media Theory
FILM 506: Methods in Film and Media Studies
FILM 573P Video Games
HIST 582A: Data Analysis & Visualization
HIST 582P: Social Science & Quantitative Techniques
POLS 508: Data Analysis
POLS 570: Limited Dependent Variable Models
RLAR 710: Religion and Media
SOC 500: Research Methods & Models – Statistics
SOC 585: Qualitative Methods
SOC 560: Sociology of Culture
SOC 562: Sociology of Mass Media
Indiana UniversityDigital Arts and Humanities Certificate
Institute for Digital Arts & Humanities
2018?Local graduate studentsIn person196
3 credit introduction to DAH methods; elective in digital technology; three electives, with a recommended focus in digital creative activities, DH scholarship and research, or critical studies; digital thesis
Z657: Intro to Digital Humanities
IDAH 700: Digital Arts and Humanities Project
FOLK-F804 Special Topics in Folklore (VT Folklore & the Digital Humanities)
HPSC-X700 Computational Methods in History and Philosophy of Science
ENGL-L504/L746 The Rhetorics of Media and Literary Study in the 21st Century
HIST-H685 History in the Digital Age
HIST-H650 Mapping the Black Experience
ISL-Z503 Representation and Organization
ILS-Z511 Database Design
ILS-Z514 Social Aspects of Information Technology
ILS-Z515 Information Architecture
ILS-Z516 Human-Computer Interaction
ILS-Z517 Web Programming
ILS-Z518 Communication in Electronic Environments
ILS-Z532 Information Architecture for the Web
ILS-Z534 Information Retrieval Theory and Practice
ILS-Z543 Computer-Mediated Communication
ILS-Z544 Gender and Computerization
ILS-Z556 Systems Analysis and Design
ILS-Z561 User Interface Design for Information Systems
ILS-Z581 Archives and Records Management
ILS-Z604 Topics in Library and Information Science
ILS-Z634 Metadata
ILS-Z635 Ontologies
ILS-Z637 Information Visualization
ILS-Z641 Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis
ILS-Z642 Content Analysis for the Web
ILS-Z652 Digital Libraries
ILS-Z656 Digital Publishing Standards and Systems
ILS-Z661 Concepts and Contemporary Issues in Human-Computer Interaction
ILS-Z662 Interface Design for Collaborative Information Spaces
ILS-Z764 Seminar in Information Science
LING-L555 Programming for Computational Linguistics
LING-L545 Computation & Linguistic Analysis
LING-L645 Advanced Natural Language Processing
LING-L615 Corpus Linguistics
MSCH-T580 Interactive Storytelling and Computer Games
MSCH-C792 Advanced Seminar in Media Theory
MSCH-C 620 Media, Politics and Power
THTR-608 Advanced Flat Patterning
THTR-347 Intro to Sound Design
THTR 447 Sound Design I
From fine arts to digital poetics, from set design to digital heritage work, from choreography to topic modeling, digitally-inflected arts & humanities endeavors permeate the academy and the world around it. The Digital Arts & Humanities certificate and minor programs bring these digital methods to bear in a credential that signals students’ competencies and expertise to potential academic (teacher, lecturer, professor, librarian) and non-academic (administrator, scholar in digital humanities centers, libraries, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions) employers. Our certificate and minor align arts & humanities graduate training at IU with an increasing emphasis on public scholarship and put graduate students in dialogue with the broader public via interdisciplinary digital methods and the enhanced accessibility afforded by digital scholarship and creative activity.
