Отметка времениБаллыФамилия, имя, класс
It is NOT possible to get to the Opera House_______ .
B. The woman wants to walk because she has ___________.
C. Walking to the Opera House will take the woman_______ .
D. Before going to the opera the woman wants to buy______________
E. On her way to the theatre the woman will be passing by the______
This text deals with ... New Zealand is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. In the 13th century the islands were settled by Polynesians who formed the Maori culture, which is considered to be the native culture of New Zealand. New Zealand was discovered in 1642 by a Dutch explorer. In 1840 the Maori and the British signed a peace treaty that declared British rule.
This text deals with ... Sheep farming is one of the most important and well-known industries in New Zealand. There are 39 million sheep in the country, meaning that for every person in New Zealand there are 10 sheep. Sheep were first introduced to the country in the 1770s by James Cook.
This text deals with ... New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere. So, the months of December, January and February are the summer months, while June, July and August are considered to be winter. This means that Christmas is a summer holiday. Some New Zealanders celebrate Christmas again in the middle of July. The school year begins in February and ends at the same time as the calendar year — at the end of December.
This text deals with ... The national cuisine in New Zealand is controlled by the local ingredients as well as by the seasons. New Zealand is mainly an agricultural country, so most of the food comes from the sea and the land. A lot of the cuisine is influenced by British food, but also has elements of Mediterranean and Pacific Rim cuisine.
This text deals with ... The combination of New Zealand’s beautiful scenery and its small size has resulted in it becoming the set for many big-budget movies. Some of the most famous include “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Hobbit”, “Avatar” and “The Chronicles of Narnia”. Because [ of the success and the popularity of these movies, countless people j come to New Zealand just to see the place where their favorite [ movie was filmed.
The Young Rooster A. An old rooster called his son. He told the young rooster that he was too old to crow every morning. “Now it is your turn,” he said.On his first morning the young rooster flew up to the roof. “I have never done this before, but I A___________ very hard,” he said. He lifted his head and crowed. The sound was very quiet.The sun did not come up. Clouds covered the sky. All the animals of the farm came to the rooster. “Rooster, you must crow В_____ than that. The sun is very far away, it cannot hear you.”The next morning the rooster flew up to the roof again. He crowed as loud as he could. All the animals woke up, afraid of the noise. “What is that noise?” said the pigs. “Our ears hurt!” shouted the C____________. I D_______.sorry,” said the young rooster. But he was happy because he saw that the sun E_____________ up over the trees
The Young Rooster B. An old rooster called his son. He told the young rooster that he was too old to crow every morning. “Now it is your turn,” he said.On his first morning the young rooster flew up to the roof. “I have never done this before, but I A___________ very hard,” he said. He lifted his head and crowed. The sound was very quiet.The sun did not come up. Clouds covered the sky. All the animals of the farm came to the rooster. “Rooster, you must crow В_____ than that. The sun is very far away, it cannot hear you.”The next morning the rooster flew up to the roof again. He crowed as loud as he could. All the animals woke up, afraid of the noise. “What is that noise?” said the pigs. “Our ears hurt!” shouted the C____________. I D_______.sorry,” said the young rooster. But he was happy because he saw that the sun E_____________ up over the trees.
The Young Rooster C. An old rooster called his son. He told the young rooster that he was too old to crow every morning. “Now it is your turn,” he said.On his first morning the young rooster flew up to the roof. “I have never done this before, but I A___________ very hard,” he said. He lifted his head and crowed. The sound was very quiet.The sun did not come up. Clouds covered the sky. All the animals of the farm came to the rooster. “Rooster, you must crow В_____ than that. The sun is very far away, it cannot hear you.”The next morning the rooster flew up to the roof again. He crowed as loud as he could. All the animals woke up, afraid of the noise. “What is that noise?” said the pigs. “Our ears hurt!” shouted the C____________. I D_______.sorry,” said the young rooster. But he was happy because he saw that the sun E_____________ up over the trees.
The Young Rooster D. An old rooster called his son. He told the young rooster that he was too old to crow every morning. “Now it is your turn,” he said.On his first morning the young rooster flew up to the roof. “I have never done this before, but I A___________ very hard,” he said. He lifted his head and crowed. The sound was very quiet.The sun did not come up. Clouds covered the sky. All the animals of the farm came to the rooster. “Rooster, you must crow В_____ than that. The sun is very far away, it cannot hear you.”The next morning the rooster flew up to the roof again. He crowed as loud as he could. All the animals woke up, afraid of the noise. “What is that noise?” said the pigs. “Our ears hurt!” shouted the C____________. I D_______.sorry,” said the young rooster. But he was happy because he saw that the sun E_____________ up over the trees.
