Inputs Received for E-Consultation on SDG 17: "Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development", to be reviewed at the HLPF 2019 under the auspices of ECOSOC
This file compiles inputs from MGoS on SDG 17, which will be under in-depth review at the HLPF 2019. Outcomes may contain advice, opinions and statements of various information providers. The United Nations does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information provided through this e-consultation. Our office reserves the right to delete any content/input that is not aligned with the United Nations Charter and/or the principles and purposes of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
2. Name of Organization5. If you represent a major group or other stakeholder constituency, please indicate which one?6. Based on the evidence, and keeping the regional/local context in mind, what are the most effective ways to accelerate progress towards SDG 17? 7. Based on the evidence, and keeping the regional/local context in mind, where are the biggest shortfalls/gaps towards making progress towards SDG 17?8. How can one best leverage the interlinkages between SDG 17 and the rest of the 2030 Agenda?9. Can you share examples of effective models of multi-stakeholder engagement for the implementation of SDG 17?10. Please, add here any additional comment related to SDG 17.5. If you represent a major group or other stakeholder constituency, please indicate which one?
Non-Governmental Organizations, Volunteer Groups
I have good ideas
I will tell you at the meeting
I will tell you at the meeting
i have more exmaplesI will be attend
University of São Paulo / International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology
Education & Academic Entities
An ecosystemic framework reconceptualises roles and drives, encompassing the combination and co-design of four dimensions of being in the world (intimate, interactive, social and biophysical), as they combine to elicit the events, suffer the consequences and organize for a change, encompassing public policies, communication, advocacy, research and teaching programmes.
In the socio-cultural learning niches, heuristic-hermeneutic experiences generate awareness, interpretation and understanding beyond established stereotypes, from a thematic (“what”), an epistemic (“how”) and a strategic (when, who) point of view. Niches are new structures, protective spaces for “path breaking innovations” in the transition process to an ecosystemic model of culture, “shielding, nurturing and empowering”.
All dimensions of being-in-the-world (intimate, interactive, social and biophysical) are considered in view of their dynamic equilibrium, complementarity and mutual support: deficits and assets are assessed, connections strengthened and ruptures sealed, as they evolve as donors and recipients and combine to induce the events (deficits/assets), cope with the consequences (desired/undesired) and organize for change (potential outputs).
PILON, A. F., Education Towards a Responsible Society: 2nd HEIRRI Conf., Vienna, 2018:

The paradigms of growth, power, wealth, work and freedom embedded into the political, technological, economic, social, cultural and educational systems are actually responsible for degradation of quality of life, increased urban violence, chaotic system of production and consumption, energy squander, deforestation, mining expansion, hazardous wastes, pesticides, pollutants, global climate change, diminishing biological diversity.
Environmental conditions are hampered by bureaucratic regimes, biased policies, internal incoherence, historical injustices, asymmetries of knowledge and power, a long-standing subalternity, lack of pluralism in decision-making, unequal sharing of benefits, aggravated by vested interests that benefit established corporations and destroy cultural relationships, land and territories, in the benefit of commercial demands for exported commodities.
Understanding this requires better knowledge of the way societies are governed, going further than describing barriers to change. Understanding lock-ins requires uncovering the dynamics that create and sustain them. Governance regimes operate in an increasingly neoliberal world that defines problem and solution spaces in particular terms and closes off avenues for envisioning possible alternatives.
PILON, A. F., Returning Earth:
Anthropogenic views do not distinguish between the whole of the human beings and the destructive action on nature and culture of the political and economical system: powerful lobbies, deeply ingrained in the public administration, favour mega-projects with intensive use of resources; formal education, more technology, can not redress the political, economic and social asymmetric power relations (common citizens versus big corporations) that prevent the participation of the major part of the population in the public sphere.
The ecosystemic conceptions are not merely epistemological or ontological, but have normative dimensions, they provide an ethos, a framework for moral orientation. Living well within ecological limits requires profound changes in dominant institutions, practices, technologies, policies, lifestyles and thinking, fundamental transitions in the systems of production and consumption that are the cause of environmental and climate pressures; ecological catastrophes, climate change, geological, social and economic imbalances, famine, plague, wars and death, all the calamities that plague today’s world.
Instead of taking current prospects for granted and project them into the future, the definition of desirable goals and the exploration of new paths to reach them implies the coordination with transdisciplinary observatories in representative socio-ecological systems (bioclusters), for collective knowledge production, compilation and exchange in view of project design and policy making, encompassing environmental leaders, academicians, journalists, students, youth movements and sociocultural learning niches.
In this sense, it is expected that advocacy, public policies, research and teaching programmes would:
a) define the problems in the core of the “boiling pot”, instead of reducing them to the ‘bubbles’ of the surface (effects, fragmented and taken for granted issues);
b) combine all dimensions of being in the world in the diagnosis and prognosis of events, assessing their deficits and assets, as donors and recipients;
c) promote the singularity (identity, proper characteristics) of and the reciprocity (mutual support) between all dimensions in view of their complementarity and dynamic equilibrium;
d) contribute towards the transition to an ecosystemic model of culture, as an essential condition for consistency, effectiveness and endurance.
Ref.: PILON, A. F., Pobreza, riqueza, educación, cultura, ambiente y libertad: un enfoque ecosistémico para los problemas contemporáneos, Rev. Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad, mayo, 2017 [en línea]:
Develop healthy societies, that invest in each other, not in mega-projects that destroy the planet.
Chairman of Elmoustkbal organization for Media Studies
Non-Governmental Organizations, Media
Media has an effective role in building bridges between peoples around the world.
Hate speech spread in some media, which increases the gap between peoples.
Achieving Goal 17 will enable the world to increase investment opportunities and thus improve living, education and stability.
Our participation in United Nations Global Compact give us more connection to stockholders around the world, which It has been instrumental in disseminating many useful press releases to the community and exchanging discussions with many around the world:
My CV:
VANI (Voluntary Action Network India)
Non-Governmental Organizations
In the context of India, there is need to have effective collaboration and partnership between NGOs, Government and Private sector, as no one alone can achieve SDGs in isolation. Secondly, there is also need to promote partnership between southern and western NGOs for promoting south-south cooperation and triangular cooperation. We share the presence it is only by sharing and learning’s we can have common future.
Although, everyone wants to collaborate and penned but there is gap of understanding of language, framework and ways of functioning between government, NGOs and private sector. Similarly, there is need to develop effective platform of NGOs for regional sharing.
The SDG 17 is the foundation on which all SDGs are going to be build. There is process to work on SDGs and global level, but it needs to particulate at local and national level.
Indian NGOs, Government and academia has come together to form Forum of Indian Development Cooperation, where regular debates and sharing of experience takes place, VANI is also trying to build same for national level in collaboration with NITI Ayog, which is think tank and nodal point for SDG implementation of India.
We are already half way through, we need to have course correction in operational areas.
Women, Indigenous Peoples, Non-Governmental Organizations, Workers & Trade Unions, Farmer, Volunteer Groups, Education & Academic Entities, Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development, CONSUMERS
Le Verrier
Private Philanthropic Organizations
Legislation, Education and Incentives for Early Adopters
Political Will
Identify and quantify value-added interdependencies
Women, Children & Youth, Indigenous Peoples
el desarrollo sostenible no existe sin la participación de las personas, por ende hay que hacer llegar toda esta información a las comunidades.
las politicas, leyes de los estados. si no se cambia esto es imposible avanzar en los ODS
siendo vinculante
cursos de capacitación, mayor educación y mejor acceso al agua y salud
ACI MedellínLocal Authorities
Changing the mindset of developing countries from being only recipients of international cooperation to knowledge hubs to exchange information and experiences to develop alliance for development.

Facilitating local spaces, where the relevant actors meet to develop programs and projects that contribute to the compliance of the SDGs.

Creating global spaces to exchange knowledge from different contexts and allow the participants to propose solutions for specific challenges faced by each city with other contexts solutions.

Facilitating regulatory environment in countries to promote and strengthen private-public-partnerships for development.

Improving the reporting system of the SDG based on the contributions made by private sector, social sector and individuals.
Trade, taxes and official development aid (ODA) are still a national order competence, it is needed to decentralize these, in this way local governments can support the SDG achievement.

The inability to measure the private sector contribution to SDGs, it does not allow to have a real statistical capacity within the countries or local governments to take coordinated action with other development actors.

The international cooperation offer does not present significant advances in ICT literacy, the current focus is based on innovation. The lack of opportunities is not allowing to close the existing gaps in ICT literacy.
Partnerships for development should not be the end itself. On the contrary, they are the enabler to achieve the other SDG through the interaction of development actors. In this sense, it is required to create awareness about the capacity of each actors to be supplier or receptor of cooperation for each goal.
The development actors making a constant change in their role are dynamizing the partnerships system to move forward in a faster way.
The city established its SDG indicators in 2018, through a participatory process that included academia, private sector and social sector. Currently, the city is refining the measurement and evaluation processes, it is expected to have the first measurement in 2020.
Sukaar welfare organization
Women, Non-Governmental Organizations, Farmer, Education & Academic Entities, Private Philanthropic Organizations
Yes YesYesYesNo
Gatef organization
Non-Governmental Organizations, Volunteer Groups
I have a good ideasI will need your helpcooperation
i will tell you at the meeting
not now
GamioPersons with Disabilities
Empower people with disabilities and international cooperation is used in mobility aids, devices and support technologies
People with disabilities remain at the lowest levels of education and work as well as among the poorest
Access of people with disabilities to new information and communication technologies
To improve data collection systems through international cooperation
Nafas LGBT Azerbaijan Alliance
Non-Governmental Organizations
To make sure that LGBTI citizens are not left behind within the legal framework that creates and protects their equal participation, state parties should enhance policies coherence for sustainable development. The most effective way to accelerate the progress toward SDG 17:
•Inclusive data collection policy to ensure all data is also appropriately disaggregated by sexual orientation and gender identity, in addition gender expression and sex characteristics;

• Set policies and ensure an adequate budget to provide specific education and training programs on sensitivity and effective response to SOGIESC based discrimination and hate crime for police and other law enforcement agencies;

• Adopt hate crime and hate speech laws that protect all individuals from violence, including those targeted on the grounds of their real or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics;

• Strengthen legislation to incorporate mechanisms for monitoring and reporting hate motivated acts;