Northeastern UniversityGraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities
NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks; College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Northeastern graduate students
In person12
Intro to Digital Humanities or Digital History; DH elective; NULab project seminar x2; final project
ENGL 7370: Topics in Digital Humanities: Texts, Maps, Networks: Digital Literary Studies; OR
HIST 7370: Texts, Maps, and Networks: Readings and Methods for Digital History
INSH 7910: NULab Project Seminar
ARTG 5100 – Information Design Studio 1—Principles
ARTG 5120 – Information Design Research Methods
CS 6120 – Natural Language Processing
CS 7290 – Special Topics in Data Science: Visualization for Network Science
ENGL 7370 – Topics in Digital Humanities: The Shape of Data in the Humanities
DSSH 6302 – Information Design and Visual Analytics
HIST 7219 – Humanities Data Analysis
HIST 7219 – Digital Space and Place
INSH 6406 – Analyzing Complex Digitized Data
JRNL 6341 – Telling Your Story with Data
JRNL 6340 – Fundamentals of Digital Storytelling
JRNL 6355 – Seminar in Investigative Reporting
POLS G7334 – Social Network Analysis
PPUA 6301 – Introduction to Computational Statistics
The Certificate in Digital Humanities will allow students to pursue an organized course of study in DH with the interdisciplinary faculty of the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks while completing requirements for their degrees in existing doctoral and master’s programs. This is not a stand alone certificate; rather, it will be completed by students in the course of their existing program of study.

Digital Humanities is an emerging field of research that is interdisciplinary in scope and collaborative in nature. The field is developing in relation to new digital technologies which have changed the objects of study, methods, and opportunities for research and teaching in existing humanities fields. Digitized texts are now read and accessed in new ways; digitized corpora of texts make possible new modes of quantitative and qualitative analysis (including “distant reading,” text mining, mapping, and network analysis); born digital objects constitute new primary sources in need of humanistic theorization, approaches, and critical vocabularies; and modes of encoding, aggregating, and connecting texts enable the creation of new archival resources that are changing our understanding of the archive itself as well revealing new historical, literary, and cultural patterns.

The field is new and developing rapidly and many students are eager for training in this area—both because DH is at the cutting edge of disciplinary work and because it offers new opportunities for employment within the academy and outside of it.
University of Washington
Graduate Certificate in Textual and Digital Studies
Textual Studies2016-2017UW grad studentsIn person16
1 required course, 1 core elective, 1 open elective, 1 credit capstone
ENG 501 / C LIT 551: Textual Theory and Practice
ENG 502/ C LIT 552: Manuscript Studies
ENG 503/ C LIT 553: Studies in Print Culture and Publication
ENG 504/ C LIT 554: Digital Literary and Textual Studies
ASIAN 498B: Print Culture in Asia
ASIAN 541: Boundaries of the Book - History of the Book in South Asia
HSTRY 595: Digital Historical Practices
LIS 529: Digital Humanities Librarianship
Textual studies encompasses a broad set of disciplinary practices and fields whose central concern is the production, circulation, and reception of texts in material form. Scholars in textual studies include editors, philologists, historians of the book and of reading, manuscript and print culture specialists, comparative media historians, sociologists of literature, and digital humanists. What unites these scholars is their attention to textual meaning as it emanates from the medium of inscription, from cuneiform tablets to tablet PCs. Textual studies represents both the oldest form of literary/cultural study —with roots in bibliography and the “lower criticism” of early Biblical scholarship—and a fertile mode of inquiry among humanists today as we witness a change in writing media of epochal significance.

An interdisciplinary graduate certificate program in Textual & Digital Studies welcomes its first cohort in Fall 2016. The certificate consists of 16 required credits of instruction in manuscript, print, and digital texts and cultures, including a required course in the history of and current methodological debates in the fields of textual studies and the digital humanities, along with a unifying, colloquium-based capstone experience.
University of PennsylvaniaGraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities
School of Arts and Sciences; Price Lab
2017-2018?Local graduate studentsIn person9
3 designated DH courses; extracurricular training, such as two intensive summer institutes or one summer institute + four workshops; two semesters of Graduate Student Working Group; capstone
NoNoYes (present at Price Lab DH Fest)No
The Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities is offered by the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. It is aimed at graduate students who want to augment their disciplinary studies with advanced digital research techniques and in-depth engagement with theoretical and practical questions raised by digital humanities.