The Young Rooster E. An old rooster called his son. He told the young rooster that he was too old to crow every morning. “Now it is your turn,” he said.On his first morning the young rooster flew up to the roof. “I have never done this before, but I A___________ very hard,” he said. He lifted his head and crowed. The sound was very quiet.The sun did not come up. Clouds covered the sky. All the animals of the farm came to the rooster. “Rooster, you must crow В_____ than that. The sun is very far away, it cannot hear you.”The next morning the rooster flew up to the roof again. He crowed as loud as he could. All the animals woke up, afraid of the noise. “What is that noise?” said the pigs. “Our ears hurt!” shouted the C____________. I D_______.sorry,” said the young rooster. But he was happy because he saw that the sun E_____________ up over the trees.
The Crow and the Bottle of Water ________________________________________A One hot day, a crow was very thirsty. She needed water to drink. She found a bottle that had once been A____________ of water. But now the bottle wasВ_______________ empty. The С _______________ crow tried to reach the water with her sharp beak, but the neck of the bottle was too narrow. Again and again she tried,but the bottle was too D_______________ . She couldn’t get even a little bit of water. The crow thought for some time. Soon an idea came to her. She could make the water rise! She took a little stone and put it into the bottle. Then she took another stone and put it in. She kept putting more and more stones into the bottle. Each stone made the water rise a bit. And every time the crow had more hope. At last, the water was high enough for the crow to drink. And so she lived to see E__________ day.
The Crow and the Bottle of Water B One hot day, a crow was very thirsty. She needed water to drink. She found a bottle that had once been A____________ of water. But now the bottle wasВ________ empty. The С _______________ crow tried to reach the water with her sharp beak, but the neck of the bottle was too narrow. Again and again she tried,but the bottle was too D_______________ . She couldn’t get even a little bit of water. The crow thought for some time. Soon an idea came to her. She could make the water rise! She took a little stone and put it into the bottle. Then she took another stone and put it in. She kept putting more and more stones into the bottle. Each stone made the water rise a bit. And every time the crow had more hope. At last, the water was high enough for the crow to drink. And so she lived to see E__________ day.
The Crow and the Bottle of Water C One hot day, a crow was very thirsty. She needed water to drink. She found a bottle that had once been A____________ of water. But now the bottle wasВ____________ empty. The С _______________ crow tried to reach the water with her sharp beak, but the neck of the bottle was too narrow. Again and again she tried,but the bottle was too D_______________ . She couldn’t get even a little bit of water. The crow thought for some time. Soon an idea came to her. She could make the water rise! She took a little stone and put it into the bottle. Then she took another stone and put it in. She kept putting more and more stones into the bottle. Each stone made the water rise a bit. And every time the crow had more hope. At last, the water was high enough for the crow to drink. And so she lived to see E__________ day. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Crow and the Bottle of Water D One hot day, a crow was very thirsty. She needed water to drink. She found a bottle that had once been A____________ of water. But now the bottle wasВ__________________ empty. The С _______________ crow tried to reach the water with her sharp beak, but the neck of the bottle was too narrow. Again and again she tried,but the bottle was too D_______________ . She couldn’t get even a little bit of water. The crow thought for some time. Soon an idea came to her. She could make the water rise! She took a little stone and put it into the bottle. Then she took another stone and put it in. She kept putting more and more stones into the bottle. Each stone made the water rise a bit. And every time the crow had more hope. At last, the water was high enough for the crow to drink. And so she lived to see E__________ day. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Crow and the Bottle of Water E One hot day, a crow was very thirsty. She needed water to drink. She found a bottle that had once been A____________ of water. But now the bottle wasВ________ empty. The С _______________ crow tried to reach the water with her sharp beak, but the neck of the bottle was too narrow. Again and again she tried,but the bottle was too D_______________ . She couldn’t get even a little bit of water. The crow thought for some time. Soon an idea came to her. She could make the water rise! She took a little stone and put it into the bottle. Then she took another stone and put it in. She kept putting more and more stones into the bottle. Each stone made the water rise a bit. And every time the crow had more hope. At last, the water was high enough for the crow to drink. And so she lived to see E ________day __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7-8 предложений). План ответа поможет вам:• the place• the action• the person’s appearance• whether you like the picture or not• why Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows ...”
