Programme Approval Process
Revised January 2021
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Stage 4: Academic Approval Form (Academic Support Office)
Information about the Programme
Programme Title
Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip) in Safety Critical Systems Engineering
Award type PG DipWhat level is this qualification?7
Length of programme1 or 2 years part-timeStart date for programmeSep2023
Mode of study (Full / Part Time)Part-time
Term datesPlease specify each term start and term end date for the academic year in which the programme will start:
Will the programme use standard University term dates?
For York Online programmes, will standard dates for such programmes be used?
NoThe programme does not observe semesters (open assessments continue over the vacations). However, the start of the programme coincides with the start of the First Semester 2023 and the programme ends at the end of the summer vacation (on the standard PGT project submission date for the CS department) in any given year.
[For Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes Only]
Are you offering any variations of this programme, such as additional years abroad or industry?
Please tick the boxes below if you are offering 'year in industry' and 'year abroad' options. It is University policy that all programmes should have an additional Placement Year and Year in Enterprise, and as such these are pre-selected. Both of these are managed by Careers. If you are applying for an exemption not to offer these programmes, please explain why.
Year abroadWill the year abroad programme be available directly via UCAS; for students to transfer in having entered the main programme; or both?
Year in industryWill the year in industry programme be available directly via UCAS; for students to transfer in having entered the main programme; or both?
Year in enterprisePlease explain why not:Not UG or IM
Placement yearPlease explain why not:Not UG or IM
All Programmes:
Awarding institutionUniversity of YorkTeaching institutionUniversity of York
Lead departmentComputer ScienceOther contributing departments
Board of Studies for the programmeComputer Science
Language of study and assessment
Language(s) of studyEnglishLanguage(s) of assessmentEnglish
Mode of delivery
Is this a campus-based or online programme?
Partner organisations
If there are any partner organisations involved in the delivery of the programme, please outline the nature of their involvement:
You may wish to refer to the Policy on Collaborative Provision -
Reference points
Please state relevant reference points consulted in the design of this programme (for example, relevant documentation setting out PSRB requirements; the University's Frameworks for Programme Design (UG or PGT); QAA Subject Benchmark Statements; QAA Qualifications and Credit Frameworks).
This programme is guided by AHEP3 & AHEP4 ( learning outcomes although it does not necessarily provide full LO coverage. While it is not itself accredited, the PGDip programme is closely related to the MSc in Safety Critical Systems Engineering programme (serving as an exit award for part-time MSc and allowing students to transfer to the MSc award) which is accredited by the British Computer Society and the Institution of Engineering and Technology for the education requirements of the Chartered Engineer award. See for the BCS accreditation criteria and for details of the IET process. Separate PDD is provided for the MSc programme.
Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning
Will this programme involve any exemptions from the University Policy and Procedures on Credit Transfer and the Recognition of Prior Learning? If so, please specify and give a rationale:
All of the modules on this programme are also available within the University on a one-off basis (this is a popular way for individuals to meet CPD requirements for their organisations, or indeed for maintenance of a CEng qualification).

Subject to an applicant meeting our standard admissions requirement, we accept up to 40 credits of our own modules taken on this basis towards the programme. This is a popular means of entry, since part-time industrially-based students (our core market) often struggle to secure funding commitments from their organisations for an entire programme 'up front'. Given that many of them have not studied at University level for some years - if at all - the ability to offer them a chance to try study before making a long-term commitment is important.
Exceptions to Regulations
Please detail any exceptions to University Award Regulations and Frameworks that need to be approved (or are already approved) for this programme. This should include any that have been approved for related programmes and should be extended to this programme.
Modules taken on a stand-alone basis (see above) can be converted to credit towards the programme, provided that all elements of study on the programme are completed within 5 years of the start of the first such module.
The programme is exempt from semester structure & common credit currency pending development of the institutional credit accumulation framework.
Compensation is limited to 20 credits due to PSRB accreditation restrictions for a related programme (MSc in Safety Critical Systems Engineering).