“Digital Humanities” is more of an umbrella term for a diverse range of scholarly practices than a stable, coherent field. This graduate certificate reflects that diversity by bringing together coursework, workshops and lectures and by allowing for multiple pathways through the program. The certificate program draws on faculty from the various departments of the School of Arts and Sciences and other schools of the University and encourages students to enroll in courses outside of their home departments. Additionally, the program will ask students to participate in an active local network of scholars by attending several workshops, lectures and seminars during their time at Penn. Students who participate in the program will have the opportunity to explore topics such as digital text analysis, digital mapping, 3D modeling, and the use of digital tools for collecting, organizing and studying material culture.
Stanford UniversityGraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities
CESTA (Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis)
2014Stanford graduate studentsIn person2 courses?
1 of 3 core courses; 1 CS, information studies, or statistics course; independent research project, or supervised collaborative research in a CESTA lab; portfolio
Spatial History (HIST 401A)
Literary Lab (ENG 303C)
Humanities+Design (CLASSICS 396, DLCL 396, HISTORY 336E)
University of VirginiaGraduate Certificate in Digital HumanitiesArts and Sciences2018
Current MA and PhD students in Arts & Sciences
In person12
1 core course on the history and theory of DH; 2 electives with a significant DH component; 1 practicum course to include DH colloquium attendance, hands on work, and a portfolio
Intro to Digital Humanities
Digital Narratives
Victorian Literature and Informatics
Social Networking in the Scriptorium
Literary Data: Some Approaches
Studies in American Literature
Narrative in a Digital Age
Interpretive Machines
Culture: Digital and Physical
Introduction to Digital Research
Digital Editing and Curation
Digital Culture and Narrative
Intro to Digital Technology and Culture
Survey of Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature
Interactive Digital Narrative
Digital Literary Studies
The Art of the Book in the Digital Age
How We Read
Theories of Text and Technology
Digital Storytelling
Data Mining in the Humanities
Technologies of Literary Production
Code, Language, Media
Introduction to the Digital Liberal Arts
Linguistic Field Methods
Languages, Text, and Technology
Information Structures
Life Writing and DH
Digital Literary Studies: Novel Maps of New York
DH: Public History, Archives, and Scholarly Communication
The Speculative Situation
Digital Public Humanities
Digital Literature
The Cyborg Apocalypse
Digital Humanities/Digital Studies
Data and Culture
Latin American DH
The Internet is Another Country: Community and Power in the Age of Social Media
East Asian DH
Directed Readings in Digital History
Media History of New York
Critical Making in Digital History
Guerrilla Digital Public History
Digital Diversity
Digital Caribbean Studies
The Cultural and Literary History of the Spanish Language
Video Games, Theory and History
Hacking for Humanists
Introduction to DH
Exploratory Text Analytics
A Critical Approach to DH
Digital History Methods
A Poem is a Made Thing
Comparative Histories of the Internet
Architecture and Identity in Byzantine Cities
Historical Geospatial Visualization: Mapping Indigenous Worlds
Digital Landscape Studies
Computational Media
Intro to Digital Scholarly Editing
Hands-On Public History
Practicum also requires DH colloquium attendance. Courses include a number by external faculty - Andrew Goldstone, Jason Boyd, Roger Whitson, Lucia Binotti, Matt Kirschenbaum, Jim McGrath, Roger Whitson, Lincoln Mullen, etc. It looks like as of Fall 2019 thery're focusing on internal faculty.
UCLAGraduate Certificate in Digital HumanitiesGraduate Division2011UCLA graduate studentsIn person5
Core seminar in DH; graduate capstone seminar; 3 graduate level electives; digital research portfolio
DH 201: Core Seminar in Digital Humanities
DH 299: Graduate Capstone Seminar
AAS C242A: Ethnocommunications I: Introduction to Creating Community Media.
AH C245B: Contemporary Arts of Africa
AH C271: Curatorial Dilemmas
AH 496: Teaching with Technology
ALC 496C: Computer Technologies for Teaching Col- lege-Level Chinese.