17.04.2020 17:42:179 / 20Абгарян Артур 7Аby taxienough time10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryingthe loudestsheepsamis coming• full• another• almost• away• different
I choose picture number 2. I see a field and a fence. I think a boy is sitting on the fence. little red hair. little boy. I think he is 9 years old. the boy has a violin in his hand. I like this picture because I love violins.
14.04.2020 13:16:3119 / 20
Абросимова Василиса 7а
by metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I would like to describe the picture №1.The picture shows a beautiful summer evening. In this photo you can see the sunset. A little boy sits on a fence. He plays the violin.He has got red hair. He is dressed in jeans and a coat. I like the sunny weather in the picture.
18.04.2020 13:15:2712 / 20Алексеев Макар 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national coming• another• full• almost• poor• different
I'd like to describe picture № 1. I think the picture shows a field and a girl on the fence. She has red hair, small nose and small mouth. She dressed in jeans, red sneakers and black cloak. I think she is playing on the violin. I guess, she is very concentrated. I think she is trying to play her favourite song.
15.04.2020 13:03:2720 / 20Антонова Екатерина 7Аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I'd like to describe picture № 1. The picture shows a boy in the country. In the background of the picture there is a pasture so we can understand that it was taken somewhere in the village. The weather is chill. I think it's Autumn. The boy is sitting on a fence and playing the violin. He is very young and handsome. He has got short red hair. He is wearing a black jacket, blue jeans, and red and white sneakers. He looks very concentrated. I like the picture because the boy is having a good time. I also like music.
17.04.2020 18:09:3111 / 20Артюшина Анна 7кby metroenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s history.the country’s history.the calendar.national trymost loudestsheepsamis coming• full• another• almost• away• another
18.04.2020 15:57:1918 / 20Арутюнян Феликсby metroenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
18.04.2020 19:24:0811 / 20Бабилич Дарина 7аby busenough time10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national food.traditional arts.will trymost loudestsheep'samwas coming• different• almost• full• different• another
18.04.2020 20:00:409 / 20Бабилич Дарина 7аby taxienough timeless than 10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudestsheepamcomes• different• away• tall• another• different
17.04.2020 18:11:4916 / 20Баландин Пётр 7Аby metroenough time10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I'd like to describe picture №1. The picture shows the field. On the field i can see the fence. The girl is sitting on this fence and playing violine. The girl is young. Her face is oval. She has red hair. She is wearing red boots,blue jeans, black coat and gray T-shirt. I like this picture because i like the violines
16.04.2020 18:05:4119 / 20Бодрова Маргарита 7 кby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I’d like to describe picture №1. The picture shows a boy in the countryside. In the background of the picture there is a beautiful autumn nature. The weather is cloudy. I think it is autumn. The boy is playing the violin. He is young and handsome. He has got short red hair and beautiful face. He is wearing a black jacket, blue jeans and red trainers. He looks relaxed. I like this photo because the boy is having a good time. That's all that I wanted to tell you about this photo.
17.04.2020 12:57:2415 / 20Васильева Варя 7 кby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.traditional loudestsheepamwas coming• full• tall• poor• different• another
I have choosen photo number 1. On the picture shows a boy in the garden. In the background of the photo autumn weather. The boy is playing on a vilion. He is young and so cute. He has got short red hair. He is wearing jeans and coat with gumshoes. He look relaxed. I like this photo baecause the boy is having a good time. That is all that i wanted to tell you about this photo.
14.04.2020 11:51:2119 / 20Величко Владимир 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• another• tall• another
I'd like to describe picture №1. Picture shows a boy, playing a violin. He is sitting on the wood fence. At the background of picture we see a farm, or it could be prairie. The boy is 5 or six years old, he is wearing blue jeans, grey shirt and black jacket. Ht has got orange hair and big blue eyes. The boy looks very concentrated and serious. I like this picture because it is very cool and beautiful. That's all that I wanted to tell you.