• Review domestic legislation regarding non-discrimination with the objective to harmonize with implementation of sustainable development goals;

• Make sure that National Human Rights Institution (Ombudswoman) includes SOGIESC within its mandate;

• Prioritize policies that grants the access to justice, housing, employment, healthcare, education and legal recognition (i.e., official documentation) for LGBTI citizens and their unions;
1. Considering that the homosexual relationships are decriminalized in Azerbaijan, still the legal framework doesn’t allow homosexual citizens enjoy their family rights. Article 34.1 of the Constitution and the Family Code guarantees that everyone has the right to marry on reaching the age specified by law. But later Article 34.4 of the Constitution and Article 2.2–2.3 identifies this union between men and women. The lack of normative legal acts to lawfully regulate homosexual individuals officially registering these relationships limits their access to any family-related social and economic rights that granted only for heterosexual couples such as ownership over common property, usage and order rights and property distribution, succession to a tenancy, health insurance and access to medical care, taxes, domestic violence, alimony, as regards death and inheritance, pensions and etc.
2.There continues to be a lack of robust disaggregated data across a number of indicators. Limited data relating to the LGBTI community makes it difficult to assess the extent to which their rights are being realized, whether any progress has been made and what the continuing gaps/issues are.
3. It is important to recognize the link between the implementation of SDG and CSOs that working with and for the involvement of their target groups in to this process. The applications submitted by the Nafas LGBT in order to get an official registration from the Ministry of Justice have been denied twice.
Available efficient remedies in legal framework are not only matter of human rights LGBTI citizens, indeed, it is an important step toward peaceful and inclusive society for sustainable development. It will help to:
• eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable [...] (Target 4.5¬)
• build and upgrade education facilities [...] and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environment for all (Target 4.a)
• end all forms of discrimination [...] everywhere (Target 5.1)
• Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights (Target 5.6)
• Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including through eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and actions in this regard (Target 10.3)
• Ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services [...] (Target 11.1)
• Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere (Target 16.1)
• Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels (Target 16.7)
• Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development (Target 16.B)
Current climate in country makes it impossible to achieve effective models of multi-stakeholder engagement for the implementation of SDG.
Union of Education Norway
Union for teachers
"To use the position we and other unions enjoy as social partners whereby we have a defined role in negotiations, discussions and decision-making fora.
In Norway it is a big shortfall that a national plan on how to reach the SDG is not elaborated. The work done to acheive the SDGs are in many instances ʺoutsideʺ the ordinary cooperation and organized work life.
As a union for teachers we see the other goals in light of education, and how we can contribute as a union. We believe it is important for an organisation to identify or see the goal of particular interest in light of the other goals.
Cooperation through social dialogue is discussed, but not implemented.
Non-Governmental Organizations, Science & Technological Community, Farmer, Volunteer Groups, Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development
give the 3rd world countries a chance to showcase their wares
for third world and underdeveloped countries food and refrigeration
the haves and the have not issues. it must be resolve.
just like Facebook where the public have an unlimited access for free. all SDG and rest of of the 2030 agenda must also have.
sincerely all the SDG agendas have had been an eye opener for all
Independent Consultant
Non-Governmental Organizations
Knowledge management
Interest of the organizations for sharing knowledge - best practices and failures.
Understanding better the basic concept of interactions of the SDGs. SDG 17 is the pillar to achieve the 16 SDGs. Any SDG can be achieved working alone with no partners.
The Venture Philanthropy Networks in Europe and Asia- EVPA & AVPN-
EGOS are an enormous barrier to achieve better partnerships.
Collective Leadership Institute gGmbH
Non-Governmental Organizations
Build capacity in collaboration skills. Enter into (real) multi-stakeholder partnerships and work towards common goals. See SDG 17 as the how of implementing the whole 2030 Agenda.
A world economic and financial system which puts competition and power first and undermines all efforts on partnerships at an eye-level. The lack of understanding of the complexity of today's world and how local action contributes to the larger picture. The incentives to really change and transform towards more sustainability are simply not in place in a rich country like Germany.
Promoting SDG 17 as the how to achieve the other 16 goals. Moving away from the grid picture of the SDGs (which pretends the goals are just some points you can tick on a linear check list) and present them in a way which is much better represents their intention: A complex set of goals which is interlinked in each action you do to achieve or undermine them.
Collective Leadership Compass (, Dialogic Change Model (
Stop greenwashing SDG 17 and start real multi-stakeholder partnerships at an eye-level.
International-Curricula Educators Association
Women, Non-Governmental Organizations, Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development
1- Drafting new laws that regulate not-for-profit projects between countries that it become self funded. So far, business-as-usual dominates the scene in respect of global partnership as it is more regulated and thus facilitated. 2- Acknowledging the gap between development ecosystems present between the Global North and the Global South and facilitate new models of global partnership. 3- Addressing and confronting injustice arising from political oppression in several regions around the world; such oppression is a major obstacle in global partnership as the interests of the governing regimes don't normally correspond with the interest of the people. Funding some global conservation joint projects which are critical for sustainable development but challenging in terms of finance .
The biggest shortfall is failing to address the lack of global measures and regulations for global partnership. So far, business-as-usual, is dominant as it's self-funded, more regulated, and thus more facilitated. While regenerative and conservation projects struggle to coordinate activities. International business-as-usual has power over states while civil society is normally subject to local regulations thus subdued to states (including oppressive regimes which is in turn a major obstacle in the face of global partnership and a limiting factory to the means of implementations.
1- Acknowledging the limited of incentives and protection of global philanthropic and regenerative business models and addressing such shortfalls. 2- Directing fund, time, and efforts to correcting business models towards global circular and regenerative economy through taxing. 3- Facilitating the partnership between the developing and developed countries by liberating the civil society from the oppression of some states.
WMG, IPNAMME, Permaculture Association
Partnerships among states are inseparable from civil society and community-based solutions for SDGs.
WDF(International Economic Organization World Distribution Federation)
Non-Governmental Organizations, Business & Industry, Farmer, Education & Academic Entities, Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development
1. A continuous exchange system will be needed rather than a circular event.
2. A system is needed to exchange information with each other.
Information is not available in Asian countries including underdeveloped countries.
Local managers are appointed and need continuous management
We operate a knowledge sharing platform.
They are sharing their different knowledge to increase profitability and efficiency.
2030 System seems to need a system to share information.
Manchester MuseumMuseums
The SDGs are a strong framework for communicating across different sectors. Having some kind of 'brokering' or match making for different sectors around the SDGs would be very helpful. Ringfenced funding for cross sectoral partnerships would be very helpful.
lack of visibility within nations
through digital means to help broker relationships
Museums working together, e.g. the Tokyo Protocol highlighting how science museums can support SDGs, and International Council of Museums Working Group on Sustainability advising ICOM on how to mainstream SDGs
it is crucial
TAM Ceramics LLC of NY
Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development
Preventive measures in environmental health
See no. 6, above. Addressing environmental health challenges is fundamental.
Implementation of ceramic technologies of environmental health
There are innumerable opportunities for partnership give these genuinely sustainable technologies.
World Indigenous Teaching & Learning Centre Circle (WITLCC)
Indigenous Peoples, Non-Governmental Organizations, Persons with Disabilities, Education & Academic Entities, Families; Mestizaje/Metis; Human and Environmental Health Practitioners
Answers provided in the foregoing SDGs apply
Financial greed.
Answers provided in the foregoing
SDG queries apply.
WITLCC hopes this year to do a side event on that
IndustriALL Global UnionWorkers & Trade Unions
• a new, compelling narrative is needed to counter the prevailing casino-capitalist narrative of infinite growth and the linkages of wealth, and power
• the defining institution of our age - the multinational corporation - must be re-thought and the charter of incorporation (granted by society to corporations, giving them the right to exist) must be re-imagined
• if society can grant a corporation its charter, then by definition it can revoke it
• south-south and triangular cooperation may be a way forward for the developing world
• civil society can take up some of the slack left by ineffective governments, but we must return to the idea that governments have a duty to create public policies that are in the public interests, and to enforce those policies
• democracy is weakened at the moment by new technologies and capabilities to manipulate public opinion, and a seeming discouragement of capable, sane, reasonable and honest people to seek office
• the socialization of costs while profits are privatized, continues apace
• implementing global partnerships - a new and strengthened global governance - is an opportunity that presents itself for progress
Non-Governmental Organizations
Integrated Development approach
Coordination and Advocacy
Information Sharing and capacity development
Women, Indigenous Peoples
Global partnerships are achieved through meaningful participation of governments in international negotiations an discussion on various development issues.
1. Governments take long to ratify or implement global partnership agreements.
2. There are very weak mechanisms to hold countries accountable to global partnerships and agreements. the existing accountability mechanisms have almost zero punitive impact on countries.
The ratification, respect and implementation of global partnerships and agreements is critical to ensure all countries advance constructively towards the agenda 2030.
UNFCCC, the UN Permantent Forum and CBD ( convention on biodiversity) by Kenya has been characteristically successful in kenya's progress towards agenda 2030.
The commitment to implement and revitalize global partnership is still weak among African countries.
East Africa Trade Union Confederation
Workers & Trade Unions
By following the principle of effective development we should be able to accelerate progress of this goal on ownership by developing country owned strategies in implementation of the SDGs that are aligned to our own developmental vision through result driven process that are harmonised and are properly accounted for.
Financing the SDGs is the biggest challenge where countries are forced to implement donor driven processes rather their own processes.
AGENDA 2030 can not be achieve without partnerships
The High Level Forum of Aid Effectiveness a good model on global partnerships
Comision Huairou
Women, Non-Governmental Organizations, Farmer, Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development
Will and real commitment of the powerful countries in the protection of resources and in the relationship with the impoverished countries (by the powerful countries)
In understanding that we are a world community. That development can not be based on the expropriation of resources or the contamination of one another. Demystify economic development and prioritize human development.
All the objectives are binding among themselves.
The Church of Sweden
Churches, Faith based development organisations
- Strengthen a narrative of a world where we are all mutually interdependent, and that the only way to succeed in meeting the challenges of today is to do it together.
- In order to counteract increasing polarization new ways to meet and dialogue are needed. Dialogues at all level must be strengthened, which in turn is dependent on an enabling environment for all stakeholders, including the civil society.
- Holding governments and companies accountable to the commitments they have made, especially regarding human rights and development effectiveness.
- meeting the ODA commitments, especially the proportion of ODA to LDCs (ref: ODI: Financing the end of extreme poverty and Investments to end poverty 2018
- failure to prioritise support national capacities to develop progressive tax systems and efficient tax collection, in accordance with AAAA. (OECD: Global-Outlook-on-Financing-for-SD-2019)
- too strong (and unrealistic) emphasis and expectations on the mobilisation of private finance (ref
- As SDG 17 is the basis for implementation of all other SDGs, the impact on other SDGs need to be core part of planning and monitoring of initiatives towards SDG 17. All actors must be included in these considerations.
- Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation.
- In some countries there are good consultation between government and private sector, and between government and civil society. In general, however, there is a lack of multi-stakeholder engagement in discussions on development finance.
UnioWorkers & Trade Unions
The goals should be institutionalised nationally by way of a wide-reaching white paper as a first step towards a national plan for realising the sustainable development goals.
Further: The social partners must be involved in the planning, execution and evaluation of the government’s work on the UN’s sustainable development goals.
And: special parliamentary hearings on the realisation of the sustainable development goals should be held in connection with the presentation of the proposed annual budget.
• Weakness in coordination. Need of national plan.
• The sustainable development goals still not incorporated in education at all levels – from kindergarten to higher education – and enable the institutions to exercise this mandate.
• Cooperation through social dialogue is discussed, but not implemented
Highlight and emphasis on social dialogue.
Implement knowledge about SDG s in education om all levels. Intersectionality and interdiciplin in education embedded in practice
Focus on Just changes/transition and decrease wealth gap in society in general
• Ensure that the sustainable development goals are introduced to the social partnership.
• Use joint fora that bring together labour unions, employer organisations, civil society and business to highlight and strengthen the efforts to realise the sustainable development goals.
• co-operation with key social institutions such as research/educational institutions, museums, archives and libraries to reach the sustainable development goals.
• involve the local and regional level
• Social dialogue
• extensive financing.
Gatef organization
Non-Governmental Organizations
I will be tell you laterAt the meetingAt the meetingY3sNo thanks
Non-Governmental Organizations
not now not now i will tell you later not now no thanks
ITUCWorkers & Trade Unions
- National level: resource mobilization must focus on fiscal reform, strengthening tax administration, and broadening the tax base. On the investment side, the attendant focus must be on enabling measures for public finance management, as well as social infrastructure, including health, education, and decent work strategies. At international level, intergovernmental cooperation to fight tax evasion, is also needed.
- Promote fair distribution of wealth created & resources generated in the economy, based upon the centrality of decent work as a cornerstone for employment generation, social protection and rights at work.
- Private Finance: ITUC stress the need to call for social dialogue & core labour standards as explicit components of “enforceable mechanisms” & maintain that any socially responsible, corporate practices must be consistent with decent work objectives. As well as the full observance of the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy & the OECD Guidelines on Due Diligence.
- Member States should conclude the WTO DDR with a deal that guarantees full market access for LDCs, operationalizes special and differential treatment provisions and agrees a progressive regime for investment and intellectual property for developing countries. In the interests of policy coherence, outcomes should be fully aligned with IADGs, and the SDGs, as well as with decent work objectives and the observance of core labour standards.
Lack of implementation, not only of SDG17 targets, but of the agreements made in Monterrey, Doha and Addis Ababa.
International Presentation Association
Faith Based Communities Religious in Ireland and in the UK
A commitment to 0.7% GNI and a push for other countries to do the same.
To respond in kind to the tragic event, migration, disaster with finance, accommodation, personnel and expertise.
Austerity, Brexit, Climate Mitigation Plan, Self interest and promotion. We need to understand that connection that exists between all of the SDGs and all of the countries that are trying to achieve them and by remembering that they are not achieved until they are all achieved by every country. This will mean that we recognise that we have a responsibility to ensure that the SDGs can be achieved everywhere.
There is currently in Ireland a stakeholder forum which as recently met for the third time and this time there is an energy that was there previously. There are many who want to engage and all they need is leadership and direction and we are hoping that this stakeholder forum will offer that. The Civil Society Coalition 2030 in Ireland is an effective networking model of interaction that can be better utilised by the government in their efforts to drive the SDGs at home and abroad.
We need to ensure a strength of partnership with our EU neighbours, with Civil Society and Business
Women for Water Partnership (WfWP)
Women, Volunteer Groups, Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development
- collect dis-aggregated data (implement 17.18)
- give local women's organizations direct access to finances to implement local projects steered by them
- find new solutions for broader dissemination of finances - make smaller grants/ loans possible and lower the overhead of financial institutions and donors