ANNEA M201: Archaeological Research Design
ANNEA 261: Practical Field Archaeology
ANNEA 262: Seminar: Object Archaeology
ANNEA 264: Egyptian Museum Collections
ANNEA C266: Egyptian Archaeology
ANNEA CM269: Introduction to Archaeological Sciences
ANTHRO M212S: Selected Laboratory Topics in Archaeology
ANTHRO 233T: Ethnographies of Information Technology
ARCH&UD 220: Introduction to Computers
ARCH&UD 226C: Computer Visualization
ARCH&UD M227A: Programming Computer Applications in Architecture and Urban Design
ARCH&UD M227B: Introduction to Geometric Modeling
ARCH&UD M227C: User Interaction Techniques in Design
ARCH&UD M271: Elements of Urban Design
ARCH&UD 286: Roman Architecture and Urbanism
ARCH&UD 291: Theory of Architectural Programming
CLASSIC 245: Computing and Classics.
CLASSIC C251E: Archaeological Field Techniques
CLASSIC 287: Graduate Colloquium in Classical Literature
CLASSIC 220A: Interfaces: Transmission of Roman Litera- ture
CLASSIC 201B: Topics in Ancient History: Roman World
COM LIT M276: Reading Modern Bodies
CS M213A: Embedded Systems
CS 217B: Advanced Topics in Internet Research
CS 230: Software Engineering
CS 241B: Pictorial and Multimedia Database Management.
CS 260: Machine Learning Algorithms
CS M266B: Statistical Computing and Inference in Vision and Image Science
CS 269: Seminar: Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence
CS M276A: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.
CS 280A-280ZZ: Algorithms
CS 281A: Computability and Complexity
DESMA 207 and 208: Mathematical Techniques in Design and Media Arts I and II
DESMA M241: Programming Computer Applications in Architecture and Urban Design
DESMA M242: Introduction to Geometric Modeling
DESMA M243: User Interaction Techniques in Design
DESMA 249: (Same as Architecture and Urban Design M227B.)
DESMA 258: Current State of Technology
ECON 293B: Practicing Econometrics: Nuts and Bolts of Cutting-Edge Empirical Work.
EDUC 205: Computers in Educational Process
EDUC 209C: Research and Evaluation in Higher Education
EDUC 221: Computer Analyses of Empirical Data in Education
EDUC 255C: Seminar: Special Topics -- Data Analysis
EDUC CM278: Critical Media Literacy and Politics of Gender: Theory and Production
EDUC CM278L: Critical Media Literacy and Politics of Gender: Laboratory
EDUC 311: Principles and Methods of Computer Literacy and Classroom Application—K-12.
EDUC 433A: Design of Learning Environments.
EDUC 433B: Development of Educational Media
EDUC 453: Technology in Education: Learning and Leading with Technology
EDUC 482A: Instructional Strategies in Urban Education:
EDUC 482B: Instructional Strategies in Urban Education: English Language Learners.
ENG 203: Computers and Literary Research.
ETHNMUS C269: Music, Science, and Technology
ETHNMUS 205: Seminar: Information Technology and Research Skills.
ETHNMUS C255: Intangible Cultural Heritage Worldwide
ETHNMUS 292A: Oral Histories of UCLA Ethnomusicology
FILM TV 200: Seminar: Research, Methods, and Resources
FILM TV 201A: Seminar: Media Industries and Cultures of Production—Foundations.
FILM TV 201B: Seminar: Media Industries and Cultures of Production—Transmedia
FILM TV 202: Seminar: Media Audiences and Cultures of Consumption
FILM TV 205: Seminar: Creating Visual Essays for Film History and Analysis
FILM TV 209A: Seminar: Documentary Film
FILM TV 224: Computer Applications for Film Study
FILM TV C244: Interactive Multimedia Authoring
FILM TV C245: Creative Authoring for World Wide Web
FILM TV C246: Seminar: Issues in Electronic Culture
FILM TV 249: Digital Revolution
FILM TV 411: Survey of Multimedia Production
FILM TV 495B: Teaching with Technology in Film and Media Studies.