15.04.2020 14:13:2714 / 20Веснин Михаил 7кby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national food.traditional arts.will trymore loudersheepsamcomes• full• different• poor• tall• another
I would like to describe picture № 2. The picture shows us a beautiful girl. It is located in the Park. The weather is Sunny, I think the action takes place in the spring.Behind the image, we can see a field of hay. She has short red hair. She is wearing a coat,a grey t-shirt, sneakers and jeans. She looks happy.I like this picture because I like to play the violin.
17.04.2020 12:40:0217 / 20Волкова Анна, 7Кby metroenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I would like to describe picture number 1. The picture shows a young woman in the park. The weather is nice. I think it is autumn. The woman is playing violin. She has got short orange hair. The girl is wearing jeans, black coat and red sneakers. I like this photo becauce the girl is having a good time.
17.04.2020 11:47:568 / 20Воронин Артём 7аby taxienough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudestsheepswasis coming• full• different• tall• almost• poor
17.04.2020 5:42:1416 / 20Дацик София 7Аby metroenough timeless than 10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• another• tall• different
I`d like to describe picture № 1. The picture shows a girl playing the violin. She is sitting on the fence. The girl has short red hair. She is wearing a dark coat, jeans and sneakers. The girl is serious and focused. I like this photo for the atmosphere.
16.04.2020 20:45:4214 / 20Дебелая Екатерина 7кby busenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national food.traditional arts.triedloudersheepamwas coming• away• full• poor• tall• another
I would like to describe this picture.The picture shows a boy on a farm.In the background there are trees, fence and bushes.The boy is sitting on the fence and playing the violin.The weather is nice. I think it's summer.He is young and handsome.He looks fo 9 years.He has beautiful hair.I like this photo because the boy looks happy and I like such a calm environment.That's all that I wanted to say about this picture.
14.04.2020 22:42:0616 / 20Дебелый Даниил 7кby metroenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I would like to discribe this picture. On this picture is the boy who is playing on the violin. He is sitting on the fence. He is wearing blue jeans, red trainers, gray t-shirt and black coat. I think se just started to learn playing and he want to play better. I like this picture, because the boy looks very concentraced.
16.04.2020 1:50:0618 / 20Дешко Виктория 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• another• tall• different
I whould like to describe this picture. The picture shows a field. There is a boy who is sitting on the fence. He is playing the violin. I think this boy is about ten years old. He is not very tall and has red hair. He is wearing a T-shirt and a black coat. Also we can see his jeanse and his red sneakers. I like this photo because it is very bright and impressive.
16.04.2020 12:12:1917 / 20Жабин Георгий 7 Аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national trymore loudersheepsamwas coming• full• almost• poor• away• another
I would like to describe picture number one. The picture shows a boy in the garden. In the bacground of the picture there is field. The weather is sunny so we can guess that it is summer. The boy is playing on violin. He is young and handsome. He has got short red hair. He is wearing a black jacket, a jeans and a red boots. He look concentrated. I like this photo because the boy is playing on violin. I also enjoy music. That's all I wanted to tell you.
16.04.2020 18:01:0117 / 20Зинькова Екатерина 7Кby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I'd like to describe picture number one.The picture shows a boy on the street.In the backround of the picture there is fence.The boy is playing the violin.He is young.He is wearing a black jacket,blue jeans and red sneakers.He has got red hair.I like the photo because,the boy is having a good time.That's all I wanted to say.
16.04.2020 16:22:0420 / 20Зубков Владимир 7Кby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I'd like to describe this picture. The picture shows a little boy. He is on a farm. He is sitting on a fence and playing the violin. I think he is 10 years old. His hair is red. He is wearing red trainers and blue jeans. He has got a black coat. I like this picture because I like to play the violin too.
16.04.2020 18:25:5218 / 20иванов максим 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepsamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I’d like to describe picture № 1.The picture shows a young boy. I think he is in the park. He is sitting on the fence and playing the violin. I guess he is about ten years old. He has red hair. The boy looks concentrated. He is wearing jeans, a black coat and red trainers.As for me I really like this picture because the atmosphere in it is amazing.
16.04.2020 21:37:2816 / 20иванова Полина ,7кby metroenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I`ve choosen photo № 1.In this photo i can see the meadow.In this meadow there is a boy.He is 7 years old.He is short and slim.He has got beautiful eyes and straight red hair.He is wearing a jeans,t-shirt and coat.He is sitting on the fence and playing the violin.I like this photo ,because I like music.That`s all I wanted to say about this photo.