- huge lack of dis-aggregated data and analysis so measures can be not appropriate/ backfire
- finances / financial mechanisms are not geared towards assisting local CO organisations; too much money is " stuck" in the system and not reaching local groups
European Youth ForumChildren & Youth
Developing alternative indicators in line with SDG 17.19 should be given priority.
GDP does not, and is not intended to, measure wellbeing. It measures the sum total of everything we produce over a given period, without valuing what is produced against ethical standards or sustainability. GDP is growing and
hence the economy is said to be doing ‘well’ when environmental pollution creates new production such as medicine to treat the adverse health effects caused by air pollution. GDP, as an aggregate number, also completely ignores how the fruits of that growth are invested or shared.

The real problem with GDP as a metric, however, is its effects on policy making. What gets measured gets managed. In search for economic growth, governments have adopted a set of resource-intensive measures greatly
contributing to climate change. The elusive quest for GDP-driven growth has fostered a consumerist culture across the world for those who can afford to participate in it, whereby people are reduced to ‘consumers’ and societies
to ‘markets’. Socially, it has led to the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of fewer and fewer individuals. In and of itself, economic growth will not reduce poverty or inequality, as has been proven in many regions. A
reliance on GDP measures makes us complacent because they hide the true cost of growth for people and planet.
Cruz Roja Mexicana Ciudad de México
Women, Children & Youth, Indigenous Peoples, Non-Governmental Organizations, Local Authorities, Workers & Trade Unions, Business & Industry, Volunteer Groups, Older Persons, Persons with Disabilities
Education and Health
Comunidades vulnerables
Prevención en desastres y primeros auxilios.
Con Cuidado del Adulto Mayor, Pan y Café y Seis Acciones para Salvar una Vida.
Centrale des syndicats du Québec
Workers & Trade Unions
Il est mentionné dans l'ODD 17 qu’une « action urgente est nécessaire pour mobiliser, rediriger et débloquer le pouvoir des milliers de milliards de dollars de ressources privées pour réaliser les ODD ». Selon nous, cet objectif doit être restreint à certaines cibles bien précises. Ainsi, il ne faudrait pas que certaines promoteurs privés utilisent l'ODD 17 pour justifier la création de partenariats public-privé en éducation, car cela irait à l'encontre de la cible 4.1 qui vise un cycle complet d’enseignement gratuit.

National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE)
Non-Governmental Organizations
Governments to establish national frameworks for the implementation and achievement of the SDGs and have the primary responsibility to follow up and review progress in the implementation of the goals at all levels.
Sustained financing for achievement of all the SDGs and strong partnerships by all countries.
Design for Change España
Children & Youth, Education & Academic Entities
In our opinion, the most important is to take into account that children and young adults are not the future, they are the present. Empowering them to feel they can drive change towards a better world and that they are able to change what they do not like in their own local context, would accelerate progress towards SDG 17.
People are willing to make a change towards reducing inequalities, but they lack tools and processes to collaborate and coordinate for sustainable development, and developing 21st century skills and values (empathy, shared leadership, teamwork and critical thinking).
In our opinion, there should be a holistic and coordinated approach to meet the SDGs, as they are interlinked, and acting on one can help reach other goals. Empowered citizens with 21st century skills and values will be more conscious of the global challenges and would be willing to do something about them.
Most projects developed by children and young adults using the Design for Change methodology are proven examples of how multi-stakeholder engagement can lead to improve the SDGs. Check Stories of Change in
LaRRI (Labour Resource and Research Institute)
Workers & Trade Unions
The Private Public Partnership agreement is really key, and in practice if a trustee committee /fund be established, it will prove to be instrumental in alleviating the living standards of the designated group of the disadvantage people.
Corruption among state leaders hampers their ability to effectively provide the civic and utilitarian output. And the private sector arrogance to abandon their corporate social responsibilities is very concerning.
Cohesion and coherence, is key in striving towards a common goal and there is no exception to achieve these by both the private and governmental institutions. All institutions are encouraged to join forces in achieving a conducive environment to trade and live in.
The UN own model of general Assembly is one exemplary model that ensure inclusivity by all member states of representation, and on local or national level. All communities should be represented based on the differences of heterogeneity culture, norms and beliefs. To ensure that norms and values are acknowledged and thus having access to state resources accordingly.
Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development
Accelerating progress towards SDG 17 will require significantly more investment in the development of effective partnerships. At present most multi-stakeholder partnerships have significant power imbalances, based on finance and capacity of different actors. Civil society organisations (CSOs) often lack the funding and capacity to play a leading role in the development of inclusive and comprehensive national SDG implementation plans. Capacity and funding challenges are particularly acute for groups representing marginalised people, including Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs). More funding and support for CSO groups is required to ensure stakeholders are representing key issues, are representative and that there are increased opportunities for the voice and participation of people with disabilities in regional and international 2030 Agenda processes.