GEOG 268: Advanced Projects in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Remote Sensing
GEOG M272: Spatial Statistics
GEOG 299B: Geographic Data Visualization and Analysis.
HIST 201V: Digital History
IS 204: Scholarly Communication and Publishing
IS 210: Global Media and Information
IS 240: Management of Digital Records
IS 241: Digital Preservation
IS 260: Description and Access
IS 262A: Data Management and Practice
IS 262B: Data Curation & Policy
IS 271: Introduction to Computer Systems & Programming
IS 272: Human/Computer Interaction
IS 274: Database Management Systems
IS 277: Information Retrieval Systems: User-Centered Designs
IS 278: Information & Visualization
IS 279: User Experience Design
IS 282: Design as Research Method
IS 289: Seminar: Special Issues in Information Studies: Digital Asset Management
IS 289: Seminar: Special Issues in Information Studies: Museums in Digital Age
IS 289: Seminar: Special Issues in Information Studies: Survey of Data Storage and Retrieval Systems
IS 289: Seminar: Special Issues in Information Studies: Sound Technologies and Society
IS 289: Seminar: Special Issues in Information Studies: Digital Methods for Research and Scholarship
IS 463: Indexing and Thesaurus Construction
IS 464: Metadata
STATS M230: Statistical Computing
STATS 202A: Statistics Programming
STATS 218: Statistical Analysis of Networks
STATS M231: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
M205A: Selected Laboratory Topics in Archaeology
213: Research in Community and Patient Health Education.
219: Theory-Based Data Analysis.
288: Health Communication in Popular Media.
292: Information Technology for Health Promotion and Communication.
CM278: Critical Media Literacy and Politics of Gender: Theory and Production
CM278L: Critical Media Literacy and Politics of Gender: Laboratory
University of WashingtonCertificate in Public Scholarship
School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
2010UW grad studentsIn person155Portfolio
PUBSCH 594: Scholarship as Public Practice
PUBSCH 602: Practicum in Public Scholarship
PUBSCH 603: Capstone Portfolio
Elective Coursework: PUBSCH 595, Independent Study, and Other Approved Coursework
The Certificate in Public Scholarship brings together a crossdisciplinary cohort of UW graduate students and faculty interested in:

public scholarship that engages in cultural practice and inquiry
campus-community partnerships across all sectors of higher education
digital and multimedia publication, exhibitions, performance, and other innovative modes of disseminating scholarship
community-engaged research, teaching, and service
professional development for careers inside or outside of higher education
University of Pittsburgh
Graduate Certificate in Digital Studies and Methods
2018?Pitt grad studentsIn person155
DSAM Seminar; DSAM Practicum; DSAM Capstone; 2 electives
DSAM 3000 Digital Studies and Methods: Seminar
DSAM 3100 Digital Studies and Methods: Practicum
DSAM 3200 Digital Studies and Methods: Capstone
COMMRC 3326 Seminar in Media Studies: Disability, Media, and Culture
EAS 2005 Critical Approaches to East Asia
INFSCI 2415 Information Visualization
INFSCI 2430 Social Computing
INFSCI 2801 Geospatial Information Systems
CMU 76-788 Topics in Digital Humanities: Coding for Humanists
ENGWRT 2110 Narrative Audio Workshop
HIST 2020 Digital/Critical Interdisciplinary Methods
INFSCI 2160 Data Mining
INFSCI 3350 Doctoral Seminar
PS 2750 Advanced Methods: Text as Data
ENGLIT 2852 Digital Humanities and Approaches to Textual Objects
CMU 76-714 Data Stories
CMU 76-829 Digital Humanities: Politics and Early Modern Drama
The Graduate Certificate in Digital Studies and Methods offers graduate students at the University of Pittsburgh the opportunity to acquire a proactive, mindful engagement with digital methods in the humanities and allied social sciences. Being a mode of inquiry with an expansive set of methods and tools, the use of digital techniques within the humanities and allied social sciences requires a pedagogical approach that relies on not only lecture and seminar time, but also hands-on workshop opportunities where students can apply the techniques they have been learning and discussing. To this end, this certificate includes traditional classroom hours as well as studio-based learning experiences that provide the hands-on, peer- and mentor-supported experience that this digitally-attentive approach to interpretive scholarship requires.