16.04.2020 21:44:1820 / 20Иванова Полина,7кby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I`ve choosen photo № 1.In this photo i can see the meadow.In this meadow there is a boy.He is 7 years old.He is short and slim.He has got beautiful eyes and straight red hair.He is wearing a jeans,t-shirt and coat.He is sitting on the fence and playing the violin.I like this photo ,because I like music.That`s all I wanted to tell about this photo.
16.04.2020 13:56:3112 / 20Иванова Ульяна 7аby busno money10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national trymore loudersheepamis coming• full• almost• poor• away• different
17.04.2020 9:56:2215 / 20Иванова Ульяна 7аby busenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national trymore loudersheepamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I would like to describe a picture-a photograph. It shows a boy playing a violin. It is located on a fence, most likely outside the city. He is 7-10 years old, has red hair, is short and thin. He is dressed in a loose style: blue jeans, black coat, red sneakers. I like his serious face. He is passionate about what he loves. Photography helps you imagine the sound of a violin on the nature.
16.04.2020 17:57:1020 / 20Каплан, Лев, 7К by metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I would lie to describe this picture. It shows a boy. The background of the picture is blurry, but I can clearly see the fence and the outlines of the trees, so we can understand that the photo was taken in the park. The weather is very good and I think it is evening time. The boy is playing the violin. He is young and cute. He has got middle-height red hair and I think, brown eyes. He is wearing grey sweater, jeans and black coat. The boy looks concentrated, we can understand that he likes playing the violin. I like this photo because the boy is having a good time. That is all that I wanted to tell you about this photo.
16.04.2020 19:50:0514 / 20Киве Всеволод 7кby metroenough timeless than 10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudersheepsamwas coming• full• almost• different• tall• another
I'd like to describe picture №1. The picture shows aa boy. You can also see violin. The boy is young. I think he's 7 years old. He has got long orange hair. He is wearing a coat, jeans and red boots. She looks concentrated. She is sitting on the fence and playing on the violin. The weather is good. I think it is autumn. I like this photo because i like music.
17.04.2020 16:47:1018 / 20
Коваленко Никита 7к класс
by metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national trymore loudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I have photo number 2. I want to say. In the Photo there is a young boy on the fence. He is wearing in black coat, grey T-shirt, jeans and red sneakers. He has long red hair. The boy plays the violin. I like this photo very much, because I like music.
16.04.2020 20:40:2616 / 20Медведева Мария 7кby metroenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national trymore loudersheepsamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
18.04.2020 21:42:3018 / 20Метельский Артёмby metroenough time10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepsamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I'd like to describe photo №1.In the photo I can see a field and a fence.There is a boy on the fence(забор).He is young and slim.He has got red hair(рыжие), he is wearing jeans, boots and jacket.He is playing by violin.I like this photo because, I like listen to the violin music.
16.04.2020 19:58:0118 / 20Мешкова Даша 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I'd like to describe picture number one. The picture shows a boy on the fence. In the background of the picture there are trees. The weather is good I think it is autumn. The boy is playing the violin. He is young and handsome. He is wearing a black coat, a grey T-shirt, blue jeans and red sneakers. He looks very enthusiastic. I like the photo because the boy is having a good time. I also like music.That's all I wanted to tell you.
17.04.2020 11:38:3719 / 20Немцева Варвара 7кby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
16.04.2020 9:46:2920 / 20
Нестеров Александр 7а
by metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
16.04.2020 17:58:5416 / 20Николаева Анна 7Кby metroenough timeless than 10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryingloudersheepamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I would like to describe picture №1. The picture shows a boy on the street. Boy is playing the violin on the street. He is young and pretty. He has got short dark hair. He is wearing black coat, blue jeans and red sneakers. He look happy and relaxed. I like the photo because the boy is having a good time. I also enjoy relaxing.
17.04.2020 19:04:1617 / 20Островский Кирилл 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepsamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I’d like to describe picture № one. The picture shows autmn field and fence. Young girl who is sitting on on the fence and playing the violin. She is not so tall and she is slim, her hair is red. She is wearig red shoes, blue jeans, black trench coat and grey sweater.She is playing violin which is brown and black colors. The weather is good and sunny. I like this piture because i like music and nature.