In addition, access to disaggregated data is important to ensuring informed decision making. Critically Target 17.18 must be achieved by 2020, which will mean significant progress in the coming 12 months – especially capacity support to national statistical offices, including to use tools like the Washington Group Short Set of Disability Questions for disability disaggregation.
Quality data, including appropriate disaggregation, is a major gap in making progress towards SDG 17. Access to reliable data is essential for informed decision-making and policy setting. There needs to be significant and rapid progress on ensuring that this data is available. Marginalised people, including people with disabilities, are often under-represented in official data, meaning that their needs are equally under-represented in decision-making.
SDG 17 is a cross-cutting goal, and it links with every other goal and target. However, the underlying priority of developing multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable development is critical to achieving the wider agenda. In order to ensure that people are not left behind, marginalised people need to be included as equal members of these partnerships – this will require investment in developing capacity of groups like DPOs, and ensuring that multi-stakeholder partnerships create accessible spaces for the voice and participation of marginalised people.
In our experience, the main engine of sustainability has been the adaptation to or inclusion of SDGs in national policies and strategies triggered by the VNR. A good example of how this can be achieved is in Senegal. After the VNR was presented to the HLPF, in 2018, a national workshop to review progress toward implementing SDGs through national programmes in Senegal was organised. 35 persons from civil society, technical ministries, national social and territorial equity programmes and the Union of Associations of Local Elected Officials came together to reflect and agree key orientations for the design of a national strategy “to leave no one behind" and for Senegal’s engagement on the Inclusive Data Charter. National programmes and initiatives for social protection, territorial equity, and territorial governance were reviewed, including their target population (category, characteristics) and exhaustive list of marginalised communities left behind while implementing public policies in all sector targeted by the SDGs. Finally a road map was agreed for the finalisation of the national strategy to "Leave no one behind", as well as Senegal’s engagement as a data champion.
The Brooke
Non-Governmental Organizations
The most effective ways to accelerate progress towards SDG 17 is to ensure you have civil society, government, private sector and academics as part of the decision making process in every programme, project or framework.
Protectionism of expertise, for example vets used to be trained to deliver human children as well as animals because of the fact that they would often have to work in villages where there were no Dr but because of protectionism of expertise and pressure from Dr association they no longer train vets to deliver children. This can happen in the area of sharing knowledge/ resources. We should all champion the sharing of ideas between different organizations and stakeholders as there are often interlinkages as can be seen in the One Welfare framework which highlights the interconnections between animal welfare, human wellbeing and the environment
To make sure all the different stakeholders for the discussion are present at the decision making table, all the SDGs are supported by SDG17
Brooke's work in the brick kilns across South East Asia, to tackle the problem of bonded labour, child labour and environmental damage caused by the brick kilns. Brooke created a consortia with WWF ActionAid, The South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children (SAIVEC), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the UNDP to tackle the problem of brick kilns in a comprehensive way. We recognised that part of the debt adding to the bonded labour was that workers had to take out loans to buy a donkey which is used to carry the bricks to the heated kilns, but lack of training on health and handling meant these animals died early and therefore workers take out more debt to buy another donkey as the work is almost impossible for them to reach their quotas without one. By seeing these interrelated links we were able to bring brick kiln owners to the discussion too and we have created a roadmap to tackle this from 2019-2021
CBM InternationalPersons with Disabilities
Goal 17 recognizes that the implementation of the SDGs is a challenge for governments and therefore seeks to strengthen the Global Partnership by calling upon all stakeholders to take part in implementing the SDGs. In particular, it stresses the development of multi-stakeholder partnerships that call upon diverse stakeholders such as persons with disabilities and their representative organizations to share their expertise to achieve the SDGs. This view is in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Articles 4.3 and 32. Consequently, persons with disabilities and their representative organizations have a duty and obligation to engage in these processes.

Partnerships are critical for persons with disabilities and their representative organizations because this is the best way to ensure that the disability community has representation and that the challenges faced by persons with disabilities are accounted for and met in the implementation of the SDGs. To accelerate and meet the implementation of the SDGs for persons with disabilities, the engagement of persons with disabilities in data collection and disaggregation efforts is critical for evidence-based policymaking. As such, it is highly recommended that persons with disabilities and their representative organizations foster partnerships with national statistical offices, statisticians and policy makers in data-related work at national and sub-regional levels.
Globally, there is a lack of data on the situation of persons with disabilities. The lack of data on persons with disabilities increases marginalization and fails to address the situation and discrimination encountered by persons with disabilities. Some of the gaps and challenges of collecting and using disability data include:
• Disability data can be insufficient, inconsistent, biased, and unreliable;
• Enumerators are not trained and thus relevant data is rarely collected;
• Available data (not disability related) are not systematically aggregated due to lack of awareness among state officials who are unaware of disability disaggregation tools;
• Data gained or produced by organizations are not recognized and are disregarded by statistical authorities;
• There is lack of cooperation between statistical offices and organizations on exchange of statistical information and other data;
• It is difficult to find reliable sources of data with disaggregated levels that can be used in proposals, projects, and programs; and
• Often psychosocial and intellectual disabilities are classified as mental health conditions without any distinction, which is inaccurate.

As a result, planning and budgeting for reasonable accommodations and accessibility with effective policymaking have suffered and persons with disabilities have largely fallen off the statistical “map.”
Full implementation of the 2030 Agenda in line with SDG 17 and the CRPD requires a progressive increase in dedicated domestic resource allocation and international development cooperation to support the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in society, contributing to inclusive growth and sustainable development. International cooperation measures must be reviewed for the inclusion of persons with disabilities with governments requiring all services they fund be accessible. States must collect and disaggregate data using the Washington Group short set of questions and ensure that national policies for persons with disabilities are informed by evidence-based data in line with the 2030 Agenda and CRPD. As such, to create effective and meaningful policies, it is critical to disaggregate the SDG indicators by disability.

• Ensure that data be disaggregated by age, gender and disability to ensure participation of persons with disabilities at local, national, regional and global levels
• Ensure social protection programs are aligned with the CRPD including when there are financially motivated revisions of these programs
• Provide training and ongoing mentoring for stakeholders with disabilities so they carry the primary role in implementation
• Require that all services funded through international development or aid be accessible and available for all persons with disabilities.
After an assessment of disability data at the national level in 2018, a Disability Data Advocacy Working Group was established to provide a global platform for information exchange, learning and dialogue, sharing of good practices, and collaboration on disability data collection, disaggregation, and analysis. Membership in the Disability Data Advocacy Working Group is open to all persons with disabilities, organizations of persons with disabilities, non-governmental and other organizations working on the rights of persons with disabilities, non-governmental donors, researchers, and independent consultants working with persons with disabilities. The Disability Data Advocacy Working Group coordinates an active listserv, webinars, and newsletters related to disability data. Details can be found here:
Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development
Focus on advantages for business, change Goal name to ‘Partnerships & Funding’, give incentives. Connect Global Compact to SDGs better on social media
Lack of authority figure over this Goal to keep check on actions.
Partners could focus on specific Goal most in line with their business and considering need and be responsible for percentage of marketing it (with approval)
Not at this time
I have an excellent idea for #6-7 but need direct communication to discuss
All Together in Dignity Ireland - ATD Fourth World
Non-Governmental Organizations
One key process of the Irish National Implementation Plan of Agenda 2030 is the National SDG Stakeholder Forum. This forum has met 3 time so far. Twice in 2018 and once in 2019.
Stakeholders represented so far are Governement Department, Academia, Business, Civil Society Organisation, Trade Unions, NGOs from the International Development sector and from the Development Education sectors and interested citizens
We approached the Irish Government in July 2018 to make sure people from marginalised and vulnerable communities in Ireland could be supported to be directly represented by citizens from their commmunities.
We suggested to the Irish Government to fund a 3 year pilot project with annual budget of €250 000. We never got a response from the Minister in charge of the Budget.
As we all agree that a debate about women issues couldn't take place without the voices of women, we have to agree that a plan aiming to benefit first the people for whom Agenda 2030 has been first designed should be discussed with them.
So the "first" and "key" stakeholders of the needed partnership are still missing.
The most effective way to accelerate progress towards SDG 17 is to fund pilote projects everywhere: to make sure the "Left Behind" communities and groups are aware of the Agenda 2030, develop an ownership of it, feel empowered by it and are considered as key stakeholders of the "Global Partnership", so are pro-actively supported to engage in the partnerships at local and national levels.
Oxfam India
Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development
-Progressive taxation, including wealth & inheritance tax, to increased domestic resource mobilization for providing quality basic services & social security for all (17.1)

-Implement &/or amend laws, policies & regulations to enable & enhance South-South, North-South & triangular cooperation between all stakeholders, including civil society (17.9)

-strengthen GoI’s statistical departments & agencies for collective & disseminating specific, measurable, accurate, reliable & timley (S.M.A.R.T.) data (17.18)

- Ensure adherence to principles of freedom of information, including proactive disclosure of information, & availability of open & accessible data (17.18)