University of ConnecticutDigital Humanities and Media StudiesHumanities Institute
UConn graduate students enrolled in CLAS or Fine Arts PhD or MA/MFA programs
In person12
3 credits in a core course; 6 credits in two elective courses; 3 credits in an independent study; portfolio
ENGL 5650: Digital Humanities I
LCL 5020: Digital Humanities, Media Studies, and Multimodal Scholarship
DMD 5610: Introduction to Digital Humanities
COMM 5660 Computer Mediated Communication
COMM 5650 Communication Technology and Society
CSE 5302 Computer Architecture
DMD 5220 Cinematic Storytelling
ENGL 6650 Seminar in Digital Humanities
GEOG 5500 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
GERM 5365 German Film Studies
LING 5000 Introduction to Computational Linguistics
NoYesYes (portfolio)Yes
University of FloridaDigital Humanities Graduate Certificate
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
UF CLAS graduate studentsIn person9
3 credits in a Digital Breadth Seminar; 3 credits in a Digital Depth Seminar; 3 credits in the Digital Studio, a capstone course
1 Digital Breadth course
1 Digital Depth course
1 Digital Studio capstone course
Digital Breadth Courses

AMH/EUH/LAH 5930: Digital History Working Lab
AMH 5930: Oral History Seminar
AMH 6557/LAW6930: Applied Legal History
ARC 6911: Introduction to Digital Architecture
ARH 6930: Museum Special Topics: Museum Technology Today (Fall 2017)
CAP 5100: Human-Computer Interaction
DIG6837 Digital Tools for the Arts and Humanities
DIG 6840C: Interdisciplinary Research Seminar
FOL 6326: Technology in Foreign Language Education
LIN 6932: Methods in Language Documentation
LIT 6934: Digital Inquiry in Writing Studies
MMC 5427: Research Methods in Digital Communication
MMC 6726: Social Media and Virtual Worlds (ONLINE ONLY)
REL 5195: Religion and Fieldwork
REL6185: Religion, Nature and Society
Digital Depth Courses

ANT 3390/ ANG 5395: Visual Anthropology
ART 5674C Digital Fabrication
ART 6925 Digital Media Worskhop
ART6671 Advanced Experiments
ART6673C Video Art
ART6675C Digital Art and Animation
ART 6849C Reactive Environments
IDC 6505C Programming for Artists
CAP 6402: Aesthetic Computing
DIG 6027C: Interactive Storytelling
DIG 6719: Videogame Theory & Analysis, changed to DIG6788 Digital Production and Game Design in fall 2017
DIG 6746: Sensor and Electronics-Based Art
EDF 6400: Foundations in Educational Research: Overview
EDF 6402: Quantitative Foundations in Educational Research: Inferential
EDF 6403: Qualitative Foundations in Education Research
ENC 6428/ CIS 6930: Digital English – Text Mining & Manipulation, Information Visualization, & Digital Poetics
GIS 5107C: Geographic Information Systems in Research
LAE 6869 Digital Storytelling
LIT 6236, Panama Silver, Asian Gold: Migration, Money and the Making of Modern Caribbean Literature (and new version Panama Silver, Asian Gold: Reimaging Diasporas, Archives, and the Humanities)
LIT 6856: Into the Archive: Reading in the Baldwin (Library of Historical Children’s Literature)
LIT 6934: Writing/Memory; Augmentation/Prosthetic
MMC 6726: Social Media and Virtual Worlds
MMC 6936: Digital Games
MMC 6936: Digital Story Telling
URP 6905: 3D Geospatial Urban Modeling & Visualization
Yes: Bio + CV, 2-3 DH projects, DH pedagogy + scholarship essay, traditional research project or designed course syllabus
Washington University in St. Louis
Graduate Certificate in Data Science in the Humanities
The Interdisciplinary Project in the Humanities (Graduate School of Arts & Humanities)
WUSTL Arts & Humanities PhD students
In person15
6 units from core, 3 units from internship / summer project work with faculty, 3 units teaching practicum, 3 units elective
IPH 431 / DASH 1: Statistics for Humanities Scholars (3 units)
IPH 430, DAMS: Data Management Skills for the Humanities (1 unit)
IPH 4XX, DASH 2: Advanced Data Science for the Humanities (3 units)