16.04.2020 1:54:5020 / 20Перова Наталья 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I whould like to describe this picture. The picture shows a field. There is a boy who is sitting on the fence. He is playing the violin. I think this boy is about ten years old. He is not very tall. He has red hair. He is wearing a T-shirt and a black coat. Also we can see his jeanse and his red sneakers. I like this photo because it is very bright and impressive.
18.04.2020 22:39:4317 / 20
Пилипенко Никита Денисович, 7 "К"
by metroenough time10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepsamwas coming• full• away• poor• tall• another
I’d like to describe picture №1. The picture shows a light wooden fence around which yellow grass grows. I think it`s autumn, because the picture doesn`t show green leaves. On the fence sits a boy who plays the violin. He looks focused on the game and sad. The boy is dressed in a black coat, jeans and red shoes. His red hair is very beautiful. I like this picture because I am a fan of classical music and art. I also love nature.
16.04.2020 18:58:369 / 20Попов, Василий, 7Кby metrono moneymore than 10 minutesticketstraffic lightthe country’s history.traditional arts.the calendar.national loudestsheepwasis coming• full• away• tall• another• almost
I'd like to describe picture №1. The picture shows a little boy, who is playing on a violin. He has long red hair, small nose and slim mouth. He looks like a small musician. He is sitting on a fence. Probably, he is in a country. I like this photo a lot, because it is the best photo, I have ever taken. That is all I want to say.
15.04.2020 16:23:4613 / 20Попова Александра 7кby metroenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national food.traditional tryingloudersheepsamwas coming• full• almost• poor• away• different
I'd like to describe №1. The picture shows a little boy. It is located in a beautiful park park. The boy plays good music on the violin. The boy wears a black coat, gray t-shirt, jeans and red sneakers. The boy has beautiful red hair and blue eyes. I really liked this picture. She is very bright, attractive, interesting and inspiring.
13.04.2020 20:05:4920 / 20пробаby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• anotherпрпрррр
19.04.2020 16:15:1616 / 20Прокофьева Алла 7 Аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• different
I`d like to describe picture №1. In the picture I can see the fence that stands in the flied. This girl sits on the fence and play the violin. I think this is a teenager. She is thirteen. She is short. She has got a thin face,straight red hair. She wear a nice black jacket, gray sweater, blue jeans and red sneakers. I like this picture, because it is beautiful and interesting.
17.04.2020 12:05:5910 / 20Рябов Валерий 7кby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudersheepsiscomes• another• tall• almost• different• away
18.04.2020 20:40:486 / 20Смагин Иванby busenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe calendar.traditional animals.trymost loudestsheepiswas coming• full• tall• away• different• another

I want to tell you about photo number 1. The photo shows a boy playing the violin. The boy is dressed in a jacket, sneakers and jeans. The boy also has long red hair. The photo shows that the boy is trying and wants to learn how to play the violin. I like this photo because I also don’t like to stop and always go forward. That's all I wanted to tell about this photo.
16.04.2020 11:45:0013 / 20Соколова Амалия 7Кby busenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudersheepsamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I would like to discribe this picture.
The picture shows a boy on a fence.
The boy is playing the violin.
He is young and pretty.
He is wearing black jaket ,jeans and red sneakers.
He looks concentrated and pacified.
I like this photo because the boy is having a good time.I aslo enjoy the color of his hair.
17.04.2020 9:16:3516 / 20Степанов Александр 7кby metroenough time10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national trymore loudersheepamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I have chosen photo number 1. In the photo there is a young woman. She is short and slim. The woman has got red hair. She is wearing a black coat, jeans and sneakers. She is looking very cool. The woman is playing the violin. She likes music. I like this photo very much because It is the best photo I ever seen. That is all I wanted to say.
18.04.2020 15:56:5615 / 20
Торопова Анастасия 7К
by taxienough timemore than 10 minutesflowersbankthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudersheepamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I would like to describe picture. The picture shows a boy on the fence. In the background of the picture there is a clearing. The boy is playing the violin. He is young and pretty. He has short, red hair. He is wearing a black coat, jeans and red sneakers. He looks concentrated. I like the picture because the boy is having a good time.
14.04.2020 15:11:0317 / 20Троянова Ксенияby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryingloudersheepamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I'd like to describe picture №1. The picture shows a boy sitting on a fence. We can see a beautiful sunset in the country side. The boy is wearing jeans, a jacket and trainers . I am sure that the boy is 6-7 years oid. The sunlight makes his hair ginger, almost orange. The boy is playing the violin. I think the music is very beautiful. I like the picture because it is very calm and has wonderful atmosphere .