-establish platforms & fora for multi stakeholder dialogue & deliberations, including the active involvement of civil society, to enable knowledge sharing, recommendations & follow-up & review progress on realizing the SDGs (17.16)
• 17.1: Too many loopholes for auditors/accountants to exploit + effective tax rates for corporations still continue to be comparatively low
• 17.14-17: There is no one reporting mechanism that would enable a robust assessment South South Cooperation flows, benefits &/or utilisation as far as India is concerned  this needs to be addressed given the volume of resources that are provided each year – on average USD 1 billion over the last 5 years – to make processes accountable & transparent as well as further the effectiveness of flows
• 17.18: Explicitly bring overseas flows under one common reporting authority &/or Ministry & provide an explicit overview in the National Budget as opposed to such planning being diffused across multiple Ministries & Departments
Although, everyone wants to collaborate & penned but there is gap of underst&ing of language, framework & ways of functioning between government, NGOs & private sector. Similarly, there is need to develop effective platform of NGOs for regional sharing.
World Farmers' Organisation
Each sector of the SDG 17 should be taken into account, together with the multiple interlinkages with the other goals. Making progress towards creating new partnerships requires creating new synergies between finance, trade, technology, capacity building, and facing systemic challenges. Each of these sectors, on a national and international level, could be applied to innovation in agriculture. Agriculture is a sector that relies heavily on the interaction between these sectors, and benefit from the partnerships developed towards advancing technology, bridging north-south differences, or developing better rules.
The biggest issues regard the scale of this goal. However, partnerships can be created between the various players already making a difference in development, sustainability, and research. More collaboration needs to be made to allow the research as well as policy discussions made at international levels to reach local actors.
Partnerships, especially multi-stakeholder ones, are key to make progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, both at local, national and international level. Partnership mean trust and joint efforts among different actors that might have different interests but share the same goal. Given the interlinkages between the different SDGs, a multi-sectoral, coherent and holistic approach is needed to tackle global challenges and the final goal of sustainable development and multi-stakeholder partnerships can be a very useful tool if tailored to the situation and the challenges to face.
Generally international processes and platforms that envisage a coordination among different actors, from Governments, to private sector and civil society, through different kind of mechanisms, are effective examples of multi-stakeholder engagement. WFO is actively engaged in the following: UN High-Level Political Forum, IFAD Farmers’ Forum, UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COPs), Committee on World Food Security (CFS), UNISDR Sendai Framework, Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), Global Alliance on Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA), Global Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA), WTO Public Forum, World Bank Civil Society Forum, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC), Inter-Agency Coordination Group on the Anti-Microbial Resistance (IACG on AMR), International Union for the Protection of Plant Variety (UPOV), UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), UN Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016-2025, UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028.
Afrihealth Optonet Association
Non-Governmental Organizations
By using multiple community-based partnerships/multi-stakeholders teams to promote planning, implementation and monitoring of SDGs interventions
The biggest shortfalls lie in failure to promote and institutionalize multiple community-based partnerships/multi-stakeholders teams that collectively/jointly promote planning, implementation and monitoring of SDGs interventions
By empowering the multiple community-based partnerships/multi-stakeholders teams to select and recommend interventions that support the 2030 Agenda
The Sustainable Citizens Participation (SCP) Model/Approach of Afrihealth Optonet Association [CSOs Network] which was funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) in Nigeria's Niger Delta Region, 2017-2018
Non-Governmental Organizations
Achieving the 2030 Agenda requires a much stronger emphasis on international public assistance in grant form, both Official Development Assistance (ODA) and climate finance, targeted to the poorest countries. While domestic resource mobilization is an important factor, ODI (2018) indicates that 48 of the poorest countries in the world cannot afford to fully fund the core sectors of education, health (including nutrition) and social protection – even if they maximise their tax effort.
Curbing tax evasion and avoidance, and stopping illicit financial flows are essential to ensure that a greater share of resources benefit the countries in which they are generated. Reform and restructuring of the taxation paradigms around extractive industries and other corporate investment in developing countries is fundamental, to prevent the ‘race to the bottom’ and ensure countries have both policy space and public finances to pay for their development objectives. Taking action on tax havens—estimated to store wealth equivalent to 10% of global GDP—addressing transfer mispricing by transnational corporations, and supporting improvements in governance and transparency to tackle corruption are prerequisites.
Financial transaction taxes and carbon taxes are essential sources of sustainable development financing, supporting financial stability and the transition to a zero-carbon economy. An intergovernmental tax body for international tax cooperation should be set up at UN level.
With one fifth of the time available to deliver the 2030 Agenda already gone, we’re witnessing a serious disconnect between the ambition of the SDGs and their means of implementation. Three years in to SDGs implementation, where are the ambitious multilateral financing commitments required to ensure that the 2030 Agenda including SDG6 become a reality for everyone across the globe?
Despite commitments set since the 1970s to designate at least 0.7% of GNI to ODA , volumes of international public assistance at $10 billion per year are insufficient on a per capita basis to secure the improvements needed for universal access. ODA has stagnated or declined in real terms (as countries count in-country spend on refugees towards their international commitments), and prevailing anti-aid sentiment helps push the international community towards the conclusion that only incentivizing the private sector to invest in sustainable development will enable the financing of SDGs implementation.This troubling emphasis on the role of the corporate sector (through blended finance and PPPs) is echoed at the UN, including in the UN SG's new Strategy for Financing the 2030 Agenda, released in September 2018. While the attention to adequate funding for the SDGs at this highest level of UN leadership is welcome, it’s clear that member states need to show stronger resolve and political will to break from today’s business-as-usual financing trajectories.
Increasing the domestic revenue base, through shifting paradigms of investment (especially in extractive industries) and progressive taxation, is fundamental to prioritize spending that lessens the burden on people living in poverty, especially women. Adequate and appropriately directed resources for the SDGs require shifts in global economic and financial structures, to enable developing countries to fund universal access to essential services and public infrastructure.
Governments should increase the priority to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in their expenditure, and work together with partners to ensure resources are effectively invested in building systems to ensure lasting services for people facing the greatest degrees of poverty and marginalization.
Frontline AIDS and MPact Global Action for Gay Men’s Health and Rights
Together 2030
Ensure the right of everyone to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications (Article 15.1.b of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights).
Globally, the HIV response is inadequately financed. Only six out of 30 Organizations for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries commit 0.7% of gross national income to overseas development assistance (ODA). UNAIDS estimates that US $26.2 billion will be needed annually for the global HIV response in 2020. In 2017, only US $21.3 billion was available – leaving a US $4.9 billion funding gap. The flexibilities outlined in the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement can be used by signatories to tailor national intellectual property regimes so that countries can fulfill their human rights and public health obligations, but these are often under-utilized by governments. Countries do not have effective and well-resourced data systems that capture the health needs of all people, including people living with HIV. Disaggregated and good quality data on key populations is limited. Data measuring stigma and discrimination in relation to accessing HIV prevention, treatment and care is also limited. More work is needed to research this, because without this data we don’t know enough about the extent of the problem and how to propose solutions.
Addressing the ‘leave no one behind principle’ especially amongst people living with HIV and those most at risk of acquiring HIV, links SDG 17 with target 3.3, as well as Goals 4, 5, 10 and 16.
Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII
Non-Governmental Organizations
Enhancing and defending multilateralism and international cooperation; honoring the multilateral commitments already taken by States such as the Addis Ababa Agenda.

By endorsing the vision of the Declaration on Right to Development together with a human rights based approach in order to surmount the national and international obstacles to development (fair aid, trade and investments, debt cancellation, transfer of technology, revision of intellectual property rights protection to guarantee access to medicines, financing for development, tax justice, abolition of fiscal havens, institutional reforms, as well as disarmament and reduction of military expenditure in favour of social and development policies)
1. Absence of clearly defined, independent and robust mechanisms to make Governments accountable for their commitment to implement the SDGs
2. Lack of adequately disaggregated sets of data and of participatory processes in their selection and monitoring.
3. Lack/delay of Policy Coherence plans for Sustainable Development at national/regional level
There is need to promote mechanisms that ensure the people participation, especially of the most vulnerable and discriminated, during the design, planning and monitoring phases of the SDGs implementing policies and plans at national and local level.

In order to forge new paths of partnerships for sustainable development, inclusive and truly participatory processes in the spirit of international solidarity should be promoted.

There is need to move towards a "solidarity" cooperation without conditions attached apart the request for accountability
Non-Governmental Organizations
• ODA- Ireland has a long way to go to meet its Commitment to 0.7% ODA spend. A roadmap to meet this commitment remains lacking. Increases in aid must be matched by strong definition of ODA ensuring it is targeted solely at poverty alleviation and underpinned by respect for good donorship, accountability, human rights and transparency
• PCD-Ireland urgently needs to address issues of policy coherence & demonstrate how it will support the achievement of SDGs in other countries (especially poor given the Leave No-One Behind principle); and curb any negative spillover effect of a country’s policies on the ability of other countries
• It will be important to work with new actors and establish new partnerships in order to bring about the transformational change the SDGs envisage - including the corporate sector while ensuring adequate regulation around areas like transparency, conflict of interest and tax. In engaging with new partners, it is essential that the principles of Leaving No One Behind and Reaching the Furthest First are maintained. In terms of innovation, product development and consumption patterns, engaging with the business world will be key.
• Protect CS space. Civil society is under-attack in many of the countries Ireland is working in, and yet it has a vital role to play in ensuring good governance. Civil society has an important advocacy role to hold duty bearers to account and to enable pro-poor sustainable policies that allow people and the planet to flourish
• Greater emphasis on linkages between the dimensions of sustainable development. It will be important to consider and demonstrate how existing policies and practices have been changed/adapted to address gaps, ensure progress towards the SDGs, and addressing the needs of those left behind.
• Realisation and support for Goal 17 is hampered by lack of Policy Coherence. Ireland has opposed EU efforts to require multinational companies to make country reports publically available and opposed the establishment of an inclusive intergovernmental global tax cooperation body under the UN
• Ensure the Interdepartmental Working Group on SDGs is fit for purpose, providing a robust and transparent mechanism to ensure PCD, identifying and acting to address inconsistencies. Greater focus needed to ensure strong horizontal alignment between different levels of policymaking, vertical alignment with Local Authorities and continuous monitoring
• Implementation plan, monitoring and reporting should align with, incorporate and take account of existing international agreements & frameworks that support implementation of the SDGs
• Reliable local data will be essential to monitor sub-national variations in progress, to enable effective policy responses, evidence based programming and targeting resources to ensure no one is left behind. Adequate resources should be provided to the CSO and civil society to ensure frequent, quality and disaggregated data, including on vulnerable groups and sectors
An agreed definition of Illicit Financial Flows, currently lacking, would help progress towards Target 16.4 and 16.5, as well as Target 17.1. The lack of research and public awareness on these issues is a huge gap in being able to form robust regulation rules, laws and policies on national, regional and international levels. We believe therefore that Irish government's opposition to the establishment of a UN tax body runs contrary to the needs of developing country efforts to halt IFFs, and mobilise the resources necessary to achieve the SDGs.
Coalition 2030 is an alliance of over 60 civil society organisations working together to ensure Ireland keeps its promise to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both at home and abroad. The coalition is made up of both international and domestic NGOs along with youth organisations, environmental groups, academics, and trade unions. Its member organisations work in a broad variety or areas – from humanitarian relief to labour rights and environmental sustainability – in Ireland and in over 50 countries around the world.