CSE 104: Web Development
ART 437B: Information Design
400 Level DH course - home based in humanities dept
3 units from DASH Core
Independent Project work, substantively contributing to dissertation
Michigan State UniversityDigital Humanities Graduate Certificate
College of Arts and Letters
2013?In person9
3 credits from a core course; 3 credits from a digital pedagogy experience or project; 3 credits from a DH research experience, which can be a project, digital cultural heritage field school, DH portfolio, or HASTAC fellow experience
DH 865 Digital Humanities Methods Seminar
HST 812 History in the Digital Age
AL 881 Special Topics in Teaching with Technology in Arts and Humanities
AL 891 Special Topics in Arts and Humanities
DH 861 Digital Humanities Pedagogy
DH 891 Special Topics in Digital Humanities
DH 863 Digital Humanities Research
In the certificate experience, students will learn both how the digital humanities can help them to do the traditional work in their fields more effectively and efficiently, and how it can open up new transformative avenues of research and pedagogy that may help them to re-envision what it means to do research and teaching in the humanities. Students will examine both theory and practice, engaging in critical discussion as well as production. Through active engagement, research, and building, students will learn how to conceptualize digital tools and techniques. While general familiarity with modern web technologies is suggested, no prior programming or web development knowledge is required. Important to the program is flexibility for students to follow interests related to their specific fields, while also giving them a broad knowledge of the possibilities involved in digital humanities work.
University of MiamiCertificate in Digital Humanities
Departments of English, History, and Modern Languages and Literatures
Miami grad students93
DH practicum (3 credits); DH/digital methods course (6 credits); online portfolio
MLL 774 Practicum in Digital Humanities
MLL 771 Introduction to Digital Humanities
MLL 772 Topics in Digital Humanities and Media Studies
MLL 773 Digital Medieval Studies
ENG 695 Special Topics
ENG 682 Contemporary Criticism and Theory
GEG 691 Geographic Information Systems I
GEG 693 Geographic Information Systems II
GEG 692 Remote Sensing of the Environment
GEG 680 Spatial Data Analysis I
GEG 681 Spatial Data Analysis II
GEG 645 Advanced Independent Study in Geography II
CIM 603 Intro to Creative Coding
CIM 613 Mobile Application Development
CIM 623 Building Virtual Worlds
CIM 633 Augmented Reality
CIM 653 Dynamic Data
CIM 658 360° Immersive Filmmaking and Storytelling
JMM 622 Introduction to Infographics and Data Visualization
JMM 629 Advanced Infographics and Data Visualization
JMM 638. Infographics and Data Visualization Studio
The Certificate in Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary graduate certificate drawing on courses from the English, History, and Modern Languages and Literatures departments.
Dominican UniversityCertificate in Digital Humanities
School of Information Studies
MLIS or post-masters studentsIn person155LIS 783 Digital Humanities
IM/LIS 751 Database Management
LIS 759 Digital Libraries
IM 704 Data Structures
IM 720 Data Analytics
The Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary academic field that combines the application of computational resources, tools, and methods with the traditional humanities fields such as literature, history, and philosophy. Digital Humanities has developed new teaching and research methodologies that allow different humanities disciplines to collaborate effectively and discover new insights into our cultural heritage. Digital Humanities can include such activities as creating digital scholarly editions, creating digital research archives and collections, data analysis of both textual corpora and “big data” resources.