14.04.2020 15:35:4818 / 20Galiev Arseniy 7кby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national trymore loudersheepsamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I`d like to describe picture №1. The picture shows a boy that is sitting on a wooden fence. He has got red hair and white skin tone. He wears black coat, jeans and red sneakers. He is playing on a violin. The boy looks sad and focused on playing. I like this picture, because I like how violin sounds.
18.04.2020 14:39:5814 / 20Khudoyan Artem 7Aby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national trymore loudersheeps'iscomes• full• almost• poor• different• away
i'd like to describe picture number 1. The picture shows child on country cite. in the background there is dry grass. I think it is autumn. He has got orange hair, red sneakers, jeans and jacket. Child play violin. I like this picture, because playing on violin calms!
15.04.2020 17:30:0119 / 20Ruzinskaya Alice 7 "K"by metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepsamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
The picture shows a boy in the country. The weather is fine. The boy is sitting on the fence and playing the violin. He is young and pretty. He has got short red hair. He is wearing a black coat, a blue jeans and red shoes. He looks concentrated. I like this picure very much.
15.04.2020 17:11:2120 / 20Sahakyan Lilia 7aby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I’d like to describe picture №1. In the picture I can see a wooden fence on which a boy sits. He pleys the violin. The boy looks short and thin. He has red hair and his eyes are not visited. He is wearing a grey t-shirt with a black coat, jeans pants and red shoes. I really like this picture. When I look at this picture my mood rises.
20.04.2020 11:16:5419 / 20Тимофеева Варвара 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowersflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamwas coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I would like to describe picture number one. In the background of the photo we can see field. The picture shows us the boy, playing on the violin. It’s clear from his face that he is focused on his action and he loves this. He has got medium length red hair. He is wearing black coat, grey t-shirt, blue jeans and red shoes. I like this photo because of the contrast of colours. That is all I wanted to tell you.
20.04.2020 11:53:075 / 20Козырев Денис 7кby busenough time10 minutesticketsbankthe country’s food.traditional arts.triedloudersheepsiswill come• tall• full• another• different• away
20.04.2020 12:31:1311 / 20Гиршфлид Арсений 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightnational food.traditional animals.national food.will trymore loudersheeps'iscomes• full• almost• poor• tall• another
20.04.2020 12:34:5018 / 20Гиршфлид Арсений 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesticketstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamcomes• full• almost• poor• tall• another
20.04.2020 13:38:0111 / 20Козырев Денис 7кby metroenough time10 minutesticketsflower shopthe country’s animals.the calendar.national trymore loudersheepamis coming• full• away• full• away• different
20.04.2020 17:44:4516 / 20
Слышкова Мария 7А, гимназия 177
by metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudersheepsamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
On this picture you can see the boy who is playing on the violin. The boy is about 8-10 years old. He is not tall. He has got brown hair. He is wearing a casual clothes and sneakers. Maybe he attends music school in normal life. The action takes place on the street. I like this photo because I am fond of playing interesting music . Besides, the atmosphere in the photo is very positive and relaxing.
20.04.2020 23:32:2416 / 20Попов, Василий, 7Кby metroenough time10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheep'samis coming• full• almost• another• tall• another
I'd like to describe picture №1. There is a young boy. He is sitting on the fence and he is playing on a violin. He's got long red hear, slim lips and a pretty nose, he is in his early teens I think. He wears red sneakers, blue jeans, grey T-shirt and dark blue jacket. Behind a boy, we can see some country landscape. I like this photo a lot? because it is the best one, I've ever taken. That is all I want to say.
21.04.2020 13:17:5014 / 20Бартуччи Дэвид 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national loudersheepsamis coming• full• poor• different• tall• another
21.04.2020 17:33:2919 / 20Саакян Лилия 7аby metroenough timemore than 10 minutesflowerstraffic lightthe country’s animals.the calendar.national tryloudersheepamis coming• full• almost• poor• tall• another
I’d like to describe picture № 1.In the picture I can see a wooden fence on which a boy sits. He plays the violin. The boy looks short and thin. He has red hair and his eyes are not visible. He is wearing a gray t-shirt with a black coat, jeans pants and red shoes.I really like this picture. When I look at this picture my mood rises