Coalition2030 engages across all SDGs and the 2030 Agenda from monitoring, evaluation, learning, research, education, public engagement, advocacy and communications activities and events.
Mistra Urban Futures, Chalmers University of Technology
Business & Industry, Education & Academic Entities
Mistra Urban Futures is undertaking a comparative project to monitor and analyse the implementation of the SDGs in seven cities: Buenos Aires (Argentina), Cape Town (South Africa), Gothenburg (Sweden), Kisumu (Kenya), Malmö (Sweden), Sheffield (UK), and Shimla (India). We have set up co-production partnerships in each of the cities between academics and city officials, and in a few cities with civil society as well. Our research has shown that these partnerships can contribute to increasing awareness and engagement with the SDGs and contribute to achieving SDG 17, in particular. The partnerships allow local researchers to have closer access and better understanding of the localisation of the SDGs in each city. In the cities where there was little engagement with the SDGs (which was the case in several of the cities when the project started in 2017), these partnerships have contributed to create awareness about the SDGs and to get discussions around them started within the municipalities. While the project cannot claim direct causality between our engagement with city officials and implementation of the SDGs, the formalisation of these partnerships in several cities has been followed by increased interest and commitment in localising them. The project has also served as a catalyst for multi-stakeholder events in several of the cities, as well as cross-city events with all participating cities, where local authorities meet and share best practices on SDGs localisation.
Sectorial institutional silos still prevail in our case study cities, presenting a significant challenge for transversal work required for achieving policy coherence (target 17.4). Furthermore, the work that most of our case study cities have carried out in connection to the SDGs has focused on internal analyses and discussions within the city government and other levels of government, but with very limited engagement of other non-governmental actors. In most of our cities, it is still unclear how the government will engage and the roles that citizens and the private sector will play in implementing and monitoring the SDGs. An exception is Buenos Aires which has developed several awareness-raising initiatives, particularly aimed at youth. Facilitating discussions and partnerships across city departments and with non-governmental actors (targets 17.16 and 17.17) is therefore of high importance. Another challenge linked to data collection (targets 17.18 and 17.19) is the high levels of informality (both of housing and employment) in our case study cities, particularly those in the Global South, affecting the accuracy of official data to depict living and employment conditions. Further, national guidance on how to localise the SDGs, including how to report on SDG-related work has been limited and slow, but increasing in a few countries. A top-down or mandatory approach for implementing the SDGs is not recommended. Rather what is needed is a set of guidelines and frameworks.
The integrated nature of sustainability (with its social, environmental and economic dimensions) requires multi-level collaboration and governance, which includes but is not limited to SDG 17. Our work highlights the need to work across both horizontal and vertical institutional boundaries and with a wide range of actors within and outside government, particularly to identify, access and analyse knowledge held in different places to generate strategic sustainable urban transformation processes, enhancing linkages between SDGs 11 and 17. Adapting the SDGs to the local level is key to making the SDGs relevant and implementable at this level; yet national guidance and local and national political buy-in are crucial in this process. Further, the powers of our case study cities vary significantly. For example, in Shimla (India) all social and land use planning issues are the responsibility of the state and national levels rather than the Municipal Corporation. The varying mandates of our cities reinforce the need for collaboration between different levels of government and a range of actors in order to achieve all the SDGs. Considerable resources are also required to collect data to report on the SDGs in such a way as to monitor progress on the SDGs and support evidence-based policy-making at the local level. It is therefore appropriate to consider how SDG 17 can help local governments to be resourced, supported and involved in data collection.
Our work suggests that universities can play important roles in generating debate and action around the SDGs in partnership with local authorities and other stakeholders. In Buenos Aires, the researchers–city officials–civil society team has been jointly working on methodological definitions, actors’ mapping and the construction of city-level indicators. The first part of the joint work prioritised the adaptation to the city level of SDG 11 indicators, as well as those indicators linked to housing deficit, access to basic services and re-urbanisation plans for slums. In Shimla, the Municipal Corporation had not started working with the SDGs in 2017 and in November 2018, the elected members of the Corporation unanimously signed a resolution committing to the SDGs, particularly the targets in the urban goal (SDG 11). The resolution acknowledges the knowledge partnership with our local partner, Nagrika, and the involvement in our international research project. In Kisumu, meetings between the research team and the Kenyan national agencies in charge of SDGs implementation led to Kisumu being selected as a pilot study on how cities in the country are localising the SDGs. A local working team composed of researchers, city and county representatives has been set-up with monthly meetings and 2 meetings per year are to be facilitated with the national level; the first two meetings involving city, county, national and civil society representatives took place in May and July 2018.
Additional information about our research project can be found at:
University College Dublin
Science & Technological Community
The UN High-Level Political Forum and Parliamentary Governance for Sustainable Development.
Professor Patrick Paul Walsh, Professor Enda Murphy , Dr. David Horan and Dr. Aparajita Banerjee
Governance for sustainable development requires long-term planning, integration of social, economic and environmental policies across different levels of governance, participation of stakeholder groups in the policy decision-making processes and the ability to reflect on existing and ongoing policies though continuous monitoring, evaluation, and re-adaptation. We argue that these requirements should be prescribed both at international levels like the UN HLPF as well as within each nation-state level. More urgency is required to increase participation from stakeholders and encourage a whole-of-society approach to SDG implementation at the national level. To increase stakeholders’ participation we propose the adoption of HLPF style Parliamentary Committees. We argue that implementation of such an approach at national levels will induce a more effective UN HLPF that will produce a more effective global partnership for sustainable development lead by government in a new wave of multi-lateralism.
Lack of true partnership models at national levels
Whole of government approach that have stack-holder consultations
Can enhanced stack holder representation in the committee stage of the legislative process actually leads to better policy national and globally? Recommendations from the committee stage may still be blocked by voting in either of the Houses. However, as Ireland’s experience with the Citizens’ Assembly Climate Change suggests, stakeholder approval could be used as a way for parliamentarians to legitimize the passing of bills that otherwise would be difficult to get through the House.
Legitimacy of stakeholders? In Ireland University Graduates elect Senators to the upper house.
Grupo de Trabalho da Sociedade Civil para a Agenda 2030 (GT Agenda 2030)
Non-Governmental Organizations
- Integração tecnológica entre os diversos bancos de informação e apresentar dados agregados e discriminados de maneira otimizada
- Aprovar Projeto de Leis para o envio de recursos públicos para o exterior em projetos de cooperação
- Garantir financiamento da sociedade civil para contribuir com a capilarização e implementação da Agenda 2030 nos níveis local, subnacional, nacional, regional e internacional, através da regulamentação do MROSC e construção de parcerias via editais transparentes
- Financiar projetos inovadores concebidos e incubados nas linhas de pesquisa de pós-graduação das universidades
- Desenvolver cursos e integrar as Universidades com as comunidades para ampliar a capacidade técnica e científica para novos empreendimentos, sejam eles públicos ou privados, com ou sem fins lucrativos
- Garantir o monitoramento de parcerias e resultados do investimento público ancorado em incentivos e subsídios tributários para a iniciativa privada empresarial
- Estabelecer parcerias que possam acelerar a mudança nos projetos de desenvolvimento existentes antagônicos aos princípios fundamentais da sustentabilidade integrada e da economia circular; buscando modelos e arquiteturas que ofereçam produtividade e soluções alternativas que façam a transição, que busquem reduzir as externalidades negativas de indústrias e outras atividades econômicas, ou que mudem a matriz de produção e do uso de energia ao longo da cadeia produtiva
- Auditoria de políticas de incentivos tributários
- A falta de integração das metas e indicadores dos ODS com a coleta de informações estatísticas oficiais, com dados desagregados.
- O impasse histórico das negociações sobre transferência de tecnologia e disponibilidade de recursos financeiros para países em desenvolvimento.
– A ideologia do crescimento econômico a qualquer custo baseada no tripé: apropriação, expropriação e destruição.
– Falta de regulação, ou regulação insuficiente de atividades e setores econômicos com alto nível de externalidades negativas, como por exemplo o Agrobusiness em detrimento da Agroecologia.
– Leniência do Estado sobre as empresas, que recebem benesses além do justificável economicamente por conflitos de interesses (CDI) políticos.
– Falta de coerência entre no arcabouço legal diante da realidade brasileira de aguda desigualdade social e extrema desatenção ao meio ambiente rural e urbano.
– Falta de legislação que regule a cooperação internacional de entidades governamentais e não governamentais quando estas atuam no exterior, que autorize o repasse de recursos financeiros.
– Atraso intelectual da elite financeira brasileira que concentra o Capital privado no país e o investe primordialmente na Economia Linear não sustentável.
- As agências e os bancos de desenvolvimento associados ainda não se alinharam completamente com os princípios do tripé para o desenvolvimento sustentável.
- Fazer com que os Bancos Nacionais e Regionais de Desenvolvimento/Fomento adotem condicionalidades voltadas a atender os objetivos de meios de implementação da Agenda 2030 nos novos contratos de financiamento e compor cartela para financiar empreendimentos sociais sustentáveis inovadores.
- Criar linha de financiamento para ciência, tecnologia e inovação voltadas ao DS, particularmente em setores que possam substituir tecnologias com alto nível de externalidade negativa.
– Integrar o conhecimento acadêmico a linhas de financiamento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento que gerem novas sub-categorias econômicas, especialmente as com base em ciências naturais (químico-biológicas), tecnologias digitais, e economia criativa.
– Diminuir influência da economia linear dos empreendimentos tradicionais e valorizar a economia circular como princípio ativo da nova economia (progressividade fiscal e seletividade tributária).
- Aprovar legislações sobre beneficiário final e proteção ao denunciante de boa fé.
- Promover a prevenção, controle e participação social, educação, investidura de agentes públicos, transparência e acesso à informação, desburocratização, responsabilidade e democracia partidária, desenvolvimento institucional, integridade empresarial, detecção, investigação, sanção, articulação interinstitucional, cooperação internacional e recuperação de ativos.
- Reformas Tributárias Solidárias e tributos sobre grandes fortunas, transações financeiras, renda e tributos-saúde.
- Investir esforços políticos e econômicos no Mercosul e na integração regional da Unasul.
- Parcerias multi-setoriais com a sociedade civil organizada (MROSC).
- Implementação transparente de parcerias público-privadas, com prestação de contas anuais e governança democrática com participação de representantes de todas partes interessadas (governo, setor privado e sociedade civil organizada).
- A criatividade requer capital humano acumulado e organização (metodologia) para que se criem condições de possibilidade para interações e colaborações que resultem em parcerias concretas que gere novos procedimentos, e mercados ancorados em especializações com alto valor agregado em diversos setores da economia.
- Uma das principais iniciativas do Governo Federal do Brasil voltada ao planejamento de longo prazo, e alinhamento das ações de curto e médio prazo com a Agenda 2030 para o desenvolvimento sustentável, foi a elaboração da Estratégia Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (ENDES), para o período 2020 a 2031. A ENDES objetiva ser a base estratégica de governança do sistema de planejamento federal, estabelecendo diretrizes, orientações, metas e indicadores setoriais. O detalhamento das políticas públicas deverá estar espelhado nos respectivos planos nacionais, setoriais e regionais e no PPA (Plano Plurianual).
Jam & Justice Action Research Collective (via the University of Sheffield, Urban Institute)
Non-Governmental Organizations, Education & Academic Entities
As an Action Research Collective composed of academics, practitioners, public servants, and committed citizens, we have found creating shared space outside our individual domains important. We are committed to co-productive approaches so that working collaboratively, across sectors, is an important dimension of all our work. This has some resonance with Target 17.17, though our partnerships tend to be multi-directional (embracing public, private and civil society at once).