The SOIS Certificate in Digital Humanities provides:

A theoretical foundation of the research methodologies and technology applications used in digital humanities, as well as an understanding of the research questions and data sources.
A practical foundation which includes developing the technology skills to apply a wide variety of digital humanities methods and tools to build new collections, solve problems, and discover new insights.
Stephen F. Austin State University
Digital Humanities Certificate2019In person124
3 required courses, 1 elective
HUMA 5300 - Introduction to Digital Humanities Credit(s): 3
HUMA 5301 - Foundational Skills in Digital Humanities Credit(s): 3
HUMA 5310 - Digital Humanities Practicum Credit(s): 3
ARTS 5367 - Pro Seminar in Art Museum Studies Credit(s): 3
GISC 5300 - GIS Programming Credit(s): 3
HIST 5370 - Collections Management Credit(s): 3
MCOM 5320 - Media History Credit(s): 3
Broadly defined, digital humanities is the use of computing technologies to enhance methodological approaches to address traditional questions in the humanities. A graduate certificate in digital humanities will offer scholars and instructors working in academia, cultural centers and/or museums essential technological skills to conduct research and disseminate information. On its own or coupled with a traditional master’s degree in the humanities, the certificate provides completers a competitive edge as they conduct research, further their education or progress in their careers. The interdisciplinary certificate in digital humanities fuses technological competencies with established research methods in the humanities. Students pursue 12 hours of graduate-level coursework designed for students hailing from a wide variety of fields.
University of Colorado DenverDigital Studies Certficate
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
2019?Any post-bacc
Hybrid (in person and online)
3 courses from 3 distribution clusters (Theory and Analysis; Digital Media Production; Integration); 1 additional course
Theory and Analysis Cluster
BUSN 6610 & ISMG 6180 (Business) “Information Systems Management and Strategy”
COMM 4760/5760 (CLAS) “New Media and Society”
ENGL 5165 (CLAS) “Literacy and Technology"
ENTP 6022 (Business) “Digital Strategy for Entrepreneurs”
PHIL 4920/5920 (CLAS) “Philosophy of Media and Technology”
INTE 5320 (SEHD) “Games and Learning”
Digital Media Production Cluster
GEOG 5080 (CLAS) “Introduction to GIS”
GEOG 5081 (CLAS) “Introduction to Cartography and Computer Mapping”
INTE 5680 (SEHD) “Producing Media for Learning”
INTE 5340 (SEHD) “Learning with Digital Stories”
IWKS 5350 (Inworks) “Computational Foundations of Innovation”
IWKS 5170 (Inworks) “3D Design & Prototyping”
Integration Cluster
ANTH 4800/5800 (CLAS) "Digital Medical Anthropology"
COMM 4558/5558 (CLAS) “Digital Health Narratives”
ENGL 4190/5190 (CLAS) “Advanced Topics in Writing and Digital Studies"
HIST 5260 (CLAS) “Digital Studies and Strategies”
INTE 5665 (SEHD) “Social Media and Digital Cultures”
INTE 5711 (SEHD) “Creative Designs for Instructional Materials”
IWKS 5180 (Inworks) “Choose Your Own Adventure”
IWKS 5200 (Inworks) “Data Sci for Innovators”
IWKS 5700 (Inworks) “Innovation and Society”
PUAD 4003 (SPA) “Effective Communication for Public Service”
From social media and mobile phones to the algorithms in self-driving cars, digital and information technologies are part of our everyday lives. The Digital Studies Certificate provides you with the opportunity to explore the relationships between new communication technologies and society as well as to develop skills creating digital media messages and products. Students who complete the Digital Studies Certificate will be able to:
Describe and analyze the relationships between digital media and their cultural, social, political, and ethical contexts
Use digital media to communicate messages to a variety of audiences
Use digital media to solve problems in a range of disciplines and situations
Use digital media and related analytical skills as career-building tools