Internal Transfers: Please use the boxes below to specify if transfers into / out of the programme from / to other programmes within the University are possible by indicating yes or no and listing any restrictions. These boxes can also be used to highlight any common transfer routes which it would be useful for students to know.
Transfers in:Transfers out:
Interim and Exit Awards
[For Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes Only]
Interim Awards (UG):
Interim awards available on undergraduate programmes (subject to programme regulations) will normally be: Certificate of Higher Education (Level 4/Certificate), Diploma of Higher Education (Level 5/Intermediate), Ordinary Degree and in the case of Integrated Masters the Bachelors with honours. Please specify any proposed exceptions to this norm:
[For all Programmes as relevant]
Exit Awards:
Please give the details of any exit awards (for PGT programmes, this will normally be at least a Postgraduate Certificate programme (60 taught credits) and may also be (depending on programme structure) a Postgraduate Diploma programme (120 taught credits)).
It is University Policy that all PGT Programmes should have a corresponding Postgraduate Certificate exit award, based on 60 taught credits of the programme. Please specify the title, whether the PG. Cert. is to be made available as an entry route as well as an exit award; the learning outcomes associated with the PG. Cert; and any restrictions on the combination of 60 taught credits that can be used to make up the PG. Cert. Note that it is possible to have 2 separate PG Certificate awards for different combinations - if so, please provide the relevant information twice.
Exit award only
Title: Please give the title of the award. Use separate rows for each exit award:Entry Award? Please indicate if the exit award should also be made available as an entry point (ie. will be a programme on which a student can apply to and register as being well as an exit award), or should be an exit award only (i.e. only available to students exiting the programme early):Outcomes: Please provide a brief statement detailing what the student will be able to do on exit from the programme with this award (i.e. the extent of the achievement of the Programme Learning Outcomes) - use this for titles which are only exit awards and not entry points.Modules: Please specify the module diet that the student will need to complete to obtain this exit award (this could be, for example, any 60 credits; any 120 credits; specific combinations of modules)
Postgraduate Certificate in System Safety EngineeringExit award onlyThis award is available as an entry point for part-time mode of study only (see dedicated PDD). This document covers PG Cert as the exit award only.
Graduates will be able to:
* Employ system safety thinking throughout the lifecycle of a system or service using a broad, systematic imaginative anticipation of safety risks, causes and consequences.
* Contribute to the development and assessment of safe systems and services by ensuring that proper consideration is given to core safety issues as part of the systems engineering process.
* Assess and assure the safety of systems and services by employing core assurance and analysis techniques respecting techniques' strengths and limitations.
* Communicate effectively with technical and non-technical stakeholders about system safety problems and their solutions in a clear and organised manner.
* Operate as a safety-critical systems safety professional, by developing awareness of key legal and ethical issues relating to system safety, appreciating how safety critical systems can affect society, and by continuing to expand and deepen knowledge through critical engagement with the discipline.
60 credits from taught modules (50 credits core, 10 credits optional). Core modules are: Foundations of System Safety Engineering (FSSE), Hazard & Risk Assessment (HRAS), System Safety Assessment (SSAS), Safety Case Development & Review (SCDR), and Safety Management Systems (SMSY).
Postgraduate Certificate in Safety-Critical Systems EngineeringExit award onlyThis is alternative exit route to SSE (see above). It is intended for students who have failed to obtain the associated programme award and to complete core modules for PG Cert in System Safety Engineering, but have obtained 60-credits from the taught modules overall.
Students will be able to demonstrate a general understanding of system safety engineering principles and challenges along with the appreciation of some of the more advanced topics; however, there may be some limited and specific gaps or weaknesses in students understanding of some of the principles that underpin the discipline. Nevertheless, graduates will be typically able to:
* Employ system safety thinking throughout the lifecycle of a system or service using a broad, systematic imaginative anticipation of sources of safety risks;
* Contribute to the development and assessment of safe systems and services by ensuring that consideration is given to safety issues as part of the systems engineering process;
* Communicate effectively about system safety problems and their solutions in a clear and organised manner.