Some learning from our collaboration is documented here:

--Our work is funded by the UK Economic & Social Research Council and Mistra Urban Futures, with support from the Universities of Sheffield, Manchester and Birmingham, the Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation, and other bodies. Through Mistra we engage in additional international learning and knowledge exchange, which is especially beneficial for SDG 17.
Based on our work in urban contexts in the North of England, we observe gaps in the capacity to share information between city regions. Also a need to proceed cautiously when extrapolating from English contexts to other parts of the world. We have benefited from long-term partnership with specific city regions (through our involvement with Mistra Urban Futures and other international networks) and are fortunate to have had dedicated funding to help us foster such relationships.
See our submission to SDG 16 for the detail of interlinkages.
All of our work is premised on multi-stakeholder engagement. We are currently part-way through processes of Developing Co-Productive Capacities with a range of city-regional government bodies (in Greater Manchester and elsewhere). At the same time, our Coalitions for Change movement is working towards a multilateral Call for Action, to gain and put to service commitments to working together for more just urban governance. These efforts are expected to culminate this summer, with an event timed to coincide with National Co-Production Week (1-5 July 2019).
Some information about the Coalitions process can be found here:

Together we have been learning-by-doing about co-production to improve our city region, and to share that learning with others. We expect to release a resource pack soon, to help others apply our learning in other urban contexts. We are also sharing learning with and through other projects in the Realising Just Cities family and through Mistra Urban Futures (particularly in Cape Town, Gothenburg and Kisumu).

Information about the different action research projects under the Jam and Justice umbrella and key stakeholders can be found here:

See also our submissions under SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13 and 16.
We should have more to report on this in some months time.
German WASH Network
Non-Governmental Organizations
The Sanitation and Water for All Partnership (SWA) and the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement (SUN) closely collaborate at global and at national level. In various countries, incl. Nepal and Madagascar, SDG 6 and SDG 2 are linked in national policies and in government institutions.
Non-Governmental Organizations
SDG 17 provides a valuable opportunity and platform for multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder partners to develop global, regional, national and sub-national pathways and mechanisms for synergistic action to achieve the SDGs. Effective strategies to accelerate progress would entail a detailed mapping of the key players and priorities (at the local level, in particular), to identify on-ground inter-linkages and opportunities for coordinated action to achieve the SDG targets. In the context of LMICs, it is important to also track and foster intra-sector and intra-stakeholder coordination, across levels.
One of the biggest challenges in making progress towards SDG 17 is to safeguard it from being used as a conduit to let the unhealthy commodities industries interfere with policy formulation and effective enforcement. In the guise of ‘promoting partnerships’ there are several instances of the tobacco, alcohol, food and beverage, coal and several other industries trying to get a seat on the policy formulation table, whereby compromising the process of unbiased, evidence-based policy making and creating conflict of interest situations which pitch commercial interests against public health and welfare. There is an urgent need to shield SDG frameworks and processes from this counterproductive agenda of the industry. A particular case in point is the diversification of the tobacco industry as a food and beverage industry and thus, positioning itself outside the remit of Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC.
To best leverage the interlinkages between SDG 17 and the 2030 Agenda, it is important to follow binding guidelines/recommendations to thwart industry interference in policy formulation and implementation. For example, Article 5.3 of WHO FCTC safeguards tobacco control policy action from interference by the tobacco industry.
Education InternationalWorkers & Trade Unions
- States should take all necessary measures to ensure they have sufficient revenue to fund public services, including quality public education systems. This includes closing tax havens, combatting tax minimisation, avoidance and evasion, and ensuring companies pay their fair share of tax.
- Efforts to increase tax revenue should be linked to increasing the progressivity of taxation, and be in line with social and environmental aims of the SDGs. Taxation, including progressive income taxes should increase equity as well as raise revenue, and should be collected efficiently and in an accountable manner to limit tax avoidance and evasion as well as the misuse or diversion of funds.
- Donor countries must meet their commitment to provide 0.7 % of their Gross National Income to Official Development Assistance
- Implementation of target 17.17 directly undermines SDG 4 by encouraging public-private partnerships. Funding from international and bilateral donors, and the private sector, including corporate, foundation and philanthropic contributions, must not undermine the existing public education system; such funding must not be used to support privatisation and commercialisation of education.
- Since the adoption of SDG 4, there have been several loan-based initiatives to respond to the financing shortage in education, such as the International Financing Facility for Education, an initiative that the UN General-Secretary also has expressed support for. Such initiatives risk directly undermining target 17.4 on debt sustainability.
- Policy coherence is far from the reality at national level.
- The monitoring of SDG implementation is hindered by the lack of capacity to collect and analyse data in many countries. The number of SDG indicators that remain work in progress is a reason for concern and requires urgent attention.
- Governments must not waste precious public resources by diverting them from public services to incentives, subsidies and other forms of corporate welfare. Unfair loopholes and other exemptions must be closed.
- Public money must never be used to subsidise and support profit-making education providers.
- Governments must not increase the non-progressive taxes, such as the VAT, as these are inequitable and impact on women disproportionately.
Donor countries should allocate at least 10 % of Official Development Assistance to education, with particular attention given to least developed countries and education in emergencies. Governments must ensure that donor efforts are coordinated and harmonised to strengthen education systems, based on national education plans, built on national needs and priorities and developed in dialogue with national stakeholders, including teacher organisations. Donor countries must deliver on their political and financial commitments to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), recognising that the GPE currently has insufficient funding to support the implementation of national education sector plans and programmes.
Union des Amis Socuo Culturels d'Action en Developpement (UNASCAD)
Civil society
A côté des cadres de Sendai, des ODD et de la COP21, l’accord ou le programme d’action d’Addis-Abeba, Éthiopie est venu en complément à l’issue de la 3ème Conférence sur le financement du développement défini par la communauté internationale en juillet 2015. Tout compte fait, il revient aux pays développés de respecter en lettres moulées l’engagement pris devant la face du monde celui de consacrer 0,7% de leur revenu national brut au profit de pays moins avancés et en développement- Ceci de permettre à ces pays d’avoir accès aux produits de la science, de la technologie te de l’innovation pour améliorer les capacités de leurs services et de leur productivité dans les domaines surtout de l’agriculture, de l’industrie et du commerce.
Oui, c’est l’ODD 17 qui vise le renforcement et la revitalisation des moyens de mettre en œuvre le partenariat mondial pour le développement durable. Ce partenariat, pour être dynamique, envergent, solidaire, profitable et réussi, réclame le comble d’un vide de très grande importance celui d’exercer le plaidoyer de haut niveau pour que les pays développés honorent leur engagement relatif aux pays en difficulté financière et aussi bien d’aider ces pays à rendre viables leurs actions par le biais des politiques concertées.
Tout le monde sait que les bonnes pratiques du respect de l’engagement pris nous amènent au progrès et à l’évolution. L’ODD 17 est le plier de tous les objectifs de développement durable pour avoir fait allusion de rassemblement de toutes les forces vives des parties prenantes de tout ce qui concerne l’intérêt des habitants du monde. Le bon partenariat mondial, dans quel que soit l’objectif, peut valablement contribuer au succès et à la réussite. Ce partenariat ne se résume pas seulement et simplement à la question de la science, de la technologie et de l’innovation mais aussi bien de l’éducation, de l’environnement, de la prise en compte des catastrophes naturelles, du commerce, des transports, de la recherche de la réduction des inégalités et de la justice pour tous. Si cela devient possible, l’inclusion renforcée de l’ODD 17 est insérée dans le reste du programme 2030.
En juillet 2015 en Éthiopie plus précisément a Addis-Abeba, le coup d’envoi d’un spécimen homogène était donné. Le monde du financement répondait aisément à ce grand rendez-vous, C’est pour montrer que si nous voulons, nous pouvons, Sans pudeur, il s’était rejoint sur un point commun dont l’essence est d’accompagner les p[ays moins avancés à adopter et mettre en œuvre des systèmes de promotion de l’investissement pour mieux riposter à leurs besoins.
<< Ne laisser personne derrière >>. C’est ce que nous devons tous suivre pour atteindre le succès.
Kosmos Associates in partnership with Coalition for Global Citizenship 2030
global citizens
Partnering organizations rarely take the time to develop clarity on exactly what they are coming together to do. But, based on evidence, people partner best when they align with specific values and share a vision for the future. Partnerships would be most effective if parties took the time to establish clarity by accounting for the partnership’s internal cultural coherence.
Accountability can be extended to measure external coherence in order to ensure that a partnership is fully aligned with the people it intends to serve.

Bringing leaders together in dialog, and creating spaces and budgets for civil society participation strengthens partnerships.
- Cultural bias is usually unaccounted for which inpairs equality. Without accounting for shared values, cultural, gender, and minority differences, stakeholders are left guessing about how to best partner with one another.
- A deep understanding of the interrelated and interdependent nature of the SDGs is sometimes not reflected in implementation. Deeper understanding is starting to show up in the discourse but is not being internalized in processes and procedures which are more often based on assumptions of aligned partnership
- Focus on specific SDGs is irregular in that greater attention is given to some, such as access to water and sanitation, whereas others, like SDG 17 are given lesser attention.
- Transparency, corruption and accountability on the part of some states and huge corporations produce one of the most serious gaps to equal and sustainable partnerships.
- Need to develop deeper connectivity between NGOs, corporations and the UN so that their partnerships cut to deeper, more systemic issues. Superficial partnerships end up supporting symptomatic fixes and can result in blaming rather than solving.
- Building political will not just in word but deed. The political will to develop partnerships that uphold dignity of every being and sustainability of the planet is central to strong partnership.
- By promoting global citizenship consciousness raising. Without peace + cooperation there is no partnership. Combine Global Citizenship + Culture of Peace values to interconnect sectors & themes. Partnerships that are based on a specific target need to be grounded in greater consciousness of interdependencies between all SDGs
- Interconnections need to be brought forward and integrated into processes. Interlinkages can’t be leveraged if they aren’t brought forward & named to raise awareness
- Increase the demand for transparent and accountable governance at all levels and of all actors.
- Partnerships need to be grounded on specific shared values and common goals on which there is clear daa
- Implementing National action plans based on common international documents like Declaration on a Program of Action for the Culture of Peace - 8 Action Areas.
The Korea Peace Forum 2019-2020 - Strategically bringing together fragmented society, multi stakeholders, corporates, conflicting governing bodies civil society toward unification + peacebuilding.

Earth Charter, Charter for Compassion

PeaceNow Campaign to promote RES Infrastructures for Peace within governments - developing Depts of Peace in 6 Countries - Through Campaign to civil society -inspiring engagement through filmmaking message.

UNITY EARTH - a multicultural event merging Art, Science, Technology with Performance -engaging + outreaching across America.
Use the UNs platform to establish the values of global citizenship thru all processes & procedures.
Climate Change Centre Reading (NGO)
Disaster Activism
Ban and shale gas extraction – it pollutes our environment, it’s incompatible with climate targets, and it’s not necessary for energy security. UK to announce IMMEDIATE divestment from all fossil fuels. How? 50% Green public institutions that have divested/invested. The Borough Council's involved in own local divestment campaigns, pensions, UNI etc.
Sovereignty as in the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity.
Cross/cutting SDG 11/13 with SDG 17

Advising stakeholders on SDG implementation, educating the public and raising awareness of the SDGs, and research to support rapid achievement of the goals.
Climate Chance - Support the mobilisation of non-state actors and promote their common expression
Coordinación General de Asuntos Internacionales del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México
Local Authorities
Promoting the international action of local governments as an opportunity to develop innovative solutions to global problems and for knowledge exchange.

Conceiving the international action of local governments not as an end but as a mean to empower the territory and its population.

Improving multilevel and multiactor coordination and articulation for the internationalization of the territory.

Enhancing horizontal and solidary cooperation of local governments to promote mutual benefits.

Promoting development of regional alliances to empower the position of Latin America in the strategy design, implementation and evaluation of the SDGs

Improving global advocacy to reinforce the recognition of Latin American local governments on global spaces.
Scarce representation of Latin America in the international spaces of collaboration.

Low level of federal support and incentives for local governments to stablish international alliances and cooperation.

International cooperation conceived as donor-receptor scheme.

Lack of adequate reporting system of the SDG for local governments.
Conceiving the international action of local governments not as an end but a mean to empower the territory and its population.

Recognizing the local governments as protagonist of sustainable development and the importance of their internationalization as a space of innovation and exchange.

Enhancing the role of local governments in the global discussions of global agendas, specially the SDGs.
In 2016, the Euro Latin American Cooperation Alliance between Cities (AL-LAs), gathered more than a thousand local authorities, in a process called “A seat at the global table” aimed to recognize the local governments as decision makers in the global agenda.

“A seat at the global table” has contributed through strategic alliances, like the Global Task Force of UCLG and UN Habitat, to position the local governments in the discussions of the global agenda and to recognize their role in the accomplishment of the SDGs.
MY World Mexico
Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development, We are part of the NGOMG and the MGCY
This is a very important question because I’m certain that SDG 17 is necessary to achieve all the other goals. According to the evidence, citizen initiatives are one of the most effective ways to achieve progress. In terms of finance and partnerships, donor states of international aid and international cooperation for development should focus more on NGOs and citizen networks, as they can be effective partners in the implementation of SDGs with their local expertise and experience.
One of the main challenges to achieve SDG 17 is related with the lack of partnerships with the government and NGOs, and the lack of collaboration within different government levels and institutions. In the context of the region, it’s proven that there is no coordination between local governments and federal government, meaning that we don´t know about the effectiveness on the efforts made to achieve the 2030 Agenda because we don’t know if these are duplicated, complimentary or non-existent.
The Millennials Movement
Children & Youth, Non-Governmental Organizations
The most effective way is to open processes where capacity building programs are considered and interagency dialogs are promoted. Is important also to see existing resources as a starting point to mobilize actions towards SDG 17.
Corruption and a disruption of genuine and common goals. Particular interest can lead to not acuarte and short term processes towards the SDG 17 and can mobilize resources to the wrong causes with actors not even aware of this scenario.
By promoting the engagement of diverse actors in the process to implement actions and procedures in the rest of the 2030 Agenda in a local national and regional scope. The engagement of different actors can dynamize the better use of effective resources to achieve the SDGs by 2030. It is important that this alliances process are transparent as well otherwise particular interest can negatively influence their success.
The 2030 Agenda Citizens Ambassadors Program is an initiative that showcases the important of articulations in local, national and international level to promote the youth engagement and mobilizations towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. The initiative aims to train youth lead organizations and promote their engagement in the implementation of concrete actions at the local level that contributes with the Agenda 2030 Approaches. The actions delivered at the local level are linked with regional and global processes that gives the youth lead organizations the opportunity to see their contributions reflected on a global scenario. The participant youth lead organizations during the program have also articulated at the local level with their municipalities and others actors in order tomobilize resoruces to contextualize the agenda and take concrete action.
American Pakistan Foundation
Non-Governmental Organizations
American Pakistan Foundation believes in empowering local frameworks and models in finding solutions towards inclusive and sustainable communities.
Lack of: inclusion of local voice in solutions to problems; ownership in agenda setting; a disconnect between decision makers and grassroots organizers; and funding modalities for informal modalities of delivery systems.
By adopting ICTs to connect gaps in connecting the marginalized segments of society with decision makers by creating access and transparency.
American Pakistan Foundation partners with established NGOs on the ground to highlight best practices and modalities of successful and impactful outcomes at the regional and local level to ensure scalability; and by connecting sustainable projects in partnerships. Through the Fellows Program, American Pakistan Foundation served the National Rural Support Program (NRSP) which connects over two million households, 150,000 community organizations, and 500 local support organizations across Pakistan, with professionals who are committed to creating positive socioeconomic change in Pakistan. By leveraging networks, capacity capital of multi-stakeholder participation (private, public and third sector) is necessary for sustainable solutions to reducing inequalities.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
Non-Governmental Organizations
SDG17 underlines the importance of internet connectivity as an enabling technology. As underlined in studies such as the Stanford Deliberative Polling exercise (, public access to the internet through libraries and other community centres is a cost-effective way of getting more people online, and able to make use of the possibilities it offers.

SDG17 also focuses on the value of technology transfer. A key means of achieving the spread of new ideas is through open access policies, which ensure that money is no longer a barrier to accessing the latest research. Libraries both promote this, and work to support cross-border cooperation where laws permit.
There are worrying signs of growth in internet connectivity stalling. It is clear that current commercial models are not performing, and we need to adopt more innovative approaches. Public access through libraries, as explained above, offers a promising way forwards, alongside techniques such as community networks and offline internet provision.

A key shortfall in terms of access to technology is the fact that open access is still not the dominant model of publishing. Even where it exists, a model based on making researchers pay to publish risks excluding voices from developing countries. The lack of an international framework on copyright exceptions to facilitate research also makes it more difficult to share resources across borders.

A further factor holding back connectivity is a lack of understanding of the benefits of connectivity, as well as a scepticism about its benefits. This can apply as much to the 'hard core' of those who are not connected in developed countries to the much larger shares of the population in this position in developing ones. Skills, as well as a safe environment to get online for the first time, can help.
There is already a strong linkage between SDG16 and SDG17, insofar as access to information is a key means of allowing for the spread of technologies and new ideas. Libraries with the reach and resources to fulfil their missions can help make the most of this inter-linkage.

Internet access itself – including through public access solutions such as libraries – is a key driver of progress on other SDGs. Internet access in libraries, coming in a welcoming environment and support to users, can have a significant impact on users’ ability to find information about health, employment, and other key areas of development.
Libraries have worked with social enterprises and governments to bring internet connectivity to new areas, for example through universal service programmes or community networks. For example, a project in Tanzania and Namibia, in cooperation with the Finnish Library Association, saw libraries in these countries connected to the internet, and then develop an offer of skills and support to help people use this to find vital information to improve their lives.

Libraries are also behind initiatives such as Global Online Access to Legal Information (GOALI), led by the International Labour Organisation and working with universities and publishers, which helps make legal information available to institutions in developing countries. They are also working hard to promote open access globally in order to ensure that it is not just technology, but also ideas and research that are within reach of everyone.
World Solidarity (WSM)Workers & Trade Unions
WSM sees 2 key strategies to accelerate progress towards SDG17. On the one hand, the international community should make work of tax justice. Governments and international organisations have to speed up their work against tax avoidance and tax evasion, which deprives so many countries from much needed public revenu.
On the other hand, international solidairty remains crucial to realise the full potential of Agenda 2030. Providing 0,7% of GDP for Official Development Cooperation is a long standing international commitment, for all countries who have these means.
In terms of tax justice, there is no political will to take bold steps to tackle tax avoidance and tax evasion. As a result, there is a real race to the bottom where governments try to attract FDI and other investment by lowering tax rates, lowering labour protections etc. WSM believes they have an interest in defining minimum tax standards which would apply everywhere, to avoid tax shopping by larger companies.

When it comes to 0,7% of GDP for ODA, the same issue of lack of political will is at play. Governments constantly downplay the importance of this commitment, arguing that the quality of aid is what matters. But evidence demonstrates that both quantity and quality matter - investing sustainably in social protection requires preditable funding flows over a long period of time, helping countries to build the necessary capacity at national level to run their own social protection system.
Since the outbreak of the different crises (food, economic and financial, etc), government keep arguing as well that they have problems in managing their own budgets. The question is though why they allow at the same time for so much money to go hiding in tax havens.
SDG17 is like a foundational objective for the entire 2030 Agenda. When it comes to the means of implementation, we need both human and financial means.

For those human means, WSM likes to refer back to its feedback given under SDG16. Different stakeholders have to work together: governments, economic actors and civil society/trade unions. If they can interact effectively and structurally, they can jointly define how to build sustainable and inclusive societies. Especially governments have to recognise and acknowledge the important role of civil society and trade unions in that regard and involve them indeed structurally in dialogue at all levels.

For the financial means, WSM refers back to the input given above. The much needed resources for sustainable development are available but they are either hidden (in taxe havens) or go untouched (tax avoidance and tax evasion). Tackling these issues should make quite some funds availalbe, including for interntional cooperation.

Finally, developed economies have to live up to their commitment of 0,7% of GDP for ODA.