60 credits from taught modules (no restrictions as to core content).
No additional restrictions on compensation (standard university award rules apply).
Entry route as well as exit route
Statement of Purpose
Please briefly outline the overall aims of the programme. This should clarify to a prospective student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it.
This postgraduate diploma programme provides practicing and would-be professionals with the educational background required to become leaders in Safety Critical Systems Engineering. The implications of safety work both for individual industrial projects and for Society as a whole will be addressed. Three strands of work will develop system safety thinking, skills as a safety engineer and professionalism. The programme provides a thorough grounding and practical experience in the use of techniques for the development, operation and assurance of the safety characteristics of systems or services that have safety implications. It explores the principles behind these techniques so that sound safety judgments can be made. It exposes students to the latest research and allows them to focus on advanced practice in a number of areas of choice. Students are drawn from numerous industrial domains (railway, automotive, nuclear, military, aerospace, oil and gas, etc) and through lectures, case studies and independent learning will explore the contribution of technology (safety-critical architectures incorporating hardware, software, data), processes, human factors and organisations to the safety of safety-critical systems.

Students on our part-time safety programmes are generally studying part-time, while pursuing full-time jobs in related industries. The majority are financed by their employers. Maximum flexibility is required: in many cases, both the students and the organisers are unable to commit to a full master's programme, or do not have the operational need for it. In many cases, students initially register for a PG Cert, and then 'trade up' to the Diploma and/or full MSc as they develop their confidence in learning (many have not studies at this level before) or are able to release funding from their employers.
SPIf there are additional awards associated with the programme upon which students can register, please specify the Statement of Purpose for that programme. This will be most relevant for PGT programmes with exit awards that are also available as entry points. Use additional rows to include more than one additonal award. Do not include years in industry / abroad (for which there are separate boxes).
Exit Award Title
Statement of Purpose
Students on our part-time safety programmes are generally studying part-time, while pursuing full-time jobs in related industries. The majority are financed by their employers. Maximum flexibility is required: in many cases, both the students and the organisers are unable to commit to a full master's programme, or do not have the operational need for it. In many cases, students initially register for a PG Cert, and then 'trade up' to the Diploma and/or full MSc as they develop their confidence in learning (many have not studies at this level before) or are able to release funding from their employers. The PGCert, in particular, attracts a number of mature engineers, whose career development pathways do not require a higher qualification, and who do not have time or interest to devote to the ISM.
Programme Learning Outcomes
What are the programme learning outcomes (PLOs) for the programme? (Normally a minimum of 6, maximum of 8). Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme and represent the outcomes that students progressively develop in the programme and achieve at graduation. PLOs should be worded to follow the stem 'Graduates will be able to...'
1Employ system safety thinking throughout the lifecycle of a system or service using a broad, systematic imaginative anticipation of safety risks, causes and consequences.
2Contribute to the development and assessment of safe systems and services by ensuring that proper consideration is given to safety issues as part of the systems engineering process.
3Assure the safety of systems and services by organising and presenting information in a robust way that is amenable to critical evaluation, making appropriate choices from established assurance approaches.
Design, execute and monitor an organisations safety management processes to address relevant regulations, legislation and operational context by considering individual human factors, team competence and organisational structures.
5Effectively communicate with technical and non-technical stakeholders about system safety problems and their solutions in a clear and organised manner.
6Operate as a leading safety-critical system safety professional, by maintaining awareness of key legal and ethical issues relating to system safety, appreciating how safety critical systems can affect society, and by continuing to expand and deepen knowledge through critical engagement with the discipline.
Additional Award Programme Learning Outcomes
PLIf there are additional programme titles associated with the programme upon which students can register (i.e. are available as entry routes), please specify the Programme Learning Outcomes associated with that award. This will be most relevant for PGT programmes with exit awards (e.g. PG Diplomas) that are also available as entry points - PG. Diplomas and Certificates will normally have 4-6 PLOs. Do not include years in industry / abroad (for which there are separate boxes below).
Exit Award Title: